#anyway HAH sorry this one got a bit Deep and Thinky
a-kind-of-merry-war ยท 3 years
Make me breath
I love a good Jaskier whump story and this one is just *chef's kiss*. I especially loved the part where Jaskier finds out and chases Geralt out the door to reassure him. Yeah, some good stuff.
Ahhh thank you ๐Ÿ’– I really like that fic (link), and I think it's probably one of my favourites. I'm really proud of the visceral nature of the CPR scene, and Geralt's guilt about it.
So, a secret about that fic would be that when I started writing it I was having a really shitty time. I was feeling rubbish, and around then I'd posted a few "whump the bard" fics. I'd feel bad, and take the sad-feelings out on Jaskier as pain-feelings, and that was my intention with this one. It was never supposed to be longer than 3k!
But then. But then. Geralt just had to get his emotions all over it. And "I'm going to hurt Jaskier because I'm feeling bad" became a character study on Geralt going "I am unworthy of love" and "I am only as valuable as what I can do for others, and I even do that wrong" and afterwards I sat there going...
Okay, brain, god. Did you have to be so fucking obvious about it??
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