#anyways im done rambling just rb and enjoy
demidevildonnie · 10 months
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ankhisms · 2 years
dont rb this bc i dont want ppl who liked the movie to argue with me about how the ending is fine or good or talk about why they liked it bc its so deeply upsetting to me on a genuinely personal level but anyway spoilers 4 the new oo.o movie under the cut. sorry it got long i have a lot of feelings about it all
of course ppl are entitled to their personal opinions on pieces of media and as a disclaimer i am not against tragedies/tragic endings to stories or just sad endings in general, i enjoy a good tragedy and there are well done tragic endings to stories that feel fitting and like theres actual meaning in them that work well with the characters and overall story. however. i do not at all think that is the case with the new ooo movie. i said this when i first found out about it but ill say it again: truly what is the fucking point of everything if eiji just dies in the end.
i know the people who like the ending/movie are saying "well its the natural thing to happen with how self sacrificial eiji is" but literally the entire point of eijis character arc in the show is that through his relationships with the other characters ankh and hina especially he realizes that his life has value and that he needs to care about himself the way he cares for others and in the end of the show we see him allowing himself to reach out to others for the help he needs AND we see him allowing himself to want things such as wanting ankh.
by the end of the show we are already seeing eiji growing, healing, and changing for the better and like. thats the entire point of eijis journey as a character, to realize that his life is worth living and has value. and to throw away that character growth is such a slap in the face. to me personally as someone who really relates to eijis trauma and state of mind in the show, it feels so awful to be basically told "this traumatized characters only option is to die." like what the fuck, that was absolutely not necessary or the only option for his character. weve continued to see eiji talk about "the future with BOTH of us in it" about him and ankh so it makes zero sense for him to sacrifice himself to bring ankh back. and ive already said it before but ankh would not want a life without eiji in it, thats also part of the pivitol point of ankhs arc where he can not bring himself to kill eiji because a life without eiji wouldnt really feel like living at all.
in ten years it makes no sense for eiji to have not moved forward and grown and changed more especially when again. we were already seeing him heal by the end of the show
and really i just do not get how theres people who like the end of the movie or are saying its a good and satisfying ending.. i know that most of the people ive seen and talked with all agree about hating the ending and just feeling like its cruel and awful but its still baffling to me that theres people who watched it and went yeah this is good.
even more baffling to have people saying that it fits the tone of ooo as a show overall??? which makes no sense because part of the reason why ooo means so much to me is because its so full of hope and the ending of the show is not tragic but instead bittersweet. its not goodbye forever, its i love you and ill see you someday somehow in the future. and some people are saying that eiji dying is supposed to make hina and ankh learn "life goes on" but thats fucking bullshit frankly. hina already learned that before when ankh died the first time, they dont need to learn that lesson.
i know im rambling by now but really having eiji die just truly feels pointless and cruel, he didnt have to die, it feels like a slap in the face to everyone including the cast who all have voiced having a hard time accepting it and i feel so bad for them like you get everyone back together for the movie and then you do this? and the way it was advertised as it being a happy reunion really just rubs salt in the wound tbh.
it SHOULD have been a happy reunion. there truly was no reason for it to end up like this and i just dont understand how people look at such a cruel ending to a character who has already suffered so much and go "yeah this makes sense im happy with it" like what the fuck. it doesnt make sense on so many levels including as a narrative and a character level and it just is not fulfilling or in the spirit of hope for the future that the show had.
the end of kamen rider ooo was about how despite all the hardships weve been through life is still worth living and its worth it to love each other and reach out to one another and that theres always hope for us. and the movie just takes that and throws it in the trash. anyway enough ranting the movie isnt canon to me beyond ankh being alive and also the tajador rainbow suit. also date and gotou are married and have been for ten years
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