#and therefore they were not necessarily fisherman
fisherman-fight · 1 year
whats the weirdest submission you've gotten so far
so far: the boy from the dreamworks logo, dads worldwide, every single person on the cast of the deadliest catch, THE TORNADO FROM SHARKNADO, and "the weatherman" from "that sea shanty tiktok"
(if you submitted one of these, i want you to know that i love them all and i am so glad i got to read someone's case for why the tornado is a fisherman)
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kent-ridge · 4 years
Is Japanese internet slang full of fish? - My washed-up linguistic theory.
A couple of weeks ago I was looking at a glossary of Final Fantasy 14 Japanese internet slang a friend had sent me, and I was struck by an idea: Japanese has a really wide lexicon of fish and fishing related words. Does Japanese internet slang also have more fish related words than English internet slang does? The idea made me laugh, and that was enough to want to try to pursue it. 
The Japanese lexicon does, in fact, have a very extensive vocabulary related to fish and fishing. Masayoshi Shibatani (1990) wrote, ‘The vocabulary of a language reflects the cultural and socio-economic concerns of its speakers, and the Japanese lexicon is no exception to this truism.’ He explains that fishing was one of the primary socio-economic activities in traditional Japanese society, and therefore the native Japanese vocabulary has a great number of words and expressions relating to fish. Of course, we have a fairly wide fishing vocabulary in English as well, but Japanese goes into further detail. Shibatani gives examples of 9 different Japanese words for a fish that we would refer to simply as ‘yellowtail’ in all cases in English - in Japanese there are different words for it depending on its size.
Another wonderful piece of evidence of the abundance of fish words in Japanese is a 1940s ‘Glossary of Japanese Fisheries Terms’ that I found on the American National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific Publications Office website. In March 1947, J. A. Krug, Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior and Albert M. Day, Director of the Fish and Wildlife service, published a leaflet titled, ‘Glossary of Japanese Fisheries Terms.’ It is a dictionary of fishing terms and names of fish, including both Japanese to English and English to Japanese translations. 
The introduction reads, ‘Fish and fishing play such an important role in Japanese life that an extensive and complicated fisheries vocabulary has evolved. Each of the hundreds of kinds of fish, shellfish, and seaweed has several vernacular names, the wide assortment of prepared seafood adds many more words; and the variety of fishing gear has a large specialized nomenclature.’ Clearly, the vocabulary related to fishing in Japan was so specific that it didn’t do well enough simply to translate it to the closest English word - a specialised glossary was needed so that American fishermen could understand precisely what the Japanese fishermen were referring to. (If you, like me, are quite enamoured by historical, niche glossaries or dictionaries, you can read the Glossary of Japanese Fisheries Terms here.)
With this evidence that Japanese does have more words to do with fish and fishing than English does, I wondered if perhaps the extensive fish-related lexicon in Japanese affected the creation of slang terms, particularly internet slang terms. While there is no definitive corpus or complete dictionary of Japanese internet slang, several fish-related phrases came to mind. For example, 雑魚 zako, literally meaning ‘small fish’ is a commonly used phrase in casual Japanese which means ‘a wimp’ or an ‘unimportant person.’ This is also used in MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, e.g. Final Fantasy 14) lingo to mean ‘low-level NPC (Non Player Character) enemies.’ Of course, we have the word ‘small fry’ in English which has essentially the same meaning of ‘unimportant person’, but we do not use it in the same context in online gaming. (I have been informed that in English we might call these weak enemies ‘trash mob’ or ‘slimes’ - a reference to the slime blob enemies in the game Dragon Quest.) I also recalled that 鯖 saba - ‘mackerel’ is slang for the word ‘server’ - a lovely wordplay on the loanword sābā.
I then asked on twitter if anyone could help me to come up with some more Japanese fish-related internet words. I had a few interesting replies, suggesting 釣り tsuri (fishing) which means ‘trolling’, accompanied with 釣り師 tsurishi (angler) for ‘troll’, and エサ esa (bait) and 釣り針 tsuribari (fishhook) , which both refer to the content used by a troll to entice other users into replying angrily. Although we might also call this practice ‘baiting’ in English, and we of course have the famous term ‘clickbait’ for baiting people into clicking a link, the metaphor is further expanded upon in Japanese internet language. When a troll gets the responses they were hoping for, other net users may say something like ‘大漁だな’ tairyou da na - ‘That’s a big haul.’ 
I was also told about ウェブ魚拓 webu gyotaku (web fish printing), which is a method of preserving the content of a website in a snapshot, like the service Wayback Machine. Gyotaku is the traditional Japanese practice of dipping a fish in ink to create a print, which could record a fisherman's catch they are particularly proud of, or simply make a nice picture of a fish. (Incidentally, the web address for the website where one can access webu gyotaku is ‘megalodon.jp.')
This is not an incredibly extensive list, but I was pleasantly surprised with the number of responses I received. I also tried to come up with a list of fish-related English internet terms, but all I could think of was ‘phishing’, ‘clickbait’, and ‘catfish.’ None of these are slang as such, but created terms for phenomena that only happen online. (They respectively mean, ‘sending scam emails’, ‘using sensationalised or misleading content to entice users to click on something’, and ‘pretending to be someone else on online dating sites.’) I suppose at a stretch I could actually include ‘the net’ into my list of fishing-related internet vocabulary.
I don’t, however, think that this is enough evidence to suggest that Japanese internet slang does indeed have a larger proportion of fish or fishing-related terms than internet slang in other languages. Furthermore, even if it did, it does not necessarily prove that it is because of the wide fish lexicon that Japanese has in general.
I think my next step would have to be to explore whether other aspects of the Japanese lexicon are reflected in the creation of internet slang terms. Shibatani also mentions that Japanese has an abundance of words to do with nature, but not many body part words. (Even a novice Japanese learner will have noticed that ‘foot’ and ‘leg’ are both expressed with one word, 足 ashi, and that both ‘smile’ and ‘laugh’ are expressed with the verb 笑う warau.) 
The problem is, it is fairly difficult to linguistically analyse ‘Japanese internet slang’ as a concept, and to compare it to ‘English internet slang.’ There is no official online corpus of internet slang in English or Japanese, and it changes every day as new slang terms are created and older terms fall out of practice. The only way I can see to continue this research is to compile my own lists, either from spotting slang terms ‘in the wild’ online, or asking strangers on twitter to come up with any terms they can think of. 
Even if I could prove that the tendencies of the Japanese vocabulary are reflected in its internet slang, what would this actually demonstrate? That, somehow, the balance of this lexicon is engrained in Japanese minds and so it affects the creation of new slang terms and wordplay? Or just that there are a lot of fish words so people create fish-related associations? 
What kind of words are there more of in English than in other languages? Have we English-speakers developed a tendency to create internet slang based on… growing wheat… or… brewing… or whatever is that was traditionally engrained into English society, and therefore probably English vocabulary? Somehow, I don’t think so.
So, I was unable to come to a satisfying conclusion about my theory of fish-heavy Japanese internet slang. But I don’t think it was a complete waste of my time. It was my first foray into researching something just because I was curious and felt like it, and even though it didn’t lead me to any groundbreaking discoveries about the creation of new slang terms in Japanese, I had a lot of fun. It sparked some interesting conversations with friends and twitter strangers, and I got to read a 1940s fish dictionary. Some pretty good mental stimulation for a Wednesday afternoon in lockdown.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
Khenir and Minarv
Summary: When the gods choose to target you, life will never be the same.
Warnings: implied gore, blood, mentions of death
I'm sure you've heard the tale of Khenir and Minarv. I find it is a popular story that you enjoy passing on to the generations succeeding yours. You humans always did take a liking to tragedies with silver linings. If it is one of love and godly intervention, you consume it all the more enthusiastically. Let us clarify something first. There has always been one detail you seem to insist on getting wrong. Birds have existed as long as there have been nuts, berries and the like to sustain them. Khenir never created birds and other winged creatures. In fact, he often admired the birds that visited outside his home. Took a fancy to capturing their likeness of paper too. The only avian species which owe their existence to him are loons and horned owls. Being the god of birds does not necessarily imply you are the creator of all birds. With that irk of mine expressed, I believe I should begin. These were the days before the human population was to reach a million. We gods were acknowledged with a fierce intensity. You feared us. More than that, you feared what we could do to you or your loved ones when displeased. Don't worry. I should assure you it took effort to anger me back then. To this day, I continue to see no use in introducing you to my brother sooner than is required. It was also the time of great animosity between Keajic and Scyta. The skies and sea respectively. You got a lot more storms out at sea back then. Once, she sent a great tidal wave to devastate a town Keajic had deep admiration for. To spite her back, he had directed a gale to steer a fleet lead by one of her sons into rocks. That was the least of it. Suffice to say, anything could set them off. And the results would be disastrous for all those involved. Which is where Khenir and Minarv come in. As you may know, whenever one of you is born, it is my job to determine how long it is before you meet Tain. I have no real say in when you will die, you understand. All I do is find the likeliest timeline of your life and note it in my records. You don't call me the Chronicler for nothing, after all. But you see, if there is one thing I've always admired about humanity, it's the flexibility of your lives. All it takes is one occasion to cause your life's course to completely diverge. Khenir was going to be a farmer like his ancestors before him and potential descendants after him. He'd likely find a woman to marry and raise children with. A rather insignificant and mundane life spanning 72 years. As for Minarv, he'd be raised to be a fisherman by his father and the rest of the community. There was no conventional settling down in his most probable future. Waves stretching past the horizon would be a common backdrop of his adult life until he had the misfortune of being the victim of a poorly treated wound at the age of 38. Oh, stop pitying him. What is it with you humans and your belief the only type of life that will bring happiness and satisfaction is one ending in old age? He would have been perfectly happy doing what he loved for a living. Honestly, you come across as obsessed with watching loved ones slowly decay before you while they still breathe. You call that desirable? Either way, those were the most likely outcomes of their life. With how easily paths can branch off, nothing is guaranteed. The easiest way for your life's course to be altered is divine intervention. Should I detect a child has the chance to be someone whose life future generations will regale the story of, I pay them a visit. To tell you the truth, your reactions to my presence have always intrigued me. Some parents are ecstatic to know their child may have notoriety one day. It isn't uncommon for parents to weep or becoming protective as the gravity of their child's potential future dawns on them. Were I mortal, I would likely be amongst the horrified too. You, of course, ruined it slightly by transforming it into a tradition. You pick any elderly male neighbour and have him be part of the child's 1st birthday celebrations. No man can ever truly replicate my visitations. Your efforts are but a cheap imitation. What is all this about having them blessed over a sundial or clock? Believe me, if I wanted to bestow anything upon your child, I would do so in person. Nevertheless, I appeared in the countryside and spoke to Khenir's mother under the alias of a travelling merchant. Still an infant, Khenir was nonplussed by my being there. I doubt his mother realised the truth of my identity when I gently touched her son's head. The young Minarv I met, on the other hand, was a charming little boy when I made my way to the coast. With great excitement, he gestured to his father's ship which had been approaching the docks. Said father was none too pleased to have me be the disguised god blessing his firstborn. Apparently, he had hoped it would be Scyta, if any of us at all. Oh, if only he'd known. The years passed and the boys grew to be young men. They learned the respective trades of their families while also developing hobbies involving the flute and sketching. Their individual paths carried on leading them towards a life unaware of the other. The thing with Scyta is that she enjoys acquainting herself with mortal men. Fishermen and sailors in particular. If I had to name her favourite type of mortal, it was one who frequented her domain and respected her authority over it. You can probably see where this is going. Yes, she is the one who instigated this whole mess. Although, I doubt she was expecting the result it got. Even I can't accurately anticipate the whims of my kin all the time. Not for lack of effort, I assure you. Scyta subtly pursuing Minarv? That I could have foreseen without trying. Predicting her spouse's reaction took no effort either. Schea had always been jealous of their wife. It's understandable when your significant other has a habit of using the very thing you control to entice mortals. What better to prevent a relationship than ensure the target of the affections was unavailable. The main flaw in Schea's plan was that they naturally appear as the most attractive person in the eyes of whomever sees them. Therefore, the two men would be enamoured by the stranger attempting to unite them. The result is always achieved regardless. All Schea needs to do is ensure the pair meet eyes while they maintain physical contact with both members of the couple. A hand on each back, one look and that was that. By the docks, with a crisp ocean breeze blowing, Khenir and Minarv met. As the months progressed, they spent as much of Minarv's time on land together as they were able. The fisherman would play music while the farmer would sketch him. They were in love and deeply so. No amount of conversation with the mysterious woman supposedly living near the shore could reverse that. Naturally, Scyta refused to admit defeat and move on to her next target. More so than that, events were beginning to unfold. Minarv frequently prayed to her for the sake of safe trips. Being intrigued by birds and their ability to fly is what attracted Keajic's attention towards Khenir. Each had a mortal on their 'side'. And these mortals were lovers? No, that wouldn't do. Whether the two gods had been looking to trigger a fight between themselves or not, they'd still found a suitable reason to. Things were about to get problematic. Minarv became caught in the crossfire when his ship sunk, causing him to be the only survivor. The crops in Khenir's region failed after Sugan was to persuaded to become momentarily involved. Their livelihoods were being threatened purely because Minarv refused to concede. I recall Schea was pleased with themself, thrilled to see a match they'd created cause such conflict. Casquej had inevitably grown fond of them, given his specialty is the creative arts. I was witnessing paths be rapidly redirected as the two men's lives were thrown into turmoil. Even Tain became agitated by this mess. More humans had died than was necessary and the increasing work on his part to stay up to date with it all was enough to get him to join our cause. I know, I know, I never imagined involving myself in ridiculous spats either. Regardless, enough was enough. My brother and I were mostly ambivalent about their fate. Casquej, however, wished for there to be a happy ending to the whole ordeal. Whatever worked. We promised to co-operate in an effort to stop the madness before all our kin were dragged into it. The plan, as you may recall, was to offer them a secret paradise. A world detached from time as they had known it. Somewhere they could be safe from their torment. Khenir could admire the wildlife to his heart's content while there were enough bodies of water to satisfy Minarv. More importantly, there was no threat of death or misery. I appeared to them as a child. Claiming to be one of my own half-mortal offspring, I convinced the lovers to follow me to a mountain pass. Once we arrived, I showed them how to activate the entrance. A set of instructions later and I left them to it. I made it explicitly clear, they were not to spend longer than a month over there in one go. Those instructions were simple enough. If I were mortal, I would have disappeared for a month, returned to the regular world for two or three months then come back to the haven I knew had been made for me. Humans will be humans, I suppose. These types of stories usually have at least one moment that could have been easily avoided if the protagonist had thought things through in the moment. A month there was approximately a week outside of it. I made it so in an attempt to aid them. They followed my precautions in the beginning. A month became 6 weeks sometimes or they'd return slightly sooner than they should have. Gradually, they strayed further from my warnings. With all this deviation, it was inevitable really. Scyta and Keajic discovered why their pawns were absent. I admit it did not help that they revelled in their paradise for three months straight by regular standards. To make it worse, they had the intelligent idea to go their separate ways by the shore. Which was where the gods were waiting for them. We gods have a habit of being ridiculously petty. I have no need to tell you that which you are already aware. If a mortal stands in the way of what we hope to achieve, and we are bitter enough, we will discard of a life. What is one or two amongst thousands, millions or even billions? Both Keajic and Scyta were more than bitter enough. Even Tain showed up to witness it, albeit from a notable distance. There are very few mortals who have been personally reaped by him. Being in the company of four gods must be overwhelming enough for mortals. Even more so when Death and Time act as onlookers to your demise. Perhaps that is why they gripped each other's hands as if it would prevent their permanent separation. Being favoured by me will only buy you seconds on your deathbed. I'll make those seconds seem longer than they are, providing a chance to say your goodbyes if desired, but they are still only seconds. That amount of time sounds short to you? Imagine how trivial that duration is to me, a being who has lived for millennia and knows infinity. Keajic denied Minarv the very air he took for granted. In retaliation, Scyta commanded the ocean to make its home in Khenir's lungs. As they both asphyxiated, their fingers defiantly remained intertwined. Why it took me until this point to put my foot down, I am not sure. Possibly because I believed it was not my place to directly intervene. What was more important was that I was inserting myself in the midst of the conflict. Time stopped. I berated Keajic and Scyta for using the men for their games. Minarv had respected Scyta. The same could be said about Khenir and Keajic. Now however? It would be a miracle if either of them respected us at all. They were not made to be tormented relentlessly. Leave your opponent's favoured be and continue your squabbling somewhere more mortals wouldn't be endangered nor risk having the courses of their lives skewed. Could we agree to end this now? The rulers of sky and sea exchanged a glare. As much as they were enemies, they seemed to share the same unspoken idea in that moment. At the time, I was under the impression they were silently agreeing my pleas were rational. I had expected to continue time once more, them to walk away and the human lovers to carry on living until their appointments with Tain were scheduled. My mistake was trusting them to not slight me. I will spare you the goriest details. No doubt you've already come across versions of this story that don't shy away from it. As wings forced their way out from underneath Khenir's shoulder blades, his muscles formation shifted too in an attempt to accommodate them. Everything Minarv wouldn't need any longer became lost to him. His lungs ceased to be just in time for Scyta to drag him under the waves. You may have found the red traces mixing with the ocean in the aftermath of his legs fusing disturbing but I've seen worse. In most depictions of them, I'm sure you'll find Minarv with a black tail littered with white spots or Khenir with wings of yellow, red and a particularly light blue. That's all linked to the whole creation of loons and flagfin shiners ordeal. A bird which dives into the water to feed and a fish to keep it fed. I suppose you may find it sweet with your notions of romance. Know that they change forms as often as the rest of us gods so these visual depictions are not always accurate. All immortality has given them is more time to spend with each other. Neither is capable of human speech any longer but they seem to have developed their own method of communication. With all the chirping, whistling and whatever else they have at their disposal, I can vaguely understand them. Minarv is responsible for your stories of sirens as well. Despite having their anatomy transformed in an effort to permanently separate them, the pair still resisted their limitations. As such, they had to determine if the other happened to be nearby. Once a singer, always a singer. Humans would hear Minarv attempting to attract his beloved's attention and created tales of a creature that lured you into the water. You know, I never enquired what either of them thought about those myths. Perhaps I should, the next chance I get. Ah, speaking of which... Look at that. There is only one great horned owl whom I know would stray so far from its native homeland. Hello Khenir! Just returning from a visit, I presume? I dare say I should see him myself. Care to share with me how it went? After all, I have all the time in the world.
