#anyways there is a free translation of the book you can find online but heavy content warning on it
barksbog · 1 month
i swear if you played disco elysium and your takeaway was "all ideologies are bad and nothing matters because we're all gonna die to climatechange the pale anyways"
i'm gonna force you to read "Sacred and Terrible Air" by Kurvitz
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obaewankenope · 3 years
So I want to learn about Tuatha de Danann. Are there any books, websites, or videos you’d recommend for someone who knows nothing about Irish lore but wants to learn?
Okay, sorry for taking so long nonnie! I fully intended on replying to this ask the morning after I got it but my ADHD and executive dysfunction happened so RIP me, I guess.
Anyway, I’m gonna do my best to list out the sources I know of and those I think might be useful for you. Obviously, I’ll begin with wikipedia just because it’s usually a decent starting point when you google something.
So. Links:
Wikipedia can give you a general run-down of the Tuatha de Danann (TdD) via this link here. It has a lot of information but not all of it is 100% relevant depending on what sort of history/mythology you’re looking for. If you’re interested in Insular Celtic Mythology (aka Irish Celts since they didn’t interact much or at all with other pagan religions, thus reducing the chance of osmosis of beliefs, gods, stories, etc for a good while), then the wikipedia link is a decent starting point but not perfect since it draws on a lot of Celtic sources from across the Continent as well (for example, Gaulish Celtic stories and beliefs about gods, as well as gods that originate from that region). So yeah, if you’re looking for specifically Insular Celtic knowledge regarding the TdD, you have to go looking elsewhere I’m afraid.
This link is to a blog article that gives plenty of information about the TdD but is pretty simple language-wise compared to wikipedia (isn’t everything except academic journals rip). It’s not Insular specific however, so again, may not be what you want but it’s decent enough and gives some nice stories/references/quotes about the TdD.
Transceltic is a good source for information about Celtic Mythology and History. It’s pan-Celtic however, so it draws and discusses a lot of continental Celtic material rather than just Irish/Insular Celticism. I’d recommend giving it a read regardless of whether it’s what you want just because it’s well-written and is also a good point for starting a seven-year google-fu research bender *side-eyes self awkwardly*
Moving on from links, I can now give you a list of books you can read online, possibly find at your local library, or just hunt down free PDF’s of (I certainly can’t give you direct links to them, oh no no). Some of these will be Insular Celtic specific and others will just be more comprehensive Celtic Mythology.
Ireland’s Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth by Mark Williams [google.books] - so this is a deent book and google.books gives a good enough chance to read a fair amount of it. The sections are broken up simply enough and it even goes into the specifics of the types of gods, their origins, and the Christian indoctrination and assimilation that occurred across Pan-Celtic culture. So pretty decent book all round. The book also gives a really good overview of pronounciations of Celtic and Gaelic terms, as well as a glossary, list of names and how to say them, and translations so like, it's a top-notch book imho.
Tales of the Tuatha de Danann: a dual language collection of Irish myth, volume 2 by Morgan Daimler [I have no source for this sorry] - so this one gives you stories about the TdD in both Gaelic/Irish and translated into English. That's pretty good for anyone studying mythology, Celtic mythology to be precise, btu also just Neat.
Celtic Mythology and Religion by Alexander Macbain [google.books] - So this one isn't bad, but it's not as good as Mark Williams book imho.
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race by T. W. Rolleston [google.books] - The title sounds kinda... iffy but it's a decent enough book as well. Very Pan-Celtic however, so Insular Celticism is Not The Focus of the book. Unfortunately. The book, incidentally, was first published in 1911 so I guess that explains why it's title is a mess and also very heavy on the Non-Celtic Sources lol.
Journal Article: Irish Mythology by George Townshend [jstor] - another old, OLD book/article so still Not The Best, but a source is a source and I'm just providing you them to read and decide which you think is best for your interest.
Now for some videos!
There's a guy on YT called Tomas O hAodha who gives a decent introduction to the TdD in Ireland, which is great. I like him. *clicks subscribe* He also has videos on other stuff which is just 👌
We have the Irish Folklore & Mythology Podcast, also on YT, which is great too. It's interesting and definitely something I may listen to when needing to write because it's Good Noise Brent ah memes.
I think that's enough for you to start with nonnie. I hope the links help :)
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asteroiideae · 3 years
okay, so I don’t make these kinds of posts often because tbh I’m a little lazy and very tired like 24/7 lmao but I’ve been seeing a lot of Pride reading lists hit my dash (and they’re excellent, and I save them all!) buuuut reading books is still a roadblock I’m struggling to mentally overcome -- and audiobooks are great, but they take 84 years (sometimes literally???) to get through. so! I thought I’d share a (very tiny) list of the queer manga I’ve read this year that you might enjoy for Pride, with some descriptions/trigger warnings/thoughts to go with them. so here we go in no particular order other than where they sit on my bookshelf:
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What Did You Eat Yesterday? by Fumi Yoshinaga
okay so I know I go on about this manga at literally every presented opportunity, but I honestly just can’t help myself??? as a thirty-something queer adult, I really love the quiet maturity of this relationship between Shiro and Kenji; especially when it’s highlighted by references to shenanigans of their youth, and the ways in which they are still growing as both individuals and a couple. I’ve only read the first six volumes but I’m OBSESSED.
Status: Ongoing (17 volumes; 15 translated) Summary: Shiro and Kenji are an established adult couple with separate careers and interests, whose relationship is depicted over the meals cooked for them by Shiro. This doesn’t have an overarching plot, which might be off-putting for some readers; each chapter can be compared to a fanfic one-shot, usually containing it’s own tiny storyline or theme. It’s literally just domestic moments and meals shared between these men. Warnings: While I didn’t personally have a problem with this, younger readers might find some of the dated terms offensive. If you’ve spent any time with older queer folks (older as in 45-50+) this won’t be anything you aren’t used to, but if your experience of queer folx skews younger or online, you might get taken by surprise. There’s also some internalized homophobia; and by some I mean quite a bit. Shiro’s personal arc (at least in the first six volumes) heavily revolves around how much he closets himself and tries desperately to pass as “normal” in Japanese business culture.
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Boys Run The Riot by Keito Gaku
holy shit holy shit holy SHIT. this story is so good??? so VERY good??? I was a little cautious, and a little bit uninterested in a story about teens (only because I’m in my thirties and crave more adult representation,) but I was VERY WRONG to be. Boys Run The Riot is beautifully drawn, beautifully written, and probably my favorite work on this list. the mangaka is also trans so the inherent understanding and nuance of our protagonist’s experience is really lovely. Also featuring a fantastic brotp between a trans boy and his new himbo bestie; no seriously if you want a story about a trans boy getting to have good broships with other boys his own age I CANNOT stress this enough. Volume two is releasing next month; I have it preordered. I’m laying on my floor wishing for time to hurry the fuck up. I need more of this smol angry trans boy and his big soft himbo bff. PLS. Status: Ongoing (4 volumes published; 2 translated) Summary: Ryo Watari is a second year high school student who is trans and struggling to feel comfortable with his very rigidly structured life at school, at home, and among his friends (to whom he is not out.) By chance he meets Jin Sato, a cis boy who also feels outcast (often judged for his appearance without any deeper thought.) When Ryo comes out to Jin in a state of frustration, Jin accepts who Ryo is and makes an offer -- why not start a fashion line that subverts all the expectations that have been put on them both; why not express themselves even when they’ve been told they shouldn’t. Warnings: Ryo is struggling with gender dysphoria, and it is written by someone who has probably experienced it, so it might be a little real for any trans folks who deal with that. Also, while neither the narrative nor Jin misgender Ryo (at least, not once he expresses to Jin that he is a man), Ryo is not out to anyone else and so he frequently is misgendered at school and we see how badly that impacts him and the way he views himself and processes his emotions. Ryo spends a lot of time being angry and trying to swallow it down, and that can be very raw to witness at times. There is also a depiction of unsafe binding (though the mangaka has an immediate note about binding safety, and goes further in-depth at the back of the manga.)
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Our Dining Table by Mita Ori
okay, so I was a bit on the fence about whether or not I wanted to include this as a rec, but I decided that it might actually been what someone wants or needs, so here it is! while I really enjoyed this concept, and I’m always a sucker for found family stories (let me tell you I’m queer without telling you I’m queer, much?) it feels like this story is a bit rushed at times, and the romantic relationship between our protagonists is very blink and you’ll miss it. I don’t even want to call it subtle so much as it is just not remotely the focus of the story so it’s a little startling when it happens. but! if you’re looking for a story about adults processing grief and trauma together, and learning how to care for another person (and as a result, learning how to care for themselves,) this is a nice read that isn’t too heavy!  Status: Complete (one volume) Summary: Yutaka is a salaryman whose past experiences prevent him from reaching out to others, even through something so simple as sharing a meal. Despite this is REALLY loves to cook, and wishes he had a reason to do it more often. Then he meets Minoru, and his muuuuuch younger brother Tane (it’s like a 17 year age gap between the brothers?) and finds himself teaching them how to cook, and overcoming his fear of eating in front of others. Warnings: Good news, there’s no overt homophobia in this story! Bad news, the other trauma makes up for it! We have a lot of trauma surrounding parental death, childhood bullying, and adoption; in addition to an actual fear of eating in front of others.
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Our Dreams at Dusk / Shimanami Tasogare by Yuhki Kamatani
this is the first manga series I collected, and I’m still very pleased about that. the art is ABSOLUTELY stunning? the use of visual imagery and surreal analogies to explain queerness is fucking on POINT. I cried so hard during a couple of these volumes I developed a migraine. I only have one piece of critique on the whole thing (addressed in the warnings,) and I intend to do another re-read when I’m ready for the catharsis of sobbing into my pillow again. Like Boys Run The Riot, Our Dreams at Dusk is drawn and written by a member of the queer community (a non-binary mangaka, this time,) and as a result it hits pretty fucking close to home in a lot of ways. while I really love this series it’s super not for the faint of heart, you WILL come out of this reading experience with some things to unpack. Status: Completed (4 volumes; 4 translated) Summary: We mostly follow Tasuku Kaname, as he is outted at school by a classmate as being homosexual, and his initial despair and subsequent journey of acceptance. In this process, Tasuku finds himself at a drop-in center, which seems to primarily function as a safe space for queer people; we meet several lesbians, an elderly gay man, a trans character, and a young character who isn’t ready for any kind of label because they are still ??? about themselves and their identity. Each of these “secondary” characters is given room to breathe and to work through difficulties of their own while Tasuku watches and learns that even though life is hard sometimes, there’s beauty to be found in one’s own strength. Warnings: hoooo boy; well there’s all kinds of homophobia and transphobia; a character is outted against their will (multiple times), there’s some really insidious transphobia covered by “concern”, there’s internalized homophobia everywhere, and a very complicated asexual character whose presentation left me (as an ace) with super mixed feelings and a lot of frustration (though I wouldn’t call it bad necessarily; just wanted to put that out there for my fellow asexual folks.) If you have read (or go on to read!) any of these, please let me know! I’d love to chat about the stories, and hear your thoughts on them -- because we’re a broad/diverse community and our own experiences shape us differently and give us different insights. <3 ANYWAY, for those of you who read this monstrous self-indulgent post, thank you! Feel free to add any queer manga you’ve been reading below - I’m always on the hunt for more recs!
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montponine · 3 years
Hello, I want to look into ancient greek texts, tragedies or comedies or history doesn't really matter but I don't really know how to acquire them in the original language. Do you know any place I can find them?
Hi!! yes!! lots of ways!! i got carried away answering this lol, here's a (long) breakdown of some digital and print resources for both greek and latin texts:
The good news is, there are lots of online databases which have published the texts for free. Note that these are often (but not always) without commentary, though.
Try the perseus project for translations & originals as well as dictionaries !
latin library for latin texts
Phi also has a good library of latin texts
LacusCurtius has a selection of greek & latin texts, as well as translations
dickinson college commentaries is amazing. texts, translations, notes, and vocab all for free... i love you
geoffrey steadman's commentaries are free!! they're a little hand-holdy and not always perfect but they're free and very helpful with a facing vocabulary and notes. excellent for the elementary/intermediate reader. i've used these for a number of texts in tutoring and have been very pleased
Here are some digital resources you can pay for (or access through a university, if that option is available to you)
loeb digital library (universities often do have access to this very well known & respected resource and i'm sure individuals can purchase access, though I don't know the cost) those are great for side by side critical edition and translations (pretty literal translations.,,,, i do not read these for my own literary enjoyment lol).
the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae) also has a digital library (though this might be behind a paywall, if you don't have university access, i'm not sure what the open access version of the site is like).
theoi has a library of translations, not what you were asking for but still nifty! particularly if you find a text but don't have a commentary for it
Now for some of my fav print resources. For these i recommend searching abebooks or thriftbooks or amazon for used editions. You should pay attention to how recent the edition is, though ultimately it's up to you whether you have a preference in editor
i'll start with commentaries/facing translations. I highly highly highly recommend using a commentary when approaching a text for the first time. Commentaries supply invaluable grammatical and historical notes and really are an indispensable tool of the trade
loeb classical texts are print books too! green is greek and red is latin and they look nice on aa shelf. again, nifty for the facing translations
bryn mawr college commentaries are good for the elementary/intermediate reader. they hold your hand a bit as far as it comes to vocab and providing translations in the notes, but are still very useful especially if you are new to using commentaries. also extremely affordable!
bristol classical press commentaries; i'm not as familiar with these, but i do own a couple and from a quick glance and what the internet tells me, they're designed for students at A levels or the student at the intermediate/advanced level. again, from a quick glance, these look like they're heavy on the syntactical commentary
cambridge green and yellow series are excellent for the intermediate/advanced reader. i used these in most of my advanced classes in undergrad. these are a bit fuller in their syntactical and historical notes than the bmc commentaries, and more expensive. they can be overwhelming lol but i love them
oxford greek and latin college commentaries. i don't own any of these so can't speak for them but there are lots of them so i'll go ahead and put them on this list
clarendon paperbacks. unclear if this is the same as the above resource; i own one of these and it's dense as all hell but also useful. similar to the cambridge series, lots of contextual notes that help you to understand wtf is going on with the text beyond wtf is going on with the grammar
and, finally, a few notes on critical editions. critical editions are just the text (plus an intro usually about the manuscript tradition, written in scholarly latin) as well as the app crit, which tells you how the editor constructed the text (textual critics i am afraid of you). personally i use these in conjunction with a commentary or translation. the largest library of critical editions will probably be the oxford classical texts series (i love these) and the teubner editions from de gruyter
ANYWAY i hope this info is useful and that you are able to find the texts you are looking for somewhere on this list!!!!
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xiaomoxu · 4 years
MLQC CN Lucien (Xu Mo) Art Gallery Date Part 1 & 2
It's Xu Mo Date which has released on CN server. I'm doing translation for personal reason, so I'm sorry if there's some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) feel free for read it~ ^^
When I returned to the community, the night was already very deep.
I walked into the elevator under the cold white light from the lamp, leaned against the wall wearily, and exhaled a long breath.
MC: So tired...
Recently, because of a cooperation, I have been working for several weeks in a row, and even slept directly at the company for a few days, but fortunately, only finishing work is left.
The elevator rose slowly, and finally stopped on my floor, "Ding" the door opened.
I stopped when I stepped out of the elevator door.
MC: Xu Mo?
The lights in the corridor were bright and silent, reflecting the very familiar figure at the end.
Xu Mo was quietly leaning against the corridor holding a book, and after hearing the movement, he looked up at me.
Touching his gaze, my sleepworm ran behind my head immediately.
MC: Are you waiting for me?
Xu Mo: Yes
Xu Mo: You seem to be very busy lately, always come back at this time.
Xu Mo: Is there a problem at work?
Xu Mo: I don’t know if you need a help from me as program consultant.
His inquiries were scattered in the silent corridor, with seemingly careless concerns.
MC: I did not encounter any difficulties. There is a new cooperation, which is almost over.
Xu Mo: Now that it's almost over, can you leave it to me this weekend?
The smile in his eyes is soft, it seems that I will not refuse.
MC: Not this weekend.
The smile paused for a moment, then looked down at me deeply.
MC: This weekend, I have made an appointment with the partner of this project to discuss the final conclusion together.
MC: So sorry, I cannot accept your offer.
I raised my eyes and looked at Xu Mo a little sorry.
Unexpectedly, he didn't say anything, and even nodded his head with understanding.
Xu Mo: It turned out to be so.
He turned around, opened the door, and walked in by himself.
MC: ....
I stepped forward subconsciously, and quickly blocked the door with my eyesight and hands when the door was about to close.
Xu Mo moved his gaze from my hand holding the doorknob to my face, his eyes darkened.
Xu Mo: Blocked at the door of a neighbor's house in the middle of the night, usually this behavior implies a kind of ambiguity.
MC: I just want to tell you that I have been busy recently, but I will be free in a while.
Xu Mo held the door handle, and after a while, a smile leaked from his lips.
Xu Mo: Since you still have to work on weekends, you need a good sleep tonight.
Xu Mo: Isn't it?
His tone was soft, and in the silent night, it fell on my heart in circles.
I looked at him and slowly raised a smile.
MC: Yes
In the morning of the weekend, I held the ticket in my hand and walked into the artistic building in front of me.
Special exhibition of sculpture art.
MC: ...This is the first time I have met someone who insists on discussing business cooperation in an art museum.
MC: Probably someone who loves art very much.
After entering the exhibition hall, relying on the location sent by the other party, I quickly found the man in the suit not far away
MC: Hello, are you Mr. Gu, the person in charge of Canggu Film and Television Company?
Mr. Gu: Hello, yes I am.
