buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
My favorite thing about the bench scene was how little was said but how much was meant and felt. It was just so powerful in that way
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romqnticalgirl · 5 years
Me in denial if Disney channel says Andi Mack is cancelled:
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lololol0802 · 5 years
Hi,, does anyone know how or where I can watch season 3 of Andi Mack in Australia? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
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channelalexis2k6 · 6 years
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@yourfriendlilan It’s always great seeing you!! Thanks so much for making the @cape_usa #AndiMack Screening such a success!! Everyone had so much fun!! @andimacktv #andimackseason3 (at Walt Disney Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/BodNL5hD-AM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bng30qru8n7g
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oofcyrus-blog · 6 years
i’m so excited for this. my wig has flew
we’re getting all the drama here folks.
this is almost too much to take in. i’m so happy to see tyrus thrive and jealous tj. and it even looks like tj may come out. lgbtq+ excellence. i love terri too much right now.
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miloishere12-blog · 6 years
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Me when the clock strikes 8:00pm. Getting my popcorn ready. My warm dinosaur PJ. And watching me some Andi Mack.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Andi Mack Finale
I haven’t written any thing like this in ages but seeing as it’s the finale, I thought I would.
First off, I loved Cece’s departure. I loved that she was well aware that they were going to throw a party and was fine with it but also let them enjoy the rebellion of it.
Bex and Bowie trying to hide the letter from Andi was very amusing. I loved Andi’s “you know there are other places to sit”
Andi looked gorgeous in her party dress and SO grown up. it was really emotional when you think of her in that little yellow dress at her first party and how little she was. It was such a great parallel.
Bex and Bowie getting to dance in their wedding outfits was a really sweet moment. I don’t know what the song was called but I love how the “I’ve searched across the universe” line. It was so fitting for Bexie. Very beautiful, romantic moment.
Cyrus saying “I still don’t believe it” about Marty not liking Buffy was literally all of us.
It was so cute to see Buffy nudge Cyrus when TJ arrived. But it was not cute when Kira popped out of nowhere.
TJ watching Cyrus’s goofy dance was so cute and it’s so in character for him to be all heart eyes over that. And I LOVED seeing TJ call Kira out on making fun of Cyrus. It was very much like the time he told Reid to stop when he was laughing at Cyrus riding the dirt bike.
The part where Kira said she made TJ pick was a little vague. I’m assuming she meant pick as a romantic choice but it could be interpreted other ways. Either way — bye bye Kira.
The dancing dinosaur part was very amusing. At first I thought it was a call back to the season 1 party but as soon as I saw Andi I knew it had to be Cece. And I was glad it was. As Cece’s last moment on screen it was nice to see that wild side of her we always knew existed. But I wish she’d been in some of the upcoming scenes.
Not going to lie, the “Baby I was born this way” scene made me really emotional. Just seeing them all together like that and singing their hearts out. There was so much energy and it was just a really fun scene that absolutely belonged in a finale. Also they all sounded SO good. Josh especially impressed me.
The Jandi scene was quite sweet. I never shipped Jandi but I think it was overhated. Jandi was the perfect representation of a middle school relationship and I think that’s important. Andi’s comment about the bracelet having more lives then a cat was really funny.
After the Jandi scene my WiFi stopped working and I was so frustrated because I knew the bench scene had to be coming soon so I kept trying and trying to get my WiFi to work on my phone. It was working on my laptop so I tried to find a link on tumblr from my laptop but ended up finding spoilers. So then I had to set up a hotspot from my laptop for my phone so I could continue to watch the episodes. So anyway, enough of my struggles, back to the episode.
The re-enactment of Buffy and Marty’s first meeting was my favorite thing about the episode after the bench scene. It was just such a great callback to such a great scene. And of course — the Muffy confession. We have been waiting so long for this. Marty’s little smile when he said “that was very straightforward” was so cute. And then that “I never changed my mind” and of course THE KISS. We’ve been building up to that kiss for so long and it just got into the scene so well. Unlike the Jandi kiss, it wasn’t awkward at all and it was very sweet.
The bench scene was perfect. I’ve watched it over and over and it’s only more perfect every time. The lead up was great, learning TJ’s name and all that. And the confession was so sweet. They were both so nervous and looked close too tears. And the tension in the scene gave me butterflies in my stomach. I felt like the scene was so realistic to what a real confession would be like. And the emotions were so raw, the acting from Josh and Luke was PHENOMENAL. I really can’t believe the Underdog and the not-so-scary basketball guy finally held hands. And I’m actually really glad they didn’t kiss because it would have taken away from the caution and nervousness of the scene which is what made it such a powerful and real scene. The one thing I am sad about is that we never got to hear TJ call Cyrus Underdog in season 3. Although I’m sad to leave TJ and Cyrus on that bench, it really was the perfect place to end their story. Now we are free to imagine everything ahead of them.
