#anti velaris
kataraavatara · 1 month
i still can’t believe the idea that the CoN as a front to “pROtEcT VELaRis” is an acceptable idea both in world and to the fandom at large. like. imagine you’re at the faerie equivalent of a UN meeting and you don’t trust one of the countries because they have a history of serious human rights violations. and the leaders of said country are like. “Yeah. We DO allow tons of human rights violations in our territory, but only in one area. we actually have a secret city where none of that happens, and the reason we encourage those human rights violations is so our evil reputation can PROTECT the good city” and your reaction is “oh word. You were actually the GOOD GUYS all along, sorry I wasn’t familiar with your game.” instead of like idk being horrified that some citizens are subjugated and treated as second class in order to benefit the others.
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ennawrite · 3 months
the worst part about e/riel is that if SJM goes that route, we’d just get another Velaris book. And I am SO TIRED OF THE NIGHT COURT!!!
Az won’t take Elain on his super secret dangerous spying missions. Idc how much sleuthing she does with the twins, he would never put her in harm’s way. He doesn’t think she can handle “dangerous” things. Plus, he already gets caught enough as it is (so much for being spymaster 🙄). He has no ties outside of the Night Court. I assume their story would take place in Velaris and that just sounds so insanely boring to me.
At least with Lucien, she’d travel. He can take her on emissary trips. She can go with him to the BoE manor, where they can discuss Koschei with Vassa. I think Lucien would let her do her own thing, in fear of being controlling. I think he would be supportive of her scrying (if it was something she felt the need to do) and other things the IC deemed too “dangerous” for her (but let Nesta do w/o a second thought for some reason??? 🤔).
Elain has been in Velaris for how long now and they all STILL treat her like she’s a child. We saw her claws come out a bit in ACOSF and I really, truly do believe some time away from Velaris and the IC will allow her to bloom fully.
For the love of the Cauldron and all things Made, Sarah, give us something other than the Night Court. ANYTHING. I’d take the pocket of air Rhys hides the Winter Solstice presents in over Velaris atp 😭
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achaotichuman · 7 months
Something I think about pretty often is that Velaris probably has the worst view of the stars in all of Prythian. Considering it's such a modern city and so cramped together, all that light pollution has most likely lit up the night sky to the point of only being able to see a few constellations on a clear night. Plus, accounting for the fact the people in this city have never left it for thousands of years as the population grows it is most definitely a sardines in a can situation where everyone is on top of each other, and the rent prices are through the roof.
Unlike the Spring Court where everything is Fae-medieval village style and spread out over tons of land. Spring probably has the best view of the stars in all of Prythian, with people able to observe the band of stars that stretches across the sky, also known as the arm of the universe, every night.
If I wanted to live in Velaris, I would just move to Sydney. If I wanted to live in the Spring Court, I would have to time travel back into the days where we hadn't fucked up the earth as much as we have now, and it still wouldn't be as magical as the Spring Court.
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ladydeath-22 · 2 years
I am going to keep on saying this but Mor is not the only dreamer born into the CoN. No effing way. 
The fact Feyre describes people from the CoN as cruel and small minded, etc and not wanting them in Velaris pisses me off. Feyre never even talked to the citizens of the CoN.  She only talked to Keir, (who we all know is a complete and utter ass). She is basing her perception of an entire community based on one person. Not to mention her perception of CoN is soley based on the IC’s perspective. 
If the IC hate the CoN so much, let it be its own court. It literally as the word Court in it lol. 
Like maybe the people of the CoN is cruel because they have Keir as their leader?? And why would Rhysand allow an abusive POS to rule.....like he wants his people to be abused by him (& his IC) and Keir. My heart goes out to all the residents in the CoN who have to close themselves off and become wolves and “cruel” in order to survive two abusive and cruel leaders. 
Not to mention, they use CoN bodies to fight and die for their wars but don’t want said bodies in their privileged city, because of something that MIGHT happen. (aka ruin it)
But riddle me this, Velaris also has ‘slums’ and ‘seedy taverns’ because Nesta hung out there, so.... is something only considered less than when people the IC don’t like enjoy it?
