#aptobinary privilege
rjalker · 2 years
"There is no such thing as binary privilege!"
Okay so tell me, when was the last time any big-name video game was released where you have the option of choosing to play as a man, woman, or nonbinary character?
Where are all the nonbinary action heroes, romance protagonists, ect?
Where are all the nonbinary characters in popular, mainstream media? Where is this supposed equality between men, women, and nonbinary people that I'm apparently missing?
Where are my options in the brand new $60 video games to play as a nonbinary character? Where are my options to pick from a list of pronouns rather than being forced to use she/her or he/him depending on whether I choose a female character or a male character?
Why can't I play as a nonbinary character in Skyrim without mods that are only available on computer, and only available at all because nonbinary people make them for other nonbinary poeple?
Where are all the nonbinary NPCS who play major parts in main quests that you are guarenteed to meet when you play the game?
If there's no such thing as specific disadvantages that nonbinary people face, then why can't I play as a canonically nonbinary character in any video game I want? Why can't I pick up literally any video game and at least see nonbinary characters even if I can't play one myself?
Binary people at least /probably/ get the opportunity to play a character who is the same gender and is refered to by the same pronouns they do. For nonbinary people it's pretty much literally impossible, especially if you solely use neopronouns.
Even with mods for Skyrim that let you pick or even alternate your pronouns, the options are still limited to he/him, she/her, and they/them, and that's it. And that's something the modder built by themselves for free.
There's no reason a company couldn't fairly pay its employees to incorporate more pronouns or better yet custom pronouns into their games. But it doesn't happen.
Not even The Elder Scrolls Online, which has plenty of gay, lesbian, and mspec characters, and now literally has the goddess of love say aspec rights, there's only one canonically trans character that I know of so far, and no nonbinary characters that aren't literally just from species that reproduce asexually. And I wouldn't exactly call any of the Sload "characters" in the first place, considering all the ones I've met literally just exist to say evil things and then be killed by you. (Sarcasm: Because bioessentialism, yay! /sarcasm)
I just literally do not understand how anyone can say that nonbinary people face no specific forms of discrimination when, even looking past Literally Everything Else including things that are literally life threatening, we can't even do something as simple as pick up a video game and play as a character like ourselves unless we literally just make up shit about them and ignore everything the game actually has to say.
If I want to play a video game, I have no choice but to be misgendered, whether I play as a man or as a woman. That is not a problem binary people face, cis or trans.
The only way you can think nonbinary people face no specific forms of discrimination is if you don't listen to nonbinary people when we tell you what our struggles are, even the most basic, "harmless" ones like the inability to play as a nonbinary character in a roleplaying video game.
Edit: Binary people can 100% reblog this, thank you for caring enough to listen and learn!
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
every single queer term relating to gender is turned into some binary bullshit and i'm tired. like why do you all hate people who don't fit the binary so much.
when transsexual was the term for trans men and trans women, transgender was coined mainly and mostly to describe people outside the binary.
then the aptobinaries decided they didn't like transsexual anymore and took over transgender. which, at this point, is almost as binary as transsexual used to be.
nonbinary people are constantly divided into transmascs and transfems, into amabs and afabs, into boy nonbinaries and girl nonbinaries.
genderqueerness suddenly needs to include aptobinaries despite it being an old term synonymous with nonbinary. genderqueerness suddenly needs to include aptobinaries in order to not alienate them, but instead alienate those the term was created by and for. despite "gender nonconforming" being right there.
just say you hate us and go. just say you want to centre the gender binary and aptobinary people in everything that was created by and for those of us outside of the binary. you all took over transgender, then nonbinary, then genderqueer, the last identity i have left and all because you think that "everyone is a little bit genderqueer" in the same way ableists say that "everyone is a little bit autistic", because you think "your gender doesn't need to be genderqueer to be genderqueer, you just need to dislike the gender binary", in the same way radfems say "you don't need to be attracted to women to be lesbian, it's enough to dislike men".
stop turning our identities into ideologies and stances. all of this was created by us out of marginalisation and taken over by those with aptobinary privilege over us.
genderqueer and gender nonconforming aren't the same thing. if you're always, fully and exclusively either male or female, this term was not made for you.
nothing has ever felt as much like home as a genderqueer identity and you all wanna centre the binary in it. stop.
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Cis privilege requires endosex privilege.
