#and there’s been almost zero info on how he’s gonna teach me
There are gonna be some people at work tomorrow and Thursday that I’m supposed to ask things but I don’t know what 😭
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junmyeonning · 4 years
Touch me — 1
Type: Series
Pairing: Kim Junmyeon (EXO Suho) X Unnamed OFC
Rated: M (no smut yet)
Summary: He's the manager at the library. Smart, polite, and most obviously, incredibly sexy. She doesn't want the opportunity to pass so she teases the hell out of him. Until he breaks...
Previous: part 0.5
Warnings: a bit of an age gap (30 and early 20s)
Word count: 3.8k
Tags: @fightoh @suhotly @ctc95 @suhowifeuu @smolpeyy @lavellanfriendliness @eggsoyehet @ohsehunxv
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Monday comes around.  Her classes were cut short for the day, so she and her friend decide to grab a bite and hang out.
"So how is it so far? I've heard that professor is no joke."
"Oh god don't get me started," she thinks back on all the crap that's been dumped onto her ever since starting the semester. "It's only week two and it's been hell... I don't know how I'm gonna pass this subject."
"Well unfortunately you know how it is.  And if I'm being honest, his tests are even harder." Her friend Jenna grimaces.
"Ugh you're kidding me..." she sighs in defeat, regretting how she didn't take up this general subject earlier and got it over with.  But now she has no choice. 
"-go back over notes after each class or you'll totally be screwed." She listens to the last part after unintentionally blocking out Jenna's voice, her eyes widening at that last statement.
"But I don't wannaa... not my style." She whines, taking a small bite from her sandwich. Jenna raises her brows at her friend's childish manners.
"Fine okay, whatever I guess. Let's talk about something else." She shrugs it off, changing the topic for now. It stays at the back of her mind though, wondering in what ways can she make this situation a bit more tolerable. She has other classes after all, a shit ton of assignments, and it can be depressing to her if she forces herself and she knows it... that's just the way she is. Maybe a change of scenery while studying?
She thinks back on different places she's been recently, places with a calming atmosphere, possibly quiet...
All of a sudden she's reminded of the library and that one encounter with its attractive manager.  It has almost slipped her mind, but now looking back at it she feels more eager to revise today's lecture.
She makes up her mind to stop by the place before heading home.
She enters it once again, getting butterflies in her stomach when recalling what happened the last time she was here.
Technically nothing really happened... but she saw this insanely cute guy.  And he smiled.  And waved.  That's something right? To her longer than admitted relationship-less life, it is actually considered something.
She doesn't see him at first glance, so she tells herself to stop acting like a teenager.  Later, time to study now.  She promises herself.
She takes a seat at the same place as her previous visit, settling down and pulling out her book and notes in front of her. She can't stop herself as she raises her head a little to look, and it's not too hard to find him this time while he's standing by the shelves talking to a customer.
Their eyes meet by chance, and he flashes her that gorgeous smile yet again. She notices how extra warm he's looking today, wearing a sweater this time with some shirt under it. And of course, those damn glasses.
She smiles back 'casually', an exact opposite from what she feels on the inside. Why is her heart jumping like this? She blames his cute looks and that attractive gentleman aura of his.
She forcefully peels her eyes away from him, telling herself to seriously calm the fuck down. 
Five minutes go by, nothing changes. Then ten minutes. Then fifteen. She's re-reading the same lines yet to no avail, her mind refusing to absorb any kind of information for the time being.
She feels frustrated when she looks up again, this time not finding him anywhere in sight. She looks right and left, wondering where he had disappeared when suddenly someone from behind her speaks.
"Looking for something ?" She almost jumps when she hears his voice.  He comes into view and grins at her reaction.
"Huh? No nothing, I'm studying." She laughs it off, pointing at her displayed papers.
"Ah okay then. Good luck!" He gives her a cute little thumbs up in encouragement then turns to leave.  She feels disappointed, knowing this could've went on for a little longer, but no unfortunately it's time to focus back again on her school work.
Fifteen more minutes pass by, and she starts to feel irritated with her lack of accomplishment. She's basically wasting her time doing nothing, and the library itself is so boring and empty, so she decides to just leave. She can't stay here when her mind is this occupied, it might've been a not so good idea in the first place.
On her way out she passes by him leaning against the front desk holding his phone. He has a surprised look on his face when he sees her.
"Oh, finished already ?"
"Well to be honest," she hesitates on telling him what's bothering her, but whatever. "I was trying to go over what I've taken today but I'm just so out of focus. I guess i'll go home and look it up or something."
"Hm..." he locks his phone and puts it away, giving her all his attention. "Maybe I can pull you out a book in here that'll help explain better ?" he offers.
"Sure, if you have anything on this." She shows him her book, making him raise his brows in acknowledgment as he takes it in.
"Ohh." He lets out a laugh, clearly amused. She's confused and he sees it, so he explains.
"I remember studying this subject back in college." He chuckles.  She makes an 'oh' face in realisation, and that's when it clicks in her mind.  Let's give it a shot.
"Ooh, how was it for you?"
"Hmm, I was pretty good at it actually." Perfect.
"What if... you help me out a little then? I don't think more reading will do me anything at this point." She subconsciously gives him a cute puppy face, and it's not hard to convince him to agree to her.
"Sure. As you can clearly tell," he gestures with his hands around him at the deserted library. "It's a very busy day today."
She giggles at his sarcasm. Wow he's a joker too.
"Hey watch over the place a little, I'm just gonna be over there helping her." He instructs his co-worker, then turns around and heads in front of her to where she was sitting earlier.  She skips behind him, mentally cheering herself for her successful plan.
He goes over the pages for a little, quickly getting reminded of the topic before starting to point and explain some key points.
His voice is gentle and his tone is so calm, speaking like he knows what he's saying and putting it into words perfectly.  One minute into it and she feels like she's in a trance, the only thing she's focusing on is him.
Then her eyes start wandering, looking down at his lips while they're moving and forming words.  She doesn't understand what he's saying at this point, just nodding along mindlessly and agreeing with whatever he's talking about.  Until he asks her a question on the topic.
"What I just explained now."
"Oh yeah yeah! That..." she thinks for a second, having zero idea on what he just said.  He notices and closes his eyes in disappointment.
"Was I not clear or..." he wonders genuinely, in which she quickly starts denying with wide eyes.
"No no no! It's actually the opposite, you're so good," she stumbles, not knowing how to say it. "I guess your way of explaining is..."
"Yeah?" He replies in a lower, more careful tone, and she almost melts under his gaze.
"Um," she laughs lightly, almost nervous, but she dares say it. "...distracting maybe?"
She feels time go by so slowly at that second, waiting for his reaction.
"Oh... I'm sorry then," he rubs his neck in embarrassment and looks down at the book. "Then our time was just wasted."
What? She's shocked that this is just what he understood from her.  After throwing all these hints and signals towards him, he's apologising?
