makahimetenshi · 4 months
How i meet your mother and the story of how Arya Maxson was concieved - Chapter 13
Yeah im definitely changing the title of this fic, absolutely shutting down every shared url I posted about this fic on fanfiction, deleting the first two chapters and going to the final in this very job
The first two drabbles that actually are Two Separated Ways will be posted separatly.
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
They keep seeing each other after that, night after night, every night he takes a ventibird for a couple of hours to see his beautiful business owner to have dinner. Now he had to address her as Howard, or Nora. But not Sentinel, neither had an obligation with each other, since she didn’t have a rank anymore and she did not owe him her presence when he summoned her.
Some nights they dinner at the café, and some others at her apartment. He could see everyday how the building was changing little by little, working, improving things but above all spending money, money that worried Arthur, but Nora didn’t seem worried.
But they didn’t have sex, after all the fire turns off a bit after menacing your couple and specially if you tackle her down as a response in both minds the idea of touching and having sex sounded dangerous, very dangerous.
-When are you having another test by the way? –ask Arthur eating on his pasta with tato sauce.
-Month and half is not enough to do another test, wait until two months at least, it’s a shame I cant do them here…
He didn’t think so, preferred to do it with the medical equipment of the citadel, better results, trustworthy, a ride in ventibird to the citadel and the tower wasn’t a big effort in order to keep her safe after all.
-If I read correctly the 400 mUI/mL you had last time should be now 10000 doesn’t? –she nodded, he seem a bit exited with the idea of her pregnancy
-I wonder if should be more tho –she said drinking on her aquapura.
-What do you mean? I can bring you vitamins and supplements if you need
-This is my second pregnancy only, I don’t have much more experience
-And it was good? –she raised an eyebrow not understanding- an easy pregnancy
-It was perfect, even the uncomfortable things like waist pain at Nate side were funny and easy…The only thing I fear is the cravings
-How do you plan to give me pudding with cream and dulce de leche in the middle of the night? –especially if they choose to live apart.
Arthur wait in silence, confused.
-What is pudding? -oh my gosh she needs to give him a prewar recipe book or they are going to end up shooting each other in the head.
By the time he was leaving since the night was over he noticed something odd on top of a table, weird to see
-Oh those aren’t for you –said Nora when she noticed what caught the man attention.
-Who are they for then?
-For Danse, found that pack of cigarettes and remember that he likes Big Boss
-Where did you get it? Are you going out the tower? –for some reason he felt severly upset.
-Nah I was just cleaning the metro entrances and connections this days and found it inside an old cabinet, trying to actually connect it and make a subterranean route to the city and...
-Well that’s strange, you never get anything for me
His chest hurt, and he didn’t understand why but now he was very angry, at nothing, didn’t actually had to be angry for this little thing but anyway…
-I didn’t know you liked…-Nora raised an eyebrow with curiosity
-I been smoking that brand since I was ten, of course I like it –the fact that he was visually mad and she wasn’t offering the box neither says a lot of things. Danse was priority, always will be a priority. He can forget it, not mention it in a while maybe , but she was always going to keep an eye on him to see if at some point he started to see her.
-Alright i…
He sighted, and she make silence, then close his eyes and he massaged his forehead with the tips of his fingers, sighing again- forget it, lets go
-Are you mad? –ohohohoho the nerve to be asking that
-No –he stated- I just say that you never get anything for me –put a lot of emphasis in the last part, then look somewhere else-that’s all
But suddenly he felt a menacing aura behind, something deep inside tell him to not look bad, whatever was growing at his side have a heavy and dark energy it seemed like it was going to devour him.
Heard something from behind him, she was looking around for something until he heard a metallic sound of things crashing. He didn’t move his head in that direction but instead his hand was picked by the wrist and pulled towards the door with a lot of force.
-Follow me –she said, pulling harder when his feet’s turned heavy- come on, no questions –he looked at her and my god she was angry, even tho she wouldn’t let her voice give her away, she was trying very hard to hide her emotions in her voice but her face looked very upset, very very upset.
