palmsandsunglasses · 8 days
Aquasky - Live on BBC Radio one 2003
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 5 months
Galliano  //   Slack hands  (Aquasky Remix)  –  1996
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aquaskypressuretank · 14 days
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EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
* What is the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)?
The CBAM is a system that EU uses to equalize carbon emission costs for products, whether they're made inside or outside the EU. It works by charging a fee on products from countries that don't have the same carbon emission rules as the EU.
Upon entry into the EU, products must cover the corresponding carbon emission costs. This ensuring that imported goods have the same carbon cost as local EU products. The goal is to encourage non-EU countries to reduce their emissions and prevent businesses from moving production to countries with looser environmental rules, a problem known as "carbon leakage".
* Why Do We Need CBAM?
The EU aims to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. To reach these ambitious goals, the EU has implemented various climate change actions, including the EU Emission Trading System (ETS). But the ETS only works in the EU, which leads to 'carbon leakage'. This happens when it's cheaper to make goods in countries with fewer environmental regulation, or when EU companies relocate their production to these places. The CBAM was established to address ETS's shortcomings by ensuring that imported goods also pay for their carbon emissions, similar to goods made in the EU. Thus supporting global carbon reduction goals without harming the EU's economy.
* What is the Scope of the CBAM?
The CBAM applies to goods produced in non-EU countries, including:
Goods wholly produced outside the EU.
Goods that underwent their last substantial production phase outside the EU (in cases production involves multiple countries).
From 1 Oct. 2023 to 31 Dec. 2025, there will be a transition period, CBAM obligations will be limited to reporting and will apply to goods with high chances of carbon leakage:
Iron and steel (A comprehensive range of iron and steel products (except certain ferro-alloys and scrap), and downstream products like screws, bolts, nuts, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers and similar articles)
Aluminum (Aluminum structures and parts, certain aluminum reservoirs, tanks and containers, non-insulated stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and other aluminum articles)
Electrical energy
Starting in 2026, the transition period will end, and importers will begin making payments. The European Commission will evaluate other high-risk products to be added to the CBAM, potentially encompassing organic chemicals, polymers, and downstream goods. The Commission will also consider including indirect emissions to the requirements.
By around 2030-2032, the mechanism is expected to be fully implemented, encompassing all goods covered by the ETS.
* Implementation Timeline of the CBAM
Transition Phase (1 October 2023 to 31 December 2025): During this period, importers must report emissions quarterly, but purchasing CBAM certificates is optional. They need to declare both direct and indirect emissions of imported goods and any carbon price paid in the country of origin.
Important Date (31 December 2024): By this date, importers must have "authorized CBAM declarant" status to qualify for importing goods into the EU.
* How CBAM will work
Under new CBAM rules, importers are required to report total verified greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of imported goods annually. After the transition period, ending in 2025, CBAM charges will gradually increase until 2034. Carbon cost paid at origin can be deducted from the CBAM charges with proper evidence.
Importers will use CBAM certificates, priced at the EU ETS allowances' weekly average, to cover these charges. Importers must ensure CBAM certificates covering at least 80% of the year's imported emissions each quarter and surrender CBAM certificates equal to the annual total imported emissions, along with an annual CBAM declaration.
* Immediate steps to take
With the CBAM transition phase already started on 1 October 2023, immediate preparation for the new quarterly reporting is essential. Both EU and non-EU businesses must understand CBAM requirements.
Steps include:
Appoint a CBAM Manager: Assign a responsible individual to oversee compliance with CBAM regulations.
Identifying CBAM-covered EU imports: Check which EU imports must comply with CBAM guidelines.
Prepare for Reporting: reporting on carbon emissions and carbon price at the location of manufacturing.
Furthermore, it's important for businesses affected by CBAM to assess their supply chains, understand the potential financial impacts, and explore strategies for minimizing these impacts, such as sourcing from suppliers with lower carbon footprints or investing in more efficient, less carbon-intensive production processes.
Check Aquasky website: https://aquaskyplus.com/
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products2023 · 1 year
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: KitchenAid Ribbed Soft Silicone Pot Holder Set
The KitchenAid Ribbed Soft Silicone Pot Holder Set is a must-have addition to your kitchen essentials. This set includes two pot holders in a beautiful Aqua Sky color that adds a pop of style to your cooking space.
