#ansar sheikh
bearkunin · 1 year
New Rho Under Siege
CW: discussion and a few images of urban conflict some may find disturbing. I've tried to avoid any actual depictions of death however.
The Locked Tomb series receives a lot of gushing praise (quite rightly) for its intricate and complex depictions of relationships and love, sexuality and gender. But something I've seen less praise for (though I'm sure it exists) is the incredibly rich depiction of what an urban environment during warfare and civil strife looks like.
One of the unfortunate facts of urban warfare is that civilians are almost inevitably present, even in the most dire circumstances. Take the Bakhmut as an example. Despite months of fighting, thousands lived on in the city and region right to at least the very closing moments. This is despite the city being essentially entirely destroyed.
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👆 civilians still lived through these conditions.
New Rho in Nona the Ninth feels incredibly lived in. The city supposedly contains ~9 million people, and you can believe it. There are all sorts of people, there are different groups and socio-economic areas, people have different responses to the situation they find themselves under, but they all living complex lives. This goes well beyond the key characters or even the side characters, but is captured by the existence of a barter economy, background vigilante and militia groups, the daily grind of workers desperately seeking ad hoc jobs.
They walked alongside all the other workers - the ones who didn't get picked up in the morning in the worker vans, or didn't have a job that merited a worker van, or didn't have a job but lived in hope - and they all trudged slowly through the street in clusters, parting only when a truck ground through, the driver leaning on the horn if someone didn't move out of the way quick enough.
I reckon some of the super fans here could pull out all sorts of fascinating little details in the world building of New Rho to discuss here.
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[A civilian woman with a grocery bag walks through a levelled market in Grozny, Checnya during the Chechen War]
The Irish Troubles produced a number of iconic photos showing the dichotomy of urban conflict amongst civilians.
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Perhaps one of the best parallels would be life in Palestine, particularly the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip, with a population of >2 million has lived under blockade for many years with frequent intervention/incursion by Israel.
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[Aftermath of Israeli strikes in Gaza City, 2021]
One of the interesting parallels with Palestine is the plethora of different actors and resistance groups, just a fractious and secretive as New Rho's Blood of Eden and other militants, and who often seem to spend more time fighting themselves and civilians rather than their main enemy.
The Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) gave us the splinter groups PFLP-SC (Special Command), PFLP-GC (General Command), PFLP-EO (Executive Order), Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and had complex intertwined relations with groups like the Black September Organisation, Palestinian Liberation Front, Arab Liberation Front, Palestinian National Salvation Front, the Abdul Nidal Organisation, Fatah al-Intifada, Vanguard for the Popular Liberation War - Lightning Forces, and dozens of others. On the Islamist side there is similarly a plethora of groups, from Hamas, to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Sheikh Omar Hadid Brigade (Islamic State in Gaza), the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, the Army of Islam, and Jund Ansar Allah. It's almost comical to write them out.
New Rho itself is home to many refugees and "re-settled" peoples, which is somewhat reminiscent of Palestinians and the related conflict spilling into Lebanon, Jordan and other neighbouring areas. The complexity and number of groups involved skyrocket.
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[Shatila Camp, Lebanon during the War of the Camps]
Rarely is war as simple as "Good Guys vs. Bad Guys" or even "Bad Guys vs. Bad Guys." There is almost always a vast number of interest groups and competing organisations at stake, even in some of the more black and white wars like WW2. Muir just hits this nail right on the head in my opinion.
You could also make similar parallels to the Syrian Civil War, which has an equally complex mix of militants and groups. Despite all of that, of course, life still goes on. School kids still attend school, even in bullet ridden buildings.
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These kids are your Hot Sauce and Honesty and Kevin and Beautiful Ruby.
Typically the books I've read depicting a place under siege or at war (at least in sci-fi / fantasy) have a focus on the main characters leading the war effort. There may be issues of water or food shortages, but they're largely somewhat abstract political complications being dealt with by key rulers or the like. Often times war is simply sanitised completely (think Star Wars), or it is portrayed through a military lens, or when it deals with civilians it focuses on the destruction and death of civilian life.
I just found Nona wonderful in depicting the mundanity, the boredom, the regularity of life in a war zone, as well as the sudden shocks of change and turmoil and fear, and then as well the glimpses of joy and pleasure that humans still experience. I'm just really quite blown away by Tamsin Muir, and I wonder if she had a specific conflict as inspiration for her writing here.