They moved downstairs to the reception but instead of crossing the door I dragged him to a side door, it was the entrance to the basement of the building, where the connections to the subway were.
-What are you…
-Follow me –she order, and he froze and let himself be pulled, she still had his wrist very well helded and each step was like being dragged inside the metro tunnels. At some point, the more they went down she picked a baseball bat from one office in the ones they were walking by to keep going down and also give Arthur a Police baton , safety he supposed, since even a Radroach could cause a lot of harm if they encounter one down there…
The sounds of the metallic pieces she picked up in the apartment could be heard crashing in the pocket of her dress, drying his mouth of stress, now he realized.
He was being dragged by his own will down there, to such dangerous situation just because his…woman…move him…the things he was letting himself do…this wasn’t himself, a time ago he wouldn’t permit…
But then his head shout, his thoughts were silenced to what was in front of him, even Nora couldn’t pull him anymore because he was frozen and his feets couldn’t move.
It was a car.
Not polished or neither bright, of course not new, the paint was chipped and untidy, without shine or anything pretty, with scratches and indentations everywhere, as well as holes and dents on all sides of the car. The windows were scratched and slightly broken but clearly at a higher level, not very deep due to the nature of how they looked inward.
He sighted, and moved down by his own, Nora followed him until he was standing in front.
-Is this...? –he asked looking at the wheels, not detonated or exploded
-Get in the car –she said moving around to the other side of the car
What the fuck!?
He tried to open the door in front of him but the handle was dirty and oily, he couldn't open it until something clicked from inside and then he was able to move it, it jumped out so he could open it. That robbed him a sight, the fact that she went here with him means…His eyes illuminated looking at the door
-Are you…? –he asked again but was received with a very bad tune.
-I said get in the fucking car –no need to say it twice, alright, he opens and sit, the seats look clean and frankly smell good like the ones in the cinema, the inside of the car smell like…pine three…and oh there it was, a pine three decoration that actually emanates a really nice smell hanging from a mirror. He throw the Police baton to the back.
The interior was also nice, well illuminated, cleaned, the leather decorations of the walls were in good state and cleaned, the broken zones were stitched or patched…it was the better conservated car he see in his entire life. Even the mirrors of the sides weren’t broken and oh my god he was sitting inside a relic. The handlings looked functional, I mean, you can see the screes and welders and patches to make so that they would stay still in their place and not jump at the slightest moment that one needed to use them but yes, they seemed useful.
But the most important thing was on her pockets ringing, Nora sat on her seat and take out some keys also throwing her baseball bat to the back of the car.
Ohmygosh his heart started to run on his chest.
He sighted and take some air, he couldn’t believe what he was living right now, was it really functional? Yes, of course, he had seen cars working before on some other parts of the country, but was able to count them with the fingers of his hands….hand…yeah one hand maybe, repairing a car took a lot of knowleague and resources you can’t easy get anywhere and of course you need a car in the most preserved state as possible, barely scavenged because missing parts were a problem but she…did it…
She does things.
And she seemed pissed off
-How are we going…
-Put on your seat belt –she interrupted him, rude, his question was going to be a legit one, how were they going to get out the metro? He wrapped the belt around his waist and chest then he remember what she said, but his feelings didn’t let him appreciate it at that moment.
Oh my gosh.
Nora put the keys and turn on the power, the car goes brrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrr loud as he never heard any type of machine before, same with the black smoke coming from behind, the vehicle even trembled a bit before she turned on the headlights and taillights, grabbed the steering wheel, and put her boots on the pedals.
Arthur hold on his belt when they accelerated and she grabbed the gear lever, moving the car forward and spinning around with a very uncomfortable and frightening squeak that made him close his eyes tightly due to the noise, then they would stop and she would accelerate forward, just forward, kept driving forward. When the man open his eyes he couldn’t believe it, not at all. They were driving on the metro hallways. The tracks were empty and cleaned.
Well, not exactly, the trash and debris were pushed to the sides enough to let the car pass between the narrow stretch but still…
They were driving, racing in the metro subway the enough.