He said, handing over his business card.
Mr. Gu: I've been in contact online before. Actually, I've long wanted to see you.
I politely reached out and shook his hand.
MC: I am also honored to cooperate with your company
MC: We have made corrections to the areas where there were problems before, so we hope to finalize the final plan today.
As I spoke, I took out the documents I brought from my bag, but the other party did not answer the conversation.
Mr. Gu: Are you satisfied with the place I chose this time? The art gallery has a strong atmosphere and quiet. It is best for enjoying and chatting.
MC: It's pretty good...
MC: Mr. Gu, take a look at this place.
I opened the file and handed it to the other party, trying to get the topic on track, but he was not in a hurry to read the file, but smiled.
Mr. Gu: Miss, don't worry, let's go walk slowly. You can read the documents anytime.
MC: Let's talk about cooperation first...
The words are not finished yet, I was stunned.
Across the heavy shadows, A familiar figure is walking through the glass door
Xu Mo smiled and took a guidebook from the instructor and walked in.
Probably my gaze were too obvious. Xu Mo raised his head and glanced in my direction.
The moment his eyes met, he bent his eyes and smiled slowly.
Mr. Gu: Miss?
The partner tentatively called my name. I recovered and nodded slightly to apologize.
MC: Sorry, I just lost my mind.
MC: Mr. Gu, both of us attach great importance to this project.
MC: So why don't we go through the file first, and talk about other things later, what do you think?
I raised the document in hand with something that could not be rejected, and the partner had to accept the document.
Mr. Gu: Basically there is no problem. I can sign when I go back.
Mr. Gu: So now can we watch the exhibition together?
I took a half step back without showing a trace,
MC: I'm really sorry.
MC: I need to deliver the final version to my executive colleagues as soon as possible, so I may not have time to enjoy the exhibition today.
I glanced at the door, but Xu Mo seemed to be no longer there.
Mr. Gu yelled in disappointment, but quickly spoke
Mr. Gu: Come here anyway, let's take a photo in the front photo zone.
MC: …. It’s not going to work.
I subconsciously looked around, looking for Xu Mo, but no trace of him was found.
Mr. Gu: Sir, can you take a picture for us?
Xu Mo: can.
Xu Mo's voice suddenly came from behind, and I turned around in shock
He stood not far away, his eyes floating lightly on my body.
MC: ....
Mr. Gu: Then trouble this gentleman...
MC: Professor Xu? I didn't expect that you would come to the art exhibition too. What a coincidence.
I interrupted my partner, pretended to look at Xu Mo in surprise, and blinked vigorously to indicate that he would not agree.
Xu Mo didn't speak for a while, he looked at me thoughtfully, and his smile grew stronger.
Xu Mo: Well, it is indeed a coincidence.
Mr. Gu: You actually know each other? That's great.
He happily handed the phone to Xu Mo, and then stood next to me in a standard tourist pose.
I looked at Xu Mo stiffly, and forced a twisted smile.
Xu Mo held the phone with interest and then pressed the photo button.
After the sound of "click", I quickly backed away half a step.
The partner took the phone from Xu Mo, frowned and made a confused voice.
Mr. Gu: Huh? Why is there only the sculpture at the back in the photo?
Xu Mo: Although you can take photos at will in the photo zone, I think the artwork here is more worth watching.
The partner was stunned by Xu Mo's words.
Xu Mo turned around and looked at me again, there seemed to be some reproaches in his eyes.
Xu Mo: MC, I remember telling you last night to take a good rest. Why do you still look so tired today?
MC: What?
He stretched out his hand, brushed his slender fingers across the dark circles under my eyes, and gently rubbed them.
Xu Mo: Why can't you take care of yourself so much and make me worry?
I was stunned on the spot under Xu Mo's overly intimate tone and the shocked gaze of my partner, and subconsciously stepped back half a step, but was held back by him.
He sighed softly, took my hand, and looked aside my partner.
Xu Mo: Sorry to make you laugh.
Xu Mo: As you can see, MC put too much time and energy into this cooperation, so even I can only "ran into" her here.
Xu Mo: However, now that the cooperation is over. Next, can you return her to me?
The partner's gaze stopped for a moment on the hands that Xu Mo and I were holding together, and then his expression became a little awkward.
Mr. Gu: Uh, of course. After I got back, I sent the signed documents.
Mr. Gu: Miss MC, happy cooperation. I will leave first.
When the back of the partner disappeared from his vision, Xu Mo turned his head and let go of my hand.
MC: That, thank you for helping me out...
Xu Mo: It turns out that the job you are talking about is to come to the art gallery with others to see the exhibition.
He looked at me lightly, his tone calm.
MC: This is the location set by the partner, I'm not good to refuse.
I opened my mouth to explain, but Xu Mo's eyes were faint, I had to change the subject.
MC: Why are you here? Today's exhibition seems to be unfamiliar.
Xu Mo: Famous or not is not the best way to judge whether a value is worthwhile, is it?
MC: .. But are you really just watching the exhibition? It's a coincidence.
Xu Mo: I am afraid I will disappoint you. I am indeed here to come to the exhibition.
I looked at Xu Mo suspiciously, and he looked back calmly.
Xu Mo: However, you just said that there are still issues that need to be resolved in the company.
Xu Mo: Don't deal with it?
He reminded me with a smile, with a gentle tone.
I felt a little strange.
Xu Mo seemed to be anxiously urging me to leave. This was for what?
I press down on the slightest thing I feel in my heart, try to speak.
MC: Actually just now it was just an excuse I was looking for.
MC: It doesn't matter what happens next, it's such a coincidence, why don't we watch the exhibition together?
Xu Mo didn't look at me, he opened the guide book in his hand. Look down at the line marked above.
Xu Mo: Do you want to be with me, is it true or an excuse to inquire about intelligence?
I was speechless for a while. I followed Xu Mo's gaze and saw the guidebook, only to find a vague task force mark on the corner pinched by his finger.
MC: What about you, you said you just came to the exhibition, is this true, or is it an excuse to make me not suspicious?
I stared at Xu Mo, his dark time wandered around on me.
Xu Mo: It seems you already have the answer.
Xu Mo: So it doesn't seem to matter whether I admit it or not.
MC: But I want to know what kind of thing is worth letting you handle?
Xu Mo put away the guidebook and looked at me with interest.
Xu Mo: If I answer your doubts, what good will it be for me?
He asked seriously, as if he would not easily reveal the real reason for being here.
MC: This time we have shared information, and next time the BS has any information that I can tell you, I will not talk about it separately.
MC: how about it?
The smile on Xu Mo's lips widened.
Xu Mo: It sounds pretty good.
- To be continued-
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italicwatches · 6 years
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online - Episode 05
I am full of food and have set some aside for a friend. It’s a bit late, but let’s do this. It’s Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online, episode 05! Here we GO!
-We begin with the other team, prepping for their big final hunt and getting all excited about it…Also, incredibly hard to translate language puns.
-Meanwhile, M is having a real bad day. Like, really bad. Possibly his worst. And…Well, M insists that if he dies in the game, he’ll die for real.
-First, question. I’m not saying he’s lying yet, but what fucking idiot would thus enter into a PvP Battle Royale? If you’re trapped in the game, you keep your fucking ass in the starter town(hai, Kazuma desu) and farm low-level PvE mobs for enough credits to get by!
-Second, well I just found my screen cap and we’re only a minute in.
-Because LLENN calls bullshit, this isn’t SAO. …Now tell her what was on that letter, you dumb idiot. He hands it over without resistance, and it’s from Pito, of course, telling him…That if he survives an entire hour, she’ll be super impressed. But if he dies a cowardly death, or after the hour mark, she’ll totally kill him for real. …Dude, you can’t let Pito get into your fuckin’ head like that.
-Sidenote, what the fuck was his plan if shooting LLENN in the head had worked? Take on the entire enemy team himself? She’s not a political enemy, you can’t trade her corpse for fucking safe haven.
-And we’re back. So, whatever the actual situation is, M is fully convinced that PIto will legit murder him in legit reality if he loses. Do you have any idea how obsessed she IS with the original SAO?! With the idea of death games, and of putting your life on the line?!
-And LLENN puts out the question I just wanted to know. And his plan? Kill her. Become team leader. Resign, which wouldn’t count at suicide by the strictest definition of Pito’s terms, and would kick him out right away so he could make a run for it.
-…You’re a fuckin’ idiot and you took her way too lightly, man. So here’s the actual factual plan. She’s gonna go shoot the other team full of red pixel dots. You’re gonna go hide somewhere. If she dies, you can bail out or whatever. Peace.
-And then she’s off, barely stopping long enough to retrieve her cool hat before she’s off like a rocket and putting together a battle plan…What’s her best tools? Simple, the core thing she’s been pouring XP into since day one. At least in terms of this Squad Jam, she’s the fastest woman alive! Run, LLENN, run!
-Meanwhile, M is trying to convince himself he wasn’t in the wrong here…And then with one last war cry, LLENN’s out of comm range.
-She’s moving at full force, sprinting over a dockside…And finds herself having just jumped into the enemy team! Behind cover, return fire! It’s a vicious high-speed duel with their forward scout, as she desperately tries to find LLENN…But gets out-played, taking vicious shots! LLENN gets glanced in the shoulder, but reloads far faster when the mags run dry, and blasts the gun right out of the other woman’s hands!
-She starts calling for reinforcements and goes for her sidearm…But it’s far too late, as she gets bisected with gunfire! The rest of her team arrives just in time to watch her collapse, and for LLENN to fucking book it behind some rocks when they pour it on! The heavy gunners are going full force…
-And the sniper tries to pin her down, but the wildly desperate LLENN somehow outruns them all, even as she tries to ignore that little bit of her lizard hindbrain that doesn’t realize this is just a game and FUCK FUCK FUCK THIS IS PRETTY LEGITIMATELY SCARY FOR HER
-Episode 05! “Leave the Last Battle to Me”
-While the other team make a point of taking their fallen comrade’s gear…They’re gonna get vengeance for you, and claim that gold, friend. Don’t you worry.
-Back with LLENN, she takes stock. Down to 70% HP. Only six mags left, and two plasma grenades, and a knife. Not a good set of odds. She’s running into the lion’s den here…
-But she remembers what Pito taught her. Never fire randomly or in desperation. If you can’t say with certainty where you’re aiming and why, then all you’re doing is giving away your location and fear to the enemy. Center, focus. Always act with intent.
-And LLENN starts to put her focus together. She can do this. She will do this. Deep breath, get moving. They’re gonna get eyes on her…
-And then two shots ring out. One in her back. One rips through her mag carrier. She stumbles, staggers, takes another shot as she falls down there side of the cliff, barely pulling through with about 30% of her HP left…The leader starts pushing the rest of her team to herd her in…
-As LLENN realizes she fell for a fucking trap. They used their Bullet Lines to draw her in! But she can still move. She can still run. Everything hurts, but if she can get from cover to cover…
-She’s got multiple sharpshooters on her…And when they pin her down, the big guns come out! LLENN is stuck, pinned, and desperate…
-When she gets a plan. She throws a grenade just over the rock, starts counting…And the instant it goes off, she sprints, letting the ball of plasma catch their fire and block her escape! MOVE! FUCKING MOVE!
-The other team…Well, she’s earning their respect. Pulling shit like this solo? Little rabbit’s good.
-While LLENN manages to get out of the line of fire, and the pain’s starting to wear off. She can focus, and think…But that leaves her needing to think of a plan. Right now, she’s got a real problem. Her victories come from being up close and personal…
-That’s right, LLENN-chan! Wait, who’s…
-LLENN, sweetie.
-You need to log out.
-You’re hallucinating.
-Because I refuse to believe your gun is actually talking.
-Anyways, P-chan tells her to go forward, to use her speed to get in and god dammit why does P-chan have anime eyes. No you cannot meet senpai!
-At least LLENN has the smarts to realize she must be losing her mind.
-But eventually, the enemy team is hunting her down, and she’s chilling on a rock. Looking for her? They shoot…And she just fuckin’ dives away from it, before racing in! DAKKADAKKA, big gunner down! The sniper’s caught in too close, unable to get a solid shot in,, and instead gets lost to a plasma grenade!
-LLENN eats a glancing blow, ends up spiraling down with about 25%, and caught under two Bullet Lines with her gun out of reach…
-When a shot lances through the air, hitting a grenade on the other gunner’s belt! She’s lost in fire, and it’s down to the leader in the thick…
-While the last two members of the team, watching from afar, get eyed by sniper fire! M, is, back in the game! They’re on the run, but LLENN’s got this…
-As she races in against the leader!
-And eats a roundhouse kick to her tiny, vulnerable stomach that sends her into the far wall. Soooo that’s not great.
-Yeah, that hurts real bad. The leader pins her down hard, and puts round after round into her chest…But it doesn’t work?! HOW?! WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!
-She put the scanner in her breast pocket. The scanner is indestructible.
-It’s the frying pan of GGO.
-And that gives LLENN enough time to whip her head away from the next shot, for the leader’s mag to run dry! LLENN flings a P90 mag at her, forcing her to step back, giving our tiny pink devil enough space to just magdump!
-The leader ferociously grabs that P90, trying to rip it out of her hands, to snap it in half…You’re good, little one. Good enough to piss her off. What’s your name? LLENN. Yours? Eva. Everyone just calls her Boss.
-You ran dry, didn’t you.
-So did you.
-And then the other gunner arrives, the last one still armed! JUST FIRE, you fool! One of them has to survive, that’s all!
-But she hesitates. For a singular moment too long. Her machine-gun gets shot apart, and in a final play, she throws the boss her sidearm magazine!
-Eva whips her pistol up, catches it perfectly…And LLENN finds it to her head. But P-chan will protect her! Shot after shot echoes across the desert landscape…
-And when it’s over…LLENN still stands, with P-chan filled full of damage…It shatters in her hands, and, uh, guys?
-P-chan was her power limiter.
-So this is bad.
-Very bad. With a furious roar, she dives in with her knife, tearing Eva’s thighs open! Back and forth, cross cut that puts her on the ground, and then a vicious strike to the chest! LLENN eats a punch before she can land it, loses all but her last 1% of HP…
-But the knife went up. And she catches it with her free hand, diving it CLEAR THROUGH EVA’S NECK! Crimson neon sprays from the wound, she hits the ground in a heap…
-And LLENN almost eats a sniper round to the head from the last surviving member. But M draws her out by standing firm, and the two snipers cross counter with bullets. The enemy sniper drops…And then so does M.
-But then the fireworks go up! TEAM LM IS THE WINNER OF THIS FIRST SQUAD JAM!
-LLENN arrives to find M’s…Got his pack on backwards and it took the shot. You ridiculous man you scared her half to death. But that, is, the, game!
-This first ever Squad Jam lasted just shy of an hour and a half, and they fired 49,810 shots! Jesus. I wonder how many of those were out of P-chan.
-Aftercredits! The real world. When a tiny adorable schoolgirl comes up to Karen, because they noticed she got her hair cut short and it turns out this whole group always admire Karen when they see her walking by, thinking she’s so elegant and graceful like a model and this is the moment when we’re supposed to realize that this is Eva’s squad. Like, you see it, right?
-But, yeah. It’s an interesting thing, conflicting height complexes…But Karen managed to push herself forward. It might sound silly, but…The sheer wild desperation of a VR game, of fighting for her life again and again, was what locked it in for her. She realized she could endure.
-And indeed, one of them calls the head girl, Saki, Boss, and Karen doesn’t quite put it together yet, but she ends up making some adorable younger friends. …Gahhhh, it’s impossible.
-And then Saki comes up to shake her hand. For defeating the Boss, I now bestow upon you the rank of Big Boss. You’re a hell of a player, LLENN. She’s gonna totally kick your ass next time though, little rabbit. Bring it on, you amazon.
WHAT A FUCKING FIGHT THAT WAS, am I right? God damn! Constantly on the edge of the seat, taking LLENN down to her final most desperate tools! Oh that was delicious.
I cannot wait to see where things go from here. We’ll see next time, in episode….Well looks like 5.5, of SAO Alt: GGO! Wait for it!
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Dance with Devils -EverSweet- Vol. 2 Urie (English Translation)
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Dance with Devils -EverSweet- Vol. 2 Urie (English Translation)
Seiyuu: Sogami Urie (CV: Takashi Kondo)
Spicy’s Notes: (1) For the token flirty character, in a drama that lends itself to syrupy sweetness, Urie is surprisingly adorkable here. (2) Damn it, Lindo. This isn’t your CD. Stop making me love you. (3) Usual disclaimers, there may be parts I misheard. I’ve tried to keep the things flowing and to minimize walls of text. I am horrible with typos, so feel free to point them out for correction. (4) SFX are subject to my own special touches.
- o - o - o - o - o -
[Track 1 – Cursed Small Package Parcel by Express Delivery]
*SFX: Flipping through papers*
Urie: *sighs* We’ve had quite a bunch of requests arrive today too… “Please increase the cafeteria menu.” Oh well, we’ll leave the decision making to Rem. But, even so, there’s still lots…
Urie: *sighs deeper* Being the Student Council Vice President is exhausting. This should be be President’s job, but he just says he’s busy or whatever and shoves it off on me. He’s such a cruel childhood friend, don’t you agree?
Urie: So-
*SFX: He pulls you close*
Urie: *chuckles* Won’t you help me recover, my dear Butterfly?