Intersex cis/ipso people do not have cis privilege. Because society's view of what a man and a woman are inherently exclude intersex people and the oppression and pathologisation of intersex people and variations are based on the affirmation of these binary ideas of sex and gender. Society's acceptance of an intersex cis/ipso aptobinary person's gender depends on other people not being able to clock their intersexness.
Het privilege requires cis privilege, aptobinary privilege, mono privilege and allo privilege.
Tranhet and enbyhet people do not have het privilege. Society requieres one to fill the role and gender it assigned to us and then, from there, to be attracted to people of the opposite (assigned) gender.
Neither do differo and penulti people. Heteronormativity limits opposite/different gender attraction to be binary and towards only one gender. It does not accept the existence of genders other than man and woman, nor the possibility of feeling contraic/straight attraction to more than one gender. It also does not accept the possibility of being gay for some genders and straight for others. The binary system presents gayness and straightness as to separate experiences that cannot exist beside one another. Much of general mspecmisia, bimisia, etc steam from this idea.
Nor hetaros, hetaces and otherwise het or differo/penulti aspec people. Society requieres people to be hetero in every level of attraction (except platonic) in order to be considered truly straight and hold het privilege.
Allo privilege requieres one to be perioriented.
Allo-allo varioriented people are in many ways affected by the same things that affect aspec people.
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
i already kinda coined this term, but someone tried falsely explaining my own term to me so i'm gonna make an official coining post to clear up any misunderstandings.
in short, aptobinary describes anyone who fits the gender binary. this is about gender itself, as in the identity, not gender presentation.
people who would be considered aptobinary:
people who exclusively, at all times and wholly identify as women, girls or female, with their female identity being feminine in nature
people who exclusively, at all times and wholly identity as men, boys or male, with their male identity being masculine in nature
people who would not be considered aptobinary:
genderless, agender and similar people
aphorians and other people who's genders are removed from maleness and femaleness
people with genders that are in between male and female
xenogender and kenochoric people
multigender, genderfluid, demigender and similar people, even if they consider themselves to be binary due to being male and/or female
men whose male identity is feminine, androgynous, outherine, xenine or anything else other than masculine
women whose female identity is masculine, androgynous, outherine, xenine or anything else other than feminine
the last two refer to identities such as cettreur or cettrix, which describe an outherine manhood or an outherine womanhood, this is again about identity, and not about gender presentation.
one could also say that aptobinary people are people who are always, fully and exclusively either mingender men/boys or fingender women/girls.
this term is important to refer to people who have the privilege to not experience structural exorsexism, as opposed to nonbinary, genderqueer, elsegender and other people who don't fit the gender binary, in the linked post at the start of this post i already went over why other terms do not work.
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
do not interact with this blog at all if you:
make jokes about "feeling like you've been hit by a truck" or similar
are a TERF/radical feminist/gender critical
are a TIRF/baeddel
think that experiencing transmisogyny is limited to a transfeminine identity and experiencing transmasculinity is limited to a transmasculine identity (bigots don't care
are an aspec exclusionist or otherwise antiaspec
are a battle-axe bi
are against multispec gays, multispec straights or straight gays
believe in gender binaries (male vs female, masculine vs feminine, cis vs trans etc.)
think that aptobinary people don't have privilege over genderqueer/nonbinary/not binary people
are against neopronouns
are against xenogenders
are against microlabels
think neopronouns, xenogenders and microlabels are "for neurodivergent kids"
don't think self-diagnosis is valid
think people with personality disorders are inherently abusive/manipulative etc.
talk shit about hypoempathetic people
throw ableist slurs around
gatekeep multispec people from using certain terminology that has historically included us
when interacting with me in text form (reblog with text, tags, asks, DMs) do not:
use the suffix "-phobia" to refer to oppression
use the term "gay" in a way that reduces it to only men/queer attraction to men (like saying "gay history" when you mean "gay male/veldian history", self-description is fine obviously)
start a question about my identity with "how can you be x?"
tag my shit with "q slur"
use disabilities as metaphors
you all will get blocked.
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soong-type-notinuse · 2 years
people really need to stop saying transmisia when they mean exorsexism. it's not general transmisia. it specifically targets genderqueer people and doesn't affect aptobinary trans men and women. it further invisibilises specific genderqueer struggles, and the privilege that aptobinary people have for not being affected. be specific with your language. plus, not every genderqueer person is trans.
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