-Were are we going? –he asked trying to recompose and gain his breath with a shy voice
-Please shut up -but she looked tense, with a frown on her face, driving like a lunatic at a speed that even generated a horrible sense of danger in him that called to the alert of all his survival senses, anyway they were driving underground with the apparently clear road but still driving so fast it was scary.
So if they were driving in the Warrington line that means…
At one special place Nora speed up more than normal and make some strange movement with the back wheels to jump over a platform, and soon enough they were driving again up in a ramp with some tracks at the side.
Oh my god they were going up to the trainyard for sure.
Then both see a light at the end of the tunnel, moonlight, the light of the sky even in the intense wasteland night, even if it was always cloudy there was light at night. She slowed down to stop and park.When they were in front of the gates Nora goes down the car with the keys on hand and close the door.
Then Arthur for the first time in that insane ride swallowed saliva, his mouth was dry as fuck.
She uses the key to open a rusted panel and like he can handle any more surprised the big gate opens.
For some reason his fingers hold more on the belt. This was unreal. And it embarrassed him, that at 33 it was the first time he had experienced things like that.
Once the big gate was open Nora came inside the car again and just drived 10 meters forward slowly, very slowly, with the same bitch annoyed face from before, then again came down, shut the door of the car and as Arthurs eyes followed her and disappeared in the service blue door right next to the gate to go inside again and do the steps on the panel to close the big rounded gate, as soon the machinery started to work to level down the gate, she came back from the blue service door to the wastelands surface, again, and then, she got in the car again, sighting, visually tired.
-Nora…-mumble Arthur, but when he tried to touch her shoulder, she smacked his hand, the man crossed his eyes, that was unnecessary.
In no time, everything was settled and ready to go, as soon the keys were on spot, the car was running and driving on the highway, jumping and honestly suffering from the bad state of the asphalt but it was obvious, it was hard to even move with a Brahmin on foot on that abandoned highways how it wasn’t going to be with an actual car? Arthur look at the window as they passed by The Overlook Drive-In illuminated by the moonlight reflecting on the clouds, the easiest way to go up was to reach the Arlington Library by that freeway and continue up as the road wasn’t blocked.
Wait she was dropping him?
He tried to touch her knee over the dress but quickly she grunted and move her head uncomfortable, eyes on the road-don’t touch me
-Hey –he called, but again, she made that uncomfortable sound- listen
-Don’t –she said with a very angry face, annoyed as fuck, something really trigger her over an hour ago to go on a driving rampage and not even glance at him- im driving
He said nothing, look at her angry eyebrows and again hold at the seat belt with his life unable to do anything else, he was in a mixture of being exited and scared. Never actually drived in the night of the wastelands like that, never feel such adrenaline of being transported at such dangerous speed by someone so reckless and crazy and...right now wasn’t sure if being attracted as hell or scared of his life that one of those potholes on the highway and broken asphalt was going to kill them both.
Or three, their baby too.
He glanced at her for a minute and she looked hot, angry and savage, beautiful under the moonlight of the wastelands, taking control of the road.
Tho he couldn’t concentrate much with his own thoughts, the jumps and sounds of broken stuff in the car really messes up to formulate ideas
When they passed the Nuka-Cola Plant he realized that it was going to be a quiet trip, she didn’t want to talk to him, right now she wanted to be angry despite he…ahhh…Arthur doesn’t know how to feel actually, being around was painful, he didn’t want to be this confused all the time but he really wanted to try, he always wanted to believe in chances for everything to get better and…it doesn’t…but he was also really turned on, she has so much to offer to someone like him, all the time surprising him, always being exceptional, powerful in every sense.
Like I said, it was difficult to keep a line of ideas straight with the car dripping and jumping each second like crazy. He may get crazy for all the noise, and fear.
But he knew that he was also crazy for her, confused and everything.
The mix of fear, shock and adrenaline sedated him in his seat, too much happening in his head and surroundings, everything going too fast to process, his own brain jumping inside what he felt like an empty head didn’t help, so he shouted his mind and look at the windows, enjoing the destroyed landscapes.
