#and the sites are as different as day and night for their overall and general usage
dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Twitter Tagging System =/= Tumblr Tagging System
I know a lot of people are moving to Tumblr from Twitter after all the chaos, so I’m writing this in hopes people will be able to interact with others better if they understand the tagging system for Tumblr as it is when I’m writing this.
Your biggest reminder for tags: This is a blogging website.
General tagging system and how people use it:
On Twitter people have always written #theirtaghere to tag their posts within the post itself. Tags on Twitter exist for people to find your post - in other words, directly for engagement of the content posted.
On Tumblr, tags (not written directly in the post itself) are used for two things primarily: Getting your post out to a wider audience outside of just your followers, and for blog organization as well as to be able to find posts on your blog later.
Twitter has never had an archive system where you can search a tag to find all your tagged posts later. Tumblr has this. In other words, for example, if you’re in a fandom, you may find posts where two or more characters are interacting. The post may be tagged with all of the characters involved in the post, but you may not like whatever opinions or comments are on the post. However, it’s not necessarily tagged specifically so people who are fans of what was tagged will see your hot takes. Chances are, it’s so they can access it at any time via their blog, as tags are searchable on our own accounts here.
What you can do to avoid your not necessarily positive fandom commentary (or hot takes you don’t want people seeing) from going into searchable tags is to avoid tagging the fandom or characters involved in the post that you don’t feel highly about, only tagging the one(s) you aren’t being negative about (ex. I love this character but I hate this character, so I’ll avoid tagging the character I hate so it won’t show up in people’s search results where they’ll be looking for nice, positive content or they probably wouldn’t be in that search).
This is NOT the same as tagging on Twitter (or writing out full search keywords on Twitter which also picks things up and puts them in searches where people will be looking for positive content of what they like). Tags on Tumblr only go into searchable tags if the post is a new post and not a reblog. If you do hate that one fandom or character, you can write the name out in full in your tags if it’s a reblog! Reblog tags are literally just there for archiving purposes. They won’t show up in searches.
Another way of being able to tell if someone is just tagging a new, non-reblog post for archiving: are they using the fandom/character’s full title/name? For example, are they using only a fandom abbreviation (ex. some people might tag Attack on Titan as AoT, The Umbrella Academy as TUA, or A Song of Ice and Fire as ASoIaF)? They may be trying to avoid putting something into the main tag but want it available to be found on their blog (this is not always the case, but you should always keep in mind that it might be before engaging with their post).
Same with characters name: for example, since this blog is fandom specific, I don’t need to use full names because I know who everyone is within this blog’s fandom, so I only use first names. That’s an example of tagging for archiving purposes - only tagging it so it can be found later and not necessarily for it to be found in searches. Unfortunately some characters do have very unique names that you won’t find in other/a lot of other fandoms, so they’ll show up in tags using only first names, but generally if you’re actively looking for post engagement, you’re going to be typing out the character’s full name if they have one.
Also, people tend to use tags to continue their thoughts if they’re offhand thoughts less related to the topic in the post (such as going off on a semi-unrelated tangent but it’s on their mind). You may see lengthy conversational tags! It’s just something people here do to add to their thoughts and express them without mixing those thoughts with the main post when they may not totally fit in with it.
On that note, you may also see people reply in the tags instead of directly on the post. Often this is a way of adding one’s thoughts to the post but not necessarily wanting it to circulate on the post. Your tags will stay only on your blog, so the next reblogger that finds the post through you won’t reblog it having your thoughts all over it (unless they really loved your tags, in which case they may reblog it with your tags, which is generally a compliment here). If you want your thoughts to be potentially reblogged you can of course reply on the post itself - just remember that those thoughts may be seen by a lot of people depending on the post going around. Some people also use tags as a way to compliment artists and writers. When people reblog art and writing, they probably don’t want some random person’s comments on the art or writing they’re enjoying (and will have to go to the OP’s version of the post from their blog to get the original without the comments on it). They probably want to just reblog the OP’s work. Your tags can be seen by the OP in their notes activity, so leave all your kind, warm, fuzzy compliments in the tags so they can read them! Sometimes they may even send you an ask or a message in response if they have something to say!
One last thing to note for general tagging: USE SPACES IN YOUR TAGS HOLY HELL YEEHAW MOTHERTRUCKER TRUCKING ON THE HIGHWAY. Do NOT write “AttackonTitan” or “ASongofIceandFire” as a tag, because Tumblr users don’t use the search function that way! You’re not going to get engagement if that’s what you're looking for! When you’re writing in that little #tags bar under your post, just write out the full series name/character name with spaces.
Avoiding negative interaction:
So say you want to avoid people finding your content altogether because people can be jerks and will send you hate. You can make your own tags for things. Tags you can consider trying out are things like “[user’s name here]’s rambles” or “[fandom name/character name negativity]”.
Now, if people look up “x fandom/character negativity” despite loving the thing in question and engage with posts in there, that’s their own fault and they deserve to be upset for looking into the tag in the first place. Maybe don’t look into a tag you know you won’t like the content of.
On that same train of thought, if you see a post with commentary about something you like but it’s negative and you hate it, make sure you check how it’s tagged before flying into a rage on the person. If you looked at the Attack on Titan tag and you found hate for Armin or something, but how dare they, you love Armin!... don’t reply to it with your bullshit. Don’t send them hate. Don’t even interact with the post. Scroll past it and move on. Why? Because you found that post in the general fandom tag, not the Armin Arlert tag.
Now, if you do find hate for Armin in the Armin Arlert tag, let me tell you, that’s super shitty of the person to tag his full name with their hate. If you’re tagging something that you’re hating on, you know people are going to find that post when they look through the tag. People look through tags to find content they enjoy, not to see someone bitching about what they love. Don’t be the annoying asshole who tags your hate with a character’s full name. Yes, even if it’s for archiving purposes for your own blog. Just use another tag, such as just his first name (as people will usually be searching for full names when looking for content they enjoy due to some names being very common throughout fandoms/series). If you prefer to use a totally custom tag, that works too!
HOWEVER! Dearies, if you see hate in a tag and you love the subject of the tag, please just block the person and move on. Don’t waste your time and energy sending them anything about it just to let them know you’re angry/upset. If you think it might have been an accident/unintentional because the person is not aware of how the Tumblr tagging systems works, feel free to drop them an ask or message (if messages for non-mutuals is allowed by them on their blog which can be found in your  blog’s settings), but BE POLITE about it. Just kindly inform them in case they’re unaware. If they reply to you being a fuckwad jerk about it, block them and move along. Again though, just do your best not to engage with tagged negativity (or negativity at all if you can help it).
Tumblr is a blogging site for long form content (the complete opposite of Twitter) and nowadays also artwork, so people are going to want to tag their posts to find them later! Just be mindful of how you tag things, and be mindful of how you interact with posts that you may not agree with.
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brownsugar-dreams · 1 month
Another Approach To Online Sugaring
Recently I took a break from dating. The dating apps can get exhausting and sometimes you’re just not in a place where you have the physical/emotional energy to get dressed up and go out. I didn’t want the money to stop, so I decided to start camming again but only for online sugar dating(OSD)/girlfriend experience (GFE). It’s been such a success I decided to make a post about it.
When I reactivated my no face cam accounts, I started casually talking to users in my chat rooms. There were a good share of users who just want to chat. If you have an outgoing personality, this is really easy and comes natural. We would talk about all sorts of things from what they do for work/fun, casual interests, kinks. I’d tell them stories, my POVs on pop culture topics, fantasies, made up stuff. At this point I noticed specific users were tipping in the general chat. I focused on those users and made sure to show them the most attention and they continued to tip. They’d often initiate a private session (more $ per min) and we’d continue chatting.
If you’re consistent with signing in at least 1-2x a week, it’s easy to find someone who adores you. I created a Snapchat (SC) profile and advertised it on my cam site as a way for users to connect with me 1:1. Set it up so they have to pay to get the username. Using SC, I posted no face pics with a link to my wishlist/cashapp and sparingly answered messages (mostly messages inquiring about pricing/services never free endless chatting). Later I created a price menu for services offered and shared that from time to time on my story. Once a relationship is established, it’s super easy to straight up ask for money. Since they met you on a paid cam site they already know what’s up so don’t let anyone pretend to be naive or use your time for free.
Overall this has been a flexible way to earn money that is relatively easy and low maintenance. Most of these clients are lonely and desperate for female attention so making each feel special is the key.
Things to Note/Logistics
I personally don’t show my face by having the cam positioned from the neck down. But other no face cam girls have talked about using full or half face masks to conceal their identity. Given the nature of “professionalism” in our fields I can understand a lot of us wanting to preserve our identities. But do what you’re comfy with! I’d suggest no nudity in free chat otherwise users will be less likely to pay for private.
Each cam site is different and pays differently. Most let you adjust your price settings as you like. I researched the sites with the most consistent/quickest payout schedule and reputation by searching Reddit posts and cam girl forums. I picked my favorite sites shared below.
