#antiravenlarke for ts
laufire · 4 months
if you look at the precedent (and specifically at today's episodes), you could actually argue that murphamy ALWAYS had a better shot at being canon than bellarke.
on account that murphy eventually became raven's bestie, and she and clarke get on each other nerves on a good day, and can't stand the sight of each other in a bad one lmao.
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laufire · 4 years
Ship that you find disgusting
I decided to focus only on canon ships (if we go to fanon stuff, some ships just by virtue of the canon relationship between the characters get automatically in my NOPE list and I like to live my fandom experience pretending they're not a thing, period xD).
In which case, Fitz/Olivia in Scandal might be the number one. I just despise him so, so much. I objectively get why it was popular and why it drew so many people in, but the relationship itself is my idea of a nightmare.
Ship that you find most sexy
I’m going to go with Anne/Max from Black Sails, because I’ve watched the scene of their first kiss so many times I should be ashamed lol. It’s... unf (it involved a sword. I think I may have way too many ships where one member threatens the other with something pointy). And I find both women incredibly attractive, together and separate, each in her own way; which definitely helps matters.
Ship that pisses you off
At the moment my animosity is aimed towards Clarke/Raven in The 100 lmfao. Get it away from meeeeee.
Ship that is most misunderstood
Jack/Rebecca from This is Us. Yet another relationship I find pretty nightmarish (and where I hold immense content for the guy in the equation, from the very first episode) --albeit in a more ~mundane way than the above--, but almost everyone seems to consider them #goals lol.
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laufire · 4 years
@ahesaidshesaidloveaffair replied to your post “@rosyrosalie, replying in another one (a lot shorter this once, I...”
👏👏 I hate "I'd pick you first line" from clarke and I side-eye anyone who thinks that it's "girl power / no man can come between us / jroth killed their friendship / etc." when narratively klak is the one that harms her (+her family) the most
That line would have to be entirely taken out of the show’s context (i.e. how wholly terrible Clarke and Raven’s relationship truly is, that they’ve never really been friends and actually dislike each other, that Clarke started their dynamic by trying to trick her, that she’s repeatedly caused her and her loved ones harm...);
and then the scene’s context (IIRC, Clarke needed Raven to complete a task, and Raven was clearly not at all moved by her words);
to even BEGIN to approach the “heartwarming & empowering female friendship!!” angle the fandom tries to sell with it xDD. And even then it’d be a hard task, because ET’s acting came off as incredibly condescending and talking from “up high”, and LM’s as Raven clearly not believing her, IMO.
And anyway, you know what I think: the less comfortable Clarke fans are about this relationship, the angrier they get at Raven, the better off she must be doing xDD. Hell, the way they NAMED the ship already signals how they think about each character, ffs. If Raven is pissing them off it means she’s doing fine.
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