The fact he told Velaris residents to turn away CoN residents so they pretty much get iced out was the last straw for me. Why does no one question this. Why does no one in this fandom call him out for that. The CoN residents are cruel because the IC said so, but I haven’t seen any cruelty from them. Maybe icy and cold stares, but that’s because Rhys gave them the energy first. 
Like I legit want to know how the CoN residents are cruel. They fought and died in Rhysand’s war for Prythian, while citizens in Velaris stay safe. Amarantha slaughtered HALF of the CoN residents while Velaris residents stayed safe. The least Rhysand could do is show them the city and allow them to enjoy the city he protected at the expense and sacrifice of them. 
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deadpanchaos · 7 months
we have spent like 4 books in the Night Court. Can we please have a story somewhere else?
Anywhere else?
Can we see the rebuilding of Spring? More of the beauty of the Summer Court? I want to see whatever the f Day is. We know basically nothing about Dawn. I wanna see revolution/rebellion type crap in Autumn. There has to be more kingdoms or empires in the mortal lands. I’d even love to see a prequel UTM!
The Night Court isn’t Prythian, but sometimes it seems that way
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hereathemoment · 4 months
I just remembered that Cassian sat across from Mor sipping tea while she talked about how Nesta should be in a dungeon or being tortured by being locked up in hewn city and he’s just there blown the fuck away by Mor’s beauty AND THEN LATER she winnows to Illyria where Cassian is training, ogles him and talks to Nesta about how she’ll never deserve him and how attractive he is
Nesta stood up for Cassian during the high lord meeting, in front of EVERYBODY and he can’t take his family aside and tell them to stop starting fights with her? He’ll stand in front of Mor when Eris is around but sit by and do nothing when Rhys threatens Nesta’s life?
He. Does. Not. Love. Her. Funny also that his attitude changed toward her after the war when she was taking other men to her bed. Sjm made her sleep around out of character so that nessian can have hate sex but sjm still virtue signals feminism as if Cassian in acowar wasn’t calling her sweetheart and Cassian in acomaf didn’t wipe away her tears in front of the queens and everyone. He promised her time together as his would-be last words. But then sjm writes that Nesta uses sex to cope and now all-of-a-sudden Cassian is telling her that everybody fucking hates her and that he never asked to be shackled to her. Making it clear she can only use sex as a coping mechanism if it’s sex WITH HIM.
Suddenly he’s not understanding. Suddenly he isn’t gentle with her. No, now he’s an incel who locks Nesta up until she caves and sleeps with him.
It’s hard to imagine a being with wings, who flies in the air, would want to confine his MATE to a house she can’t escape from. Azriel, too, was locked up as a boy and then acts as a prison guard against her? And for Feyre to be the one to do it when she was supposedly traumatized when Tamlin locked her in his mansion? I understand why elain packed her clothes and sent her on her way— she’s the type to save herself and if she sided with Nesta she’d be locked up alongside her.
I’m just saying, ACOSF is a lot to unpack and I’m still processing my shock and disgust years later. I truly can’t believe it happened.
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copypastus · 8 months
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"You never told me where you got it - where you got all my favourite dresses." Rhys arched a dark brow. "You never figured it out?" I shook my head. For a moment, he said nothing, his head dipping to study the dress. "My mother made them." (...) I gazed a reverant hand down my sleeve. "I- I had no idea." His eyes were star bright. "Long ago when I was still a boy, she made them - all your gowns. A trousseau for my future bride." His throat bobbed. "Every piece... Every piece I have ever given you to wear, she made them. For you"
Sometimes you just read something and can't help but think about the implications.
"aww how sweet his mom made all her favourite gowns how wholesome" nonono EVERY. PIECE. Ma'am please he's still a baby boy you're making a lot of assumptions about his future preferences.
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
The NC is literally a dystopian hellscape.
