diaperalex · 2 years
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June 26, 2022. With all of what’s happening in this world and my health issues, here is how I coped with pain and stress earlier today. Soo therapeutic!🧘‍♂️
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wellknoxdigital · 27 days
Best Rehabilitation Center in Hyderabad
We provide all medical rehabilitation services like neuro, cardiac, pulmonary, and more. we are the first Robotic rehab center in Hyderabad. Wellknox is Hyderabad's best rehabilitation center.
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petrinakauai · 2 years
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Pool season won’t last forever even here on Kaua’i - once the weather starts to cool off the water is not as inviting - meanwhile I still enjoy my aqua workouts #pool #poolside #pooltime #aquatherapy #kneerehab #kauai #kauailife #hawaii #hawaiilife (at Waipouli Ahupua`a, Kapaa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiA6fdUPPdG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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windflight · 2 years
Hm. Riverclan medicine cats using leeches to try and cure infections. Hm
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vole-mon-amour · 19 days
Listen. Wet warmth > dry warmth for me.
As in: I'd rather be in a pool filled with really warm water (as in 28-30C) than try to get warm under several layers of blankets. I'd rather take a really warm shower/bath and wanna stay in longer than take quick shower and go to bed under my blanket.
Both are nice in their own way, but when I have a bottle filled with hot water, it's warmth is way more pleasant to me than a blanket. It's almost as if the heat is distributed differently. I love being in the water, too. I can sit in the water for literally hours, which I've done in the past. 2 hours felt like 20 minutes.
Water just feels so so nice.
You know what's not cool about it though? When you DO have to go in your bed and you feel like a hot wet towel or something. Sweaty and tired.
(I'm not talking about high humidity heat though. I live in it & it sucks. But it also gets combined with dry heath, so yeah that's a different topic.)
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lu-vin-it · 10 months
its 4 am, i have to be up at 11:15, im high, and i cant fucking sleep 😭
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void-tiger · 2 years
I really wanna walk again today. Buuut I did so 3 days in a row and I’m pretty sure that made my pain WORSE even it helped my headspace to feel like I could BREATHE because I’m MOVING…but…I had things going Nope before turning around to go back home, had things NOPE for the rest of the day and into the next, and I’m just Exhausted today (and who knows. It was prolly things going Haha Loser that had me awake from like almost 4’odark to 7’odawn.)
Yeah. This is just obnoxious.
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things that people who are stop recommending to CFS/ME/SEID/long COVID with PEM and CF (called "PEM w/ CF" henceforth) patients immediately:
Exercise. This includes yoga, pilates, aquatherapy, and other "gentle" exercises. If it works against gravity or another resistance, it's not good for treating PEM w/ CF. The deconditioning theory was debunked years ago, so don't bring that shit here.
B-12. It's important to get tested for a B-12 deficiency as the symptoms can be similar to PEM w/ CF, but once it's ruled out added B-12 can have side effects. The main and most studied one is insomnia, but anecdotal reports (including my own) also often mention racing heart rate and jitters. Since these side effects use up energy, it's better for people with PEM w/ CF to err on the side of caution and avoid excess B-12 intake. Also it's pretty much the first thing anyone suggests so unless someone is newly ill they've likely already tried it and are sick of hearing about it.
Caffeine and other stimulants. While these can make you feel energized temporarily, it doesn't actually increase the amount of energy in your body. Assuming we're running on the theory of PEM w/ CF being a deficiency of ATP caused by mitochondrial issues, fatigue isn't a state of mind. It's our bodies telling us we're running out of fuel to keep them going. Also many of us have a co-morbid tachycardia condition and a flair up of that condition can cause a flair up of fatigue.
Medication and other treatments designed for mental illnesses. While having a chronic illness can cause mental illness, especially if you live in an ableist country with failed disability aid services, mental illness does not cause PEM w/ CF. Treatment for mental illness won't actually treat the symptoms of PEM w/ CF.
Alternative medicine. Many alternative medicine treatments are actively dangerous and the idea that there's "no harm in trying" because "it's natural anyway" is false. Stop recommending ozone therapy (potentially deadly and not useful in concentrations not strong enough to kill you), stop recommended chiropractors (can result in a stroke), stop recommending essential oils (no approved medical use beyond basic relaxation and concentrated nature can make them dangerous), you get the picture. Alternative medicine preys on desperate suffering people to sell them ineffective, potentially dangerous "treatments", don't do their advertising for them.
PEM w/ CF patients feel free to add on treatments that are commonly recommended but unscientific/uneffective, others be respectful and don't derail.
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stregoniconiconii · 2 years
i feel like there’s definitely no way the cold weather isn’t at least a little miserable for them. like steve probably gets achy and i’m pretty sure robin was thrown on her right shoulder twice so that also probably bothers her too. ibuprofen girlies.
when the girls have chronic pain <3 Steve is literally a 90 year old teenager, he is doing word games to keep his mind sharp, he and robin do aquatherapy on Thursdays and tai chi on the weekend. they both just know when a storm will hit like they feel it in their bones and the second Steve starts being a little stiff robin already has a heat pack ready for him and Steve knows exactly how she wants her bath for when she's feeling achey they just Get each other babyyy!!!