"Hey, manager Kim you were literally perfect. I'm the one who should apologise here I told you I'm having trouble focusing today," she feels bad for putting him in this situation, she's the one who wasted his time, just because of her silly crush. "I'm sorry."
"No it's okay, don't worry about it." He gives her a reassuring smile, and her heart does that weird jump again. For the love of god stop being so cute. She says in her head.
"Okay, see you later?" She smiles back at him. He nods and they both get up, she starts putting her stuff away.
"Wait, what is your name?"
"Oh, it's Junmyeon." She tells him her own name, then leaves her things for a second to wrap her arms around him in a hug.
"Thank you Junmyeon." He staggers a little in surprise, standing there taken aback with his hands still in the air. He reacts then and pats her back with a laugh.
"No problem, I was entertained actually." She steps back from him and looks up in confusion.
"Huh? What's so entertaining about teaching."
"Uhm," he glances away with a small smile, before chuckling and shaking his head. "It just kind of reminded me of my college days."
She giggles at the way he's acting like a grandpa, when in reality he looks exactly like a cute little bunny with those cheeks of his.
"Stop I bet it's not that far."
"Oh but it is."
"How far?" She asks him and he takes a moment to think back on it.
"Hmm I don't know, nine years maybe?" She couldn't help herself from gasping, making him laugh in response. "Wow I look that young huh."
"So you're like thirty? Is that right?"
"Yep." She's struggling with keeping her thoughts in her head, her mind running a million thoughts per second. Something about this new info of him being in his thirties makes him more appealing to her, she doesn't know why but she feels even more attracted to him now.
"Thirty is still young by the way." She comments on what he said, and he shrugs it off with a 'sure whatever'.  They share smiles and laughs during the whole exchange.
She takes her bag and waves him goodbye, heading back home while her stomach is still feeling all jittery.
She can't stop thinking about him even when she's unlocking the door to her apartment, having spent all the ride home recalling their now second encounter. She remembers how sweet he was to agree help her (even if she was a little shit who kept staring at his mouth), and how gentle and mature he sounds when he talks, and the way he has smiled at her multiple times by now. Seriously? Those precious looking smiles directed at her? What is the intention, to melt her heart into a little puddle at his feet?
She bites her lip from smiling too big, feeling like a complete idiot just standing there in front of her wardrobe still in her day clothes.
Her mind is telling her she needs to see more of that cute library manager.
Unfortunately for a week or so, that didn't exactly happen.
Of course life got in the way, and for the past few days she couldn't even think of anything else with how busy she's gotten. Now with an important quiz coming up, she's extra nervous about it and studied it to hell and back.
She leaves all her papers and gets up, wanting to get a breather and just get the hell out for a little bit. It's nighttime, she's still in her pyjamas, she doesn't even know where she's going, hut all she's thinking is fuck it as she grabs her phone and keys. It is kind of reckless to just leave like this, but in her head she says maybe she'll just go to her close-by usual café or whatever.
Just as she arrives at that spot, she looks a little down the street at the familiar place she hasn't thought of these days.  What has he been up to? Did he think of me at all? She wonders.
She figures seeing him will instantly make her mood better, so she crosses out her initial plan and heads to the library.
She pushes the door open, looking around and seeing it practically empty again at this hour.  What if he's not on his shift? She clearly didn't think it through, but she ignores the voice in her head and gives it a try as she struts around casually.
She passes the aisles one by one, until she finally lays eyes on what she was looking for.  Or more specifically, who she was looking for.  She wants to sigh in relief, he might just be the highlight in her otherwise miserable week.
"Oh, manager Kim!" She walks up to him as he was apparently arranging some books.  He looks up when hearing his name, quickly recognising her and smiling in her way.
"Oh hey," he continues his work on the shelf. "Haven't seen you for a while."
Damn you, heart. Calm. Down.
"Yeah you know, college, life," she stands beside him, attempting at any sort of conversation. "What are you doing there ?"
"Stocking some new books, almost done with my shift now," he puts up another one. "Did you come here to talk to me or to actually study ?"
He says it jokingly without even looking, so she decides to muster up and just say some of the truth.
"Umm, both I guess?" He pauses and looks at her now. She smiles innocently at him, biting her lip subtly, which in return makes him glance down at her lips before looking back into her eyes.  He clears his throat awkwardly and looks away, putting up the last book in his hand.
"So you want something from here or can we just..." he means to leave but she quickly comes up with a lie.
"Wait, uh I need a book from there actually." She points at a place behind him randomly. He turns around to look, then looks back to her confused.
"Oh right there I think..." he goes along with her and walks over to where she pointed, somewhere farther behind aisles close to a corner.
"What exactly-" he spins back to face her, only to find her directly standing in front of him. He laughs in surprise. "When did you follow me this fast ?"
"I walked up right behind you." She smiles, now very much close to cornering him against the wall of books.
"Are you sure you meant a book..." he laughs it off, looking visibly more nervous now.
"Yeah, what else ?" She casually pulls out a random book from beside him. "Found it."
She opens it and stares a little, pretending to have interest in whatever the hell she just pulled out on a whim. He furrows his brows as he takes the book from her hand, looking at the title and stifling a laugh.
"10th grade physics. Interesting."
"Does it matter ?" She lets out a little laugh, taking it back from his hands and throwing it to the side.
She's getting more serious now as comes closer to him, looking up into his eyes and giving him that look.  Her bottled up feelings are coming up and she just can't stop them, her mind clouded and her frustrations from everything in her life right now is making her act out more than usual.
"Junmyeon..." he looks back at her, not saying a word as she comes closer and closer.
Their faces are so near from each other now, her eyes darting down to his lips then back up, her intentions very clear.
"What are you doing..." he whispers just as their lips almost connect, eyes closed by now.
"Isn't it obvious?" She whispers back, and finally goes in for it.
Their lips touch softly, staying still for a few seconds. She begins moving her mouth so slowly, kissing him and testing the waters. Before realising he still hasn't moved a centimetre.
She pulls back a little, looking up at him while his eyes are still closed. She calls his name in a careful tone to see his response, and he opens his eyes and looks down at her.
"...you shouldn't have done that." Her heart sinks a little.
"Why not ?" She gets closer again, their breaths hitting each other's faces as she tilts her head up to the side, waiting for him to make the move this time.  Their lips are so close, all he has to do is press his down onto hers like she did earlier
But he doesn't.  He's not pulling away, but he doesn't move in for it either.
When she sees he's not initiating anything, she moves back away from his personal space and looks at him with disappointment.
"What is it?"
"You know... it doesn't work." He looks at her with pleading eyes.
"What doesn't work? Give me a reason." She presses. He seemed into her enough to not pull away, and she caught him a few times eyeing her, specifically her lips, it doesn't make sense that he backs off this way.
"I... you're too young." He murmurs, not making any eye contact whatsoever. She crosses her arms.
