huffle-dork · 6 years
The Broken Ones
Another Dark Trio Roleplay by the meme trio to grace your eyes!
Read it here
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videodante · 7 years
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K.A. Applegate on evil in the guise of reason, from the Anibase notes on Animorphs #19, “The Departure”.
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cryptvokeeper · 4 years
this is legit becoming a distraction from the essay im supposed to be writing cuz now im just thinking's abt that whole discord full edgy darks I know about exCEPT FOR MY OWN WHAT WAS THEIR GD NAME!!!
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The above screenshots are the intro screen and two more to the Anibase, a database of sorts for trivia about all the animorphs books. If you’ve read the trivia for each book on hiracdelest.com the info won’t be new to you, but it is still cool to see the original source. 
The official place to download it is here on the scholastic site (amazingly this link still works without being an archive.org link). I was able to download the .exe file and get it to work on a PC, but I was never able to get it to work on my mac, because the original file was designed for Classic aka OS8/9 (eek!). I have now found out that someone uploaded a version of the Anibase that can be converted to swf format. I followed the instructions at the source here, and it worked for me! Scroll down to where the commenter mentions the file anibase.swf.txt, download the .txt file, change the name to make it a .swf file and as long as you have an application that will read .swf files you will be able to view it. Based on what the commenter said it seems like the Anibase was probably designed in flash originally.
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penrose-quinn · 4 years
Jujutsu Kaisen ED JoJo ver. by AniBase
[YT link] [AniBase]
Jujutsu Kaisen ending but with Jojo characters
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little-droid · 5 years
According to the "Anibase" (downloaded database/bonus content) the Andalites were supposed to be much more typical looking aliens in the hopes it would be adapted to TV, the editor was like "no be more creative please" and Applegate was like "well then I'll show you."
That’s fantastic! I love the alien design in these books so much, but it did not cope well at all with being adapted in the nineties with a kids tv show budget that was being (I assume) mostly spent on getting animals on screen. What I wouldn’t give for a modern or even animated version of the series. Netflix, I’m looking at you.
But spite creativity is the best kind of creativity and I’m not complaining in the slightest :)
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Did you know that this month is National Microchipping Month? – Plus A Big Surprise Reveal Ending!
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No? Neither did I If I’m being completely honest. 
It wasn’t until I logged into my emails, which I had been meaning to organise anyway, then I came across an email from the Cats Protection, which informed me that this month, was, in fact, National Microchipping Month. I’m not sure if it’s actually a national holiday as such, but a campaign the Cats Protection have launched to help spread the word that microchipping is the most effective way to identify a lost pet cat.
Especially if you’re like me, and have indoor cats. The few times they’ve snuck out thinking they were clever, I’ve always found them outside the front door meowing to get back inside come morning time. Not even that long ago, during the May downpours, we found Benito outside, hiding underneath an old sofa we had in the yard. Luckily, it was that night he chose to have his scary wet, windy, dark experience – as the very next day we had taken the old sofa to the local tip – could also mean he mighthave lost one of his 9 lives!
It's a Cats Protection campaign that encourages and promotes responsible pet ownership through microchipping as the preferred method of permanent identification. Cats Protection advises microchipping as the most effective way to identify a cat or a dog - by keeping your details up to date, you'll increase the likelihood of a happy reunion. You'll need to ensure you update your details if they change for any reason - especially if you change address! 
You'll increase the likelihood of a happy reunion if your cat goes wandering. You can get your cat microchipped by a vet, local authority or by a trained and insured member of an animal welfare organisation. There is no minimum age to microchip your cat, and the procedure is simple and doesn't cause harm.
Below I have included some of the most FAQ and answered them for you:
The Procedure?
Basically, a microchip (smaller than the grain of rice) is inserted under the Cat’s Skin, just between their shoulder blades, using an implanter device (not as scary as you think – a slightly larger needle), very simple and no more painful than their first injections – once inserted, your kitty won’t even know it’s in there.
The Price? – approx. £20 – £30 
Additional Costs Associated With Microchipping?
Depending on where you take your cat (your local vet or one of the larger chain vets) to have the microchipping procedure, there would only ever be fees to update your details on their records. Or if you continue reading on, I have listed the only two registers microchipping uses in the UK, below. Updating contact details is an OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY – And A Vital Part Of The Microchips Value. There would be no point getting one unless you remembered to keep all vital contact information up to date! Rant over 
How Can I Be Sure My Cats Details Have Been Registered, Following Microchipping?
You will be sent registration documents, usually a few weeks after the microchipping taking place. If it feels like its taking a while for them to come through, then I’d recommend getting in touch with whoever performed the procedure. OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY – And A Vital Part Of The Microchips Value - Once you eventually get you registration documents and cat’s microchip number safe! Apologies, last rant, I promise!. 
How do I Check My Cat’s Microchip?
The person implanting the chip will hold a hand-held scanner over your cat to check the implantation has been successful. Upon detection of the microchip, the scanner will display the microchip’s unique number.
What if I Lose My Cat?
As long as you listened to my above two rants, then when the cat is found lost, it can be taken to any local vet, authority, cat shelter or any other sort of animal welfare organisation, where it will be scanned and be able to let you know where your cats are. 
How Easy Is It To Update My Microchips Details? 
VERY – There are only two databases in the UK, who are: 
Petlog – 08444633999 – www.petlog.org.uk  Anibase – 01904487600 – www.anibase.com 
I’m an honest person, so I have to admit that the FAQ portion above was pretty much plagiarised from the Cats Protection Microchipping guide – although told in my own way, which I think makes it more understandable (I hope I did, anyways!). 
I’ve learned a lot about microchipping writing this blog as I hope you have by reading it.
 As I’m sitting writing this, I’m also wondering when I think my local vet’s office will have space to get her booked in for a microchip...and if I’m lucky, they might offer a discount for all five cats?
You may be thinking to yourself that I have been mentioning Cats Protection quite a lot lately… and there is a reason for that. I have always supported Cats Protection as my priority charity, and if you’ve been keeping up with the blogs, you’ll remember that we did a fundraising day in aid of Cats Protection a few weeks ago. 
I am THRILLED to announce that my retail website: 
www.calicocaptaincat.co.uk - Is in association with Cats Protection. It means when shopping for your cute, fluffy/bald, demanding, puddycats – you can also help cats less fortunate than your own by making a donation before completing your online order 
I hope you’re all off now thinking about when to get your moggy microchipped, I know I am. Or if anyone has had any bad experiences with microchipping, get in touch via my email address or message me on Facebook.
As always, much love,
                  The Cat Lady
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     -Microchips implantadxs en otrxs animales-
Ante el avance de la biotecnologia, nanotecnologia, y civilizacion que cada vez controlan nuestras vidas, restringen nuestras libertades y reducen nuestros espacios de desplazamiento vemos la necesidad de manifestarnos y dar a conocer sobre los efectos negativos que estas tecnologías no nos han contado sobre los microchips implantados de manera legal e ilegal en perrxs y gatxs.
Aquí un relato de algunas experiencias contadas en una página ,relatos que usan términos especistas, pero que cuentan experiencias vividas que creemos importante lo sepan todxs : ------------------------------------- "Los Microchips son implantados en los perros y gatos por veterinarios, refugios, y criadores con fines de identificación. Los Microchips también están siendo implantados (en EE.UU) por miembros del público que han hecho un curso breve de cómo implantar microchips; ya sea en la web o presenciales. Peces, hurones, caballos, alpacas, tortugas, elefantes, aves, llamas, animales de laboratorio, de zoológico y serpientes incluso se le están colocando el chip. Pero-… ¿Son los microchips una forma confiable de identificación? Y ¿hay riesgos para la salud asociados con los implantes?
Los implantes de microchips se comercializan como una forma segura y permanente de identificación que dura toda la vida del animal. También se comercializan como una forma de reunir a mascotas perdidas o robadas a sus propietarios, para reducir significativamente el número de animales domésticos en los refugios, para identificar y castigar a los propietarios de perros peligrosos; y para prevenir las malas prácticas de cría y la crueldad a los animales.
Las razones utilizadas para promover y vender los microchips implantables pueden sonar atractivas. Antes de ser seducidos por la publicidad cuidadosamente diseñada que se utiliza para lograr convencer no sólo a las personas a ponerles a sus animales el microchip, sino también para poner en práctica la legislación obligatoria del microchip en animales, debemos examinar los hechos.
A los consumidores se les dice repetidamente que los implantes de microchips son seguros. Tan seguros que de hecho, la gigante farmacéutica Merial dice, que estudios científicos muestran que los implantes de microchip son totalmente indoloros, perfectamente bien tolerados por los animales y que no hay riesgo de picor, reacciones alérgicas o abscesos. Merial incluso afirma que la experiencia europea demuestra que los microchips no son rechazados por el cuerpo. Sin embargo, publicaciones de estudios científicos e informes sobre microchips adversos registrados por la Asociación Veterinaria Británica de Pequeños Animales (BSAVA) demuestran lo contrario.
Estudios científicos con ratones y ratas muestran que los animales de laboratorio han desarrollado tumores cancerosos agresivos y letales inducidos por el microchip. Los informes científicos muestran también que los animales de zoológico con microchip han desarrollado tumores cancerosos microchip-asociado. Los informes médicos y estudios científicos revelan también que los perros y los gatos han desarrollado tumores cancerosos agresivos en el lugar de sus implantes del microchip.
En 2009, un Yorkshire Terrier llamado Scotty desarrolló linfoma epiteliotrópico en el lugar de su implante de microchip marca Schering-Plough Home Again. El pequeño Scotty murió meses después de desarrollar cáncer; su muerte coincidiendo con su sexto cumpleaños. En octubre de 2010, se presentó una demanda en los EE.UU. por Andrea Rutherford contra Merck Sharp & Dohme y digital Ángel Inc., porque su gato, Bulkin, desarrolló cáncer en el lugar de su implante de microchip marca Home Again. Los resultados de la demanda están pendientes.
Muchos defensores del microchip dicen que el riesgo de que su mascota vaya a desarrollar cáncer de un implante de microchip es de “insignificante” a “inexistente.” Algunos incluso dicen que el riesgo microchip-cáncer es una “leyenda urbana de Internet.” Pero pregúntate cómo de insignificante es el riesgo del microchip: si es tu mascota la que desarrolla el cáncer. Pregúntate por qué décadas de datos científicos demuestran que un objeto implantado en el cuerpo puede causar cáncer, sin embargo los negativistas del riesgo microchip-cáncer afirman que los implantes de microchip no pueden causar cáncer.
Los animales también han experimentado daños neurológicos como resultado de los microchips: “Un Terrier Tibetano de 1,6 kg, de seis semanas de edad, fue admitido con un historial de 12 horas de aparición aguda de tetraparesia progresiva después de la inserción de un microchip a la región cervical dorsal,” escriben TJ Smith y Noel Fitzpatrick de Fitzpatrick Referrals en el Reino Unido.