When they reach water and see the Jefferson Memorial he looked at her, her temple had soften and her mouth was no longer pressed, she relaxed her jaw, still, didn’t say nothing as she avoided and drift obstacles.
He wasn’t sure if she was a good driver or a crazy woman driving.
They reach the citadel eventually and obviously there was an army of soldiers pointing at them at the entrance, the ones who see them at the top of the building summoned a lot of reinforcements in case that the speed car with the lights on was a war machine ready to attack but no.
Nora seemed unfrighten by that. Didn’t mind a few laser rifles pointing at her chest at all.
The cat stop and the first thing Arthur did was open the windows on his side and went out with his body slightly out of the window, raising his hands just to show his brothers that he was not a danger and that he really was the one.
-It’s the elder Maxson! Stand by soldiers! Calm down everybody! –he screamed and stand a moment for everyone to see him and recognize his face, even when a lamplight hit his face entirely. Then, someone in the guard made an okay sign with the hand and he went inside again, but as soon his ass meet the seat again he was kicked in the face by a bunch of keys. Painful. Specially hurt on the nose.
Wait wat.
No way.
-There you have a gift of your taste –Nora said that with a really resentful gaze, opening her side of the car and stepping out, everybody pointed the laser rifles at her and she just sighted to the air, kicking on the floor while all eyes were on her.
-Sentinel wait –he screamed moving to her seat but when their eyes meet he found surprise.
She was looking at him with genuinely surprise.
-Sentinel? –she mumble, he couldn’t hear her because of the noise the engine of the car made but…
Oh. He forgot.
Both forgot important things to the other
He swallowed saliva and look around for some other soldier, taking a leg off and picking the keys, holding on it with his life, those keys were important. Very important.
-Soldier, please take the sentinel by ventibird to the Tenpenny tower now–he ask and the man nodded with the power armor helmet. Everybody put their laser rifles down, it was Elder Maxson and Sentinel Nora after all, their people.
She frowned at him but still turned around and followed the soldier that answer to the elder petition.
Once he saw her walking towards the gate of the citadel he sighted, pressing on the keys with his fingers, wanting to feel the pain bring him to reality, then, he looked at the keys, moving the other leg outside the car seat. Everybody was looking at him, confused for sure.
He can still feel the adrenaline of drive fast in the wastelands night, risking his life in some pothole in the pavement, not crashing against a collapsed building by pure miracle, not dripping and flying in the airs in circles to crash against the highway. His heart wont stop pounding inside his chest and by moments it was turning painful with a big anxiety and an enormous feeling of empty on his chest, a really big feeling of desperation and uncertainty.
She really was something else.
And he wanted her.
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shilpachaudhary · 4 years
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Your family is ur responsibility 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦... Product which I bought during this lockdown period..turns out to be an excellent product Sanitize and disinfect ur home and workspace with Akrosept powerful disinfectant.tablets contain WHO recommended ingredients..m using this for almost everyday for disinfectant the whole house.. Aquapura foodsafe tablets r used for washing fresh fruits n veggies thus disinfecting them and making them safe for consumption As I have a baby who is still on feeding bottles so I recommend this Aquapura babysafe which sterlize baby bottles n feeding equipments..I also disinfect toys with this.. To know more or buy now visit www.aquapurashop.com #clean #cleaneating #aquapura #healthywayoflife #cleaningmotivation #instaclean #instagram #instadaily #momlife #motherhoodrising #motherly #besafe #besafeoutthere #productphotography #product #productwhichmakesmehappy (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA7Ya7iJYVk/?igshid=jq50zucxkufk
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sonita0526 · 4 years
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets, 1 Tablet for 20 litres Water, 100 Tablets Pack, 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty, for Household, Workplace and Family
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets, 1 Tablet for 20 litres Water, 100 Tablets Pack, 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty, for Household, Workplace and Family
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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[ad_1] Aquapura Hygiene Water Purification Tablets. Each Tablet treats 20 Litres of Clear Water. 100 Tablets Pack. 3 Years Shelf Life and Warranty. Active ingredient is used in 67 countries for water purification, approved by WHO as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003 and recommended by WHO, Red Cross & Bureau of…
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somaligovernment · 2 years
Guys what part is worse the fact that her handle is still aquapura while her display name is nora or that she is trying to make black people read FOUR slides of notes app apology on black history month?