To maximize earnings, I stream multiple sites at a time by opening tabs. Some use OBS software but I haven’t had the time to figure out how to incorporate that yet.
I changed the settings to allow only users with money to participate in chat. This helps reduce hecklers and incels looking for a free show.
Sites have varying popularity during different times/day. Keep that in mind when starting out so that you can develop a schedule. We’re busy professionals irl so making sure to cam on days/nights that have the most earning potential saves a lot of time.
Different clients have different needs so it’s important to be flexible and only take on clients you’d be comfortable with. I have clients that want me to be bossy and mean while others want a more traditional GFE where they’re the caretaker (think MTS “daddy am I your baby” type of thing lol).
Tips to Earn More
Share your wishlist in your bio across platforms. I like to use throne.
Create a links page and share to let your big spenders get notified when you’re online. I use beacons
I use sextpanther to supplement on weeks that are too busy to cam. I love the convenience of texting and it yields good money.
If you want to incorporate toys in your private shows when you’re starting out, use Aliexpress to order cheap toys. Eventually when you gain a consistent following, I suggest making the guys pay for anything they’d like to see you use and of course non sexual gifts for you too!
Keep a list/diary of users to keep track across platforms. Make note of their interests/kinks/imp things they’ve shared so you can refer to it during sessions.
Successful Cam Sites: CB CS
Keep working towards your goals!😘❤️✨
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
Now that I've had a few hours of sleep and am marginally a human being again, let's talk about the mario movie some more! SPOILERS ALL THROUGHOUT THIS POST UNDER THE CUT (if you want to see my non-spoilery thoughts and the first part of my spoiler talk as well, here's that post from last night! Be warned that it's pretty all over the place because it was 4:30 in the morning and I was really tired lolol)
After thinking about it more, I truly do have some PROBLEMS with this movie (will talk more about some of that below and I covered a lot of the issues in my first post too) and I do wish it was better overall and not so painfully surface-level with all the character interactions - I can understand why some people REALLY don't like it while others love it! It's joyful and energetic and BEAUTIFUL but if you spent months and months theorizing and speculating about deep character interactions and a very emotional story, it does really sting to finally see how there is virtually NONE of that and the plot feels kinda empty as a result. :(
But! I'm definitely not upset or anything like that, and I'm still gonna see it two more times in theaters with a smile on my face! TRUTHFULLY (and if you've seen my blog before, you know this about me) what I cared about most in this movie was getting to see Mario and Luigi be adorable onscreen and have a good, healthy, loving relationship, and you do get that to some degree, even if it's nowhere near enough. I can make my peace (and write a lot of fanfic, LOL) regarding the rest. :)
Here is a list of moments between Mario & Luigi that made me happy:
FIRST OF ALL, SOMETHING THAT I'M NOT ACTUALLY SURE I LIKED BUT WAS CERTAINLY A CHOICE: Mario's nickname for Luigi is Lu????? He calls him that 3-4 times and at big moments, too. It started to be cute to me, even if I wish they'd gone with "Weegie" or something similar, but it's a little jarring at the beginning for sure.
In general, they are just very physically affectionate with each other! There are one or two quick hugs in the beginning scenes before we even get to the reunion. Also, I can't remember the specifics but the very last scene is them basically teasing/poking each other before running off into the day together and it's cute. :)
Mario is SO protective of Luigi in the Brooklyn scenes and let me tell you, as someone who cares DEEPLY about that, i was LIVING. He gets mad at Spike and tries to pick a fight only when he insults Luigi, and there is also a silly scene with an angry dog and Mario just instinctively puts his arm up in front of Luigi when things get a little scary/focuses on making sure he doesn't get hurt, and I was just having the BEST time. Honestly, I loved the Brooklyn stuff so much that I sincerely wanted the whole movie to just be about that, and things took a downhill turn for sure when the separation happened. :(
Someone definitely predicted this before the movie but Mario hates mushrooms as a food and Luigi likes them. During a dinner scene, Mario is slyly separating mushrooms from his food and putting them onto Luigi's plate in a way that suggests he's done that a LOT. Such a quick shot but I just liked the detail!
THE RUNNING THROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND MARIO DOING RIDICULOUS PARKOUR BUT ALSO STOPPING TWICE TO MAKE SURE TO TURN BACK AND OPEN THE GATES SO LUIGI COULD COME THROUGH NORMALLY. There was just something SO funny and sweet about [crazy jumping and leaping] [quiet, thoughtful pause to open the gate] [MORE CRAZY JUMPING AND LEAPING, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING, SIR] [another quiet, thoughtful pause to open the 2nd gate], I loveeeeee
Once again, just gotta be obnoxious about being right that the dialogue in the warp zone was "nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!" I HEARD THE LINE AS THIS IN THAT PREVIEW FOOTAGE AND EVERYONE CONVINCED ME IT WAS DIFFERENT BUT LOOK WHO'S LAUGHING NOW (i'm sorry, just let me have this win haha)
There is a sad moment where Mario and Luigi's dad clearly doesn't believe in their business and he even says to Mario something like "the worst part is that you're dragging your brother down with you" which is clearly upsetting to Mario so he leaves the dinner table - but then Luigi leaves the table too to come and sit with him and reassures him that he's not dragging him down and it's just a sweet, comfortable moment between them that I very much wish went on a little longer (the theme of the whole movie lol)
(Also, Mario and Luigi still live with their parents and share a room, they're clearly pretty young and are treated like the "babies" of the family. I wish we had seen more of their room other than a very extremely brief shots!!)
Luigi DOES immediately sell out Mario when Bowser goes for the serious mustache damage, LOL, but the way it's done is honestly so cute and once again, just reemphasizes how much Luigi loves Mario XD He's basically like "YES, I know him, he's my brother Mario and he's the best guy ever!" (And then Bowser, who is preoccupied with Mario = romantic rival for Peach's affections, is like "would a princess find him attractive???" and Luigi is like "if she has any common sense, she should!" (lol, that line could be TOTALLY wrong, I don't remember, but that's the gist of it, I promise) or something like that - just hyping Mario up when he's not even there, LOL
in Mario and DK's "darkest moment" scene where things seem hopeless and they're arguing, Mario says something like "well, at least your brother's not going to die because of you!" and noooo, bb, it's not your fault ;; (this scene could have been done SO MUCH BETTER with a few tweaks, btw, but I will get into that)
Luigi bringing coffee for Mario at the end of the movie in their respective cups :) :) :) So simple but I am a very simple person who just wanted to see little moments like this :) :) :)
I have GRIPES with the final battle scene but seeing Mario and Luigi work together and take care of Bowser as a duo was still good!!! Nothing can hurt them when they're together!!!
Also, already talked about this at length in my first post, but one more time: Mario saving Luigi from falling into the lava and their reunion hug is just my favorite moment of the movie, no contest, it goes by so fast and I wish it was longer but I can be happy with that alone and I can't wait for the screenshots/gifsets where I can see all the details of it more clearly and don't have to rely on my awful memory. Literally just going to think about that split-second of Mario holding Luigi's face with both hands in an unbearably sweet, gentle way forever. These brothers love each other very much, your honor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
First of all, still CANNOT BELIEVE that "I'm not afraid! I'll do anything for my brother" didn't make it into the movie, are you SERIOUS, it would have been perfect in SO MANY PARTS, they recorded it and everything, why???? IS THERE A DELETED SCENE??? ARE THERE SEVERAL DELETED SCENES??? I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THAT PERFECT LINE, I WILL MOURN IT FOREVER
The editing in general is a little odd sometimes and it really DOES feel like a lot of scenes should be there that are missing. Another VERY weird cut is in the scene where Peach, Toad, and Mario are crossing the bridge with the Cheep-Cheeps and they just immediately cut the scene when one latches onto Mario's face and don't even include the cute stuff from the trailer with Peach trying to help him??? Like, WHY???? WHY DID THOSE FEW SECONDS NEED TO BE CUT??? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
I think one of the most painful things about this movie is that, as a writer/creative person, I can see SO many small opportunities throughout the movie where a couple of extra minutes and some tweaks in the writing would have made SO much difference. An unbelievable amount of difference! The overall structure of the story and the plot is good! The story of Mario wanting to reunite with his brother and Peach wanting to protect her kingdom (that took her in and cared for her when she was all alone in the world) is solid! But they never give the EMOTIONS surrounding these things ANY space to breathe beyond one line here or there, and that is SUCH a mistake and I can't believe no one thought to do something differently here.
FOR INSTANCE: The "darkest moment" scene with DK and Mario! It goes by so fast, but there is some good stuff there that, if the movie took a MOMENT and really let their pain/fear for their loved ones and their shared complex of unsupportive fathers BREATHE, would work SO MUCH BETTER. Like, I can easily imagine a rewritten version of that scene with very similar dialogue but just MORE of it (more pauses, more emotion, more reactions to one another's problems, more recognition of their similarities, etc) would have made it like a DAGGER in the heart. SUCH a missed opportunity. I am itching to rewrite it, LOL. (I am itching to rewrite a LOT of scenes!)