The Capital, or Velaris, is the safe zone from where they watch the suffering of others (the CON and Illyrians). They srpead propaganda to hide the hellscape that they've turned the NC into, painting themselves as paragons for good, and like siding with them is the best and only option. The IC themselves are a form of walking propaganda, calling themselves "The Court of Dreams" and gas slighting the citizens of Velaris and other courts into thinking that they're in the right and are just misunderstood good guys all along.
They use the CON and Illyria as forms of propaganda, showing it off to others, and painting a tail of them doing their best, but that these places are just too far gone or stubborn or whatever, to paint themselves as the ones struggling as they try to offer them help.
They use force as a way to control the populous, instead of starting with negotiations, or enforcing laws. Instead, they put down rebellions and slaughter their own people, while leaving the females to suffer, and orphans to starve.
They use force in the Hewn city too, though at the wrong times. He used force to control them when Kier called Feyre names, but not when they needed to get control of the Darkbringers? Once instance seems a lot more important than the others.
They control the spread of information, even from their own "family" when they feel like it, as seen in ACOSF. When information leaks from the NC, rhys (or another nc damati), wipes their memories of it. This is seen in ACOWAR after Eris and his brothers found out about Feyre's powers, while his brothers had their memories wiped, he uses it as leverage.
There's also the fact that most people consider Illyrians uncivilised brutes and the denizens of the CON to be unpleasant at best, monsters at worst. People from outside the NC or from velaris, don't really have any way of knowing if it's true first hand. They have the accounts of the IC, but that's it. They just take their word for it. It's not like Feyre or anyone ever see any of the CON outside of that court, that's basically an elaborate masquerade for the sake of survival.
They deny free thought, since we all saw what happened to Nesta the moment she dared to disobey, have individual autonomy, free thought, and healthy boundaries. She was pretty much tortured, and denied information regarding her own body. Even in the HL meeting, anybody with an opposing view, like Tamlin, was quickly shut up, dismissed and/or kicked out.
There's also the fact that it's unlikely anyone from Velaris has ever left it. It's hidden, cut off from the rest of the world, and it's not like we're told of any other safe places in the NC. It's either Velaris, this perfect city, the hellscape that is the CON (supposedly), or the frozen wastelands of Illyria. On top of that, if they stay, they remain the IC's priority, since he did only act to protect Velaris during Amerantha's reign, and not any other location. Has anyone ever left, without getting their memories wiped? Are their methods of transportation for people to leave Velaris, or come to it, if that's what they wish? Unlikely.
The IC don't let anyone see any good in any part of the NC, aside from Velaris. They convince their citizens that they are the only good thing in the NC, putting them on a pedestal above the rest of the territory. Velaris is protrayed as this Utopia, with the rest of the NC being portrayed as the kind of places they tell kids about to make them behave.
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sjmgirlie · 29 days
Okay. Lucien never said she needs sunshine. He said she needs FRESH AIR.
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The evidence. In the actual pages of the book.
So let’s not pretend Lucien and Elain have some sort of sunshine imagery together or that he “knew what she needed”.
Thanks 🫶🏻
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ACOSF rant: Poverty in Velaris
Velaris has been isolated from the rest of the fae world for over 5000 years, and yet there are still 'rough' parts of the city?
'But why live in this dump when the town house was sitting empty? Since construction had finished on Feyre and Rhys's sprawling home on the river, the town house had been left open to any of their friends who needed or wanted it.' Cassian, ACOSF ch 1
The I.C had 50 years of ruling whilst Rhys was UTM and did... nothing? They are literally the people in charge, the fact that there are homes that could be described as dumps by a character who has had a rough childhood on the streets AT ALL reflects really fucking badly on their leadership.
Also, Feysand already owned 4 houses, yet they decided to purchase war torn land, AND BUILD ANOTHER FUCKING PRIVATE HOME, in addition to the four others that are apparently sitting empty. Did it ever occur to them that they could have built their home for displaced fae there instead of tearing down Nesta's apartment building and displacing potentially hundreds of fae?
At this point, I'm pretty sure that the only reason that Rhys put so much effort into maintaining the 'shields' around Velaris when Amarantha locked him up UTM is actually because he's Ba Sing Se'd the citizens of Velaris into thinking that everything is amazing and that he's a great ruler, so that they wouldn't have epiphanies and revolt whilst he was gone.