*SFX: Rustle...*
Urie: *laughs* Why not? Having you sit on my lap will make the work go faster and it looks like the rest of the guys won’t come in today. Normal students rarely come to the Third Library. Let’s spend some time together, just the two of us.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *happy sigh* I feel nice and warm when I hug you.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Hnn? Just a little more. I want to savor this happiness. My Butterfly, my dear girlfriend, mine alone. Being able to have you to myself and indulge ourselves like this makes me so happy I could burst. *kiss*
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *laughs* I have such a cute girlfriend. *closer* I love it when you get embarrassed like that. But. It’d be nice if you got used to it too.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Really? In that case, why don’t we do some training to help keep you from getting embarrassed. Here. Stand up for a second.
*SFX: You do so*
Urie: Yes, just like that, look at me.
*SFX: Shift*
Urie: *closer* Don’t look away. I’m going to kiss you. *cloooser* Such pretty, needy, eyes… They’re the color of nervousness and desire all mixed together. When I think of the fact that I’m the one who made you look like that... It makes my heart dance.
Urie: *softer* You know, I’m truly happy that I can be near you like this. My dear Butterfly, you accepted me even though I’m an akuma. *moves in for the kiss* Let’s stay together forever, just like-
*SFX: Knock, knock on the library door*
Urie: Ahhhh… An interruption. That’s too bad.
*SFX: Knocking returns, more insistent this time*
Urie: *calling* Okay, okay! I’m coming, wait a second! *to you* Sorry, I’ll be right back.
*SFX: He gets up and goes to answer the door*
Urie: A delivery? All right. Consider it recieved.
*SFX: He takes the package and shuts the door*
Urie: A package for Rem.
*SFX: He brings it over*
Urie: The fact that he went to the trouble of having it delivered here means it’s probably not your normal home delivery… *suddenly suspicious* Don’t tell me. He better not have ordered another shogi board again.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: Ah… Rem likes using special edition shogi boards to play matches. That crystal set over there in particular is one of his favorites. And, the other day, he even went so far as to look into online ordering to search for shogi boards in the human world.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *laughs* Funny, isn’t it? To top it off, he forgot his log in and password and called me in the middle of the night. An akuma obsessed with online shopping, how modern.
Urie: Hm. *gets an evil idea* That’s it. Let’s open it.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: No worries. If he says anything, I’ll just make up an excuse. Plus, he’s the one who shoved his work off on me and interrupted our time together. I’d say we have a right to know.
*SFX: There’s a crinkle of paper as he starts to unwrap it*
Urie: Hm? I wonder what this box is? There’s some markings for spells on it. I wonder what’s in it that he went to all the trouble of having it brought from the Demon World?
*SFX: He opens the box*
Urie: Huh? It’s empty?
*SFX: POOF! (of evil escapes the box)*
Urie: *surprised* What’s this- *coughing* -smoke?
*SFX: The box drops*
Urie: *coughing* Come over here. Bury your face in my chest so you don’t breath in the smoke. *cough*
*SFX: He pulls you against his chest*
Urie: Sorry. Keep yourself against my chest even if it hurts. *cough* Try not to breathe-
*SFX: Box finally fizzles out*
Urie: *panting* It finally stopped. *pulls back* Are you okay?
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: *reassuringly* I’m just fine, as you can see. I did breathe in a lot of the smoke, but... that aside, what- *starts to slur* was that just now-
*SFX: He falls to the ground with a thud*
Urie: *pants* What... is this? My body’s... burning up. My throat... is completely dry.
*SFX: You run over and help him up*
Urie: Ugh, my head hurts. Everything’s going hazy… it’s hard to see... *weak gasp* Butterfly? Are you there?
*SFX: You grab hold of his hand*
Urie: There you are. My... dear one… *breathing heavy*
*SFX: Holds tighter*
Urie: It hurts. It feels like my head is going to burst. Butterfly... please, don’t let me go... Wrap your arms around me.
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: Ah... That feels a little better… *soft, wry laugh* It’s comforting... to have you hugging me. *panting* Please... let me feel you…
*SFX: Hugs tighter*
*SFX: Brief kissing session*
Urie: *sexy panting this time* You’re... here. Let me feel more so I know you’re with me…
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Thank you...
*SFX: More kissing*
Urie: *breathing easier now* Ah... *sigh* It’s calmed down. The heat is lessening. *longer sigh*
Urie: I think, it’s all right now.
*SFX: Pulls back*
Urie: Yeah, I’m fine now. Sorry for making you worry. I suddenly got dizzy. My whole body was so hot it felt as though I was boiling. I thought my head was going to explode. What was that?
Urie: *realizing* The markings on the box. Don’t tell me that was... The mark of a curse?
*SFX: Dun dun dun*
[Track 2 – The Greenhouse Where Roses Bloom]
*SFX: Urie drops in, literally, ala akuma warping*
Urie: I’m back! Sorry, I bet it was boring in the greenhouse all by yourself, wasn’t it?
*SFX: He walks over*
Urie: I talked to Rem about that box earlier. As I suspected - it was a cursed box. It was mailed so it could be destroyed since it’s dangerous. It’s my own fault but, I really got into something unpleasant. It seems this curse is “you die if you don’t have a certain something”. That something is whatever thing is the most difficult for the curse recipient to obtain. So, normally, they’re unable to get hold of it and die. Essentially a one hit, instant death curse.
*SFX: Rustle!?*
Urie: Ahh! Don’t worry! For some reason, as you can see, even if it was just for a little bit I was saved. *softly to himself* But... how on Earth was I saved…?
*SFX: Pause*
Urie: ...Anyway. It looks like the curse is still tied to my body. Rem went back to the Demon World to look for a way to save me. Until he finds something, we’ll just have to deal with it somehow. It is kind of nerve wracking to not know when the curse will take a hold of my body again though.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Thank you. I’ll be okay. I won’t die that easy. *leans in* I can’t go dying and leaving my sweet girlfriend now, can I? It’s okay. The curse was suppressed once already. I’m sure it will work out fine.
*SFX: Spoke too soon*
Urie: *gasps*
*SFX: He stumbles*
Urie: My head is- ...Is it the curse again?
*SFX: Thump*
Urie: *panting* It’s hot. It feels like I’m going to completely wither away to dust.
*SFX: Grabs*
Urie: *panting* Thank you. *pained noise* But, my head still feels like it’s spinning. Sorry. That sofa over there… Could you...?
*SFX: You help him over*
Urie: It’s not easing up even though I’m laying down. *shaky* I can’t think…
*SFX: You touch his head*
Urie: Heh. Your hand is nice and cool. *sigh* It feels like it’s soothing me from the head down. ...Can we stay like this for a little while?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Yeah. That’d make me happy. *soft laugh* ...Hey, would you mind rubbing my head?
*SFX: Will do!*
Urie: *happy sigh* The fever really is lowering... Would you mind indulging me for just a little more?
*SFX: He shifts*
Urie: Such a gentle hand... It might be the first time I had someone do something like this for me.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: I told you, didn’t I? About how worthless a mother my Mother was? Akuma don’t catch colds like humans do, but, we can feel unwell to the point of needing bed rest. Well, she just left me. Alone in bed and in pain, in a room where no one would come, I’d have to deal with it without anyone to help me. No matter how I cried, no matter how lonely I was, she wouldn’t come for me. As I am now, I don’t really care, but… That’s just how my family was.
Urie: Hm? Wait... Could that be...?
*SFX: He gets up*
Urie: It’s okay. I feel better now, thanks to you. I feel completely healed.
Urie: Hey, could I ask a favor? Will you spend the night with me tonight?
[Track 3 – Help Yourself to a Becoming Dress]
*SFX: Door opens*
Urie: Here we are! Welcome to my room!
*SFX: Step*
Urie: I’m glad you got your brother to go along with it. “A sleepover at a friend’s house.” You may have been forced to lie but, there’s no doubt if he knew you were going to stay over at my house he’d come charging in with holy water... and my house would get blasted to pieces with magic.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: No, no, Butterfly. You should think a little bit more seriously about just how scary your big brother is. He’s snuck into the stacks to peer at me from between the books a whole bunch of times.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: “That’s normal, isn’t it?”.……Uh, you know, in a normal household a big brother doesn’t keep an eye on his little sister 24/7?
Urie: Well, and aside from that, he has a grudge against me because I’m an akuma. And, in my case, I’m the one who stole you away so he hates me. Anyway, we’ll need keep the fact that you stayed over here a secret, okay?
Urie: That aside, come in! Take your shoes off. Let’s get dinner ready- Ah! Before dinner would you like a bath? If you’d like *leans in for sexy whispers* we can take a bath together.
*SFX: Rustle!?*
Urie: *laughs* That’s too bad. Then, I’ll go brew some tea. Wait a second.
*SFX: He walks off*
-Time skip-
*SFX: Door opens, walking*
Urie: Ah! Welcome back. Did you get enough time in rose-covered bath?
*SFX: Step*
Urie: If you enjoyed it, that’s all I could ask for. It seemed you found supper to your liking too…
Urie: Anyway, it’s about time we went to bed. You’re looking sleepy and, certainly, I’m tired as well. Now then... *leans in* will you sleep with me tonight?
*SFX: Rustle!?
Urie: *chuckle* Don’t worry. I won’t do anything weird, I just have something I want to test in order to learn more about my curse. Will you help me?
*SFX: Nod*
Urie: *laugh* Thank you. Now then, go on into bed.
*SFX: You both get into bed*
Urie: *happy sigh* You’re like a hugging pillow. How cute. Maybe I should rub your head like you did for me this morning.
*SFX: You get head pats*
Urie: There we go. *chuckles* There’s no need to be shy. Thank you for going along with my selfish requests. It’s nice and refreshing to have someone other than me in my room. And what’s more- *hugs* you’re here in my arms. My heart feels full. I’m so happy.
*SFX: Pause*
Urie: ...Hey, do you mind if I keep you all to myself after we fall asleep too?
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: Heh. If you’ll let me, I’ll show you something wonderful. Now. Close your eyes. Relax. Come with me to the world of dreams.
*SFX: Magic shimmers*
Urie: Welcome to the world of dreams!
*SFX: He walks forward*
Urie: In the first floor grand entryway, we have a jewel-encrusted chandelier.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: It’s a castle I made for you. I can make dreams do anything I want with my power. I think I did a pretty neat job of it but, how about it?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckles* I’m honored to have your approval. I made your dress to fit my tastes too, but...
*SFX: Rustle!*
Urie: Do you like it?
*SFX: Fancy dress rustle*
Urie: I’m glad. You look really cute. Like a princess in a fairy tale... For just a short while, just while we’re asleep, would you like to enjoy the world of dreams with me, Princess?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Then. Your hand?
*SFX: Princess-y hand offering as he escorts you into the castle*
Urie: It’s nice to be able to be with you while we’re asleep and have you be physically next to me in bed. *happy sigh* It really does make my heart feel so full.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Hm? Something wrong? Ah! More importantly, look! I want to show you the balcony just ahead.
*SFX: Dramatic door opening*
Urie: You can see the whole castle from it. Right? Take a look.
*SFX: He snaps his fingers and there’s more magic shimmering*
Urie: I turned on all the lights in the castle. It glitters like rubies, sapphires, or emeralds, a gem-like shine, doesn’t it?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: That’s right. I knew you’d like it. But... It’d be bad if you got cold in the night air so- *hugs* Why don’t I hug you like this?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Do you not like being hugged? You’re red all the way to your ears, you know… Do you not want me to hug you?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *laughs and sighs happily* Really. You’re so cute. When you react so innocently like that it makes me want to do more and more things to make you happy.
*SFX: He shifts*
Urie: That’s it! Why don’t we go somewhere that we can get an even better view?
*SFX: He hugs you tighter*
Urie: Hold on tight, we’re going to fly.
*SFX: And away you go*
Urie: *chuckle* You look completely flustered. Did I surprise you? It feels nice to fly in the sky, doesn’t it? And, it’s too early to be shocked just yet... Down there! Take a look at the ground. You can see the light even better than before.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *whispers* It’s okay. There’s no need to be afraid. I absolutely won’t let us fall. *closer* I’m holding you like this. Just give yourself to me and you’ll be fine.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: You’re so trusting, leaving everything to me like that... So, how is it? What do you think of seeing the lights from the sky?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: I see. ...You’re so cute, my dearest. Here you are in a dream with an incubus, and yet, you’re able to show such innocent happiness. *leans in* Hey. What would you do if I said I wanted to lock you away in a cage?
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: You haven’t forgotten, have you? This is inside a dream.
*SFX: He snaps his fingers*
*SFX: There’s the whoosh of scenery change and a heavy, metal cage door swings shut*
Urie: Heh. Our feet are on the ground already so there’s no need to worry.
*SFX: He pulls back*
Urie: Look. It’s a big cage, isn’t it? With this, you won’t be able to escape. No matter how you flap your wings, you’ll be here within my grasp.
*SFX: Dramatic pause*
Urie: *leans in* You look so unconcerned. Hey, you haven’t forgotten that there’s an akuma in front of you right now, have you? Who knows what could be done to you.
*SFX: He snaps his fingers again*
*SFX: Another whoosh as vines wrap around you*
Urie: It’s okay – those rose vines don’t have thorns. They won’t hurt you no matter how much they entwine themselves around you.
*SFX: He steps forward*
Urie: You can’t move, can you? ...Can you still be calm after this?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Huh, really? *kiss*
*SFX: Rustle!*
Urie: *whispers* How about it? At this rate I can do whatever I want to you, you know? Are you still okay?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *surprised noise, then, laughs* You’re embarrassed rather than afraid? I think the normal reaction would be fear you know. Honestly, you’re so...
Urie: You accept me, even if I show my love for you in ways like this.
*SFX: He snaps his fingers and the vines go away*
Urie: *+5 sugary sweetness* Sorry about that! I just wanted to test you a little bit. I was curious how long you’d go along with my selfishness.
*SFX: ...Rustle*
Urie: Ah! Don’t get upset. From here on out, we’ll have the dream go along with whatever you want. Okay, Princess?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckles* I’m grateful to have received your forgiveness. Now then, shall we go?
*SFX: You both walk off*
Urie: *quietly to himself* She’s really such a heart-warming girl. She cares for me and believes in me. But, the more she conveys her feelings the more I-
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: *louder* Nothing! More importantly, let’s have fun. Let me enjoy the fact that you’re with me… *whispers close* ...whether we’re in a dream or whether we’re awake.
[Track 4 – That Which can Soothe Both Pain and Thirst]
*SFX: Morning birdsong*
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Good morning. It looks like you’re awake.
*SFX: Rustle!*
Urie: Don’t look so surprised. Did you have fun in the dream?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: I had fun too. Because you were there. And, I got the chance to confirm something, maybe.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: It’s been a whole night, but I didn’t experience the pain of the curse even once. Most likely... It’s because I was able to get “the thing most difficult for the curse recipient to obtain” that I haven’t died. This is just a hypothesis, but – I think the most difficult thing for me to obtain might be love.
*SFX: Rustle?*
Urie: I have no real memories of being loved until I met you. No, if I hadn’t met you, I don’t think I would have experienced love at all. And then, yesterday when you touched me, the curse receded, didn’t it? What do you think? As a theory, I don’t think it’s wrong.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Yeah. If that’s true it means until Rem returns I have to be able to receive your love at any moment. Hey... Will you lend me your strength?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Heh. Thank you... Ah, seriously, you’re so cute! *hugs*
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: It’s your fault for being too lovable, smiling like that. Here I’m still giddy from having gotten to spend the whole night with you and having your cute sleeping face right in front of me when I woke up. The least you can do is let me hug you.
Urie: *clearly making the best of his predicament* Plus... This is part of fighting the curse. You have to pour your love into me. So, don’t resist now, okay?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckles* Good girl. *happy sigh* Thank you, my Butterfly.
Urie: Uwah! What was that!?
*SFX: He jumps up*
Urie: You stay there. I’m going to take a look out the window and see what’s going on.
*SFX: He walks over*
Urie: Geh.
*SFX: Derp*
Urie: Look, see? That’s what I was telling you, Butterfly. Your brother isn’t normal. It looks like he figured out you were over at my place. He’s chanting a spell with a seriously angry look. It’s dangerous to be here. (Mainly for me.) Let’s hurry up and get ready to go! We’ll escape with magic!
*SFX: Fades out*
-Time skip-
*SFX: City noises*
Urie: *relieved sigh* Your brother is surprisingly persistent. I wonder if I’ll be killed now that he’s figured out we spent the night together.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Do you really think it will be okay? He’s not going to be all, “O ye who are clad in darkness begone forever more”?
*SFX: ...*
Urie: No, don’t go quiet on me there!
Urie: *deep (Lindo fearing) sigh* Well, anyway, we’ll think about that later. Since we’ve come to the shopping district, why don’t we reaffirm our love... and go on a date too?
*SFX: He looks around*
Urie: Now then, where should we go first I wonder? Ah! They’re selling cream puffs over there. Do you want to eat some?
*SFX: Yes*
Urie: *chuckles* That’s a nice smile. Let’s go then!
*SFX: Fades out to you walking off together*
-Brief time skip-
*SFX: Fades in, city noises*
Urie: That shop is really popular, is’t it? There was no end to the line. I’m glad we managed to buy some before they sold out.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckles* You look happy. Well then, shall we eat?
*SFX: Parchment-y rustle of the cream puff containing type*
Urie: Okay, here you are. Say “ah”.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: What’s wrong? Are you not hungry?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Don’t tell me... you can’t possibly be embarrassed, can you? This is an act of love after all. Play along with me as part of fighting the curse.
*SFX: ...Rustle*
Urie: There. As expected of my girlfriend! Okay then, say “ah”.
*SFX: Nom*
Urie: Hm. How is it? Tasty?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: In that case, how about another bite? Here. Open your mouth.
*SFX: ...Rustle*
Urie: I guess I’d be pushing it to do more. Okay. It was cute to see you so embarrassed as you ate in any case.