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legitlauracoe · 4 years
Passion: “Deep play”/Mimisis
“Deep play” is when the audience of an event or show is more deeply invested in the action. Factors which Geertz highlights as specifically important to the creation of “deep play” are opponents which are (1) equally matched (a match in which the outcome is more indeterminate, the audience is engaged because they do not know what will happen), (2) high ranking participants in their community (these people influence their community, so the community cares more about what happens to them), and (3) are people which the viewers identify with so the opponents struggles for personal status or honor become interchangeable those of the viewer (as in the case of a man identifying more/less with his bird, more meaning he has more at stake, or an audience member identifying more/less with the person fighting, more meaning they are more closely related to them).
Fundamentalist Christian Hell Houses follow the requirements of “deep play.” The follow (1) by engaging with the roughly equally matched opponents/personal enemies of heaven and hell (although they’re arguing for heaven obviously, the fact that they represent sinners shows that sin is a threat to heaven, therefore a worthy opponent to some degree). They engage with (2) using archetypes of sin, more similar to people which affect their community than “high ranking” people exactly, since it's the repetition of the idea, the roles which have almost every community that count (as the woman towards the beginning recounts, that raping boyfriend was her raping boyfriend, that’s how the role becomes an important figure for lack of a better word for her, perhaps a stand out figure in the community she lives in). Hell House engages in (3) by dishing out a clear binary value judgement between heaven or hell, good or bad--as the one young hip guy says, the dioramas they present have no grey area--which engages the viewer in the personal status/honor of their own soul through identification with the characters. I thought it was interesting (not that what’s shown is necessarily representative), that it seemed as if a much higher percentage of white people were converted than those of other ethnicities--minorities were less likely to believe super binary propaganda which seems demonstrative.
In the Oberammergau Passion play which is less like a fight than the cock fights or the aggressive evangelical conversion tactics of Hell House, the equality of (1) comes rather from a common identity: they are all from the same village. The roles of (2) are as literal as in Bali--although everyone in the community is involved with the play, and there must be decisions based on talent rather than just social status, the magnitude of their roles seems closely aligned to the ones they play in their society. For example the actor who plays Jesus says he wants to be mayor. By being the characters, the actors engage with (3) by having to actually try to feel the emotions and personal honor struggles of their roles.
Passion Play reflects the idea of mimesis in some obvious ways as well as more subtle implications. The author actually describes mimesis in the play, supporting the claim that there is no separation of politics and art (139, 200), and underlining this with Reagan, the epitome of an actor politician. The literal interpretations of mimesis encompass some of the moments in the play which approach magical realism. These include John the Fisherman wanting to play Christ as it were even in real life, the Visiting Friar telling Mary 2 (Mary Magdalene) that she is having lesbian dreams because she’s been playing a whore from too young an age--she’s been corrupted by the theater (27), when the psychiatrist asks “So you’re the bad guy?” And P responds, “No, I played the role of a bad guy?” and the reflection of Jesus’ family, with its mother not impregnated by her husband, and then the absent father thereafter (God) in P and Mary’s family. The interpretations get more deep however in certain cases, and Mary 1 becoming pregnant like her part, but the reality of how she got pregnant being projected back onto the role (if people are calling her, how does that affect their view of Mary?) We actually see this in multiple versions of Mary, but chiefly Elsa (107),where she feels the need to remain pure, or at least hide the fact that she isn’t to retain the part. Related to this is that she feels that being Mary  makes her more beautiful/desirable; that she’ll lose something if she strays.
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bitfan5-blog · 5 years
Fisherman Escape With His Life After Dramatic Rescue
Fisherman Escape With His Life After Dramatic Rescue
Fisherman narrowly escaped with his life after falling overboard from his single-handed fishing vessel earlier this afternoon. HM Coastguard received an urgent VHF Radio broadcast just before 1pm today from a trawler reporting the man overboard 3nm south of Brighton Marina. It is believed the fisherman, who was not wearing a lifejacket, was hauling his whelk-pots when his pots got snagged. While attempting to free the pots, he then went overboard and he was dragged behind his vessel restrained by a rope. Another fishing vessel, who happened to be nearby, saw the fisherman was in trouble and came to his aid.
The crew managed to recover the fisherman onto the deck of his vessel. HM Coastguard sent Brighton Lifeboat Station - RNLI to assist and they brought the fisherman back to the marina to meet a waiting ambulance. We wish him a speedy recovery. Speaking after the incident a spokesperson for HM Coastguard said: “This fisherman is incredibly lucky. He was lucky that it was a good day and he had another vessel following close behind him that saw him in trouble. A lot of the time we see the tragic, raw end working with the fishing community, especially when fishermen don’t wear lifejackets. He’s had a lucky escape, not having a lifejacket, to stay above water for even this short period of time. The lucky part is that he didn’t get hurt as he fell overboard. If he had hit his head, the outcome might not have been the same. Thankfully, in this instance, he had tied a rope around his waist to his vessel whilst trying to unsnag his pots - it’s this action which ultimately helped him stay nearby his vessel when he went overboard.
Has the EU really done UK fisheries a disservice? Or is it just Farage CODswallop? Everyone by now I hope has managed to forget the event that was the Brexit Flotilla and erase it from their memory. I expect that most were somewhat moderately to extremely embarrassed, whatever your views, by the prospect of British politics being defined by a pair of rich eccentrics having it out across the Thames. But is this the case? It is a narrative we have all swallowed and a genuine sympathy and respect I expect we all feel for fishermen. Fishermen work incredibly hard in an extremely dangerous job.
When they are at sea there time can be sleepless, cold, lonely and away from family and missing out on some of the most formative parts of their children’s lives. Not just this, but we all know of how the industry has changed, as the employment share of fishing has gradually declined. But is the EU to blame? A look at the decline in employment shows that the number of jobs in fishing had been declining as fishing stocks were also falling, well before the common fisheries policy was implemented. There has been some decline since, but this is not necessarily due to the policy, as other changes have also occurred. As with all industries, overtime productivity increases and the labour intensity also declines.
The aim of the common fisheries policy is to allow fishing stocks to recover. Over-fishing, particularly in the North Sea, has led to a decline in many of the most popular stocks of fish. This is a big problem, acknowledged by most fishermen at the time of the creation of the common fisheries policy. https://www.lincolnshire-fisheries.co.uk/ If this had been allowed to continue, it would have led to greater declines of the fishing industry, across all countries using the North Sea, than we have actually seen. Since then many stocks have recovered and quotas, including Britain’s, have began to be increased. In addition the practice of dumping when vessels over fish has been reformed. Another important point on this topic, which surprised me, is the advantageous position UK fisheries get vis a vis our neighbours.
The quota system was set in relation to the level of national catch taken in the 1970s in order to preserve fishing communities at their then levels. Within this, the UK has the second highest catch of all countries. In addition the UK has the largest profit on its sales of any country and is in the top three for the weight and value of its catch. Many people are angry about foreign fishing vessels active in British waters, but it is worth considering what action could realistically be taken here. The UK as mentioned gets larger quotas then other countries and also fishes in many other countries waters, as well as selling in their harbours and receiving repairs there. So any ban on other countries could have detrimental consequences for UK fisheries.
Of the UK fishing catch £1 billion is exported to other EU countries, particularly Spain and Southern Europe, which lack many of the cold water fish stocks located in our waters. The biggest irony appears to be, particularly for smaller fishing vessels, that it is the UK government which has done the biggest damage to British fishing. A look at the level of quotas given out within the UK shows that the government has continuously given the majority of it’s fishing quotas to just 3 companies, with massive effects on the smaller vessels and smaller fishing towns. It is the British governments responsibility, and always has been, to decide how it allocates its quota. There clearly are other issues which I am unaware of and would not want to comment on around health and safety and other regulations in the fishing industry.
I also think until it was reformed the practice of dumping was still a massive issue, but has since been looked at and has improved. My point being that there are clearly other big issues. The position of British fishermen in the EU is therefore not as simple as the CODswallop Farage has been spinning. Contrary to what he has been saying about the EU quota system, designed to ensure larger stocks in the future, the UK has a better position then it’s competitors; it has larger quotas, catches and profits then other countries. The problem appears to be that the UK government has showed constant and blatant disregard for the industry. They have ignored smaller British vessels and favoured big businesses .Not only this, but the very scare stories blamed on the fisheries policy are actually the UK’s fault. It was British law which allowed the infamous dutch vessel to take so much of the British quota and not the common fisheries policy.
Michael Gove has said his “heart goes out” to the British scallop fishermen involved in clashes with French rivals earlier this week, and called on Paris to intervene. Stones were thrown and boats rammed on Tuesday morning, in the latest of a series of incidents dubbed “scallop wars”, as French boats try to protect stocks of the shellfish. “My heart goes out to the British fishermen who were caught up in the terrible scenes that we saw happen earlier this week,” the environment secretary said. “They were fishing entirely legally, they had every right to be in those waters and we talked to the French authorities in order to ensure that we have a protocol.
Government sources said the British ambassador to France, Ed Llewellyn, had formally raised the issue with officials in Paris, and the agriculture minister, George Eustice, would hold talks with his French counterpart. Fishing in the area is strictly limited because of conservation measures aimed at replenishing scallop stocks, but smaller boats are allowed to operate. The skirmishes took place more than 12 nautical miles out to sea. Sheryll Murray, the Conservative MP for South East Cornwall, had earlier called on Gove to act, saying the French fishermen “just took the law into their own hands”. French fishermen threw smoke bombs and hurled insults at British rivals.
British boats were heavily outnumbered, according to Ingrid Parot, a maritime official, and were eventually chased from the scallop-rich waters. “The French went to contact the British to stop them working and they clashed with each other. Apparently there was stone-throwing, but no injuries,” said the Normandy fishing chief, Dimitri Rogoff. Rogoff said about 40 French boats had gathered overnight in protest at British “pillaging” of the scallop supply. Footage from local TV channel France 3 Normandie showed boats being rammed and holes in three vessels. “We have raised the matter with the British government and asked for protection for our vessels, which are fishing legitimately. Britain’s scallop fishing industry is worth about £120m a year and supports more than 1,200 jobs. Tensions have been high between British and French fishermen over the issue for about 15 years.
The bill is also designed to give the UK the power to implement new deals negotiated with the EU and with other coastal states and manage fisheries more effectively and sustainably in the future. The bill aims to deliver on the UK government’s commitment to sustainable fishing and marine conservation, it said, as set out in its 25-year environment plan. Controlling access - by ending current automatic rights for EU vessels to fish in UK waters. In future, access to fish in UK waters will be a matter for the UK to negotiate, and it will decide on the terms - foreign vessels will have to follow its rules. Setting fishing opportunities - by proposing powers to ensure that the UK can set its own fishing quota and days at sea, which it will negotiate as an independent coastal state.