Hay animales que también han muerto debido al procedimiento del implante del microchip. En 2004, el BSAVA informó que un gatito murió repentinamente cuando le colocaron el chip. “Durante el examen postmortem, el microchip se encontró en la base del cerebro,” escribe el BSAVA.
En 2009, un joven Chihuahua llamado Charlie Brown murió pocas horas después de serle colocado el chip. Charlie murió a causa de “una cantidad extrema de sangrado” del “pequeño agujero en la piel donde entró la aguja (implante de microchip),” dice el Dr. Reid Loken, el veterinario certificado por la junta que realizó el procedimiento. Lori Ginsberg, propietaria de Charlie, dice, “Yo no estaba a favor de colocarle el chipa a Charlie, pero era la ley.” Ginsberg añade: “Es horrible vivir en un país donde se están quitando tus decisiones y que no puedes tomar decisiones sobre tu familia y tu vida … Los políticos no deben quitar mi derecho a hacer lo que es mejor para mi mascota.”
“Esta tecnología es supuestamente tan maravillosa hasta que es tu propio animal el que muere.” Lori Ginsberg, propietaria de Charlie Brown.
Cuando se presentan casos como el de Scotty, Bulkin, de Charlie Brown y otros, muchas personas justifican los riesgos para la salud de implantar el chip diciendo que las reacciones adversas a los microchips son poco comunes. Los riesgos, sin embargo, son enormemente subestimados ya que los veterinarios y refugios de animales no están obligados a notificar las reacciones adversas por lo que sólo se reportan un número extremadamente pequeño de estos casos.
Aunque los implantes de microchips se comercializan como una forma permanente de identificación, es cierto que pueden dejar de funcionar o ser expulsados del cuerpo del animal. Los microchips también se conocen de desplazarse y a perderse en el cuerpo, haciendo difícil la identificación.
Además, desconocido por la mayoría de los dueños de mascotas, LOS NÚMEROS EN EL MICOCHIP PUEDEN SER DÚPLICADOS. Se permite la reproducción: más de un animal puede tener el mismo número de identificación. Barbara Masin de Identificación Electrónica De Dispositivos Ltd afirma: “Yo fui a las sesiones de escucha del USDA y les ofrecí a mostrarles el problema de las posibilidades de duplicación, pero no quisieron verlo. La situación está muy polítizada.”
“Hay ciertas personas que participan dentro de la USDA que tienen vínculos muy estrechos con algunos fabricantes. Hay una agenda subyacente, por desgracia, y esto no es para el bien del país.” Otro conocido eslogan utilizado para vender el microchip es: “Los Microchips ayudan a reunir a mascotas perdidas y robadas a sus dueños.” Pero esta frase pegadiza es engañosa y proporciona una falsa sensación de seguridad para los dueños de mascotas que creen que el chip de su mascota puede ser leído por todos los lectores de microchip.
La Dra. Patricia Khuly, VMD, (Dirección de Medicamentos Veterinarios) de la Clínica de Sunset Animals en Miami, Florida, advierte: “…no todos los escáneres son fabricados iguales. Algunos son mejores que otros en la lectura de una amplia variedad de microchips. Esto significa que su mascota puede perderse, ser encontrado, escaneado y eutanasiado si el escáner aparece ‘vacío.‘”
Trágicamente, un Pit Bull Terrier Americano de 8 meses, llamado Hadden fue sacrificado en el condado de Stafford, Virginia, en el refugio para animales después de que el escáner utilizado para leer el chip no pudiera detectar el implante. Lisa Massey, propietaria de Hadden, dice, “Ellos [los empleados del refugio] sólo explicaron que lo sentían pero que muy mucho…que habían escaneado a Hadden dos veces y no hubo lectura alguna en el escáner.” Incluso bajo condiciones ideales controladas, ningún escáner tiene el 100% de sensibilidad para leer todos los microchips.
Otro punto importante del que los dueños de mascotas deben ser conscientes pertenece a la recuperación de su mascota-con-chip robado. En concreto, si tu mascota–con–chip es robado, el chip no garantiza que se encuentre tu mascota. Además, casos recientes en el Reino Unido revelan que el chip no proporciona prueba de propiedad. Así que, incluso si localizas tu mascota–con–microchip, robado es posible que tu mascota no te sea devuelta. En abril de 2010, Dave Moorhouse fue contactado por Anibase, una empresa de base de datos microchip, preguntándole si quería cambiar los registros de propiedad de su Jack Russell Terrier, Rocky. El Sr. Moorhouse le dijo a Anibase que Rocky había sido robado y le preguntó dónde estaba, pero Anibase se negó a proporcionar información sobre el paradero de Rocky.
Steven Wildridge, director gerente de Animalcare, la compañía propietaria que opera Anibase, dice: “Esto no es una opción, es una obligación establecida en la Ley de Protección de Datos. Si los individuos involucrados no quieren que pasemos sus datos personales al propietario original, entonces no podemos hacerlo a menos que estemos obligados por procedimiento penal o civil.”
Aunque el microchip de Rocky se registró a nombre del Sr. Moorhouse, la policía concluyó que no había causa penal y se negó a ayudar a encontrar a Rocky. Un juez de la Corte del Condado de Huddersfield dictaminó que la situación estaba fuera de su jurisdicción. El Sr. Moorhouse pregunta: “¿Cuál es el objetivo de ponerle a tu mascota el microchip, si no se puede conseguir que te lo devuelvan?”
Aquellos que promueven y / o se benefician de los microchips también afirman que el microchip reducirá significativamente el número de animales domésticos en los refugios. Esta afirmación no está respaldada por estudios independientes exactos, a largo plazo. De hecho, en los pocos estudios a corto plazo que se utilizan cuidadosamente seleccionados refugios de animales para probar microchips, escáneres y bases de datos, los investigadores notaron “… que el colocar un microchip… no es un sistema infalible, y no es realista el esperar un rendimiento del 100%.”
Los Microchips implantables también se promueven para su uso en perros peligrosos por lo que sus propietarios pueden ser identificados y responsabilizados por el mal comportamiento de su perro. La limitación es que los propietarios de perros peligrosos probablemente encontrarán una manera de evitar que a sus perros les coloquen el microchip. Los propietarios de perros “peligrosos” con chip pueden también fácilmente conseguir eliminarlo, ya sea quirúrgicamente o por algún método inhumano, con el fin de evitar ser identificados.
Los Microchips también se promueven como una manera de prevenir las malas prácticas de cría y la crueldad a los animales. Una propuesta se ha hecho en Gales para implementar el chip obligatorio a perros en las instalaciones de cría. El inspector de la RSPCA Richard Abbott dice que la ONG ha encontrado a perros en condiciones “oscuras, húmedas, con olor a amoníaco” “sin ropa de cama en absoluto” y con “cachorros muertos o moribundos a su lado.”
Desafortunadamente, el chip obligatorio no impedirá que las malas prácticas de cría, condiciones antihigiénicas o crueldad a los animales por los malos criadores, los que participan en las granjas de cachorros, o cualquier otra persona para el caso. En cambio, es probable que los chips y dispositivos de inserción sean adquiridos a través de Internet para reducir los costes, y el procedimiento de implante se realice por personas insensibles, sin entrenamiento en condiciones de estrés y falta de higiene. Como resultado, los cachorros van a sufrir y / o morir debido a las infecciones, abscesos, hemorragias, daños neurológicos y cáncer causados ​​por los implantes. Mientras tanto, las condiciones en las que los perros y cachorros viven seguirán siendo las mismas.
“Ha habido preocupaciones sobre el chip implantado causando problemas; diferentes ‘leyendas urbanas” en Internet han tratado de vincular los microchips y una rara forma de cáncer. Hasta la fecha, no tenemos conocimiento de ningún dato científico que confirma esto. En nuestra opinión, el riesgo es insignificante o inexistente.“ La Dra. Ellen Friedman DVM. Hospital Veterinario de Newburgh; Newburgh, NY.
Pruebas de vida reales demuestran que los implantes de microchips son una forma poco fiable y potencialmente peligrosa de identificación. A pesar de los riesgos, las empresas de microchips y defensores de microchips siguen engañando a los dueños de mascotas diciendo que los microchips son fiables y seguros. Además, la legislación de microchips de animales obligatoria continúa siendo promulgada en todo el mundo.
Es importante, por tanto, que los dueños de mascotas se eduquen acerca de los problemas asociados a los microchips, y compartan la información con otros dueños de mascotas, veterinarios, refugios de animales y los que participan en las políticas de microchips. Los dueños de mascotas también deberían involucrarse en el proceso de notificación de reacciones adversas de microchips, de lo contrario las consecuencias adversas de microchips seguirán siendo muy insuficientemente comunicadas.
Es importante que los dueños de mascotas trabajen juntos para revertir la legislación del microchip obligatorio y evitar la promulgación de una mayor legislación de microchips." ---------------------------
También recordaremos algunos párrafos de textos que hablan sobre las verdaderas razones por la cual se implantan microchips en todxs lxs animales, incluídxs lxs humanxs : -------------------------------- Pero las aplicaciones desplegadas ante el gran público son sólo bienes mezquinos, innovaciones inútiles para satisfacer deseos infantiles generados en el ‘consumidor’ por la tecnología. Y, de hecho, las aplicaciones descritas más arriba sobre la manipulación de la materia resultan ser solo una pequeña parte de los resultados buscados en los proyectos de investigación actuales. La miniaturización de los procesadores de información es ocultada dentro de estos gadgets inútiles, y esto es de alguna importancia. Esta miniaturización llevará a la presencia de microchips ‘inteligentes’ de cualquier objeto en el mercado, desde balanzas a ropa a bolígrafos todo hasta mezclas nutricionales capaces de comunicarse con la nevera.
Pero esta aplicación final prevista para esos microchips no es cierta, y no es la primera vez que tras las pretensiones humanitarias o las mejorías milagrosas del estilo de vida medio hay un proyecto oculto bastante diferente, cuiadosamente disimulado a la mayoría de nosotros. Este es el caso para las aplicaciones de la nanotecnología más alarmantes, como el enlace máquina-humano o la aplicación de microchips subcutaneos, en los que se excusa su uso en la combinación de la curación de enfermedades raras y la protección de los pobres e indefensos ciudadanos de brutales criminales.
En la estela de estos estudios otro aspecto importante es el del control social. Un chip del tamaño de un grano de arena destinado a ser insertado bajo la piel ha sido puesto en el mercado por la compañía americana Applied Digital Solutions. Se llama Verichip y es capaz de contener información sobre la persona y puede estar dotado con capacidades GPS que permitirían el conocimiento de donde está la persona todo el tiempo (uno puede incluso comprarlo por internet si quiere conocerlo de cerca). El Verichip puede ser inyectado con una jeringa, usando un simple anestésico local. Se vende como un guardaespaldas electrónico para prevenir secuestros, por lo que muchos multi-millonarios ya lo están solicitando. Pero una intuición fácilmente desarrolla que pronto un chip así no será una conveniencia opcional para los ricos, sino una pesada carga para los pobres. Al principio, ensalzan los aspectos humanitarios de tales instrumentos, mencionando que en algunos casos serán de uso para médicos para intervenir rápidamente o para la policía para prevenir secuestros y violencia. Luego las aplicaciones en cada vez porciones más grandes de población serán justificadas hasta el día en que no se pueda vivir sin ella. Ese día el chip implantado será obligatorio y librarse de él será un delito grave.