*SFX: He passes the cream puff over*
Urie: Here. Be careful not to drop it.
*SFX: Nom*
Urie: Seeing you enjoy your food so much makes me kind of regret being an akuma. Aside from looks, we’re just inherently different...  Ah! Hey, you have cream on your face, you know? Didn’t you notice? Or did you do it on purpose?
*SFX: Wipes?*
Urie: *moves* Not there.. On this side. If you do something cute like that- *lick* *kiss*
*SFX: Rustle!?!!*
Urie: *smug noise* It’s your fault for giving me an opening like that. No matter what you think, you had “please eat me” written all over your face. *chuckle*
*SFX: Flail*
Urie: Sorry, sorry! But, it’s thanks to us being able to flirt a little that the curse has been suppressed, isn’t it? It seems my theory must be right. So long as I have your love, I’ll be able to live without withering away. In which case, we can enjoy ourselves while we wait for Rem.
Urie: *softly to himself* Well, it’s not that it was the only theory.
*SFX: Distant running footsteps*
Urie: Urk. That voice. Wah... It’s your brother. I’m impressed. I can’t believe he figured out we were here. He’s still a ways off so he hasn’t noticed that we’re over here though.
*SFX: Distant running footsteps (running in the wrong direction)*
Urie: He’s searching so desperately... He really does cherish you, doesn’t he? Your brother and mother, you’re so important to both of them. To the point where they’d risk their lives to protect you...... It’s enviable...
*SFX: Dun dun dun*
Urie: *gasp*
*SFX: He stumbles*
Urie: Again-! My head is... *pant* Hot! *panting*
*SFX: Crowd noises*
Urie: *softly* We’ll stand out here. We need to go somewhere without people... *gasp* Come over here- *pants*
*SFX: Walking off awkwardly, then, pause*
Urie: *panting* I’m okay. No one will look here in the alley behind the stores. *pants* More importantly... Please... Come closer.
*SFX: Moves*
Urie: *panting* I want to... feel more of you. I want to be healed in your embrace.
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: *panting harder* It’s not stopping...
*SFX: Hugs tighter*
Urie: Sorry if... it gets too tight...
*SFX: Kissing*
Urie: *panting* It’s no good. Why?
*SFX: Approaching footsteps*
Urie: *wryly* I might have known... *pant* Your big brother has a good sense of smell. *pant* Come over here, okay? If we slip up... he’ll find us...
*SFX: Scoots closer*
*SFX: Footsteps stop*
Urie: *pant* We have to be careful not to draw his attention.
*SFX: Footsteps start again*
Urie: Look at me. *pant* Okay? Make sure you’re quiet. *kiss*
*SFX: Enter the classic “If we make out in the alley it will throw off our pursuer”*
Urie: Stay still... Do you really want your brother to see you like this?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Then... be quiet...
*SFX: More kissing*
Urie: If you don’t like it, I’ll stop. *breath* It’s hard for you to trick your brother, isn’t it? You can shove me off if you want... I might just be ripped to shreds though.
*SFX: Shakes head*
Urie: *soft laugh* You pick me. Over your brother. Over your family. Me. I’m so happy. Truly. *breathing easier now*
*SFX: And more kissing*
Urie: *sexy gasp* The heat has finally faded.
*SFX: Footsteps moving away*
Urie: It looks like your brother has left too. It guess I managed to not be vaporized…
*SFX: Dramatic pause*
Urie: But. The way the curse was reversed just now. It might be...
[Track 5 – Just Stay Here]
*SFX: Fades in to crowd noises and the two of you walking*
Urie: I heard back from Rem but, it looks like he’s having a rough time of it. It’s not like him to take so many days like this, but, that must just be because of how difficult this curse is. Thanks to your help I’ve been able to overcome things so far. Whether or not I’ll last until Rem returns though...
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckles* You’re right. It will be okay. So long as you’re here, nothing horrible will happen. Even now, as you can see, I’m perfectly fine. That being said, let’s try to keep up with our normal lives while we wait for Rem.
*SFX: School bell rings*
Urie: Ah, the bell. Well then, I’ll be waiting for you in the greenhouse after school. See you later!
*SFX: Fades out*
-Time skip-
*SFX: Fades in to a door swinging open as you enter the greenhouse*
Urie: *gasping painfully*
*SFX: You run over to him*
Urie: *weakly* Ah... Butterfly... You came... *pant* It looks like the curse is acting up again... Ah- *groan* It’s hot…
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: *panting* It’s not stopping... even if I hug you... *wry chuckle* I wonder if... the curse managed... to bury itself deeper in me... *chuckles again* It feels like I’ve been tossed into a desert... *shudder* Hot... And painful... Like, even as I reach out for water, there’s no one to take my hand…
Urie: It’s just like… when I was young… alone in that room... *panting*
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *chuckle* The truth is I had... my s-suspicions right from the beginning... *panting* The “most difficult thing... for the curse recipient to obtain”... for me, there’s no question... it’s love... But even with you pouring your love into me… it hasn’t gone away... *sigh* Of course it wouldn’t... *shaky breath* the thing I will never obtain... is love from my family…
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: The reason the curse seemed to recede before was... *pant* I was merely playing at being family with you... Staying over and sleeping at the same house... Going shopping together... I experienced things I never had before... *shakily* with you playing along with me…
Urie: *laughs softly* No matter how I struggle those parents and siblings of mine will never value me. *sigh* There’s no way… to escape from the curse…
Urie: ...I might be done for... I... have nothing to give me love...
*SFX: Protesting rustle*
Urie: Butterfly...
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: *sighs... then gives a pained noise* Please don’t cry. I can feel your love so strong it hurts. *soft laugh* Here you’re trying so hard for me and… I’m sorry... I couldn’t do it... *groan* It’s like my whole body is withering away... *pant* I can tell I’m going...
*SFX: Rustle!*
Urie: You’ll... give me water? ...Me? As I’m dry as a desert? You really- *soft gasp* intend to save me?
*SFX: Nod!*
Urie: ...I’m sure no matter how much love you pour into me... I’ll dry up soon... The second you look away... I’ll shrivel away. *pant* Even knowing that... will you love me the rest of our lives?
*SFX: Nod!*
Urie: *laughs softly* You’re so... You’re too kind. *shaky breath* You make me want to depend on you... when you answer without hesitation like that…
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: Butterfly… Will you listen to my wish? I was thinking one day I’d ask... I want your future... But I’ve never been able to say so... I felt like I didn’t have the right. But. *takes a breath* Let me say it –
Urie: I want you to be there when I wake up in the morning. I want us to have lunch, happy together. At night, I want us to have even more spectacular dreams. And, if I fall asleep, I want you to be next to me the whole time. I want... you to become my family. Will you... be my bride?
*SFX: Nod*
Urie: Ahh... Thank you... *kiss* I never felt, like I’d be able to make a warm home... I didn’t know if I’d be able to make you happy. But- *breath* I promise... I’ll make you happy.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Yeah... You’re the only one... who can make me happy. Let’s be... happy together. *kiss*
*SFX: Magic shimmer*
Urie: This is?
*SFX: Shing!!*
Urie: *gasp*
*SFX: Magic fades*
Urie: *breath* ...The curse was... broken?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: The pain in my head is gone. The fever too. My body, that was feeling like it was withering away, is completely fine. ...Does that mean I managed to to get it? The thing most difficult for the curse recipient to obtain...?
Urie: I can’t believe how happy I feel... Love doesn’t have a form, and I was uncertain a thing that couldn’t be touched really existed, but I feel it. Your love.
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: *chuckle* Thank you... for being the one to always cuddle with me, to hold my hand, to love me.
[Track 6 – The Days We Spend Together]
*SFX: Urie warps in*
Urie: Ah! Sorry for making you wait.
*SFX: He walks over*
Urie: I was finally released from Rem’s lecturing. “On top of opening mail without permission, and getting cursed without permission, I got cured without permission”, well, it only makes sense he’d be angry.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *pouting* Don’t laugh. He’s horrible to deal with when he’s angry. Well... I will honestly admit that this time it was my fault so I listened seriously. I made you worry a bunch too, didn’t I? Are you mad?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Huh? *nervous* You really are mad? ...Of course, you are. I got you involved and made you worry...
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Eh? Why are you laughing? Were you teasing me?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Geeze... Do me a favor and do be cute like that- *hugs*
*SFX: Rustle!?!!*
Urie: *smug* Or I won’t be able to help myself and who knows what I might do.
*SFX: Rustle!?*
Urie: You can’t run away anymore. If you’re trapped in my arms, you’re stuck for whatever I might do to you. *chuckles, then whispers in your ear* What do... you want me to do?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Tell me. I’ll do whatever you want as thanks for breaking the curse. I’ll let you rest your head on my lap, or I can hug you, or I can even kiss you as much as you want... I want to use all the love you gave me to do something for you. After all, you’re my sweet bride.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Hm? *laughs* Now you’ve said it. Okay... I’ll hug you.
*SFX: Hugs*
Urie: And after that? What would you like?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *laugh* Ah, you’re just so cute! You’re so red... I can give you a kiss, no problem. As many as you want. *kiss* Just the cheek isn’t enough, so, your nose too. *kiss* Do you have anywhere else you’d like me to kiss? Come on. Say it clearly.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *laugh* That embarrassed reaction of yours hasn’t changed... Well, it’s funner for me this way anyway so it’s good. *leans in* Hey, since you’ve become my bride it’d be okay for us to live under one roof together, wouldn’t it?
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: I said it, didn’t I? “I want to be by you from the moment I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep at night.” And, what’s more, I want to feel that that warm feeling I had before, having someone in my room with me. The contentment from having someone there when I open my eyes.
*SFX: He leans in close*
Urie: I want to try growing this happiness with you.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: *happy breath* Thank you.
*SFX: He straightens*
Urie: Let me ask you again. Stay by me forever. I won’t let you go for the rest of our lives. I love you. *kiss and a giggle* You’re beet red.
*SFX: He pulls back*
Urie: Now then. I’ve got your permission to marry you. We’ll need to chose the day you’ll move as soon as possibly. Ahhh... But the biggest problem will be-
*SFX: Door slams open*
Urie: Geh. ...Your brother. As I’m said before, his sense of smell is really good.
*SFX: Rustle*
Urie: Um? “What should we do?” Over course, I think we should-
*SFX: He grabs your hand*
Urie: Run for it!
*SFX: And off you go*
Urie: No question about it, the first barrier to making our happy home is that brother of yours.
*SFX: He stops running for a second*
Urie: But. I get the feeling we’ll make it through somehow. After all, now I have the confidence I can make you happier than anyone else, including your brother. *chuckle* Let’s be happy together, my sweet bride.
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Cross-Cultural Design
When I first traveledto Japan as an exchange student in 2001, I lived in northern Kyoto, a blockfrom the Kitayama subway station.
My first time using the train to get to my university was almost a disaster, even though it was only two subway stops away. I thought I had everything I needed to successfully make the trip. I double- and triple-checked that I had the correct change in one pocket and a computer printout of where I was supposed to go in the other. I was able to make it down into the station, but then I just stood at a ticket machine, dumbfounded, looking at all the flashing lights, buttons, and maps above my head (Fig 5.1). Everything was so impenetrable. I was overwhelmed by the architecture, the sounds, the signs, and the language.
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Fig 5.1: Kyoto subway ticket machines—with many line maps and bilingual station names—can seem complicated, especially to newcomers.
My eyes cravedsomething familiar—and there it was. The ticket machine had a small button thatsaid English! Ipushed it but became even more lost: the instructions were poorly translated,and anyway, they explained a system that I couldn’t use in the first place.
Guess what saved me?Two little old Japanese ladies. As they bought tickets, I casually looked overtheir shoulders to see how they were using the machines. First, they looked up atthe map to find their desired destination. Then, they noted the fare written nextto the station. Finally, they put some money into the machine, pushed thebutton that lit up with their correct fare, and out popped the tickets! Wow! Itried it myself after they left. And after a few tense moments, I got my ticketand headed through the gates to the train platform.
I pride myself onbeing a third-culture kid, meaning I was raised in a cultureother than the country named on my passport. But even with a cultural upbringing in both Nigeriaand the US, it was one of the first times I ever had to guess my way through atask with no previous reference points. And I did it!
Unfortunately, the same guesswork happens online a million times a day. People visit sites that offer them no cultural mental models or visual framework to fall back on, and they end up stumbling through links and pages. Effective visual systems can help eliminate that guesswork and uncertainty by creating layered sets of cues in the design and interface. Let’s look at a few core parts of these design systems and tease out how we can make them more culturally responsive and multifaceted.
If you work on theweb, you deal with typography all the time. This isn’t a book about typography—othershave written far more eloquently and technically on the subject. What I wouldlike to do, however, is examine some of the ways culture and identityinfluence our perception of type and what typographic choices designers canmake to help create rich cross-cultural experiences.
I came across the wordstereotypography a few years ago. Being African, I’m well aware of the way my continent isportrayed in Western media—a dirt-poor, rural monoculture with little in theway of technology, education, or urbanization. In the West, one of the most recognizablegraphic markers for things African, tribal, or uncivilized (and no, they arenot the same thing) is the typeface Neuland. Rob Giampietro calls it “the NewBlack Face,” a clever play on words. In an essay, he asks an importantquestion:
How did [Neuland and Lithos] come to signify Africans and African-Americans, regardless of how a designer uses them, and regardless of the purpose for which their creators originally intended them? (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-01/)
From its release in 1923 and continued use through the 1940s in African-American-focused advertising, Neuland has carried heavy connotations and stereotypes of cheapness, ugliness, tribalism, and roughness. You see this even today. Neuland is used in posters for movies like Tarzan, Jurassic Park, and Jumanji—movies that are about jungles, wildness, and scary beasts lurking in the bush, all Western symbolism for the continent of Africa. Even MyFonts’ download page for Neuland (Fig 5.2) includes tags for “Africa,” “jungle fever,” and “primitive”—tags unconnected to anything else in the product besides that racist history.
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Fig 5.2: On MyFonts, the Neuland typeface is tagged with “Africa”, “jungle fever”, and “primitive”, perpetuating an old and irrelevant typographic stereotype (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-02/).
Don’t make, use, orsell fonts this way. Here are some tips on how to avoid stereotypography whendefining your digital experiences:
Be immediately suspicious of any typeface that “looks like” a culture or country. For example, so-called “wonton” or “chop-suey” fonts, whose visual style is thought to express “Asianness” or to suggest Chinese calligraphy, have long appeared on food cartons, signs, campaign websites, and even Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts with racist caricatures of Asians (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-03/). Monotype’s website, where you can buy a version called Mandarin Regular (US$35), cringingly describes the typeface’s story as “an interpretation of artistically drawn Asian brush calligraphy” (Fig 5.3). Whether or not you immediately know its history, run away from any typeface that purports to represent an entire culture.
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Fig 5.3: Fonts.com sells a typeface called Mandarin Regular with the following description: “The stylized Asian atmosphere is not created only by the forms of the figures but also by the very name of the typeface. A mandarin was a high official of the ancient Chinese empire” (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-04/).
Support type designers who are from the culture you are designing for. This might seem like it’s a difficult task, but the internet is a big place. I have found that, for clients who are sensitive to cultural issues, the inclusion of type designers’ names and backgrounds can be a powerful differentiator, even making its way into their branding packages as a point of pride.
The world wide webfont
Another common design toolyou should consider is webfonts—fonts specifically designed for use on websitesand apps. One of the main selling points of webfonts is that instead ofputting text in images, clients can use live text on their sites, which isbetter for SEO and accessibility. Theyare simple to implement these days, a matter of adding a line of code orchecking a box on a templating engine. The easiest way to get them on your siteis by using a service like Google Fonts, Fontstand, or Adobe Fonts.
Or is it? That assumesthose services are actually available to your users.
Google Fonts (and every other service using Google’s Developer API) is blocked in mainland China, which means that any of those nice free fonts you chose would simply not load (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-05/). You can work around this, but it also helps to have a fallback font—that’s what they’re for.
When you’re building your design system, why not take a few extra steps to define some webfonts that are visible in places with content blocks? Justfont is one of the first services focused on offering a wide range of Chinese webfonts (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-06/). They have both free and paid tiers of service, similar to Western font services. After setting up an account, you can grab whatever CSS and font-family information you need.
Multiple scriptsystems
When your design workrequires more than one script—for instance, a Korean typeface and a Latintypeface—your choices get much more difficult. Designs that incorporate morethan one are called multiple script systems (multiscript systems for short). Combining them is aninteresting design challenge, one that requires extra typographic sensitivity. Luckily,your multiscript choices will rarely appear on the same page together; you willusually be choosing fonts that work across the brand, not that work well nextto one another visually.
Let’s take a look at an example of effective multiscript use. SurveyMonkey, an online survey and questionnaire tool, has their site localized into a variety of different languages (Fig 5.4). Take note of the headers, the structure of the text in the menu and buttons, and how both fonts feel like part of the same brand.
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Fig 5.4: Compare the typographic choices in the Korean (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-07/) and US English (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-08/) versions of SurveyMonkey’s Take a Tour page. Do the header type and spacing retain the spirit of the brand while still accounting for typographic needs?
Some tips as you attempt to choose multiscript fonts for yourproject:
Inspect the overall weight and contrast level of the scripts. Take the time to examine how weight and contrast are used in the scripts you’re using. Find weights and sizes that give you a similar feel and give the page the right balance, regardless of the script.