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summarychannel · 9 months
The dispute between Saudi Arabia and the Emirates returns after a Yemeni delegation visited Riyadh, and America intervenes to stop the dispute between the brothers The latest news from Saudi Arabia and the Emirates and the meeting of the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, America and the Emirates in order to end the conflict in Yemen
This episode devotes its time to discussing news related to the return of disputes between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The Yemen file is at the forefront of the factors causing the old/new disagreement between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed. Since the former concluded a normalization deal with Iran under Chinese sponsorship, it has been moving at an accelerated pace to reach a comprehensive agreement to end the ceasefire in Yemen, while the latter believes that the Ansar Allah Houthi group funded by Tehran cannot be trusted, and that the fight against it must continue. The episode presents the arguments for each party and its strengths and weaknesses, based on the history of the conflict in Yemen since 2015 between the Arab coalition, which includes Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, and the Houthis.
The United States of America has presented an initiative to resolve the Saudi-Emirati dispute, which the US administration of President Joe Biden rejects due to it being between two strategic allies of Washington in the Middle East. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, along with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, and his Emirati counterpart, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, held a tripartite meeting in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meetings, to reach a consensus formula on the Yemeni file between the Saudi and Emirati partners.
Finally, the American newspaper The New York Times indicated in a recent report that the American administration is close to signing a defense agreement with the Saudi side. It is one of 3 conditions that Riyadh had considered as fair compensation for accepting full normalization with Israel. This agreement includes a pledge from the White House to defend Saudi Arabia if it becomes involved in any regional military conflict. The approval of the US Congress appears to be the only obstacle to passing this agreement due to the objections of representatives from the Democratic Party to the human rights record in the Kingdom.
#Saudi Arabia #The UAE #America
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himanahu20-blog · 2 years
Indian police arrest two Al-Qaeda terrorists in the Indian state of Assam
Indian police arrest two Al-Qaeda terrorists in the Indian state of Assam. Both Abdus Subhan and Jalaluddin Sheikh worked as prayer leaders of mosques and have confessed to being members of Bangladeshi terror outfit Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent and its front Ansar Bangla. 
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nationalnewsindia · 2 years
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IAS Officer of India.
The total strength of Indian administrative services officers in India is 5196(in 2016). Out of which Uttar Pradesh produced highest numbers of IAS officers 1078(up to 2016) followed by Delhi and Bihar. After being selected in the UPSC exam, candidates undergo training at lbsnaa, Missouri for IAS.  Ansar Sheikh is one such UPSC aspirant who managed to clear this examination in one go and with that, he became the youngest IAS officer in the country, being an IAS at the young age of 21 years old.
UPSC Explains Results of Major Civil Service Examination March 24, 2021. The exam was conducted in three phases (preliminary and main interviews) to select officers for the Indian Administration Service (IAS), the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), the Indian Police Service (IPS) and others. An official in the Indian administration joins the service after passing the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Service Examination.
Following confirmation of the service, an IAS official will serve as a sub-divisional judge for a probationary period. After the end of this period, one can carry out an administrative function as a district or district judge or collector in recent years. Indian civil servants are recruited from the civil service and in rare cases, selected from the non-governmental civil service.
Each year, around 180 IAS officers are recruited to the government's civil service. In the office of the Indian Administrative Service, aspirants profess the dream of serving the country and its people and are selected. Few of these officers have been able to have a massive impact on people's lives.
The increasing number of female IAS officers in India is a living example of how women can contribute to the country's progress. The job profile of a female IAS officer is challenging and dynamic.
Hari Chandana Dasari, an IAS official in the Telangana cadre, is known for her green revolution in Hyderabad where she has initiated several plastic recycling initiatives that have earned her and the city many awards. She also monitored government doctors via Skype calls, which has changed the face of public health. She heads the Kudumbashree Project, a women-oriented community poverty reduction project run by the Kerala government in the state, and it is a shining example of women empowerment in the working class.
Two former IAS officers Ashwini Vaishnav and Ramchandra Prasad Singh have been added to the Union Cabinet as part of a major Cabinet Redesign that took place on Wednesday i.e. 21st July 2021, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and were inaugurated in the new cabinet of the Modi Government. Both were sworn in by President Ram Nath Kovind.
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indizombie · 4 years
Mayor Islamabad Sheikh Ansar Aziz estimates that Islamabad needs an estimated 250 million gallons of water per day (MGD). “We are capable of supplying 120 million gallons per day,” he tells. Accepting that Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad’s (MCI) has no short-term or long-term planning to meet growing water needs, he says, “Policies and their implementation need funds and we are already in a financial crisis due to a delay in the issuance of funds.” Behind this crisis is not some outside source, they allege, but a group of officers in the water management wing. Instead of facilitating residents, these water management officials adopt delaying tactics in supplying water so that the residents are ‘forced’ to order private water tankers. The price of a private water tanker can vary from 2,000 rupees to 2,500 rupees in the summer and 1,000 rupees to 1,500 rupees in the winter. Many of these government officials have their own private water supply businesses, claims Azam Khan Niazi, a senior journalist.