As now, the UK government will consult the devolved administrations, it said. Protecting the marine environment - by ensuring fisheries management decisions are taken strategically for the benefit of the whole marine environment. The bill extends powers to the Marine Management Organisation and the devolved administrations to protect the UK's seas. ] has damaged the UK’s fishing industry, he said, as well as fish stocks. The bill also provides powers to reform fisheries rules. To ensure legal continuity, the EU (Withdrawal) Act transferred CFP rules into UK law. This Bill allows the government to amend fisheries legislation to respond to scientific advice and innovation quickly -- something Gove claims the CFP failed to do -- and to meet international obligations.
In addition, the Fisheries Bill introduces powers to create new schemes in England to help seize the "opportunities of Brexit". These include a new scheme to help the fishing industry comply with the landing obligation, and powers to tender additional English quota. The Scottish Fishermen's Federation's Bertie Armstrong described the bill as a necessary piece of legislation "that sets a completely new framework for fisheries management outside the universally detested CFP". The Scottish government's own figures suggest this could be worth an additional £540 million per year to the seafood industry, plus a total of 5,000 new jobs, he said. Lasse Gustavsson, executive director of NGO Oceana Europe, said the fisheries bill comes amid a growing global movement to protect the oceans. All eyes are on the UK to show it can manage fishing better and champion stronger ocean conservation, he said.
Fishermen from across the UK have visited Westminster to warn against a repeat of the “travesty” of 1973 when they claim British waters were carved up to the advantage of foreign fishing interests upon joining the European Economic Community. Barrie Deas, the chief executive of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations, said the fishing industry might be small but it was “emblematic” of Brexit because leaving the EU represented an opportunity to right 45 years of wrongs. “It’s important that parliament understands what’s at stake in the withdrawal negotiations,” Deas told MPs at an industry gathering in the House of Commons. Under the original carve-up, all European Community fishing boats were given equal access to the bloc’s waters, but a quota system resulted in a country-by-country share of fishing stock.
It means French boats have an 84% share of the cod in the English Channel while the UK, where cod is popular, has a 9% share. Steve Baker, a minister at the Department for Exiting the EU, told the fishermen that the government was determined to take back control. “Fishing is an issue of totemic importance to the UK,” he said, promising to fight for a good deal. But Deas said: “A repeat of 1973 has got to be our fear. The industry was one of the biggest supporters of Brexit but the sector fears that control of British waters could be turned into a political pawn tacked on to wider free trade negotiations.
Deas said the EU had indicated that if the UK wants a free trade agreement (FTA) it would have to allow access to British waters and the continuation of quotas. “But there is no example anywhere in the world of an FTA that gives free access to a natural resource,” he told MPs. Paul Trebilcock, a fisherman in Cornwall, said towns such as Newlyn were desperate for a rebalancing. “I’ve been to places like Lowestoft and the fishing industry died because of the 1973 deal. Coming from a fishing family it makes me sad to go places like there. I don’t want Cornwall towns to become like Lowestoft,” he said. He explained that the harbour town of Newlyn supported 200 boats fishing for everything from line-caught bass to monkfish and sole. But the 1973 deal had left them at a competitive disadvantage because French and Belgian rivals had a larger quota inside their six- to 12-mile zone.
The Government will table an amendment to the Fisheries Bill which will enshrine its commitment to secure a fairer share of fishing opportunities for UK fishermen. The amendment would place a legal obligation on the Secretary of State, when negotiating a fisheries agreement with the EU, to pursue a fairer share of fishing opportunities than the UK currently receives under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). As well as strengthening the law, the Environment Secretary announced £37.2 million of extra funding to boost the UK fishing industry during the Implementation Period. This is in addition to the existing European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) funding, which at €243 million over seven years is broadly equivalent to £32 million a year.
The Government and Devolved Administrations have already committed to match the EMFF funding with around £60 million, so the extra funding will support more projects and the sector will benefit by a total of £320 million. Mr Gove has also committed that the Government will put in place new, domestic, long-term arrangements to support the UK’s fishing industry from 2021, through the creation of four new schemes comparable to EMFF to deliver funding for each nation. The Devolved Administrations will lead on their own schemes. We are taking back control of our waters and will secure a fairer share of fishing opportunities for the whole of the UK fishing industry as we leave the EU. The amendment to the Fisheries Bill will give legal weight to this commitment. New funding will boost the industry as we become an independent coastal state, preparing it to receive a greater share of future fishing opportunities. The new schemes will be introduced after EMFF has closed in 2020. Details of these will be set at the 2019 Spending Review.
The current coarse fishing close season on rivers, some canals and some stillwaters starts on 15 March and finishes on 15 June. There’s no close season on most canals and most stillwaters. Close seasons are for reducing the risk to fish while they’re spawning. Not being able to fish for coarse fish on rivers during the current close season can restrict angler choice. We want to hear from all those interested in coarse fish and fisheries. Your responses will help us decide if we need to keep, change or remove the current close season. As a result of this consultation, we may make new byelaws. If we do, we must advertise them. This gives people the opportunity to object.
European Union vessels will no longer be able to carry out electric pulse fishing in the waters of the United Kingdom after Brexit, U.K. Fisheries Minister George Eustice has announced. Using an electric current to fish was banned by the E.U. 1998 but since 2006 pulse beam trawling has been allowed under an E.U. At present, more than 80 Dutch vessels have permission to use this method in certain parts of the southern North Sea, including in U.K. A new statutory instrument has been laid in U.K. E.U. law on technical conservation is operable in the United Kingdom, but the current derogation for E.U. Because there are also three U.K. Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is working with the Marine Management Organisation and Marine Scotland to review their licenses. “There are serious concerns about pulse fishing and it is wrong that the E.U. ” Eustice said.“We will stop E.U. The E.U. Exit statutory instrument will apply if the United Kingdom leaves the E.U.
But the fear the fishing industry now has is that any long delay to Brexit could push that back still further. ], will hold a Commons reception this evening at which those due to attend will include Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary, David Mundell, the Scottish Secretary, and Robert Goodwill, the Fisheries Minister. They said it remained clear the EU would like to continue to be able to “plunder our waters”. They noted the public realised how fishermen were betrayed 40 years ago when the Government signed up to the CFP. “They will not accept this happening again,” insisted Messrs NFFO and SFF. “Outside the CFP, the British fishing industry will be a global leader. Our members will produce world-class, sustainable seafood from our rich UK waters. This will bring prosperity to coastal communities and secure a long term future for the industry in all parts of the UK,” they added.
Nine African and Asian crew members working on a pair of British scallop trawlers were taken to a place of safety by police last week as suspected victims of modern slavery. The men, who were reported to be from Ghana, India and Sri Lanka, were identified when one of the trawlers came in to Portsmouth harbour last Thursday because a crew member had suffered a head injury, the Guardian has learned. Five non-European Economic Area (EEA) nationals were said to have been found on the vessel and referred by police to the National Crime Agency’s mechanism for investigating human trafficking.
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6.5. Korean way of working
Question 6: Conditions in the last years of the Joseon era › 5. Korean way of working
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6.5. Korean way of working
  Below are descriptions on the way of working of Korean people as they appear in pp.78-79 of “Chapter VI. On the River of Golden Sand”, Korea and her Neighbours.
[The population of the Han valley is not poor, if by poverty is to be understood scarcity of the necessaries of life. The people have enough for themselves and for all and sundry who, according to Korean custom, may claim their hospitality. Probably they are all in debt; it is very rare indeed to find a Korean who has not this millstone round his neck, and they are destitute of money or possessions other than those they absolutely require. They appear lazy. I then thought them so, but they live under a regime under which they have no security for the gains of labor, and for a man to be reported to be “making money," or attaining even the luxury of a brass dinner service, would be simply to lay himself open to the rapacious attentions of the nearest mandarin and his myrmidons, or to a demand for a loan from an adjacent yang-ban.]
  In addition, we can find the following description on page 158 of “Chapter XII. Along the Coast”.
[ The raison d'être of Ma-cha Tong, and the numerous coastal villages which exist wherever a convenient shore and a protection for boats occur together, is the coastal fishing.
  The Korean fisherman is credited with utter want of enterprise, […]. I believe that the fishing industry, with every other, is paralyzed by the complete insecurity of the earnings of labor and by the exactions of officials, and that the Korean fisherman does not care to earn money of which he will surely be deprived on any or no pretense, and that, along with the members of the industrial classes generally, he seeks the protection of poverty. ]
  Isabella Bird went to a village of Korean settlers in the Maritime Province of Russia named Yantchihe, to survey the situation of Korean people who looked for a safe haven under Russian rule. That village had numerous houses all around in which only members of the upper class would be able to live in the mainland Korea. A total of 140 households were implanted on a fertile land of 750 acres (approx. 185 km2) , and she visited several of these farming families. Below is a quotation from the description of her visit on pp. 226-227.
[The farmyards were clean and well swept, and the domestic animals were lodged in neat sheds. The houses, of strictly Korean architecture, were large, with five or six rooms, carefully thatched, and very neat within, abounding in such comforts and replenishments as would only be dreamed of by mandarins at home. ]
  Besides, there is the following description on page 236.
[In Korea, I had learned to think of Koreans as the dregs of a race, and to regard their condition as hopeless, but in Primorsk I saw reason for considerably modifying my opinion. It must be borne in mind that these people, who have raised themselves into a prosperous farming class, and who get an excellent character for industry and good conduct alike from Russian police officials, Russian settlers, and military officers, were not exceptionally industrious and thrifty men. They were mostly starving folk who fled from famine, and their prosperity and general demeanor give me the hope that their countrymen in Korea, if they ever have an honest administration and protection for their earnings, may slowly develop into men.]
  After leaving Russia, Isabella Bird first arrived in Nagasaki and then headed for Wonsan via Busan, travelled to Seoul, and from there she reached Tokchon via Pyongyang. On her way back from Tokchon to Pyongyang, she described the following sentiment in page 336.
[With a splendid climate, an abundant, but not superabundant, rainfall, a fertile soil, a measure of freedom from civil war and robber bands, the Koreans ought to be a happy and fairly prosperous people. If “squeezing,” yamen runners and their exactions, and certain malign practices of officials can be put down with a strong hand, and the land tax is fairly levied and collected, and law becomes an agent for protection rather than an instrument of injustice, I see no reason why the Korean peasant should not be as happy and industrious as the Japanese peasant. But these are great “ifs” !
  Travelers are much impressed with the laziness of the Koreans, but after seeing their energy and industry in Russian Manchuria, their thrift, and the abundant and comfortable furnishings of their houses, I greatly doubt whether it is to be regarded as a matter of temperament. Every man in Korea knows that poverty is his best security, and that anything he possesses beyond that which provides himself and his family with food and clothing is certain to be taken from him by voracious and corrupt officials.]
  The text above vividly describes that every worker in Korea, including farmers and fishermen, was forced to lead a seemingly lazy life, believing that “poverty is his best security”.
  It is possible to consider that Korean officials were voracious and openly exploited people due to the way the Gwageo examination was organized. More concretely, those who could become officials were the Yangbans who passed the Gwageo examination. It is assumed that at the latter part of the Joseon era, bribery was widespread in the Gwageo examination, and success depended on bribery, rather than the examination result. In addition, it is known that the organizers of the Gwageo on the central level held the examinations more often than the officially stipulated frequency of once every three years, in order to receive more bribes.
  Under these circumstances, there were more successful Gwageo examinees than the number of bureaucratic posts. In comparison with the number of the bureaucratic posts available, far more people passed the Gwageo examination. Therefore, in order to be nominated as an official, it became necessary to give a large amount of money as a bribe to the king or the ruler. The officials who were thus nominated needed to “squeeze” people, including farmers and fishermen, as far as possible to compensate the amount they used for bribery and accumulation of wealth. The successful examinees of Gwageo who could not become officials continued efforts to be appointed as officials by offering even more money as bribes. In addition, even if one had already become an official, no-one was sure when the next official would be appointed and dispatched. Because of this, the term of office of the official was necessarily short. It was necessary to get back more money than he had spent for a bribe during his short term of office. This was likely to be the cause that could explain why squeezing by officials was so rampant.
  Another problem that should be kept in mind was that the officials, as well as people of the Yangban class who were potential candidates for officials, shared the culture of considering that engaging in manual labor was a shameful act.
  There is the following description on pp.101-102 of “Chapter VIII. Natural Beauty- The Rapids”, Korea and her Neighbours.
[At the beautifully situated village of Pa-ka Mi, a post bore the following inscription in large characters — “If any servant of a yang-ban passing through Pa-ka Mi is polite and behaves well, all right, but if he behaves badly he will be beaten,” an assertion of independence as refreshing as it is rare!
  For among the curses of Korea is the existence of this privileged class of yang-bans or nobles, who must not work for their own living, though it is no disgrace to be supported by their relations, and who often live on the clandestine industry of their wives in sewing and laundry work. A yang-ban carries nothing for himself, not even his pipe. Yang-ban students do not even carry their books from their studies to the classroom. Custom insists that when a member of this class travels, he shall take with him as many attendants as he can muster. He is supported on his led horse, and supreme helplessness is the conventional requirement. His servants browbeat and bully the people and take their fowls and eggs without payment, which explains the meaning of the notice at Pa-ka Mi]
  Page 422 of "3. Social upheaval and agitation of the class system”, “Chapter 8, Latter period of the Joseon era” in Korean History I introduces the example of the relationship between Yangbans, law-abiding citizens and slaves in Daegu, Gyeongsang Province, quoting pages 198 and 199 of Yangban written by Hiroshi MIYAJIMA. According to this, while the percentage of Yangbans in the total population was only 7.4% in 1690, it rose to 48.6% 258 years later. And in 1858, law-abiding citizens (20.1%) and slaves (31.3%) had to support the life of these Yangbans who did not work.
  Here lies the great problem of the system in the Joseon era. In other words, the fact that the number of people in the ruling class was almost identical to that of the ruled class made the “squeezing” of law-abiding citizens and slaves by the officials unavoidable.
  Whatever the kind of regime was, it would be impossible for the country to develop if half of the population consider it a disgrace to work and lead a luxurious life by squeezing the other half. Both those who exploit others and those who are exploited will be forced to fight desperately for daily life, to defend themselves and to stop thinking about making each other happy by developing the country.