Crafted from soft silicone, these pot holders offer excellent heat resistance and provide a secure grip when handling hot pots, pans, and dishes. The ribbed design enhances flexibility and allows for a comfortable and firm grip.
Not only do these pot holders protect your hands from heat, but they are also water-resistant, making them ideal for handling wet or damp items. Whether you're draining pasta or handling freshly washed dishes, these pot holders have got you covered.
The versatile design of these pot holders allows them to double as trivets, providing a protective barrier between your countertops and hot cookware. They are also easy to clean and maintain, simply wipe them down or toss them in the dishwasher for a quick refresh.
With their durable construction and stylish design, the KitchenAid Ribbed Soft Silicone Pot Holder Set is perfect for everyday use in the kitchen. Stay protected and add a touch of color to your cooking routine with these reliable pot holders.
to get more information :
click on the link
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belavenderdesign · 2 years
Abstract lavender sky collage Design
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Abstract lavender sky collage with full moon, rain and colorful snowflakes to make your lavender sky dreams come true.
Available on  https://www.redbubble.com/people/BeLavender/shop?asc=u
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spraystory · 1 year
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Szabadság, egyenlőség, testvériség
3.rész Az angolok
Olyan 2002-2003 körül a kezembe került az angol Graphotism magazine #29. száma. Ez a magazin és az ezzel kapcsolatos események alapjaiban járultak hozzá stílusbeli fejlődésemhez és graffitis “karrierem” evólúciójához és mindenféle kalandokat hozott. A Graphotsim egy egészen új és eddig nekem ismeretlen világba vezetett be, a brit graffiti világába, amiből korábban, meglepő módon alig láttam valamit. A brit popkultúrális történéseket éppoly megkerülhetetlennek tartom mint az amerikaiakat és nem tudnék dönteni melyik volt erősebb hatással az egész emberiségre és természetesen rám. A popkultúrálist persze úgy értem hogy ebbe minden beletartozik, a zene, a divat, a képzőművészetek stb. Ahogy ezt meg tudom ítélni, Londonba is kb ugyanakkor gyűrűztek be az amerikai hip-hop/graffiti stb kultúrális események mint nyugat-Európa más nagyvárosaiba, Berlinbe, Párizsba stb, szóval rögtön ahogy megjelentek ezek az USA-ban, megérkeztek Európába is. Azt tudtam hogy annak idején a 80-as években már pl a Metalheadz-ből Goldie vagy a Massive Attack 3D-je, Robert Del Naja festett cuccokat de hogy ezután mi történt a UK-ban graffiti téren, arról semmit sem tudtam. Ezért lepett meg a Graphotism-ban látott óriási mennyiségű graffiti, falak, trainek, amelyek közül számomra kiemelkedett két név és egy beszámoló egy amerikai csapatról. A két feltűnően jó style Aroe és Anie ( később Anie lett az egyik legjobb stylemaster akit valaha láttam, ő ma Roids, másik nevén Will Gates ), a crew pedig az NT (New Team). Az NT amúgy, mint idehaza PNC a GRW ügyében, mesterien válogatta össze a brit stylemastereket maga köré, szintén közülük való pl a mai Gary akinek ha jól emlékszem az akkori neve Rat volt. Nyilván az akkori worldwide graffiti mozgalom történései őket is magukkal sodorták, akárcsak minket itt Európa más részein csak ők valahogy hiányoztak azokból a magazinokból, videókból amik azelőtt a kezeink közé kerültek. Az angolok számomra más, új de látványos és eredményes utat jártak. A másik ami ugyanebben a magazinban volt, az egy nagy kiterjedésű beszámoló volt az amerikai Seventh Letter formációról és az AWR-MSK csoportokról. Első látásra kiégett az agyam, olyan styleok voltak. Életemben akkor láttam először Revok, Rime, Hense, Sever, Saber, Tyke, Krush, Screw, Pusher, Norm stb cuccokat. Elképzelni sem tudtam honnan jöhetett ez a sok bombajó style, azonnal magával ragadott az egész.  