#and yeah i'm fucking in love with sae byeok just like every other dyke who watched the show lmao
taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
In case anyone wants to know how aggressively, stubbornly, willfully ignorant conservatives are, and how much they'll absolutely refuse to engage with anything outside of white American bullshit, my father has now essentially forced me to watch Squid Game for the third time, but this time in the stupid English dub, simply because he ran out of excuses not to watch it and decided to now go with "oh I heard the English dub is bad, and I don't feel like reading sub titles because I'm lazy as fuck, even though I have closed captioning on 24/7 anyway because I'm deaf as a fucking doorknob but refuse to admit it so I never go to the doctor to get hearing aids SO ITS NOT EVEN LIKE I WOULD BE ABLE TO HEAR THE GODDAMN ACTORS SPEAKING IN KOREAN ANYWAY."
So I told him that if I- someone who is universally known to hate dubs and love subtitles- can make it through the entire show with the English dub on, he'd have to watch it too, because goddamnit I can be stubborn, too!!! .....so, ok, he hasnt ~forced~ me to watch it in English, per se, but this is the fucking hill I'm gonna die on, ok? I'm making him either admit he doesnt wanna watch it simply because its a Korean show and he's a racist piece of shit, or force him to suck it the fuck up and watch it.
He LOVES the Battle Royale trope, by the way. Its one of his favorite genres of books/movies. The literal only goddamn reason he's not watching it is because its South Korean, and I saw him ranting on Facebook about how "The Asians(TM)" are tryna "infiltrate our media" and "recruit and brainwash white American children" with K-pop and media like Squid Game..."BRAINWASH" THE AMERICAN YOUTH TO DO WHAT, FATHER? LISTEN TO OVERLY CUTSEY POP MUSIC? "RECRUIT" US TO DO WHAT? HATE THE RICH? NEWFLASH, ASSHOLE, WE ALREADY DO BOTH THOSE THINGS.
So yeah. This is the hill I'm dying on. I'm watching this fucking show for the third time. I'm suffering through the literal worst English dubbing I've ever heard. And I WILL get this man to watch it. And then I shall sit back and soak in the glory as he comes crawling to me a month from now to admit how good of a goddamn show it is. Until then, wish me luck that my ears wont start bleeding lol
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