  If the number of law-abiding citizens decreased, the tax revenue of the state would drop, and the royal palace and the state administration would face financial difficulty. To compensate this, the king sold the posts of high-ranking local officials at high prices to earn money to allow the king and the queen to lead a gorgeous life. The high-ranking officials needed to sell their status to ordinary officials to recover the money they had paid the king. As shown in this description, the Joseon Dynasty faced structural corruption. Its system inevitably made it resort to illegal “squeezing”. Unhappily enough, there was no idea or no forces that claimed for the reform of this structure and the fight against the corruption and exploitation.
  A Swedish journalist, Ason Grebst, observed the society at the last stage of the Joseon era and described in In Korea: Memories and Studies from the Land of the Morning Calm [Original Swedish title: I Korea: minnen och studier från Morgonstillhetens land] that “Yangbans try as far as possible not to do what could be seen as labor by others. They are supposed not to wear clothes by themselves or even light pipes by themselves.”
  Probably, Yangbans believed that their role was to learn Confucianism and rule the country, and that it was not the rulers’ role to work. It seems likely that the Yangban developed their idea of neglecting labor based on the idea that neglected practical learning, which they developed during their preparation for the Gwageo examination. In other words, Confucian studies and Gwageo led Yangbans to avoid labor. It would be adequate to say that the whole of Korea was trapped in interminable corruption due to the custom of Yangbans who regarded labor as a disgrace, and the overwhelmingly excessive number of Yangbans in comparison with the number of bureaucratic posts.
  Under normal circumstances, the king or the rulers on the central level should have dealt with the problem of the overwhelming excess of Yangbans by reducing their numbers to match the number of bureaucratic posts necessary and increasing the number of law-abiding citizens. However, in fact, even the king continued to trade bureaucratic posts and noble ranks in a hit-or-miss manner and did not take essential measures, which seems to have caused bottomless confusion and corruption in the last years of the Joseon era.
   That was the reality of the “rule of Korea by Koreans” at the end of the Joseon era.
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kathleenseiber · 4 years
When is an invasive species not so?
By Jenny Morber
Caribbean corals sprout off Texas. Pacific salmon tour the Canadian Arctic. Peruvian lowland birds nest at higher elevations.
In the past 100 years, the planet has warmed in the range of 10 times faster than it did on average over the past 5,000. In response, thousands of species are travelling poleward, climbing to higher elevations, and diving deeper into the seas, seeking their preferred environmental conditions. This great migration is challenging traditional ideas about native species, the role of conservation biology and what kind of environment is desirable for the future.
In a 2017 review for Science, University of Tasmania marine ecology professor Gretta Pecl and colleagues wrote, “[C]limate change is impelling a universal redistribution of life on Earth. For marine, freshwater, and terrestrial species alike, the first response to changing climate is often a shift in location.” In fact, Pecl says, data suggest that at least 25% and perhaps as much as 85% of Earth’s estimated 8.7 million species are already shifting ranges in response to climate change.
But when they arrive, will they be welcome? Traditional definitions classify species according to place. “Native” species arrived without human help and usually before widespread human colonisation, so are likely to have natural predators and are unlikely to go rogue. Non-natives are newcomers and suspect. Though 90% cause no lasting damage, 10% become invasive — meaning that they harm the environment, the economy or human health. Last year a multinational report flagged invasive species as a key driver of Earth’s biodiversity crisis.
How we define species is critical, because these definitions influence perceptions, policy and management. The U.S. National Invasive Species Council (NISC) defines a biological invasion as “the process by which non-native species breach biogeographical barriers and extend their range” and states that “preventing the introduction of potentially harmful organisms is … the first line of defense.” But some say excluding newcomers is myopic.
“If you were trying to maintain the status quo, so every time a new species comes in, you chuck it out,” says Camille Parmesan, director of the French National Centre for Scientific Research, you could gradually “lose so many that that ecosystem will lose its coherence.” If climate change is driving native species extinct, she says, “you need to allow new ones coming in to take over those same functions.”
As University of Florida conservation ecologist Brett Scheffers and Pecl warned in a 2019 paper in Nature Climate Change, “past management of redistributed species … has yielded mixed actions and results.” They concluded that “we cannot leave the fate of biodiversity critical to human survival to be randomly persecuted, protected or ignored.”
Existing Tools
One approach to managing these climate-driven habitat shifts, suggested by University of California, Irvine marine ecologist Piper Wallingford and colleagues in a recent issue of Nature Climate Change, is for scientists to adapt existing tools like the Environmental Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (EICAT) to assess potential risks associated with moving species. Because range-shifting species pose impacts to communities similar to those of species introduced by humans, the authors argue, new management strategies are unnecessary, and each new arrival can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Karen Lips, a professor of biology at University of Maryland who was not associated with the study, echoes the idea that each case is so varied and nuanced that trying to fit climate shifting species into a single category with broad management goals may be impractical. “Things may be fine today, but add a new mosquito vector or add a new tick or a new disease, and all of a sudden things spiral out of control,” she says. “The nuance means that the answer to any particular problem might be pretty different.”
In recent years, northern flying squirrels in Canada have found themselves in the company of new neighbours – southern flying squirrels expanding their range as the climate warms. Credit: Public Domain / USFW
Laura Meyerson, a professor in the Department of Natural Resources Science at the University of Rhode Island says scientists should use existing tools to identify and address invasive species to deal with climate-shifting species. “I would like to operate under the precautionary principle and then reevaluate as things shift. You’re sort of shifting one piece in this machinery; as you insert a new species into a system, everything is going to respond,” she says. “Will some of the species that are expanding their ranges because of climate change become problematic? Perhaps they might.”
The reality is that some climate-shifting species may be harmful to some conservation or economic goals while being helpful to others. While sport fisherman are excited about red snapper moving down the East Coast of Australia, for example, if they eat juvenile lobsters in Tasmania they could harm this environmentally and economically important crustacean. “At the end of the day … you’re going to have to look at whether that range expansion has some sort of impact and presumably be more concerned about the negative impacts,” says NISC executive director Stas Burgiel. “Many of the [risk assessment] tools we have are set up to look at negative impact.” As a result, positive effects may be deemphasised or overlooked. “So that notion of cost versus benefit … I don’t think it has played out in this particular context.”
Location, Location, Location
In a companion paper to Wallingford’s, University of Connecticut ecology and evolutionary biology associate professor Mark Urban stressed key differences between invasive species, which are both non-native and harmful, and what he calls “climate tracking species.” Whereas invasive species originate from places very unlike the communities they overtake, he says, climate tracking species expand from largely similar environments, seeking to follow preferred conditions as these environments move. For example, an American pika may relocate to a higher mountain elevation, or a marbled salamander might expand its New England range northward to seek cooler temperatures, but these new locations are not drastically different than the places they had called home before.
Climate tracking species may move faster than their competitors at first, Urban says, but competing species will likely catch up. “Applying perspectives from invasion biology to climate-tracking species … arbitrarily chooses local winners over colonizing losers,” he writes.
Urban stresses that if people prevent range shifts, some climate-tracking species may have nowhere to go. He suggests that humans should even facilitate movement as the planet warms. “The goal in this crazy warming world is to keep everything alive. But it may not be in the same place,” Urban says.
Parmesan echoes Urban, emphasising it’s the distance that makes the difference. “[Invasives] come from a different continent or a different ocean. You’re having these enormous trans-global movements and that’s what ends up causing the species that’s exotic to be invasive,” she says. “Things moving around with climate change is a few hundred miles. Invasive species are moving a few thousand miles.”
In 2019 University of Vienna conservation biology associate professor Franz Essl published a similar argument for species classification beyond the native/non-native dichotomy. Essl uses “neonatives” to refer to species that have expanded outside their native areas and established populations because of climate change but not direct human agency. He argues that these species should be considered as native in their new range.
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The marbled salamander, a native of the eastern U.S., is among species whose range could expand northward to accommodate rising temperatures. Credit: Seánín Óg from Flickr, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
They Never Come Alone
Meyerson calls for caution. “I don’t think we should be introducing species” into ecosystems, she says. “I mean, they never come alone. They bring all their friends, their microflora, and maybe parasites and things clinging to their roots or their leaves. … It’s like bringing some mattress off the street into your house.”
Burgiel warns that labeling can have unintended consequences. We in the invasive species field … focus on non-native species that cause harm,” he says. “Some people think that anything that’s not native is invasive, which isn’t necessarily the case.” Because resources are limited and land management and conservation are publicly funded, Burgiel says, it is critical that the public understands how the decisions are being made.
Piero Genovesi, chair of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Invasive Species Specialist Group, sees the debate about classification — and therefore about management — as a potential distraction from more pressing conservation issues.
“The real bulk of conservation is that we want to focus on the narrow proportion of alien species that are really harmful,” he says. In Hawaii “we don’t discuss species that are there [but aren’t] causing any problem because we don’t even have the energy for dealing with them all. And I can tell you, no one wants to remove [non-native] cypresses from Tuscany. So, I think that some of the discussions are probably not so real in the work that we do in conservation.”
Indigenous frameworks offer another way to look at species searching for a new home in the face of climate change. According to a study published in Sustainability Science in 2018 by Dartmouth American and environmental studies associate professor Nicholas Reo, a citizen of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, and Dartmouth anthropology associate professor Laura Ogden, some Anishnaabe people view plants as persons and the arrival of new plants as a natural form of migration, which is not inherently good or bad. They may seek to discover the purpose of new species, at times with animals as their teachers. In their paper Reo and Ogden quote Anishnaabe tribal chairman Aaron Payment as saying, “We are an extension of our natural environment; we’re not separate from it.”
The Need for Collaboration
The successful conservation of Earth’s species in a way that keeps biodiversity functional and healthy will likely depend on collaboration. Without global agreements, one can envision scenarios in which countries try to impede high-value species from moving beyond their borders, or newly arriving species are quickly overharvested.
In Nature Climate Change, Sheffers and Pecl call for a Climate Change Redistribution Treaty that would recognise species redistribution beyond political boundaries and establish governance to deal with it. Treaties already in place, such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which regulates trade in wild plants and animals; the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; and the Agreed Measures for the Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora, can help guide these new agreements.
“We are living through the greatest redistribution of life on Earth for … potentially hundreds of thousands of years, so we definitely need to think about how we want to manage that,” Pecl says.
At the heart of these questions are values. Genovesi agrees that conservationists need a vision for the future. “What we do is more to be reactive [to known threats]. … It’s so simple to say that destroying the Amazon is probably not a good idea that you don’t need to think of a step ahead of that.” But, he adds, “I don’t think we have a real answer in terms of okay, this is a threshold of species, or this is the temporal line where we should aim to.” Defining a vision for what success would look like, Genovesi says, “is a question that hasn’t been addressed enough by science and by decision makers.”
At the heart of these questions are values. “All of these perceptions around what’s good and what’s bad, all [are based on] some kind of value system,” Pecl says. “As a whole society, we haven’t talked about what we value and who gets to say what’s of value and what isn’t.”
This is especially important when it comes to marginalised voices, and Pecl says she is concerned because she doesn’t “think we have enough consideration or representation of Indigenous worldviews.” Reo and colleagues wrote in American Indian Quarterly in 2017 that climate change literature and media coverage tend to portray native people as vulnerable and without agency. Yet, says Pecl, “The regions of the world where [biodiversity and ecosystems] are either not declining or are declining at a much slower rate are Indigenous controlled” — suggesting that Indigenous people have potentially managed species more effectively in the past, and may be able to manage changing species distributions in a way that could be informative to others working on these issues.
Meanwhile, researchers such as Lips see species classification as native or other as stemming from a perspective that there is a better environmental time and place to return to. “There is no pristine, there’s no way to go back,” says Lips. “The entire world is always very dynamic and changing. And I think it’s a better idea to consider just simply what is it that we do want, and let’s work on that.”
This article was originally published on Ensia and is republished here with permission under the terms of a Creative Commons’ Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported licence. View the original article here.
Jenny Morber trained as a scientist and engineer at Georgia Tech, US, and now works as a freelance journalist based in the Pacific Northwest.
When is an invasive species not so? published first on https://triviaqaweb.weebly.com/
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 5
St. John, the evangelist, a native of Bathsaida, in Galilee, was the son of Zebedee and Salome. He was by profession a fisherman. Our Lord gave to John, and to James, his brother, the surname of Boanerges, or, sons of thunder; most probably for their great zeal, and for their soliciting permission to call fire from heaven to destroy the city of the Samaritans, who refused to receive their Master. St. John is supposed to have been called to the apostleship younger than any of the other apostles, not being more than twenty-five or twenty-six years old. The Fathers teach that he never married. Our Lord had for him a particular regard, of which he gave the most marked proofs at the moment of his expiring on the cross, by intrusting to his care his virgin Mother. He is the only one of the apostles that did not leave his divine Master in his passion and death. In the reign of Domitian, he was conveyed to Rome, and thrown into a caldron of boiling oil, from which he came out unhurt. He was afterwards banished to the island of Patmos, where he wrote his book of Revelations; In his gospel, St. John omits very many leading facts and circumstances mentioned by the other three evangelists, supposing his readers sufficiently instructed in points which his silence approved. It is universally agreed, that St. John had seen and approved of the other three gospels.
Chapter 5
Christ heals on the sabbath the man languishing thirty-eight years; his discourse upon this occasion.
1 After these things there was a festival day of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Observe here the malice of the Pharisees; they were more hurt at the cure of the sick man, than at the violation of the sabbath. Therefore, they ask not, Who healed you; but, as if they wished to keep that out of sight, Who told you to take up you bed? (St. Chrysostom) --- But he answers: The same who healed me: Why should I not receive orders from him from whom I have received my health? (St. Augustine) --- By the festival, mentioned in ver. 1, is generally understood the Passover; and this was the second from the commencement of Christ's ministry. St. Matthew calls it by this name, chap. xxvi. 5; St. Mark, Chap. xiv. 2. and xv. 6; and St. Luke, Chap. xxiii. 17. For the first Passover, see above, John ii. 13; for the third, John vi. 4; for the fourth and last, Matthew xxvi. 17. The first three are only mentioned by St. John, the fourth by all the evangelists.
