mykingdommusic · 5 months
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>>> OUT NOW <<< ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN “Digital Dreams” digiCD/digital A diverse mix of Gothic Rock with an epic feel demonstrating in full the influences of The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop LISTEN / BUY:https://album.link/AH_DREAMS
A Roman band, formed at the end of October 2021 from the ashes of Witches Of Doom and other projects, ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN debut with “Digital Dreams” a concentration of Gothic and Post-Punk vibes enriched by the collaboration of illustrious guests including Francesco Sosto and Riccardo Studer.
– Album credits at https://shorturl.at/frIKP
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Blue lagoon is manmade, but still beautiful. Witness the stunning beauty of the Blue Lagoon, a mesmerizing masterpiece that emphasizes the endless possibilities of human creativity.
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buddienights · 3 years
OKAY so, Part 12 is up! It can be accessed from the link on the pinned post (or scroll down to the next post on this here blog).
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mykingdommusic · 5 months
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN present a new single from their debut album "Digital Dreams" out on January 12nd. The song is "Russian Roulette" a great cover version of THE LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH classic released in 1982 by the legends of Gothic Rock.
The song is also available on YouTube at the link https://youtu.be/m86EJ5JvCBE
- Style: Gothic Rock / Post-Punk
- Similar artists: The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop.
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mykingdommusic · 7 months
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN first single from the debut album
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN debut with "Fall Away", the first track taken from their album "Digital Dreams" on the market in January.
The song is available through an official lyric video created by the Portuguese artist Thiago Silva at the link https://youtu.be/aeJOmLDFJyk "Fall Away" digital single is available for streaming at https://song.link/AH_FALL
Coming from Roman scene, formed at the end of October 2021 from the ashes of Witches Of Doom and other previous projects, ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN create a killer mix of Gothic Rock with an epic feel demonstrating in full the influences of the greats of the eighties including The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop. Recorded at The Outer Sound Studios with Giuseppe Orlando (Inno - The Foreshadowing - November),  "Digital Dreams" is a concentration of Gothic and Post-Punk vibes enriched by the collaboration of illustrious guests including Francesco Sosto, keyboards in The Foreshadowing and Riccardo Studer, keyboards in Stormlord.
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mykingdommusic · 8 months
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ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN unveil album cover and details
On January 12th, 2024, Gothic Rockers ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN will release their debut album"Digital Dreams". We unveil the cover artwork painted by the talented Italian artist D'aria Cognigni / D'ARIA ART, who perfectly transformed into art the band's intent to describe the effects of the digital age on current society. They will present 11 tracks and among these a great cover of THE LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH's classic "Russian Roulette". Here is the complete tracklist: 1. Fall Away - 2. Log On - 3. Electric Rain - 4. Ennio - 5. Automatic Love - 6. Dark Room - 7. Lie To Me - 8. Digital Dreams - 9. Sleeping Tablets - 10. Body Shaming - 11. Russian Roulette PRE-ORDER at: https://shorturl.at/mpryY
Recorded at The Outer Sound Studios with Giuseppe Orlando (Inno - The Foreshadowing - November),  "Digital Dreams", is a concentration of Gothic and Post-Punk vibes enriched by the collaboration of illustrious guests including Francesco Sosto, keyboards in The Foreshadowing and Riccardo Studer, keyboards in Stormlord. Coming from Roman scene, formed at the end of October 2021 from the ashes of Witches Of Doom and other previous projects, ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN create a diverse mix of Gothic Rock with an epic feel demonstrating in full the influences of the greats of the eighties including The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop. - Line-up: Fabio Oliva – vocals, Fed Venditti – guitars, Lorenzo Valerio – drums, Stefano Romani – bass - Style: Gothic Rock / Post-Punk - Similar artists: The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop.
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mykingdommusic · 8 months
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(English version below)
Grandi protagonisti della scena sotterranea romana soprattutto a livello di concerti infuocati in piccoli club, gli ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN stanno per debuttare su My Kingdom Music con il loro album "Digital Dreams" un vero e proprio manifesto d'intenti fatto di grande Goth Rock pieno di sfaccettature che vanno dall'Hard Rock al Post Punk. Ne parliamo con il chitarrista Fed Venditti ed entriamo nel mondo degli ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN.
Gli ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN sono un nuovo progetto nel panorama Gothic Rock romano anche se tutti i musicisti della band hanno molta esperienza alle loro spalle. Ci vuoi presentare i componenti della band e quanto le esperienze passate hanno influito in questo nuovo gruppo?