"I'm twenty one... if that's your reasoning, remember we're both of age here and we're free to make our own choices." He looks conflicted, like he agrees with what she's saying but still holding himself back. She holds both his hands in hers, leaning in close to him once again and tilting her head.
“Come on, do it," she whispers. "Kiss me..."
Time is moving so slow as he leans down his head finally, getting his lips closer to hers.  It is clear that he wants her too, and she awaits the moment that their lips touch once again, but he just stops there.
"I-I'm not sure..."
"Okay then hear me out," she stands back away from him, sighing as she gives it a thought. "Let's go on a date.  If you're still unsure, we'll leave it at that for good."
The eye contact feels too strong, and he takes a few second to make a decision as he nods slowly.
"Okay ?"
"Yes, okay."
They exchange numbers and go to part ways, but not before her giving him a sweet smile in reassurance as she's leaving.  The corners of his mouth lift up slightly as he smiles back at her, growing more and more convinced in his decision of agreeing to go on this date with her.
In his mind, he has never went for women who aren't within his age range, so this is definitely very new for him.  He knows nine years isn't really the smallest number, but like she said it won't hurt to give it a chance since they're both adults here.
He is still looking at where she left with a small smile, shaking his head as he can't believe what had just happened.  She knows what she wants... and it's damn hot.  He admits to himself.
Finally snapping out of it, he attempts to push all thoughts of her out of his mind for the time being.  It's way too early to try and guess what's going to happen on their date...
He continues to pack some stuff up and close the place for the night, with her still lingering at the back of his head against his own will.  He might just enjoy their time together more than he initially thought, and he can't help but look forward to it.
So being the person that he is, as soon as he enters his home he types her up a text.
'Hey there, did you get home safely?
Just wanted to say that even though I wasn't sure at first- you shouldn't worry about anything now.  I actually can't wait to see you again.'
He looks at it and frowns.  Too wordy, very unnecessary over-explanations.  Why the sudden nerves?
'Hey there, did you get home safely?'
He goes with just that for now, leaving his phone on the bed as he starts changing into something more comfortable for the night.  Just when he pulls off his shirt, he hears the familiar new message sound making him leave his closet open and go check her reply.
'Yup.' He reads her simple answer.  He starts typing again but she beats him to it, a picture of her suddenly popping up in a message bubble.
She's lying down on her bed in the dim lights of her room, holding up a peace sign while flashing him her pearly whites in a cute smile.  He catches himself smiling back instinctively, quickly typing up a reply.
'Just wanted to check in on you.'
He locks his phone momentarily and throws it back on the bed, taking off his pants now and deciding to wear just some sweatpants to sleep.  His duvet is pretty thick so he didn't bother.
He lies down finally, checking his phone again to see two new messages from none other than her.
'Aw seriously?'
'Well let me check in on you too... where's my cute pic :('
He laughs out loud at that.  That little...
He looks down at himself, very topless, and that gets his mind going.
'Sorry, can't do cute pics atm.'
'Can I ask why, mister?'
'...sure you wanna see ?'
Over at her home she's reading his text once more, her heartbeat accelerating when she thinks on the possible meanings behind what he's saying.  He's flirting back, holy shit-
'Bring it on, manager Kim.' And send.
She picks at her nails as she waits in anticipation, and that damn 'ding' rings in her ear as she quickly opens his newly sent photo.
He's mimicking her own picture, lying down on his back as well and holding up a peace sign.  But what's very different is his obvious naked upper half, the covers coming up at just below his chest. His chest to her surprise looking muscular and very toned.
Her eyes also take in his shoulders and arms, feeling herself about to drool with this rather suggestive picture. She already found him pretty sexy before in all these baggy sweaters and shirts, but now knowing all of this is underneath takes it to a whole new level.
Her hands start to sweat as she ponders what to say next, feeling her body getting hot overall.
'Saved. ✅'
He smirks to himself at her response, having noticed how long it took for her to type it.  Oh well she asked for it.
Time goes by unnoticed as they continue this playful/flirty texting back and forth, feeling more at ease with each other and for him a lot less tense.
Later on they find themselves going to sleep that night with a clichéd smile across their faces, the instant click between them being something of a pleasant surprise. The start of a beautiful and exciting thing perhaps.
(A/N): obviously I apologise for how late I posted this. I swear i have commitment problems to projects… dw it’s because we haven’t got to the good stuff 😈 can’t wait to show you what i have in mind
Comment if you wanna be tagged in all future parts! ♥️
Thanks everyone! Xx
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stormkrigeren · 3 years
Whumptober Day 4!
Link to the Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34210837/chapters/85303615
Title: Hostage - Clark
Prompt: No. 4 ‘Trust Fall’ - “Do you trust me?”, taken hostage, pushed
Trigger Warnings: threats
Word Count: 1763
Dinner-dates with Lois were always nice - good food, stimulating conversation, and excellent company were all a man could ask for, and she certainly made it interesting. Tonight they had picked out a local Italian restaurant in the university district and talked about… well, everything. How his mom was doing, what books the other was currently reading, the subway construction, Clark’s latest article, Lois’ most recent investigation - drug smugglers bringing in goods from Gotham, of all things - and whether lasagna was better with red sauce or alfredo. The discussion moved towards housing prices after Black Zero over a shared dessert of cannolis, and developed into a playful debate over whether the high taxi fare was worth it considering that it was twice as fast as the subway when they finally walked out of the restaurant.
Lois’ apartment wasn’t too far away and the weather was good, so they opted to walk hand-in-hand, simply enjoying each other’s company while they explained whatever articles they were currently working on. Clark was just beginning a short series assigned to him by Perry on recent changes made to libraries in the district and what sort of effects the changes might have on schools and poorer neighborhoods - a bit fluffy, not necessarily investigative but enough to get his wheels turning as he fit all the pieces together. Some of the Metropolis city council members were recommending closing the libraries a bit earlier in the afternoon, which Clark - bookish nerd that he was - was strongly against, and he proceeded to rattle off a list of statistics and arguments that pointed out the issue with shortening library hours while Lois bounced the ideas right back at him with a bit of journalistic review. She herself was currently in the thick of a story revolving around a smuggling ring that was gradually importing narcotics and other illegal items into Metropolis - from what she could tell, the drugs were coming from all over but a majority were ferried over from Gotham. Lois explained in a low voice as they walked that a tentative lead had pointed her towards Mal Sharpe, the owner of a few small businesses in the downtown of both cities, who seemed to have his hands in many pies… including drug trafficking. There was a low-priority warrant out for Mal’s arrest, but that warrant would soon be at the top of everyone’s list if Lois had anything to say about it.
Clark grinned at that, knowing full well that with his girlfriend on the case, it was sure to be resolved within the week. Gently steering the topic towards where they should go for dinner next week, he looped an arm around her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her cheek just as Lois turned to do the same. But instead of her arms slipping beneath his open coat to pull him close, Clark instead felt a sharp tug on his shirt collar, abruptly ending the kiss as it was followed by a kick to the back of his knees.