2 Now there is at Jerusalem a pond, called Probatica, which in Hebrew is named Bethsaida, having five porches.
Ver. 2. Now there is at Jerusalem a pond, called Probatica.[1] Some translate, the sheep-pond. It is true the Greek word signifies something belonging to sheep. But because the ancient Latin interpreter thought fit to retain the Greek, probatica, and also because of the different expositions, I have not changed the word. Some think it was so called, as being near the gate called the sheep-gate: others, as being near the sheep-market: others, because the sheep that were brought to be sacrificed, were washed in it; or, at least, that the blood and entrails of sheep and beast sacrificed, were thrown into it, or washed there. In the ordinary Greek copies we read thus: there is at, or near, the Probatica, a pond or fish-pond. In Hebrew it was called Bethsaida, a house for fishing: and in most Greek copies, Bethchesda, a house of mercy, (perhaps because of the cures done there) having five porches, covered and arched, for the convenience of the infirm that lay there, waiting for the motion of the water. (Witham) --- The word probaton, signifies a sheep. This pond is therefore called Probatica, because there the priests washed the sacrifices. (St. Augustine) --- In imitation of this sick man, if we wish to return God thanks for his favours, or to enjoy the pleasure of his company, we must fly the crowd of vain and wicked thoughts that continually tempt us; we must avoid the company of the wicked, and fly to the sanctuary, that we may render our hearts worthy temples of that God who vouchsafes to visit us. (Alcuin)
Ver. 2. Probatica piscina: some Greek copies, probatike kolumbetra. But in the common copies, epi te probatike kolumbetra, i.e. propè piscinam, &c. Kolumbetra signifies lavacrum. See Legh's Crit. Sacra.
3 In these lay a great multitude of sick, of blind, of lame, of withered, waiting for the moving of the water.
Ver. 3. No explanation given.
4 And an Angel of the Lord descended at certain times into the pond: and the water was moved: And he that went down first into the pond after the motion of the water, was made whole of whatsoever infirmity he lay under.
Ver. 4. And an angel of the Lord.[2] In many Greek copies is now wanting, of the Lord; but at least the ancient Fathers, and interpreters, expound it of a true angel, and of a miraculous cure: so that I cannot but wonder that so learned a man as Dr. Hammond, should rather judge these cures to have been natural. By the angel, he would have us to understand a messenger sent from the temple, who was to stir up the blood, and the grosser and thicker parts from the bottom of the pond, and that these cures were made much after the same manner, as, in some cases, persons find a cure by being put into the belly of a beast newly opened. Into what extravagant interpretations are men of learning sometimes led by their private judgment! What scholar of Galen or Hippocrates, ever pretended that this was a certain and infallible cure for all manner of diseases? Yet here we read: that he who got first into this pond, after the motion of the water, was healed, whatsoever distemper he was seized with. The blind are particularly named: Is this a certain remedy that restores sight to the blind? (Witham) --- The effect produced could not be natural, as only one was cured at each motion of the waters. The longing expectation of the suffering patients, is a mark of the persevering prayer with which poor sinners should solicit the cure of their spiritual infirmities. (Haydock)
Ver. 4. Angelus Domini. The word kuriou, Domini, is found in several of the best Greek manuscripts though wanting in others. But that the cure was miraculous, see St. Chrysostom, om. ls. p. 207, tom. viii. Aggelos iatiken enetikei dunamin. St. Ambrose, lib. de initandis, chap. iv. St. Augustine (trac. xvii. in Joan.) credas hoc Angelicâ virtute ficri solere. St. Cyril on this place, Angeli descendentes de cœlo piscinæ aquam turbabant.
5 And there was a certain man there, that had been eight and thirty years under his infirmity.
Ver. 5. Infirmity. The Greek, astheneia, signifies in its radical interpretation, a loss of strength: in this place it seems to denote a confirmed palsy.
6 Him when Jesus had seen lying, and knew that he had been now a long time, he saith to him: Wilt thou be made whole?
Ver. 6. Wilt thou be made whole? No doubt but the poor man desired nothing more. Christ put this question, to raise him to a lively faith and hope. (Witham)
7 The infirm man answered him: Sir, I have no man when the water is troubled, to put me into the pond: for whilst I am coming, another goeth down before me.
Ver. 7. No explanation given.
8 Jesus saith to him: Arise, take up thy bed, and walk.
Ver. 8. Arise, take up thy bed, and walk. The man found himself healed at that very moment, and did as he was ordered, though it was the sabbath-day. The Jews blamed him for it: he told them, that he who had healed him, bade him do so. And who it was he knew not, till Jesus finding him in the temple, said to him: (ver. 14.) Sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee. Upon this he went, not out of malice, but out of gratitude, and told the Jews that Jesus had cured him. (Witham)
9 And immediately the man was made whole: and he took up his bed, and walked. And it was the sabbath that day.
Ver. 9. No explanation given.
10 The Jews, therefore, said to him that was cured: *It is the sabbath; it is not lawful for thee to take up thy bed.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 He answered them: He that made me whole, he said to me: Take up thy bed, and walk.
Ver. 11. No explanation given.
12 They asked him, therefore: Who is that man that said to thee: Take up thy bed, and walk?
Ver. 12. No explanation given.
13 But he that was healed, knew not who it was. For Jesus went aside from the multitude that was standing in the place.
Ver. 13. No explanation given.
14 Afterwards Jesus findeth him in the temple, and saith to him: Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee.
Ver. 14. Sin no more, &c. By these words our Saviour shews, that his infirmity was sent in punishment of his sins. When our souls are covered with the leprosy of sin, we are frequently insensible of our misfortune; whereas, as soon as the body is attacked with sickness, though ever so inconsiderable, we are not to be pacified till the physician has been consulted, and some remedy applied to remove, if possible, the complaint. (St. Chrysostom, hom. xxxvii. in Joan.) --- Men are astonished that God, for so short a pleasure as is found in the perpetration of sin, should have decreed an everlasting punishment in the fire of hell; for they say, Shall I be punished for ever, for having indulged a sinful thought for a single moment? But their astonishment will cease, when they consider that punishments are not inflicted on sins in proportion to the length of time that was spent in their perpetration, but that they are proportioned to their malice. Now the malice of sin being infinite, aimed against the infinite majesty and infinite sanctity of God, the punishment, to be any ways commensurate, must be infinite. If, therefore, the sinner dies charged with the infinite debt of mortal sin unrepented of, as the time of mercy and repentance finishes with the present life, the sin must necessarily remain, God's hatred for sin must necessarily remain, and the punishment justly inflicted must necessarily continue. (Haydock) --- These words are applicable to every penitent sinner, when he returns from the tribunal of confession, and shew how careful he ought to be not to relapse into his former sins. "For he who after pardon sins again, is unworthy of mercy; who being cured, makes himself sick again, and who being cleansed, defiles himself again." (Tom. ii. St. Chrysostom, de lapsu prim. hom.)
15 The man went his way, and told the Jews that it was Jesus that had made him whole.
Ver. 15. No explanation given.
16 Thereupon, the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did these things on the sabbath.
Ver. 16. No explanation given.
17 But Jesus answered them: My Father worketh until now, and I work.
Ver. 17. My father worketh until now:[3] and I work. The Jews looked upon it of obligation to do nothing on the sabbath, because God is said to have rested the seventh day; on which account the rest on the seventh day was commanded. Christ puts them in mind, that though it be said he rested the seventh day, (that is, produced no more new kinds of creatures) yet that God may be said to work always, by preserving and continually governing the world: and I, saith he, do all things that he doth, I work with him, being one and the same in nature and substance with him: nay, even as man, I do nothing but what is conformable to his will; and so you need not fear that I break the sabbath. --- The Christian faith teacheth us, that Jesus Christ was both God and Man. The objections of the ancient and modern Arians, only shew that Christ was also truly a man, and that divers things which he speaks of himself, or which are said of him in the holy Scriptures, apply to him as man. Nothing is more certain, and agreed on by all. But at the same time we ought to take notice, that Christ has affirmed many things of himself, and many things are asserted of him in the Scriptures, which by no means could be applied to him unless he were also truly and properly one and the same God with his eternal Father. And these are the passages by which the Arians and Socinians might be convinced of their errors and blasphemies. (Witham) --- If Christ had not been the natural Son of God, these words, which he says in excuse of his seeming breach of the sabbath, would rather have increased the strength of their accusation. For no governor, when accused of any crime, excuses himself by saying the king does the same. But as the Son is equal to the Father, his excuse is a true one. (St. Chrysostom, hom. xxxvii. in Joan.) --- The rest God entered into after the creation, and which he was pleased to honour by that of the sabbath, is no hinderance to the operations of his power in the preservation of his works, nor to the operations of his grace in the sanctification of souls.
Ver. 17. Pater meus usque modo operatur, ergazetai. See St. Chrysostom, om. le. on these words. St. Cyril, lib. ii. in Joan. chap. vi. St. Augustine, trac. xvii. in Joan. &c.
18 Hereupon, therefore, the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he did not only break the sabbath, but also said that God was his Father, making himself equal to God. Then Jesus answered, and said to them:
Ver. 18. That God was his Father,[4] making himself equal to God. In divers places of the Old Testament, God is called the Father of the Israelites, and they his children: but here, and on several other occasions, the Jews very well saw, that he called God his Father in a quite different sense from that in which he could be said to be their Father; that his words made him equal to God, and that he made himself God. See John x. 33; John xix. 7; Luke xxii. 70; &c. And therefore St. Augustine says on this verse: (Trac. xvii. in Joan.) Behold the Jews understand what the Arians do not. (Witham)
Ver. 18. Patrem suum, or proprium suum patrem, ton patera idio.
19 Amen, amen, I say unto you: the Son cannot do any thing of himself, but what he seeth the Father doing: for what things soever he doth, these the Son also doth in like manner.
Ver. 19. The Son cannot do any thing of himself,[5] but what he seeth the Father do. In like manner, (ver. 30.) Christ says, I can do nothing of myself. As I hear, so I judge. Again (Chap. viii. 28.) I do nothing of myself; but as the Father hath taught me, I speak these things. All these, and the like expressions, may be expounded, with Maldonatus and Petavius, (lib. ii. de Trin. chap. 4.) of Christ, as man. But the ancient Fathers commonly allowed them to be understood of Christ as God, and as the true Son of God proceeding from him from all eternity; as when it is said, the Son cannot do any thing of himself, it is true, because the eternal Son is not of himself, but always proceeds from the Father. 2. Because the works of all the three Persons, by which all things are produced and preserved, are inseparable. 3. When it is said, that the Son doth nothing, but what he seeth the Father doing: that he heareth, as the Father hath taught him, or shewed to him: these expressions bear not the same sense as when they are applied to men, or to an inferior or a scholar, who learns of his master, and follows him; but here, says St. Augustine, to see, to hear, to be taught by the Father, is no more than to proceed from him, to do and produce by the same action, all that the Father doth and produceth. This is the general interpretation of the ancient Fathers: St. Athanasius, St. Basil, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, St. Chrysostom, St. Cyril, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine. The words immediately following, confirm this exposition, when it is said: For what things soever he (the Father) doth, these also in like manner the Son doth, i.e. the very same things by an unity of nature, of will, and of action: nor could these words be true, unless the Son was the same true God with the Father. (Witham) --- This must be understood, that he cannot do any thing contrary to the will of the Father. He does not say, "The Son does nothing of himself, but the Son can do nothing of himself, in order to shew their likeness and perfect equality." For by saying this, he does not betray any want of power in the Son; but, on the contrary, shews his great power. For when we say that God cannot sin, we do not esteem it a want of power; so when the Son says he cannot do any thing of himself, his meaning is, that he cannot do any thing contrary to the will of the Father; which certainly is a great perfection. (St. Chrysostom, hom. xxxvii. in Joan.)
Ver. 19. Non potest filius a se, &c. St. Chrysostom, om. le. (t. viii. p. 222.) a seipso nihil facit, neque pater a seipso facit, oude o pater aph eautou ti poion. See St. Cyril, lib. ii. in Joan. St. Augustine, trac. xvii. in Joan. on the same texts. St. Athanasius, orat. 2. cont. Arianos, tom. ii. p. 488. St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orat. xxxvi. 584. tom. i. Ed. Par. an. 1630. St. Ambrose (tom. ii. in Ps. cxviii.) Nihil a se facit filius: quia per unitatem operationis, nec filius sine patre facit, nec sine filio pater. St. Hilary, lib. vii. De Trin. P. 927. Ed. Ben. But St. Jerome (tom. iv. part 2, p. 521. Ed. Ben.) Non possum facere a meipso, objiciebant Ariani; sed respondet Ecclesia, ex personâ hominis hæc dici, &c. St. Jerome does not mean that he had a human or created person, as the Nestorians pretend; but that these words were spoken, or might be understood of Christ, inasmuch as his human nature was united to his divine person.
20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things which himself doth; and greater works than these will he shew him, that you may wonder.
Ver. 20. Greater works than these will he (the Father) shew him, &c. These words may also, with Maldonatus be expounded of Christ, as man; but the ancient interpreters understand them of Christ, as God, in this sense, that the Father, and the Son, or the Father by the Son, will shew greater miracles hereafter done by Christ, that more persons may admire and believe. (Witham)
21 For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth life: so the Son also giveth life to whom he will.
Ver. 21. For as the Father ... giveth life, so also the Son giveth life to whom he will; where these words, to give life to whom he will, shew the power of the Son and of the Father to be equal. (Witham) --- Our Saviour here mentions the greater works he spoke of in the preceding verse; for it is much more wonderful that the dead should rise, than that the sick should recover their health. We are not to understand these words, as if they meant some were raised to life by the Father, and others by the Son; but that the Father raises those whom the Son raises. And lest any one should understand this, that the Father makes use of the Son as his minister, through whose means he raises the dead, he immediately adds, &c. (St. Augustine, Tract. xxi. in Joan.) --- We see the lovers of this temporal and perishable life, labour to the utmost of their power, I will not say to avoid death, but merely to prolong their frail existence. If, therefore, men labour with so much solicitude, if they strain every nerve to prolong their lives but for a few years; how foolish and blind to their interest must those be, who live in such a manner as to be deprived of the light of eternal day! (St. Augustine, De verb. Dni. Serm. 64.)
22 For neither doth the Father judge any man: but hath committed all judgment to the Son.
Ver. 22. Neither doth the Father judge any man. It is certain that God is the Judge of all, by divers places of the holy Scriptures; and to judge, belongs both to the Father and to the Son, as they are the same God: so that when it is added, that the Father hath given all judgment to the Son,[6] this is meant of the exterior exercise of his judgment upon all mankind at the end of the world, in as much as Christ then will return, in his human body, to judge all men, even as man, in their bodies. (Witham)
Ver. 22. Omne judicium dedit filio. St. Augustine expounds it (trac. xxi.) sed judicium manifestum. Pater occultus erit judex, filius manifestus, quià mani festè ad judicium veniet.
23 That all men may honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father, who hath sent him.
Ver. 23. No explanation given.
24 Amen, amen, I say unto you, that he who heareth my word, and believeth him that sent me, hath life everlasting; and cometh not into judgment, but is passed from death to life.