Szóval innetől kezdve nem tudtam elengedni ezt a style világot - ez meg is látszik a cuccaimon - és emellett továbbra is figyeltem az NT cuccait is. A stílusbeli fejlődés szempontjából megjegyezném : többször kaptam elismerést és dícsérő szavakat olyan cuccaimra amik már bőven az MSK rajongás hatása alatt készültek. A Graphotism új világot hozott el. Nem sokkal később 2003-ban kaptam egy telefont partyszerevező barátoktól, hogy egyik este a brit Aquasky nevű D’n’B csapat fog fellépni és az egyik tagja amúgy firkász és szívesen festene. Mivel én sosem hallgattam D’n’B-t, nem tudtam ki ő de a haverjaim haverját örömmel kalauzoltam. De még mielőtt találkoztam volna vele, az történt hogy ő összefutott valahol pesti firkászokkal és elment velük festéket venni - valószínűleg a Burnerbe. Ezután a Nyugatinál bandáztak ahol hirtelen három alak vette őket körül, egyikük azonnal el akarta venni az angol táskáját amiben a kannák voltak. Dulakodás, vitatkozás kezdődött, elcsattant valami pofon is, mire a helyi writerek fogták magukat és elszaladtak, hátrahagyva szegényt külföldit. Ő rögtön, hogy mentse magát a kellemetlen helyzetből,  elindult a Nyugatiba, de üldözői követték sőt, a sínek mellől köveket is szedtek fel hogy jól megdobálják.  Egész kalandosan, vonatok közt szaladgálva, ezekre fel-le ugrálva tudott elmenekülni és beszaladt a Nyugati mekibe, ahová végül én mentem érte. Így találkoztam hát “B”-vel a New Teamből akit mint kiderült, a TDF -es srácok kergettek meg. Ilyen kalandosan indult az angolokkal való kapcsolatom. Végül jól alakult minden, bandáztunk, festettünk - összebarátkoztunk. “B” az Aquasky egyik alapítója emellett Baer néven festett s mint kiderült, történetesen épp a New Team tagja. Egyből meséltem neki hogy hát én ismerem a cuccaikat, Aroe, Anie stb. Ez meglepte, nem gondolta hogy Magyarországra őnála is előbb eljut a hírneve. Emlékszem, ennek nagyon megörült és persze mesélte hogy Aroe és a többiek jó barátai, meg is jegyezte hogy amint hazaér, elmeséli nekik, hogy Budapesten nagyon bírják a cuccaikat. Két évvel később egyszercsak csörög a telefonom, felveszem, beleszólnak : “ - Hallo, its Aroe from New Team! Are you Nikon? “ -vagy valami ilyesmi. “B” elmesélt hát mindent otthon. Így történt hogy egyszer csak ott állt az ajtómban Paul azaz Aroe és egyik barátja Verge. Olyannyira jelentek meg ”hirtelen” hogy a hívás után nem sokkal már ide is repültek és  ha jól emlékszem a reptérről egyenesen odataxiztak hozzám. Üdvözlés, egymásnak örvendés után hamarosan megkérte, intézzünk hotelt nekik, mire én rögtön felajánlottam hogy ugyan, lakjanak nálam, ez csak természetes. Emlékszem ez meglepte őket, Paullal rögtön jóbarátok lettünk. Hamarosan elmesélte, azért van olyan sok NT cucc a Graphotismban mert ő a szerkesztője. Az amerikaik bemutatásáért is ő volt a felelős. Volt közös témánk. Paul a writerek kicsapongásaitól eltérően nem élt káros szenvedélyekkel, nem ivott, nem drogozott, nem járt partykba. Ekkor már azt hiszem három gyerek édesapja volt. De egy cseppet sem volt apukás, laza, nagyszájú, határozott és erős jellemű brit volt akit én pont ilyennek képzeltem és nagyon megkedveltük egymást. Az idő stílszerűen “angolos” volt, szürke, borús és esett is, így az “esős” helyünkre vittem őket, az Árpád híd melletti “ártérre” - mi csak így hívtuk. Kíváló hely eső ellen, igaz hogy a hódokon és kacsákon kívül nem látja más a rajzokat de nyugis és fedél van feletted.  