Childhood playhouses and forts play such an important role in tv shows to show that a character is growing up., eg Stranger Things and Anne With An E. Having Andi clean out Andi Shack really is the most impactful way to show that Andi is growing up and moving on.
The flashbacks were quite nice although a kinda feel like they were added later as filler? The little flash to the future was also really cute. And it was a nice way to show what these characters might go on to accomplish even if we don’t see it happen.
Cyrus saying the party was life changing was very significant and that final GHC + Jonah group hug was great and then them agreeing to meet at the spoon text day shows that though things are changing, they are going to stay together some way or another.
And I really liked the song choice for the final scene of Andi alone in Andi Shack. . The line “there’s so much time to get things wrong” really hit me.
The ending really was perfect. Very emotional. And it felt like a solid ending while leaving enough open to keep the story alive as we imagine and dream up everything that might happen and everything in store for these incredible characters.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
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I wonder what they are looking at . . .
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Ep 10
Okay how is Andi going to join the basketball team, Amber give Cyrus dance lessons, Libby break up with Jonah, Buffy break up with Walker, Marty come back to the party, and some storyline with Andi’s family all gonna fit into one episode? It’s gonna be packed.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
I’m honestly a little confused right now. Tyrus seems to be rapidly progressing into a actual romantic storyline MUCH faster than I expected. Their scenes are becoming very romantically intended and Buffy is onto TJ’s crush on Cyrus. What has me confused as to why Josh seemed to be doubting Tyrus so much between the filming of like ep15 and ep19. Like happened between them? I know it’s probably because of Disney not allowing things but enough for Josh to doubt Tyrus as endgame? I dunno. I’m just a little confused. I guess it’ll make sense after the season airs.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
(More) Episode 3 Theories
(Contains spoilers from ep12 and ep13 promo)
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We are going to assume that the pic above is from ep13 and base this theory off that. And I think it is since it definitely looks like Cyrus is wearing a Salt costume. I know the others — with the exception of TJ and Kira — aren’t wearing anything that could be considered a costume but if they are just using a giant sheet to make a Mount Rushmore costume, they wouldn’t have to wear anything directly on their clothing I guess? Marty isn’t in a costume either, but maybe they recruit him for Mount Rushmore? If it turns out this pic is from a different ep than obviously this theory will be irrelevant but we are going to say it is and roll with it.
So as we know from the promo, costume day is announced and Andi wants her and her friends to go as Mount Rushmore. Buffy and Cyrus agree, but when TJ asks Cyrus if he wants to dress up together he changes his mind because obviously he’d rather dress up with his crush then be stuck under a sheet with three other people, even if they are his best friends (I mean it’d probably be really sweaty under there so who can blame him). Probably TJ tells him his idea for a salt & pepper costume in that same scene from the promo. Cyrus wants to dress up with TJ but he’s worried Andi will be upset with him if he ditches Mount Rushmore so I’m guessing he tells TJ he already has plans.
I think Andi and Buffy will realize how much Cyrus wants to dress up with TJ, and tell him he doesn’t have to be a part of Mount Rushmore. Which I think it would be nice to see them putting Cyrus’s wants first. Not that they treat Cyrus badly in any way, but they don’t always put his wants first either. I’m hoping there might be a crush confession to lead to Andi and Buffy understanding why Cyrus wants to do something with TJ instead of them, but I don’t want to get my hopes up too high.
So with Andi’s blessing Cyrus dresses up in a Salt costume and goes to school like that assuming TJ will still be going as pepper (which is kinda a dumb assumption ‘cause would TJ really just dress up as Pepper alone?) but then he sees TJ and Kira are wearing matching costumes instead. Admittedly those “Dribble” shirts can hardly be considered a costume, but I guess since he couldn’t go with Cyrus TJ didn’t really put his heart into it. But it actually really makes sense for TJ and Kira to be friends. TJ doesn’t really have any friends at the moment other than Cyrus (as Cyrus says in episode 8) and Kira is new so she doesn’t really know anyone (other than the basketball team and they aren’t too fond of her) plus they both play basketball so it’s a friendship that really makes sense even though we haven’t seen them on screen together yet.
Obviously Cyrus will be very upset, and likely TJ will too because obviously he’s rather be dressed up with Cyrus than Kira. It’s definitely possible that Kira could be used as a ploy for Tyrus. Maybe Cyrus thinks TJ and Kyra are dating (that would be painful to watch. I’d feel so bad for Cyrus). Maybe episode 13 ends with Cyrus being upset about it, and then in episode 15 is leads up to Cyrus finding out TJ is gay? I’m not really sure TJ will ever be confirmed as gay until him and Cyrus get together in the finale BUT if Cyrus finds out TJ is gay in episode 15 that would make a lot of sense as for why TJ isn’t back until episode 19 and 21 since I think their scenes would be too romantic for Disney if both boys are confirmed as gay. I definitely think this will be a big episode for Tyrus. And it is very possible Cyrus’s crush on TJ will finally be confirmed, but again, I don’t want to get my hopes up.