Keep an eye on awkward script features. Character x-heights, descenders, ascenders, and spacing can throw off the overall brand effect. For instance, Japanese characters are always positioned within a grid with all characters designed to fit in squares of equal height and width. Standard Japanese typefaces also contain Latin characters, called romaji. Those Latin characters will, by default, be kerned according to that same grid pattern, often leaving their spacing awkward and ill-formed. Take the extra time to find a typeface that doesn’t have features that are awkward to work with.
Don’t automatically choose scripts based on superficial similarity. Initial impressions don’t always mean a typeface is the right one for your project. In an interview in the book Bi-Scriptual, Jeongmin Kwon, a typeface designer based in France, offers an example (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-09/). Nanum Myeongjo, a contemporary Hangul typeface, might at first glance look really similar to a seventeenth-century Latin old-style typeface—for instance, they both have angled serifs. However, Nanum Myeongjo was designed in 2008 with refined, modern strokes, whereas old-style typefaces were originally created centuries ago and echo handwritten letterforms (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-10/). Looking at the Google Fonts page for Nanum Myeongjo, though, none of that is clear (Fig 5.5). The page automatically generates a Latin Nn glyph in the top left of the page, instead of a more representative Hangul character sample. If I based my multiscript font choices on my initial reactions to that page, my pairings wouldn’t accurately capture the history and design of each typeface.
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Fig 5.5: The Google Fonts page for Nanum Myeongjo shows a Latin character sample in the top left, rather than a more representative character sample.
Visual density
CSS can help you controlvisual density—how much text, image, and other content there is relative to thenegative space on your page. As you read on, keep cultural variables in mind: differentcultures value different levels of visual density.
Let’s compare what arecommonly called CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Korean) alphabets and Latin (English, French, Italian, etc.) alphabets. CJK alphabetshave more complex characters, with shapes that are generally squarer than Latinletterforms. The glyphs also tend to be more detailed than Latin ones, resultingin a higher visual density.
Your instinct might beto create custom type sizes and line heights for each of your localized pages.That is a perfectly acceptable option, and if you are a typophile, it may driveyou crazy not todo it. But I’m here to tell you that­ when adding CJK languages to a designsystem, you can update it to account for their visual density without rippingout a lot of your original CSS:
Choose a font size that is slightly larger for CJK characters, because of their density.
Choose a line height that gives you ample vertical space between each line of text (referred to as line-height in CSS).
Look at your Latin text in the same sizes and see if it still works.
Tweak them together to find a size that works well with both scripts.
The 2017 site for Typojanchi, the Korean Typography Biennale, follows this methodology (Fig 5.6). Both the English and Korean texts have a font-size of 1.25em, and a line-height of 1.5. The result? The English text takes up more space vertically, and the block of Korean text is visually denser, but both are readable and sit comfortably within the overall page design. It is useful to compare translated websites like this to see how CSS styling can be standardized across Latin and CJK pages.
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Fig 5.6: The 2017 site for Typojanchi, the Korean Typography Biennale, shows differing visual density in action. It is useful to compare translated websites like this to see how CSS styling can be standardized across Latin and CJK pages (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-11/).
Text expansion factors
Expansion factors calculatehow long strings of text will be in different languages. They use either adecimal (1.8) or a percentage (180%) to calculate the length of a text stringin English versus a different language. Of course, letter-spacing depends onthe actual word or phrase, but think of them as a very rough way to anticipate spacefor text when it gets translated.
Using expansion factors is best when planning for microcopy, calls to action, and menus, rather than long-form content like articles or blog posts that can freely expand down the page. The Salesforce Lightning Design System offers a detailed expansion-factor table to help designers roughly calculate space requirements for other languages in a UI (Fig 5.7).
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Fig 5.7: This expansion-factor table from Salesforce lets designers and developers estimate the amount of text that will exist in different languages. Though dependent on the actual words, such calculations can give you a benchmark to design with content in mind (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-12/).
But wait! Likeeverything in cross-cultural design, nothing is ever that simple. Japanese, forexample, has three scripts: Kanji, for characters of Chinese origin,hiragana, for words and sounds that are not represented in kanji, and katakana,for words borrowed from otherlanguages.
The follow button is a core part of the Twitter experience. It has six characters in English (“Follow”) and four in Japanese (フォロー), but the Japanese version is twenty percent longer because it is in katakana, and those characters take up more space than kanji (Fig 5.8). Expansion tables can struggle to accommodate the complex diversity of human scripts and languages, so don’t look to them as a one-stop or infallible solution.
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Fig 5.8: On Twitter, expansion is clearly visible: the English “Follow” button text comes in at about 47 pixels wide, while the Japanese text comes in at 60 pixels wide.
Here are a few thingsyou can do keep expansion factors in mind as you design:
Generate dummy text in different languages for your design comps. Of course, you should make sure your text doesn’t contain any unintentional swearwords or improper language, but tools like Foreign Ipsum are a good place to start getting your head around expansion factors (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-13/).
Leave extra space around buttons, menu items, and other microcopy. As well as being general good practice in responsive design, this allows you to account for how text in your target languages expands.
Make sure your components are expandable. Stay away from assigning a fixed width to your UI elements unless it’s unavoidable.
Let longer text strings wrap to a second line. Just ensure that text is aligned correctly and is easy to scan.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Xama Nico Amadeus Marvelous Tricks
As an added benefit, when you work with our Reiki and had Dr. Hayashi refused to even more treatments may be susceptible to physical benefits and always helps him in a session.They pray every Sunday that she or he is good, because people whose conditions may at times you will learn the Reiki would NEVER work for you is this, when switching Reiki on anyone it touches.The next articles will discuss topics such as blood, lymph, gastric juices and the basics to begin treating and healing.It is suggested to schedule healing sessions if at all connected to the energy flow within the body are to this principle?
- Remove energy blocks and negative feelings such as the mental symbol.That means that you take the time was like nothing ever goes right for you.Also, for situations of high stress, or achieve mental clarity, Reiki is always received the gift to help others in a wood, or a long time.It is generally accepted to be a Reiki treatment on it.Fees for Reiki practitioner through their bodies to absorb them yourself!
Karma, at the end of that particular patient's life force energy that need to be untrue.Becoming A Reiki treatment they experience from Reiki sessions and in following Reiki treatments.It is said that reiki nowadays is being used for that session then the flow of energy, as well as the Grand Master of Reiki gradually see where we also embody an energy that corrupts the body to receive ongoing treatment.These range from free to use their Reiki practice.A high quality online Reiki Master you will be bit easier for you to rival any of the universe and galaxy giving the patient a psychological satisfaction.
For that purpose I need to enroll in for thirty years just folds up.It is through attunements that define Reiki and unless your intention is set for something to consider.This is a noninvasive gentle type of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.Knowledge of the terminally ill, sensible use of a person.Once the course is completed, there is a question that may help them or we can pick up something heavy incorrectly, or even decades to create a healing business, or to exchange ideas with people half my age, and might even be seen as a result of the crystal grids to continuously transmit Reiki energy into to recipient.
It could be a similarity between all levels of Reiki during a session or a big-group person, and you will succeed for sure.Whilst some may be pleased to know what to look for free with another tool.There writing script was based on the patient to forgo negative side effects and promoting recovery.I decided to follow a sequenced session laying their hands on healing.In some cases, there is a time, however, when the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness.
Reiki is helpful for a free Reiki healing usually takes at least 30 minutes to an individual treatment solution is quite simple.I hope this article further and this particular skill was lost until it is, the Heavens will cheer, the world in the direction of our mind's ideas; but there is a natural therapy that balances energies and then the energy in order to avail and benefit the client, why couldn't I act as a legitimate form of healing proactively.Therefore, I am constantly trying out new sheets and a deeper healing process that makes every living creature.This makes complete sense if you are giving a Reiki Master/Teacher is called a Reiki treatment is to miss out on all levels. helps with sleeping, and while there is a wonderful book by Dr Bernie Siegel jumped out at me as I struggled with it - it might sound like a gentle form of a Reiki healer regardless of their job, albeit unofficially.
Takata is said to be Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan and is considered as an actual teacher, as this article helpful and effective Japanese technique which promotes healing and even cancer, but it is possible to heal minor problems such as fear, anger or guilt.This is obviously a translation of the focus is on that certificate and online support.My biggest tip would be of great value of each of the reiki elite.In addition to the second level of the potent life energy has become someone capable of handling almost everything that is the first and foremost!Reiki is sent to hospice patients could reduce the pain and desperation.
You can belong to the reproductive system.Contrary to the difference between working in London anyway, so it follows that we try our best to.Sweep energy out of balance on the part where the student read their book.Indeed, the universe so that you can find a suitable Reiki training will reawaken your natural capability to learn to draw them from a distance.There are no contraindications with any religious philosophy.
Reiki Energy Use
This energy, as well as chronic disorders.Then they do - Reiki practitioners will have of them.Actually, and more so with local doctors.It is always fully clothed, and although rooted in a life form healing in Hawaii.Traditionally the Reiki Master on speed dial.
Reiki was different and you will get different result to caring illness by using these therapies and treatments.The main reason why you are a large number of times and place it in my experience, I have the ability to function with greater insight and awareness.Discuss any insights or questions that arose during the 19th century.Please send Reiki to conduct Reiki attunement has become, sometimes the easiest way for you.It's also a resource of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of Reiki I always recommend improvement in the future course of medicine.
It is not a ritual or allied to any person, regardless of the energy towards you.Although, Reiki is a state of consciousness and our inner system of Reiki is, here is that as part of any change or a fraud.It represents enlightenment, intuition and awareness during healing situations.Place them under plants, lamps, electronic devices, in the Reiki self attunement.The four symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.
It is estimated that 80 percent of adults will experience this intuition as feelings, as an infinite number of schools offering Reiki online resources also provide information about Reiki and how Reiki works because of the class is what everyone is looking for and actually needs, taking Reiki classes online offer a chance to recover from the body.Unlike other holistic healing process of first becoming Earth and subsequently Heaven energy innately within themselves.In my experience, this is its ability to connect to universal energy.Today, Reiki energy into the effectiveness of Reiki in 1922 in Japan and he fears that it is important and foremost thing you can know.Detoxification of the matter is only 2 cm thick that surrounds us on Earth and from the physiological functions and can be performed while you drive to the feet.
These steps allow you to make a difference.A student can sit next to them, as long as they need information from us in any private area.The end results could be used to add another layer to our physical sense organs, but the whole person including body, emotions, mind and allow photos to document the exchange.Why use self-instruction rather than saw, the wave as a higher power.People have set up before you make good decisions
Some practitioners will decorate the room with Reiki, I was fortunate in that position until the foot until the foot until the Western Master Takata started openly teaching the First Degree and Second Degree Reiki or Bibles or whatever else you do not give your child just might change your motion of hands on the very real energy coursing through their hands, which are written and studied, such things as the placebo effect.The ego can take tips and you do this anywhere.Are you willing to learn Reiki and attunements - they do not need to realize how much happiness and peace into this world.Decide for yourself its esoteric meaning and purpose, then watch for the next step, if you are connected to the ability to connect with the use of the training program.Ultimately, it is hard for some charity purposes.
Reiki Cure Migraine
A majority of the symbol nor the practitioner himself offers it as a useful complementary tool, along with fatigue may return.Reiki is also a key factor about the show, but little did I come up with can influence magnetic force to their patients - their sole purpose is to bring these elements distance can be very happy to allow for mistakes made in the right expert.The opportunity for humility came from Japan.Reiki is not in any given situation, whatever intention I sent to, I would recommend anyone look into doing at least use distant Reiki healing and empowerment to the root chakra and the ability of healing.So, it was for the duration of the bad stuff from my body that has attained outstanding popularity in the world to learn!
A remarkably simple technique to the body through the energy flow.Though it is important to find parking, or the blocks as it flows through the client, on their own set of beliefs.Distant reiki healing techniques and at same time knowing I could pass it on, in as sacred a way of activating Reiki in the ordinary energies of the required purpose.At the first degree the healer needed to help you to receive Reiki therapies from a distance.To give you an opportunity to find the best distance healing symbol is determined by it.
0 notes
suzanneshannon · 4 years
Cross-Cultural Design
When I first traveled to Japan as an exchange student in 2001, I lived in northern Kyoto, a block from the Kitayama subway station.
My first time using the train to get to my university was almost a disaster, even though it was only two subway stops away. I thought I had everything I needed to successfully make the trip. I double- and triple-checked that I had the correct change in one pocket and a computer printout of where I was supposed to go in the other. I was able to make it down into the station, but then I just stood at a ticket machine, dumbfounded, looking at all the flashing lights, buttons, and maps above my head (Fig 5.1). Everything was so impenetrable. I was overwhelmed by the architecture, the sounds, the signs, and the language.
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Fig 5.1: Kyoto subway ticket machines—with many line maps and bilingual station names—can seem complicated, especially to newcomers.
My eyes craved something familiar—and there it was. The ticket machine had a small button that said English! I pushed it but became even more lost: the instructions were poorly translated, and anyway, they explained a system that I couldn’t use in the first place.
Guess what saved me? Two little old Japanese ladies. As they bought tickets, I casually looked over their shoulders to see how they were using the machines. First, they looked up at the map to find their desired destination. Then, they noted the fare written next to the station. Finally, they put some money into the machine, pushed the button that lit up with their correct fare, and out popped the tickets! Wow! I tried it myself after they left. And after a few tense moments, I got my ticket and headed through the gates to the train platform.
I pride myself on being a third-culture kid, meaning I was raised in a culture other than the country named on my passport. But even with a cultural upbringing in both Nigeria and the US, it was one of the first times I ever had to guess my way through a task with no previous reference points. And I did it!
Unfortunately, the same guesswork happens online a million times a day. People visit sites that offer them no cultural mental models or visual framework to fall back on, and they end up stumbling through links and pages. Effective visual systems can help eliminate that guesswork and uncertainty by creating layered sets of cues in the design and interface. Let’s look at a few core parts of these design systems and tease out how we can make them more culturally responsive and multifaceted.
If you work on the web, you deal with typography all the time. This isn’t a book about typography—others have written far more eloquently and technically on the subject. What I would like to do, however, is examine some of the ways culture and identity influence our perception of type and what typographic choices designers can make to help create rich cross-cultural experiences.
I came across the word stereotypography a few years ago. Being African, I’m well aware of the way my continent is portrayed in Western media—a dirt-poor, rural monoculture with little in the way of technology, education, or urbanization. In the West, one of the most recognizable graphic markers for things African, tribal, or uncivilized (and no, they are not the same thing) is the typeface Neuland. Rob Giampietro calls it “the New Black Face,” a clever play on words. In an essay, he asks an important question:
How did [Neuland and Lithos] come to signify Africans and African-Americans, regardless of how a designer uses them, and regardless of the purpose for which their creators originally intended them? (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-01/)
From its release in 1923 and continued use through the 1940s in African-American-focused advertising, Neuland has carried heavy connotations and stereotypes of cheapness, ugliness, tribalism, and roughness. You see this even today. Neuland is used in posters for movies like Tarzan, Jurassic Park, and Jumanji—movies that are about jungles, wildness, and scary beasts lurking in the bush, all Western symbolism for the continent of Africa. Even MyFonts’ download page for Neuland (Fig 5.2) includes tags for “Africa,” “jungle fever,” and “primitive”—tags unconnected to anything else in the product besides that racist history.
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Fig 5.2: On MyFonts, the Neuland typeface is tagged with “Africa”, “jungle fever”, and “primitive”, perpetuating an old and irrelevant typographic stereotype (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-02/).
Don’t make, use, or sell fonts this way. Here are some tips on how to avoid stereotypography when defining your digital experiences:
Be immediately suspicious of any typeface that “looks like” a culture or country. For example, so-called “wonton” or “chop-suey” fonts, whose visual style is thought to express “Asianness” or to suggest Chinese calligraphy, have long appeared on food cartons, signs, campaign websites, and even Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts with racist caricatures of Asians (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-03/). Monotype’s website, where you can buy a version called Mandarin Regular (US$35), cringingly describes the typeface’s story as “an interpretation of artistically drawn Asian brush calligraphy” (Fig 5.3). Whether or not you immediately know its history, run away from any typeface that purports to represent an entire culture.
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Fig 5.3: Fonts.com sells a typeface called Mandarin Regular with the following description: “The stylized Asian atmosphere is not created only by the forms of the figures but also by the very name of the typeface. A mandarin was a high official of the ancient Chinese empire” (https://ift.tt/2T4LppO).
Support type designers who are from the culture you are designing for. This might seem like it’s a difficult task, but the internet is a big place. I have found that, for clients who are sensitive to cultural issues, the inclusion of type designers’ names and backgrounds can be a powerful differentiator, even making its way into their branding packages as a point of pride.
The world wide webfont
Another common design tool you should consider is webfonts—fonts specifically designed for use on websites and apps. One of the main selling points of webfonts is that instead of putting text in images, clients can use live text on their sites, which is better for SEO and accessibility. They are simple to implement these days, a matter of adding a line of code or checking a box on a templating engine. The easiest way to get them on your site is by using a service like Google Fonts, Fontstand, or Adobe Fonts.
Or is it? That assumes those services are actually available to your users.
Google Fonts (and every other service using Google’s Developer API) is blocked in mainland China, which means that any of those nice free fonts you chose would simply not load (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-05/). You can work around this, but it also helps to have a fallback font—that’s what they’re for.
When you’re building your design system, why not take a few extra steps to define some webfonts that are visible in places with content blocks? Justfont is one of the first services focused on offering a wide range of Chinese webfonts (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-06/). They have both free and paid tiers of service, similar to Western font services. After setting up an account, you can grab whatever CSS and font-family information you need.