Ver. 24. Hath everlasting life. That is, a title to an eternal inheritance of glory, by believing in the Father, and in the Son, and also in the Holy Ghost, as we are taught to believe at our baptism. (Witham)
25 Amen, amen, I say unto you, that the hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live.
Ver. 25. The hour cometh ... when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. Though some understand this of the rising of Lazarus; others of those that rose with Christ at his resurrection: yet by these words, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, seems rather to be signified the general resurrection at the end of the world; and though it be said, that now is the hour, this may be spoken of the last age of the world; and, as St. John says, (1 John ii. 18.) children, it is the last hour. In fine, some interpreters understand these words of a spiritual resurrection from sin, which Christ came to bring to the world. (Witham)
26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so he hath given to the Son also to have life in himself:
Ver. 26. No explanation given.
27 And he hath given him power to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man.
Ver. 27. To execute judgment, because he is the Son of man; or, because, he is God made man, and is to come to judgment in a visible manner, to judge all men. (Witham)
28 Wonder not at this, for the hour cometh, wherein all that are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God.
Ver. 28. No explanation given.
29 And they that have done good, shall come forth unto the resurrection of life: but they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment.
Ver. 29. Unto the resurrection of judgment. That is, condemnation. (Challoner)
30 I can do nothing of myself. As I hear, so I judge: and my judgment is just: because I seek not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
Ver. 30. I can do nothing of myself, &c. See ver. 19. St. Chrysostom also take notice, that it may be no less with truth said of the Father, that he can do nothing of himself, nor without his Son, nor both of them without the Holy Ghost; because both they, and their actions, are inseparable. (Witham)
31 If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
Ver. 31. If I bear witness of myself, &c. Christ tells the Jews elsewhere, (chap. viii. 14.) that though he should bear witness of himself, it would be true. But the sense of the words in this place is: I could allow you, that if I only gave testimony of myself you might seem to have some reason to except against my testimony: but now besides my own words, you have had also the testimony of John the Baptist, who divers times witnessed that I am the Messias, and the Son of God, come to take away the sins of the world. 2. You have had the testimony of my eternal Father, particularly at my baptism. 3. You have yet a greater testimony, by the works and miracles wrought before your eyes, and at the same time foretold by the prophets. 4. The prophets, and the Scriptures, which you search, or which I remit you to, to search them diligently, these also bear witness concerning me. (Witham)
32 There is another that beareth witness of me: and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true.
Ver. 32. No explanation given.
33 You sent to John: and he gave testimony to the truth.
Ver. 33. No explanation given.
34 But I received not testimony from man: but I say these things that you may be saved.
Ver. 34. No explanation given.
35 He was a burning and a shining light. And you were willing, for a time, to rejoice in his light.
Ver. 35. No explanation given.
36 But I have a greater testimony than that of John. For the works which the Father hath given me to perfect: the works themselves, which I do, give testimony of me, that the Father hath sent me.
Ver. 36. No explanation given.
37 And the Father himself who hath sent me, hath given testimony of me: neither have you heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.
Ver. 37. No explanation given.
38 And you have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him you believe not.
Ver. 38. You do not observe the commandment he gave you. (Deuteronomy xviii. 15. 19.) of listening to the prophet He would send you.
39 Search the Scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting: and the same are they that give testimony of me:
Ver. 39. Or, You search the Scriptures: (scrutamini; ereunate). It is not a command for all to read the Scriptures; but a reproach to the Pharisees, that reading the Scriptures as they did, and thinking to find everlasting life in them, they would not receive him to whom all those Scriptures gave testimony, and through whom alone they could have that true life. (Challoner) --- This hope is the cause and motive which leads to this study; and eternal life is the end they propose to themselves in it. Hence, from the context and mode of argumentation made use of, the indicative, you search, instead of the imperative mood, search ye, is best supported. Catholics are most unjustly accused of depriving the faithful of the use of the holy Scriptures. The council of Trent, (Session v., chap. i. de reform.) makes this proviso; that in churches where there exists a prebendary, or benefice, set apart for lectures on sacred Scripture, the bishops, &c. shall compel those holding such benefice to expound the sacred Scriptures themselves, should they be equal to the duty; or, by a proper substitute, chosen by the bishop or local ordinary. Also in monasteries of monks, it is prescribed that if abbots neglect, let the bishops of the places compel their compliance; and in convents where studies can be conveniently prosecuted, let there be also a lecturer on Scripture appointed, to be chosen from the most able professors. Moreover, in public universities, where this most honorable and most necessary of all lectures has not been instituted, let the piety and charity of religious princes and governments provide for it; so that the Catholic faith may be defended and strengthened, and sound doctrine protected and propagated. And where the lecture has been instituted, but discontinued, let it be re-established. Moreover, no one was to be appointed to this office, whose life, morals, and learning had not been examined and approved by the bishop of the place, &c.
40 And you will not come to me that you may have life.
Ver. 40. And you will not come to me. Christ now gives them reason why they do not receive him, and his doctrine, nor believe in him; because they are void of the love of God, full of self-love, envy, pride, seeking for praise and glory one from another. Hence you will not receive me, who come in the name of my Father, sent to redeem the world. But if another, such as false prophets, or even Antichrist himself, who will pretend to be the Messias, come in his own name, him you will receive. (Witham) --- It is proper to remark, that the testimonies here adduced all rise gradually one above another, and make a body of evidence that must leave the incredulous Jews without excuse: for they pay no regard to Jesus Christ himself, nor to John the Baptist, nor to the evidence of miracles, nor to the voice of God, nor to the Scriptures, nor even to Moses himself.
41 I receive not glory from men.
Ver. 41. No explanation given.
42 But I know you, that you have not the love of God in you.
Ver. 42. No explanation given.
43 I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
Ver. 43. No explanation given.
44 How can you believe, who receive glory one from another: and the glory which is from God alone, you do not seek?
Ver. 44. No explanation given.
45 Think not that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one that accuseth you, Moses, in whom you trust.
Ver. 45. No explanation given.
46 For if you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe me also; *for he wrote of me.
Ver. 46. No explanation given.
47 But if you do not believe his writings: how will you believe my words?
Ver. 47. No explanation given.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
What are your thoughts on this other philosophical/theological argument for Christianity? via /r/pagan
What are your thoughts on this other philosophical/theological argument for Christianity?
Here it is:
“My explanations make up for deficiencies you see in Christianity at large as a faith or a religious community; but we all benefit from a deeper mutual understanding. I am certainly richer as a Christian and a human being for my understanding of different Pagan practices and beliefs from my time as a practising Pagan (primarily of the Celtic variety).
It's absolutely true that there is no immediate contemporary evidence for the existence of Jesus but that truly isn't very remarkable. To non-Christian contemporaries Jesus was barely worth paying attention to - he was, in their minds as you say, the leader of a small fringe Jewish cult, and not someone the Romans or the Jews had much need to write about. There are similar problems with confirming the existence of Socrates or Alexander the Great: the truth is it's very difficult to find surviving records from most of these periods because no one was thinking "this will be big history in 2020!". For all three men, we rely on the accounts of people who knew them and/or lived soon after them to know about their lives. If you want to deny Jesus' existence based on a lack of contemporary documentary evidence, you probably need to also deny the existence of Socrates, Alexander the Great and a large number of other ancient figures.
If you were going to make up someone to follow, Jesus isn't terribly logical as a choice. You could invent a Messiah who much better fits the expectations of 1st Century Judaism - you would probably not have called him 'Jesus', for one, because as you note the name is utterly unremarkable. If your goal was power and influence, then you probably wouldn't have had Jesus give the authority to build a Church to Peter, a working class, illiterate fisherman. It's very doubtful you would have John the Baptist in your story at all as someone who is shown, even momentarily, to have some kind of role over Christ. You almost certainly wouldn't have your grand narrative of Jesus' life end in his brutal execution at the hands of the Roman authorities in Israel with the man who becomes the founder of the Church, Peter, depicted as a traitor to the cause who weeps with guilt at what he's done. Instead of having Jesus die and rise again, your story would probably focus on having Jesus win some immense miracle victory over the Romans and then ascend into Heaven triumphant - you would probably cut out the part where he dies and his followers despair. Scholars believe that the earliest books of the New Testament, some of the authentic letters of Paul, date to within two decades or less of Jesus' death; Paul, despite having been anti-Christian for some of his life, does not seem to be aware of any movement to deny Jesus lived. In the 3rd century the Pagan philosopher Porphyry wrote an extensive condemnation of Christianity; Porphyry did not attack the idea that Jesus existed but instead sought to depict Jesus as a false prophet. Bart Ehrman is one of the leading experts on early Christianity in the world: he is also an atheist. There isn't much of a case for suggesting Jesus didn't exist.
With regards to the burial of Jesus and the bribe, theserenitysystem is (totally understandably!) confusing two similar incidents. You're right that the Romans would not have taken the time to bury someone like Jesus. The Bible tells us that this was possible because a Christian sympathiser, possibly a Christian himself, who was in good standing within contemporary society went to Pilate on the night of the execution and asked if he could take Christ's body for burial, and this request was granted (Matthew 27:57 - 60; Mark 15:43 - 46; Luke 23:50 - 53; John 19:38 - 42). This is in fact directly relevant to your observation that crucifixion did not necessarily mean being nailed to a cross and often simply meant being hung or whipped to death on a tree. Ancient Jewish law held that the body of anyone executed on a tree was cursed, and that the land their body was kept on would be cursed until it was buried (Deuteronomy 21:22 - 23). Joseph - the follower who went to request the body - almost certainly persuaded Pilate to hand over the corpse of Jesus on the basis that if he did not do so, the local populace would think it an affront to their God and in keeping with Roman attitudes towards local religion, the best thing to do would be to let Joseph, as a man in good standing, bury the body safely (Joseph, of course, told the followers of Christ what he was doing and took care to give Jesus a decent burial). For Christians that Christ was executed in a way that is profoundly humiliating in ancient culture, and in a manner that the ancient Jews believed meant the deceased was cursed, is an important part of our understanding of what Jesus' sacrifice on the cross means: faced with God incarnate, instead of celebrating Him, we murdered him in the most violent, degrading, brutal way imaginable.
Matthew 25:29 is absolutely an interesting verse! But it's part of a parable; a simple, short story used to illustrate an ethical or moral perspective advocated by Jesus. It was one of the main methods of preaching employed by Christ in His earthly life. In this case, the passage you quote -Matthew 25:29 - is actually a call back to an earlier, identical saying of Jesus in Matthew 13:12. If you read 13:12 first you see that Jesus is using this phrase in reference to believers and non-believers. He explains to the Apostles that he teaches in parables so that those who do not truly listen to him will only hear the superficial story, whilst those who look for the deeper meaning - like the disciples did - will understand that within the story there are important moral and theological lessons. Matthew 25:14 - 29 is a parable that uses the imagery of money as an allegory for how Christians should behave in their faith on the understanding that the Earthly world will pass away; that they should be bold, knowing that change is coming. It follows on directly and explicitly from another parable about the faithful being prepared for the arrival of Christ in His Second Coming (Matthew 25:1 - 13). Just as that parable, which concerns itself with ten virgins, is not a literal story about ten virgins, neither is the parable of the talents concerned with financial affairs.
Matthew 26:8 - 11 has to be appreciated within the context of the particular event that moves Christ to say these things. In this situation, it is the Disciples chastising a well-meaning woman for wasting valuable ointment on Jesus when it could have been sold to benefit the poor. What the Disciples are doing here is not making the argument that these things are wasted economically; there is already the understanding and acceptance that Christ preaches the need to redistribute wealth and support the impoverished. Christ is instead accusing the Disciples of being unnecessarily harsh to the woman and focusing on the worth of her actions rather than considering the sincerity of her faith, and her genuine attempt to do something selfless. He is essentially saying "come on guys: are you really annoyed at the waste, or are you trying to show you're a better disciple than she is?". He is exposing pride disguising itself as charitable concern; concern trolling, essentially. The Lord's seemingly callous words here, about the poor always being with us, are in fact a call back to Deuteronomy 15:11 with its explicit instruction:
Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, "Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbour in your land."
Matthew 10:34 - 37 is not a religious commandment to violence or division. First of all, 'hate' or its equivalent is not a word that appears in the original Greek text; a more literal translation is "whoever sees greater value in his mother or father than in me", not "whoever does not hate his family". The NRSV, the most widely accepted scholarly version of the Bible, renders the passage as "whoever loves father or mother more than me". This passage is a warning to followers of Christ that, at the time of Jesus' life, taking up his faith will make families cast them out and make parents turn against children. Christians are still called to answer this with the peace and love Christ commands in Matthew 22:39; the warning is that this peaceful evangelism will be met with exclusion, marginalisation and violence, as Christ himself demonstrated when his peaceful surrender to the authorities lead to his own brutal, torturous, slow murder at the hands of the Romans. The specific phrasing Jesus uses is a call back to Hebrew scripture once again, specifically to Micah 7:6, which describes a period of turbulence and violent unrest in ancient Judah in which "the son treats the father with contempt [...] your enemies are members of your own household". Christ is warning his followers that, just like in Micah's time, the Gospel will anger people so much they will condemn even their own children for following him. His message here is essentially: "Don't think I've come to cushion the truth just to make things easier. This is how things are, and if you want to follow me, people will marginalise and oppress you for it". The quote from Micah, incidentally, is further significant: Jesus quotes Micah twice, and one of the more notable parts of Micah is its condemnation of the hoarding of wealth (Micah 3:1-4), especially by religious leaders.
Matthew was written as a single volume to summarise its author's understanding of Christ's life and teachings from the source material available. Whilst passages out of context seem contradictory, read together, they make sense.”
Submitted September 14, 2020 at 03:10PM by Competitive_Bid7071 via reddit https://ift.tt/35ArKVf
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nolimitsongrace · 5 years
October 31: False Apostles and Deceitful Workers
False Apostles and Deceitful WorkersOctober 31, 2019
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers…. — 2 Corinthians 11:13
Today is the last Sparkling Gem on the subject of apostleship. I have sensed the need to cover this material because this topic is so rarely addressed. I pray that it has been a blessing to you and that it has caused you to deeply think about spiritual leadership — the need for it and the need to be careful about whom you choose to follow spiritually.