ALSO: Luigi is my LOVE and he is adorable throughout this, but I'm gonna be the first to admit that his scrap of an arc in this movie (if you can even call it that) is so lackluster and his heroic moment at the end genuinely doesn't feel that earned! AND ONCE AGAIN, WITH A LITTLE EXTRA WRITING/ROOM IN THE RUNTIME, IT'S A VERY SOLVABLE PROBLEM
And the solution is: build out the prison scenes and have Luigi actually talking to someone else who is locked up!!!!! Other than a couple of lines and jokes, the prisoners don't TALK TO EACH OTHER and Luigi just spends a lot of time looking sad. We don't get ANYTHING about his thought processes while he's captured other than he is thinking of Mario and hoping his brother comes to save him like he's always done.
It doesn't have to be a long or especially deep conversation, but some lines of dialogue like this would make that moment where Luigi realizes that Mario is right, nothing CAN hurt them if they're together and he's gotta be strong for his older brother too and he jumps in to protect him from Bowser hit SO much harder. That's all it would take!!!
I HAVE ACTUAL WORK TO DO TODAY AND CANNOT GO ON AND ON ABOUT THE MARIO MOVIE FOREVER BUT LAST THOUGHT FOR NOW: the more I think about the final battle, the more I'm conflicted, haha. The twist of everyone from the Mushroom Kingdom ending up in Brooklyn is definitely SHOCKING in the moment and pretty creative but I don't know, I had my heart set on a more classic version of Mario VS Bowser. It just doesn't hit as hard as it could in the end because of how silly the setting is. :( (But the Mario and Luigi teamup with the power star is great, and the music IS fire) (Also LOL at myself for thinking "Luigi won't fight at the end, that wouldn't make sense since Mario had to train" - he just knows how to fight, the movie goes with what's cool over what's logical and that's fair XD)
Also, the end of the movie is a tad confusing and has some pretty huge repercussions for this version of canon? ARE THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM AND THE REAL WORLD PERMANENTLY MERGED TOGETHER BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED??? That's definitely what it seems to imply with Mario and Luigi waking up in their Brooklyn room and then walking out straight into the Mushroom Kingdom! It's pretty bizarre! (Honestly, what I was expecting was that the Bill would destroy the warp pipes and Mario and Luigi wouldn't be able to go home, which I might have preferred, as sad as that would be.)
That's all I got for now! I'm sure I will have more thoughts in the future, haha.
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lailoken · 1 year
any good spells to make a wart go away?
I have two different methods that both work very well. My husband gets warts here and there, and I've managed to charm away each one of them—including one he had for years. The first method is a general wart charming, but the second is for more stubborn or troublesome warts. However, each ritual utilizes an orison that I was taught, which I can only share with three people in my life before I lose the ability to use it myself. For that reason, I can't include the verbal charm, though I think proficient mages could still make good use of these rituals overall with their own words of power.
For Warts:
On the evening of the Full Moon, a Sloe thorn is anointed with Spurge milk and used to prick the wart. Thereafter, an onion is cut in half and the thorn placed between the halves, before tying them shut together again using a biodegradable cord (ideally, black in color.) An incantation is said over the onion thrice, before it is buried beneath the western Eaves. If, for some reason, this isn't possible, then the onion should be buried at the westernmost edge of the property. As the flesh of the onion rots over the course of the Moon's waning, so too shall the wart fade. (An individual sloe thorn must be used for each wart being treated.)
For Stubborn Warts:
On the night of a Full Moon, mix together ground Oak Gall, Spurge Milk, and 4-Thieves Vinegar. Dip a piece of raw meat into the mixture and then use it to rub the wart (if there are multiple warts, then small, individual pieces of the same meat should be used for each wart) while the pertinent orison is whispered. Following this procedure, the patient must bury the meat at a Crossroads at midnight. As the meat rots away during the course of the Moon's waning, so too shall the wart(s).
In the case of both these operations, the rotting of the buried offering is paramount. If the rotting is stalled, or the item dries out instead, proper results won't be achieved. For this reason, the patient is permitted to bring and pour water over the burial site once a day, if need be, to aid in the decaying process.
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fortpeat · 1 year
Hi! I have some more info on the Viki version of Lita! Just in case the person who asked or you are maybe still interested in this. I don't know where the general public watches Lita but for me the first time I watched it was on some shady streaming site, the legality of which was most likely a little questionable - it was the only option at the time, tho. The English subs there were very much fine, overall in correct English and you know. They made sense and determined my understanding of the scenes and conversations.
I watched it there twice but once my mum wanted to watch it too, it had been added to Viki. So we all watched it together on Viki again. And I do have to say, the subs ARE kinda different. It sort of changed my understanding of the characters a little, too, right from the start. Because the subs on Viki are also very understandable and correct, like, grammar-wise very flawless and all, but they were just different. I feel like, on Viki, they tend to try and make certain terms or things understandable to international viewers by replacing them or describing them as things that are known to English-speaking viewers. I felt like, where my shady website just wrote stuff like boss as the Thai word in the subs, Viki translated it as "boss". In this case: no problem. In other cases, with rather specific words, the intonation of a sentence could be different, because a few words were switched out, and so on. Their relationship dynamic was a tiny bit different, too, there, since some of their flirty scenes or emotional scenes were translated a little different. That, so far, isn't bad. None of this is supposed to sound negative, in any way. For me, the shady website subs were a little confusing sometimes, as I didn't know many Thai terms (been a while since I watched anything Thai), and I had to figure out stuff like P' and Nong and all that first. But then, rewatching it on Viki, I felt like I understood a few things better - but I also felt like some scenes were lacking the extra info that I had gained from the other subs before. Viki felt smoother and easier to understand, and it's nice when you've watched the other version of Lita first, but it was sort of itching me to explain some things to my mum that weren't so clear in the Viki version.
I guess it's a matter of preference - i can recommend watching both, gives you a reason to rewatch it AGAIN under the disguise of gaining perfect understanding from both kinds of subs :D
Wishing you a lovely day / night <3 Your tumblr still very much makes my day, so quick appreciation here!
Hey Nonnie ❤️
You are so wonderful for typing this all out and letting us know about the differences between the Viki version and the other version and thank you so much for taking the time ❤️🫡 I could only watch Lita through Dramacool website as Lita was restricted both on Viki and iQIYI in my country 😩
And I think with Viki the translations are more smoother coz it caters to more international fans worldwide. But at the same there are still chances of translation mistakes due the language barrier obviously. It would be there in most of the languages.
Wish I could access Viki tho just to watch Prapaisky episodes all over again 🥺🥺😭. Once again thank youuuuu for all this and for the lovely appreciation. Means a lot to me. ✨✨
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felldragxn · 1 year
((random late night thoughts that are disorganized, unprompted, and don't really go anywhere? xD
Tumblr is honestly such a nightmare for RPing in some ways, if only because the way side blogs function make it so difficult to keep track of things sometimes... Sometimes I think about remaking this blog because it's a mess (piles of OOC and shitposts from the more generally inactive periods and don't get me started on my inconsistent tagging bs-), but honestly any other blog would end up the same way.
I come from ancient forum RPing... So "back in my day" it was just "here's a plot you can apply to" rather than "here is a character you can maybe interact with," so the vibe is very different and to this day I'm not used to it. It doesn't help that after high school I fell out of public roleplaying in general because I just leaned hard into plots with my SO until Undertale brought me here-
anyway I don't know what prompted this.... I think just because I'm used to playing a lot of characters all the time and doing just a little bit of this over here and that over there nowadays, which tumblr isn't super good for unless i have a multimuse which I don't think I can really handle effectively xD I will stick with Grima and Morgan for now, though I hope to be able to write more varied stuff with them in the future and actually stick with it. or hope that something that allows for a more organized tumblr-esque experience crops up eventually, because I do like the overall format of the site, just.... idk the sideblog system makes it weird))
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Say whatever you want about Tumblr, it's outdated format, its general lack of purpose, I love the place.
Not least of all, because I owe this place my life.
I may be exagerating, I may be using the locution with an emphasis that has, overall, little bearing with what eventually transpired, but I don't care, this is how I feel about it, and so I will say.
(TW; Suicidal Ideations +/- Trauma in general I guess)
Maybe it's about the kindness of strangers, repeated and echoed here ad infinitum, even so it's nothing but raw, messy feelings distilled into a few good words and akward attempts at humor to make it more palatable, but the sheer number of visibility pushes for struggling individual, and random people trying their hardest to let other know they in fact -do- matter, and life is worth living, all of it, it kept me from harming myself.
This hodge-podge of good feelings and popular education attempts, or self-organized suicide hotline, it made the difference, all the difference, to me.