Shazia Mehboob, 'Islamabad’s tussle for water'
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ieltsninja2021 · 3 years
Youngest IAS officer
The UPSC examination is one of the toughest examinations in the country and clearing it seems so difficult to people all around the country. And when it comes to clearing it – there are times when candidates have to take part in this examination twice or thrice or sometimes even more than that so that they could get to the other side of the exam where all their dreams could be fulfilled.
But Ansar Sheikh is one such UPSC aspirant who managed to clear this examination in one go and with that, he became the youngest IAS officer in the country, being an IAS at the young age of 21 years old.
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premimtimes · 3 years
Of Sheikh Ahmad and Toyin Falola: Opening Spaces of Knowledge, By Afis Ayinde Oladosu
Of Sheikh Ahmad and Toyin Falola: Opening Spaces of Knowledge, By Afis Ayinde Oladosu
…what this interviewed has achieved, in the main, is that it opened new spaces of dialogue and understanding within, among and across faiths. It has long been my argument that the first step towards building global peace is the liquidation of spaces of ignorance of and about the other and what he holds dear. The event was conceived to be a refreshingly different departure from the run-of-the-mill…
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dailytafsirofquran · 3 years
Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Surah Al-Baqarah Ayah 195
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
195. And spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction, and do good. Truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinin (those who do good).
The Command to spend in the Cause of Allah
Allah says;
And spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction, Al-Bukhari recorded that Hudhayfah said:
"It was revealed about spending.''
Ibn Abu Hatim reported him saying similarly.
He then commented,
"Similar is reported from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Ata, Ad-Dahhak, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, As-Suddi and Muqatil bin Hayyan.''
Aslam Abu Imran said,
"A man from among the Ansar broke enemy (Byzantine) lines in Constantinople (Istanbul). Abu Ayub Al-Ansari was with us then. So some people said, `He is throwing himself to destruction.' Abu Ayub said, `We know this Ayah (2:195) better, for it was revealed about us, the Companions of Allah's Messenger who participated in Jihad with him and aided and supported him.
When Islam became strong, we, the Ansar, met and said to each other, `Allah has honored us by being the Companions of His Prophet and in supporting him until Islam became victorious and its following increased.
We had before ignored the needs of our families, estates and children. Warfare has ceased, so let us go back to our families and children and attend to them.' So this Ayah was revealed about us: spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction), the destruction refers to staying with our families and estates and abandoning Jihad.''
This was recorded by Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Abd bin Humayd in his Tafsir, Ibn Abu Hatim, Ibn Jarir, Ibn Marduwyah, Al-Hafiz Abu Ya`la in his Musnad, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim.
At-Tirmidhi said; "Hasan, Sahih, Gharib."
Al-Hakim said, "It meets the criteria of the Two Sheikhs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) but they did not record it."
Abu Dawud's version mentions that Aslam Abu Imran said,
"We were at (the siege of) Constantinople. Then, Uqbah bin Amr was leading the Egyptian forces, while the Syrian forces were led by Fadalah bin Ubayd. Later on, a huge column of Roman (Byzantine) soldiers departed the city, and we stood in lines against them. A Muslim man raided the Roman lines until he broke through them and came back to us. The people shouted, `All praise is due to Allah! He is sending himself to certain demise.'
Abu Ayub said, `O people! You explain this Ayah the wrong way. It was revealed about us, the Ansar when Allah gave victory to His religion and its following increased. We said to each other, `It would be better for us now if we return to our estates and attend to them.' Then Allah revealed this Ayah (2:195)'.''
Abu Bakr bin Aiyash reported that Abu Ishaq As-Subai`y related that a man said to Al-Bara bin Azib, "If I raided the enemy lines alone and they kill me, would I be throwing myself to certain demise?''
He said, "No. Allah said to His Messenger: (Then fight (O Muhammad) in the cause of Allah, you are not tasked (held responsible) except for yourself. (4:84)
That Ayah (2:195) is about (refraining from) spending.''
Ibn Marduwyah reported this Hadith, as well as Al-Hakim in his Mustadrak who said; "It meets the criteria of the Two Sheikhs (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) but they did not record it."