He hardly felt the blow, but it still caught him by surprise and Clark inwardly cursed when he realized that he had been so focused on Lois, he hadn’t noticed the two men sneaking up behind them - and when one of them pulled out a gun to press it against his head, Clark reconsidered fighting back and silently complied when he was once again shoved to his knees.
Lois’ eyes widened at the sight of the two criminals shoving her boyfriend to the ground, then narrowed dangerously when she spotted the gun in one’s hand and the knife in the other’s.
“What do you want?” she asked slowly, gaze flitting between the knife now pointed at her - a sure threat of what would happen if she screamed for help - and Clark calmly putting his hands on his head in surrender as they waited to be told to hand over their wallets. They both knew that a gun against Clark’s head wouldn’t do him a bit of harm, but their captors didn’t know that and if this was just your common-or-garden hold-up, they would simply comply and Superman or the police could get back whatever was stolen as soon as they were let go. But therein lay the issue: Lois was getting the feeling that this wasn’t just a robbery. It, unfortunately, looked an awful lot like a goddamned hostage situation, and her suspicions were only confirmed when the man holding the knife spoke up.
“Boss heard that you were sticking your nose where it isn’t wanted, writing a story about some stuff he brought over from Gotham,” he answered, “So Boss has decided to send you a very clear message: drop the story, or your boyfriend here is gonna go to bed tonight in a body bag.”
Clark winced as the gun was shoved against his skull, emphasizing his captors’ point, but Lois, instead of looking downright terrified, happened to look downright pissed.
“Alright, you’re Mal’s boys, aren’t you? I imagine that he’ll be pretty pissed when he hears that your hostage plan fell through.”
One look at her face, and Clark’s already-a-bit-dismayed spirits dropped - she was going to try something, and he wasn’t sure if it would end well. He knew for a fact that the gun currently pressed against his temple wouldn’t do him much harm, but it was still a little nerve-wracking to keep up the act of being scared while actually, genuinely scared and making sure said gun wasn’t pointed at Lois.
Clark was… well, Clark was a farmboy. He had grown up in the middle of Kansas where just about everyone’s pa owned a rifle of some sort, so it wasn’t as if he had never seen a gun before, it was just that he wasn’t used to having one pointed at him. Duck season had made him plenty familiar with what guns could do, and even though he knew it couldn’t hurt him, that did not mean that he was completely comfortable with it and to be perfectly honest, it made him just a little bit sick to his stomach.
“It ain’t gonna fall through,” one of Clark’s captors glowered suspiciously, breaking his train of thought, and Lois almost snorted in derision at the claim, hands on her hips as she snarled.
“Look, dumbass, anyone who's read the Daily Planet knows the sort of people I go after, and they also know that said people almost always end up behind bars. I’m not your cocky, everyday journalist who happened to dig up some dirt on your operation - nah, I’m ‘Mad Dog’ Lane, Pulitzer Prize investigator, queen of the front page - and if you think pointing a gun at my boyfriend’s head will get me to drop a story once I’ve got it in my teeth, than you’d better fucking think again!”
Clark felt both men stiffen behind him, clearly rethinking having messed with someone as well-known as Lois, but their fear of Boss Mal’s wrath was just the littlest bit stronger than that of a tall red-headed journalist cussing them out.
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Lane,” the man with the knife said decidedly, working up the courage to take a threatening step towards her, “But if you don’t want to do this here, we could easily take both of you along and get this whole thing cleared up in front of the Bo-”
Clark should have expected her to know at least some basic self-defense moves, considering her history of going into dangerous warzones and offices only to walk right back out with the info she wanted and a few bruises on her otherwise flawless figure, but seeing her in action was admittedly a little surprising. Lois Joanne Lane was an army brat through and through, so it was honestly no trouble to knock the knife out his grip with a simple wrist chop and the same ferocious elegance she used to mix her coffee. A moment later, she had kicked the weapon out of the man’s reach, sending it skittering across the asphalt, and promptly disabled her would-be attacker with a sharp knee to the crotch.
While his friend was groaning on the ground, the man holding Clark hostage fumbled with his gun, suddenly caught off-guard and having to decide between threatening his captive and pointing the weapon at Lois before Clark made the decision for him. Remembering the few moves Darcie had managed to drill into his head during one of her failed attempts to teach him the proper way to hit someone, he shoved his elbow back to make contact with the man’s nose, careful to limit the amount of force he used so that the bone was only broken and not the entire face. It worked better than he had expected, and before he knew it, both of the attackers were lying on the ground, one squirming uncomfortably and the other trying to stem the flow of blood suddenly rushing from his nose.
Clark hardly noticed their screaming as he jumped to his feet, absently rubbing the spot where the gun had been pressed against his head as he caught Lois’ arm to ask, “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine!” she all but laughed, her good mood not disturbed one bit by the whole situation, “Damn, this will make for an excellent follow-up piece to the article on Mal and his gang’s activities. What about you, babe - are you feeling okay?”
“Me? Yeah… I’m fine too,” he answered slowly, even though it was the farthest thing from the truth. Having a gun to his head had shaken him up more than a little, despite the fact that they both knew it couldn’t do him any harm.
It’d been frightening, knowing that both him and Lois were in danger and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it, yet her ecstatic mood - over a hostage situation, he had to remind himself - was more than a little infectious, and he was already feeling a little bit better by the time she had managed to get ahold of the police to report the incident. By the time they had given their statements to the two officers that arrived to the scene and finally reached Lois’ apartment, his anxiety was finally beginning to lose its clenching hold around his lungs and a hot cup of tea diminished it further - it was only when his hands finally stopped shaking that the hilarity of the whole situation finally dawned on him. Clark couldn’t wait to see Darcie’s face when she heard.