I'm depressed. Been so since 2014, or the better part of a decade.
I hit rock bottom in 2020: but Covid was actually -good- to me. Lockdowns upon lockdowns made me feel like the world actually slowed down, and that I could keep up the pace again.
But prior to that, it was HELL.
I had suicidal ideation almost every day for eight years, but it was rarely more than a buzz, often times more so a whisper, like a constant leak you can't find nor fix somewhere in your flat: you eventually decide that your broke ass will deal with it when a fucking wall crumble or something.
But it wasn't a trickle anymore. It was fucking NIAGARA-FALLS, CONSTANTLY, ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Even at night, I dreamt mostly of very traumatic stuff, that made me -wish- to end it all.
It didn't stop overnight. I didn't wake up one day, "Normal" : I guess I'll never feel that way ever again, but that's okay. Because at least, I feel good again sometimes: and more than that, nowadays I feel FUCKING FINE, MOST DAYS, ALL DAY.
To me this is huge.
And my stupid emotional anchor, my dumb lifeboat in this sea of garbage, during the worst of it, it as been this post that get reblogged Xthousands times, a tweet that reads "There is no dumb reason to stay alive" with half a dozen dumb reasons under it.
And another one, that reads "You wouldn't X to outlive you would you?" X being some rando A-Lister Arsehole on the US far right.
Because even at my lowest, when I felt like a burden to half the working world, and irrelevant to the rest, I -knew- at least I wasn't a worthless piece of trash -actively- trying to make life worse for untold number of others: if I didn't matter, at least I didn't matter in a way that was causinf sufferinf to thousands, millions, or even billion of people.
And it mattered. To me. In the end.
I'm deeply materialist. I don't believe in magic, the supernatural, or any force in the universe that would influence the destiny of humankind, let alone the universe, in any way whatsoever.
To me, we're in it deep, and we're in it alone people: but we're alone with ourselves, all of humanity.
And even the kind words of strangers, given a fulcrum, and a long enough stick, can lift the world.
Tumblr was fulcrum enough to lift me up at least.
I love this dumpster fire of a site, this perpetually happening train-wreck, and it gave back.
I'm deeply grateful for the kindness of strangers, and I guess I'm deeply grateful for all of you.
Just, thank you for existing: one of us, me, made it through a rough patch, and if I wasn't for nothing in this endeavor, I don't know if I would have made it at all on the other side alone.
The beast ain't dead. Guess this shit never ends, and like Camus said, Sisyphus may need to learn to love pushing this fucking boulder.
Good: I love rocks.
And I can say, I love you all.
Thank you.
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cyprus-resort · 4 days
Northern Cyprus Apartments For Rent
Are you dreaming of waking up to the gentle lull of the Mediterranean waves and basking in the warmth of the sun-drenched coastline? Renting an apartment in Northern Cyprus can turn this dream into a reality. With its captivating blend of natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture, Northern Cyprus offers an idyllic setting for those seeking a temporary retreat or a long-term residency. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about renting an apartment in Northern Cyprus, from finding the perfect property to settling into your new Mediterranean lifestyle.
Exploring Apartment Options:
Northern Cyprus boasts a diverse range of apartments for rent, catering to various preferences, budgets, and lifestyle needs. Whether you're looking for a modern studio overlooking the bustling streets of Kyrenia (Girne) or a spacious penthouse with panoramic views of the Mediterranean in Famagusta (Gazimağusa), there's something for everyone by buy property in Northern Cyprus. Take the time to explore different neighborhoods, amenities, and rental options to find the apartment that best suits your preferences.
Understanding Rental Agreements:
Before signing on the dotted line, it's essential to understand the terms and conditions of your rental agreement. Rental contracts in Northern Cyprus typically cover lease duration, monthly rent, deposit requirements, and maintenance responsibilities. Review the contract carefully, clarifying any questions or concerns with the landlord or property management company before proceeding. Additionally, familiarize yourself with local tenancy laws and regulations to protect your tenant rights.
Visit www.cyprus.resort.com and avail yourself of a FREE 3-day and 2-night tour for all guests. To enjoy happy moments at the Cyprus Resort, use the promo code 'ag34' with your information in the lead form. If you plan to buy a studio apartment in North Cyprus, this is your opportunity to do it now, for FREE.
Budgeting for Expenses:
Renting an apartment in Northern Cyprus involves more than just paying monthly rent. Budgeting for additional expenses such as utilities (water, electricity, internet), maintenance fees (if applicable), and any required insurance coverage is essential. While rental prices in Northern Cyprus are generally affordable compared to other Mediterranean destinations, it's crucial to factor in these expenses when determining your overall budget.
Navigating the Rental Process:
Finding the perfect rental properties in Northern Cyprus requires patience, persistence, and a proactive approach. Start your search by browsing online listings, contacting local real estate agents, or exploring rental opportunities through word-of-mouth referrals. Arrange property viewings to get a firsthand look at potential apartments, evaluating factors such as location, condition, and amenities. Once you've found the ideal apartment, work closely with the landlord or property management company to finalize the rental agreement and ensure a smooth transition process.
Embracing the Mediterranean Lifestyle:
Renting an apartment in Northern Cyprus isn't just about securing a place to live – it's about embracing a lifestyle infused with warmth, hospitality, and timeless charm. Enjoy local culture, savoring delicious Cypriot cuisine, exploring historical sites, and participating in community events and festivals. Take advantage of the region's breathtaking natural beauty, from sun-kissed beaches to rugged mountain trails, and create lasting memories against the backdrop of the Mediterranean.
Conclusion:Northern Cyprus apartments for rent offers the opportunity to experience Mediterranean living at its finest. With a wide selection of apartments, transparent rental processes, and a welcoming local community, Northern Cyprus is an attractive option for temporary residents and long-term expatriates. Whether you're seeking a seaside sanctuary, a vibrant urban retreat, or a tranquil mountain hideaway, renting an apartment in Northern Cyprus opens the door to a world of possibilities and the promise of an unforgettable Mediterranean adventure.
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walkerthomas08 · 1 month
Among the key points to mobile phone advertising is the fact that all round achievement of this particular advertising relies on every individual business which utilizes it and the ethics that are regarded as in their application. If this peaks your fascination, then go through the rest of the suggestions incorporated here in this post.
Recognize that mobile phone marketing and advertising is essential for the business. You should have a straight method of conversation along with your customers, and cellular marketing is definitely an quick way to do it. Putting together cellular marketing and advertising is likewise a wonderful way to absolutely know what your customers would like to try, and the way to focus on that. Be prompt with the emails. This goes coupled completely with simply being pertinent. You can distribute a message about something going on, but it really doesn't constantly translate if you want to deliver a text. Don't be too soon or past too far with your emails. By way of example, you may broadcast a transaction moments before the shop starts up, versus days and nights. Find out what type of viewers you might have. If your market is a lot more technically noise, you will need to speak to them in different ways than when they are center-old housewives. Take note of that you are targeting, and discover ways to talk the same way they are doing to help make them feel most encouraged. The portable market is not reducing whatsoever, but that doesn't indicate you need to get in in the interest of getting into. Certain, you need to at the very least have some type of cellular advertising, but getting into the marketplace simply because you sense you have to contributes to careless campaigning. Make sure it's something you want to do. Even though the amount of portable end users is improving, that doesn't indicate you are able to acquire your mobile marketing strategy beyond its specific market and just market to some greater market place. You still must remain within the confines of your own market. You will see that any niche receives greater, but wanting to entice folks externally it is just lost energy. Constructing a solid reputation for your self in portable advertising and marketing needs job if you wish to be a success. A mobile phone marketer will be viewed as a businessperson, this means you should focus on your overall reputation to have around the good area of customers. Social media is just not a buyer's marketplace it's in essence a big, continuous discussion that you will want to sign up in as a mobile marketer. You can not function as the proverbial salesman on this page. Rather, you really have to be a mobile phone end user a lot greater than a marketing expert. This means you need to focus much more on connection and fewer on simply being authoritative. Your mobile phone ad campaign needs to be cross-program well suited, on each major product to preserve your client base along with their consideration. When your advertisement only performs on Android mobile phone, then those are the only consumers you will attain! If people that have a Blackberry notice a jumbled clutter, your meaning is lost. Be sure to retain the compatibility, significant with every single mobile advertisement. Probably the most productive cellular online marketers begin small and after that broaden their providers. You can utilize the identical approach. You could start having a text messaging strategy, develop into utilizing mobile internet sites, then integrate mobile phone programs and eventually deliver video lessons to mobile phones. Always keep Abonnement IPTV France and enhancing your general mobile marketing plan. Use your sources as greatest as you can. Execute functionality evaluating for the promotion. Enlist your friends, household and co-workers to help you by getting messages and answering them. Require opinions on ease of use and satisfaction. They ought to like the things they see on the show and are convinced that it absolutely was very clear and easy to follow. Be flexible! Make sure your mobile phone marketing strategy is appropriate on different kinds of products. Your campaign will want to look the identical on a type of smart phone gadget. Do not just forget about tablets: perhaps you can adapt your portable fabric to get shown effectively over a electronic digital tablet pc. You may attain many people when your promotion handles numerous units. QR rules would be the wave of the future in terms of promoting. QR or swift reply rules work with an impression which is examined in to a mobile phone and carry a certain amount of info. Use QR codes to website link mobile unique coupons or product information to your business. Looking at these tips can help you understand how to be an outstanding portable online marketer. There exists a arena of information available, and you need to know how to deal with it. So keep that in mind, and put into practice our tips to get the good results you're searching for.