Finalmente, los chips que el gobierno británico propone para implantar en pedófilos que ya han sido sentenciados son la última frontera. Además de registrar la posición de alguien bajo vigilancia, estos chips registran en latido del corazón y la tensión arterial, dando un aviso sobre la inminencia de un eventual acto de violencia. No señalará un estado de excitación sexual, sino nerviosismo y miedo. El mismo nerviosismo y miedo que un ladrón o un saboteador puede sentir mientras está en faena. Además, uno no debería considerar la alarma de pedofilia, con la que los media están bombardeandonos desde hace unos años de manera que es tremendamente desproporcionada respecto de la realidad de las cosas, como secundaria en el proyecto de control social.
Manipulando la histeria colectiva de esta manera, los niños se convierten cada vez más en objetos propiedad del Estado, y así su protección de convierte en una obligación a cumplir. Esto no sólo justifica implantes de chip en pedófilos, sino la propuesta de expertos y asociaciones de padres para poner chips a todos los niños de Inglaterra después del último caso extraordinario de Holly y Jessica, violadas y asesinadas en 2002. Pero, ¿quién protegerá a esas niñas del ojo penetrante de sus padres y del Estado? ¿Quién les protegerá de la red  ineludible de control tecnológico?
Realmente podemos ser la última generación de seres humanos sin prótesis tecnológicas al nacer.
* Entonces nos vendría bien informarnos antes que seguir de obedientes a lo que las empresas con sus comerciales engañosos nos imponen *
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rustygoatio · 9 years
*jolts out of a half-sleep* I NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE ANIBASE
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Dark Aftermath (Part 1)
Next part in the dark trio roleplay stuff but on google docs because fuck tumblr formatting |D
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konkoa · 10 years
Over the course of the series, the Animorphs have all changed in various ways. For instance, in this book Marco revealed his ability to see clearly from point A to point B, to focus on what needs to be done and how to do it - even if it may mean killing someone he loves. Here's how Katherine Applegate summed up Marco's character development: "Marco developed over the life of the series from the reluctant warrior into the most ruthless of all the Animorphs."
Who Knew?, "Animorphs #30 The Reunion", Anibase
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Dark Aftermath Part 2
Second part! This one gets weird
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Fetch Quests (Part 1)
(More dark side rps with TeFA and @jurassicraptorcat)
TeFA’s body shoots awake, but finds her mind is not hers. Instead her body lets out a slow laugh, and Anibase finds herself in control. As she rises, struggling with her new body mass and height, a bruise forms all around her neck.
“Ha… ha… Hahaha!!! It's been TOO long!!” Her voice comes out pained and harsh, as if she had a terrible chest and throat cold. She feels along her neck and finds the pendant, lying ever so slightly below her collarbone. With a wicked grin she stumbles out of Juri’s room and finds a bathroom.
She looks into a mirror and sees herself in a dark gray t-shirt v-neck saying “Sleep More, Dream More,” to which makes Anibase chuckle. “Just gives me more time host…” She sees her wearing black, loose leggings and finally looks up at her face. And then the bang.
The stupid bang.
She takes a hairband on her right wrist and puts her bangs back behind her into a tiny ponytail, and watches as her right eye becomes familiar to her: the black sclera and purple-silver iris. She laughs again and stumbles out, then managing to control herself, finds her way to Ouros’ room. Crossing her arms and leaning against the side of the doorway, she beams, “Heyoooo~!”
Unreal is sitting on the floor of Juri’s room, absentmindedly playing with her ink and making shapes with them in the air a few inches off the ground. She turns and regards Anibase with a bored look.
“Well you sure took your time,” She yawns and leans back. “Then again, Lauren is too easy to influence some nights.” She grins wickedly.
Ouros sits over in the corner at a desk writing quickly onto her clipboard. She mutters calculations under her breath while ignoring the two in her room.
With a curse Ouros rips the paper off and tosses it behind her to hit Unreal in the head. She starts her calculations over with quick jerks of her pen.
Anibase rolls her eyes. “To be fair the last time I fully managed to take over was what… A year ago…? Although due to your stupid hosts she’s been able to be more happy enough and cling on longer.” She kicks the doorwall in frustration. “The stupid being who thinks she can get what she wants.” She then takes a seat on the floor next to Unreal, her arms still crossed, avoiding the now thrown balled-up piece of paper.
“You doing okay over there Amber?”
Unreal growls quietly under her breath after the paper ball skips across her head. She grabs a little bit of ink from the pile she’s playing with and lets it stretch across her finger. She flings the ink like a rubber band to the back of ouros’s neck with a snicker.
“Yo Hissy, we’re trying to talk to ya!”
Ouros pauses when the band of ink hits her neck before continuing to scribble furiously on her clipboard. “129 kilograms,” Ouros mutters while jotting it down. Finished with her calculations Ouros sets her pen and swiftly turns in her chair to glare at the two sitting on her floor.
“What,” She asks while crossing her arms.
Anibase shakes her head. “Nevermind on the ‘are you ok’ question. You said you can make us a body, but that's it. How exactly are you gonna be able to do that, and how much help do you need?”
“Do we have to kill somebody? Cuz that’ll be fun…” Unreal giggles madly.
Ouros stares at Unreal for a few seconds before slowly saying, “No. Really I need you to get me ingredients.”
She taps the list she wrote on her clipboard, “Very specific ingredients needed to create a human body from scratch.”
Anibase lies down on the floor and rubs at the swelling bruise on her neck. “Aw man, if we have to go shopping for this at like a grocery store or something I'm gonna hang myself.” Anibase groans like the child she is and then forces herself back up to a sitting position. “Alrighty, what do we need.”
Unreal scoffs and crosses her arms, “I don’t want to be some kind of errand girl! Besides… if anibase is right and we need to go out and collect stuff I’m kinda stuck. I’ll draw attention wherever I go,” she points to her dripping eyes and glitchy ink with a raised eyebrow.
“Unless you can find me 2.34 kilograms of Sulfur, 0.42 kilograms of Sodium, and 0.42 kilograms of Chlorine at your local grocery store you’ll likely have to end up stealing these items,” Ouros explains, “I have most of the simple ingredients besides pure oxygen.”
Ouros throws the list at Anibase with a flick of her wrist, “This is all that I need to make us bodies.”
Anibase catches the paper in the air and takes a look at it, crossing her legs. She mutters them to herself under her breath and then looks back up. “I am literally 9 or 10 years old how the heck am I supposed to know what this is.” She holds it out to Unreal if she wants to look at it. “Could we like, I dunno, extract this from food or something?”
Unreal squints at the paper and holds it close to her face, “what the fuck….”
She looks up at Ouros, “Where the hell would you even find this crap?! And it’s so precise like fuck man!”
Ouros rolls her eyes in exasperation, “Unreal I think you can go find a few of those items at any drugstore in their pill aisle. The rest I’ll have to steal from the local hospital,” Ouros looks pointedly at Anibase, “With some help.”  
Anibase’s eyes perk up, then she smiles. “Hey you aren't looking at my host so no fear of sicknesses here.” She then claps her hands in excitement. “Ooh this'll be exciting! Sneaking around is too much fun.”
“Um hello??? Do you have your snakes stuffed up your ears?? How am I supposed to go get this shit from a drugstore when I look like this?!” Unreal points again at her face, “sure stealing fine but if anyone sees me all hell is gonna break loose!”
“Just say it’s part of a costume you’re wearing or something. I don’t care as long as you get the ingredients,” Ouros says.
Ouros tries to smile at Anibase and instead looks like she’s grimacing, “Hospitals you will find are quite easy to sneak through.”
Anibase puts her hand up firstly and says, “Ouros if smiling causes you pain you can stop.” She ends with a slight giggle then puts her hand down. “And hopefully they shall if I can still…” She tries to phase her one arm out of existence but finds it troubling. “Come on…” She grits her teeth and tries again, and it finally works, but it only lasts for a couple of seconds. “I'll… Get this working by the time we get there.”
Unreal crosses her arms and growls to herself, clearly not up for this little fetch mission. She groans and plops down on the ground, still crossing her arms.
“The subject appears reluctant,” Ouros mutters. She stands abruptly and disappears into a side door emerging a minute later with….something that may have once been human. It dangles from her hand looking like it’s either been flayed or dipped in acid multiple times. The thing moans until a shake from Ouros shuts it up.
“If you get all my ingredients on the list I offer up my least favorite experiment as a punching bag for you to do whatever you want with,” Ouros offers up. She’s read somewhere that offering treats helps to overcome reluctance. She may have read that on a puppy training website.
Anibase stares at the… experiment and finds herself grateful she isn't one of those… things. She stands up and stretches, looking down at Unreal awaiting her reaction.
Unreal recoils backwards and sits up quickly scooting backwards from whatever is dripping off that thing.
“Ouros,” she breathes, “what the actual fuck?!” She gives the other dark ego a wide eyed look of confusion, “I mean I like beating stuff up as much as the next guy but…. what the fuck….”
Ouros cocks her head, “Is this one not suitable? I have other failed experiments you could choose from if that is what you want.”
Ouros tosses the….thing back through the side door. There’s a low moan until Ouros whips her head to glare into the doorway. There’s a cracking sound, a shriek and then silence. Ouros nods, “I believe it better if you choose a different failure, this one is now broken.”
Anibase then lets out a suppressed laugh, followed by a snort, just due to how Ouros alone worded her phrase. She quickly recomposes herself and crosses her arms. “Well, are we gonna be here all night with you showing off your experiments or are we actually gonna grab this stuff tonight?”
“Hissy, I am perfectly okay with no experiments,” Unreal stands and shifts her jacket to let her ink breathe before cracking her neck loudly. “Guess I gotta drugstore to raid. Which ones are there???”
Ouros shrugs and closes the side door, “My host works at a Dollar general down the street. Try there first.” She grabs her medical coat from the corner to pull over her dark outfit. “If you can’t get precise amounts, which I hold no hope for you being able to do that, then just grab as much as you can and I’ll measure it out.”
Anibase starts tapping her foot impatiently. “Come on…! I don't know the area well you're gonna have to help me get to this hospital!” Anibase whines and starts kicking the floor with her exposed heel.
“Which ones do I get snake fuck???” Unreal growls, “stop freaking ignoring me!”
Ouros walks over and grabs the list, she circles Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium on the list. “There you go...,” Ouros remembers from a “How to make Friends with your Coworkers” pamphlet that nicknames can help improve relationships, “...dear.”