Szóval festettünk, várost néztünk, magyar ételeket kóstoltunk, nagyon jól elvoltunk. Természetesen teáztak és nem kávéztak. A mákos rétest például nem értette : “What’s this fucking poppy shit, we cook herion from this shit and you eat it?” - vagy valami ilyesmit mondott. Az angolok csupán néhány napot töltöttek Budapesten de ezzel még nem értek véget közös kalandjaink, sőt. Egy évvel később 2006-ban ismét Brightonból hívtak, ismét Paul volt az de ezúttal ő invitált minket a szigetországba egy nagy közös festésre a Sleeping Giants jamre. Egyszercsak ott találtam magam Paul nagyszerű lakásában Brightonban, rengeteg nagyon jónevű nemzetközi writer, többek között Revok, Rime, Sever, Persue és más Seventh Letter-es amerikai stylemasterek között. Itt találkoztam először és barátkoztam össze azzal writerrel aki az én véleményem szerint az amerikaiknál is hatásosabban megreformálta a worldwide graffiti stylet, az új-zélandi Askew-el a TMD csapatból. Askew és a TMD stílusbeli újításai később látványosan hatással voltak nagyon sok writerre világszerte - többek között rám is. Ő már akkor ott, Brigthonban a leglazább stílust festette amit csak el tudtam képzelni. Meglepetésemre rendkívül szívélyesen fogadott amint megtudta hogy magyar vagyok. Kisült hogy ő Új-Zélandon fiatal srácként összehaverkodott egy általam is mélyen tisztelt firkásszal, a magyar oldschool kinggel, Cak-al a THK csapatból - akikre a GRW írásban a legnagyobb tisztelettel emlékezek - ugyanis Cak akkoriban Új-Zélandon lakott és ha jól emlékszem festettek is együtt. Azonnal megvolt a közös téma, így tulajdonképpen egycsapásra ott találtam magam ezek között az arcok között. Askew-el később találkoztunk Németországban a Write 4 Goldon, ahol előlünk vitték el az aranyat, mi másodikak, ők elsők lettek. Ott ugyonolyan nagy örömmel fogadott, mint első találkozásunkkor. De vissza Aroe házába, ahol mindenki mindenfelé lett elszállásolva, én Paul gyerekeinek a hálószobájában kaptam helyet ( a gyerekek természetesen nem voltak otthon ). Anie azaz Roids egész későn este ért oda, Paul a házigazda is és ő is abban a szobában aludtak ahol én és emlékszem amikor Roids megérkezett, feltűnt hogy nagyon tapintatosan, halkan, csendben beszélgettek, még az amugy határozott hangon szóló Paul is, azért hogy ne zavarják a vendégeiket a pihenésben. Ez nagyon figyelmes gesztus volt, főleg firkászok társaságában. Voltam olyan vendégségben ahol éjjel az egyik writer bejött az alvók szobájába csak azért hogy elszívjon egy cigit, zárt ablakoknál, amíg mindenki aludni próbált, majd kiment, értelmetlenül telefüstölve a szobát. A számtalan reggelig tartó mulatozásokról nem is beszélve. Ehhez képest Paul lakosztálya valóságos Waldorf-Astoria volt, extravagáns társasággal. Itt találkoztam először a szlovén NK/ZEK crew-val akik azóta is nagyon jó barátaim. Másnap a jamen ott voltak még Atom, Kent és Smash is - utóbbinak elvesztek a csomagjai a reptéren így abban a ruhában és annyi cuccal érkezett ami épp rajta volt. Magán a jamen egyébként nem is az angolokkal vagy az amerikaiakkal hanem saját honfitársaimmal, Tish76 és Lopez barátaimmal együt festettem, ugyanis valójában mi hárman voltunk hivatalosak mint magyarok csak ők közben máshonnan érkeztek és a jam után is egymástól más irányokba vitt tovább az utunk. Itt találkoztam Blade-el, a new yorki úttörő legendával, aki 1972 óta írta és festette a nevét. 5000 metrót festett, mindez alatt olyan is volt hogy festés közben Richard Nixon amerikai elnök hangja beszélt a nagy tranzsisztoros rádiójukból és épp hívta be a Blade korabelieket a hadseregbe, hogy menjenek Vietnamba harcolni. Blade maga a graffiti-történelem,  egy élő legenda. Angliai látogatásom Brightoni fejezete a Graphotsim szerkesztőségében ért véget, ahol annyi magazint kaptam hogy alig bírtam hazahozni. Öt esztendővel az első Graphotism nézegetés után, a magazin 2007-es #45. száma, 16 oldalon át, részletesen publikálta az addigi graffitis munkásságom. Még a címlapra is felkerültem. Az ide szánt portréfotókat Miki357 barátom lőtte, de végül Rosy fotóját választották a front coverre. Angol barátaimmal, amennyire az élet mindenféle történése engedi, ma is jóban vagyunk. Az amerikaiakkal pedig ezekután még folytatódtak a kalandjaim.