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meldgaardstender72 · 2 months
Guangzhou Travel Guide - Live And Travel In Guangzhou
The trip that would captivate the tourists for this beautiful country is a try to Hanoi's old district. The boats are large enough to hold over 50 people as well as the best spot is throughout the back deck in outside. The action was to get at Suzhou which was easy. A 3 hour train ride from Hangzhou to Suzhou that arrived in Suzhou about 9pm. With hostel directions carefully memorized, I charged ahead within the crowd, disdained the taxi rank and headed for the street to catch a taxi cab. Everyone knows that you waste time queuing at taxi stakes. Well apparently not in Suzhou. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha 14) Credit card: Credit cards are accepted everywhere instances there aren't minimums. Ensure you contact credit rating card provider before you exit so tend not to treat Canadian transactions as suspicious and block your card. Remember your pin to credit score card that will help you withdraw money although you will be charged for a loan. Ask your bank if you're able to use your card to withdraw money overseas - this is truly the most economical way to bring out Canadian funds. Travellers cheques aren't so common here - cash is king! So idea behind was to trap a plane from Beijing to Kuming, stay over night in Kunming, enjoy 1 day in Kunming then catch an overnight train and arrive in Lijiang another morning. Have a day in Lijinag then take a two hour bus to a sluggish start the Tiger Leaping Gorge the following morning.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Here is often a guide for looking for kung fu schools in China. Its a general check connected with what to look for in a great kung fu martial arts school. First explore what part of China unwanted weight to travel, live and train appearing in. Determine what style you want to practice plus the do they train. Then what could be the overall atmosphere of the martial arts academy wish. Stop Read This: I'm going to narrow this article down even further, folks with friends/family you'd in order to visit, stop reading, you don't this guide. Those of you re-visiting an old favorite spot, stop reading, you are afraid this. And finally, those who have booked your flight, hotel, and feel un-stoppably positive about your opportunity to Hau Giang Province survive anywhere, go ahead, stop . Nightlife at the city centre offers you restaurants, bars, clubs, pubs, taverns and etc .. During the summer nightlife always be centered with a main beach, 7 kilometer long "Playa de San Juan". River Godaveri is simply how much attraction on this site. Over the river the three bridges, always be most attractive and lengthy bridges within Andhra Pradesh. On the river bank there several parks and Ghats. People come to here from different places to buy clothes; in fact it could be the 2nd biggest cloth market in Japan. There are range of of temples and over the bank with the Godavari Kotilingala temple just one of the of essentially the most important wats or temples. One for the most interesting aspects of visiting a national park in Chiang Mai is going to be that thinking be placement to see one of the most beloved almost all animals inside of the country - the Thai elephant. Many national parks are the place to find these wonderful creatures. Santa the presence of these national parks, these creatures have gotten to avoid extinction. Top Hau Giang AZ The elephant seriously a a majestic animal and in addition to be location to see it in its natural habitat can sway be an amazingly memorable past experiences. Outside of a national park hybrid cars never receive the opportunity to determine these amazing animals. The promenade Explanada de Espana yet another wonderful sight to see in Alicante. In fact, it is named the best promenade just about every of France. As this promenade stretches, it is lined completely by palm trees. It is made up of 6.5 million marble gallstones. You will notice that the promenade fills with locals at night as essential popular meeting place. In addition there are a regarding concerts that take place out your promenade. When walk the promenade, you will discover a monument that is of the artist Mark Hersch. Supposedly, he still lives in Alicante presently. There are quite a few national parks Chiang Mai venues a person can make a trip to. All of them their very own own unique value. So, which specific park a person visit? Top Hau Giang AZ 247 Could here is based on where in Chiang Mai you can be staying. The province covers quite to some extent of territory and in all likelihood will want to check with local tour guide services regarding is actually the closet and most preferred of the nation's parks within your vicinity. You might end up being amazed at how expansive and impressive the nearest park risk turning out become. This doesn't have to be an arduous task each. Tin tong hop Top Hau Giang AZ Bring your loved ones in using a project along with you. They'll love to have facts for whenever do make our minds up.
So numerous things to see in associated with little moment! Many travelers to Thailand are often perplexed re where to partake in. Travel agents show clients thick photo albums, long lists of Hotels and a longer list of Resorts, Spas and Beach streets. It seems as 1 can spend a year in Thailand and avoid seeing it all (which is possibly not significantly from the truth)! So concept was to hook a plane from Beijing to Kuming, stay instantly in Kunming, enjoy one day in Kunming then catch an overnight train and arrive in Lijiang the subsequent morning. Try a day in Lijinag then take a couple hour bus to the beginning of the Tiger Leaping Gorge the following morning. As most travel junkies know Batanes is the northernmost Hau Giang Province of the Philippines and it's smallest island both in terms of land area and population. Among its ten petite islands only three are inhabited - Batan, Itbayat and Sabtang. Sandwiched by Babuyan Island and Taiwan, the province is closer to Taipei than Manila. Actually an urban legend states that on the clear day one can see Taiwan and listen to Chinese roosters crow. On an average, need to spend roughly 1100 Philippine currency or pesos or $26 each and every day on island-hopping or more, and must cover transportation, food, and miscellaneous. Generally they cultivate two types, sticky rice and ordinary brown rice. The first is used to treat special events and ceremonies such as Tet ( lunar New Year) and weddings. Having a debate about wet-rice-cultivation, Mr. Hien recites a Vietnamese proverb:'Nhat nuoc, nhi phan, tam can, tu giong'. This means 'First you have water,then manure,then diligence, and actually high quality seed'. 'In the north we have two rice crops as well as subsidiary one, according on the weather', he stated. The winter -spring crop begins in the 12th lunar month and finishes inside fourth. Summer season -autumn one lasts of your sixth towards the 10th lunar month. After these crops there 's time for should also to heal and we plant maize,taro, potato and sweet potato'. The park is separated by a tremendous mountain into two areas, The Summit (Headland) as well as the Waterfront (Lowland) respectively. Other parts can be reached by cable car with spectacular views of your nearby islands and the sea. The great aquarium was good, the dolphin/sea-lion show was great too and we only tried most of the rides, because the queues within seamed plenty of. Seasons play an important role if you are in China and plan to go to Mount Tai. Sunrise and sunset times, density of clouds and glow belonging to the place all depend upon the season you are here. Even the route choice differs upon the connected with season. Greatest seasons surely are summer and spring seasons involving sun, flora and beautiful lush green areas. Further West is the province of British Columbia and the city of Vancouver which is cosmopolitan and experiences a milder climate in a bitterly cold winter months. Bc is where you can find the Rocky Mountains and National Parks for people that love the great outdoors. It is a significant centre for both summer and winter outdoor sports. MNP differs from the geographic North pole (GNP). The GNP is the fixed, true north on the Earth's axis. Top Hau Giang AZ News It recently been stable since history (writing) began about six thousand years from the. However, the MNP has been to be able to move. Within the scientific measurements, the it's got moved 1102 kilometres (685 miles) from 1831 to 2005. That's approximately around 6 kilometres per twelvemonth. However, scientists in 2005 said it was moving about 17 kilometres per years. As of 2007, scientists announced it was moving around 60 kilometres per holiday season. As of 2011, it was moving at 80 kilometres per year. Clearly the speed at who's is moving is raising.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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herbexnaturalveda · 2 months
Herbex In - Natural Health And Wellness Product Work, Result, Price In India!
Herbex - You've probably heard people use the terms "well-being" and "health" interchangeably. Many members of the general public use these terms as though they have the same meaning. However, there are a few noteworthy differences between the two.
It can help you achieve clarity on your goals, come to a decision that sounds reasonable for you, and start to create a lifetime of achievable personal fulfillment when you recognize the difference between well-being and health.
Official Site - https://www.herbex.in/
Understanding the Essence of Herbal Supplements
Natural supplements come in a variety of plant-based forms, ranging from cases and teas to concentrates and powders. These improvements derive their potency from the healing qualities inherent in many plants, organic goods, roots, and spices. Unlike artificially manufactured alternatives, naturally grown supplements provide a distinctive approach to enhancing health and wealth.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle might occasionally feel like a challenge, especially if you're trying to adjust to day-to-day life. But when it comes to happiness and health, sometimes the small, consistent improvements have the most impact. Centrum is here to help you live a better life by recommending solid living. Follow these wellness suggestions to learn how to make little, long-lasting adjustments to your daily routine:
Tips for Health and Well-Being
1. Sip a glass of water to start your day.
While you sleep, your body is dehydrated for several hours. Getting a full glass of water early in the day can aid in digestion, eliminate toxins, enhance skin health, and boost your energy levels.
