#apologies if she turns mean :|
margauxduchannes · 2 years
location; the little duck
status; open for everyone ( @fenrirswoodstarters​ )
Since moving to Fenrirswood, Margaux has made a focused effort to keep to herself. While getting settled, she was able to learn the streets, alleys, and different establishments -- at least to a degree. The Duchannes woman had become so intent on learning how to cook with the local flora and fauna that she had neglected to try the dining spots around the city. Her footsteps took her to this fine little establishment and now here she was, sitting at a table, loathe to open her mouth because she knew that her drawl would mark her as new. And new meant vulnerable -- something she was decidedly not. At least, not yet. Gently sliding the menu away, she looked about until she caught the eye of the person across from her. Her gaze slipped up, then down their features, eating them up in a fashion that was a little too eager to be neighborly. “S’cuse me,” she cooed, eyes batting doefully. “Do ya mind telling me what the locals eat around here?”
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Her eyes flitted between her new-found companion’s. “Unless you’re new here as well?” 
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darlingcloudie-9 · 1 month
Live laugh love Kumonoue & Yuichiro’s straining relationship 💕
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eebie · 7 months
hello eeebie (three e’s) i have not read homestuck for a long time but seeing ur art is cathartic. wanted to ask…. do u have a LEAST favorite troll. i’m evil and i don’t like tavros (i’m sorry tavros) .
U SANT THIS 5 DATYS AGO sorry 4 hjust answering ths now UmmmLook im going to be real probably vriska Shes a big fat bully !
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
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my mama warned me about girls like you 😳
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pipstr · 1 year
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I decided to reupload this post because of misunderstanding that it caused. (English is not my native so sometimes I make mistakes with translations)
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652 chapter when he says it btw
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crescentmp3 · 6 months
oh and. i just drew one of my characters that has never before seen the light of day. have a previously-self-insert from 2018 that ended up becoming her own thing
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[image desc: a bust shot of victoria, drawn in monotone colors of a muted indigo. she has short dark hair, with darker stripes in it. she wears glasses, a cardigan, a button up inside with a strap of a bag showing through, without the bag being seen. she is looking at something off camera with masked distress, staring it down with fearful hate. there is a shaky speech bubble coming from her with ellipses in it. // end id]
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nicollekidman · 2 years
house of the dragon so far is entirely about the violence inherent in being a woman and how that toll is exacted across different social/power structures so it’s extremely pertinent and fascinating that alicent and rhaenyra are essentially locked away from each other and the freedom/comfort they could give each other, while the show is taking pains to emphasize how rhaenyra and daemon are The Same and their connection, while probably the only honest and true one either of them has, also drives both of them (and the realm) to ruin..... with how the narrative has been (so far) the civil war is very much going to be caused by two incredibly lonely, incredibly reckless, incredibly brash and emotional people choosing themselves over duty/realm and everyone around them reacting to that vacuum.... the two headed dragon lashing out etc and the woman on the other side, chafing against her shackles and poisoned on love lost like... there’s a sickness in this house etc etc etc 
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yuridovewing · 9 months
Feel like one of the best ways you can convince someone that no, villains with compelling motives that have sad backstories are not terrible writing compared to straight up born evil villains who just want to kill everyone and be done with it, is to tell them that Warrior Cats writes born evil villains constantly while literally preaching “That’s how evil works, you can’t CHANGE, you’re either touched by demons at birth or you aren’t!” and it blows chunks