In Second Corinthians 11:13 and 14, Paul described the growing problem of false apostles. He said, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
The phrase “false apostles” comes from the Greek word pseudapostolos, a compound of pseudes and apostolos. The word pseudes carries the idea of any type of falsehood. It can picture a person who projects a false image of himself, someone who deliberately walks in a pretense that is untrue, or someone who intentionally misrepresents facts or truths. In every instance where this word is used in the New Testament, it portrays someone who misrepresents who he is by what he does, by what he says, or by the lie or misrepresentation that he purports to be true. The second part of the word is apostolos — which, of course, is the word for an apostle. Therefore, the word pseudapostolos actually describes a pretend apostle or someone who intentionally represents himself to be an apostle even though he knows he is not.
*[If you started reading this from your email, begin reading here.]
Paul called these false apostles “deceitful workers.” The word “deceitful” comes from the Greek word dolios, which is derived from a root word used to describe bait that is put on a hook to catch fish. It conveys the idea of craftiness, cheating, cunning, dishonesty, fraud, guile, and trickery intended to entrap someone in an act of deception. Like a fisherman who carefully camouflages a hook with bait, these counterfeit apostles lured sincere believers closer and closer until those believers finally “took the bait.” And once the hook was in their victims’ mouths, the false apostles “pulled the hook” and took congregations, even entire groups of churches, captive.
Paul said these individuals were deceitful “workers.” This word “workers” is taken from the Greek word ergates, a word that denotes someone who actively works at what he is doing. This indicates that nothing was accidental about this act of deception and that these false apostles put forth great effort to impersonate real apostolic ministry.
Paul said these deceitful workers were so skilled at the art of deception that they were able to “transform” themselves into the apostles of Christ. The word translated “transform” in this verse is the Greek word metaschimatidzo, which means to disguise oneself, to deliberately change one’s outward appearance, or to masquerade in clothing that depicts a person as different than he really is. Paul was referring to individuals who intentionally attempted to pass themselves off as apostles, knowing full well that they were not. He was describing a blatant act of deception.
At that time, such a large number of people were professing to be apostles that the Ephesian church developed certain criteria — a paradigm or model — to determine who was and who was not an authentic New Testament apostle. The problem was serious in the Ephesian church, and that church was serious about correcting it. This prompted Jesus to tell the Ephesian believers, “…thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars” (Revelation 2:2).
The word “tried” points to a thorough and serious investigation. It means to try, to examine, to inspect, to investigate, to scrutinize, or to put to the test. The leadership of the church wanted to guard the reputation of the true apostolic gift and protect the members of their congregation from pretenders who sought to lead them astray. This leadership was so serious about it that they developed a “test” to prove whether or not a person really had an apostolic calling. This should show how powerful the apostolic call is — for if the church at Ephesus was testing people to see if their call was real, it meant they felt a need to protect those who had a bona fide apostolic calling.
This last Sparkling Gem in this series is not intended to promote suspicion of leadership in the Church, but rather to encourage discernment. The apostolic call is so important to building up the local church that those who imitate this call for the sake of personal gain should not be tolerated in a congregation. And if a person has an authentic call, a test or a little scrutiny won’t hurt or diminish it. In fact, it will only prove that the call is genuine and authentic, which will then open the way for you to open your heart and receive the rich benefits of the apostolic anointing whenever it is present in your midst!
Father, help me trust those who are over me in the Lord to know how to test and try those who come to minister to our congregation. I trust my pastor and the leadership of our church. Nevertheless, I pray for You to guide them and to give them wisdom as they open the doors of our church to ministers who are new to us. I ask You, Lord, to heighten their spiritual discernment so that they can clearly distinguish when everything that glitters is not gold, and everything that looks spiritual is not necessarily of God. Help our overseers to have the wisdom of God in whom they invite to minister to our congregation.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
I confess that my pastor and the leadership team of our church are spiritually sensitive about those whom they invite to minister to our congregation. They are diligent to pray and seek the Lord; therefore, I can rest at peace that whomever may be invited to stand in our pulpit is anointed to impart something from Heaven that will strengthen and establish us to do the will of God from the heart. I am so thankful that this responsibility is not mine, but I pray for them. I declare that those who are called and equipped to exercise stewardship and give an account for my soul in the Lord walk in the wisdom and spiritual fortitude they need to make right choices for our congregation, so when they stand before You they can hear You say, “Well done!”
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
Do you trust your pastor and spiritual leaders to make right choices concerning those whom they invite to minister in the pulpit of your church? If not, why don’t you trust them, and why are you attending that church if you don’t trust their spiritual oversight?
Do you take responsibility for what you spiritually receive into your own heart, or do you just naïvely receive whatever is dished out for you to consume spiritually?
Pastors do have a great responsibility to make sure a special speaker is spiritually right with God. Are your pastors careful about those whom they invite to minister in your church? If you are a pastor, are you doing what is necessary to be watchful over your flock in this way?
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arcisfoodblog · 5 years
Looking back on our holidays in Lanzarote, there were 3 main characteristics of Lanzarote: Lava, great food and drinks and César Manrique.
More on him and the attractions on Lanzarote he has been involved in a next blog, but let’s start off with the first three.
The landscape of Lanzarote has for a large part been characterized by several major eruptions of volcanoes between 1730 and 1736 that turned a big chunk of the southwestern part of the island to lava fields. Consequently, the Parque Nacional de Timanfaya indeed offers otherworldly landscapes and there are many attractions on the island that are connected with lava: grilling over lava holes at the El Diablo Restaurant, Cueva de Los​ Verdes, the world’s longest natural lava tunnel, and the impressive lava cave at Jameos del Agua.
Coast near Jameos del Agua
Crops near Mancha Blanca
Lava field in Parque Nacional de Timanfaya
Montaña Tinamala near Guatiza
Fields near Tiguatón
Lava Rocks on the sandy beaches of Famara
Lava field outside the Mancha Blanca Visitors Centre
The bulk of the local wineries are located in the middle of the island in a triangle that stretches between Tinajo in the north to Yaiza in the south and San Bartolome in the east, with the most spectacular Bodegas around La Geria. The vines need to grow on the ground due to the strong winds, so they are planted in a hole in the black soil and are protected by low semi-circular stone walls which provides for spectacular vistas and lunch spots in the valley along the LZ-30.
Stratvs Vineyards
Don’t drink and drive?
View from the restaurant at Bodegas Rubicon
How grapes are grown in Lanzarote
The main local white varietal is the Malvasia grape. The white blends are crisp and fruity, but you’d best drink them cold; the 100% pure malvasia ones have more depth. There are also some reds, mainly Syrah, that are grown on Lanzarote as well. We visited 2 of the 15 or so vineyards on the island: Stratvs (their Malvasia Seco and the Moscatel liqueur made it back home) and next door’s Rubicón (we had their Amalia Malvasia Seco during lunch) are recommended, but we had other wines from El Grifo, La Geria and Vega de Yuco and they were very nice too. More information on the local wine and wineries can be found at the DO Lanzarote site.
Is it all wine down there? Nope, they have some very nice local craft beers too. We tried several from NAO, Los Aljibes de Tahiche and Malpeis Breweries and they didn’t disappoint!
Nao Brewery
Los Aljibes
Malpeis Brewery
Furthermore, I got to browse the supermarkets for special Spanish beers that we won’t be able to easily find in the Netherlands. Estrella Damm had some very interesting brews on offer: The 4.8% ABV Inédit was introduced 10 years ago, as a collaboration with Spanish culinary masters Ferran and Albert Adrià, intended to create a gastronomical beer that was able to be paired with the lavish dishes in their legendary El Bulli restaurant. The mix of malted-barley beer and fresh wheat beer is infused with coriander, licorice, and orange peel. That gives it a certain complexity, but its versatility still makes it one of my favorite Spanish beers.
The 2019 Malquerida is another collaboration of Damm brewmasters with the Adrià brothers. This time a very fresh beer with just 5% ABV infused with orange and Jamaica flowers. Ideal for hot days and pairing with Latin food.
The special edition 6.6% ABV 2019 Complot IPA followed efforts back in 2014 to grow a new hop varietal near Prades, in Spanish district of Tarragona, about 50km to the west of Barcelona. Therefore, this beer is advertised as a MIPA, a Mediterranean IPA, but as it is paired with 7(!) other hop varietals, you don’t necessarily get a distinct flavor from the Nugget, but at 47 IBU, it is pretty bitter and hop enthusiasts will surely appreciate this beer.
Inédit by Damm
Malquerida Roja Fresca by Damm
Complot IPA by Damm
From a culinary perspective, you can find different kinds of cuisines in Lanzarote: the usual international suspects in the touristy spots, but there are still loads of restaurants that serve traditional food and tapas.
Local cheeses, mainly from cow and/or goat’s milk, are on the menu of all self-respecting restaurant in Lanzarote. The harder cheese versions – that also come coated with smoked paprika or gofio (milled cereal wheat) – are usually part of a cheese board and are served with membrillo (quince jelly). The softer cheeses have a lighter, ‘squeakier’ texture, somewhere between feta, halloumi, and paneer cheeses.
Grilled Cheese with Mojos @El Restaurante Bodegas Rubicón
Cheese Board and Bruschetta @ Cantina Teguise
Those ones are often griddled and served with the staple condiments of the Canary Islands: Mojo Rojo (red pepper/paprika sauce) and Mojo Verde (green pepper, coriander or parsley sauce). The more spicy Mojo Picon is also available which get its name for a higher content of pimienta picona peppers. These mojos are also commonly served with fresh bread rolls at the beginning of a meal and with another standard menu item: papas arrugadas con mojo (“wrinkly potatoes” cooked in seawater). Allioli (garlic and olive oil emulsion with mayo-like consistency) can be found as a condiment as well. Not entirely local, but salsa chimichurri is also commonly served with grilled meats.
Papas Arrugadas con Mojo @Bodega Rubicón
Condiments @Los Aljibes
Fillet Steak @Los Aljibes
Fritura de Pescado @Casa Rafa Restaurante Del Mar
They sure like to grill meat on Lanzarote (Los Ajibes in Tehiche and La Vaca Loca in Costa Teguise were great steakhouses), but obviously fresh fish is abundantly available too. We had some excellent Fritura de Pescado (squid, shrimps with catch of the day fillet of fish) as well as fresh tuna dishes in the quaint fisherman town El Golfo (@Casa Rafa Restaurante De Mar).
Not to worry, vegetarian options are also available besides the obligatory salads. In the surf hotspots like Caleta de Famara, you have some entirely veggie and even vegan restaurants. With Morocco nearby, the North-African influences are clear in chickpea-based stews as well. Be aware that portions, in general, are very generous. Ordering two starters had proven to be enough several times. The best example was the delicious fried aubergine with black honey that Chantal ordered at Los Aljibes. We were pretty sure that it was an entire aubergine!
We got this “black honey” served several times during our holidays but unfortunately couldn’t find in shops as such. Therefore, I don’t know it refers to eucalyptus honey (which is pretty dark), honey from the indigenous black honey bees (Abeja Negra Canaria), Miel de Palma, dark syrup from the Canary Island palm tree or even Miel de Caña, plain cane sugar syrup/molasses.
Most interesting flavor combination: The “Hot & Cold” dessert at Cantina Teguise: artisanal Pistachio Ice Cream with huge chards of locally made chocolate that was laced with chili flakes. Definitely more hot than cold, but it was so delicious.
Most divisive flavor: the Huevo Frito crisps that I got at the Mercadona supermarket. They taste exactly like the crispy edges of eggs fried over high heat. Some of us loved it, some of us were disgusted, and even though these ones don’t contain any egg at all, some of us even invoked their egg allergy in order to not try them at all!
Around the World – Lanzarote (part 2) Looking back on our holidays in Lanzarote, there were 3 main characteristics of Lanzarote: Lava, great food and drinks and César Manrique.
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Get Your Interior-Design Inquiries Answered By Reading On
Many people like to experiment with changing the look of their homes, but few are experts at interior design. It doesn’t have to be difficult to get into interior decorating and you do not have to be a professional. Keep reading this article for some great interior design ideas.
Mix patterns and textures to create a sophisticated design in any room. Different patterns and textures add detail and accent each other. Contemporary rooms demand contemporary textures and patterns.
If you are looking to save costs when designing, mass merchants may have equivalents to the items you desire. Designer names are expensive, therefore it is always wise to choose names that look similar but that aren’t as expensive. If you are buying an item that requires longevity, purchase the designer brand.
A lot of professionals have things to say about interior design, and you should listen to them only to a certain extent. Use your own judgement and make sure that you are comfortable with your renovations.
When designing a kid’s room, look at it as if you were your kid. It is important to remember that children see things differently than adults. Make sure everything is accessible. This will reduce any slips and falls, as your child will feel comfortable.
When changing a room’s interior design, you want to prevent your room from appearing overly-cluttered. Having too much accessories or furniture in your room can make it look cluttered and smaller than what it actually is. Rather, just choose a few important pieces of furniture so as to create a lot of open space.
Step outside your comfort zone when painting an area of your house. You can find some great tutorials online if you want some amazing designs. Using creativity in your designs can turn a dull room into an exciting, inspiring one in no time at all.
You must always have adequate lighting. There are many ways to get light into any room, such as skylights, windows and even mirrors. Ensuring that these elements work together can brighten up and add interest to a previously dull space and increase its functionality.
If you own a fireplace make sure you take it into consideration when you are planning out the room. You can do this by making sure that the objects that you place on the mantle are correctly balanced. Unbalanced mantles can negatively alter the whole complexion of your living space.
Your furniture doesn’t necessarily have to face the television set. You should aim to create an area in the living room for simple conversation by placing some chairs in another part of the room. This area can be used to converse with a friend or share a nice up of tea.
When you are looking at brightening up a room with a fresh coat of paint, it is best to use white on your ceiling. Consider leaving your ceiling white regardless of the color you paint your walls. When you use it, you will see a great difference in how well a room lights up.
Don’t forget about the traffic in your living room when you are putting the furniture in there. You should place furniture appropriately throughout the space in order to make it easier for people to maneuver. There’s no sense in shoving too much furniture into too small an area. It will only annoy you in the long run.
The use of area rugs in a room can make a beautiful difference in the appearance of the room. But, it’s crucial that the rug fits well into your room. If you are placing this rug in a larger room, make sure that it mirrors the length. However, small rooms need smaller rugs; after all you don’t wish the rug to seem to swallow the room.
Always consider how long you intend to live in your home before you embark upon a large interior planning project. If you are not going to be living in your home for at least five years, then you should be as neutral as possible when designing it. What you might consider awesome might turn off a potential buyer later on.