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illnessfaker · 7 months
massive TW: child+medical abuse, suicide, ableism
Contrary to the hospital’s suspicions, Beata had never been diagnosed with a mental illness, and prior to the DCF investigation, Jack says, she’d never suffered from depression. She had even undergone a court-ordered evaluation by a licensed psychologist who found “no evidence that would support the conclusion that Beata has falsified her daughter’s medical condition for any psychological purpose” and who concluded that “factitious disorder by proxy may safely be ruled out.” The psychologist did note that Beata may have been suffering from an “adjustment disorder” resulting from Maya’s illness and removal from their home. (Another report, written by Teppa Sanchez, observed: “Mother states that she is extremely tired and is very stressed and at times feels like she ‘wants to die.’”)
At the Kowalskis’ next family court hearing, All Children’s attorneys continued to argue that Maya needed to be kept away from her family and transferred to long-term inpatient medical foster care. The Kowalskis’ attorney handed Judge Haworth a letter Beata had addressed to him before taking her life. “Your heart is made out of iceberg!” it began, in her imperfect English. “ACH, DCF have destroyed my daughter physically and mentally … My daughter will never be who she was before October 13, 2016.” Haworth read the note, folded it, and put it away. He ruled that Jack could take Maya to Rhode Island to be evaluated by Pradeep Chopra, a professor at Brown University’s medical school who studies CRPS. Later, after Chopra wrote that Maya’s symptoms and response to treatments were consistent with CRPS, and that the diagnoses of Munchausen by proxy and factitious disorder were “incorrect,” Haworth remanded Maya back to Jack’s custody.
When Maya left All Children’s Hospital in January 2017, she weighed less than she did when she was admitted — a dark verdict on the separation test meant to detect Munchausen by proxy. She was so weak that it was difficult for her to sit up on her own, and Jack remembers having to put stuffed animals in the back seat of the car to support her body. At home, he says, Maya cried nonstop. Jack took her to physical therapy, installed solar panels to heat their pool for aquatherapy, and bought her a teacup Yorkie puppy. CRPS abates over time in most patients. A year and a half later, as Jack watched, astonished, Maya stood up out of her wheelchair, picked up her crutches, and slowly made her way across the room. After 12 more months of swimming, yoga, and exercise, Maya took her first unassisted steps in four years. “I bawled,” Jack said.
Much of what happened to the Kowalskis at All Children’s should not have occurred. It was not true that the parents could have been legally arrested if they had taken Maya home on her second day at the hospital. “Against medical advice” discharges are legal and occur every day in the United States; a 2007 study shows that one to 2 percent of all hospital admissions result in one. Also, Smith’s decision to access Maya’s confidential medical records through the All Children’s portal on October 8, 2016, appears to have violated the privacy law known as HIPAA, according to Blaise Wabo, a health-care-compliance expert at a cybersecurity audit firm. Only treating physicians are allowed to access patient records unless a parent gives written consent for another party to do so. Smith was never one of Maya’s treating doctors, and on the day she opened her confidential records, there was no active DCF investigation. HIPAA violations are punishable by significant fines and up to ten years in prison. When I asked All Children’s about how child-abuse pediatricians like Smith are able to access patient records, the hospital did not answer. (Smith disputed that any HIPAA violation occurred.)
this is an actual horror story. holy fucking shit.
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life-take · 1 year
hey everyone, I've been wanting to type up a big update on my health now 4 years after my TOS surgeries, but whenever I try to compose it in my head it gets really long and typing all that out is hard!
So maybe i'll break it up into parts?
Part 0:
I'm still living at home with my dad, and don't quite have the funds to move out in my area. Don't have a job yet, but I am volunteering with the local land conservancy to greet guests and dispense info on the weekend events. I am going to neurological physical therapy most every week and I've just started aquatherapy. I also got a new car last year after 3 years of not being able to drive my old car and having to share my dad's car that I could drive. That honestly opened up so much for me and I'm so thankful!
Update about my actual health and progress next time.
P.S. If you've messaged me about TOS, sorry for not responding. I'll cover my TOS recovery next time.
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
I think I figured out why when I skate I only push with my right leg and trying to skate normal (pushing with both legs, not "scooter kicking") is bc one leg is longer than the other.
Which I only learned bc of the evaluation I had when I was in physical therapy/aquatherapy and the therapist was like "oh wow one leg is longer than the other. Did you know that?"
Like no?? And I was in chiropractic care during this time and that motherfucker never told me sgdggdgdg like hello?? I thought we were "close" (had been going for 6 years that point)
Anyway I think bc my right leg is longer I dont feel balanced pushing with my left bc I'd have to shift my weight to my right and it's too big a balance shift that my body's like no fuck you
It also explains why I waddle when I walk (my old neighbor used to comment on it lmao and I didnt realize until like years later that I DO and why. I cant not notice it now)
Anyway Idk what the solution is but I was watching someone skate and was thinking ab it
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wellknoxdigital · 1 month
Aqua Therapy In Hyderabad
Wellknox is the best Aqua Therapy in Hyderabad. The therapist creates a personalized treatment plan for each individual including exercise to improve mobility, strength, balance, and coordination. It may include increased mobility and flexibility.
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missrosegold · 8 months
I spent 10+ hours in aquatherapy training today, and 3 of those hours were spent being stuck in traffic with my co-worker.
I am very tired.
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healthworldblog · 10 months
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Post workout inside swimming pools as of taking Aquatherapy
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boycritter · 11 months
want to go back to aquatherapy bc it helped so much but it was at like 7 am on tuesdays and also insurance won’t cover anymore
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