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pushbuttontraffic · 3 years
How to Sell on Amazon FBA for Beginners! EASY Step-by-Step Tutorial
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I'm just gonna, be honest with you guys. I'Ve taken a $ 4,000 Amazon FBA course out my own pocket. I spent the money they didn't pay me or anything like that. I took that course, but in this I think it's been less than hour. I feel like I've gotten like as much value like ( upbeat song, ), ODI Productions, ( upbeat song, ) ( engine start ), Hey what is up guys. I am back with Kevin David You guys asked for him. We did a three part: video series on drop shipping before Kevin's the guy to go for for E-commerce. He is the one expert in this space on YouTube that I trust for a thing: E-commerce, You guys know me as the affiliate marketing guy, but when it comes to anything about selling products online, this is the guy to talk to. So I got a lot of questions, a lot of comments, mostly positive from our first series, But a lot of people want to learn about Amazon FBA, which is a different beast. Then drop shipping Absolutely It's another form of E-commerce right, but it is completely different in terms of how much it costs to get started in terms of the profit margin and just selling on Amazon versus selling on your own Shopify store Right. So we brought Kevin David back to explain everything in this Beginner's Guide for Amazon, FBA So first I'm gonna have Kevin, introduce himself and just tell a little bit about his background with E-commerce and then we'll jump into the tutorial. Sure Yeah, So thanks for having me back on the last Thursday, it was incredible Like I literally got so many awesome students from your channel. You have such an amazing passionate following of people that, like really do what's necessary to become successful, So we go For everyone who doesn't know me. My name is Kevin David. I started working as an accountant after college. I was working 80 hours a week. I hated it I decided I had to do something And so like. Basically after I got home after my like two hour commute home, I would work from like 11 pm or so after I got back from the gym until 2 am trying to find ways to make money online. So that I could quit my job And so I would work from like 11 to 2 am and then wake up at 6 am and drive for two more hours to get back to my commute, And that was very draining and I, like I couldn't sustain that, And so I tried a lot of Things I did I created a mobile app. You know, I've created blogs, travel all these different things. That kind of didn't have much success. I tried affiliate marketing and failed so ( laughing ). You guys know that ODI definitely beat me there, But what I finally had some success with first was Amazon FBA, Amazon FBA, like literally out the gate right when I first started selling my first week ever selling on Amazon, I was making $ 1,000 a day And, Like that, all of my other stuff, Nothing even came close to that, So I was like okay, this works. For me. I buy everything on Amazon. I buy toothpaste on Amazon, I buy toilet paper on Amazon right. I think a lot of people our age do just because we're like lazy and everyone is - Is just so much easier. Getting things delivered to your door then like having to like going to a shopping, you know actually go into a grocery store. I'M too lazy for that right. And so I knew that I buy everything on Amazon, so a lot of other people probably do too, and so I went all in basically Yeah, so Amazon FBA, for you guys who don't know Fulfillment by Amazon, basically is like private labeling Right For the most part. Yeah yeah So basically, Amazon FBA for people who don't know right What it means is fulfilled by Amazon. The beautiful thing about Amazon FBA is Amazon, does all of the hard work for you. I don't have to go to UPS and ship out like a product that I sell on the internet right. I don't have to do any of the work. I don't have to collect the payments. I don't have to make a website. Amazon, Obviously amazon.com already exists. So all I have to do is find a product right, A product, that's going to sell well on Amazon and there's a lot of ways to be able to figure that out with a ton of precision right, Find a good product to sell on Amazon. Once I've found that then literally, all I have to do is create a listing, create some basic marketing campaigns on Amazon's marketing platform, and then that is it And the best part about Amazon is Amazon. Has millions of people is browsing the web site every single day Yep? So I don't have to bring traffic from external sources. Amazon already has the traffic. All I have to do is get my product to rank on. To page one for the search terms that I'm trying to rank for and there's some very, very strategic ways that we figured out to do exactly that. I love it because Amazon ..., So you don't. You just basically need to find this product right, But Amazon not only do they have the traffic, but they had the customers. Absolutely And they had the customers, billing info and credit cards already in their system. It'S literally one click ... Yeah for most people Exactly Yeah Like it's literally one click. The friction in the process is almost zero. Like the problem with Shopify. Is people come to your site? They don't necessarily trust you. You don't have the brand recognition right. The shipping times are 12 to 20 days or even longer, Yeah With Amazon, obviously as you and I both know it's two days, Sometimes it's the same day if you live in large cities, And so that's just like a much easier, frictionless process that makes the buying you know the overall buying process extremely easy. And when the buying process is easy, people buy more things right And so like it. All you have to do, is kind of get your products live and in most cases, Amazon literally handles the rest, and you just start magically getting sales without having to drive traffic. Because one of the other parts about Shopify that I don't like as much is every person who buys from you more or less you have to pay for that person. You have to pay in the form of Facebook ads Yeah. You have to pay with ad spend But with Amazon you get organic sales, free sales And so that's a very difficult thing to replicate, like otherwise on the internet, which is why Amazon FBA has had so much like attention and success of my thousands and thousands of students you know, many of which now Are making six and even seven plus figures Mm hmm Yeah? I would like to say that you know for all these people seeing success. A lot of it stems from the business model and just kind of piggybacking off of Amazon, Because Amazon is such a beast in terms of like a company being one of the biggest companies in the world. Right, The biggest E-commerce store online Yeah By far not even close Yeah. It'S literally shutting down massive businesses. Like JC Penney, Sears Toys, R Us, like these companies, aren't going out of business by chance. Yeah, Like Amazon, is destroying them obviously, And like it's not like a thing about whether or not they hate them They're, just they created a better model. Yes, Its the same thing, how would you like, when was last time you took a taxi Yeah like ... I haven't taken a taxi .. Yeah, I haven't taken a taxi and over a year or more, Because why would I do something? That'S less efficient! It'S it's harder for me to do. It'S more expensive Taxis always want to like try to rob you, especially in other countries. ( laughs, ) And Uber is just so much easier. It'S all handled via your phone. They come right to you right, It's just a better business model And Amazon has a better business model than the predecessors before it, And that's just you know when, and I love what you said, because it's so true . A lot of success on the internet is predicated right. It'S because of the business model you choose Yeah Right And Amazon is such a beautiful business model. If you know how to choose the right product and how to get your product in front of people's eyes right, Get it to page one run marketing successfully, and you know those things aren't the easiest things in the world, but once you learn them, it's just it's incredible what you can do with Amazon Awesome i love it. I love all of it. Okay, so we've just going we've discussed what Amazon FBA is, but I want to jump into the actual steps. Let'S say someone is watching this video and they liked the idea of this Yeah They like the idea of Amazon FBA and they think it's the right business model for them Right. So if they want to get started, could you list out just some simple steps that they can do in order to get in the game? Yeah? Absolutely And that's a great question: So, let's actually go through this like a little bit. ... will get really granular with this, and you know some people like really granular some people like high level So high level Amazon, basically, is you find products from China or from cheaper markets right You you get them made, you get them shipped to an Amazon, fulfillment center Amazon fulfills them all for you, You get paid right, That's the high level you buy it for $ 1 from China. You sell it on Amazon. For 20. Amazon takes their fee, obviously for fulfilling it for handling all of the hard work for you. You get paid to the profit, which is the difference between what you pay and what you sell it on Amazon for that's high level right Yeah, So um granularly there's a few steps right And let's go through them one by one, so that we can get you so that you guys can all have like a really clear idea of exactly how this works Step. One is product research right, Product research is the most important step of the entire process right, It's what I go into the most depth when I teach on my YouTube when I teach my private students right, Because the thing is guys and what I've learned over the past 16 months having thousands And thousands of thousands of people join. My Amazon program is, if you pick the right product right, You can do pretty much everything else wrong and still make a ton