1.kép : Graphotism #29 száma ami elhozta a style változást és Graphotism #45 Nikon One edition
2.kép : Topdog (Nikon) Baer(NT) - 2003, Nyugati
3.kép : Verge, Nikon, Aroe (NT) - 2005 Budapest
4.kép : Nikon - Sleeping Giants jam - Brighton 2006
5. kép : Lopes, Nikon, Tish76 - Sleeping Giants jam Brighton 2006
6.kép : Blade-el, Aroe a jamen, Rime(MSK) én, Sever(MSK) és egy kanadai writer 
7.-10. kép : Graphotism#45 Nikon One edition
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randomvarious · 19 days
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Today's compilation:
Out Patients 2000 Future Jazz / Broken Beat / Drum n Bass
Checked out this sweet turn-of-the-millennium electronic comp over the past couple days called Out Patients, the first installment in a three-volume series that was put out on UK label Hospital Records. Originally launched in 1996, Hospital was founded by London Elektricity, a duo who, sometime in the early 2000s, decided to downsize to just one member, Tony Colman, so the former member, Chris Goss, could devote more time and energy to running Hospital himself.
Now, if you know anything about either Hospital or LE beyond what I've just told you, then you know that what they're both primarily known for is their drum n bass output. In fact, in their first four years of existence, that's all Hospital pretty much ever released. However, in 2000, with the launching of this little, cleverly titled Out Patients series—songs that largely laid outside of Hospital's own sonic radius—they decided to venture a little out of their comfort zone.
So, ultimately, what we have here are a bunch of groovy electronic lounge-type vibes that largely come in the form of future jazz and broken beat—a pair of oft-intertwined electronic genres that were both surging at around the same exact time. Broken beat was this wonderful, broadly-defined music that saw fundamentals of drum n bass taken to a sharper, more complicated and unorthodox abstraction, and its rhythms would be integrated into future jazz, a type of jazz-infused electronic music that succeeds the late 80s-to-mid-90s UK phenomenon of acid jazz, and hearkens back to the halcyon days of free-flowing jazz fusion from the 70s and 80s too; also known as nu jazz.
And even though this is just an exclusive dozen tracks from a label that'd never really put out this type of material before, Hospital was still able to get a few notable names to contribute to this release here: veteran Uschi Classen, who in addition to her own solo material, had also been in a bunch of groups, like Ashley Beedle's Black Science Orchestra and the Ballistic Brothers; dnb trio Aquasky; and Mr. Scruff, whose biggest claim to fame is this very popular electro swing tune—one of the only decent ones that's ever been made—and if you're an American of a certain age, you might remember it from an old ad campaign for Lincoln's full lineup of vehicles too.
Here's one of those ads with Michael Clarke Duncan!
But, to me, the best song on this release has to be "Action," by Japan's Yukihiro Fukutomi. Fukutomi himself was his own entity too by the time this song had been included on this very comp, but the vast majority of his music had only ever been released in Japan; so when he appeared on Out Patients, it was likely the first time that many people outside of Japan had ever heard him before. And those people were probably fuckin' dazzled, because the combination of constantly shifting broken beat drum rhythm and Fukutomi's whiny old school keyboard improv here is simply diabolical 😈. Get lost in this super craggy shit!
And something that also needs pointing out here is that even though most of this comp isn't drum n bass, there are still a couple dnb tunes on here anyway. And as someone who really loves it when people just *straight-up rap* over drum n bass beats, I can't leave this post without mentioning MC Mello and London Elektricity's bouncy "Melloizdaman." This is just such a cool and fun tune, overall, and I especially love how LE add this warm coat of ambient synth to their double bass-infused beat after the first verse. Usually rappers need to rap over steady beats in order to maintain their own timing and flow, and while LE don't mess with the rhythm itself here, they're still able to enhance their tune further with this added synth in order to keep it sounding fresh. Really great stuff 🤩.
So a pretty dope set of early 2000s tunes from Hospital Records here. Mostly not the kind of electronic music that they're typically known for releasing, but they included some nice, previously unheard tracks on this album nonetheless 👍.
And if you want the type of stuff that Hospital *is* known for, check out this post I did a few months ago on Plastic Surgery 2, a double-disc comp and DJ mix that featured them on the 2-step liquid funk trend, a more mass-appealing strain of drum n bass that grew to be very popular in the UK in the mid-to-late 2000s that they themselves were on the forefront of.