She grabs a heavy bag off the ground and throws it at Anibase to catch. “Plan B is in that bag if your powers don’t work properly,” Ouros explains.
Anibase catches it and cocks her head at the bag, but then shrugs and puts it on. She fiddles with the butterfly hanging by its chain. “Alright, but question: where is it??? You have a map or something?”
Unreal gives Ouros another confused look then grunts in some sort of thankful way and pockets the list into her hoodie. She flips her hood over her head and wipes excess ink off her face with a wince.
“Alright you girls have fun,” Unreal says with a sarcastic finger wave and opens up the bedroom window and slips out into the night (YEET)
Ouros nodded as she adjusted her wrist cuffs. “The hospital is close by come along.” She leads Anibase down to the garage where there’s a silver car.
“Just hop in,” Ouros says as she clambers into the driver's seat and turns the car on.
Anibase looks over the car and nods to herself, impressed. “Nice ride!” She then opens up the door and slides in, closing it. She takes off the bag and sets it at her feet with a thud and buckles in. She rubs her neck where the bruise has seemed to get worse and lets out a hoarse cough into her elbow. “Ugh, sorry.” She mutters. “Now let's just hope that Inky knows what she's doing.”
Unreal pulls out Huffle’s phone and types in the drug store into the gps and starts walking that way. She grumbles about stupid air travel sadly missing her host’s beat up car back in Texas. She tilts her head at her phone and feels a slight glitch of power. She grins and hovers her hand over the phone and closes her eyes. In her head is a spark of light and see can see a small screen on inside the window of a store near the drug store in question. She looks up and sees the wires of the telephone poles above and grins more. She touches one of the wires and closes her eyes and disappears up the wire as red blue and green sparks.
“Buckle up,” Ouros reminds Anibase before she puts the car in reverse and peels out going 70 mph with a blank face. She hits the brakes right at the end of the driveway to spin out into the street while jerking the car into drive. The tires screech as she hits the gas before rocketing forward.
Ouros doesn’t even glance at the speedometer as it quickly climbs up. When she reaches a turn she barely slows down before taking a hard left that leaves the car on two wheels briefly. “Only a minute away,” Ouros informs Anibase.
“But I am buckled iN-” is all Anibase can say before the car zooms to life, and suddenly Anibase is gripping the sides of her chair to stabilize herself. Then she's grinning and pumping her hands up in excitement. “WOOO!!!” She yells in glee, before her hands hit the roof and she immediately retracts them.
When Ouros mentions how quickly they'll be arriving, Anibase nods. She tries testing phasing in and out again which manages to work now more quickly, but she’s still struggling. “Ugh, phasing physical matter is so much more difficult…”
The static on the tv in the store window suddenly fizzes into a burst of red green and blue sparks. A hand pops out of the tv before Unreal bursts out and splats against the glass window with a groan. She growls then lets her form dissolve into ink and squeezes out of the cracks of the window until she appears back on the sidewalk. She cracks her neck and looks over at the store eyeing the building to see if anyone is inside or not.
Ouros pulls into the back hospital parking lot with a screech and rolls into a parking with a jerk, going from 40 mph to 0 in a second. She steps out of the car and stretches. “That was my first time driving, what a leisurely experiment,” Ouros comments.
She looks over at Anibase and gestures, “Can you phase yet?”
Anibase steps out of the car and slams the door shut. “Lemme check.” She then focuses again on her one arm and tries one more time, which phases out perfectly. She beams and completely disappears and reappears right in front of Ouros. “Ding ding!” She giggles at her own joke and smiles. “Now… what do we get?”
Unreal pushes her face against the door into the darkened store and smirks slightly at the sight. It’s empty. She shifts back into ink and goes through the slit of the door and gathers back into her full form once she’s inside. The ink demon huddles her hands in her pockets and casually strolls around the store. She pauses when she sees a blinking red light in the ceiling. A security camera.
Unreal grins wolfishly and lets her eyes glow bright as she concentrates her glitchy energy and sees reflected in the glass a hint of her sparking energy and the red light dims. Satisfied Unreal finds the pills easily and scoops as much as she can fit in her hoodie. Once done she ventures to the back of the store and finds the office, A computer that’s fighting sleep mode has a typical screensaver playing and Unreal touches the screen before she’s sucked in and she heads back to Juris house.
“Oh good,” Ouros comments, “It was this or stuffing you into a Nurse’s uniform. Come along now, we just need pure oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen.” Ouros strides away towards the hospital and approaches a side entrance. She pulls a stolen I.D. out and swipes it through the keylock and opens the door.
“We have around 6 minutes before they realize something is up so we’ll have to move fast,” Ouros begins walking quickly down the hallway until they reach a door.
She pauses, “This is where you come in. I can’t open the door and what we need is inside.”
Anibase nods and understands right away. She quietly cracks her knuckles and phases completely out. Then all of a sudden the door swings open from the other side, and she reappears. She waves a little “hello” and smiles. “After you Ms. Amber.”
Ouros strides in and makes for the locked cabinets in the back. She grabs the padlock and pulls while increasing gravity on it until it rips itself and the hinge off the cabinet. Inside is a couple hydrogen tanks. Ouros grabs two and decreases the weight on them before handing them to Anibase. A couple cabinets over they found the pure oxygen tanks. Ouros only grabbed one of them.
In the back was a freezer with a padlock. Ouros only glanced at it this time to rip it off. The door opened with a hiss and Ouros reached into the bag Anibase was still carrying to grab some heavy duty gloves.
“Liquid nitrogen,” Ouros whispered, “Is not something to mess with. Open the bag.”
Ouros grabbed a can of the liquid nitrogen and turned towards Anibase.
Anibase nodded and opened the bag. As curious as she was and wanting to ask why, she kept quiet and let Ouros do her thing. They couldn't afford to waste any time.
Ouros quickly settles the nitrogen into special blankets in the bag with care. “Our 6 minutes is up it’s time to go,” Ouros remarks even ask footsteps stomp down the hallway. Ouros’s eyes glow a brighter orange and things begin floating around them. Someone screams from down the hallway.
“Time to go.”
Anibase quickly zips the bag up and grabs Ouros’ arm. “Not needed.” She barely mutters as she phases out, including Ouros. Now there is no traces of them visually.
“As soon as I let go you’ll have to focus on keeping yourself invisible alright?” Anibase’s voice echoes in Ouros’ ears.
“Can do,” Ouros says. She keeps a corner of her mind set to thinking about staying invisible while they hurry out of the hospital.
The car is still in the parking spot and Ouros slides into the driver's seat with ease.
Anibase gets in and buckles herself right back in, gently putting the bag in the back. She phases back into reality and smiles all giddily, proud of herself, but also Ouros for managing to keep herself hidden. She hadn't tested making someone else invisible for a while. “Now let's get out of here!”
Ouros peels out of the parking lot doing 70 and hits the gas once they're heading towards Juri’s house. “You can phase other people,” Ouros mutters. She makes the mental note to add that to Anibase's chart. They pull into the driveway going 50 as Ouros hits the breaks.
Anibase shrugs. “Only if I choose to, it's not like I allow it to anybody.” Anibase steps out of the car and grabs the bag. She slams the door shut and walks back inside.
“Oh Inky~! We're home!!!” Anibase shouts in a sing-songy voice.
Unreal looks up from where she’s huddled on the floor watching videos on Huffle’s phone, the numerous pill bottles she stole littered on the ground.
“Well it’s about time! I was just thinking about falling asleep and leaving you guys with a very confused Lauren,” the ink demon pushes herself off the ground and eyes their spoils, “so I’m guessing you got all the shit then?”
“Now the fun begins,” Ouros takes the bag from Anibase and grabs the pill bottles off the floor. She kicks open the side door and enters.
Anibase sits back down next to the ink demon and smiles, “Yep! And it was super fun. Didn't get caught at all.” She rubs her neck again where the bruise seems to be getting worse. “Ugh, Amber better know what she's doing-” she's interrupted by a hoarse cough into her elbow, and her whole body shudders.
“You doing alright there kid?” Unreal asks, raising her eyebrow. She shifts and finally lowers her hood, easing herself by her elbows, “not that y’all will care but I didn’t get caught either. And learned some new tricks,” she grins wickedly.
“Don’t care at all,” Ouros called from the side room. She arranged everything before pulling out measuring instruments and a mortar and pestle to mash the pills. Before she began Ouros paused.
“Reward them when they do good,” Ouros whispered thinking back to the puppy training. Nodding she kicked her foot on the ground and Hyenas burst off her skin to rush out and swarm Anibase. With that done Ouros began measuring out the ingredients carefully.
Anibase slowly shakes her head no. Her voice comes out like jagged glass, sharp and rough, sounding incredibly sick. Her breathing becomes erratic, struggling against… something, she can't quite tell. She holds a hand to her chest. “I… I don't know what’s d3JvbmcuLi4=” The bruise swells even more with each word and she wants to collapse over.
But then the hyenas come over and her mind completely shuffles it’s attention to the puppos, and she curls her arms around them in quick hugs and starts petting them. “HehE… hA… h A h… R29vZCBkb2dnaWVzLi4u”
Unreal’s eye widen and she bends over Anibase and push the mutts out of the way. She actually looks concerned for once, instead of angry and detached.
“Shit, what’s wrong?!” She blinks as she notices the bruise on her neck, “Your neck…” She turns and calls over her shoulder, “Uh Ouros? Something is wrong with the kid!”
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Fetch Quest (Part 2)
One of the hyenas goes running to Ouros whining and she stands abruptly from her workstation. She makes her way out to where the hyenas are circling around the two in agitation. Kneeling next to Anibase Ouros asks, “What appears to be the problem?”
Anibase snaps and yells at the two dark sides, “I DOTidU KNOW!” Tears of liquid silver burn down her cheeks in pain and it drives her to insanity. The pendant suddenly burns brightly as if being heated, and she grabs at it to take it off, but her hand retracts with a yelp of pain as a burn is left in her palm. Her mind is swimming with one phrase over and over again.
“You don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it.”
Anibase’s right eye flickers in and out between reality as she realizes what's wrong. “My aCBPIHMgVC4uLg==. She's t R y I n G dG8= gain back cOnTrOl… Using what SSdN made of…”
Unreal quickly gives a sorted of freightened look to Ouros before she bends back down over Anibase, “Well shit-! What do we do?” A twinge in the back of Unreal’s head signals Huffle waking up slightly, seeing anibase in pain being too similar to seeing TeFA in pain. She winces slightly and pushes back, “Do we need to break her inside your head or something?!”
“I hope you can get us inside her head dear, that’s outside my powers,” Ouros comments while observing Anibase’s flickering eye. She motioned to one of the hyenas and it snuggled up next to Anibase.
Anibase hugs the hyena close like a stuffed animal; not too hard that it strangles the poor thing but just enough. She's sobbing by this point, her body shivering as if it was cold as the thoughts in her head finally make her way out of her mouth.