Ath-Thawri and Qays bin Ar-Rabi related it from Al-Bara. but added: (You are not tasked (held responsible) except for yourself. (4:84)
"Destruction refers to the man who sins and refrains from repenting, thus throwing himself to destruction.''
Ibn Abbas said: (And spend in the cause of Allah and do not throw yourselves into destruction),
"This is not about fighting. But about refraining from spending for the sake of Allah, in which case, one will be throwing his self into destruction."
The Ayah (2:195) includes the order to spend in Allah's cause, in the various areas and ways that involve obedience and drawing closer to Allah. It especially applies to spending in fighting the enemies and on what strengthens the Muslims against the enemy.
Allah states that those who refrain from spending in this regard will face utter and certain demise and destruction, meaning those who acquire this habit.
Allah commands that one should acquire Ihsan (excellence in the religion), as it is the highest part of the acts of obedience.
Allah said: and do good. Truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinin (those who do good).
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thisdaynews · 3 years
Nigeria better as one,Even Biafra or Oduduwa Can't break it, we’ll not separate —Tinubu
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/nigeria-better-as-oneeven-biafra-or-oduduwa-cant-break-it-well-not-separate-tinubu/
Nigeria better as one,Even Biafra or Oduduwa Can't break it, we’ll not separate —Tinubu
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National leader of the All Progressives Congress, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has rejected calls for the separation of Nigeria.
He spoke at a special Ramadan prayer attended by Chief Bisi Akande, members of Lagos Governor’s Advisory Council, State cabinet members, Oba of Lagos, Alayeluwa Rilwan Akiolu, and members of the business community, led by Alhaji Aliko Dangote, among others in Lagos on Sunday.
Grand Chief Imam of Lagos, Sheikh Oluwatoyin Abou-Nolla, led the clerics to the event held at the State House, Marina.
Tinibu told those clamouring for secession to shun the idea, warning against war witnessed in countries like Sudan and Iraq.
He said, “For those clamouring for war, God will not allow Nigeria to experience war. If we say Nigeria should separate, people should remember what war caused in Sudan and Iraq. Such war does not end on time. We are yet to recover from the civil war.
“We are better together. I have nowhere I am going. Whoever has experienced war in the past will not pray for such. Nigeria will not separate, it’s not acceptable to us. Our prayers is for prosperity and more wealth for the country.”
Tinubu expressed optimism that the nation would survive its problems.
He flayed the spate of kidnapping, saying the criminals were using the crime to embarrass Islam, a religion, he said, abhours killing and abduction of people against their will.
Chief Missioner of Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria, Sheikh Abdul-Rahman Ahmad, in his lecture, said the nation was in a trying period, stressing that the magnitude of the challenges required sincere actions by leaders and citizens to salvage the country from crisis.
Popular Islamic preacher, Sheikh Muyideen Bello, said the nation would only survive its current tribulations if political leaders and citizens collectively seek repentance for their misdeeds, injustice and failed promises.
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bdjobinsider · 3 years
Bangladesh Ansar VDP Job Circular 2021 has been published in National Daily Prothom Alo Newspaper by their authority to get Bangladesh Ansar VDP Job Circular 2021 complete information and applying process from www.bdjobsinsider.com. Responding to the call of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the members of this force jumped into the great war of liberation in 1971. The government has done a lot to modernize and increase the capacity of the Ansar and the village defense forces. Many initiatives have been taken for the members of the force in the last 12 years. These include new uniforms, family rations, state medals in recognition of bravery and service, creation of posts in 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grades for officers and promotion of the position of Director-General to 1st grade, improvement of other posts, and overseas training of officers, as well as three ranks of a specialized guard battalion, has been promoted to pay status. Ansar and village defense forces are partners in all development of the government.
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nationalnewsindia · 2 years
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ieltsninja2021 · 3 years
Inspiring Biography of the Youngest IAS Officer of India
The UPSC examination is considered one of the most difficult examinations in the country and it seems difficult for most of the candidates. There are only a few who are lucky enough who work hard enough for this examination and get it cleared in a few attempts in order to fulfil their dreams.
Today, let’s move forward to know about one of the IAS officers in our country and go through his inspiring journey so that we can learn a lot of things from him.
Who is the Youngest IAS Officer of India?
The UPSC examination is one of the toughest examinations in the country and clearing it seems so difficult to people all around the country. And when it comes to clearing it – there are times when candidates have to take part in this examination twice or thrice or sometimes even more than that so that they could get to the other side of the exam where all their dreams could be fulfilled.