2. Get off to a good start.
Get up and do something that makes you happy, such as writing in a journal or engaging in other leisure activities. Whether it's relaxing or helpful, getting your morning off to a good start can improve your mood and foster positivity throughout the day.
3. Get plenty of sleep.
Rest is equally important to maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in physical activity. Getting the recommended lengthy stretches of sleep every night can have a big impact on your well-being, from improving your productivity and attention to supporting your overall health.4. Take a breath of fresh air.
4. Start moving throughout the day.
Try using the stairs instead of the elevator, take quick walks around your workplace, or ride a bicycle instead of a car. While physical activity is essential, moving throughout the day will benefit your body and mind and keep you stimulated.
Benefits of Homegrown Improvements
There are several benefits associated with using home-grown vitamins, such as:
• Fostering Insusceptible Capability: Well-known for their resilient healing qualities, spices like echinacea and elderberry help protect your body against common illnesses.
• Enhancing Stomach-Related Wellbeing: Assimilation, discomfort reduction, and overall gastrointestinal prosperity can all be achieved with the use of spices like peppermint and ginger.
• Enhancing Mental Clarity: Ginseng and ginkgo biloba are well-known for enhancing mental clarity, sharpening focus, and improving memory.
• Managing Pressure: Adaptogenic spices, like holy basil and ashwagandha, help the body cope with pressure by promoting a sense of calm and balance.
• Boosting Energy Levels: Certain spices, such as Rhodiola rosea and maca root, provide a burst of energy that helps fight fatigue and enhance essentialness.
Why is it important?
Being in excellent bodily and mental health is the essence of wellbeing. Because the relationship between psychological and physical well-being is so strong, problems in one area might have an impact on the other. Concurrently, improving your physical health can also benefit other areas of your life, including your mental health, and vice versa. It is critical to understand that pursuing sound options for eight major daily challenges is a planned, progressive, and comprehensive approach to dealing with well-being.
More than eighteen months ago, the epidemic had unique repercussions on every aspect of the understudy's social and personal health. The most visible is continuing with life while avoiding possible danger, hidden and healingly protected by the antibody, but it hasn't left any part of health perfect. We invite you to think about what it may mean to "Let Your Health Stream" right now with creativity, empathy for yourself, and mutual understanding. The idea is not to suggest that we should be making more of an effort to feel better right now, but rather that we have options; fresh, optimistic approaches to intentionally and fully investigating well-being while experiencing the impact of so much advancement and difficulty.
Official Site - https://www.herbex.in/
Prosperity: what is it?
Harmony or adjustment is a prerequisite for prosperity, and it can be altered by challenges or events that change a person's life. Although some sources define success with terms like pleasing, sturdy, joyful, and prosperous, these descriptions may not always be necessary. Prosperity is a term that inherently suggests that it is personal, influenced by life, and subject to change. The person evaluating their level of prosperity can choose the right words to communicate what prosperity and harmony mean to them.
Empowering You to Thrive Naturally
Our primary objective at Herbax is to help you thrive normally by addressing the revolutionary power of natural enhancements to increase every aspect of your success. As we are committed to excellence, morality, and practicality, you can rely on us to be your partner on the journey towards perfect health.
Discover the difference that improvements developed locally may make in your life. Examine our selection today and begin your journey toward essentiality, balance, and imperativeness. There are countless options for well-being when Herbax is nearby.
A healthy lifestyle strikes a balance between being happy and feeling good on an intellectual, internal, and true level. This is typically achieved through self-care routines and positive habits.
The definition of a stable way of life may change depending on your friends, web-based entertainment, and self-improvement experts. It's easy to compare yourself to others and feel that your tendencies aren't "solid" enough, regardless of whether you're envious of someone's everyday workout regimen or how they prepare supper.
Enhancing Well-Being: The Path to a Healthy Life
The Ottawa Contract for Wellbeing Advancement, which was developed by the WHO and approved at the Primary Global Meeting on Wellbeing Advancement in November 1986 in Ottawa, Canada, serves as the foundation for the concept of #$#Health Promotion#$#. With the help of this Sanction, people can pursue well-informed decisions to improve their wellness.
In conclusion:
The concepts of health, illness, and well-being are important ones that everyone should understand. Each of the three components affects a person's overall strength. These concepts play a major role in promoting a healthy and fulfilling existence.
Official Site - https://www.herbex.in/
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customearplug3 · 10 months
Choosing the Ideal Earplugs for Noise Reduction
Welcome to Custom Earplug, your go-to destination for finding the perfect earplugs tailored to your needs. In today's fast-paced world, noise pollution is becoming an ever-present challenge that can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, and even hearing damage. Thankfully, choosing the right earplugs can significantly mitigate these issues and enhance your overall well-being. In this blog, we will explore the numerous benefits of selecting the ideal earplugs for noise reduction, helping you make an informed decision for a more peaceful and enjoyable life.
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Protecting Your Precious Hearing: One of the primary reasons to invest in high-quality earplugs is to safeguard your precious hearing. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to irreversible damage, causing hearing loss or tinnitus. By choosing earplugs with appropriate noise reduction ratings (NRR), you create a protective barrier between your delicate ears and loud environments, whether it's at concerts, construction sites, or other noisy locations.
Improving Sleep Quality: A restful night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. However, disruptive noises can easily disturb your sleep cycle, leaving you tired and groggy the next day. Custom earplugs, designed to fit your ear canal precisely, offer superior noise isolation, helping you achieve a more peaceful sleep environment. Say goodbye to tossing and turning due to snoring partners, noisy neighbors, or traffic sounds.
Enhancing Focus and Concentration: In bustling workplaces or busy study environments, it can be challenging to concentrate on the tasks at hand. Customizable earplugs allow you to tailor the level of noise reduction, filtering out distracting sounds and enhancing your focus. Whether you need silence for deep concentration or a slight reduction in noise for productivity, the right earplugs can make all the difference.
Preventing Noise-Induced Stress: Constant exposure to noise can lead to elevated stress levels, triggering a cascade of negative health effects. By incorporating noise-reducing earplugs into your daily routine, you can create a calmer and more relaxing atmosphere, reducing stress and promoting a better quality of life.
Enhancing Music Experiences: Music lovers and concert-goers can also benefit from earplugs specifically designed for music events. These earplugs preserve the fidelity of sound while reducing the overall volume, ensuring you can enjoy concerts without risking damage to your hearing. Embrace the music without the harmful consequences!
Protecting Swimmers' Ears: Swimmers are prone to developing painful ear infections due to water entering the ear canal. Waterproof earplugs are a must-have for water enthusiasts, creating a watertight seal that keeps the ears dry and infection-free while still allowing for natural sound transmission.
Managing Sensory Overload: For individuals with sensory processing issues or autism spectrum disorders, everyday noises can be overwhelming. Noise-reducing earplugs provide a comforting cocoon, helping individuals manage sensory overload and engage more comfortably in various environments.
Customization for Comfort: Unlike generic earplugs, custom-made earplugs offer a perfect fit, ensuring maximum comfort for extended wear. They are crafted from soft, medical-grade materials that won't cause discomfort or irritation, making them ideal for daily use.
Choosing the ideal earplugs for noise reduction can truly transform your daily life. From protecting your hearing to improving sleep, enhancing focus, and reducing stress, the benefits are numerous and impactful. At Custom Earplugs, we understand the importance of finding earplugs that suit your unique needs, and we are here to help you make the best choice for a quieter, more enjoyable life. Invest in your well-being today, and experience the difference that high-quality earplugs can make! If you want to know more about this you can visit this website.
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exploreworld989 · 1 year
Is Pakistan a tourist destination?
You can explore different wonders in Pakistan. The cost of a trip to Pakistan can vary depending on various factors, such as the duration, the type of accommodation, the mode of transportation, planned activities, and the overall travel style. However, here is a general breakdown of some everyday expenses for a trip to Pakistan:
Accommodation: The cost of housing can vary greatly depending on the type of hotel or guesthouse chosen and the location. Budget hotels can cost as low as $15-20 USD per night, while higher-end hotels can cost upwards of USD 100 per night.
Food and Drink: Food in Pakistan is generally very affordable, with local street food options available for as little as $1-2 USD per meal. A typical restaurant meal can cost between $5-10 USD, while a beer or soft drink can cost around $1-2.
Transportation: The cost of transportation in Pakistan can vary depending on the mode of transportation. Taxis and ride-sharing services like Careem and Uber are relatively inexpensive, while domestic flights and long-distance buses can be more expensive. For example, a one-way flight from Karachi to Islamabad can cost around $50-70 USD.