“I don't deserve this. SQ== don't deserve this. SSBkb24ndA== deserve this. SSBkb24ndCBkZXNlcnZl this. SSBkb24ndCBkZXNlcnZlIHRoaXMu”
She's completely unresponsive now to the others, just focusing on trying to get her form back in shape. She can't concentrate on her host trying to fight her down, not like this.
Unreal panics at the sight and she slaps her hand against Anibase’s face. Her eyes glow bright as she cries desperately,”Ş̰̰̩̉̉̊̀l̩͇̪͓̈́̿͛͠ȩ͓͈̳́̽̊͠e̢̞̗̖̋͑́̚p̗͇̞̾̂̃͘ͅ!̢͔̱̳̓̓͆̑”
Unreal grabs Ouros’s hand in a death grip as she mumbles quickly, “We can’t let her host wake up or we’ll lose what little time we have!” The room they’re in starts to shift in color and out of focus as inky darkness starts to surround them, Unreal’s power ready to send them into Anibase’s head once she falls asleep.
Ouros stares blankly into the inky darkness and whispers, “You people will be the death of me.” She closes her eyes before the ink meets her face and opens them in Anibase’s mind. A few of the hyenas had followed their master and Ouros gestured for them to track down TeFA.
Anibase is knocked out and her body collapses onto the floor. She is nowhere to be found in the dreamscape.
TeFA however, is quietly hiding for time behind a black column her mind had conjured up, blending in within the rest of the area around her and the others. Her hands are to the ground, her face contorted in pain.
‘Come onnnn!!!’ TeFA screams mentally. ‘You're finally knocked out!!! What's taking so long for me to return to my own body???’ Then she realizes why.
‘I'm not alone here. I gotta get them out.’
Unreal and Ouros drop into the mindscape like droplets of ink before Unreal lets go of Ouros’s hand and looks around.
“We gotta find that little bratty host…” She mumbles letting her ink spread across the ground and through the air like tendrils, searching around for any sign of TeFA in the darkness. But suddenly she stops and looks back at Ouros as she draws her ink back , “Wait… i think i have an idea…..” She grins wolfishly and winks at Ouros, signally for her to follow her lead.
Unreal clears her throat and closes her eyes for second. When she opens them, they’re clear and green, Huffle’s eyes. But they still drip with ink, signally who’s really in control. She opens her mouth and calls out into the open space in Huffle’s voice, “TeFA!! TeFA where are you?!” forcing her voice to sound desperate and scared.
Ouros looks over at Unreal with her blank face and monotone voice. “I hate this,” She tells Unreal before clearing her throat, “TeFA! It’s safe now please come out!” Ouros sounded remarkably like her higher pitched host and she grimaced angrily the entire time.
TeFA’s eyes bolt open. “Oh God if they're here, Ouros and Unreal are too. They couldn't have gotten in on their own.” TeFA mutters. She silently curses under her breath and wonders if she should risk her progress to go out to her friends.
Screw it.
TeFA appears out of nowhere from Unreal and Ouros’ point of view and sees Huffle and Juri. “Oh my God…” TeFA bolts over to both of them and hugs them both. “Are you both alright?!”
Unreal forces herself to relax in TeFA’s arms to not give herself away and she uses her other hand to wipe away the ink on her face with a laugh,”Yeah, yeah, we’re fine. Stupid dark sides didn’t think we’d get out as soon as we got here!” There’s another twinge of pain in the back of her head at Huffle screaming at her in rage for her lies but Unreal shoves the thought away as she holds TeFA out in her arms, cocking her head in false concern, “Are you alright? Where’s Anibase?”
Ouros turns her face away briefly to arrange it into something vaguely concerned. She put a hand on TeFA’s shoulder, “We’re ok TeFA, are you?”
TeFA nods, a smile growing across her face. “Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Stupid Anibase forgot if she possesses me, I'm stitched back together.” TeFA looks back to Huffle to answer her question with a relieved, but borderline menacing, grin. “Gone, she isn't gonna be back for a while. That's what happens when you're made of terrible memories, karma comes back and bites you, HARD.”
Huffle’s face scrunches into a glare, one so unlike her. She bares her teeth into a menacing snarl and quickly grabs TeFA by the neck, lifting her up into the air with incredible strength. An unstable terrifying laugh bursts from her lips as she squeezes.
“Let’s find a way to speed up her return, S̭̟̓̋͜͝ḥ̘̊̒̚͜ä͕̙̯́̈́̋l͈͈̳̔͑̽l͕̜̖͌̄̕ ̱̤͓̒͌̂w̢̛̼̤͗͛e̡͔̩̍̿̇?͇͉͓͗̔͠ ̺̣̯͐͘͠” Unreal giggles madly but she still looks like Huffle, just to make things worse.
“Oh good we’re dropping the act,” Ouros commented as she ‘grinned’ at TeFA, “How do you think we should start.”
She walked to Unreal’s side and stared up at TeFA, “It would be in your best interest to stop fighting.”
TeFA didn't look shocked or even concerned. She just vaguely pointed to Unreal’s hand strangling her and let's out a single laugh. “You're not even being original. Something tells me that you're hanging around Anibase too much.”
TeFA then takes her left hand and grabs Unreal’s arm, twisting it while digging in her too long nails to scratch and impale them. While doing so, she aims a quick kick with her right foot straight to Ouros’ temple.
Unreal cries out at the nails digging into her skin and pulls away letting TeFA stop to the ground. The cuts in her arm drip black and glitch with color as she growls dangerously. She gathers in ink and lets it wash over the other girls body, trapping her limbs against the ground. She strides over and leans close in front of TeFA face as she snarls, “we’re not here to play games, so I suggest you drop that false confidence and just give in.”
Ouros blinks as she carefully tilts her head from side to side judging the damage TeFA did to her. It didn’t hurt but she felt a bit...out of it.
“We should hurry this up dear just in case,” Ouros tells Unreal.
TeFA merely laughs again. “False confidence?! You do realize where we are right?” TeFA snaps with a loose hand and suddenly the ink turns into soft feathers, and TeFA leaps out and towers over the two. “This is MY dreamscape! I can control how I'm perceived or the area around us.” She glares down and smiles, then all of a sudden chains burst up and lock up their visible limbs, with added spikes in to boot. “Just because Anibase consists of my regrets and worse memories in life doesn't mean that I have the capacity to be bad either. Heck, really I can be bad just as you guys if I wanted to, I wouldn't care who got hurt in the end.”
TeFA yawns and takes a step back to look at her handy work. “Now what I suggest is that you two leave or I seriously might kill you here and now. Sure, it might hurt my friends, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get them back.”
Unreal struggles and pulls against the chain, yelling out in anger. She wonders why her influence in here isn’t working as well as it should, did she use up too much power pulling her stunts earlier?
“You’re bluffing, kiddo. You wouldn’t hurt your friends…” she grins slightly and tilts her head mischievously, “you’re not that cruel.”
Unreal blinks and lets her eyes fade back to Huffle’s again but something’s different this time. Her scared terrified expression seems genuine as she stumbles back and tugs on the chains, her ink tears washing away from her pure clean ones.
“T-TeFA…. dont hurt us, please!” Huffle sobs at her friend.
Ouros tugs at Juri in her mind but her host in stubborn in not coming out for reasons Ouros doesn’t know. It doesn’t matter now besides putting Ouros in a bit of a predicament.
“Quiet your blubbering,” Ouros tells Huffle as she examines her chains and ignores TeFA. Niy and Gary writhe on her skin aching to get out and bite but Ouros doesn’t have the advantage of surprise and this is TeFA’s mind.
TeFA’s eyes go deadpan and all she does is shrug and snap again. Then two sharp large object forms out of nowhere and slice off Unreal’s arms at the elbows, and the chains readjust themselves to be now suffocating her shoulders.
“Try me Inky.” TeFA spits at the ink demon and then turns to Ouros. “Don't you dare try any funny business or you’ll get the same.” Then TeFA smirks and laughs a bit to herself. “Yet again, your theme song is ‘Body.’ ‘My arms and legs, they get in the way’ and all that.”
Huffle screams bloody murder, one eye her own, the other Unreal’s. Her whole form glitches red as she howls, her blood leaking and dripping black.
Huffle bends her head down, her shoulders shaking from her fear and her tears, “T-TeFA!” She chokes, sounding heartbroken. Then the blood bubbles and pops with electricity and are drawn up to her in swirling shapes, “Y̪̹͚̓̐͠ő͚͔̯̾̃ų̙̦͛͑͆’͍͕̗́̾͐r̢̬̞͗̍̒ẹ̱͇̀̔̑ ̘̬̺̈͑̽f͇̰̝̍̄̏u̢͚̥̓̃̕c̖̩̗̄̒͝k̤͔̦͊̓͠ỉ͎̫̺̄̉n͕̺̫͌͊́g̣͉̖̑̀̒ ̢̹̪́͆͝D͈̖͈̏͊̎E͕̣̝͂̾͐A̛̻̥̟̐͗D̛͚͓͊͜͝!̨̼̗̓͗͝!̦͉͗̌͜͝ ͕̞̲͒́̓”
The ink shapes harden into jagged sharp points and all fire at TeFA at terrifying speeds and from several different directions as Unreal’s eyes burn in rage.
Ouros blinks at the savage display but merely goes back to inspecting the chain and making sure the spikes weren’t damaging her wrist cuffs. Unreal would either kill TeFA or keep her distracted while Ouros got everyone into position.
TeFA claps and all of the sharp ink freezes in time. “This trick I like, Dr. Strange inspired!” TeFA then waves them over with her hand and studies them. “Actually, thank you for these.”
TeFA walks over to Ouros and rolls up her sleeves. Then with a blink, all line up along her arms and rip up the snake tattoos by burying themselves into her skin. Once the deed is finished, they disappear into thin air. She simply looks up at Ouros and mutters, “I don't trust you.”
TeFA walks back to her original spot and sighs. “Are we done yet? Honestly you're both worse than my youngest brother right now and that takes a lot.”
Unreal shouts in rage until her voice cracks. Finally she hangs her head and grits her teeth in anger but the fight seems drawn out of her.
“We...we only wanted our friend back. We’re only doing this so we can get out of all your heads. Isn’t that what you want??! Do you think we like being shoved full of our hosts pathetic overwhelming emotions?!”
She chuckles bitterly as the glow in her eyes dim and her skin seems to dull, “you’re only opening yourselves up to further pain the longer you halt our progress, little one.” As she finishes her eyes roll up in the back of her head, making her eyes turn fully back before she crashes to the ground, slowly dissolving back into ink.
Ouros almost rolled her eyes but she refrained. “Both of you talk to much,” She commented while flicking blood off her arm, “and TeFA. I’m sorry you went and destroyed the weakest tattoos but didn’t go for the rest.” In the distance cackling starts up as the hyenas receive their commands.