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5 notes · View notes
msj · 4 years
17 (Aquapura Radio Edit)
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tomatodeals · 3 years
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets - Pack of 50
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets – Pack of 50
Price: (as of – Details) Aquapura Tanksafe Water Purification Tablets for Overhead & Underground Tanks. 50 Tablets Pack. Each Tablet for 500 Litres Water. 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty. Stable in Water for 48 Hours. Active ingredient is used in 67 countries for water purification, approved by WHO as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003 and recommended by WHO, Red Cross & Bureau of…
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sertimusart-archive · 6 years
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So @pupom and I had a convo months ago and I was thinking of giving Sertimus a Fari design... He's a sunsapper and aquapura mix! I gave him two shirt colors because I’m indecisive. :’)
Originally created 11-20-17.
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nitesh92 · 4 years
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Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets for 500 litres per Tablet, 50 Tablets Pack for 25000 litres Water Purification https://ift.tt/3860KMw
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chanel-tiger · 7 years
where to get nice bikinis??? like up to 150 a piece
These are all gonna be online unless you can find these brands in store:Sommer swim, wolf club swim, Sahara ray swim, the naked tiger, bamba swim, fae swim, peppermayo, aquapura, wanita swimwear, isidora the label, Frankie's, ohana swim
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makahimetenshi · 5 months
Two separated ways - Chapter 11 - Arthur Maxson x Female Sole Survivor x Paladin Danse Fallout 4 Fanfic
Since Fanfiction is counting the views again im going to post more frequently trying to pump up the fic in the search, I have 19 chapters written, which means I wrote all that without expecting any view, which is crazy, like im desilucional, which I am, totally totally
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and comments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive comments of wanting to know what happens next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Arthur doesn’t remember a period where he was this sexually active before.
Mornings and nights. Good morning and good night.
Not actually spending  much time together, dinner, sex, sleep, sex and goodbye, not even breakfast together.
But he waited all day to make dinner together at her side, even with just a couple of hotpots and not much ingredients.
After the first time all his problems vanished. It was amazing.
He tried to locate the woman a couple of times during the day to see what she was up to despite not actually needing anything but he couldn’t find her anywhere. She just appeared at his door at night as usual to make dinner.
One night more beautiful than the last. She had the detail to dress differently and he couldn’t even have different underwear because he didn’t have that much variety actually.
She keep her promise, just want him for sex and a good time.
Although how much this was going to last? Less than a month for sure, to check on her period at least…hu never actually see her bleed, she wasn’t menopausic doesn’t?
Its okay, he wasn’t developing feelings, only an attachment but he better had it because she was going to be the mother of his kids, but not love, no, she wasn’t allowing it either by staying so little. Speaking of which what she was up to? What was she doing now? Surely no project because there was no project summited, she always make it to the nights tho.
Why not ask? If he had the trust for what they were doing why not to ask were she is during the days? He can care after all
-May I ask were you are during the days? –he said one night making  a miereluck omelet, chopping some tato cubes to integrate it to the eggs frying.
-That’s unusual from you –she said mumbling while she plucked her eyebrows sitting on the table, Nora did that, use a mirror to take care of her appearance, it was odd for Arthur but he see the results, after all it was harmless
-I say if I may ask –a bad taste fill his mouth, didn’t expect such  sour reaction, it was an innocent comment
-I’m helping with the restauration of a boat –he turned around to her with a what the fuck face- boats are common among wastelanders –she was waiting  for the dinner with the table ready, cutlery on a side and glasses on the table, some aquapuras bottles at the side prepared…
-Why do you have an interest in that? -and then he remembers what Danse say, that she always wanted more and more.