of money, and I actually mean that I've seen it happen a ton of times. But If you, if you pick the wrong product right, Then you're going to have a harder time, And obviously you can still be successful, but with the beautiful part about Amazon is, if you pick the right product, it's very difficult to not make money, And so how this works. Guys is. There'S software right There, software and the software I use is called Viral launch product discovery and viral launch market intelligence. It'S a it's a web app and it's a Chrome extension right. And what these apps do, what these soft piece of software do? Is they allow you to identify kind of diamond in the rough right Products that have a lot of sales, but don't have many reviews right Products that don't have many sellers? So what you do is you come in and you identify those kind of disparities, those differences. You find that the sweet spots where a lot of people are searching for a product, but not many sellers, are offering that product right. Or the sellers who are offering it are offering low quality or there's there's room for improvement by bundling products together or by doing any different number of things to add quality. Because when you add quality - and you add value to people's lives, right, You make money, That's all businesses is, is adding value to other people in some in some way or medium. So that's how it works right! You find products that are in the sweet spot, they have a lot of monthly searches, They have a lot of people looking for them, but they don't have good product offerings currently being sold on Amazon. You create that you know that higher quality, that more value that added value and then you reap the benefits. It'S simply. It'S literally that easy. Okay, so first step you use a software Viral launch to do your product research to look into basically Amazon system. How much of each product is selling how much revenue they're making You get to look at dimensions of the product? How much it weighs, etc, etc. So, basically you're just trying to find a gap in the market and then that's somewhere where you can come in and basically fulfill that gap Exactly And like most people who teach Amazon right Like a lot of people that have taken my course have actually gone on, to become like teachers of Amazon, obviously, which is funny ( laughing ). But you know people who teach it and gurus and everybody who was around before me and now they all kind of have like some criteria, that they say right. You want it to be small, So because it's not going to cost as much shipping, You want it to be non breakable, so it doesn't break during shipping. You want it to be not particularly complex or you know, because people don't like complexity. A lot of times your returns will be higher if people can't figure out how to use the product. But you know the funny thing is sometimes going against. The grain makes you the most money right: Yeah Because everyone's saying do this this and this Exactly And everyone's doing that, So, if you kind of figure out ways ... How I teach my students is different than what most people teach And so we've identified kind of ways to go against the grain. So to speak, where you can really find the true ways to make the most money with Amazon. So don't always listen to what everyone's saying Sometimes you got to go a little bit different Use, your creativity use your own experiences and you can really find the truly best offers out there. I love it All right step two. What next So step two guys once you found your product, you have to actually find someone to make it right. So where do you actually do that The main way is called Alibaba? So Alibaba it for those of you who don't know is a massive massive company in China right Founded by jack, Ma who's. I think the richest person in China multi multi billionaire What they do. Basically, what Alibaba is is a directory of manufacturers right So, like you, if you wan na, have a basketball made or Bluetooth headphones or a tripod or glasses or whatever it is it doesn't matter. You literally go on alibaba Com and you search for what you want to have made Hundreds of manufacturers are going to come up right. They make this stuff, because everything that you could possibly imagine is made in China, And so you know there's criteria that you're looking for You want to. You want to find manufacturers that have years of history that have years of history, That have ... Years of history. They have a badge right Right. They have a badge So it's called gold supplier, So gold supplies you can actually buy that badge from Alibaba. So Oh wow, (, laughs, ). You know and not a lot of people talk about that. So I don't rely on the gold supplier badge because you can buy it. And when you can buy something Yeah Its not particularly credible, in my opinion, So what I look for is years of history right. They actually have an online presence Like they have a website. They have a phone number. I call the phone number make sure it's a real person answering it. It'S not like a scam or anything like that. I like to look for transaction history right, So lots of transactions Alibaba lists those transactions. I like to make sure that you know they have a lot of reviews. Generally, you're vetting them, as you would any other online business. You want to make sure that they're legitimate that it's a real real company, real people work there. They have a real website Just that they're kind of legitimate and then once you're able to do that right. What you want to do is I like to reach out to the top three manufacturers based on those criteria based on reviews based on longevity based on you know, the factors that we just discussed And I want a quote for it: I wan na say ,'': how much would you charge to make me 500 units of x'', Okay Right of you know essential oils or whatever it is right, And so then, what the reason that I asked all three is because you never just want to ask one Quote right Because then you don't know if it's a good deal, So I asked three independent manufacturers. How much would you charge me to make 500 essential oils or 5000 And the reason that I asked 500 to 5000 is sometimes they'll say `` for 5000 will give it to you for $ 1 apiece for 500 will give it to you for $ 5, a piece .''. Okay, And so then, what I try to say is: okay, `` well I'll make the deal right now, if you give me 500 for $ 1 each right. So, like you kind of used.. Ahh, The the cheaper price for the larger amounts, and then you apply it to the smaller amounts, Because you know manufacturers have what they call MOQ's, which is Minimum Order Quantities And we're not going to get too in depth on that. Obviously, that's for another time. But how I teach it is you want to order as little products as possible so that you're going to stay in stock for three months right, Which is generally the amount of time the longest amount of time that it takes to restock. So you want to always: you want to have as few units as possible to never go out of stock, That's kind of how it works for step. Two Wow Yeah So it's kind of a lot . ., That's a great value. I think you gave us some like ninja tips right there, that really like are worth real money. Yeah. No, definitely - And you know, inventory forecasting and figuring out what that number is is a little bit more involved. Obviously you know all of my students. I teach exactly how to choose the perfect number of products to order for you. But that's a little bit more complicated than like this particular setting. But obviously nothing is left to chance my students, step by step by step So .. You give them templates too right. Yes For contacting Yes, so we give them a manufacturer's template And what that is. Is it basically gives you credibility, because manufacturers get hundreds or thousands of inquiries a day, Yep Right, So you want to make sure that they're actually paying attention to you Yeah. So you have to kind of give yourself edify yourself, give yourself a little bit of credibility so that they treat you better. They give you the the best. You know the senior level sales staff who have the ability to give you the best prices, and you have that kind of additional leverage. And if you just like, come in as like some random person, they're just not going to treat you as well. They'Re not going to give you the same level of care, and so we give you a manufacturer's template that guarantees that you get the cheapest price Wow and that directly correlates with your profit margin. Absolutely yeah. I mean a lot of people. Don'T realize like what you should be buying a product for Like if you bought, if you're selling a product on Amazon for $ 20 like one of our most profitable products on Amazon, for example. We sell for between 1495 and during Christmas time - and this sounds crazy. But during Christmas time you can literally sell stuff are basically whatever you want. ( laughs ) Like so we've sold a 1495 product 11 months a year we sell for 1495. During Christmas we sell it for nearly 7999 ( gasps ). I'M not kidding we're selling hundreds of at that price. That'S crazy, Yeah, but anyway, so 1495, most of the year we buy that product are landed, cost is 96 cents per unit. Wow Yeah, so we buy it and that's including shipping. That'S including cost of goods sold all the like fees and the Chinese customs, everything 96 cents per unit. We sell it for 1499. That'S crazy, Yeah! Wow And so that's kind of like the the margin that that's going to give you like a 50 to 60 % profit margin per per unit sold. I generally teach my students that you want to look for between 45 and 50 % margins. Okay, So those are great margin, especially compared to like drop shipping. Read the full article
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kyokyo866 · 7 years
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Art Stream: All of the cute + Future stuff
So I had an art stream yesterday outta the blue and despite going into it without much plans we got some good mateiral out of it.. More info down below!