“Also they explode, bye,” Ouros says as she leaves TeFA’s mind. She doesn’t want to stay to see how that will go down.
TeFA’s eyes widen, but then she sighs. “Another dream, another death. What all is new.” As the hyenas run up as close as they can, TeFA laughs a bit as they prepare to explode.
“At least it's something different this time around.”
And then blood splatters the black landscape.
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Control (Part 1)
(Warning! This story will get darkkk, we got a little carried away, so read at your own risk! Warnings for gore, anxiety attacks and a general bad time)
Rolepay with TeFA and @jurassicraptorcat
Juri fought back tears as she hurried to find medical cream in her bathroom cupboard. Things had gone from ok to nightmarish last night and now Huffle was hurt. Juri didn’t know what had happened last night but from the destroyed bedroom to Huffle’s wounds she could only imagine.
Find the medical cream Juri grabbed it and hurried out of the bathroom. She refused to even glance at the destroyed bedroom as she passed by it. Entering Huffle’s room Juri spoke, “So I guess we should talk about last night.”
TeFA rubbed her skin where she swore she could still feel the rope entangled in her skin, her muscles, her bones… She shuddered at the thought of it. “This is my fault. I know I have anger issues, especially when it comes to protection, but that went too far. Heck she even betrayed my trust and took full control of me! She used her illusions and made her fully appear, and I just sat back and watched, unable to help. … Why am I like this…” TeFA sat and hugged her legs, and hid her face from the other two, unable to look at them without feeling terrible guilt.
Huffle groaned and bit back a pained whine. Her skin was covered in thick scabbed burns and she gritted her teeth. And she thought sunburns were bad, this wasn’t even close.
“Please TeFA,” Huffy croaked, “we all know who’s fault this is… I mean just look at me.” She laughs somewhat bitterly but mostly cuz she just laughs when things get uncomfortable. “Unreal has too much power over me and ya’ll almost got hurt…” She bites her lips to keep herself from crying but she feels the wetness behind her eyes.
“I’m just glad it’s me who has to suffer…not you guys.”
Juri hurries over when she hears Huffle groan and checks the scabs she can see. “Calm down guys, “Juri says, “guilt over the past isn’t gonna help us figure out what happened last night.” Unsure if Huffle needed help or not Juri set the cream down near her hand.
“I don’t know much about my ego anymore,” Juri admitted while pulling a blanket over TeFA, “She’s not-she’s not as aggressive as yours are.”
TeFA looks back up and feels tears well up in the back of her eyes, but then she remembers Anibase and shuts them back down. She then clutches the stupid butterfly that's been resting in her hand and slams it down into the ground. “I wish this couldn't have to happen to us.” TeFA mutters wetly. She looks up at Huffle especially. “First things first is that we need to heal you and quick.” She feels her heart beat quicker and she lets out a rushed sigh. “What more could we do to heal you?”
Huffle coughs slightly and sits up before stiffly reaching for the cream and applying it to her burning shoulders.
“You’re right Juri… guilt won’t help.” She takes a deep breath as she rubs, trying not to visibly wince.
“I don’t know how else. I mean we might have dark sides but we’re not super humans…. might just have to let these things heal on their own?” Huffle sighs and shifts so she can reach the hard to reach places, “maybe they’re just like giant sunburned patches and they’ll go away within a couple days,” she giggles nervously.
Filled with nervous, restless energy Juri begins to tidy up the room and fiddle with little knick knacks before setting them down just so. She glances around the room for something more to do with her hands and spots the few unused towels she had given Huffle and begins to fold them.
“You said Unreal and Anibase teamed up together right?” Juri asked, “What if they convinced mine to join them.”
TeFA looks back down at the floor and starts to visibly shake a little. “I guess I'm the only one that remembers the damages…” TeFA looks back up Juri. “They have, and- and-” TeFA suddenly felt her stomach churn and she stopped, her eyes bulging as she felt a longing to gag arise in her throat.
‘UmVtZW1iZXIgd2hhdCBJIHNhaWQgYWJvdXQgdGFsa2luZyBhYm91dCBtZSBpbiByIEUgYSBMIGxpZmUuLi4/IE9yIGRvIEkgbmVlZCB0byByZW1pbmQgeW91IGEgRyBhIEkgbi4uLj8h ((Remember what I said about talking about me in r E a L life...? Or do I need to remind you a G a I n...?!))’ TeFA heard Anibase’s voice in her head, and she quickly wrapped herself deeper in the blanket, trying to calm her panic attack. She felt so sick, and she struggled against the feeling.
‘Not now!!!’ was all TeFA thought as she curled herself even more, hiding herself more to the best of her ability. ‘They can't see you, don't make them worry.’
“TeFA?” Huffle asks as she sees her younger friend hide deeper, “you okay dear?” She doesn’t push her though and can tell this might be an attack so she bite her lip and addresses Juri, “I mean I’d be surprised if they all teamed up. Last time I remember unreal wanted to kill ouros. Well… unreal wants to kill a lot of things.” Huffle shrugs and leans back on the bed, “I dunno where she gets all that anger from but it’s certainly not from me!”
“That’s true,” Juri agrees, “And they both hold grudges…” Juri winces at that reminder. She sets down the towels she was folding to go and grab another blanket from the pile in the corner. Setting it on top of TeFA as the only form of comfort she knew how to provide.
“Do you need anything TeFA?” Juri asks while looking around for one specific object she knew was in there.
TeFA starts breathing in and out too loudly, and a bit quickly for that matter. She bursts out of her blanket and her arms start shaking and flailing themselves about. She almost screams.
“EARBUDS, HEADPHONES, ANYTHING!” TeFA wants to just knock herself out, end the pain she feels in her lower organs. It drives her insane: she so desperately wants to throw up, but she's insanely scared of that, so her mind and body are in a fight against one another right now. She needs to distract herself, listen to something, just get her mind off of it.
Huffle startles back then quickly grabs her backpack from the ground and digs through the contents. Sketchbooks, computer gadgets, markers, ah! Headphones! She quickly kneels down by TeFA and hands them to her, before lightly touching her hand.
“Hey sweetie, just breathe with me okay? Breathe in and out slowly… in for 8, hold for 4, out for 7… okay?” Huffle then demonstrates for TeFA to follow and moves her hand to follow the motion.
Juri scrambles to the other side of the room and grabs the object before slowly approaching TeFA and setting the stuffed dog lightly in her lap. She wasn’t good at dealing with these types of situations.
TeFA follows along with Huffle, and starts to feel the pounding in her chest subside little by little. She quickly plugs in the headphones into her phone (which was in her pocket) and turns on her SoundCloud app, looking for one of her Lofi Hip Hop Mixes. She clicks on volume 1 and lets her brain do a complete shutdown, and she closes her eyes and droops her head, almost to her lap, and lets the sound swirl in her head of gentle clinking and soft EDM. She slowly reaches for the dog and holds it close to her, and lets out a deep sigh. She was fine, for now, she just needed more time.
Huffle smiles and squeezes TeFA’s hand lightly. “There you go!” The older girl digs into her backpack again and pulls out a green bear with a big red neck scar and offers it to TeFA. “Anti bear isn’t so good with hugs but he is soft!” She grins then waves over to Juri go join them on the floor for their own little floor party.
“I also know what’ll make you feel better! Tell Anibase to fuck off,” Huffle laughs.
Juri quickly grabs all the blankets and drags them over sitting next to Huffle and TeFA. She raises an eyebrow at Huffle. “Are we really gonna tempt fate right now?” Juri asks with a pointed look down to Huffle’s burns.
TeFA laughs a bit as she hears Anibase let out a small growl. “She didn't really like that, haha.” She pulls off the headphones and grabs Antibear as well. “Oh!” she then reaches out behind her and grabs her own bag full of objects, and pulls out Nini, and brings all three of them together.
“Three stuffed animals and three friends!” TeFA giggles at her comment and smiles as she realizes she's calmed down, and no longer feels sick. She lets out a sigh and looks back up at her friends. “I love you both, I'm sorry that I had a little thing there.”
“Hey friends stick together no matter what!” Huffle grins and gives them both each a half hug, Then she leans back and sticks her tongue out slightly at Juri, “these little pests don’t scare me. I got you guys!”
Juri snorts and knocks her shoulder into theirs lightly. “And who here is supposed to be the adult?” She teases lightly, “And don’t worry TeFA. After what we woke up to from last night I think we all freaked out a little.”
TeFA laughs again and smiles. “Now let's just hope that we don't experience any more of these problems.” She hugs all three of the stuffed animals together, and then looks at the others. “So… we got any plans for today?” She ends with a sheepish chuckle.
“Mmmm” Huffle hums aloud, “I dunno! I’m up for anything. As long as there’s not a lot of arm moving,” she laughs with shimmying her shoulders slightly, giving a big grin. She then turns to Juri, “you’re the resident expert here, what’s there to do?”
Juri grinned, “Well we have hiking,exploring abandoned hotels and skating. Take your pick.” She pulls out her phone to check the weather just in case.
“Oh God, last time I went skating I nearly died, so I'm down for the first two.” TeFA recalls as she remembers she fell down the one time and her head slammed against the ground. That, was not fun.
“Am I the only one concerned that exploring abandoned hotels is an option?” Huffle laughs nervously, “but hm I hate hiking and I’m bad at skating…”
“How dare you be concerned about exploring abandoned hotels. I'll have you know that they are perfectly haunted thank you very much,” Juri teased. “Abandoned hotel it is.”
After stretching and standing Juri declared, “Hope you guys brought a good pair of shoes.”
TeFA pumped her hands into the air. “WHOO! This is gonna be so exciting!!!” She then looked into her bag to see if she grabbed her sneakers. “C’mon…” TeFA muttered as she put her entire arm in to reach the bottom. Then she felt her fingers grace her brown, rope-y laces and she pulled both her sneakers out! “There you are!” She then returned to her bag to find her socks.
“Please Juri,” Huffle teased, grabbing her blue pair of sneakers, “all my shoes are good!” She begins to tie them and get ready, hiding any wincing she may be doing by moving her arms too much. “Just to let ya’ll know I’m brave watching let’s plays but I’m a huge scaredy cat irl so don’t be mad if I cling to you when ghosts come get us…”
“It’s not that bad Huffy. Just some old buildings that nature’s taking back,” Juri reassured, “Although Briarwood…”
Juri tugged on her shoes and quickly shooed the others out the front door. “To adventure!” She yelled.
TeFA collapsed onto the floor as soon as she sat her sneakers aside. “As much as I look fit, according to people, and for how much I go to Disney World, I cannot handle walking and running out of worry something is there for that long.” She pushed herself up onto her elbows. “There are reasons why I'm an artist.” TeFA laughed.
Huffle collapsed on the bed as soon as she was near and groaned into the covers, “you said it Tef. I was not made for walking and now I crave deathhh” Huffle sprawled out on the covers and stared at the ceiling.