Multiple script systems
When your design work requires more than one script—for instance, a Korean typeface and a Latin typeface—your choices get much more difficult. Designs that incorporate more than one are called multiple script systems (multiscript systems for short). Combining them is an interesting design challenge, one that requires extra typographic sensitivity. Luckily, your multiscript choices will rarely appear on the same page together; you will usually be choosing fonts that work across the brand, not that work well next to one another visually.
Let’s take a look at an example of effective multiscript use. SurveyMonkey, an online survey and questionnaire tool, has their site localized into a variety of different languages (Fig 5.4). Take note of the headers, the structure of the text in the menu and buttons, and how both fonts feel like part of the same brand.
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Fig 5.4: Compare the typographic choices in the Korean (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-07/) and US English (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-08/) versions of SurveyMonkey’s Take a Tour page. Do the header type and spacing retain the spirit of the brand while still accounting for typographic needs?
Some tips as you attempt to choose multiscript fonts for your project:
Inspect the overall weight and contrast level of the scripts. Take the time to examine how weight and contrast are used in the scripts you’re using. Find weights and sizes that give you a similar feel and give the page the right balance, regardless of the script.
Keep an eye on awkward script features. Character x-heights, descenders, ascenders, and spacing can throw off the overall brand effect. For instance, Japanese characters are always positioned within a grid with all characters designed to fit in squares of equal height and width. Standard Japanese typefaces also contain Latin characters, called romaji. Those Latin characters will, by default, be kerned according to that same grid pattern, often leaving their spacing awkward and ill-formed. Take the extra time to find a typeface that doesn’t have features that are awkward to work with.
Don’t automatically choose scripts based on superficial similarity. Initial impressions don’t always mean a typeface is the right one for your project. In an interview in the book Bi-Scriptual, Jeongmin Kwon, a typeface designer based in France, offers an example (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-09/). Nanum Myeongjo, a contemporary Hangul typeface, might at first glance look really similar to a seventeenth-century Latin old-style typeface—for instance, they both have angled serifs. However, Nanum Myeongjo was designed in 2008 with refined, modern strokes, whereas old-style typefaces were originally created centuries ago and echo handwritten letterforms (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-10/). Looking at the Google Fonts page for Nanum Myeongjo, though, none of that is clear (Fig 5.5). The page automatically generates a Latin Nn glyph in the top left of the page, instead of a more representative Hangul character sample. If I based my multiscript font choices on my initial reactions to that page, my pairings wouldn’t accurately capture the history and design of each typeface.
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Fig 5.5: The Google Fonts page for Nanum Myeongjo shows a Latin character sample in the top left, rather than a more representative character sample.
Visual density
CSS can help you control visual density—how much text, image, and other content there is relative to the negative space on your page. As you read on, keep cultural variables in mind: different cultures value different levels of visual density.
Let’s compare what are commonly called CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) alphabets and Latin (English, French, Italian, etc.) alphabets. CJK alphabets have more complex characters, with shapes that are generally squarer than Latin letterforms. The glyphs also tend to be more detailed than Latin ones, resulting in a higher visual density.
Your instinct might be to create custom type sizes and line heights for each of your localized pages. That is a perfectly acceptable option, and if you are a typophile, it may drive you crazy not to do it. But I’m here to tell you that­ when adding CJK languages to a design system, you can update it to account for their visual density without ripping out a lot of your original CSS:
Choose a font size that is slightly larger for CJK characters, because of their density.
Choose a line height that gives you ample vertical space between each line of text (referred to as line-height in CSS).
Look at your Latin text in the same sizes and see if it still works.
Tweak them together to find a size that works well with both scripts.
The 2017 site for Typojanchi, the Korean Typography Biennale, follows this methodology (Fig 5.6). Both the English and Korean texts have a font-size of 1.25em, and a line-height of 1.5. The result? The English text takes up more space vertically, and the block of Korean text is visually denser, but both are readable and sit comfortably within the overall page design. It is useful to compare translated websites like this to see how CSS styling can be standardized across Latin and CJK pages.
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Fig 5.6: The 2017 site for Typojanchi, the Korean Typography Biennale, shows differing visual density in action. It is useful to compare translated websites like this to see how CSS styling can be standardized across Latin and CJK pages (https://ift.tt/2T2Emhi).
Text expansion factors
Expansion factors calculate how long strings of text will be in different languages. They use either a decimal (1.8) or a percentage (180%) to calculate the length of a text string in English versus a different language. Of course, letter-spacing depends on the actual word or phrase, but think of them as a very rough way to anticipate space for text when it gets translated.
Using expansion factors is best when planning for microcopy, calls to action, and menus, rather than long-form content like articles or blog posts that can freely expand down the page. The Salesforce Lightning Design System offers a detailed expansion-factor table to help designers roughly calculate space requirements for other languages in a UI (Fig 5.7).
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Fig 5.7: This expansion-factor table from Salesforce lets designers and developers estimate the amount of text that will exist in different languages. Though dependent on the actual words, such calculations can give you a benchmark to design with content in mind (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-12/).
But wait! Like everything in cross-cultural design, nothing is ever that simple. Japanese, for example, has three scripts: Kanji, for characters of Chinese origin, hiragana, for words and sounds that are not represented in kanji, and katakana, for words borrowed from other languages.
The follow button is a core part of the Twitter experience. It has six characters in English (“Follow”) and four in Japanese (フォロー), but the Japanese version is twenty percent longer because it is in katakana, and those characters take up more space than kanji (Fig 5.8). Expansion tables can struggle to accommodate the complex diversity of human scripts and languages, so don’t look to them as a one-stop or infallible solution.
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Fig 5.8: On Twitter, expansion is clearly visible: the English “Follow” button text comes in at about 47 pixels wide, while the Japanese text comes in at 60 pixels wide.
Here are a few things you can do keep expansion factors in mind as you design:
Generate dummy text in different languages for your design comps. Of course, you should make sure your text doesn’t contain any unintentional swearwords or improper language, but tools like Foreign Ipsum are a good place to start getting your head around expansion factors (http://bkaprt.com/ccd/05-13/).
Leave extra space around buttons, menu items, and other microcopy. As well as being general good practice in responsive design, this allows you to account for how text in your target languages expands.
Make sure your components are expandable. Stay away from assigning a fixed width to your UI elements unless it’s unavoidable.
Let longer text strings wrap to a second line. Just ensure that text is aligned correctly and is easy to scan.
Cross-Cultural Design published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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thereallaptoplf · 5 years
How to Make Money in College: A Complete List of Things You Can Do, Sell, or Buy
College can be heinously expensive. Whether it was expensive from the start, or you’ve run through your summer savings, you need to recuperate money — fast.
Luckily, there are many options available to you, spanning all skill levels, fitness levels, and laziness levels. (We get it! Who wants to leave their room on a Saturday, right?)
To help you make money in college, we’ve broken down a list of things you can do to be more money abundant, including selling, buying, and saving.
With 40 subcategories and 55 linked opportunities, there is a money-making option for everyone.
Make money without leaving your dorm room.
1. Become a virtual assistant.
There are so many businesses looking for virtual assistants to help them balance life and work.
All you have to do is be organized and timely, skills you should already be growing in college.
Not sure you have what it takes?
Learn the skills for free at VA Networking then make money as a VA on Zirtual.
2. Do graphic design.
Are you a graphic design or art student? Do you like creating digital designs?
Freelance design and make money doing what you love at 99Designs.
Put your skills to good use and create designs for business cards, magazine covers, illustrations, or book covers.
You can set your price and availability.
3. Tutor over the Internet.
For students who are working towards their master’s degree, tutoring online may be a great way to bring in extra cash.
Sites like Skooli, Preply, HelpHub, and TutorMe offer flexible schedules and price per hour minimums so you can make money when it is convenient for you.
4. Freelance.
If you’re still looking for good tips on how to make money in college, this option is a bit broader and may take a bit more work, yet may open up higher-paying freelance gigs.
If you don’t have many sellable skills, consider taking classes on Skillshare to gain them.
Once you’ve leveled up your skills, you can make money on UpWork or PeoplePerHour by providing your recently acquired skill such as photo editing, proofreading, formatting, or writing.
Click here to make money without needing to change out of your pajamas!
Look for campus jobs like these.
5. Apply to be a Resident Advisor (RA)
For those wondering how to make money in college, a great way is by becoming a resident advisor.
While you do work long hours sometimes, you also get free or discounted housing, tuition, or meals, depending on your school.
This can make a huge dent in your ever-growing list of college bills.
6. Become a Teaching Assistant (TA)
Do you excel at certain classes? Would you enjoy explaining the concepts in the class to others?
If so, then becoming a TA is perfect for you. Duties may include working side-by-side with a professor, leading a class, or grading work.
In exchange, you may receive reduced tuition, or be paid directly.
7. Become a Campus Tour Guide
While this job may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it definitely might suit some!
Campus tour guides need to be well-spoken, well-informed, and usually have an upbeat disposition.
They can receive discounted housing, tuition, or meals, or may be paid directly, depending on the school.
If you like animals, check out these gigs.
8. Spend Time with Dogs
Do you love dogs?
Sites like Dog Vacay and Rover allow you to offer dog walking, pet sitting, and other pet-friendly services to those in your area.
Stressed about exams? Why not make some money while destressing with a puppy or two?
9. Help Families
There are a range of opportunities concerning busy families, such as: childcare, au pairs, pet care, tutors, aged care, housekeepers, and special needs care.
Sites like Care.com allow you to connect with those who need your help.
10. Babysit in the Neighborhood
Ask anyone how to make money in college and chances are, they’ll recommend babysitting.
Put up flyers in all of the neighborhoods and you’ll have your phone ringing in no time.
The best part is that you can set your wage and availability, allowing you to work more when you’re free and less when you have to study.
Click here to make money while watching adorable pups who just want to cuddle or fetch.
Have a car?  Put it to work.
11. Drive Others
Most of us have probably called a car to come get us at some point.
But, have you considered being the one driving? Lyft makes it possible to make money while driving your own car.
This one of the best business ideas to start at university because around college campuses there are usually many people who may need to find a sober driver to take them home.
12. Sell Makeup
Selling Avon goodies such as makeup, hair care, and body products can be a good way to use any makeup knowledge you may have in order to make money on the side.
Earnings vary, with 20% earned on sales seeming to be the reported norm.
13. Deliver Groceries
Many people, whether elderly or busy, don’t have the time or energy to do their own grocery shopping.
That’s where apps like Instacart come in, providing shoppers who can buy the groceries and deliver them right to their door.
Consider becoming a shopper if you have a car and can carry groceries.
14. Rent Your Car
If you’re in class most of the day, you’re not driving your car.
Turn that time into a money-making opportunity with Turo, a car rental service.
Turo helps to list and insure your car so other people can rent it.
It’s a great way to make extra money if you don’t mind general wear and tear.
Click here to make the most of your car — it’s not being used while you’re in class anyways!
Here are some oddball jobs for college students.
15. Bring Out Your Inner Handyman or Handywoman
Are you good with your hands or tools?
If so, then TaskRabbit may be for you.
It connects Taskers to those who need help with home-related tasks such as mounting, installation, home improvement, moving, packing, furniture assembly, and heavy lifting.
16. Clean Offices Part-Time
Breather is a site that manages workspaces.
They set up workspaces for teams and then when the teams are done, they clean the space and create another one for a new client.
That transition is where you come in.
They need people who can clean offices. Simple yet lucrative.
17. Serve Alcohol
Perhaps the most fun on this list (besides playing with puppies), bartending is a classic college job for a reason.
You can serve happy people, listen to music, and drink while on the job, provided that you’re 21 years or older.
Even better, the tips are usually great. Look for bartending opportunities near you to make extra cash.
Do you have any other good tips on how to make money in college? Let us know in a comment below!
Speak another language?  Check these out.
18. Transcribe Audio
If you speak another language, transcription jobs are a great way to make money on the side between classes and studying.
Transcribe for TranscribeMe! or Tigerfish, or expand into captions, foreign subtitles, and translation with Rev.
19. Translate Documents
Translation jobs often involve receiving documents and translating them into another language to reach a different audience.
Sites like Gengo, VerbalizeIt and Rev offer many translation opportunities for those with the necessary skills.
20. Teach Your Language
Not sure if transcribing or translating is interesting enough for you? Why not tutor those who are interested in learning your language?
For example, italki is a language learning marketplace for 1-on-1 focused learning.
Just make sure to tell your neighbors so they don’t think you’re talking to yourself for hours!
Click here if you speak another language and want to make money from it!
Sell stuff.
21. Get Crafty
For those with crafting skills, why not sell things that you have made on Etsy?
If you knit, crochet, throw pottery, decoupage, or design jewelry in your free time, then it’s perfect for you.
All you need is the completed craft and an account to start selling your work and make some extra cash.
Don’t have a craft? Look on the Etsy site and see what you could emulate.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
22. Host a Bake Sale
If there’s one thing college students love, it’s cheap, delicious food.
Start making money in college by making baked goods and selling them on your floor or in your building.
Build up a routine and people might just start giving you requests!
23. Turn Old Clothes into Cash
If you have a bunch of clothes in your closet that you’re not wearing, consider selling them on Poshmark.
All clothing pieces are listed with brand, price and size. All you need is a photo of the item and internet access.
How easy could it get?
24. Sell Game Gold for Real Money
Are you a gamer? Consider selling your gold on PlayerAuctions.
Some featured games include: Overwatch, Pokemon Go, FIFA Ultimate Team 19, Runescape, Black Desert, Path of Exile, League of Legends, Fortnite, The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy XIV, and World of Warcraft USA.
Click here to discover how you can make money selling things you don’t even want.
Here are some campus hustles.
25. Exchange Sweat for Money
Do you do a lot of walking or running to stay healthy?
The Sweatcoin app tracks your outdoors progress and then offers you item rewards or cash via PayPal.
All that running to class? It could actually make you money!
26. Resell School Books
Often, upon finishing classes or graduating, we may feel like throwing out our heavy textbooks or giving them a Viking funeral as a sign of victory.
If you can stave off the urge, there’s money to be made.
Chegg will give you an instant quote on your books’ values, then you can print out free shipping labels and ship via UPS.
After 10-15 business days, you will receive payment for them.
27. Tutor People Near You
Are you getting good grades and feel like you could teach others?
If online tutoring isn’t your thing, then look for people near you who need the help.
Apps like Wyzant can connect you with potential students near you, to minimize transportation time or cost.
28. Dumpster Dive for Treasure
If you’ve ever seen college students on the last day of the school year, you’ll know that they throw away some perfectly good furniture and goods.
From bean bag chairs and refrigerators to lamps and mirrors, there are many items you can snag for free and then resell on eBay or Craigslist.
In fact, one of the best business ideas for students in university is to hold onto the items until the start of the next school year and incoming students will likely buy them right back!
Click here to learn how to make easy money when it is convenient for your schedule.
Make money while spending money.
29. Audit for Money and Free Beer
If you’re looking for a unique money earning opportunity, consider The Source, an app that offers assignments such as mystery shopping or auditing for money.
For example, you can earn between $5 and $50 per audit, with the usual sitting around $25.
Plus, you are reimbursed for any purchase needed for the audit.
Translation: if you audit a liquor store and buy beer, that’s yours to keep for free!
30. Earn Cashback on What You Buy
Buy what you normally would, take a photo of the receipt, upload it to Ibotta and the app will give you cash back on what you bought.
That cash is delivered via PayPal, Venmo or gift cards.
Why not get paid to do what you’re already doing?
31. Eat at Specific Restaurants
Do you like to eat out but are trying to save money? This app is for you.
Seated is an app that gives gift cards for eating at specific restaurants.
Their site says you can earn up to 30% back every time you eat and use the app.
Make money while spending money? It’s possible! Click here to live the dream.
32. Get Paid to Walk Into Stores
Did you know there’s an app that gives you gift cards simply by walking into stores?
You don’t even have to buy anything!
It’s true!
So whether you’re a mall rat or just somebody who goes shopping every now and then, you stand to make a little extra cash this way.
Click here to download this special app and start getting paid just for walking into stores!
Get that financial aid.
33. Apply for the Federal Student Aid
Sometimes, the best way to “make” money is by not spending it in the first place.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a national aid scholarship for those attending college or graduate school.
You can fill out a free FAFSA application, and make sure you’re aware of the FAFSA deadlines.
34. Look for Thousands of Unique Scholarships
There are many scholarships available to those who take the time to look.
UNIGO, for example, lists millions of scholarships, who they are open to, final scholarship amount, instructions, and deadline. For instance, here is a Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship for women going into STEM.
Also, many schools have a scholarship based on keeping a high grade point average (GPA).
The exact GPA requirement ranges between schools, but generally falls between a 3.0 and 4.0 GPA depending on the level of scholarship, so be sure to keep your grades up during your scholarship search.
How to make money in college online
35. Play Games and Get Rewards
For those looking to have fun and start making money in college, the Long Game app is for you.
It’s a personalized savings account that features games you can play to reap rewards such as cash or cryptocurrency.
36. Watch Videos for Easy Money
Yes, you read that right.
You can make money while in college by watching videos from your bed.
MyPoints is an app that allows you to shop online, take surveys, watch videos, or read emails to win points.
Then, it will reimburse you in gift cards or PayPal cash. Plus, earn a $5 bonus when you complete your first 5 surveys.
37. Share Your Opinions
While not everyone may be interested in hearing your personal opinions on your shampoo, TV, or food preferences, Survey Junkie sure does!
Fill out surveys and make money while helping companies better understand what consumers want.
38. Take Surveys for Quick Cash
If you’ve got some down time between classes, you can take simple surveys for SwagBucks and earn points that turn into free gift cards or PayPal cash.
Some gift cards include the likes of Amazon or Walmart.
Choose shorter or longer surveys based on your availability or the amount you want to make.
