#anyway yeah this was originally written for my ldb oc which is why the personality of the ldb here may be a bit.... specific? idk
kinara-the-khajiit · 2 years
From the "uncommon questions" meme: 3, 4, 15, 26, 27, and 42 and A, B, and E please? -@drunkmiraak :3
Ahhhhh!! Thank you so much for the ask, sorry I got to it so late- I hardly ever check my inbox for this blog. I was very surprised to see this- especially since you’re one of my favorite tes blogs
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?
Kinara likes to read before bed, but she hardly ever falls asleep while in the middle of reading
4. How east is it to earn their trust?
Kinara is generally pretty trusting, as she believes in the good in people. She trusts the people around her to be honest, not steal, and just generally have common decency. To actually earn her full trust takes a bit more though, but still not super difficult. Gaining her full trust is practically inevitable if you know her for long enough.
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Kinara talks like a ‘human’ would for the most part(and I now realize that everything before this could be read like it’s written in third person lol), unless she’s very frustrated, she speaks in first person. There have been a few instances when she’s slipped up and spoken in third person- like when she gets angry.
She doesn’t need to rehearse what she says, and has a pretty good natural flow when she speaks. She will at least think over points she wants to get across to someone if the conversation is important enough though.
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation?
Kinara is extremely proud of her horse, Snowberry, as she considers it one of her greatest creations. Snowberry is a summonable horse that I actually have not fully figured out the logistics of, since she was kinda just a passing ‘huh, this would be a neat thing’ kinda thought. But yeah. Summonable horse 👍
27. What causes them to feel dread?
The thought of losing someone close to her, but also having to go into water any higher than waist deep. I actually only remembered after making her afraid of water, that it’s a trope for cats to dislike water lol. There’s a few reasons she doesn’t like water, but to sum it up without having to go into deep explaination, ✨traumatic experiences✨
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
Kinara’s never really had an ‘end goal’. She’s had a few small ones- get out of Windhelm, gain more knowledge as a mage, join the College of Winterhold, etc.- but she’s never really had an ‘end goal’
If she was sent on a quest though, she would do just about everything in her power to make sure the necessary results were achieved
A. Why are you excited about this character?
She started out as pretty much all of my(2 1/2ish) tes character do- she was a character I played as, and then slowly I created a backstory for her and got attached. I’ve been working on her off and on for y e a r s now- she originally had a team of like,, four?? Others, only one of which I’ve kept. She’s gone through a lot of change and even though I’ve never posted anything I’ve written(none of it’s complete, and I’m too shy to anyways) I grew a lot while writing her. Overall, just a lot of sentimental value- that and she’s a kitty cat that can do magic tricks, what more could anyone want?
B. What inspired you to create them?
Like I said, I played as her- probably before she even had a proper name(I genuinely can’t remember if it used to be something different, or if she was always named Kinara)- and her story grew with me. I guess I just stuck with her because she was the perfect way for me to explore Skyrim’s story from the perspective of an OC that wasn’t a dragonborn(she was also originally the LDB, but that changed pretty early on)
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
As with a lot of my ocs, there are definitely a lot of shared characteristics. Kinara is probably neutral good on the alignment chart, and she herself follows lawful ideas(don’t steal, cheat, lie, etc.) but she doesn’t actually mind people like thieves and even some assassins. As long as no one innocent is being harmed or targeted, she’s pretty laid back with what she expects from others. So yeah, I think we’d get along pretty well(except for when I go on killing streaks because I got bored while playing Skyrim)
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