“There was a suspicious lack of ghosts though…”
Juri rolled her eyes playfully at the both of them. She was perfectly fine having done that walk a hundred times. “You guys...if this makes you tired I guess I can cross visiting the Erie canal off the list of things to do,” Juri commented
She toed off her shoes and sank to the floor next to TeFA feeling a bit sleepy. “Can always visit the Lockport caves though. Or the Locks,” Juri muttered.
“I'm sorry that I don't believe in a thing called ‘physical activity.’” TeFA said with a slight sarcastic tone. She patted Juri’s shoulder and with a grunt, sat up, crossing her legs. “Welp, I'm lacking a bed, but I do have a spare blanket in my bag. Should I just crash on the couch or something?”
Huffle laughed and rolled over on her stomach so she could flick Juri’s head playfully. “I’m pretty small I could fit in a couch easier if you want this bed TeFA!” She tries to get up but then flops back onto the mattress and buried her face in the covers, “orrrr on second thought. My body is failing me.” Huffle slowly reaches for anti bear without lifting her head and cuddles him to her chest.
Juri was already cocooning herself in the nest of blankets left on the floor from earlier with a huge yawn. “You can take my bed TeFA. It’s across the hall. Bed’s under the ‘blanket fort and the switch above the pillow turns on the purple twinkle lights for a night light’,” Juri said sleepily. She made grabby hands at InuYasha, the stuffed dog, who was just out of her reach.
As soon as TeFA hears purple she's pretty much out of the room, before quickly giving Juri InuYasha and grabbing her bag. “Night all!” she yells as she quickly dives into Juri’s room. Anytime she hears “purple,” she knows she’s gonna LOVE it.
TeFA enters her room and immediately falls in love. This screamed her aesthetic. She dived under the blanket fort without ruining its structural integrity and huddles in. She flicks the light on and immediately feels cozy. It reminded her of her stars that hung from the framework of her bed back home. Grabbing Nini, she prepared to fall asleep.
Huffle opens one eye to see Juri cuddle on the floor and puffs out a small laugh. She then curls up to the side of the bed and cuddles Anti closer, hoping and praying for a restful sleep so they could all continue having fun.
Unreal, of course, had other plans. It wasn’t long until Huffle was shoved into the back of her mind and Unreal took the stage. She staggered upwards and cracked her neck, letting her ink settle and fall. She then groans and sends a slightly soft kick to Juri’s shoulder.
“Hey, wake up Ouros! Got stuff to do.”
Ouros takes over Juri with little resistance but frowns at the blankets trapping her. Using a wiggling maneuver Ouros clambered out while trying to ignore Unreal groaning behind her.
“What's with the infernal groaning Unreal,” Ouros asked.
TeFA fell back into her dreamscape, face to face with a very, and unusually, happy Anibase. She looked down onto the child-like version of herself and glared. “You betrayed my trust and took full control of me! You conjured up such a large illusion to make it look like it was you there, but you weren't! And now you, you, you're teaming up with THEM?!” TeFA realized she had been shouting at the dream demon and quickly covered her mouth. “N-No, please don't-” but Anibase wagged her finger and giggled.
“T2ggZG9uJ3Qgd29ycnkuLi4gSSdtIGdvbm5hIG5lZWQgeW91IGEgTCBpIFYgZSB0b25pZ2h0LCB0byB0ZWFjaCBhIHZlcnkgc3BlY2lhbCBsZXNzb24gdG8gc29tZSBuZXcgZnJpZW5kcyBvZiBvdXJzLi4uIg== ((Oh don't worry... I'm gonna need you a L i V e tonight, to teach a very special lesson to some new friends of ours…))” Anibase teased, and crossed her arms. “SG9wZWZ1bGx5IHRoZXkgc2hvdWxkIGpvaW4gdXMgaW4gbyBVIHIgd29uZGVyZnVsIGRyZWFtc2NhcGUgc29vbi4uLg== ((Hopefully they should join us in o U r wonderful dreamscape soon…))”
Unreal adjusted the shirt Huffle was wearing to let her ink breathe before dropping her feet heavily to the floor.
“What’s with your whining?” Unreal teased back to Ouros as she stretched and let herself wake up to her body. “We gotta go meet the brat, so get up.”
Without waiting for Unreal, Ouros stood straight up and walked out of the room. TeFA was curled up on Juri’s bed frowning in her sleep. Kneeling next to her Ouros heaved a sigh and reached for TeFA’s mind.
She appeared next to Anibase with a groaning Juri collapsing next to her. “I made it,” She informed Anibase with a blank face.
Anibase jumped up and down with excitement. “WWF5IQ== ((Yay!))” Anibase then cocked her head. “V2hlcmUgaW4gSW5reSB0aG91Z2guLi4/IFdlIG5lZWQgaGVyIGhlcmUuLi4= ((Where is Inky though…? We need her here…”
TeFA’s eyes widened upon seeing Juri. “Oh no, no no no! You better not lay a finger on her Anibase!” Anibase just giggled in response.
“Tm8gcHJvbWlzZXMuLi4= ((No promises…))”
Unreal dropped her way in holding the form of Huffle up by her hoodie. She then tossed her next to Juri and dusted off her hands.
“Jeez you don’t wait for anyone do you?” She said, giving a pointed look to Ouros before lightly kicking Huffle’s arm. “Had a hard time getting this one to cooperate and show up here, so apologies or whatever.” She crosses her arms and glanced at Anibase.
“So what’s the plan pipsqueak?”
Ouros looked down at Juri and Huffle who were starting to get up and crossed her arms. Juri looked up and began scooting back straight into Huffle.
“Oh my god,” Juri whispered tugging desperately at Huffle’s arms, “Huffy what is going on?”
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huffle-dork · 6 years
Control (Part 3)
Part 2: [x]
“I don’t like you bossing us around short fry…” But a sickly grin spreads across the ink demons face, “But I can’t say that doesn’t sound like f̡̫̬̽̽͝ṳ̻̻̍̈́͋ň̰̱͇͌͠!”
Unreal waves her hand and the fog separating Huffle from her trance and “reality” dissipates just enough that Huffle can now see that Juri is the one drowning her. Huffle sobs and fights more, looking heartbroken up at her friend but she can’t cry past the ink filling her mouth.
Unreal whispers into a little ball of ink in her hand and her voice echoes in between Juri and Huffle in their struggle.
“See where silly friendships get you, Lauren? They’ll always betray you in the end. Every single friend you ever had and ever will have will f̡͈̦̈̓̓ả̤̝͌̒ͅi͇̘͙̎̄͝l̛̝̼̎̕ͅ ̤̥͓̌̌͘y̪͎̪̾͛͠ơ̬͍͍̽̍ŭ̙̳̙̄́ ̤̺̬̎̊̚ą̩̦̈́̅͂ń͎̜͙̔͑ḏ͕͚̈́̾̕ ͕̟̀̏͛͜l̤͉̩͆͌̕ę̛̯̭̓͐ả͓̹̻̍̄v̧̖̮͛̐͝e̤̜͈͒̂̀ ̨̮̲͛̓̚y̰͓̝̏͑͘ọ̗̀̉͜͠u͙̤̥̾̍̌ ̢̘̣͗͗̅ó̘̱͚̐͆ú̫̱̣͆͠t̘̗̯̐̌̊ ̨̖̻̃́̚t̰̘̜̄̾̈o̖̭̘̍̇̈́ ̥͖͕́̑̆r̠̟͇̈́͋͋ȍ̰͉̹͐͊ẗ̯̩̠́͋̿.̟̥̓̂͘͜”
Juri clenches her teeth as more tears stream down her face. She was going to be haunted by Huffle’s heartbroken gaze for a long time after this.
Ouros approached from behind Juri to say, “I thought I said to hold her down.” Gravity increased on Juri’s hands and she slammed Huffle’s shoulders into the ground and held her there with a sob.
She couldn’t move at all now with gravity pressing down on her. Ouros knelt down next to Juri and looked down into Huffle’s face. “I’ve never seen someone drown before. What a wonderful experience,” Ouros commented while leaning her chin into her palm and settling in to watch Huffle.
Anibase laughed and sat down to watch, the sound bouncing rapidly between ears at a painful pace. She figured that if her friends were anything like TeFA, they would surely be suffering by now. Any minute their will will surely break like a twig.
Huffle was sobbing and her world was falling apart. Unreal moved her hands and more inky shifting shapes started to move behind Juri and Ouros. To Huffle, they looked like anyone she ever cared about helping Juri to push her further and further. She choked, the ink from her mouth producing bubbles just like if she was underwater as the illusion took its toll. Huffle weakly grabbed onto Juri’s arm as she convulsed, her body convinced that this was it. Her tears started to run black, ink pouring out of her eyes as she spasmed, the last of her “air” running out. Huffle’s head lulled to the side, lifeless looking, as her eyes turned completely black and ink pooled onto the floor.
Unreal grinned and chuckled evilly at the sight. What a great bunch of chaos. Then suddenly she jolted and gripped her chest, cursing slightly as she winced.
Juri screamed as Huffle “died” but gravity increased around her throat and she choked before Ouros released it and let her breath again. “That went quicker than I thought,” Ouros commented. She nudged Huffle’s head with no reaction and stood.
“Guess that just leaves one left,” Ouros said while staring back at a glaring Juri. Ouros snorted, “Defiant until the end.”
Tracing a finger down her inner arm Ouros released Niy and Gary who circled around a stubbornly glaring Juri. With a lunge Niy sank her fangs into Juri’s shoulder. Juri jerked back but didn’t get far as Niy wrapped her in powerful coils and began squeezing her.
Anibase watched in a proud manner. ‘VGhleSdyZSBsZWFybmluZyBhbHJlYWR5Li4u ((They're learning already…))’ Anibase thought to herself, then she clapped in complete giddiness. She kicked TeFA’s destroyed corpse next to Huffle’s so they can get a good look at the two of them. Plus, who knows? It might destroy Juri a bit too.
Unreal coughed and gripped her chest further, “shit-!” She winced and hit her head slightly, like she was trying to shake something loose. “Lauren doesn’t do well with nightmares, she’s trying to wake up!” She gritted her teeth and cursed her host, “Why can’t she just take this and stay quiet?!” Huffle’s body in the dreamscape gave no sign of movement though. Unreal tried to focus so she could see that annoying little Juri break.
Juri’s leg spasmed in Niy’s grip and hit Gary in the head. With an affronted hissed he lashed out to and opening in Niy’s grip and sunk his fangs into Juri’s neck. Gurgling in pain Juri spasmed in what she thought were death throes before her vision went dark.
Once Juri went still Ouros waved Niy and Gary back to her side. “That will only keep her down for a little bit,” Ouros warned. She turned to observe Unreal struggle with her creator.
