#and the whole thing is nearly 9k unedited
neverevan · 15 days
Fuck It Friday 💌
I keep wondering if people even know that I write... like, I know giffing has captivated me lately, but actually this is where I'm "based", so to speak. I just kinda fell off the map since the new season started airing (and since posting that 75k monstrosity that was the mudslide fic lmao).
Anyway, I am finally, finally getting closer to finishing the buck loves tommy fic (which pretty much does what it says on the tin, though it does have an actual title now), all it needs is some hefty editing and it's ready to be posted — hopefully within the next few days. Until then, here's some soft angst that somehow found its way into the middle of the smut.
“Good.” Tommy’s lips stretched into one of those wide but close lipped smiles and it was hard to hold back the urge to trace it with his thumb — so he didn’t. Tommy gave a small kiss to the tip of Buck’s thumb, before opening his lips and sucking it in between them, humming quietly. “God… did you get even hotter while you were away?” Buck mused with an incredulous huff. “Are you trying to talk your way into my pants?” Tommy’s grin was downright dangerous as he let go of Buck’s finger and leaned down to get a hold of the hem of his t-shirt, rolling it up as much as he could with the stupid sling in the way. “You’re not wearing any pants.” Buck pointed out with a teasing lilt of his voice. “Must be doing real good on all that talking then, huh?” “Funny.” Buck rolled his eyes jovially, but when Tommy didn’t answer or in fact moved at all, he zeroed in on his face with a frown. “H-hey, you okay?” “I don’t know. Are you?” Buck followed his line of sight, only to realize that Tommy was staring directly at the bruises on his ribs, where they were blooming like a collection of poisonous clematises; hugging his torso tight, probably for weeks to come. “Y-yeah, I told you, I’m fine. It’s- it’s just some bruising, no big deal, I swear.” “We can wait until you feel better.” Tommy suggested, his face darkening and his eyes never leaving the big blotches of purple and pink. “Baby, does it look like I wanna wait?” Buck scoffed, gesturing vaguely at his achingly hard cock, only inches away from Tommy’s own. “Evan, that’s not—” “You a-asked me what I need.” Buck cut him off with a serious set of his jaw. “This- this is what I need. You. That’s all I want, okay? So just… please, would you just touch me already?” Buck closed his eyes with a frustrated little sigh and only opened them when he felt a feather light touch on his skin, causing it to twitch with a tickle, as Tommy’s lips brushed over the bruises. “That okay?” He hummed quietly, his lips gently vibrating with it and bringing a small tingle into Buck's ribs, one that somehow felt like it was going much deeper than skin or bone. “Y-yeah… okay.”
✨I have been tagged by and am absolutely no pressure tagging the ever so talented @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon @bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @likegoldintheair @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @actualalligator @wikiangela @bucksbignaturals @loveyouanyway and anyone else who feels like sharing mwuahhh 💛
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themculibrary · 1 year
Steve/Bucky WWII era Masterlist
2005, 2012, And a Whole Lot of the 1900s In Between (ao3) - bashfulpenguin T, 10k
Summary: AU where Peggy Carter dies before Steve Rogers wakes up from the ice and her daughter, tells stories about how her mother was gay. Obviously, people ask if Steve knew and she explains that of course, he did. Now Steve wakes up in 2012 and has to deal with the world knowing he was gay and the threat of Hydra.
Collected Letters (1930-1943) (ao3) - brokentoy, triedunture T, 16k
Summary: The collected private correspondence—unedited, uncensored—of Steven Rogers, later known as Captain America, and his longtime companion, James B. Barnes, spanning the years from childhood to World War II.
dancing on my own (ao3) - biblionerd07 G, 1k
Summary: George Aiken's been a pub owner a long time--not much escapes him, not even the way that dark-haired soldier looks at his friend when he thinks no one's looking.