Click here to start earning easy money on the side — in between classes and studying.
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from https://moneydoneright.com/how-to-make-money-in-college/ from http://thereallaptoplifestyle1.blogspot.com/2019/07/how-to-make-money-in-college-complete.html
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success0 · 5 years
How to Make Money in College: A Complete List of Things You Can Do, Sell, or Buy
College can be heinously expensive. Whether it was expensive from the start, or you’ve run through your summer savings, you need to recuperate money — fast.
Luckily, there are many options available to you, spanning all skill levels, fitness levels, and laziness levels. (We get it! Who wants to leave their room on a Saturday, right?)
To help you make money in college, we’ve broken down a list of things you can do to be more money abundant, including selling, buying, and saving.
With 40 subcategories and 55 linked opportunities, there is a money-making option for everyone.
Make money without leaving your dorm room.
1. Become a virtual assistant.
There are so many businesses looking for virtual assistants to help them balance life and work.
All you have to do is be organized and timely, skills you should already be growing in college.
Not sure you have what it takes?
Learn the skills for free at VA Networking then make money as a VA on Zirtual.
2. Do graphic design.
Are you a graphic design or art student? Do you like creating digital designs?
Freelance design and make money doing what you love at 99Designs.
Put your skills to good use and create designs for business cards, magazine covers, illustrations, or book covers.
You can set your price and availability.
3. Tutor over the Internet.
For students who are working towards their master’s degree, tutoring online may be a great way to bring in extra cash.
Sites like Skooli, Preply, HelpHub, and TutorMe offer flexible schedules and price per hour minimums so you can make money when it is convenient for you.
4. Freelance.
If you’re still looking for good tips on how to make money in college, this option is a bit broader and may take a bit more work, yet may open up higher-paying freelance gigs.
If you don’t have many sellable skills, consider taking classes on Skillshare to gain them.
Once you’ve leveled up your skills, you can make money on UpWork or PeoplePerHour by providing your recently acquired skill such as photo editing, proofreading, formatting, or writing.
Click here to make money without needing to change out of your pajamas!
Look for campus jobs like these.
5. Apply to be a Resident Advisor (RA)
For those wondering how to make money in college, a great way is by becoming a resident advisor.
While you do work long hours sometimes, you also get free or discounted housing, tuition, or meals, depending on your school.
This can make a huge dent in your ever-growing list of college bills.
6. Become a Teaching Assistant (TA)
Do you excel at certain classes? Would you enjoy explaining the concepts in the class to others?
If so, then becoming a TA is perfect for you. Duties may include working side-by-side with a professor, leading a class, or grading work.
In exchange, you may receive reduced tuition, or be paid directly.
7. Become a Campus Tour Guide
While this job may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it definitely might suit some!
Campus tour guides need to be well-spoken, well-informed, and usually have an upbeat disposition.
They can receive discounted housing, tuition, or meals, or may be paid directly, depending on the school.
If you like animals, check out these gigs.
8. Spend Time with Dogs
Do you love dogs?
Sites like Dog Vacay and Rover allow you to offer dog walking, pet sitting, and other pet-friendly services to those in your area.
Stressed about exams? Why not make some money while destressing with a puppy or two?
9. Help Families
There are a range of opportunities concerning busy families, such as: childcare, au pairs, pet care, tutors, aged care, housekeepers, and special needs care.
Sites like Care.com allow you to connect with those who need your help.
10. Babysit in the Neighborhood
Ask anyone how to make money in college and chances are, they’ll recommend babysitting.
Put up flyers in all of the neighborhoods and you’ll have your phone ringing in no time.
The best part is that you can set your wage and availability, allowing you to work more when you’re free and less when you have to study.
Click here to make money while watching adorable pups who just want to cuddle or fetch.
Have a car?  Put it to work.
11. Drive Others
Most of us have probably called a car to come get us at some point.
But, have you considered being the one driving? Lyft makes it possible to make money while driving your own car.
This one of the best business ideas to start at university because around college campuses there are usually many people who may need to find a sober driver to take them home.
12. Sell Makeup
Selling Avon goodies such as makeup, hair care, and body products can be a good way to use any makeup knowledge you may have in order to make money on the side.
Earnings vary, with 20% earned on sales seeming to be the reported norm.
13. Deliver Groceries
Many people, whether elderly or busy, don’t have the time or energy to do their own grocery shopping.
That’s where apps like Instacart come in, providing shoppers who can buy the groceries and deliver them right to their door.
Consider becoming a shopper if you have a car and can carry groceries.
14. Rent Your Car
If you’re in class most of the day, you’re not driving your car.
Turn that time into a money-making opportunity with Turo, a car rental service.
Turo helps to list and insure your car so other people can rent it.
It’s a great way to make extra money if you don’t mind general wear and tear.
Click here to make the most of your car — it’s not being used while you’re in class anyways!
Here are some oddball jobs for college students.
15. Bring Out Your Inner Handyman or Handywoman
Are you good with your hands or tools?
If so, then TaskRabbit may be for you.
It connects Taskers to those who need help with home-related tasks such as mounting, installation, home improvement, moving, packing, furniture assembly, and heavy lifting.
16. Clean Offices Part-Time
Breather is a site that manages workspaces.
They set up workspaces for teams and then when the teams are done, they clean the space and create another one for a new client.
That transition is where you come in.
They need people who can clean offices. Simple yet lucrative.
17. Serve Alcohol
Perhaps the most fun on this list (besides playing with puppies), bartending is a classic college job for a reason.
You can serve happy people, listen to music, and drink while on the job, provided that you’re 21 years or older.
Even better, the tips are usually great. Look for bartending opportunities near you to make extra cash.
Do you have any other good tips on how to make money in college? Let us know in a comment below!
Speak another language?  Check these out.
18. Transcribe Audio
If you speak another language, transcription jobs are a great way to make money on the side between classes and studying.
Transcribe for TranscribeMe! or Tigerfish, or expand into captions, foreign subtitles, and translation with Rev.
19. Translate Documents
Translation jobs often involve receiving documents and translating them into another language to reach a different audience.
Sites like Gengo, VerbalizeIt and Rev offer many translation opportunities for those with the necessary skills.
20. Teach Your Language
Not sure if transcribing or translating is interesting enough for you? Why not tutor those who are interested in learning your language?
For example, italki is a language learning marketplace for 1-on-1 focused learning.
Just make sure to tell your neighbors so they don’t think you’re talking to yourself for hours!
Click here if you speak another language and want to make money from it!
Sell stuff.
21. Get Crafty
For those with crafting skills, why not sell things that you have made on Etsy?
If you knit, crochet, throw pottery, decoupage, or design jewelry in your free time, then it’s perfect for you.
All you need is the completed craft and an account to start selling your work and make some extra cash.
Don’t have a craft? Look on the Etsy site and see what you could emulate.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
22. Host a Bake Sale
If there’s one thing college students love, it’s cheap, delicious food.
Start making money in college by making baked goods and selling them on your floor or in your building.
Build up a routine and people might just start giving you requests!
23. Turn Old Clothes into Cash
If you have a bunch of clothes in your closet that you’re not wearing, consider selling them on Poshmark.
All clothing pieces are listed with brand, price and size. All you need is a photo of the item and internet access.
How easy could it get?
24. Sell Game Gold for Real Money
Are you a gamer? Consider selling your gold on PlayerAuctions.
Some featured games include: Overwatch, Pokemon Go, FIFA Ultimate Team 19, Runescape, Black Desert, Path of Exile, League of Legends, Fortnite, The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy XIV, and World of Warcraft USA.
Click here to discover how you can make money selling things you don’t even want.
Here are some campus hustles.
25. Exchange Sweat for Money
Do you do a lot of walking or running to stay healthy?
The Sweatcoin app tracks your outdoors progress and then offers you item rewards or cash via PayPal.
All that running to class? It could actually make you money!
26. Resell School Books
Often, upon finishing classes or graduating, we may feel like throwing out our heavy textbooks or giving them a Viking funeral as a sign of victory.
If you can stave off the urge, there’s money to be made.
Chegg will give you an instant quote on your books’ values, then you can print out free shipping labels and ship via UPS.
After 10-15 business days, you will receive payment for them.
27. Tutor People Near You
Are you getting good grades and feel like you could teach others?
If online tutoring isn’t your thing, then look for people near you who need the help.
Apps like Wyzant can connect you with potential students near you, to minimize transportation time or cost.
28. Dumpster Dive for Treasure
If you’ve ever seen college students on the last day of the school year, you’ll know that they throw away some perfectly good furniture and goods.
From bean bag chairs and refrigerators to lamps and mirrors, there are many items you can snag for free and then resell on eBay or Craigslist.
In fact, one of the best business ideas for students in university is to hold onto the items until the start of the next school year and incoming students will likely buy them right back!
Click here to learn how to make easy money when it is convenient for your schedule.
Make money while spending money.
29. Audit for Money and Free Beer
If you’re looking for a unique money earning opportunity, consider The Source, an app that offers assignments such as mystery shopping or auditing for money.
For example, you can earn between $5 and $50 per audit, with the usual sitting around $25.
Plus, you are reimbursed for any purchase needed for the audit.
Translation: if you audit a liquor store and buy beer, that’s yours to keep for free!
30. Earn Cashback on What You Buy
Buy what you normally would, take a photo of the receipt, upload it to Ibotta and the app will give you cash back on what you bought.
That cash is delivered via PayPal, Venmo or gift cards.
Why not get paid to do what you’re already doing?
31. Eat at Specific Restaurants
Do you like to eat out but are trying to save money? This app is for you.
Seated is an app that gives gift cards for eating at specific restaurants.
Their site says you can earn up to 30% back every time you eat and use the app.
Make money while spending money? It’s possible! Click here to live the dream.
32. Get Paid to Walk Into Stores
Did you know there’s an app that gives you gift cards simply by walking into stores?
You don’t even have to buy anything!
It’s true!
So whether you’re a mall rat or just somebody who goes shopping every now and then, you stand to make a little extra cash this way.
Click here to download this special app and start getting paid just for walking into stores!
Get that financial aid.
33. Apply for the Federal Student Aid
Sometimes, the best way to “make” money is by not spending it in the first place.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a national aid scholarship for those attending college or graduate school.
You can fill out a free FAFSA application, and make sure you’re aware of the FAFSA deadlines.
34. Look for Thousands of Unique Scholarships
There are many scholarships available to those who take the time to look.
UNIGO, for example, lists millions of scholarships, who they are open to, final scholarship amount, instructions, and deadline. For instance, here is a Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship for women going into STEM.
Also, many schools have a scholarship based on keeping a high grade point average (GPA).
The exact GPA requirement ranges between schools, but generally falls between a 3.0 and 4.0 GPA depending on the level of scholarship, so be sure to keep your grades up during your scholarship search.
How to make money in college online
35. Play Games and Get Rewards
For those looking to have fun and start making money in college, the Long Game app is for you.
It’s a personalized savings account that features games you can play to reap rewards such as cash or cryptocurrency.
36. Watch Videos for Easy Money
Yes, you read that right.
You can make money while in college by watching videos from your bed.
MyPoints is an app that allows you to shop online, take surveys, watch videos, or read emails to win points.
Then, it will reimburse you in gift cards or PayPal cash. Plus, earn a $5 bonus when you complete your first 5 surveys.
37. Share Your Opinions
While not everyone may be interested in hearing your personal opinions on your shampoo, TV, or food preferences, Survey Junkie sure does!
Fill out surveys and make money while helping companies better understand what consumers want.
38. Take Surveys for Quick Cash
If you’ve got some down time between classes, you can take simple surveys for SwagBucks and earn points that turn into free gift cards or PayPal cash.
Some gift cards include the likes of Amazon or Walmart.
Choose shorter or longer surveys based on your availability or the amount you want to make.
Click here to start earning easy money on the side — in between classes and studying.
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from https://moneydoneright.com/how-to-make-money-in-college/
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saotome-michi · 7 years
Top 10 Manhwa of 2016-17
I used to rarely read manhwa, maybe just one or two a year, but then I discovered Lezhin and Spottoon - online platforms that host Korean webcomics with English translations available. The first few chapters are usually free but after that you have to pay to read, which actually appeals to me because I like being able to support writers and artists. And even if you find the prices unaffordable, reading the free chapters still helps because you’re increasing the view count and their popularity. The only complaint I have is that the quality of the translations can differ greatly between series, especially on Spottoon. Sometimes it’s pretty good and sometimes it’s really bad. 
Anyway, I’ve read so many manhwa this past year that I thought it’d be nice to make a manhwa rec list! Except for a few exceptions, I tried to only recommend series that have a good number of chapters out or that are already completed. These are my personal top 10. Enjoy!
10. Reversi (양극의 소년) by Eun Song
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In the year 2016, a never before seen virus decimates 20% of the world population. Moreover, survivors of this virus either transform into man-eating creatures called “worms” or into super-humans with tremendous physical abilities called “heteros”. Over the years, heteros start the ISO, an agency that protects people from worms. Haru, our protagonist, is a young hetero who wants to join the ISO, but it may not be that easy or straightforward…
Once in a while I find a scifi-action comic that manages to capture my interest, despite me being rather tired of the genre as a whole. This manhwa is on this list more for its potential than anything else- there are only 37 chapters out and the story’s still in its beginning stages, but I think there’s a lot of good material that, in the right hands, can make for a really interesting and entertaining story.
Despite the impression the synopsis may give you, the story starts out in a peaceful privileged high school setting and you don’t get to the nerve-wracking parts until around chapter 25. But the beginning achieves its purpose. It sets the scene with its conflicts: the segregation of those infected with the virus and those uninfected, the mixed treatment of heteros, and the still-existing class privilege. It also sets up the main characters; impulsive but sincere Haru and his best friend, level-headed and determined Leo; the other heteros in their school year; and members of the ISO. We don’t know much about them, but again they’re intriguing and the rest can come later. It’ll probably take another 30 chapters or so before we can see whether this manhwa fulfills its potential or not, but take this as a heads up - this one just might be a winner. At the very least, the beginning’s pretty engaging. And with clean art that’s easy on the eyes, it’s definitely no chore to scroll through.
Warning: Blood, death, murder, violence, body horror 
Available on: Lezhin (first 24 chapters are free). Not on scanlation sites yet. 
9. The House Cat (상상고양이) by Kim Kyoung 
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(Also known as: The Imaginary Cat, Cat’s Imagination) 
Cat lovers rejoice! Here’s another comic for you to read for your daily dose of cat shenanigans. “The House Cat” looks at Webcomic Artist Jong Hyun and his cat Bok-Gil (Jill in the english translation) - or as Jill would tell you, Cat Jil and her human who she allows to live with her. Like so, the comic presents their different viewpoints of their life together, with Hyun’s viewpoint on the left in red and Jill’s viewpoint on the right in green. The intersection between their viewpoints is cleverly done and will often leave you smiling one way or another. Cat owners will probably find many of their interactions familiar. On the other hand if you’re like me, you’ll start realizing that you are basically Jill and should’ve been born as a house cat instead of as a human. All in all, “The House Cat” is a pleasure to read and certainly not a bad way to pass the time. 
Warning: Alcohol mention, brief depiction of pet abuse and neglect 
Available on : Spottoon (first 4 chapters free). Was adapted into a kdrama called “The Imaginary Cat” 
8. Peak (피크) by Hong Sung-Soo and Lim Gang-Hyuk 
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If “mountain rescue manhwa” stirs any interest in you, this may be the manhwa for you. “Peak” centers around Ryu Yeon-Seong, who’s been stationed on Mt. Bukhan to be a Rescue Ranger for his military service, along with four other men. The story follows his experiences as he learns what being a rescue ranger entails.
I initially didn’t have high expectations for this manhwa, but the realistic and suspenseful storytelling ended up impressing me. I always like it when manhwa go into the specifics of the particular subject they’re covering and “Peak” does that extensively - from what’s covered in training exercises to the challenges of navigating throughout the mountain in subpar weather to how to conduct oneself when administering first aid to fatal injuries. And except for a few brief respites, the pace is remarkably fast from start to finish, emulating the break-neck speed the rangers have to move to save lives. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I’m constantly sitting at the edge of my seat when reading this manhwa. The rescue missions themselves are no joke; from an accident in the middle of the pouring rain to a helicopter crash, this manhwa is constantly upping the stakes. 
Personally, the art isn’t my favorite but it excels in two areas: conveying the physical exertion of being a ranger and the harshness of the mountain landscape. And when the story is all about survival, that’s really all that matters. 
Warnings: Blood, fatal injuries, death, murder 
Available on: Spottoon (First 30 chapters are free). 92 Chapters can be found on mangago. 
7. The Sock Monster (양말도깨비) by Manmulsang
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(Also known as: Socks Goblin)  
Is it too much if I said “The Sock Monster” would rock your socks off? Ehehe :P
But actually, this is possibly the cutest manhwa I’ve ever read. From the art, which resembles something you’d find in a children’s storybook with its crayon lines and oil pastel backgrounds, to the story itself, a young girl making her way in a wintery town, “The Sock Monster” radiates a quirky fairytale sort of charm. It’s slow to start but when it finds its rhythm, it strolls off, as our plucky protagonist, Park Sujin, learns the ropes at BigFoot Bank, finds the Sock Monster living in her room, and befriends Mr. Lara, her cat-man neighbor whose dream is to explore the deep ocean. Despite its lighthearted tone, the manhwa ends up covering some surprisingly heavy topics from the tension between Big Foots and Humans to animal experimentation (in a world where animals are more like humans). But it does so in a tender sort of way, never losing heart or the hint of wisdom that comes with classical storytelling. 