Activities: The cost of activities can vary greatly depending on the type of experience you seek. Entry to historical sites and museums can cost as little as $1-2 USD. At the same time, adventure activities such as trekking, rafting, and mountain climbing can be more expensive.
Pakistan tour cost
A budget-conscious traveler can expect to spend around $30-50 USD daily, while those looking for higher-end accommodations and activities can expect to pay about $100-150 USD per day or more. Remember that these are just estimates; your costs may vary depending on your travel style and preferences.
US citizens are eligible to apply for an e-visa to visit Pakistan. The e-visa is an electronic travel authorization that allows visitors to enter Pakistan for tourism, business, or transit purposes.
Pakistan visa for US citizen online
To apply for an e-visa for Pakistan, US citizens need to visit the official website of the Pakistan Electronic Visa System (https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/). They must create an account, fill out the application form, upload the required documents, and pay online visa fees.
The documents required for the e-visa application include the following:
A valid passport.
A recent passport-sized photograph.
A copy of the flight itinerary.
The visa fee varies depending on the type of visa and the duration of stay in Pakistan.
After applying, the applicant can track the status of their e-visa application on the website. Once the e-visa is approved, the applicant will receive it via e-mail, and they can print it out and bring it with them when they travel to Pakistan.
It is important to note that having an approved e-visa does not guarantee entry into Pakistan. The immigration officer at the port of entry can deny access if the visitor does not meet the requirements or poses a security threat.
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stocklivemarket · 1 year
If you are thinking of traveling to Tallin, Estonia, you are in the right place. Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia and it is a popular destination for tourists. Here are some ideas for things to see and do in Tallinn: Visit the Old Town: Tallinn's Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage site and it is filled with medieval charm. It is home to many landmarks, including the Town Hall Square, St. Nicholas Church, and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. Take a walking tour: There are many guided walking tours available in Tallinn that will take you around the city and introduce you to its history and culture. Explore the Kadriorg Palace: The Kadriorg Palace is a beautiful Baroque palace that was built for Catherine I of Russia. It is now home to the Estonian Art Museum. Visit the Tallinn TV Tower: The Tallinn TV Tower is a popular attraction that offers panoramic views of the city. You can also enjoy a meal at the rotating restaurant at the top of the tower. Shop at the Balti Jaam Market: The Balti Jaam Market is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike. It is a great place to find souvenirs, try local food, and meet the locals. Take a day trip to the Lahemaa National Park: Located about an hour's drive from Tallinn, the Lahemaa National Park is a beautiful place to spend the day. You can hike or bike through the park, visit a manor house, or relax on the beach. Where to Stay in Tallinn, Estonia? There are many options for places to stay in Tallinn, Estonia. Here are a few ideas: Hotels: Tallinn has a range of hotels to suit different budgets and preferences. Some popular options include the Hotel Schlossle, the Hotel Palace, and the Radisson Blu Sky Hotel. Bed and breakfasts: For a more intimate and homely experience, you might consider staying at a bed and breakfast. There are many B&Bs to choose from in Tallinn, such as the Old House B&B and the Telegraaf Hotel. Apartments: Renting an apartment can be a good option if you want more space and independence. There are many apartments available for short-term rentals in Tallinn, such as the Old Town Apartments and the Tallinn City Apartments. Hostels: If you are traveling on a budget, you might consider staying at a hostel. There are several hostels in Tallinn, including the Hostel Mundo and the Hostel St. Olav. When choosing where to stay in Tallinn, consider your budget and what type of accommodation will best suit your needs. When to Go to Tallinn, Estonia Let us share with you some of the things you need to know when traveling to Estonia. The best time to visit Tallinn, Estonia depends on your personal preferences and what you want to do while you are there. Here are a few things to consider when deciding when to go: Weather: Tallinn has a temperate maritime climate with relatively mild winters and cool summers. The average temperature in the summer is around 20°C (68°F) and in the winter it is around -4°C (25°F). If you want to enjoy warm weather and outdoor activities, the summer months of June, July, and August might be the best time to visit. Festivals and events: Tallinn has a number of festivals and events throughout the year, so you might want to plan your trip around one of these. Some popular events include the Tallinn Music Week in March, the Tallinn Food Festival in August, and the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in November. Crowds: Tallinn is a popular destination for tourists, so the city can get quite crowded during the peak tourist season. If you want to avoid the crowds, you might consider visiting during the shoulder season (May, September, and October). Overall, the best time to visit Tallinn will depend on your personal preferences and what you want to get out of your trip. How to Stay Safe in Tallinn? Tallinn is generally a safe city for tourists, but it is always a good idea to take precautions to ensure that your trip is enjoyable and problem-free. Here are a few tips for staying safe in Tallinn:
Be aware of your surroundings: As in any city, it is important to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Be particularly cautious in crowded areas and at night. Keep valuables safe: Avoid carrying large amounts of cash and keep your valuables (such as your passport and credit cards) safe. Use a money belt or keep your valuables in a hotel safe. Use common sense: Use common sense when it comes to your personal safety. Don't leave your drinks unattended, be cautious of strangers offering help or asking for directions, and avoid walking alone in isolated areas. Know the emergency numbers: Familiarize yourself with the emergency numbers in case you need to contact the police, fire department, or ambulance. In Estonia, the emergency number is 112. By following these simple precautions, you can help ensure that your trip to Tallinn is safe and enjoyable. Estonia Travel Costs The cost of traveling to Estonia will depend on a number of factors, including your mode of transportation, where you stay, and how you spend your time. Here are a few estimates to help you budget for your trip: Flights: Flights to Estonia from the United States can cost anywhere from $700 to $1,500 or more, depending on your departure city and the time of year you travel. Accommodation: The cost of accommodation in Estonia can vary widely. You can find budget options such as hostels and Airbnb rentals for around $30-50 per night. Mid-range options like hotels and guesthouses usually cost around $70-100 per night, while luxury options can cost $100 or more per night. Food: The cost of food in Estonia is generally lower than in other parts of Europe. You can find a meal at a local restaurant for around $10-15, while a meal at a mid-range restaurant will cost around $20-30. Transportation: Public transportation in Estonia is inexpensive and efficient. A one-way ticket on the bus or tram costs around $1-2, while a taxi ride within the city center will cost around $5-10. Overall, you can expect to spend around $50-100 per day on travel costs in Estonia, depending on your style of travel. This is just a rough estimate and your actual costs may be higher or lower depending on your specific plans. Estonian Culture Estonians are affectionate and friendly. The usually talkative people are quite helpful. Estonia, along with Cuba, has the highest literacy rate in the world. In Estonia, the streets are usually empty after 19.30 in the evening. There is a widespread tram network in city centers in the country where there is no traffic problem. It can also be reached by buses. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Public transport is free in the capital Tallinn. Harassment, rape, incest, fraud, etc. Estonia, one of the countries with the least incidence of crime in Europe, is the world's number one in internet freedom. There are many bars, pubs and clubs for nightlife in the country. There are more women than men in Estonia. Market Place / Main Square The Market Place has been the heart of the city (then Raval) since the 13th century. Today, the most important concert organizations are held here, traditional Estonian festivals are held here, the Christmas market is set up here at Christmastime, and this square is the meeting point of everyone in daily life. Exactly in 1441, for the first time in the history of the city, the Christmas tree was installed in the middle of this square, and ever since that day, the excitement of Christmas has been experienced in the main square. Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is Tallinn's oldest Orthodox church and the most ostentatious place of worship. Located in the Old City, this place of worship was built in 1894 for the purpose of spreading Russian architecture in the city when the country was under the rule of the Russian Tsar. This cathedral is symbolic of the policy of Russifying Estonia. Toompea Castle Toompea Castle was