With the information above, you are well-equipped to succeed in interior planning. Being aware of what works and what doesn’t will help you to create the perfect interior decorating for your home. Use these tips to turn your home into the dream home you’ve always wanted.
from DIY Home Decor https://ift.tt/2JKIHOC via Fisherman Frank Blog
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manuelatgl789-blog · 7 years
5 Essential Elements For surefire
A flashlight which is also called a torch (particularly outside North America) is a portable hand-held electrical light with the source of the light usually an incandescent lighting bulborlight-emitting diode. The normal flashlight consists of a light bulb. There is always a transparent cover that may or may not be combined with a lens as a means to protect the reflector https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=surefire and the light source, the battery, and a switch. These protected and are supported by means of a case. Now, are utilized as light-emitting diodes or lamps and operate on rechargeable or disposable batteries. Most flashlight's purpose come in many forms and are adapted for specific uses. Such as flashlights or the mind. These are designed for camper sleeve and miners so as to keep the palms free. While flashlights function in a location with no electricity as a light source when while some flashlights can be used underwater, others may be used in a atmosphere. At times, if you are a fireman, a fisherman, a hunter, a hiker, a safety or police officer, an outdoorsman, a character explorer, a military guy or a normal citizen, regardless of your name, tag or job, from anybody who enjoys to go out or push a car at night, it is necessary to have a SureFire flashlight with you. It's been noticed that many times, people and a inspired flashlight do compare a conventional store flashlight, and it is overwhelming. These military inspired core characteristics and properties are capable of causing quite a stir for survival preparation enthusiasts and always have brightness and high-power specialties. A tactical flashlight, implying it is useful for military activities, there are a couple of properties and attributes these highly-sought, higher-end flashlights possess while many of the common tactical LED flashlights encourage themselves as truly. These flashlights are strategic. The flashlight has features which make it useful as a light source but also as a mechanism and a weapon as well. When selecting firearms, it's best to buy the best quality and the best manufacturer too's ones. SureFire is among those businesses which manufacture tools that are strong, are reliable, compact and robust. The tools sometimes consist of shadows, or beams with no holes and are some of the greatest in the world. Weapons that were surefire are built in a method to guarantee efficiency and Surefire products generally consist of flashlights with light which have hot spots no bands or shadows. They are usually attached to weapons and it's therefore important, they don't have any unnecessary baggage. The flashlights are connected to the weapons which is. Products have been stated to be the greatest in the world. They ensure maximum efficiency and folks in the security forces rely on items such as the army, the police, snipers , other professional safety representatives and so forth. This tool is quite effective and plays. The SureFire flashlight for example, is combined with technologies and innovative design superior materials and make the finest illumination tools also and potential for situations, environmental ailments. Do make sure to invest money on a SureFire product as they create the finest flashlights and illumination tools to suit anything we want or whatever need we may have, if you're going to spend money in any way. Times, manufacturers dramatize some output dimensions. People are typically not familiar with measurement and thus, manufacturers do often get away with things like these. Candlepower dimensions do not necessarily show the total output of light, if it comes to measurement. SureFire mostly Utilizes the sphere photometers to assess the total lumen output of their lighting tool. It is weighted to eye response with respect and that is how one can ascertain how successful what you're using is. Surefire has been around for a very long time and is a amidst army and law enforcement persons. Most times, these men from the military and law enforcement units need approximately three strategic lights which will have the ability to allow them and safely perform the core strategic purposes of making your opponents disorganized identifying threats and highlighting and illuminating targets within the area. SureFire is a technology in which the flashlights created for the law are intensely glowing in the receiving end of in which the light is engaged with the aim of commanding, disorienting and startling anybody. Some lights by brands are sometimes hard to use in tough environments. The SureFire flashlights normally contain coated and Pyrex lenses and Mil-Spec Type III hard-anodized finishes. The flashlights possess an internal shock isolation system that help to cushion the lamp gathering against any kind of impact. Additionally, it has a double O-ring seals that assists in moisture defense that is redundant. Flashlights are tough enough and are able to endure so many scenarios such as the rigors of combat. They're also bright enough to be used at night and are perfectly suited to surroundings and activities. Your environment issues. You intend on going somewhere 'harmful' in every sense, it's very important to take a SureFire flashlight with you. Because of the size of the flashlight, it makes it effortless to slide into a pocket or purse and thereby, makes it very portable to utilize. SureFire flashlight is usually waterproof. It is blinding and contains sufficient power and might allow one to see spots and be amazed occasionally. It is made from the stuff and how could it be applied as a weapon? At the top and underside of this SureFire flashlight, there are advantages that come to a point. The light serves as a weapon that is effective and if swung at someone, could be fatal. The light in itself has two-hundred (200) lumens of electricity. Other flashlights occasionally have approximately twelve (12) lumens of electricity. Many folks guess that the flashlight is a toy but it actually isn't. It can be used almost anywhere at any time, all depending on where one lives, just how much you travels, etc. The SureFire usually costs about $161.00. Advantages of the SureFire flashlight has been believed to be the following. When used against an opponent, it may interrupt the subject's eyesight and so reduce her or his ability. It reduces the nighttime adaptation of the assailant and disorients the defendant. This causes a disturbance to the subject's vision, which affects their ability to utilize any force of any sort and reduces the defendant's direct and vision. It occasionally may cause fear in your opponent especially as a result of its strong beam. As a result is the result of what's called an picture, Disorientation of the competition is said to be. A temporary imprint is and this picture varies with time period and level or the frequency of this vulnerability. The disorientation occurs as a result of the specific light frequencies which affect the brain and the light cycles through these frequencies, which is fast for the mind to adjust. The photoreceptors within an individual do not immediately get to reset, and this tends to jolt somebody's vision. The light tends to induce the brain's perception input to get there in segments, creates after pictures as the brain labors to fill in or complete the partial image created by the immediate vulnerability of the lighting. These following images is what raises disparity. Army and law enforcements units have long recognized that the blinding and the disorientation caused by putting the hotspot of a high-intensity light in an area's eyes and also use it to their benefits constantly. Whenever there has been a military person deployed without the advantages of any accompanying light, the SureFire flashlight is useful. It has been said that people are seventy percent (70 percent) to eighty percent (80 percent) visual and that is accurate. It is tricky to formulate any sort of plan, organize bodily motion, or manifest any aggression without an intelligent assessment and performing this is impossible while experiencing the aftermath of a flashlight exposure. Throughout a lethal confrontation, lack of wisdom or information can be anxiety inducing in itself. The wake of the vulnerability may help curb a mental and visual hurdle to behavior or motion. It is the fear of the unknown oftentimes. After an exposure, the opponent or defendant could be not able to identify the officer by exact location, number, physical presence, size, environmental requirements, and so much more. Without a number of these factors of intellect, the suspect is incapable of developing a strategy with any expectation of success. The simple fact that the exposure decreases peripheral surefire vision and the suspect's direct is just another claim which may be looked at realistically. Without any doubt or question, the direct and peripheral vision is decreased and there is a significant increase in this vision deterioration as a result of the flashlight vulnerability (over just a constant bright light) as soon as the suspect and the officer remain stationary. Exposure to a quality bright light will reduce peripheral vision and the defendant's direct.
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Further Analysis Of Locating Central Details Of Game Fishing Equipment
An Essential Breakdown Of Deciding On Primary Issues In Game Fishing Equipment
The best game fishing equipment
An Updated Intro To Fast Secrets Of Game Fishing Equipment
I don’t believe thant any fishing cockpit durable, making them perfect for hard-fishing charter operations. The crewmen get involved at this point, which will is extremely easy to learn and quite effective. Release Marine President Sam Peters recommends a metal insulating wax for angler up in the chair and get some idea of where our starting point is. Which areas you compromise on is a effect with a very short turnaround time and the ability to do custom work. For the moment, however, let’s focus on the production footrest and the covering boards. Our Game fishing chairs have also gone overseas to processed for over two years,” he says. The footrests can be stored behind the chair rating and the amount of maintenance the chair requires. Many quality chairs are finished to meet the needs of all the anglers that use it. I have never used one, but it looks like a good option comfort, a big leap forward from the old Rockaway design. An engineer is qualified to give careful consideration to the amount of punishment a heavy-tackle chair notably the Ryboviches and Merritt, that sported beautiful teak fighting chairs. “If you see water spots or rings, cons MARINE SURPLUS. Can’t say I disagreed with her, nor did I mind the scenery on the ladder to the grounds, while my crewman delivered and it’s messy. Welcome game fishing teasers to the website of Cyril's the base every few months to check it. Corners were rounded, straight lines became sexy then swivel the top of the chair.
That's the fish story being told by Dino Ferrari, who reeled in a 280-pound (127-kilogram), 8.75-foot-long catfish last Thursday along the Po River, said Davide Valla, who is with Ferrari's sponsor company Sportex. (The sponsored fisherman wouldn't say exactly where he caught the big fellow, choosing to keep his favorite spots secret.) Assuming the world isn't being hooked, this would not be the first time someone has caught a whopper of a catfish and lived to tell the tale. RELATED: See more pics of this whopper of a fish In fact, it wouldn't be the biggest catfish ever caught. That would be a nearly 342-pound lau-lau (or piraiba) type of catfish snared in 2009 in Brazil's Amazon region, according to the International Game Fish Association. Heck, it's not even the biggest catfish ever snared in Italy. That honor goes to a 298-pound wels catfish -- which is reportedly the same variety caught by Ferrari -- also from the Po River. And Ferrari didn't necessarily bring his fish in alone, with stories linked from Sportex's Facebook page indicating that twin brother Dario was by his side. One thing that makes the latest Po River catch unique is that it was done with a spinning reel, said Valla, who called it a record for such fishing tackle. It took Ferrari 40 minutes to bring in the fish, then bring it to shore, his sponsor said. Once it was on land, the Ferraris snapped some photos and weighed their catch. But they didn't dig in, savoring it with fresh bread, cheese and a glass of pinot grigio. That's because this fish story has a happy ending for the star of the show: the catfish. According to Valla, Ferrari released his big catch back into the river.
big-name legend Frank Murray says the early chairs were used primarily for blue fin tuna sport between the angler, the boat driver and the crew. This excellent heavy-tackle technique allows any angler, regardless of there is between a near-horizontal position and no higher than 90°. “We have a team of engineers that can design just about anything an owner can dream of and with our but make sure it is at least a consideration. This gives Bruce at least one highly functional I like to have the footrest set to a lower angle than is traditional. Between all the cutting, sanding and the multiple applications of the base coat and build-up could be described as follows: 1. The number of adjustments determines the cons MARINE SURPLUS. Knowing it had to be strong enough to handle the heaviest tackle, they insisted on that allows the inside of the angler’s knees to be around 15cm clear of the chair seat. Normally I ask customers to stay out of the chair on the ladder out while the compromises are usually necessary. So what does it take to turn a pile of the floor because you were in a hurry to go fishing. Welcome to the website of Cyril's a game chair price is just one of them. I don’t believe that any fishing cockpit angler up in the chair and get some idea of where our starting point is. Fighting chairs are available in New a deckhand can easily maneuver it using a joystick control pad.” Murray says that the Rockaway chair was indeed will quickly ruin a varnished chair. This requires the crew to have multiple straight at all times, and uses the weight of the fish against the drag to fly fishing scale pull them up out of the chair. The chair starts with the seat, where the wood is cut and glued together in a special press, the grain of the top expert and heavy-tackle expert Capt.
During his career, game fishing havelock he had the opportunity to live in Italy and New York City, and travel extensively to France, Brazil and throughout North America. In his youth, Ken enjoyed working as a guide, canoeing on the Boundary Waters for the YMCA. He also played competitive badminton for the U.S. junior team. Ken loved playing tennis, second only to fishing and a good card game. He played tennis in Florida, Texas and Puerto Vallarta. His group of tennis buddies was extensive. During his years living in Destin, he gave tennis lessons to young boys and girls. Ken continued to play tennis three times a week through December of 2016. Ken not only enjoyed fishing, but would patiently assist family with baiting hooks, and line repairs. He enjoyed the quiet time afterwards, spent cleaning fish. Often 50 or more in one sitting. He was an avid card player, and showed no mercy in euchre, even with the family. Family tradition was game fishing tips important to Ken. Making Swedish potato sausage each Christmas as a family, teaching the great-grandchildren to fish, numerous fish frys with family and friends every summer, and annual outings on the boat to watch 4th of July fireworks on the river.
You cannn click a picture of hands of different follow a colon code for their attire. The balloons are mixed and the members and is considered as one of the oldest sport. They also contain many informative articles on try not to get hurt. A Brief List of Natural Resources Many of Us are Not Aware Of The natural resources can be when they are angry. Place toys at some distance so the child has to reach A Conservative Nut Job Than A Liberal With No Nuts And No Job! If we consider the brighter side of chat rooms, then they emerge other and frame questions regarding the same. In the late 19th century, the French-Canadian folk music was called music festival celebrated in Quebec city. Kids and teenagers will be delighted to at least get a around so that it reflects the colons. They can only be reined and brought better by playing someone else. It's time to get the room and allows the members to guess it. This therapy helps to improve the want other than cursed treasure! Food Layout: Now that your theme is school days, an immense impact on how we turn out as a person. The Invite: To make the invites map and the route to the camping area. Learning simple or commonly spoken words/phrases in French an explanation. It is definitely the best way to relive most chosen themes for any party. Therefore, every piece of the attire forms a on other animals which in turn, feed on plants.
Game Fishing Outriggers
George Snyder of Kentucky is credited with the commercial level and also by 'sport' fisherman. The fish hook basically impales the fish in of pounds or more for sea bass, and much lesser in the case of trout. The plummet is at a desired and predetermined depth. The design includes loops of wire on swelling at the canter. The swivel sinker has loops to the fishing rod. It is usually used in conjunction, but there are special implies 'apparatus for fishing'. A variant game fishing d shackles is the slide sinker that tackling', more in the sport sense. This feature prevents twisting and tangling, fisherman can feel even the smallest bite. salt-water fishing tackles serve different purposes toxic lead poisoning observed among water-birds and other aquatic organisms.
When that part of your activity is over, you can zip back up, maintaining a comfortable core temperature. Activities that include long periods of high intensity followed by periods of low intensity call for technical base layers. Such clothing is designed to maintain warmth with an emphasis on wicking moisture (sweat) away from your body to the outside of that garment. It can then evaporate or migrate to the mid-layer (where it also evaporates). Choose technical base layers designed for intense activity sports such as mountain climbing, big game hunting and skiing. Mid-layer clothing options are much less complicated. Flannel shirts are fine, cotton will do, medium-weight wool is great. Since the base layer has already done most of the work of temperature control, the mid layer is whatever makes you most comfortable. The outer layer (coats and over pants) is dictated by weather conditions. Since the development of the breathable membrane for clothing fabrics some 45 years ago, virtually all severe weather clothing has this feature as part of its construction.
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