So as a warmup sketch, I finished Meryl and August and during the lets play this happened. I dont know why I thought it was that funny but it was. Next I drew @bringmemisery since she hasnt been really feeling well lately so blam! Doodle for her!
I finally got around to making a ‘meet the mun’ picture people have been asking for so, here we go! Short, sweet and to the point.
Next up, me and Lubo have been talking about ‘Innocent World’ where the concept is World and Vanya get together during chapter zero and it’s actually really cute. Vanya basically has to teach him everything about intimacy since World doesn’t know human ways and maaan world loves it a lot. the second picture is, well, reve almost murdered World by locking him in his cabin and lighting it on fire. Luckily in this ending he got out, burned and with a broken arm but he lived. Vanyas both relieved and worried so much.
After that i got asked if i ever drew on dark backgrounds, so I decided to. I drew a chamomile, but the question is, whose blood is it? .. Well it depends on which ending you get.
Next is sorta a joke we had of those ‘lemme smash’ videos, but with Vanya as Ron tryin to hook up with Mundi in the past. There’s so many variations and I love them all.
THIS ONE WAS A REQUEST that I turned into a meme. For those who know me I like to use this meme a lot, so when i got a request to draw jellbean the very weird wolf, I just had to
Got another request of Ada  @cascadiandreams and Mundi  @fakeashenwings to be hanging out together. When i asked what kinda things she liked to do, she apparently likes to put boots on dogs so, poor mutes gonna get that treatment.
But in another try at it to be more serious, I had Mundi and Ada having a lil tea party, though if she doesn’t like tea he’d probably be serving hot chocolate instead. Little sandwiches and cookies to go with it too, and a new dress he sewed just for her. Tea time with Grandma, yaaay.
Last one here we got  is the new title screen for Hetarella. I really wanna try to at least finish this one this year, and I want to do the art myself! I’m gonna be kinda nervous since it’s not too professional but, I wanna do my best!! That and it’s cheaper. I’m kinda really proud how it turned out.
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boystownbirdie · 7 years
LMWTV4U: The OA, Season 1
Welcome back to let me watch TV for you! Someday Game of Thrones and Drag Race will be back with weekly eps (praying to the gods of George R.R.R.R. Martin and Rupaul) and I’ll be back with weekly posts. For now, though, I’ll be watching other shows/seasons/series for you. Today I’m re-capping the entire season of the new Netflix series, The OA. I know what you’re thinking, WHAT’S THE OA?!?!? Well I can’t tell you yet, but over a series of long conversations in an abandoned house I’ll finally get around to it (that’s a little inside joke for those who watched it). So let’s go!
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So what’s it about? Here’s as simple as I can make it: A young midwestern woman (Brit Marling, who also co-wrote and co-created the whole project) returns after she’s been missing for almost 8 years. Before she went missing she was blind but now she can see. She decides to tell her life story to a group of 4 teenagers and a teacher (Phyllis from The Office!) so that they can learn her secrets and use them to save the world. She ends up teaching them a pretty cool interpretative dance which they later perform to save their high school cafeteria from a school shooter whose only shot hits Brit which she is actually pretty happy about.
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So lets’s break this down chronologically:
Late 80s/Early 90s, Russia: Young Brit Marling (age 6?) is a super rich Russian kid (!?!? yep that’s right) who can totally see. Her mom died in childbirth and her dad is devoted to her but also makes her jump in a freezing lake to teach her to be brave which seems kinda child-endangerment-y to me but who am I to judge? Baby B has bad dreams that make her nose bleed. In one, she is trapped in an aquarium and can’t breathe and sees crayons falling from the sky. She tells her dad and he’s like jump in this freezing lake and you’ll be cured. Spoiler alert, SHE IS! (kind of) 
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Then she and her dad eat some raw eggs (because RUSSIA, you guys) and it’s time for her and her rich friends to start school. Her school bus is attacked by the Russian mob to teach the rich people a lesson and it falls into a lake. Baby B and her friends end up trapped in the bus underwater and the whole stuck-in-an-aquarium-falling-crayons-premonition comes true. But since Baby B’s dad taught her how to not freak out when she’s trapped in freezing water, she’s like, ok fellow kids, don’t freak, there’s an opening we can swim through. But the other kids’ dads never made them jump in a freezing lake so they’re like naw dawg. Baby B starts swimming to safety but it’s a loooooong way up. And then grown up Brit (who is telling her story to the teens) is like “All the kids on the bus died that day. Including me.” THAT’S RIGHT Y’ALL SHE DIED.
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But then she goes to heaven or like purgatory or something and meets this old gypsy lady who is like girl you died but do you want to be alive again? And Baby B is like yes duh. But the gypsy is like K, but you’re about to experience so much suffering and I can’t bear for you to see it so I’m gonna make you blind. And Baby B is like fair ‘nuf and her dad finds her washed ashore, still alive but blind. Which leads us to our next segment…
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Early 90’s, somewhere in America: Blind Baby Brit (BBB) gets sent to school for the blind in America since her dad is worried the Russian mob will attack her again. Her dad calls her on the regs at her school and she plays violin for him. Then she finds out her dad has died (but she doesn’t believe it because he told her he was going to “disappear” to hide from the mob) and she has to go live with her aunt there in America. This aunt is apparently running a baby-selling-business and poor BBB has to care for all the little babes even though she’s a wee one herself and also super blind and sad about going from hero to zero. One day, a very plain couple from Michigan comes through and is about to adopt a little baby boi. But plain-mom finds BBB and is like we gotta take this kid instead, she needs us. And plan-dad is like cool she seems blind but also pretty great.
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Early 90’s, Michigan: BBB comes home with plain mom and dad and you have to take your shoes off at their house so don’t even think about walking around in your outdoor shoes! Things are pretty great and they help her learn braille and let her climb and explore the world and they give her the unfortunate name of “Prairie” (which, sorry, nope). But then she starts having those vivid dreams with nosebleeds again and in the dreams she is talking in Russian and like playing with knives and shit so her plain parents are like CALL THE DOCTOR. She sees a shrink and he’s like your daughter is cray cray bananas so let’s give her a bunch of meds. And plain mom is like ummmmmm no? But plain dad is like we gotta do this so they pump her full of pills and she grows up to be… 21-year-old-Brit-Marling.