Important Facts about Ansar Sheikh
Given below are some fun facts about Ansar Sheikh:
#1. Ansar cleared his UPSC examination at the young age of 21 years old. This was his first attempt in this examination and he was lucky enough to clear it in one go.
#2. Thus, by clearing his UPSC examination in one go, he managed to become the youngest UPSC aspirant in the country, also the one who cleared the exam in his first attempt.
#3. He resides in the village of Maharastra – from the Jalna district, in the Shelgaon village of Maharashtra.
#4. Ansar got an All India Rank of 361 in his examination and by that, he became the youngest IAS officer in the country.
So, now let’s move forward in the journey of Ansar Sheikh while he was preparing for his IAS examination and how did he clear it.
UPSC Preparation Strategy
Given below are a few steps that we can follow to strategically prepare for the UPSC Examination:
#1. Before you start your preparation for the UPSC examination, it’s important for you to know about the UPSC examination in detail so that you can plan your preparation accordingly. So, before beginning your preparation for the examination, know about the exam, the different subjects that you have to study in, the type of questions being asked in the examination in order to score good marks.
#2. NCERT books are the key to getting good marks in the UPSC examinations. So, take out your NCERT books that you once studied while you were in school and start reading them to have a deep and basic understanding of all the subjects that you need to cover in your exam.
#3. Practice as many mock tests as you can in order to know about the exam in detail. Mock tests can be a great way to help you clearly understand the test format and what type of questions can be asked in the examination. So, take out as many mock test papers from the internet as you can to read thoroughly about the exam.
Ansar Shaikh, the youngest IAS officer of India broke all the previous records by clearing the toughest exam in the very first attempt and that too at such an early age. His dedication and hard work made him stand out from the crowd.
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earthpaks · 4 years
Mayor assures to address key issues of F-10 Markaz.
Islamabad: The F-10 Markaz was one of the major commercial centres of Islamabad and MCI would soon take measures to address its key issues including repair of roads and footpaths. These views were expressed by Sheikh Ansar Aziz, Mayor Islamabad while addressing the traders at the occasion of the ground-breaking ceremony of a public toilet in F-10 Markaz, Islamabad. Sardar Khan Zimri, Director Sanitation MCI was also present. 
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Sheikh Ansar Aziz said that the business community was playing important role in the development of the economy by promoting business activities and every effort would be made to solve their MCI related issues in order to facilitate them in doing business. It would help them to play an active role in the development of the country and the nation. He said that the construction of a public toilet in F-10 Markaz would solve a long-standing problem of traders.
Speaking at the occasion, Tahir Abbasi, Senior Vice President, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry thanked Sheikh Anser Aziz, Mayor Islamabad, and Sardar Khan Zimri, Director Sanitation, MCI, for their efforts to provide a public toilet facility in F-10 Markaz. He said that the non-availability of the public toilet was causing difficulties to the traders of the area and expressed the hope that its construction would ease their problems.
Tahir Abbasi also thanked the Mayor Islamabad for his assurance to repair roads and footpaths in F-10 Markaz. He presented various suggestions for the development of F-10 Markaz on modern lines and expressed the hope that Mayor Islamabad would consider them sympathetically for their implementation that would provide great facilitation in promoting business activities.
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nowpakistan · 4 years
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Mayor assures to address key issues of F-10 Markaz Islamabad :: The F-10 Markaz was one of the major commercial centers of Islamabad and MCI would soon take measures to address its key issues including repair of roads and footpaths. These views were expressed by Sheikh Ansar Aziz, Mayor Islamabad while addressing the traders at the occasion of...
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upshotre · 5 years
Stop Patronising Fortune Tellers — Sheikh Muyideen Bello
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A Cleric and former National Missioner of Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria, Shiekh Muyideen Bello, has called on Nigerians to stop the practice of patronising fortune tellers. Bello made the call during the annual Ramadan lecture organised by the BOMARAH Foundation in Lagos on Sunday. He advised Nigerians to hold onto God to resist temptation, while remaining steadfast in worshiping God. According to him, God has various ways of tempting His creatures and as such approaching fortune tellers and marabounds amounts to nothing in the end. He said only the Creator, God, can change the fortune of anyone. Rather, Bello urged Nigerians to be steadfast and be patient, adding that no one could pre-empt what God would do. “Prophet Ayuba was sick for several years and Allah did not kill him until all his families, property perished and Allah spared one of his wives, Ramat to take care of him,” Bello quoted from the Qur’an. He, however, urged individuals to try and help one another in their various communities; especially those who do not have the means of repaying them. According to him, this will go a long way in increasing love among the people. Read the full article
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