-There’s a location not so far from here called Point Lookout  -surely more close than Pittsburg- i plan to explore the island
-Do you think that’s a good idea while trying to get pregnant? –seriously think was the correct comment, ironic also
-Well restauration takes a long time, don’t you have faith in me?
He did but anyway –lets just say that the council is going to put a lot of pressure on us to have an easy and non risky pregnancy  -he said and then flip the omelet-is not up to you or me to decide
-You never told me much about the council –Arthur look at her intrigued- im just a soldier after all, not a politician or anyone important
-I wont say you aren’t anyone important with your rank –he said placing a cloth over his shoulder- but you are right you are not someone who moves the strings, lets just summarize and say they are…pretty important to me and not precisely  in a emotional aspect –then he pushed the tato cubes into the eggs, tatos were not very tasty but very humid.
-So you follow their orders?
-Not exactly, it’s a council, we all vote and guide the others, the one who doesn’t follow the general consensus is a rogue one, I also voted and participate in some other people fucked up life choices like I had the total right.
-Like what?
-Integrating back Protector McGraw after he lead one  the outcast groups wasn’t easy from a lot of points of view for example, even I didn’t agree at the beginning
-I see –said Nora leaving her eyebrow tweezers on the table
-We own the others a lot, they are not above me but we always try to not be the rogue one
-Doesn’t that kills your individuality as a leader?
-We are all leaders of the brotherhood, and as history sadly proves, we have to stick together as one, a broken brotherhood does not work –she nooded- You say you were retiring once you get pregnant anyway,
-Im am –he looked at her and raise his shoulders like  he was asking, she laughed  a bit and smiled- relax it’s a easy plan, as much I know the island isn’t a really hostile place.
-I prefer you here, we agree to have a baby together, its not only yours –he sounded pissed, and he was but the reason specifically was because he cant allow himself to loose time and make mistakes, each chance was sacred and if they loose a pregnancy together they were loosing time. He gets  more and more older and she may start menopause
But suddenly and out of nothing Nora stand up and hug him from behind, closing her arms around his waist while resting her forehead on his shoulder- relax, everything is going to be fine –he could feel her smile against his shirt and put him at easy- its nothing dangerous.
-Scavenging its dangerous –he said taking out the omelets from the pan with a fork and a knife
-Ill promise you something then –she said and then he look into her eyes-once I get pregnant I will only do shopping with caravans and merchants, after all we have Paradise Falls now, think on my restauration project as a hobby
-Its it far from here? –his eyes leave hers and place both omelets on two plates
-Not really, near to Arlington Library –he sighted, not no far but not so close. Nora pick up the plates and place both on the table.
-Going may be dangerous, take trips on ventibird, ill authorize it okay? Your trips will be my responsibility
-Only once I get pregnant –she said and leave a kiss on his ear- did I ever tell you that I have a restored working car? Its one of my best jobs.
Silence, Arthur nearly dropped his jaw of surprise.
-You what!?
Now he had fantasys during the noons of fucking her inside a operative car, thanks. Very helpful.
So the weeks passed, until one day while he was having breakfast at the cafeteria Nora for the first time approached him during day
-We need to talk- Arthur stop on his toast and look at her eyes, she looked dead serious.
-Okay –he was being compressive, no problem- I can make a hole in my schedule at lunch and eat together…
-Now –she demanded.
Okay, this never happened before, she didn’t play with his time, that was one thing he can grand to her.
-Alright let me finish my toast and coffee –she nodded and leave.
-Ill see you in your office
When he arrived, she was waiting at the door, both enter like they were hiding something and he noticed her nervous.
-Are you okay?
-Why don’t you sit? –bossy today hu? But okay, she seemed very uncool. He sat on his desk edge and the woman sighted and then give him a piece of paper, Arthur looked at it, specifically the way her fingers hold it, but take it, open and read it.
-Im pregnant- she mumble but the man cant move his eyes from the piece of paper unable to face her at hearing that words- the results of the test are positive.
He sighted outloud, fuck, he didn’t know how to read those results, so he looked at her and she…didn’t seem happy.
-When did you have the test?