A while ago Josh said there was an episode that would make almost every ship stan lose their minds. Maybe episode 13 is it?
My theories are always wrong so I should probably stop making them but they’re so much fun. I guess I enjoy being proved wrong, lol. Might make an updated theory tonight after I see the extended promo.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Episode 13 (further) speculations
So just saw the extended promo. I am SO excited that Buffy and Marty will FINALLY interact. But seeing Marty in that promo makes me think the “Dribble pic” actually is from filming a different episode. I just feel like two scenes with Marty is unlikely. That pic is probably from a different episode, probably episode 15. This was how I originally felt but Cyrus’s outfit is really throwing me off.
The one thing I feel pretty sure about is that this is the episode Josh was talking about that will make almost every ship stan lose their mind. Unless that’s episode 15 too.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Episode 8 Thoughts
• Andi & Buffy. I kinda feel like the Wuffy/Andi drama hasn’t fully been resolved? But I was really happy to see them hanging out and just having fun at the end of the episode.
• TJ and Jonah backstory. It was honestly really funny how they had Jonah narrate the flashback. Also someone totally called it that TJ was going to take Jonah’s number (I don’t remember who). I also REALLY REALLY liked how they brought up TJ’s discalculia and had him and Jonah open up to each other.
• Ambi, Andi & the party awww poor Amber looked so upset when Andi left! She obviously feels so bad about getting Andi in trouble. I was kinda glad to see that tho ‘cause I think it bodes well for their friendship. Showing bad Amber felt shows how much she cares about Andi and wants to be friends
• Tyrus. I’ll admit I was a little disappointed by the the lack of romantic Tyrus content this ep. But I mean Tyrus isn’t the focus of the show so I completely understand it. Also, I love a slow burn. And we still got some really cute TJ/Cyrus interactions (I mean, look back #3) ALSO all of Cyrus’s friends are FINALLY okay with TJ!
• Bex & Bowie they were honestly SO CUTE this episode. Awwww. Also like I’m with Bex, a carriage ride would be a dream come true.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
What I really want to see with Tyrus is one of them vocally express that they have a crush on the other. I don’t want them to confess to each other yet ‘cause I love a slow burn, but I just want to hear one of them say it.
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Okay so I totally didn’t even notice this and credits 100% go to @ lemontyrus on Instagram (I don’t know if they have a tumblr) for pointing it out BUT in episode 6 Cyrus is riding TJ’S BIKE And NOT Reed’s! Despite the fact that Reed already offered his bike to Cyrus. I know it’s not a huge deal but I find it really cute and I can’t believe I didn’t realize it
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buffyshirley-blog · 5 years
Episode 11 Thoughts
This episode was SO good. And for I think the first time this ENTIRE season, I didn’t see a single spoiler before watching the ep so everything was a surprise. Alright so let’s break down everything.
• the shiva
I think they did a really excellent job capturing both the sorrow of losing someone and the bittersweet joy of remembering them. I remember my grandfathers wake five years ago, it was a very sad event, but it also felt like a family gathering and there was happiness there as well as sadness for sure.
I know virtually nothing about Jewish culture and traditions, so it was really interesting to see some.
• Bowie’s kugel
By far the least interesting storyline this ep, but it was still quite humorous.
• Jonah’s panic attack
I’m glad they are showing that Jonah’s is still continuing to have panic attacks. We’ve never seen Jonah have a panic attack for pretty much no reason and I feel like that was also a good thing to show. This scene also tightened Cyrus and Jonah’s friendship so much and I loved it. Also Cyrus’ line “you won’t die — but if you do, at least we are set up for shiva” was so funny.
• Cyrus coming out
I rarely ever cry at movies, but I literally cried at this scene. It was the sweetest, bravest, most heartfelt moment ever. And Jonah’s reaction was awesome. Honestly this scene was perfect.
• Andi & Cece
I loved this storyline so much. It had the perfect conclusion by Andi realizing how lucky she is to have Cece.
• Tyrus
The most precious scene ever. At first I was disappointed when I saw that there was only a little over a minute left of the episode and TJ still hasn’t appeared, but that disappointment quickly vanished because afgvhujjk. The look on TJ’s face, and the look on Cyrus’ face. The music. Cyrus fidgeting nervously with his shirt when he stands up to greet TJ. That soft “of course I came” and then the look on Cyrus’s face when he hears that. The Tyrus scenes are becoming so obviously intended to be romantic and it’s amazing. And of course it’s perfect that TJ arrived right as they were discussing Cyrus’ former crush on Jonah. I also saw someone post something about braided challah being a symbol of love?
• Muffy
I am glad Buffy eventually told them what was going on. And it was hilarious how they all went “Marty from the party!” and then Andi and Cyrus’ teasing was very funny. I also liked how Buffy said “just friends” because I feel like it’s a very Buffy thing to say. Also I guess Wuffy broke up?
Overall I loved everything about the episode.
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