buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
The Very Ugly Hat
a Tyrus one-shot
(Part 1)
So I’m a little late considering Christmas was yesterday, but here is a Tyrus holiday one-shot. The idea struck me a week or so ago and I couldn’t resist writing. It’s also my first ever Tyrus fanfic so I hope everyone is in character. If you could reblog this I would appreciate it so, so, so much. I hate to seem desprate but I just can’t get my posts to show up in the tags (maybe I just don’t understand how tumblr works). The one-shot ended up being too long so I had to split into parts. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading! (Link to Wattpad below)
It was two days before the start of December Vacation and Cyrus Goodman, completely unaware of the gift giving dilemma he was only minutes from being thrust into, was struggling to fit two large binders into his already over-stuffed locker.
"Listen here, I will not accept this kind of behavior from you two!" Cyrus scolded the binders. "You need to learn to work with me! Not against me!" Cyrus gave a tremendous shove, then stepped back hoping that the binders would miraculously stay put . Unsurprisingly, they did not. They toppled to the floor with a loud bang. Cyrus's shoulders slumped and he shook his head in betrayal at his misbehaving school supplies. "I always consider you my friends."
"Need some help, Underdog?"
Cyrus looked around, already smiling. Even before he saw who had spoken to him, he knew who it was. Only one person called him "Underdog" and that was TJ Kippen. It was the nickname TJ had given Cyrus the first time they ever really talked at the swing set. While TJ more often called Cyrus by his real name, the occasional return of the endearing "Underdog" always made Cyrus smile.
Grinning right back at Cyrus, TJ came to a stop at the locker right beside his. He reached up an arm to hold onto the tallest locker.
Cyrus leaned against his locker in an attempt to act casual. "Not-So-Scary-Basketball-Guy . . . What would make you think I need help?"
TJ shrugged and shook his head. "Nothing really . . . Except the fact that you just told your binders that they are supposed to be your friends."
Cyrus could hear the grin in TJ's voice. He blushed. "Oh . . . Saw that, did ya?"
"Yeah, I was watching you from across the hallway," said TJ without an ounce of embarrassment.
"And why didn't you come to help sooner?" demanded Cyrus, offended.
TJ stooped to pick up Cyrus binders. "I thought you'd figure it out eventually." TJ straightened and grinned at Cyrus. "Besides, I was enjoying watching you try to reason with inanimate objects. It was cute."
In an instant, the "athlete with boundless confidence" turned into a blushing, and internally panicking mess. Besides turning pink, TJ managed to keep his external calm.  He just said hastily, "Uh, let me try and get these binders in for you" and quickly his face it Cyrus's locker, hoping it would give his face the chance to cool down.
Cyrus blushed too, but in a happy way as opposed to embarrassed. Had the athletic, and confident captain of the basket ball team really just called him cute?
TJ spent much longer then was necessary fitting Cyrus's binders in. And to no avail, when he turned back to Cyrus his face was still tomato red. 
"Thanks," said Cyrus, almost shyly.
TJ ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to act casual again. "No problem."
There was a moments silence. Cyrus said, "Well, I need to get going to class . . ."
"Wait, I have something for you," said TJ. He took off his puzzling small drawstring backpack (how did he fit all his school supplies?) off his back and from it pulled a lumpy object badly wrapped in snowman wrapping paper. TJ held it out to Cyrus.
"Consider it a late Hanukkah gift," said TJ. "And sorry about the wrapping. I did it myself."
Cyrus was quite surprised and touched that TJ has gotten him a gift. Cyrus pulled away the mess of tape and crumpled wrapping paper to reveal a pack of socks. They weren't boring socks either. They were fun socks in bright colors and fun shapes, like zigzags. There was even a pair with dinosaurs on them.
TJ said, "I noticed when you lost your shoe dirt-biking that you've got some pretty cool socks."
Buffy and Andi were walking together to History class when Cyrus came down the hallway, practically ricocheting off the lockers. He skidded to a stop beside his two best friends, panting loudly. They were alarmed to see him in such a clearly panicked state.
"Cyrus?" said Andi in confusion.
"Are you okay?" demanded Buffy with a frown.
"No," said Cyrus. "Absolutely not."
Immediately the two girls went into overprotective mode.
"What happened?"
"Did someone hurt you?"
"TJ gave me socks!" said Cyrus in anguish.
It took a moment for Buffy and Andi to process this, and then Buffy rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"And that's a problem . . . Because?" asked Andi.
"Because I don't have anything for him!" Cyrus gesticulated wildly as he talked, overly worked up over the whole ordeal. "I was planning on making him another batch of Blueberry-Macadamia muffins but now I can't give him that! It seems like such a pathetic gift!"
"Calm down, Cyrus," said Buffy confidently. "It's TJ how hard can it be to get him a gift? Just get him a hoodie. He never wears anything else."
"I can't get him a hoodie!" said Cyrus in disgust. "That isn't special!"
"I could make you a bracelet to give to him!" suggested Andi brightly.
"Um, remember the bracelet you gave Jonah?" Buffy reminded her.
"Oh, yeah," said Andi. "Right. Maybe not such a great idea."
"Besides, that would be a gift from you, not from me," said Cyrus gloomily.
Buffy put a comforting arm around Cyrus's shoulder. "Don't worry, Cy. You'd think of something."
"But it needs to be perfect!" said Cyrus.
"Just don't give him a piece of rice with his name on it, and I think you'll be good," said Andi.
Part 2 here
Wattpad link: https://my.w.tt/kTdeMqySYS
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