Si, certo. Gli Artificial Heaven nascono alla fine del 2021, dalle ceneri dei Witches Of Doom, band stoner-doom con tre dischi alle spalle. Lo scopo, che ci siamo prefissati quando abbiamo costituito il gruppo era quello di suonare goth rock, non metal o altre branchie dello stoner o del doom. Il mio obiettivo era quello di distaccarmi il più possibile dalla mia precedente band, sia musicalmente che concettualmente, d’altronde non avrebbe avuto senso proporre un progetto simile. Anche se poi ci sono dei punti di contatto tra i due gruppi. Fabio Oliva è il cantante, lui ha collezionato diverse esperienze musicali in alcune cover band romane, così come il bassista Stefano Romani che milita ancora negli Electric Rain, tribute band dei Cult. Mentre,invece, Lollo alla batteria ha suonato nei Mindaleth, gruppo death metal romano.
Gli ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN partono da un sound molto legato alla scena Gothic Rock Inglese di Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim per affiancarlo ad elementi tipici dell'Hard Rock Americano dei The CULT per esempio o dello Stoner Rock. In che modo ritieni che questo connubio risulti vincente? È nato tutto spontaneamente o è un qualcosa che vi eravate prefissati fin dall'inizio?
L’idea è maturata per il nostro amore per il goth rock anni 80’, non è sicuramente stata un qualcosa pianificato a tavolino nella speranza di piacere ad una fetta di pubblico. Per quanto mi riguarda suono quello che mi piace ascoltare, credo che una proposta risulti vincente dal momento in cui chi la propone è convinto di quello che suona. Non bisogna copiare in maniera ottusa, altrimenti il pubblico se ne accorge, ma elaborare i propri ascolti cercando di essere più originali possibili. Ho sempre amato i Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus e ovviamente i Cult, non credo, però, che all’interno del nostro debutto ci siano degli elementi stoner, forse post punk con una spruzzata di hard rock.
"Digital Dreams", anche se non è un vero concept album, lega i propri testi moltissimo all'accelerazione della rivoluzione digitale e i suoi effetti sulla vita degli individui, tanto da portare le persone a rinchiudersi in una sorta di paradiso artificiale. Cosa ti incuriosisce di questo aspetto e quali sono i reali pericoli che vedi nella società attuale legati a tale situazione?
Vero, Digital Dreams è un concept album sui generis, dato che le tracce non sono legate tra loro, ma ogni singolo brano ha una tematica legata al domino digitale che ormai sta opprimendo l’essere umano, relegandolo sempre di più ad essere schiavo di suddetta rivoluzione. Oramai stiamo diventando degli schiavi, ma la cosa peggiore è che non ne siamo consapevoli, anzi siamo contenti di esserlo e quindi non ci ribelliamo. L’ispirazione è nata leggendo il fondamentale Il Nuovo Mondo di Aldous Huxley, padrino della beat generation e padre putativo di Jim Morrison. Il cantante dei Doors prese il suo The Doors of Perception come pietra angolare della sua opera.
L'album si chiude con una versione davvero ben eseguita e personale del classico dei THE LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH "Russian Roulette". Perché questa scelta e perché omaggiare proprio la band di Stiv Bators e Brian James?
Perché Stiv Bators è stato un genio, troppo poco celebrato. Sia con i mitici Dead Boys, vi invito ad ascoltare il loro debutto un pugno in faccia, che anche i suoi lavori solisti ma soprattutto con i Lords of the New Church. Loro, con soli tre album, hanno segnato gli anni 80’con la loro new wave intrisa di punk e goth. Russian Roulette è un brano fantastico, e poi abbiamo pensato che di questi tempi parlare di roulette russa, visto quello che accade in Ucraina, sia molto appropriato.
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN, tra i gruppi a cui hai preso parte nella tua carriera è forse uno di quelli dove maggiormente si avverte la necessità di avere una dinamica live, tanto che alcuni brani già te li immagini in quella dimensione. Cosa dobbiamo aspettarci da questo punto di vista?