-Yesterday, it’s a quick test, I picked up the results this morning, have to threat some people to not talk much, I wanted you to hear it directly from me first–as far he can read and understand the results showed only the 15 mUI/mL of one week pregnancy
-Its everything alright?
-I don’t know, is it? –oh now he understand
-Yes! –the way he smiled put Nora on ease,  she sighted relieved and then run to hug him, at first he paralyzed from her embrace but then corresponded, hiding his face on her neck, wrapping his arms around her waist
He can feel how now she was breathing, relaxing her tense body, so crazy to think that this woman have to gather all that courage to tell him the big news, she cares about him.
-We are having a baby –she said and he nodded, moving a bit, nervous, exited, with a strange sensation in his chest but…
He separated, leave a kiss on her forehead and sighted taking a big breath out and then go to sit on his chair desk, breathing in, now he felt an empty void, Nora look at him not understanding-Impressive–the fact that she as promised get pregnant at her age with only a few attempts, a month only on a woman of her age wasn’t normal at all, it was almost a miracle, but again she had a different health and bodytype from being prewar-  I guess this –he pointed at both doing a circle with a finger- is not necessary anymore
Nora shook her head- I don’t get it
-We can end what we have here…
She take a moment to process his words and see the sorrow on his face, the conflict. She leaned close and place the palm of her hands in his cheeks, raising his head lightly, making him look at her in the eyes, he had sad puppy eyes trying to control and hide his feelings- do you want to?
-What are you talking about? –the fact that now there was a baby inside her womb means that their encounters weren’t necessary anymore
-To end it? –she ask sitting on his lap, still looking at his eyes. Oh gosh for her it is so easy doesn’t?-we don’t have to
Arthur sighted, and look away, unable to move his face he look at the wall, but Nora eyes follow him. The void in his chest increased, causing him pain, a paint that was visible on his face,  make his eyes water –I don’t know
This time her hands moves to his neck, caressing it slowly to finally pose on his shoulders  -Do you wish to end this elder?
He sighted with a painful breath at the touch of her fingers in his neck, he didn’t want to talk, didn’t feel like it was necessary to take this decision either, didn’t realized that reaching this point could give him such dilemma.
-No –he said firmly returning his gaze back to her, he was talking since deep down on his heart- I don’t want to
Then Nora smiled, and caress his cheeks with her thumbs, sticking her nose to his, leaving a little slow kiss with the tip of her lips.
-Good, then we don’t have to end it, its alright –she mumble closing her eyes, now caressing under his beard, scratching his jaw, the man purred in his insides and place his hands in the sides of her thighs-besides its good for the baby that the parents have sex
-It think that’s a myth –he mumble feeling totally calm in every sense
Nora laughed while scratching on his beard-I don’t know, lets try
Yes, he didn’t want to loose this.
-This is our baby –he whisper and she agree happy, leaning his body slowly on top of his, Arthur at feeling her warm figure against his chest move an arm behind her back and the other surrounding her knees to hold her- we are doing this together –she nodded, leaving another kiss on his face with her eyes shut, relaxed.
-Its very early yet –she said- are you planning to announce it?
-To the council? Yes –oh no this was bad, everything she say he had to take it with forceps- why?  What are you up to?
-I have some plans and things to do –she seem  so serene, like she had the control over this conversation, like she had it scripted- things to do when I had confirmation of my pregnancy
Oh nononoon.
-You are crazy, you are now pregnant –a finger stop on his fingers to shush him, Arthur make an annoyed face, you don’t shush the elder!
-Shhhhh I have everything under control, everything is planned to take place at this precise moment –that doesn’t sound good- don’t you trust me?
-What are you going to do? –he deserved to know, this woman was carrying his heir, but despite his nerviosism she didn’t seem afraid  or disturbed at all, its like she knew what he was going to say- where are you going?
Nora take a moment to answer, and just reply with a smile
-I'm going to buy the tower Tenpenny
The man hold on his temple with the tip of his fingers at hearing that and sighted, leaning his forehead against her chest defeated.