For the dead there is no story (ao3) - hansbekhart N/R, 24k
Summary: Twelve days ago, Captain America had landed in England, on a ten stop tour to cheer our boys in service, one of the first USO shows to ever brave the front. Seven days ago, Captain America had gone AWOL in Italy after learning that the 107th had been decimated, and many of its forces captured by the Nazis. Three days ago, he arrived back in the Allied camp, having crossed thirty miles of heavily fortified enemy territory with nearly two hundred POWs in tow, chief among them one Sgt James Barnes.
"Well that - that does rather sound like Steve," Mother says.
Or: the Barnes family, during the events of The First Avenger.
Orders came for sailing (ao3) - Ark E, 2k
Summary: Bucky drops into the trench. It’s pitchy black, and he’s good; there’s no warning save the displacement of air. Steve is wedged into a sentry stance beneath the earth, on guard and half-awake, when he feels Bucky come in like wind.
“What’s the secret password?” stage-whispers Steve.
“It’s ‘fuck off.’” Bucky displaces more air, wending Steve-wards. “Didn’t wanna startle you. Hoped you were gettin’ some sleep. You don’t sleep enough, Steve.”
“Whose fault is that?” Steve says, smiling under the ground in the dark. “C’mere.”
Pianissimo (ao3) - Odsbodkins E, 15k
Summary: Steve and Bucky from the 30s to 1945. Inspired by an Avengerkink prompt about Steve and Bucky hiding their relationship.
Sincerely, Your Pal (ao3) - lettered M, 65k
Summary: "[...] lesbians and gay men writing letters to their lovers and friends faced the special problem of wartime censorship. Military censors, of course, cut out all information that might aid the enemy, but this surveillance made it necessary for gay and lesbian correspondents to be careful not to expose their homosexuality. To get around this, gay men befriended sympathetic censors or tricked others by using campy phrases, signing a woman’s name (like Dixie or Daisy), or changing the gender of their friends. Sailors became WAVEs, boyfriends became WACs, Robert became Roberta. There must exist, hidden in closets and attics all over America, a huge literature of these World War II letters between lesbians and between gay men that would tell us even more about this important part of American history." - Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women In World War Two, by Allan Berube
Stars and Moons (ao3) - likeshipsonthesea G, 2k
Summary: “Where did Captain America learn to steal a car?” “Nazi Germany. And we’re borrowing. Take your feet off the dash.”
On a hot day in Germany during World War 2, the Howling Commandos, and more specifically Bucky, teach Steve how to steal a car.
Strangers in the Street (ao3) - crinklefries T, 15k
Summary: (Every five years, Bucky meets the same tall, blond stranger.)
Subjective Histories (ao3) - Odsbodkins M, 11k
Summary: Extracts from materials relating to the official biography of Steve Rogers (A Kid From Brooklyn, Yale University Press, 1999)
The More Things Change (ao3) - Skew T, 9k
Summary: As far as Bucky's concerned, neither Steve's transformation or the events of the war have changed the friendship between them. However, when a mission doesn't quite go to plan, he finds himself making a foolish decision that might change things forever. (NB: contains cartoonish violence, some use of period-appropriate offensive language.)
there's nothing left of you (ao3) - notallbees E, 22k
Summary: Bucky’s having a hard time reconciling Captain America with the friend he left behind in Brooklyn. It’s bad enough that every time he closes his eyes he sees the inside of a torture chamber. Now, every time he opens them again, he sees a stranger with Steve Rogers’ eyes and smile.
the secret circuit home (ao3) - ftmsteverogers E, 3k
Summary: In which Bucky escapes Azzano on his own with the other Howling Commandos, rough around the edges, but alive. He makes it back in time to watch Captain America's godawful performance, not knowing that it's his best friend up there in tights.
Then he hits on him after the show.
to memory now I can't recall (ao3) - Etharei E, 102k
Summary: While on a mission storming a HYDRA facility, James Buchanan Barnes touches one of the many strange alien devices collected by the Red Skull. He does this, in fact, twice— in the past, and in the future.