Anibase walked over closer to Unreal and looked into her eyes again. “WW91IG5lZWQgdG8gYmUgc3Ryb25nIHRvbyBJbmt5Li4uIElmIHlvdSBjYW4ndCBncmFiIGRvd24gdGhhdCBwZXN0IGFuZCBicmVhayBoZXIgeW91J2xsIG5ldmVyIGJlIGFibGUgdG8gY29udHJvbCBoZXIuLi4= ((You need to be strong too Inky... If you can't grab down that pest and break her you'll never be able to control her…))” She wrapped the art glitches arm in her rope around an area not exposed by ink, and tightened so she can focus her pain.
“QmUgc3Ryb25nLCBhbmQgcyBOIGEgUC4uLg== ((Be strong, and s N a P…))”
Unreal growled through her wincing and regarded the little dark side, “What the hell is that supposed to mean? If I can kill her here and she still can do stuff like this how do I snap her?!”
Ouros walked around Unreal and shrugged. “You just….snap.” She mimed snapping a neck as if it would help. “You just have to figure out the best way of breaking her.”
Anibase nodded and crossed her arms. “RXhhY3RseS4uLg== ((Exactly…))” Then Anibase’s eyes lit up with an idea. “TWF5YmUgaXQncyBub3QganVzdCBoZXIgd2lsbCwgb3IgaGVyLQ== ((Maybe it’s not just her will, or her-))” Anibase proceeds to motion to Huffle’s unmoving body. “Qm9keS4uLiBBIHdpbGwgaXMganVzdCB5b3Ugc291bCdzIHdpc2ggdG8gc3RheSBhbGl2ZS4uLiBXaHkgbm90IHRyeSBhIEwgbCBvZiBoZXIgc291bC4uLj8= ((Body... A will is just you soul's wish to stay alive... Why not try a L l of her soul...?))”
Unreal gripped her head and roared in rage. Huffle jolted and spasmed more ink flooding her mouth despite her dead eyes. Unreal spread the ink out from around her host into razor sharp points and drove them down into the girl’s chest. Then she lifted them up before plummeting them down over and over. Unreal could feel Lauren jolting in her head with each jab, crying out and trying to fight this awful dream. But soon enough she started to quiet with a sad pathetic whimper. Unreal growled and drive the spike once more through the girl’s middle before leaving it there.
“There! Now stay asleep you pathetic w̞͖͕̋̊̓a͔̼̺͑̀̿š̝͈͕́̒t̢͖̯̀͋̏e̝̲͂̊̍͜ ̳͉̖̄́̓õ̼̫̿̇ͅf̺̳̤̍̃̈́ ̝̠̺̆̉̎s͓̠͉̑͑̈p͈̤͖̓̑͂a̢̧̟̍͑͘c̨̙̜͑͐̐ẹ̢̭̏́̕!͖̖̩͗̓͒” Unreal heaved, expecting any moment for her stubborn host to try to wake up again. But the pain in the demon's head had subsided, her host too tired to fight the pain and fear anymore.
Ouros raised an eyebrow at the display and said,”I would have preferred a more elegant touch.” She looked over at Juri where Gary was currently judging if he could fit her through his jaw. “No,” Ouros commanded She ignored Gary ignoring her.
Anibase smiled. “SG93IGRvZXMgaXQgZmVlbCBndXlzLi4uPyBZb3VyIGhvc3QncyBhcmUgbm8gbG9uZ2VyIGluIHRoZSB3YXkuLi4= ((How does it feel guys...? Your host's are no longer in the way…))” She asked them both. She giggled, and looked at all three of them, lying down unorganized. TeFA in several pieces and blood leaking out from several wounds; Huffle with inky tears drowning her mouth and eyes out, with a huge puncture wound dominating her stomach; and Juri merely knocked out with a single bite to the neck.
Unreal calmed her breathing and pushed back her hair with a sigh. “It doesn’t feel like it will last. We’re still just secondary parts of their wholes.” She crosses her arms and stares coldly at their corpses. “We may have control for now but for how long? This doesn’t solve our problem of not having bodies yet.”
“It's not much yet but I've been researching magic to try and find a way.” Ouros motioned to Niy lounging across her feet, “I've only progressed so far though.”
A noise had Ouros turning abruptly and yell. “Gary I said no!” Gary looked up from where he had just swallowed Juri whole. Her feet were only just disappearing into his mouth. Gary met Ouros’s gaze unrepentantly.
Anibase put her hands on her hips and sighed. “WW91IGFyZSBzbyBpbXBhdGllbnQuLi4= ((You are impatient…))” Anibase muttered under her breath. “VGhpcyBnaXZlcyB1cyBtb3JlIHRpbWUgdG8gYmUgaW4gY29udHJvbC4uLiBPYnNlcnZlLCBsZWFybiwgdSBOIGQgRSByIFMgdCBBIG4gRC4uLiBXZSBjYW4gZnVsbHkga25vdyB3aGF0IHdvcmxkIHdlIGNhbiBqb2luLCBtZWFud2hpbGUgY2F1c2UgYWxsIHBhaW4gZm9yIG91ciBob3N0J3MgZm9yIHNodW5uaW5nIHVzIGFzaWRlLi4u ((This gives us more time to be in control... Observe, learn, u N d E r S t A n D... We can fully know what world we can join, meanwhile cause all pain for our host's for shunning us aside…))”
Anibase looks towards Ouros. “SG93IGxvbmcgd2lsbCBpdCB0YWtlIG5vdyB0aGF0IHlvdSBrbm93IGhvdyB0byBjb250cm9sIGJldHRlci4uLj8= ((How long will it take now that you know how to control better...?))”
Unreal huffed and crossed her arms more, rolling her eyes at Gary’s antics. “I’m the opposite of Huffle. She’s patient, I’m not. I’m already sick of waiting and being a shadow!” She then raises an eyebrow at Ouros waiting for her to answer Anibase’s question.
Ouros shrugs calmly. “Anywhere from a month to a few months. I got this far from Juri’s grandmothers books and I ordered more online.” Ouros nudges Niy off her shoes and Niy goes with an annoyed hiss. “Most of what I do is learned from magic so it's all about finding the information on how to do it.”
Anibase let out a frustrated sigh. “TXkgaG9zdCBpcyBub3QgZ29ubmEgYmUgaGVyZSB0aGF0IGxvbmcuLi4gQW5kIGFmdGVyIHRoaXMgdGhlIGxpa2VsaWhvb2Qgb2YgYWxsIHRocmVlIG9mIHVzIGJlaW5nIGhlcmUgdG9nZXRoZXIgaXMgZ29pbmcgdG8gYmUgdiBFIHIgWSB1bmxpa2VseS4uLg== ((My host is not gonna be here that long... And after this the likelihood of all three of us being here together is going to be v E r Y unlikely…))” She looked back to Ouros.
“QW55IHBvc3NpYmxlIHdheSB3ZSBjYW4gY3V0IHRoYXQgdGltZSBkb25lLi4uPyBJJ20gd2lsbGluZyB0byBkbyBhbnkgdGhpbmcgSSBjYW4gaGVscC4uLiBJJ3ZlIGJlZW4gYSBtZW1vcnkgZm9yIG5lYXJseSA3IHllYXJzIG5vdywgbWUgYmVpbmcgZGFyayBmb3IgMi41Li4uIEFzIHBhdGllbnQgYXMgSSBjYW4gYmUsIEknbSBzdGFydGluZyB0byBnZXQgZnJ1c3RyYXRlZCBteXNlbGYuLi4= ((Any possible way we can cut that time done...? I'm willing to do any thing I can help... I've been a memory for nearly 7 years now, me being dark for 2.5... As patient as I can be, I'm starting to get frustrated myself…))”
Unreal closed her eyes for a second before addressing the other two, “If we’re still stuck by the time our hosts split, I have the power to connect us through the internet. I’m not as strong there as I am in person but it can be done. It’ll just take even longer…” Unreal kicked the ground and gritted her teeth in frustration.
Ouros stared at them both blankly before sighing heavily. “There is a way. It's more Alchemist than magic and requires ingredients I can't get by myself. If we were to do it though there would have to be no second thoughts. One you start this you will be forced to finish.”
Anibase thought for a bit then nodded. “V2UgYWxsIGRlc2VydmUgaXQgYnkgdGhpcyBwb2ludCwgY29uc2lkZXJpbmcgaG93IHdlJ3ZlIGJlZW4gdHJlYXRlZC4uLg== ((We all deserve it by this point, considering how we've been treated…))” She flashed a smile and nodded again. “SSdtIGluLi4u ((I'm in…))”
Unreal scoffed and gave a withering look to Ouros, “why would we be doing this at all if we had second thoughts? I’m not stopping until me and that wimp are separated for good.”
Ouros grinned at them in a terrifying manner as it lacked any true emotion. “Good. Then I suggest we all wake and get started.” Between the blink of an eye Ouros vanished back to the real world dragging her snakes and Juri with her.
Anibase looked towards Unreal and nodded her off. “WW91IG1pZ2h0IHdhbnQgdG8gbGVhdmUgZmlyc3QsIHRoaXMgbWlnaHQgZ2V0IG0gRSBzIFMgeS4uLg== ((You might want to leave first, this might get m E s S y…))” Anibase grabbed TeFA’s body by worming the rope through her dismembered body.
“Have fun, kid. But don’t take too long.” Unreal glitched next to Huffle and dragged her up by her Josie before throwing her over her shoulder fireman style. Unreal gave kinda sassy wave to Anibase before her and Huffle turned into puddles of ink and vanished back outside TeFA’s head.
Ouros appeared back in Juri’s bedroom with Juri but a distant presence in her mind now. Still too close for Ouros though. She walked quickly out of the room and into the storage room where she hid her experiments. Looking around Ouros found the book she was searching for and stood holding it. She glanced at the page she needed and nodded. “Things are about to become interesting around here.”
As Anibase prepared to leave, she felt a presence light up behind her. She turned around and saw Nini, the stuffed rabbit, now humanoid, put her hand on the dream demon’s shoulder. “So… you're actually going to do it, huh?”
“WW91IGtub3cgSSBoYXZlIHRvLi4uIEhvdyBtdWNoIGhhdmUgSSB0b2xkIHlvdSB0aGF0IEkgZGVzZXJ2ZSBtb3JlIHRoYW4gdGhpcyBOaW5pLi4u ((You know I have to... How much have I told you that I deserve more than this Nini…))” Anibase said, a twinge of sadness in her voice. Nini stared and then slightly shook her head.
“But Anibase, you have to realize, if you get a new body, maybe even a new soul, you'll be different. You won't have your powers, you won't have your influence-” Nini then looked down to the ground and sighed. “You won't have me anymore.” Nini looked back to the dream demon. “Is that something you really want?”
Anibase stared back, wanting so badly to collapse into her arms. As much as Nini caused trouble with her plans with taking over TeFA, she still loved her all the same as her host. She gently took Nini’s gloved hand off of her shoulder and turned around, unable to look at Nini’s depressed face.
And with a purple glow of her right eye, Anibase and TeFA vanished and woke up.
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