#brokenstar tigerstar hawkfrost darktail one eye etc etc would all be so much more interesting if they werent so one note#and just had ‘’born evil’’ slapped on as their explanation for being evil#‘’ew why are you woobifying tigerstar’’ because i think a villain who feels emotion besides ‘’evil’’ and ‘’angry’’ and actually does care#about his clanmates but is also a bigot that deserves to be beaten down is more interesting than canon#to get like real world political here… abusive people and bigots like. are not one note born evil demons#they have loved ones and reasons for turning out the way they did. and im not saying that to go ‘’so you need to give them grace!’’#im saying that because the line of thinking that every bad person is a super obvious mustache twirling villain with no soul#makes it so that people justify abuse and crimes from REAL people. like ‘’oh my friend says some racist things but he isnt BAD! he loves me!#would an abusive person be nice to his wife in public? of course not!’’#and its rhetoric like that that lets abuse and bigotry thrive. if you put the world in categories of born evil and born good#then you will dismiss all the ‘’good’’ people in your life who have done horrible things with ‘’but she donated to charity once’’#i mean. hell this LITERALLY happens in wc where the ‘’born good’’ characters are abusive and murderously xenophobic#where characters like clear sky and blackstar just get a sticker like ‘’oh you cant be TOO mad at them! theyre good at heart!’’#‘’ignore all the times they killed vulnerable people for the crime of being born somewhere they didnt like! they were nice to a kid once!’’#the message there is literally ‘’bad people cant REALLY be bad if theyre nice to people sometimes’’#like. im not even mad at clear sky being motivated by witnessing his loved ones starve to death for why hes such an abusive control freak#thats an interesting reason to become a villain especially since the change happened when he was put in a position of power#the problem is not him having a sad backstory. the problem is the erins think his sad backstory means he was never that bad#and anyone who’s upset at him can go eat shit and die cause he looked sad#like. i get this line of thinking often comes from writers doing this for abuse apologism and just wanting to see abusers be held accountabl#accountable#but how exactly does it help victims of abuse to portray abusers and bigots in a christian ‘’touched by the devil’’ light
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neurodivenport · 1 year
you ever get so worried you do something wrong or be seen as rude but you didn’t know bc you’re autistic but if you say autistic they don’t see that as an excuse but if you don’t say you’re autistic, then they’ll just think you’re a rude person?? or-is that just me
YES YES ALL THE TIME. tbh i used to just say it but then this friend (ex friend) used to tell me i need to stop using my autism as “an excuse” even though i fully just saw it as an explanation. so now i get anxious about it way more
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werebutch · 4 months
Wish my youngest sister would get her act together cuz my parents are sending her to yet another school avoidance program
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wouriqueen · 2 years
Thinking about how Claudia felt like Louis and Lestat made her to be his sister, a sort of replacement for Grace.
And in a way, Louis chose being with Lestat over maintaining his relationship with his sister.
And ultimately he chose Lestat over Claudia too, repeatedly.
#grace de pointe du lac#louis de pointe du lac#claudia de pointe du lac#iwtv#when I say he bailed on grace#I don't mean the turning which was a muddy situation#but the way he progressively abandoned ship during the first few years of his living with Lestat#rewatching the episodes I was harder than I should've been on grace#I forgot he'd never even met the twins and by 1917 he had to make an effort to remember she even had any lol#of course him only being able to come at night would've been more noticeable if he'd visited more#but like grace's actress said on the podcast he never even apologized#in the confession scene he says he lost ‟his mother and his sister‟#but he hadn't lost her at all#idk if he meant ‟to levi‟? ie in reference to the fact that during the funeral his mom#kind of acted like she was willing to ‟replace‟ him with levi#after all Levi made money too#even if not as much as Louis#so if money's the only reason the mom bothered with Louis or if he felt that was the case#I can see how he'd feel like even the narrow place he got to occupy by his family's side was being taken away#especially that Levi was neither gay not being the scapegoat for Paul's death#but grace wasn't involved in that beyond marrying the man she loved#and though she definitely could've stood up for him better when his mom blamed him for Paul or at the funeral#she was also grieving and to be fair it doesn't seem like their dynamic was ever one in which he could rely on her#so I wonder why he immediately felt he'd lost her. but yeah#my posts
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louderfade · 6 months
exene talking about the state of the world. the good stuff starts at eight minutes. or you can just read the transcript complete with the usual errors that accompany robot transcribed speech (the irony of which is not lost on me). maybe it's not about transhumanism and living forever (or maybe it is who knows), but there's definitely an agenda of surveillance and control at work which is designed to keep the powerful in power. cash rules everything around me and you will own nothing etc. the future is worse.