Next thing he knows, Bucky Barnes is opening his eyes in the 21st century, which is full of great gadgets and coffee, and at least includes his old pal Steve. (And, inexplicably, a different Stark.) Meanwhile, the Winter Soldier finds himself in the middle of World War Two, helping Captain America hunt down HYDRA (which is at least familiar), pretending to be Bucky Barnes (which is not), and figuring out the very noisy group of soldiers who call themselves the Howling Commandos.
You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (ao3) - EmilianaDarling E, 26k
Summary: “What about you, Barnes?” asks Dugan. The sound of his voice brings Bucky back to the present, dredges him out of memories of a beat-up little apartment with sunlight streaming in through the windows. “Got yourself a girl waiting for you back home?”
There’s an answer on the tip of his tongue, one that he’ll deliver with a cocky grin and a half-laugh and a little shake of his head. But Bucky is exhausted and hungry and so sore it hurts to move, and one of the guys in their platoon fucking died yesterday. His mouth tastes like iodine water and his feet hurt and none of it’s going to get better any time soon, and all at once Bucky misses Steve so badly he can barely see straight.
“Yeah,” Bucky declares abruptly, the word escaping from his mouth before he fully realizes what he’s saying. “Yeah, I do.”
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bluerighthand · 5 years
Reasons why I’m a terrible fanfic writer (and person): number 283017
I know I said I’d post GUAS 7 today, and in all honesty the chapter is nearly done! I’ve got almost 9k words written, and it’s starting to come together but there’s a few gaps, and I haven’t edited yet. And I like to edit and read through things at least 5 times. Honestly, if I rushed it, I could post it today, but I wouldn’t be happy with it and as I haven’t written for a few months I want to make sure it’s not completely terrible. I’m moving out to university tomorrow for my first year - which I haven’t finished packing for, and I’ve already cancelled a first date to give myself more time to do that (RIP me) so that has to be my priority tonight. I’m really sorry to let anyone down if they were looking forward to it. <3 As I said though, it is nearly done! So at some point during the madness of fresher’s week, the High Holidays and having a quarter life crisis about my birthday I will finish it off. Busy busy!
Here is an (unedited) extract, as an apology <3
AND although you don’t have to read my Alfie fic set in the GUAS AU to understand chapter 7, it would definitely help! So here’s the AO3 link, and here’s the tumblr link if you haven’t already :) please check the warnings!
“Thanks dad” said Alfie, already pulling Tommy towards the door.   “No mischief Alf. Stay away from the docks”. “Yeah, yeah” he said offhandedly. “Alfred, I mean it. D’you hear me?”. Alfie turned. “Yes, dad”. “What’s by the docks?” asked Tommy, once they were out in the hallway. He was yet to hear Isaac raise his voice, but that sounded like a warning if ever he’d heard one. “Well if you recall the last time you were there Tommy-boy, it ain’t a spot for a picnic. Bloody rubbish everywhere, and stinks of fish, not t’ mention a whole gang of Italians pointing knives at ya. Where’re your shoes?”. Tommy had been borrowing a pair of Alfie’s, but as they were far too big for him, they had the potential to slip off and fall into the river when climbing on private barges they definitely weren’t supposed to be on. “We lost them yesterday, remember?”. “Oh- yeah. What is it with your family and their shoes?” Alfie said, exasperated. “Listen sweetie, there’s a shop down the road, let’s go n’ get you a few pairs. To keep, like. D’ya know your size? Gonna be pretty small by the looks of them things” he said, gesturing to Tommy’s feet. “Get some for those brothers of yours too, yeah? Could use a nice-” he stopped at the expression on Tommy’s face. “You alright there?”. Sweetie. “You’re gonna buy me shoes?”. “Well you ain’t going home barefoot, I can tell you that for free”. “I don’t have anything to give you” said Tommy dumbly. It was too much: the bed, the food, and now shoes as well? Not just for him, but for his siblings too? “Don’t need to give me nothing Tommy” said Alfie, more seriously now. “Jus’ promise me you ain’t gonna lose these ones, yeah?”.
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