Non ci avevo mai pensato a questo aspetto, ma evidentemente se questa è la sensazione ben venga. Credo che ogni band dovrebbe eseguire i pezzi registrati in maniera credibile live. Purtroppo, ci sono dei gruppi che su disco suonano in modo impeccabile, ma live non riescono a riprodurre ciò che hanno suonato in studio. Se noi diamo la sensazione opposta, beh ci fai un bel complimento. Dal vivo vi potete aspettare uno spettacolo intenso, ma con dei momenti riflessivi ma sempre coinvolgenti per il pubblico. Insomma, vi conviene seguire l e nostre pagine social per rimanere aggiornati sui prossimi concerti.
L'album si avvale di alcuni ospiti come Francesco Sosto (The Foreshadowing) e Riccardo Studer (Stormlord) alle tastiere oltre che la supervisione di Giuseppe Orlando dei The Outer Sound Studio per quel che concerne la produzione. Non avete lasciato davvero nulla al caso quindi?
Credo di no, per questo album abbiamo cercato di essere pignoli, senza però snaturare l’idea originale che avevamo. Colgo l’occasione per ringraziare sia Francesco Sosto, che Riccardo Studer per aver contribuito ad arricchire i brani con la loro bravura. Oltre,ovviamente, a Giuseppe Orlando che ci ha seguito passo passo agli Outersounds Studios.
Qual emozione provi a poche settimane dall'uscita dell'album e soprattutto cosa vi aspettate?
Sicuramente sono entusiasta del nuovo percorso, ovviamente non vedo l’ora che arrivi gennaio per poter testare la reazione del pubblico. Non ci aspettiamo nulla di particolare, speriamo soltanto che chi ci ascolterà avrà la pazienza di concentrarsi su tutto il disco e non soltanto sui singoli. Purtroppo oggigiorno con lo streaming molti si fermano al primo singolo e se non gli piace non si curano di ascoltare tutto il disco. Prima di esprimere un giudizio definitivo, io ascolto sempre tutte le tracce del disco.
Vuoi dire qualcosa di particolare a chi leggerà quest'intervista?
Si, mi raccomando di supportare le nuove band come la nostra. Comprare un disco, un gadget o una maglietta di un gruppo che piace, significa dare l’opportunità di registrare un secondo capitolo. Viviamo in un momento difficile per la musica, ma sono certo che chi apprezza il goth rock sarà incuriosito dalla nostra proposta.
(English version)
Great protagonists of the Roman underground scene especially with great burning concerts in small clubs, ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN are about to debut on My Kingdom Music with their album "Digital Dreams" a true manifesto of intent made of great Goth Rock full of facets ranging from Hard Rock to Post Punk. We talk about it with guitarist Fed Venditti and enter the world of ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN.
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN are a new project in the Gothic Rock scene of Rome although all the musicians in the band have a lot of experience behind them. Do you want to introduce us to the band members and how much the past experiences have influenced this new group?
Yes, certainly. Artificial Heaven was born at the end of 2021, from the ashes of the Witches Of Doom, a Stoner-Doom band with three albums behind them. Our aim when we formed the band was to play Goth Rock, not Metal or other branches of Stoner or Doom. I tried to distance myself as much as possible from my previous band, both musically and conceptually, and at the same time it wouldn't have sense to propose a project too similar to our previous ones, even if there are points of reference between the two groups. Fabio Oliva is the singer, he has developed his musical experiences with various cover bands in Rome, bassist Stefano Romani who still plays in Electric Rain, a Cult tribute band and While Lollo on drums played in Mindaleth, a Death Metal band from Rome.
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN are routed in a sound which is very close to the English Gothic Rock scene of Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim and is then combined  with typical elements of American Hard Rock like The CULT for example and of Stoner Rock. In what way do you think this combination is successful? Did it all come about spontaneously or was it something you planned from the beginning?
The idea developed out of our love for 80's Goth Rock. It was definitely not something planned around the table in the hope of pleasing a segment of the public. As far as I'm concerned, I play what I like to listen to, I believe that a project is successful when the person proposing it is convinced and enthusiastic regarding the sound. You shouldn't copy in an obtuse way, otherwise the public will notice it, but build on your musical background trying to be as original as possible. I've always loved the Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus and obviously the Cult, but I don't think there are any Stoner elements in our debut, perhaps Post Punk with a splash of Hard Rock.
"Digital Dreams", even if it is not a real concept album, links its lyrics very much to the acceleration of the digital revolution and its effects on the lives of individuals, so much so that it leads people to lock themselves in a sort of artificial paradise. What does intrigue you about this aspect and what are the real dangers that you see in current society linked to this situation?