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* the average Velaris (Velarion?) citizen
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kataraavatara · 1 month
can we talk about how nesta’s forgotten drinking buddies definitely think rhysand and feyre are like. super classist. because they’ve watched the inner circle go to Rita’s and get absolutely fucked up for centuries but as soon as the high lord’s sister in law spends some time at a poor people bar she mysteriously disappears without a trace and her apartment building is torn down. there’s no way they don’t talk about it to this day.
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cactusboil · 14 days
Rice’s effectiveness as a HL (and how fkn lazy and useless he is)
The Night Court is one of the largest and toughest (I suppose??) territories to deal with in Prythian. So doesn’t it make sense that it would obviously handled by the “strongest” HL existing in Prythian? Of course it does. And not to mention his oh so powerful IC always backing him up.
A little timeline thing:
The fae vs human war happened 500 hundred years prior to the events of acotar. It is said that the previous spring HL (tamlin’s dad) was killed by the end of the war, so we can assume that rice was around his 20s-30s when he took over as HL of NC. I’m gonna skip approximately 100 years including the time he wasn’t HL and was utm. So that’s 400 hundred years of being a HL.
And what has he done? WHAT HAS HE DONE FOR NC? Nothing. Don’t bring up the “change takes time, oh he banned wing clipping in some of the camps🤡” bs. If he can break Keir’s bones infornt of an entire audience made up of Hewn city ppl for simply bad mouthing Feyre and Cassian, a general of his army can clear out an entire village of Illyrians in retribution to his mother’s death, then I’m pretty sure that he along with his clique of the strongest ppl to ever exist can do so much more. He can barely hold up a wing clipping ban.
Making the Illyrian women train means nothing really, if they don’t have proper health care and safe homes to go back to. It means nothing when some Illyrian women don’t want to be fighters and just want to be able to live freely. Oh and what about the Hewn city women? Morrigan herself has said how her cousins are suffering yet no one does anything for them.
His double standards with Velaris vs Illyria and Hewn City is glaringly obvious. He goes around tryna be macho with other HLs but is a pussy when it comes to his own court.
400 hundred years is a lot of time. It is more than enough time for someone that is actually interested in helping their ppl and motivated to bring a good change to their court. But it is too little time for someone like rice, someone that has prejudice against his own ppl, that is lazy and truly doesn’t have any intention of helping anyone tbh.
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foxcort · 5 months
listen its not that tamlin locking feyre in a manor is ‘not a big deal’. its that sjm parallels tamlin and rhysand way too much for rhysand to be a viable, healthy option for feyre.
rhys put a whole city under a lockdown so severe people forgot about its existence (and from what the wiki says, the city was kept hidden for centuries even before, for the safety of its citizens) but tamlin locking feyre in a manor, so she wouldn’t follow him into an unsafe situation was crossing a line?
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praisethelorde · 3 months
I'm just going to come out and say it: I don't understand the world building in the ACOTAR series. Isn't it supposed to have a medieval setting? That's how it was in the first book. So why did Feyre make soup FROM A CAN? Why was she wearing a turtleneck and leggings? Why was she using a baby stroller? Those are all relatively modern inventions as far as I'm aware. It also seems like all the other courts and the mortal realm have strictly old fashioned/medieval settings except the Night Court. The Night Court's themes (their buildings, the way they dress, etc) seem futuristic. Except Velaris. It has a very modern atmosphere. So altogether, I've noticed medieval, modern AND futuristic themes in the ACOTAR series. Has anyone else noticed this? I think it's very creative but I don't think it makes much sense. Idk maybe I'm wrong.
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ennawrite · 1 month
yes, I do tend to believe the author is leaving symbolic clues in their work and expects us to look deeper into everything. Sometimes the curtains are just blue and sometimes they’re a black dress in the night that drains the color from a girl that is said to need sunlight. Idk, sue me for thinking that means something I GUESS🤷‍♀️
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lainalit · 2 months
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