-At least can we spend some time before you go?
She blushed and smiled, hugging his head and placing her cheek on top.
-I have a few ideas of how we can celebrate our pregnancy
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shinyillusionz · 7 years
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Meet Coffee (left) and Mocha (right) super old characters that I wanted to remake.
Coffee is a aquapura type fari who runs a cafe which is popular for its coffee. He was born without gills but can hold his breath for long periods of time. He's calm and friendly towards others but can sometimes be serious.
Mocha is a cloudhopper/beast type fari who works with Coffee. She's hyper and immature who's crazy for candy so Coffee watches over her. She's been childhood friends with Coffee and secretly likes him.
Fari species and Wintergreen(fari on sweater) belong to @pupom Ask her if you wanna make one she's the best!
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sonita0526 · 4 years
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets, 60 Tablets Pack, Each Tablet for 10 litres Water, 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets, 60 Tablets Pack, Each Tablet for 10 litres Water, 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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[ad_1] Aquapura Water Purification Tablets. Each Tablet treats 10 Litres of Clear Water. 60 Tablets Pack. 3 Years Shelf Life and Warranty. Active ingredient is used in 67 countries for water purification, approved by WHO as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003 and recommended by WHO, Red Cross & Bureau of Indian…
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dealhidealsdotin · 3 years
Aquapura Potable, Water Purification Tablets, 100 Tablets Pack, Each Tablet for 10 litres Water (Water Purifiers), 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty
Aquapura Potable, Water Purification Tablets, 100 Tablets Pack, Each Tablet for 10 litres Water (Water Purifiers), 3 Years Shelf Life & Warranty
Price: (as of – Details) Aquapura Water Purification Tablets. Each Tablet treats 10 Litres of Clear Water. 100 Tablets Pack. 3 Years Shelf Life and Warranty. Active ingredient is used in 67 countries for Water Purification. Approved & Recommended by WHO as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003, Red Cross & Bureau of Indian Standards. Makes Water Sterile, Safe, Disinfected, Germfree &…
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tomatodeals · 3 years
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets - 100 Pieces, White
Aquapura Water Purifier Tablets – 100 Pieces, White
Price: (as of – Details) Aquapura Hygiene Water Purification Tablets. Each Tablet treats 10 Litres of Clear Water. 100 Tablets Pack. 3 Years Shelf Life and Warranty. Active ingredient is used in 67 countries for water purification, approved by WHO as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003 and recommended by WHO, Red Cross & Bureau of Indian Standards. Makes Water Sterile, Safe,…
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vlc823 · 6 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: AquaPura personal water filter. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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massagistapt · 7 years
Six Senses Douro Valley Recruta Terapeuta de Spa – Aquapura Douro Valley
Funções :- Garantir a satisfação de hóspedes durante as consultas de aconselhamento de tratamentos de acordo com as suas necessidades- Realizar tratamentos e serviços descritos no menu do Spa de acordo com os standards e procedimentos- Cobrir todas as operações e, quando necessário, ser um embaixador dos valores, missão e visão do Six Senses Spa Qualificações:- Terapeuta com experiência mínima de 1 ano num hotel/ resort/ spa de 5 estrelas- Certificado de Massagens e Beleza equivalente a CIDESCO, ITEC, CIBTAC ou similar- Competências Obrigatórias: massagens corporais, tratamentos faciais e corporais- Competências em Meditação, Reiki, Manicure e Pedicure são um plus- Qualificação em Yoga/ Fitness são uma vantagem- Boa apresentação e capacidade de vendas- Pessoa simpática, com uma personalidade aberta e com vontade de aprender- Boa apresentação, serviço atencioso, profissionalismo- Comunicação em Inglês excelente- Habilidade de trabalhar num ambiente multicultural  http://emprego.sapo.pt/emprego/anuncio/4319825/six-senses-douro-valley-recruta-terapeuta-de-spa.htm
from WordPress https://massagistapt.wordpress.com/2017/07/12/six-senses-douro-valley-recruta-terapeuta-de-spa-aquapura-douro-valley/
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