It's true, "Digital Dreams" is a sui generis concept album, given that the tracks are not linked to each other, but every single song has a theme linked to the digital revolution which is now oppressing human beings, relegating them more and more to being slaves of the aforementioned Revolution. We are now becoming slaves, but the worst thing is that we are not aware of it, in fact we are happy to be slaves and therefore we do not rebel. The inspiration came from reading the fundamental New World by Aldous Huxley, godfather of the beat generation and foster father of Jim Morrison. The Doors singer took his The Doors of Perception as the cornerstone of his work.
The album closes with a really well performed and personal version of THE LORDS OF THE NEW CHURCH classic "Russian Roulette". Why this choice and why pay homage to Stiv Bators and Brian James' band?
Because Stiv Bators was a genius, too underrated. Both with the legendary Dead Boys, I’d encourage you to listen to their debut "A Punch in the Face", and also his solo work but above all with The Lords Of The New Church. With just three albums, they marked the 80s with their New Wave steeped in Punk and Goth. "Russian Roulette" is a fantastic song, and then we thought that talking about Russian roulette these days, given what is happening in Ukraine, is very current.
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN, among the groups you have taken part in your career is perhaps one of those where the need to have a live dynamic is most felt, so much so that you can already imagine some of the songs being delivered in that form. What do we have to expect from this point of view?
I had never thought about this aspect, but obviously if this is the feeling, it's welcome. I believe that every band should perform their recorded songs on a stage. Unfortunately, there are bands that sound impeccable on record, but live they can't reproduce what they played in the studio. If we give the opposite feeling, well you're paying us a real compliment. You can expect an intense performance from our show, but with reflective moments and always engaging for the audience. In short, you should follow our social pages to stay updated on upcoming concerts.
In the album there is the presence of some guests such as Francesco Sosto (The Foreshadowing) and Riccardo Studer (Stormlord) on keyboards as well as the supervision of Giuseppe Orlando of The Outer Sound Studio for what concerns the production. So you really didn't left anything to chance?
I agree, for this album we tried to be choosy, without however distorting the original idea we had. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank both Francesco Sosto and Riccardo Studer for having contributed to enriching the songs with their skills. In addition, obviously, to Giuseppe Orlando who followed us step by step at The Outer Sound Studio.
How do you feel a few weeks before the album's release and above all what do you expect?
I'm certainly enthusiastic about this new road, obviously I can't wait for January to arrive so I can test the public's reaction. We don't expect anything in particular, we just hope that those who listen to us will have the patience to focus on the whole album and not just the singles. Unfortunately nowadays with streaming many people stop at the first single and if they don't like it they don't bother listening to the whole album. Before expressing a definitive opinion, I always listen to all the tracks on the album.
Do you want to say something special to those who read this interview?
Yes, I recommend supporting new bands like ours. Buying a record, a gadget or a t-shirt from a band you like means you are giving them the opportunity to record a second chapter. We live in a difficult time for music, but I am sure that those who appreciate Goth Rock will be intrigued by our proposal.
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mykingdommusic · 9 months
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ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN debut on My Kingdom Music
ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN have signed to My Kingdom Music for the release of their debut album "Digital Dreams" out on January 12, 2024. A Roman band, formed at the end of October 2021 from the ashes of Witches Of Doom and other previous projects, ARTIFICIAL HEAVEN have created a diverse mix of Gothic Rock with an epic feel demonstrating in full the influences of the greats of the eighties including The Cult, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Killing Joke and Iggy Pop. The band played live several times in the Rome area before locking themselves in The Outer Sound Studios with producer Giuseppe Orlando (Inno - The Foreshadowing - November) to record "Digital Dreams", a concentration of Gothic and Post-Punk vibes enriched by the collaboration of illustrious guests including Francesco Sosto, keyboards in The Foreshadowing and Riccardo Studer, keyboards in Stormlord. Although it isn't a true concept album, some of the lyrics of "Digital Dreams" are linked together by a clear common thread namely the acceleration of the digital revolution and its effects on the lives of us all. The overload of information that influences the ways in which each of us interfaces with ourselves and with the outside world.  The shift in personal priorities towards the enslaved giving in to one's innermost desires, to be achieved partially through the abuse of social networks. 
A journey that leads to being locked inside an artificial paradise where the enslaved do not rebel against their condition but are happy to feed on their "sweet" digital dreams.
Artificial Heaven are: Fabio Oliva – vocals, Fed Venditti – guitars, Lorenzo Valerio – drums, Stefano Romani – bass
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