michealdraoidh · 1 month
Craftsmanship epitomizes the dedication and passion for excellence that defines the work of skilled artisans like you, a manual machinist. Your expertise lies in using manual machine tools such as lathes and mills to craft precise metal parts with unwavering accuracy and precision.
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What sets you apart is your meticulous attention to detail and your ability to interpret technical drawings with ease. Armed with micrometers and gauges, you meticulously measure and refine your work, ensuring each piece meets exact specifications. Your patience and methodical approach shine through as you carefully navigate each step of the manufacturing process, never compromising on quality.
For you, craftsmanship is more than just a job—it's a personal journey of continuous improvement and mastery. You take pride in your work, finding profound satisfaction in creating something tangible with your own hands. Always seeking to push the boundaries of your craft, you fearlessly experiment with new techniques and approaches, driven by an unyielding commitment to excellence.
In a world dominated by automation and mass production, your role as a manual machinist may seem like a relic of the past. Yet, your skills and craftsmanship remain indispensable in industries such as aerospace, defense, and precision engineering. You stand as a guardian of tradition, upholding the timeless values of precision and craftsmanship in an ever-evolving landscape.
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soundband · 3 months
Discover the Serenity of Mountain Melodies: Download Cinematique IN – Mountain DULCIMER
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Embark on a musical journey to the tranquil slopes with Cinematique IN – Mountain DULCIMER, a captivating virtual instrument meticulously crafted to capture the serene beauty and rustic charm of mountain melodies. Developed by Cinematique Instruments, this exceptional library offers composers, producers, and musicians an authentic and immersive platform to explore the evocative sounds of the dulcimer.
Mountain DULCIMER features a meticulously sampled instrument, meticulously recorded to encapsulate the rich timbres and delicate nuances of this traditional mountain instrument. From the resonant plucks of the strings to the ethereal harmonics and subtle overtones, each note within this library carries the essence of mountain landscapes and folk traditions, inviting you to create compositions that echo with the spirit of the wilderness.
Seamlessly integrated into your digital audio workstation (DAW), Mountain DULCIMER provides an intuitive platform for crafting dynamic and emotive compositions. With a wide range of articulations, dynamics, and customizable controls, you have the flexibility to sculpt melodies and harmonies that evoke the tranquility and majesty of the mountains, whether you're scoring for film, producing folk music, or adding acoustic textures to your tracks.
Whether you're seeking serene melodies, contemplative harmonies, or pastoral atmospheres, Mountain DULCIMER offers the sonic versatility and depth to bring your creative visions to life. With its pristine sound quality and user-friendly interface, this library empowers you to explore the rich tapestry of mountain music and create compositions that resonate with emotion and authenticity.
Download Cinematique IN – Mountain DULCIMER today and immerse yourself in the timeless melodies of the mountains. Let the evocative sounds and rustic textures of Mountain DULCIMER inspire your compositions, adding depth, warmth, and natural beauty to your music productions.
Mountain DULCIMER isn't just a virtual instrument; it's a window to the soul of mountain landscapes and folk traditions. With its exceptional sound quality, expressive range, and intuitive interface, Mountain DULCIMER invites you to connect with the essence of nature and create compositions that resonate with the spirit of the wilderness.
Join the community of composers, producers, and musicians who rely on Cinematique IN – Mountain DULCIMER to bring their musical visions to life. Your journey into the heart of mountain melodies begins here.
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freelancershahin · 15 hours
Bidenat6:6 Normandy @johnrice4592
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clinicalherbalist · 5 years
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This is a pivotal moment in the wildfood year, in my part of the world. The blackberries are blooming. This is generally accompanied by a slinght cold snap, which we call “blackberry winter”, but not a freeze. These flowers signal that wild fruit season is beginning. A time to gather and stock up on a series of abundant wild fruits and berries. . . Wild strawberries, if you can find any, are getting ripe now and over the next several days. Within two weeks, mulberries and serviceberries will be ripe. Then as those are ending, black raspberries will be getting ripe, and they will last until the blackberries are ripe. . . . After that the nuts start to ripen, first the walnuts, then acorns and hicory nuts. During acorn time the red haws and pawpaws start to get ripe, and then the persimmons. And after that it’s winter. . . . Each of those events is an opportunity to stock up on energy-rich food that can easily be preserved. And each of them is an opportunity that can easily be missed for the year if you aren’t looking at the right plants at the right time. So knowing the cycle and seasons and the flow of one harvest into the next is important. . . . #wildfood #appalachianculture #lexingtonky #wildedibles #plantbased #foraging #nutsandberries #stockingup #preparedness https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYnidJFzuq/?igshid=tku05fcyjb32
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buffleheadcabin · 6 years
BANJO TALES with Mike Seeger
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citylightsnc · 4 years
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Mask up if you have to go out. It’s the neighborly thing to do. Wearing a mask is not part of our culture here in Appalachia where we tend to associate face coverings with outlaws and foreign customs. But any of us who are feeling fine and venture from our homes may be asymptomatic carriers unknowingly spreading disease. So, when your bookseller emerges from the shop looking like a bandit, it’s because I love you. My mask protects you, your mask protects me. . . . #loveyourneighbor #masks4all #outlawreader #stopthespread #appalachianculture #washyourhands #booksellerlove #essentialworkers #booksareessential #readingisselfcare #citylightsnc #stayhome #readabook #bookstore #downtownsylva #northcarolina #sylva #spendlocal #indiebookstore #shopwhereyoulive #readmorebooks #wnc #99centshipping #lovejacksonnc #ncdowntownsstrong (at City Lights Bookstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Zzt4fpD6k/?igshid=8fmcyfmbe895
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vandaliabronze · 5 years
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Incredible soft opening @freefolkbrew in #fayettevillewv this weekend! #craftbrewing #craftbeer #breweryart #sculpture #muralart #appalachianculture #beerisculture #free #folk #beerfolk #folkyeah (at The Freefolk Brewery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvsIKbKnswW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7wvtr1oydbzy
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punkecodavid · 6 years
The best part of serving others in Central Appalachia is the nightly social time where there is even a Bluegrass band in progress... #aspchavies #kentucky #appalachia #bluegrass #countrymusic #folkmusic #appalachianculture #lovethyneighbor #countrynightlife #socialhour #countrymusic #americana #eveningmusic #helpinghandchallenge (at Appalachia Service Project: Chavies, Kentucky Center)
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michealdraoidh · 1 month
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"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius
Appalachian Wisdom: Every day is a gift, a chance to start anew and embrace the beauty of life. 'Round these hills, we understand the value of each sunrise, each breath of mountain air. Life ain't always easy, but it's always worth it. Like the first light hittin' the peaks, each day brings opportunities for growth, joy, and love.