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#google has helpfully flagged this as a 'conspiracy theory' which let me know it was definitely worth paying attention to#sometimes a conspiracy theory turns out to be flatearth-tier but anything those in control are putting effort into discrediting#concerns me and makes me look deeper. if they're going to the effort to control the discourse there's something there that#threatens them. anything google calls a conspiracy theory is worth a closer look. it often means someone has gotten too close to the truth.#she's brave to be talking about this shit they basically cancelled her and forced her to apologize for talking about how they want#to take our guns and the media is lying to you and stirring up fear so they can get away with passing gun control#like wtf leftists should be all about gun rights. a disarmed population is totally at the mercy of the state's authority#it's not very punk to surrender entirely to regimes in power and let the only people with guns be the police#like c'mon guys we need guns. and it's like drugs. they exist anyway. better they do so in broad daylight than in the shadows#they let adam curits talk about this stuff for some reason and no one calls him a conspiracy theorist idk why but there's a reason#i guess his stuff is not a threat to them bc it's dense and heady and seven hours long so the masses will never absorb it#ex punk rocker yelling about new world order in plain language monologues of digestible length is a much bigger threat#i swear there are secretly fifty people in control of everything and their entire aim is to make sure it stays that way no matter what#but it's really gross how obvious it's getting like the whole system just funnels money straight to the top and they don't even care#about hiding it anymore they're just doing it out in open and denying objective reality with confidence it's too much sometimes#i swear i can feel my grasp on reality deteriorating. it's as if there were a loud buzzing in the out of doors that was getting#louder every day and nobody ever said anything to acknowledge that it was real nobody talked about hearing the buzzing but it just#keeps getting louder and i'm finally like wtf is with this buzzing and everyone gets mad at me for shouting over their netflix show#that they weren't really enjoying in the first place. like no one is happy in the modern world. why can't we talk about why without#turning against each other. that's why doug saying 'maybe we're all the same' is such a big deal to me. anyone who is trying to unite us#is doing important work. that trump supporter is not the enemy. they are the victim just like you.
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agent-jaselin · 1 year
With hypothetical Skywalker kid oc that also lets Luke and the gang encounter ffxiv lightwardens, I rather imagine the meeting involving them accidentally crash landing in the legends timeline coruscant, and getting arrested.
She refuses to say anything, but has so many mystery elements that they can’t let her go. Those elements being a fifteen year old whose obviously been in a fight recently. Covered in fresh blood, injuries, and glowing white ichor that burns anythinng it touches.
The blood turns out to be Han Solo’s, but he’s fine. The X-wing is a modified version of Luke Skywalker’s, serial number at all. But it’s clearly docked in their home. And the kid has no records at all, or signs of record being hacked. But she has a paternity match for Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Not to mention the all metal based weapons, including a gunblade. (I’m avoiding ffxiv magic but she deserves some anime weapon. As a treat. Also the idea that energy weapons don’t work on light beings appeals to me.)
To top that off the kid refuses medical care and gives them nothing. So after two days they resort to asking for jedi help, and of course it’s going to be Luke and Mara for indicates “large list of reasons”. They walk in to, not to a clone of some other weird copy like they expected, but to a depressed teenager that is the opposite of Ben’s looks. Sharing most traits of Luke but with hints of Mara, just like Ben looks like his mom but with hints of luke. She’s got a good pokeface too, though the force rolls with feelings of shock, guilt, and grief at the sight of them. They are definitely going to have an exciting few weeks.