Liane Carroll - "The Trap" Uschi Classen - "Tocatta (The Indigo Blue Mix)" Aquasky - "Another Day" Skitz + Julie Dexter - "Be...." Landslide - "Golden Cavalier" London Elektricity - "Incurable" Space Clique - "Exit #1: Luna Park" MC Mello vs. London Elektricity - "Melloizdaman" Yukihiro Fukutomi - "Action" Marcus Intalex & S.T. Files - "Taking Over Me"
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og3-sk · 2 years
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Fic by @mystapika | art by @og3-sk
My preview for this year's @kaishinbigbang ! First time participating in a bb so i was nervous, but my partner AquaSky has been nothing but patient with me ( ;∀;) it's a pleasure working with her!
Aug 16, catch it!
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likesplatterpaint · 1 year
Bruh I just. Uh. Saved so much money at Petsmart on Fish Stuff.
Two 307 Canister Filters- $251. (Normally 209 a piece) Two 18 watt aquasky lights, and four liters of prime - $306. (Lights on sale for $99, normally 139, Prime for 89, normally $179)
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Should I be spending this? probably not. but future Gen will thank me. It was either this or a new Roomba. Couldn’t really find deals for the Doogs, alas. Maybe I should go check chewy...
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chukundur · 1 year
✨ 🎶 when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶 ✨
viagra boys - troglodyte
a. g. cook - silver
gran turismo 4 sountrack - aquasky vs masterblaster - 777
oneothrix point never - long road home
gorillaz ft slowthai - momentary bliss
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palmsandsunglasses · 1 year
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cookie-nigel-dolan · 7 months
Aquasky  //  Orange Dust  (1997)
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aquaskypressuretank · 22 days
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Introduction to the Pumplus Well Tank |Aquasky
A pressure tank is a general term for a vessel designed to hold liquids or gases under pressure. Depending on their specific applications, these tanks are referred to by various names across industries. In this article, we will focus on residential pressure water booster systems, where they are commonly known as Well Tanks or Sanitary Water Tanks.
1. Introduction to the Pumplus Well Tank
The Aquasky PumPlus Pressure Tank is an indispensable part of residential pressurized water systems, providing water pressure at a consistent level. The tank stores supplemental water between the diaphragm and liner, and the pressurized air chamber creates a supply circle. This innovative design significantly reduces the frequency of motor startups, maintaining steady system pressure and enhancing the efficiency of household appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines. It also ensures a strong water flow for showering and bathing.
Designed as an energy-saving solution, the PumPlus pressure tank requires no maintenance and, when paired with a properly sized pump, provides reliable and long-lasting service. This system not only minimizes energy consumption and protects against water hammers but also stabilizes water pressure to effectively meet daily needs.
Aquasky's commitment to quality and efficiency is embodied in the PumPlus series, which exemplifies the best in diaphragm-type pressure tank technology, offering a practical solution for managing residential water systems.
2. Design and Features of the Pumplus Well Tank
Constructed from cold-rolled carbon steel, the Pumplus Well Tank is built to withstand high pressures and harsh environmental conditions, making it ideal for for coastal areas prone to corrosion. With capacities ranging from 1 to 500 liters, it meets a variety of residential system sizes and requirements.
* Material and Construction:
The study cold-rolled carbon steel exterior of the tank offers excellent resistance to a wide range of atmospheric environments and corrosive media, ensuring durability and reliability in potable water systems.
* Connector Design:
To enhance tank adaptability and strength, the Pumplus Well Tank incorporates three types of stainless steel connectors:
* Male Straight Connector: Used on smaller and horizontal tanks for straightforward attachment to plumbing systems.
* Reinforced Male Connector: Features a reinforcing plate that increases the welding circumference by 50%, enhancing the strength and durability of the connection.
* Elbow Female Connector: Designed for medium and large tanks, this design features a side opening that facilitates easier pipe installation, improving the installation process.
* Internal Structure:
Inside, the tank is divided by a flexible rubber butyl diaphragm into two main chambers: the Water Chamber and the Air Chamber.
* The Water Chamber: Equipped with a corrosion-resistant propylene (PP) liner that molds to the tank shell's shape, preventing water contact with the steel shell and ensuing corrosion. It features a type 304 stainless steel threaded outlet for seamless connection to the water supply.