Practical Tip: Start your day with a moment of gratitude for the gift of another day. Before you even swing your legs outta bed, take a moment to give thanks for the simple miracle of bein' alive. Whether you whisper a prayer, list your blessings, or simply take a deep breath and soak in the mornin' light, start your day with a heart full of gratitude.
Actionable Item: Write down three things you're lookin' forward to today, no matter how small they may seem. Maybe it's that first sip of coffee in the mornin', a walk in the woods, or a conversation with a friend. Whatever it is, write it down and carry that anticipation with you throughout the day. Because sometimes, it's the little things that make life truly beautiful.
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michealdraoidh · 15 days
Exploring the Shared Heritage of the Appalachian and Scottish Highlands
Nestled on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, the Appalachian mountains of North America and the Highlands of Scotland may seem worlds apart. Yet, despite the vast distance that separates them, these two mountain ranges share a remarkable similarity in both their geological formations and cultural heritage. In this post, we'll explore how the Appalachian mountains are, in many ways, the same mountains found in Scotland.
Geologically speaking, the Appalachian mountains and the Scottish Highlands are part of the same ancient mountain range that once spanned the supercontinent of Pangaea over 300 million years ago. As Pangaea began to break apart and drift, the Appalachian mountains formed on the eastern seaboard of North America, while the Scottish Highlands rose up on the northern edge of what would later become Europe.
Both mountain ranges are characterized by rugged terrain, towering peaks, and deep valleys carved by the forces of erosion over millions of years. The Appalachian mountains stretch for over 1,500 miles from the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the north to the U.S. state of Alabama in the south, while the Scottish Highlands extend across the northern third of Scotland, encompassing some of the most remote and wild landscapes in the British Isles.
But it's not just their geological similarities that connect the Appalachian mountains and the Scottish Highlands; they also share a rich cultural heritage that reflects the resilience, resourcefulness, and spirit of their inhabitants.
The Scottish settlers who migrated to the Appalachian region in the 18th century brought with them a deep reverence for the land and a strong sense of cultural identity rooted in their Highland heritage. They found in the rugged mountains and fertile valleys of Appalachia a landscape that reminded them of the rugged beauty of their homeland, and they set about carving out a new life in this unfamiliar terrain.
Today, the echoes of Scottish culture can still be heard in the music, language, and traditions of the Appalachian people. From the plaintive melodies of Appalachian ballads to the lilting cadence of the Scots-Irish dialect spoken in the region, the influence of Scottish culture is woven deeply into the fabric of Appalachian life.
Moreover, the shared experiences of hardship, resilience, and community that characterize life in both the Appalachian mountains and the Scottish Highlands have forged a bond between the two regions that transcends mere geography. Whether it's the tradition of ceilidhs (social gatherings) in Scotland or the old-time music jams in Appalachia, the spirit of kinship and camaraderie that permeates these communities is a testament to the enduring power of human connection in the face of adversity.
While the Appalachian mountains and the Scottish Highlands may be separated by thousands of miles of ocean, they are united by a common heritage that spans both time and space. From their shared geological origins to their rich cultural traditions, these two mountain ranges embody the enduring spirit of resilience, resourcefulness, and community that defines the people who call them home. So the next time you find yourself gazing out over the rolling hills of Appalachia or the mist-shrouded peaks of the Scottish Highlands, remember that you are not just looking at mountains—you are looking at a living connection to a shared history and heritage that spans continents and centuries.
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michealdraoidh · 1 month
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"You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." — Marcus Aurelius
In the holler, we learn early on that life ain't always smooth like the creek after a rain. But just like them old mountains standin' tall, we got a power inside us, deep as the roots of a century-old oak. It's the power to choose how we reckon with the world around us, to find strength in the face of life's twists and turns.
Today, let's take a lesson from the hills and hollers. When the winds of change come a-howlin' and the storms of life start a-brewin', remember, it's not the storm that defines us, but how we weather it. We may not control the winds, but we sure can adjust our sails. So, let's stand tall like them old mountains, finding strength in the power of our minds, and facing each day with a heart as steady as the hills we call home.
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freelancershahin · 20 hours
Kaiser Report 6:6F SD 480p @johnrice4592
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freelancershahin · 1 day
Kaiser Report 6:4F SD 480p @johnrice4592
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freelancershahin · 1 day
Kaiser Repott 31:5F SD 480p @johnrice4592
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freelancershahin · 1 day
Kaiser Report 5:30F SD 480p @johnrice4592
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freelancershahin · 2 days
Kaiser Report 5:29F SD 480p @johnrice4592
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