andietc10 · 1 year
Choice 1 - Try to befriend her.
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Chain looked at Libra, a warning on her eyes. Libra sulked in response but did not talk again.
“Sorry to ask, but…Are you alright there? All alone?” Chain had to ask, looking at the poorly maintained aquarium. “It seems very…lonely.”
“How dare you! I-I-!” Wanda started, and soon fat tears started rolling through her cheeks. “I’m doing great!”
“Oh, no…” Libra muttered, looking ashamed of their former reaction to Wanda.
“If you want, you’re welcome to come with us,” Chain decided, extending a hand to Wanda. “We are going on a mission, and you’re welcome to join us.”
“What-What mission?” Wanda sobbed.
“We going to Mewtita Cave, there’s a special item we need to retrieve there.” Chain smiled. “We could use another partner, what do you say?”
“Y-yeah, that, uh, that would be nice…” Wanda nodded.
“Pick your things and we will wait for you outside!” Chain informed, casually pulling Libra to the entrance of the aquarium.
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asklibraeevee · 1 year
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“You should leave.” They heard the small voice clear as water.
“Who are you?” Libra turned quickly, looking at the new pokemon. Libra could tell she was a hybrid, but was unsure of which pokemons. They could see some aipom influence, and maybe frillish? It sure made sense.
“I should be the one asking, shouldn’t I?” she said, looking angry. “You’re invading my home!”
“You-” Libra started, ready for a fight.
“Sorry, sorry!” Chain stepped in. “I’m Chain, this is my friend Libra, we just wanted to look at the aquarium, see some fishes. We didn’t mean to invade anything, we thought it was still open.”
“Why would you think so?! It’s been closed for five years now!” she almost yelled.
“So why would you keep painting the board outside if it’s closed!” Libra retorted.
“What…?” The blue pokemon seemed to let her anger die. “Oh, Bonnie, not again.”
“Who is Bonnie?” Chain interrupted.
“Ugh, a… pokemon I know.” She sighed. “It isn’t your fault, she is always pulling pranks like that.”
“Of course it isn't our fault! We just wanted to see an aquarium!” Libra spat back.
“You saw it, it’s closed, now you can go away!” she said, anger starting to build back up.
1 - Try to befriend her.
2 - Leave the aquarium.
UPDATE: Asklibraeevee will be updated now every 14-15 days, thank you!
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asklibraeevee · 1 year
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“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Chain chanted, trying without success to contain her excitement.
Libra gave a small, soft smile. A rare sight to everyone who knew them.
They entered the aquarium, being faced with rows and rows of tanks. All empty.
“What…?” Chain muttered, deflated.
“Something is wrong.” Libra looked around, suddenly uneasy. “This has been abandoned for a long time, but the aquarium board still has fresh paint on it.”
A creaking sound could be heard behind their back, like someone stepping in leaves.
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asklibraeevee · 2 years
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They walk for a bit, in complete silence. Both rethink if this partnership was such a good idea. Chain was the first to break the silence.
“Oh, is that an… aquarium?” Chain allowed some excitement in her voice.
“What is an aquarium?” Libra chirped.
“It’s a place with big tanks where you can see fish of all kinds!” She made a confused expression. “Wait, do you have fish in this world?”
“Sure, like Goldeens, right? We have plenty of those.” Libra shrugged, like it was obvious. “Do you want to go inside…?”
“Oh, we probably shouldn’t, we still need to find the cave.” Chain sighed.
“Well, it will still take a whole day to get there, I don’t think it will make such a big difference if we make a quick stop…”
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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OOC: A pixel of Libra!
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
Pandora approaches the Eevee, curious. "Hello! I have never seen you around!" She looks at the Eevee's earbuds, and asks, "What is that?"
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"Those are earbuds," Libra starts, showing off their earbuds. "They make music for you." Libra shrugged like it wasn't anything extraordinary.
"My witch mom got those for me. Aren't they the coolest?" Libra said, allowing themself a smile as they mentioned their mother. "But I don't know where she got them."
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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"I didn't inted to murder anyone, alright?" Chain defended herself. "In my world pokemon will faint after a fight, and will be brought to a pokemon center and be all good..."
"Fine, just don't do this again!" Libra sighed. "We just attack like that if we don't have any other option..."
"Alright, I promise!"
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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"Let's finish it quickly," Chain said, rolling her eyes. "Ember!" she exclaimed, launching her attack.
Libra gasped, horrorized.
The caterpie slowly moved themself away from the attack. Running away without looking back.
"What was that about?" Chain asked.
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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"So, who is Ivy?" Chain asked, when she was sure she was far away enough from Maia.
"Oh, she is scary, mostly. She just cames to be sure my mom can't get away from home." Libra shrugged, trying to not show their discomfort. "She is a very grumpy leafeon. Mom says she eats eggs for dinner, but I think it's lie. Mom just doesn't want me butt in her conversations with Ivy."
"Uh, does she lives nearby?" Chain continued.
"She lives in a cave, a few days away from here, on foot. That's what mom says, at least." Libra shrugged again, uncomfortable.
Chain nodded, dropping the topic.
CHARACTER UNLOCKED: Ivy, the leafeon
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
👀 for Libra
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Libra never met their other parent, another mother. Maia refuses to talk about her, so they don't even know which kind of pokemon their other mother was! They also don't know much about other pokemons, so they have no clue which pokemon their other mother could be.
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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"Rude, I'm not a criminal!" Maia replied. "But yeah, it's because of my small problem with the law."
"Why don't you just tell it to Ivy and leave me out of it?" Libra asked.
"Because Ivy will find a way to blame this on me! Youneed to fix that before she comes around!" Maia exclaimed. "Please, my child, help me out here. Do you want your mom in house arrest for the rest of your life?"
"Ugh, why do you always go to the emotional blackmail?" Libra sighed. "Fine, fine! I will help! Ugh!"
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
Libra, do you and your mom live alone? Are you not used to visitors?
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"Yeah, it's only me and my mom," Libra replied, sighing. "Mom is in house arrest and isn't supposed to receive visitors. The only one supposed to visit us is Ivy. But she hardly comes those days. She takes care of maintain the spells locking my mom home."
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
(askmoonwhispers) Liana: Your mother is a fellow witch, hm? Tell me little one, what does she practice?
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"Yeah, she's a time witch!" Libra said, smiling. "She can't really use her magic anymore, but she still is the coolest!"
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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As soon as Libra stepped in the house, their mom came running in their direction. Stopping a few steps away from Libra. "Libra! I'm so glad you came back home! It's so good to see you!" she said, excitedly.
"I left for like half an hour, mom..." Libra rolled their eyes. "Are they still there?"
"Yes, and she really wants to meet you."
CHARACTER UNLOCKED: Maia, the witch mom.
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
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Libra sighed, looking at the way the moon moved in the sky. "It's getting late, I should go home." Libra sighed again. "But I don't want to! Mom is with a visitor.... I guess I can't avoid it forever..."
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asklibraeevee · 3 years
Libra, have you ever considered evolving? Any ideas on what you might want to evolve into?
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"I'm already perfect," Libra said, a small smile on their face. "I don't think about evolving right now. I can take my time." They shrugged. "But I guess if I end up evolving, it would be nice to be an umbreon like my mom..."
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