#aquarians used to be very eco friendly
bronzewool · 2 years
Headcanon: The Aquarians relationship with nature.
Aquarians are very respectful of the ocean and acknowledge it is not a friendly environment or something they can be controlled, but an uncontrollable force of nature that does not favour one species over the other. The world is ever changing and they must change with or be doomed to go extinct and replaced by something that can. The Gods are akin to nature spirits, everything is alive and the Aquarians need to respect the world they share with these spirits. They occasionaly try to gain the gods favour but are under no illusion that the spirits see them as children made “in their image” or that they are held to a higher standard than any other lifeform, it’s a symbiotic relationship.
This is a lifestyle that is slowly being phased out by the current generation of colonists who have never stepped foot on their mother planet and are the dominating force on the moon colonies. Aquarians control everything on colonies, from the layout of the city structure, to the underwater currents, to the distribution of food. Aquarians are the dominant (and only) species and don’t really understand the importance of protecting nature when nearly everything they’ve been raised with is synthetic.
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bondsmagii · 4 years
aries, cancer, aquarius, jupiter, neptune, pisces
thank you 😩 you’re the only one I can trust to give me something to distract me from Duo Hell.
aries: what are you passionate about?
fuckin... everything man I cannot be stopped. but to narrow it down I’m passionate about reading and writing and studying and history and cooking and learning and languages and linguistics and weather and natural disasters and the paranormal and also about trying to make the world a better place even if that seems impossible at times. I’m also passionate about nature and animals and urban exploration and going on adventures and trying to spot strange lights in the sky. I’m passionate about pretty much everything that crosses my mind tbh like I’m just a Golden Retriever for this shit.
cancer: if you could choose your child’s zodiac sign, what would it be?
absolutely not Aquarius because I have never met an Aquarius I’ve ever gotten on with in my life!! being one myself I know that we truly are the assholes of the zodiac... don’t get me wrong I can be acquaintances with an Aquarius but every relationship I’ve had with another Aquarius that’s gone past “seeing each other around and occasionally sharing a meme” has ended terribly and that includes the relationship with my own damn mother!! no Aquarians there can only be one in this household!!
probably Aries, Taurus, Libra, Cancer, or Pisces. those are the signs I tend to vibe with the most.
aquarius: do you believe in aliens?
absolutely. like. no question about it. even if I hadn’t had experiences I’m pretty sure were aliens/UFOs I would believe in them. the idea that we’re completely alone and the only intelligent life in the entire universe is absurd. I’d even say it was statistically impossible.
jupiter: what moral do you live by?
god I don’t even know. I mean, I have morals, obviously, but I very rarely put them into words. they’re kind of a case-by-case thing and they lead me to a decision based on the situation at hand. the running theme, I guess, is that everybody deserves an equal opportunity to live the best life they can, and no person is any less human than anyone else. regardless of what a person may have done or the kind of person they are, they are still a person -- I’m kind of flat-out against all dehumanisation, no exceptions. aside from that I don’t know, man. my morals constantly change and adapt. “don’t be a dick”, I guess? but even then it’s closer to “don’t be a dick unless you absolutely have to, and then unleash dickery quickly and without mercy”, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
neptune: share one of your dreams.
are we talking like, asleep-dream or life-dream? I can’t remember any recent sleep-dreams I’ve had, apart from one really atmospheric nightmare that was really scary but that I can remember nothing about (probably for the best). as for a life-dream... I become Prime Minister of this shithole country. I reverse Brexit and introduce Universal Basic Income. the UK becomes a pristine example of a socialist country, everyone has money and shelter and food and healthcare and education, because of the guaranteed income arts and scientific research flourish because people have spare time, and one day as I’m being driven to some press conference in my eco-friendly sustainable car with zero emissions (now the standard European car) it goes through a puddle and absolutely drenches a cyclist who turns out to be Boris Johnson.
pisces: describe someone you love.
he’s just as big a nerd as I am but in a lot of different and often complimentary subjects; he knows just as much as I do about Soviet history and can get into incredibly heated debates about Soviet political policy in the middle of a coffee shop (much to the alarm of everyone around us); he’s an incredible creative force both in his own work and as inspiration for my own; he’s been on numerous adventures with me both disastrous and amazing; we didn’t date so much as just just Saw Each Other; he is master of the best kvetching sessions; sometimes he comes out with a joke so funny that I cannot believe he actually said it; he’s way way smarter than me but will never admit it, and he runs an absolutely garbage blog over at @vestriis.
> astrology ask meme 🌞🌑
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