* The Air Chamber: Sealed and pre-charged with nitrogen to enhance stability and reduce maintenance needs, featuring an air valve for crucial pressure adjustments.
* The diaphragm is the only moving part, dynamically adjusting to changes in water volume to maintain consistent pressure and prevent water logging.
3. How Pumplus Works Inside a Pump System
In a pump system not equipped with a pressure tank, water is not very compressible, and pipes can only store a small amount of water. As a result, when you open a tap, the pressure drops quickly, leading to minimal water output. At this point, the pressure falls to the "on" setting of the pressure switch, prompting the pump to activate and start pumping again.
Integrating a pressure tank into a pump system significantly enhances its operation and extends the pump's lifespan by managing water pressure more efficiently. The tank stores water under pressure, operating as follows:
* As water is drawn from the well and pumped into the tank, it compresses the air in the upper part of the tank, increasing the internal pressure. When this pressure reaches its maximum limit t(ypically 50 to 60 PSI), the pump stops pumping water, maintaining pressure in the system.
* When water is demanded - such as opening a faucet - the compressed air in the air pressure zone is released. This air pressure deflates, pushing against the rubber diaphragm in the tank and expelling water through the plumbing system. Once the water level drops to a certain level and the air pressure in the tank drops to a pre-set minimum (typically 30 to 40 PSI), the pump reactivates to refill the tank.
* When the tap shuts, then the water stops flowing and the pressure in the system builds. When the pressure reaches the “off” setting of the switch or controller, then this turns the pump off and the pipes remain pressurized.
The tank's air pressure and water volume are controlled by a pressure switch, which has preset high and low pressure thresholds.
This system reduces the frequency of pump cycling, which is crucial for preventing wear and tear on the pump and saving electricity. By buffering the pressure and storing water in advance, the tank ensures a steady supply and reduces the stress on the pump, which is especially important for systems where pumps are not designed to start frequently, such as submersible bore pumps.
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Picture 1: The work of the pressure tank within a system
4. Benefits of Using Pumplus Well Tanks
Pumplus Well Tanks are expertly designed to boost the efficiency and longevity of water systems, providing several key benefits. These tanks store pressurized water, significantly reducing the frequency of pump cycling, which not only extends the pump’s lifespan but also conserves energy and lowers utility costs. This feature also improves battery life in systems where applicable. The tanks ensure a consistent water flow and pressure, crucial for both residential comfort and industrial applications. Additionally, they offer protection against water hammers, which can cause sudden and harmful pressure changes, thus safeguarding your plumbing infrastructure. With a Pumplus Well Tank, you gain instant access to well water without needing to manually activate the pump, enhancing operational convenience and reducing the mechanical strain on your pump.
By integrating a Pumplus Well Tank into your system, you not only safeguard the mechanical integrity of your pump but also enhance the overall functionality and efficiency of your water supply system, ensuring it operates smoothly and quietly.
5. Pumplus Pressure Tank Models by Aquasky
* In-line Models
Available sizes: 3, 8, 12, 18, 24 liters
These models are typically installed directly in the main water supply line and feature a 1” connection, making them ideal for seamless integration into residential systems.
* Vertical Stand Models
Available sizes: 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 130, 160, 200, 240, 300, 325, 450, 500 liters
* Tanks ranging from 40 to 120 liters come with a 1” connection and a plastic base, suitable for moderate residential use.
* Larger sizes from 130 to 325 liters include a 1-1/4” connector and plastic base, designed for extensive residential or light commercial applications.
* The largest tanks, 450 and 500 liters, are equipped with a 1-1/4” connector and an iron support base, ideal for commercial settings requiring substantial water capacity.
* Horizontal Models
Available sizes: 18, 24, 40, 60, 80, 100 liters
These are equipped with a 1” connection and a plastic pump stand, providing flexibility and durability for various installation environments.
6. Methods for Choosing the Correct Size of Pumplus Pressure Tank
Choosing the proper size for your Pumplus pressure tank is crucial to prevent premature pump failure and ensure efficient system operation. Here are the detailed steps and considerations:
* Residential Capacity Based on Drawdown Capacity:
* Determine Flow Rate: Measure how many liters per minute your pump produces.
* Calculate Minimum Runtime: Typically, one minute is sufficient. Multiply the flow rate by the minimum runtime to determine the drawdown capacity, ensuring the pump operates efficiently without frequent cycling.