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2000s, Michigan, NYC: 21 year old Brit (21B) has a dream where her dad tells her to meet her at the Statue of Liberty. So she runs away, LEAVES A NOTE (which her mom never bothers to tell the police about) and tries to find her dad. He doesn’t show up at the statue of liberty, so 21B ends up down in the subway stations, playing her violin for cash money. A doctor (played by Draco Malfoy’s dad, you guys!) finds her and is like wow you play violin really well, did you ever die and come back to life? And she’s like YES. So they eat oysters together and he tells her all about his studies where researches people who’ve had near death experiences. And she’s like COOL TAKE ME WITH YOU. So she hops into his private plane and flies to his house/ research lab which is conveniently in the middle of nowhere and that’s what lands us…
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2000-2010s, Underground bunker in the middle of nowhere: She gets there and it’s immediately creepy and she’s like hmmm, I don’t hear any traffic and the windows seem super thick and he’s like oh that’s for totally normal reasons, NBD. And then he’s like let me lead you down these stairs that only I have the security code for and into this bunker and, cool, here’s a bed! And she’s like ummm, kinda creepy but ok. And then he locks her in a glass cage and she’s like WHAAAATTTT and then a few other people, also in glass cages, are like ummm calm down. So then she’s trapped down there for the next 7 years. 
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During that time, Draco’s dad keeps killing all of his captives and bringing them back to life so they can tell him more about near-death-experiences. Needless to say they don’t share a lot of their info with him since he’s an evil masochist BUT one good thing is that during one of her deaths, Brit gets her sight back! She also falls in love with a fellow captive, Homer, and while they can’t touch each other, they can make googly eyes at each other all day. During the sight-giving death trip, Brit learns a series of motions after the gypsy woman (yep, she’s back!) make her eat a little bird. 
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The other captives also learn some motions and together they start practicing this intense, interpretive dance. Unfortunately they need five motions for some reason and they only know four of them. Also at one point one of the fellow captives dies fur realz and Homer and Brit do their 2-part dance and BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE and totally cure him of errything. ALSO Brit finally gets her “OA” name from one of her deaths and it stands for the ORIGINAL ANGEL which is a little heavy-handed if you ask me. OA and her friends think if they can get all 5 motions they will open a portal to another dimension and they can GTFO but they don’t learn the fifth until….
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Present day, underground bunker, still: Draco’s dad finally gets caught by his local state trooper who just walks in on him watching a vid of his captives down below one day. But Mr. State Trooper has a wife who is very sick with ALS and Draco’s dad convinces him to let OA and Homer cure his wife in order to hush. So Mrs. State Trooper is lying there and Draco’s dad makes OA and Homer come up from the bunker to do their magic dance for her. It works and when they cure Mrs. State Trooper she is like OMG so glad to see you guys, when I was a kid I had a near-death-experience and I learned the fifth movement and here it is! And OA and Homer and are like cool teach us! So she does and they are super happy and then Draco’s dad runs in there and kills Mr. and Mrs. State Trooper at the same time. Then he grabs OA and knocks her out and takes her to the middle of nowhere so that she and Homer and the others can never complete their motions together. And that’s when she shows up, in the same clothes she’s been wearing for 8 years and is no longer blind and gets sent back to her adoptive parents in Michigan even though she’d rather be underground practicing her dance with her friends.
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Present day, Michigan: So OA and her five friends learn all of the motions of the dance and they also become stronger, better, more courageous humans in other aspects of their lives as well. Also, she’s been chatting with this FBI “victims support specialist” guy who is played by Riz Ahmed because he’s in everything these days! And he knows some of her plans but not all of them. Right before they can perfect their dance, OA’s parents freak out and take her away to a hotel for her own safety and her friends are like we gotta save her! 
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So one of the teens (French) breaks into her house while she’s gone to try to help her I guess and finds a box under her bed and freaks out because it’s filled with books like Homer’s “The Illiad” and “Near Death Experiences” and “How to Pretend You Were Captured for Eight Years” and shit like that. The weird thing with this is that while French broke into OA’s home and found these books, the FBI guy happened to be there, too, sneaking around in the dark. So while you’re supposed to think that MAYBE OA was lying this whole time, it’s also possible this shady FBI guy planted those books under her bed to discredit her because they sure as hell don’t look like she’s been reading them. Some of the kids find the book-discovery to be more upsetting than others but they’re all a little disappointed. 
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OA eventually gets to come back home and is taking writing classes or something and then takes a nap in the bath (which... dangerous) and wakes up and is like OMG I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO. Simultaneously, all of the high schoolers are back to their old friend groups in their huge cafeteria and Phylis from the Office is there because she got fired and need to clean out her classroom. The OA runs toward the high school all of the sudden and that’s when the school shooter busts into the cafeteria and the four teens plus Phyllis reluctantly look at each other and then they’re like, LETS DO THIS. 
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They get up and perfectly perform their dance and while nothing really magical happens, the shooter is distracted enough for a cafeteria worker to knock the gun out of his hands. And it hits the OA just as she shows up which, again, she is happy about because if she has another near-death-experience she may be reunited with her friends. The series ends with the OA “waking up” in a bright room and saying “Homer”
AND THAT’S ALL, FOLKS. SERIOUSLY that’s how it ends.
My final thoughts: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly:
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Good: I love the line when Steve asks her “How did you survive so long down there” and she says “I survived because I wasn’t alone”
Bad: There’s an entire storyline where Draco’s dad takes Homer to Cuba with him to have Homer seduce a Spanish-guitar-playing-lady and he succeeds and OA has to listen to them have sex
Good: The actress who plays baby Brit is amazing, especially considering she has to speak fluent Russian, English and pretend to be blind
Ugly: Steve is such a monster when we first meet him and although he effectively transforms himself, it seems pretty far-fetched that he would change so much
Good: The casting of the kids who play French and Buck is on point, they’re both great young actors
Bad: The storyline with Draco’s dad’s mentor who also has human captives but in the morgue of a hospital is absolutely ridiculous and also how would OA know about it?
Good: Don’t hate but I really like the dance/ series of movements, I think they’re really beautiful and it’s awesome to see them performed by such a diverse group of people throughout the show’s run
Bad: I don’t want to be “that girl” but I work in the mental health field and the whole thing with this-kid-who-recently-experienced-trauma-is-acting-strangely-lets-medicate-immediately-with-no-additional-therapy is just not realistic in the slightest
Good: French works at Olive Garden
Bad: Apparently OA and her plain-mom-and-dad need a reservation to get into Olive Garden?
Good: Homer-OA love story. I’m into it.
Ugly: Most of OA’s outfits when she’s back in Michigan. The sparkly dress over tear-away-Adidas pants are particularly WTF
Bad: So she can speak to snakes and dogs?
Good: Buck performing in choir. Adorbs.
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