solomon-tozer · 3 years
if youre willing to do ot3s can i suggest tozer pilkington and armitage? If not any pair out of the three of them would make me very happy :)
very willing. And wow there so many thoughts/options. Here’s just one!
Little kisses: Tozer/Pilkington/Armitage
It's the sort of kiss William knows he will never tire of, the warm, steady firmness of Sol's kiss from a moment ago contrasting with the way Tommy all but melts at his touch when William leans in. Fingers tremble against his cheek as he holds Tommy close, his fingers sinking into Tommy's hair, and Sol's hand slides over his after several perfectly content moments, caressing and then guiding, easing Tommy away from William so that he can kiss him too. William surrenders, letting Tommy go and watching breathlessly, knowing that with the next kiss he will taste Sol on Tommy's lips.
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