The formula: Flow Rate (LPM) x Minimum Runtime (1 minute) = Drawdown Capacity
For example: 60 LPM flow rate x 1 = 60 liters drawdown capacity.
* Set Pressure Switch: The pressure switch setting is the pressure at which the pump turns on to fill the tank up, and the pressure at which the pump shuts off, knowing the tank is full. Standard settings range from 2.07/3.45 bar to 2.76/4.14 bar, where the first number is the cut-in pressure and the second is the cut-out pressure. This setting significantly impacts the drawdown capacity and system efficiency.
* Residential Capacity Based on Fixture Count:
The capacity of the pump system in gallons per minute (GPM) should equal the number of fixtures in the home. This must take into account all use for the kitchen, bath, appliances, outside irrigation, a pool, and special fixtures, such as a hot tub. In this model, modern home with two bathrooms (three outlets each), kitchen sink, dishwasher, washing machine, laundry tub, and two outside hose outlets would require a capacity of 12 gallons per minute, based on the 12 fixtures or outlets.
Aquasky’s experts suppose each water faucet flows out 10 litres of water each time, so customer just needs to know the number of water faucet inside the water system, and they can select a correct size pressure tank.
* Using Aquasky Selection Tool
Please link to the following AQUASKY website: https://aquaskyplus.com/sel_tools.php
Enter demand figures, AQUASKY will help you calculate the proper size pressure tank.
7. Installation Process
Installing an Aquasky Pumplus Well Tank is a critical step in ensuring efficient operation and extended longevity of your water system.
Start by removing any existing equipment such as old steel galvanized tanks, air volume controls, and plugging or removing bleeder and snifter valves. After unpacking your new tank, begin the initial setup by removing the air valve cap and using a standard tire pressure gauge to check and adjust the tank’s pre-charge pressure. This should be set to 2 PSI below the pump’s cut-in pressure setting, ensuring adjustments are made when the tank is empty and the system pressure is at 0 PSI to avoid inaccuracies. Typically, Pumplus tanks come with a preset cut-in pressure of 30 PSI, so adjust the pre-charge to 28 PSI. Consult your pump’s documentation for specific settings, often found under the pressure switch cover.
Once adjusted, re-secure the air valve cap tightly. Choose an installation site that minimizes risk in the event of leaks and provides adequate drainage, making sure the location’s flooring is level. When making pipe connections, ensure that the pipe size from the tank matches that from the pump to the house, and follow local or state plumbing codes. Refer to the included installation diagram (from Picture 2 to Picture 6) for further guidance. After all connections are secure, prime the pump and restore power. Finally, check all joints to ensure they are airtight, preventing any leaks and guaranteeing system integrity. By carefully following these steps, you will successfully install your Pumplus Well Tank, optimizing its performance and enhancing the durability of your water pressure system.
8. Maintenance and Longevity
Aquasky Pumplus pressure tanks are built to last, but their lifespan greatly depends on proper maintenance and system setup. The longevity of these tanks is influenced by two main factors: the inherent quality of the tank and the suitability of its size and settings for the specific system.
Under typical conditions, Aquasky Pumplus pressure tanks are designed to last about 5 years. With optimal care and ideal water conditions, high-quality models can extend up to 8 years or more. In systems where the water is consistently clean and the tank is correctly sized, the lifespan can reach an average of 10 years.
Here are some tips on how to maximize the lifespan of your pressure tank:
* For optimal performance, it is essential to ensure the tank is properly sized and configured for your system to efficiently handle water demand and minimize wear and tear.
* Regularly monitoring and managing water quality is also crucial, particularly in coastal areas where higher salt content can accelerate corrosion. Installing a filter system can help mitigate damage from sediments like sand or small rocks that might erode the diaphragm over time, potentially leading to leaks.
* To further extend the tank’s life, reduce the frequency of pump cycling to prevent mechanical strain and quick wear of the diaphragm. Regular inspections of the diaphragm and adjustments to the tank’s pre-charge based on water usage or system changes are vital.
9. Conclusion
The Pumplus Well Tank exemplifies the advantages of using a high-quality pressure tank in any pressurized water system. With its sturdy design, efficient operation, and potential for energy savings, it represents a wise investment for ensuring reliable and effective water pressure management.
For more information of Aquaksy Pumplus well tank, you can click website: https://aquaskyplus.com/PUMPLUS.php
Or you can email to us: [email protected]
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