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raeathnos · 9 months
#oh I am straight up not having a good time rn#long story short I got in a big ducking fight with my mom yesterday over something dumb#it’s complicated and I don’t want to talk about it#but it was my fault and I did apologize#there’s some shit she did in the past that’s related that I know I’m never getting a fucking apology for but whatever#but I can tell she’s pissed and my apology wasn’t enough#and I know her well enough to know that she’s going to let it sit and stew#and in sometime in the near future when we’re both alone she’s gonna explode at me#very much not in a good mental place for that and not looking forward to it#in the mean time I feel like I gotta walk on eggshells and my anxiety is fucked cause I’m just waiting to be exploded at#I’m disappointed in myself because I feel like I acted like she does which is something I try very hard not to do#but also like I did apologize which is something she never does#which also has me upset#this was over something small and stupid and she’ll turn it into the biggest shit and how I’m a terrible daughter and all that#meanwhile I went through so much shit from her as a kid included getting disowned multiple times#for really stupid reasons (didn’t like that I was a tomboy - was personally insulted that I was depressed)#and Ive never gotten an apology for any of those and know I never will#and additionally know not to talk about them because she’ll just twist things and play the victim#so I guess the gist of it is I’m mad at her and I’m mad at myself for how I acted but also that this is#bringing back a lot of bad memories I’d rather not remember right now#also it was inventory today so I had to be up at 2am and I only got like an hour and a half of sleep#so I’m dying physically mentally and emotionally atm#I am straight up having a bad time#it’s the not knowing when I’m going to get screamed at that’s getting to me rn#my anxiety is so bad#I need to get out of here
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dearreader · 9 months
and the arguments that i have won against you in my head; in the car, in the shower, and in the mirror before bed…
yeah i’m so tough when i’m alone and i make you feel so guilty and i fantasize about a time you’re a little fuckin’ sorry-
and i try to ꪊꪀᦔꫀ𝕣ડ𝕥ꪖꪀᦔ why you would do this all to me. ‘you must be insecure. you must be so unhappy.’
and i know in my heart: hurt people, hurt people. and we both drew blood, but man those cuts were
ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴇQᴜᴀʟ!!
and i try to be tough. but i wanna scream ‘HOW COULD ANYBODY DO THE THINGS YOU DID SO EASILY?’
and i say that i don’t care.
say that i’m fine.
but you know i can’t let it go, i’vetriedi’ve triedi’vetried for so long… it takes s⃞   t⃞   r⃞   e⃞   n⃞   g⃞   t⃞   h⃞ to forgive but i don’t feel ₛₜᵣₒₙg
#which ever hacker leaked my notes app rants i used as diaries to olivia rodrigo to write this song owe me an apology#no but the fact that she literally put thoughts and feelings and things i’ve done when i’m completely alone#things that i hate because i hate the power it means people still have over me#and she just put it down and released it to the world#she perfectly summarized my two year battle alone with dealing with my trauma in a single song#especially the ‘how could anybody do the things you did so easily?’#because everything i’ve ever said on the situation leaves people speechless and it also makes me realize just how bad it was#like she infiltrated every friend group in a sorority just to get VP and then (maybe unintentionally) turned everyone against me#because she hated me and warned everyone not to be like me (one of my friebds told me she intentionally distanced herself from me because#people thought she’d be the next ‘kelly’ and be annoying and she said she didn’t want that for her. and i’m not even mad at her#because i probably would’ve done the same thing if the tables were turned.) and she did this all while my father was DYING of the most#aggressive form of brain cancer OR had just died#and even tried to comfort me 2 days after he died by saying ‘i was allowed to feel this was because i would be feeling it for the rest of#my life’#she did everything to me#tried to steal my best friend and drive a wedge between us#destroy the relationship i’d built with my pledge class that the sorority insisted on building and developing for each pledge class#made fun of me liking taylor swift#reminded me constantly i wasn’t wanted in the sorority#belittled my knowledge of things and automatically assumed if i said something it was false until a second party agreed with me#she just did all that without batting an eye#told me to my face and over text she never did anything wrong#like… the song just describes it perfectly#pinky tag#kelly babels#sorority tag#the grudge#kelly listens to music
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villalunae · 2 years
utena rlly be out here like "the endless cycle of abuse can only be solved by an equally endless flow of selfless love and even then the people who contributed to the cycle of abuse likely wont ever know its been stopped" and expect me 2 be normal abt that
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