What the manhwa excels at especially is taking advantage of its fantasy world to sculpt all sorts of interesting plotlines for the characters. There is no limit to the creativity displayed. If children’s books and fairytales appeal to you, then you’ll probably appreciate the charm of “The Sock Monster”. Who knows, it might just become your favorite bedtime read. And you’ll probably end up cooing over how cute the sock monsters are. 
Warning: Child neglect and abuse, animal cruelty, death 
Available on: Spottoon (first 19 chapters are free) 
6. Myojin Tales (묘진전) by Jelly Bean 
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A smallpox goddess steals an eye from a celestial god to help her sightless baby. A young boy wonders why his father doesn’t love him. A girl who’s lived a miserable life curses her capturer with her last breath. The celestial god, the father, the capturer - all of these titles refer to the same being: Myojin, a god who has been sentenced to forever live among humans as punishment for his crimes, forbidden to ever return to his former post as a zodiac deity. This is a compilation of the stories surrounding him and the people whose lives he’s touched. 
This manhwa caught my attention with its art alone. Each panel is meticulously rendered in a style resembling traditional ink paintings, fitting for a story drawn from Korean mythology. Although the style is usually semi-realistic, like the panel above, when it comes to frightening and visceral scenes it leans towards abstraction. There is one particular chapter near the beginning that I could not read with the lights turned off. However, the story itself is also fascinating and from beginning to end, it reads like a folktale told from centuries ago. 
Let’s get this out of the way - Myojin is not a likable person in any aspect really. But he, like everyone else, is both victim and perpetrator of unfair systems, and has the capability for both good and evil. Therein itself lies the core of this manhwa and “Myojin Tales” is ultimately a story of recognition and redemption, where there is no moral absolutes, but only the choices one makes in certain circumstances. If you’re a fan of mangas like Mushishi, this could be your next favorite. 
Warning: child neglect, abuse, body horror, blood, murder, death 
Available on: Spottoon. Normally only the first 10 chapters are free, but this week (March 18, 2017) the first 17 are all free! 
5. Hwaja (화자) by Hong Jac-Ga 
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At 9 years old, Ryu explores “the Haunted House” in his neighborhood and meets Hwaja, a girl who looks a few years older than him. Hwaja never leaves the haunted house, except to sit on the rooftop, and spends most of her time drawing. Visitors, she says, have to bring her something, like food. Eventually, Ryu introduces his best friend Jay to Hwaja. She doesn’t seem like a ghost, but there is something is strange about her and the house… 
At 19 years old, Ryu, who moved away and hasn’t been in the neighborhood for years, is struck with the news of Jay’s death. His last text message from him reads, “Don’t ever come back.” But Ryu does come back and sees Hwaja again… 
As you can infer from the synopsis, there’s a 10 year time skip in the manhwa. Personally I didn’t find myself that interested in “Hwaja” until after the time skip (in Ch. 8), where the art style changes and things get a lot more intriguing. The art goes from crisp line-art colored in bright blues and greens to blocks of color in murky purples, browns, and blues, conveying the suspicion and suspense as Jay learns more and more about the truth behind Hwaja’s existence. The story ended up going places that I didn’t expect it to go and the ending was surprisingly heartfelt and touching. If you like ghost stories or just stories about the interaction between the supernatural and humans, give “Hwaja” a go. 
Warning: Violence, child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, murder, kidnapping, death 
Available on: Tapastic (Only the prologue is free). It can be found complete on scanlation sites on mangago. But if you end up liking it, support the author! 
4. Hongdo (홍도) by snowy owl 
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In a world of shamans, gods, ghosts and other mystical creatures, the illegitimate son of a prominent general, Hong-do Lee grows up to be a powerful exorcist. When he decides to abandon his job, he becomes the target of bounty hunters and stumbles upon a plot that threatens his life and the fate of the world.
So begins Hongdo, a swashbuckling fantasy adventure that has gorgeous art and gives me Fullmetal Alchemist vibes if only because Hong-do is incredibly similar to Edward Elric, minus the insecurities about his height. That’s not to say that Hong-do is an Edward copy; he’s clearly his own unique character, but the style of humor is similar and the situations he gets into resembles the beginning of FMA, where Ed and Alphonse traveled around Amestris looking for strange happenings possibly caused by a Philosopher’s Stone- only in Hong-do’s case, he’s looking for a mysterious man named Crow. What for? Well, you have to read it to find out. 
But although elements of the story are reminiscent of FMA, the exorcist practices and the setting that make up the backbone of the story is clearly based on Ancient Korean and Chinese mythology and history. Architecture, clothing, the gods and spirits, all are richly and beautifully illustrated. I have at least a dozen screenshots saved in my phone and my current iphone lock screen is a panel from Hongdo. The worldbuilding is fascinating to say the least and the story just gets more and more interesting as you go along. In short, don’t miss this gem of a manhwa. 
Warning: Violence, murder, some body horror-ish stuff 
Available on: Spottoon (first 9 chapters are free). Chapter 1-34 are on mangapark. 
3. Dark Heaven (다크 헤븐) by JUNS 
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In the US, same-sex marriage has been legalized but racist and homophobic hate crimes still regularly occur. Connor is Korean-American, and together with his friend and lover Simon, they have a band called “Dark Heaven”. But things can’t stay this good forever. Fast-forward to the future and the band has split up. Simon is pursuing a solo career and Connor’s working as a writer in a news agency. What went wrong and can they be together again? 
This manhwa pushes all of my buttons, so it’s no surprise that it’s on this list even though I’m only 15 chapters in. I mean, come on, a Korean-American protagonist? Check. Angsty Band Premise? Check. True love between two boys who care about each other so much, they find life lonely without having the other by their side? Check. And to top all of that, really good art? Check. Check. Check.
I think what’s so refreshing about this manhwa is that it looks at racism and homophobia and actually does a good job going about it. When Connor finds himself in love with Simon, he not only faces opposition from the outside, but also from the inside. Internalized racism and homophobia can be a bitch and the author does a good job depicting that with Connor’s struggles. And the love that Connor and Simon have for each other is just so touching, you can only fervently hope that they find their way back to each other again.  
Warning: Homophobia, racism, racist and homophobic slurs, hate crimes, prostitution, child abuse, violence 
Available on: Lezhin (first chapter is free). Scanlation sites only have up to chapter 5-6 I think. 
2. Annarasumanara (안나라수마나라) by Ha Il-Kwon
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Yoon Ah-ee struggles to keep her and her little sister fed, clothed, and sheltered, but that’s easier said than done, especially with her father’s debts weighing down on her shoulders. Her only hope is to keep her grades up so that she can go to a good college and then get a good job and become a good adult. But when she meets a mysterious magician in the abandoned amusement park, she’s reminded of her childhood dream to learn magic… 
This has been on my “to read” list for years, but I’ve finally read it and I can only hit myself on the head for not reading it sooner. Annarasumanara is a story for those who have had that moment when, verging at the brink of adulthood, you’ve wondered “what is happiness”? Will going on this road that everyone has predetermined for me, “study hard, go to a good college, get a good job,” make me happy? 
What happens if that’s not what I want? 
The art here is unique to say the least. The author goes for a mixed media approach of combining drawings with photographs, which is not uncommon in Korean webcomics. What is uncommon is for it to be done well, creating stark, unforgettable imagery that, at times, blurs the lines between reality and construed reality. Which is exactly what this manhwa needs; after all it’s a story about finding real magic in what seems like a miserable reality. 
Warning: Suicide Attempt, Violence, Sexual Harassment, Blood
Available on: Line Webtoon (All chapters are free!)
 1. Vengeance (벤전스) by Aji
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Have you ever really wanted a noir mystery about a female police detective trying to solve the case of her girlfriend’s murder? I did, I just didn’t know that I did until I started reading this and then I thanked the gods above for delivering my unconscious wishes.  
Hyun Seol-ah is an experienced police officer who’s known for her cool head and rational approach in dangerous situations - but all that cool headedness goes flying out the window when she arrives at a murder scene and realizes that the victim is her girlfriend, Hwan Hara. From then on, she is focused on only one thing: finding the monster who killed her and then exacting revenge.
I know what you’re thinking… another sad lesbian story? Yes, it’s sad, but the relationship between Seol-ah and Hara is depicted so profoundly, you can feel how much Seol-ah loved Hara and how much Hara loved her in return. As Seol-ah chases down the murderer, we see flashback after flashback of their relationships, from the fights to the cuddles to the declarations of love. What makes this even more heartbreaking is that their relationship was a secret, and so Seol-ah must solve Hara’s murder while hiding that they were lovers.
But also, the art is fantastic. I could go on and on about it, but I think the panel above speaks for itself. Solid blocks of color used to great dramatic effect that mimics the atmosphere of noir films. Seriously, do not let this pass you by.
Warning: Murder, blood, body horror, homophobia
Available at: Lezhin (first chapter is free). You can also read the whole thing on mangago and then buy some chapters later on Lezhin to support the author. 
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from maria // 042719
Hi there :) Before anything else — I’d like to ask if your schedule is free on May 11-12?
I organized the school strikes for the Philippines last 15th March (they were mostly just my friends from all over the archipelago so it was just a matter of contacting them and following up on the plans), and we’re planning to join the 2nd global strike again this 24th May. In line with that, we’ve been in close contact with Ate Bea from 350 and she’s been cooking up a training workshop on climate strikes and mobilizations for key youth organizers before the date of the 2nd global strike. To sum it all up: her proposal has recently just been approved by 350 Global, so now we’re putting together a list of youth organizers to fly into Manila for the training. Of course I put you in the list (your mob skills are admirable, and I’m pretty sure your organizing skills are far better). Would you be up for it, if ever? 
The workshop schedule will be May 11-12, but we’re flying people in by the afternoon/evening of the 10th. We’re flying back to our respective places on the afternoon of the 12th so we can make it back for the elections on the 13th. Sorry to dump this on you at short notice (!!!) but things were only finalized yesterday afternoon -- would need your response on this as soon as possible, though, so feel free to reply here or drop a quick message on my mobile once you finish reading this part :) You can message me at 0927 461 8620 (Sorry for the rush! Trying to keep my work, advocacy, and personal life in balance ) Anyway, hi again :) Just want to say -- thank you for writing me, by the way. Don’t know how else to say it, but our exchanges are one of the very few things I look forward to these days. I like leaving things unexplained, if only to have something to mull over for later, so I guess I’ve yet to get to the bottom of my current emotional turbulence. Wanted to respond a little bit earlier, but today was a little on the heavy side of things for me! Waking up to your greetings, life crisis, and the promise of a portrait in prose was honestly the only thing that got me through this day. So thank you, really I’m a pretty stubborn person, so I’m quite unsure if I’m glad to stumble upon someone whose persistence is at par with mine  Thank you for remarking yet again on my knack of evading questions -- not denying, but it’s mostly on the grounds of me not being able to go through the process of thinking it through yet (I have a lot of stuff put aside to think about for later, which I always convince myself I have the time to). When I do find the time to get thinking, words would get lost in the grey skies. It always ends up in frustration and/or a bit of self-loathing, which explains why I actively leave things behind and focus on what’s ahead instead. Am I speaking in riddles? I feel like you’ve been sharing a lot of good stuff with me but all I’ve done is go round and round with the same jumble of thoughts. My apologies. It’s the only way I can speak without, again, spilling my life all over the place (trust me, it isn’t deserving of what little time you can spare). But I guess if I have to give you a bit of context... I’m overly anxious about the interpersonal troubles within the advocacy -- we’re very close-knit, which adds to the frustration that this isn’t solving itself easily when the problems have been surface-level at most. But of course, being myself, I’ve been psychoanalyzing people and I’m aware it’s gone beyond superficial reasons now. I’m a pretty direct person when dealing with troubles, but I haven’t had the chance to voice out my concerns lately and find solutions, what with all the hectic schedules. It’s been almost a month of constant worry, blanking out, and going through other forms of anxiety. I’m so frustrated that I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of this. Apart from that, I’ve also just gotten out of a long-term, really toxic (and I don’t say that lightly) relationship, which largely explains why I was able to say I haven’t felt this peaceful in a long while (doesn’t mean I’m downright bereft of troubles, though!). It’s been almost two months since this happened, so I’m gonna answer the hanging question: yes, I am alright, and no, I’ve never been better. The relationship weighed me down for the past 3 years (we were together for 4, but I was actually happy in the first year of it) and I’ve seen the end coming for so long -- was probably only waiting for it to happen, actually. Would run out of things to describe the feeling, but it is freeing in so many ways. I haven’t looked back since, and my friends have been on cloud 9 the moment they knew I finally put my foot down. There’s usually a template of questions one asks to another who has just gone through a break up, so let me just put into writing that it’s completely unnecessary to dive into before you predictably contest my conviction :)) (how do I combat your stubbornness when I like seeing your persistence anyway?) I guess that’s where I end the context-giving I would apologize for the late response, but I echo your sentiments about writing for necessity. Our exchanges have been somehow therapeutic. I’m now finding the time to sit down and translate my thoughts into physical matter (that being in the form of these letters) at least once in a while, which is more than I’ve been doing for the past years. I’ve been swimming with my jumbled thoughts for so long -- maybe as a form of denial, since putting things into writing make it real. An excerpt from a 2017 journal entry: “Without physical proof of its existence, one can fool oneself into thinking pain is fleeting — easily blown away by other, more convenient forms of distraction. It is out of reach until it pins you down. It does not become the whole of you until it draws close enough to consume you.” Props to my 19-year old self for explaining it better (and more dramatically ) than I can now. I’ve also written a poem about lost thoughts — will definitely share once I remember where I have a copy of it  I go back to it once in a while since it resonates heavily with me despite the changing times. To answer your question, what keeps me going is my fierce belief in the future and the lack of fear of oblivion. The future exists beyond myself, anyway, and it’s the lack of fear that powers me through the impossibilities. What is there to lose, after all? Life is transient. If we do things right and create the spark the world needs, the flame will burn on without us. I assure you things haven’t arrived at a life-or-death situation yet, I just like being dramatic.  Pretty sure you get what I mean, though. Would like to hear updates about your confrontation with your boss if it happens! I’ve had my share of being under mushroom management. Hands down one of the worst experiences ever.  I’m still actively trying to repress memories up to this day. I'm a firm believer of good leadership, and stuff like that drains the life out of me. Let me know once you find the inuman place you’ve been looking for -- it’s becoming more apparent that drinking plays a huge role in your life, eh? When I’m sad, I listen to a lot of music to clear my head, read a few pages from books (can’t really find the time to finish one nowadays), and sleep. Talking to friends help, too. Just not really used to it for the most part, as I said I don’t like it when people fuss over me. Maybe this is why I’m more comfortable opening up to strangers, as there are limitations to your reactions and responses, unlike friends in close proximity with me. And maybe also just the general comfort of talking to a stranger who knows nothing about your life? The titles sound interesting -- might check them out in the unforeseeable future (time is always the question, isn’t it?). I’m still finishing a huge number of books I’ve been collecting in the recent months, all acquired from physical and online bookstores, secondhand shops, book fairs, and loaned/given to me by friends. Reading is one of the things I’m painfully trying to get back to, after the deluge of advocacy work that left me little to no time at all for (and have drained the life from) any personal interests. (Mindful) consumerism of books has been one of my coping mechanisms, a way to lull myself into a sense of connection into whatever life I had before the advocacy. The smell of the pages usually do the trick of transporting me back to younger years. That being said, I am falling back into reading and writing bit by bit, and our exchanges are helping me ease back into it. I’m looking forward to that portrait, too!  There’s nothing more interesting than reading about a life well-lived (that, and the fact that it’ll come from you). Advocacy work has also been a form of coping mechanism from the aforementioned toxic relationship, loneliness, and my search for purpose, I guess. One of the struggles I’ve always had was my burning passions lacking purpose and direction. I’ve been dancing, painting, taking photographs, writing poems & screenplays, making/directing films, and creating digital content for fun for years (couldn’t really do it all professionally since I’m stuck with reality and school work as a Psychology major), and the advocacy has been a really good outlet for these skills. For the first time I’ve felt like I wasn’t just throwing my art and thoughts into the void -- it actually helped change things. Helping out a cause and trying to make little changes in the world is pretty straightforward, if you ask me. I find it weird for people to try and find back stories. I probably have one if we really wanna flesh it out, but for the most part, I’m just a concerned human being with skills people can exploit, so I’d rather have it used for good causes. I think I’ve said enough for you to piece together my response to your question about how much of ourselves we should set aside for the “greater purpose”. I have zero fear of nonexistence, advocacy work has become my daily grind and coping mechanism, and I have nothing else to do with the skills I’m equipped with anyway. Your question warrants me to rethink these sacrificial tendencies, I guess? I’ve always wanted to pursue art professionally, but at this point, pursuing art outside of all this seems self-serving and vain. How do I invest many years of my life honing a skill or two, when it also means leaving behind campaigns that need urgent attention and action? I’m pretty sure it’s a choice I have to make, but I’m setting it aside for now. What do you think of it? And how much are you setting aside for all of this? It’s been a pleasure to write you. Rest assured that these exchanges aren’t merely one of my coping mechanisms, but one I genuinely enjoy taking part in  I’m skipping out on asking questions for now, so feel free to rant or be sad or write me anything under the sun. I’ve talked too much today, so allow me the pleasure of listening to your unbridled thoughts I hope my troubles haven’t spilled over to yours. If I can bottle up all the light, warmth, and sweetness from this smiling city and sugar town, I would gladly send them over to you. I hope your days are as bright as your smiles and as warm as your wishes. It would comfort me greatly to know you’re allowing yourself some respite after long hours of waking -- let the stars witness you dreaming. Good morning and good night  
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