built in baroque style between 1767-1773 on the right wing of the 13th century military fortress. Toompea's history cannot be separated from Estonia's military and political history and its rulers. Each of the rulers had Toompea renovated according to their own needs and tastes. Today, Toompea Castle is home to the Riigikogu, the Estonian Parliament. Kumu Modern Art Gallery Kumu Modern Art Gallery was opened in Tallinn in 2006. Although it is the largest art gallery in Estonia, it has the power to compete with other art galleries in Northern European capitals. Most of the artworks found in Estonia are in this museum and there are both permanent and temporary exhibitions in the museum. The gallery has a comprehensive and open library, training classes, meeting and screening halls. St. Catherine's Monastery Located at the intersection of Müürivahe and Vene Streets in the center of Tallinn, this monastery is thought to be the oldest building in the city. Built in 1246 by the Dominican order of the Catholic faith, the monastery's door was open to monks and anyone seeking seclusion. The monastery had its own hospital section and even a brewery. Estonian Cuisine Your trip to Tallin continues, if you can't decide what to eat, then it's time to talk about what to eat in Tallin. Estonian cuisine has been influenced by the cuisines of Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Germany. The main ingredients of the country's cuisine are meat, sausage, potatoes, cream, pickles, cabbage, salads and brown bread. The main products of the cuisine are meat stew (seljanka), fried varieties, salmon and trout from seafood. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Cold appetizers are very important in the kitchen. Rosolje consisting of meat or sausage, beet root, meat and herring served with potato salad is one of the main appetizers. The most important food of Estonians is Estonian bread. Brown bread called leib is also quite common. There are also different types of bread called peenleib and sepik with a sour sweet taste. Among the most well-known traditional dishes of Estonia are curd cheese and bread soups. Among the special dishes of the cuisine are smoked and pickled trout, frozen marinated eel called marineerutud angerjas, pork tongue paste keel hernestega, and a fish that comes in abundance in the Baltic Sea, and a silgusoust dish with ham and cream. In addition, a kind of meatballs with onions, kotlet, kansassi, which is very popular on Christmas days, a kind of curd cheese kohupiim, a kind of sour sauce kapukoor eaten with potato salad or tomato salad, cheese buns sotsnik, powdered cereals with sugar and kefir mixed with kama Estonian are among the special flavors of its cuisine. Vana, Estonia's most famous traditional drink, is a strong drink with 40 percent alcohol content. This drink is usually consumed as cold shots or added to coffee. The country's popular beer brands are A Le Coq, Saku and the darker SakuTume. Among the local vodkas, the most preferred is Viru Valge. Festivals of Estonia Estonians are known as the singing nation. Numerous music festivals have been organized throughout the country since 1981. One of the most important of these festivals is the Estonian and Viljandi Folk Music Festival, which takes place between Thursday and Sunday in the last week of July every year. In addition to Estonian artists, music groups from various countries take the stage at the festival, which has been held since 1993. Held for four days, the festival is known as one of the biggest folk music festivals in Europe. Apart from this, other important music festivals of the country include the International Rock Music Festival held every summer, the Estonian Song and Dance Celebrations held in Tallinn, the capital of the country every spring, and the Tallinn International Jazzkaar Festival held between November and December, also hosted by the capital. Tallinn Old Town Days in May and June, Estonian
Song Celebrations held in 1869 and held every five years, Saaremaa Opera Days held in July, Leigo Lake Music Festival and Brigitta Music and Theater Festival held in August, host colorful shows every summer. Beersummer Festival is another important festival. Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, which takes place between November and December, is the largest film festival in the country. The Punk Song Festival held in August in the city of Rakvere also welcomes hundreds of visitors every year. In addition, the Ollesummer Beer Festival is held in July every year in the country. In this festival, which is held in the capital city of Tallinn, many famous bands take the stage during the festival. Estonia's Economy Estonia's economy is based on industry. Petroleum and petroleum products have an important place in the industry. In addition, the building materials industry has also developed. Woodworking is also a traditional line of business in the country. The main forest products are paper, plywood, matches, furniture and pulp. Among the weaving products, cotton fabric has an important place in the country's economy, other industrial establishments, oil refining equipment, agricultural tools, mining machines, pipe excavators and factories that manufacture electronic equipment. Agriculture also has an important place in the country's economy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); However, since there is not much land suitable for agriculture, half of the plant production consists of plants grown for animals. In the country where animal husbandry is also developed, cattle and pigs are widely fed. The country's economy is growing rapidly based on information technology. Religion and Belief in Estonia Estonia, where 75.7 percent of the population does not have a belief, is the country with the highest atheist population in the world. Only 16 percent of Estonians believe in the existence of God. With this ratio, the country is also the country with the highest atheism rate in the European Union. The most common religion in the country is the Lutheran sect of Christianity. Russian minorities living in the country are generally from the Eastern Orthodox sect of Christianity. A small number of Muslims originating from Tatar and Azeri origin minorities also live in the country, which also includes Baptists, Roman Catholics and Jews. There are also a small number of Protestants and Pagans. Languages Spoken in Estonia What languages do you need to know when traveling to Tallin? The official language of Estonia is Estonian. Since Estonian belongs to the Finno-Ugric group of languages belonging to the Uralic branch of the Ural-Altaic Language Family, it has a very close relationship with Finnish, which is spoken on the other side of the Gulf of Finland. Russian is still one of the widely spoken languages in the country, as Russian was taught in the Soviet era. Other languages spoken in Estonia are English, Finnish, German and Swedish.
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kaayakalpclinic · 1 year
Body Contouring: Everything You Need To Know
Body contouring, also called body sculpting, is a medical or surgical process that aims to create a desirable shape on an area of one's body.
Body contouring doesn't usually help you lose superfluous weight. Instead, it shapes the body and addresses areas where you aren't losing weight successfully or after significant weight loss produces extra skin.
Overall, the purpose of body contouring is to shape the body, not to help you lose weight. As a rule, it helps you deal with areas of the body that are more resistant to losing weight.
Different types of body contouring:
Nonsurgical body contouring is known as lipolysis. There are several lipolysis techniques:
Cryolipolisis:  destroys fat cells by using very cold temperatures
Oxylyzing lipolysis entails using deoxycholic acid to inject into the body to directly destroy fat cells.
Laser lipolysis uses laser energy to vaporize excess fat cells.
Ultrasound waves and thermal energy are used together with radio waves in radiofrequency lipolysis to annihilate fat cells.
Body contouring: Here’s why it is used
People choose the shaping of the body out of its fullness or simply to enlarge a particular body part through scarification and binding with a wire or rubber band. It is occasionally done in some areas of the body when people are looking for faster, more effective results than diet and exercise can provide.
People who choose to have body sculpting may be used to look and feel thinner or to attain a better body contour. It is often used on specific body parts when diet and lifestyle don't provide optimal results.
Body contouring can correct most areas of the body. Common locations include all over the body such as :
Neck and chin
Contouring: Pre-treatment
Most cosmetic surgeries take place in a doctor's office, surgical center, or hospital. The procedure generally takes up to several hours, depending on what you have done.
The surgery team may:
Mark the site you are going to in time for the operation.
An anesthetist will put you on a table, perform safety checks, and examine you appropriately before the surgery.
Utilize local or general anesthesia based on the procedure.
Wash and rinse the skin prior to performing surgery in it.
Cut the tissue and excess fat you need to attain the shape you want.
Tightening muscles during major abdominal surgery is common.
Apply liposuction to remove fat alone or in conjunction with other procedures.
Any specified incision should be closed at the end of your procedures.
Apply bandages
Contouring : Post-treatment
Because most people go home the same day or the day after having surgery, you should have someone drive you home and stay with you the first night. In addition, you may have a thin tube in or near the incisions to drain fluid and prevent swelling.
The surgical team will issue instructions that will help you with recovery. These includes :
Taking care of the drains and changing the bandages.
Following the essay, but in order to prevent triggering leg veins, I aim to walk around.
Not remaining in sunlight for too long.
For nonsurgical body sculpting, you will leave the office or clinic immediately after treatment. You will not require transportation home, and you may go about your activities normally.
Advantages of body contouring
A lot of individuals who have undergone body contouring have expressed comfort due to its ability to liberate them from strain and burden.
More well-defined bodies are present in this.
Younger, slimmer appearance.
Easier to shave your skin.
Real-time assistance is available to attenuate the symptoms.
The results from surgery are more apparent and immediate than with nonsurgical options. It may take several weeks to a few months to see a difference.
How long does it take to fully recover after body contouring?
Recovery from surgical procedures may take weeks to months, depending on the amount of work done and the size of the incisions. Nonsurgical treatment options are quicker to heal. Most people return to work and live soon after treatment.
The recovery time for surgery, depending on the type of surgery done can run from just days to months. Nonsurgical procedures possess immediate therapeutic outcomes.
Depending upon the discernible and position of these incisions, recovery time can vary from several days to several months.
When should you consult a doctor?
The effects of nonsurgical techniques typically aren't severe, so you should not have difficulties with complications.
If a procedure is performed on you, report any injuries or ailments you may experience.
The healing site may be red, swollen, or have a hemorrhage.
Pain in the chest
Feeling dizzy
Nausea or vomiting
Conclusion :
Body sculpting can remove extra fat and sculpt certain areas of your body in case you follow and exercise well. Being able to maintain a healthy weight will produce better outcomes with fewer side effects. Body contouring may be utilized to shape and eliminate fat and areas when exercise and diet aren't working. Achieving your ideal weight improves the results of the procedure with lower risks.
Nonsurgical lipolysis is an alternative to a typical surgical procedure, and liposuction is a specific type of surgery to remove fat. Other body sculpting procedures, such as skin excision, tighten and smooth loose or wrinkled skin. Speak with your physician about your choices and the related risks.
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The article was originally posted on: Body Contouring: Everything You Need To Know
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thaysenmortensen58 · 1 year
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Typical hashish concentrates could be a lot too robust for some people who choose a milder set of effects. For many, Delta 9 THC causes emotions of anxiety and paranoia, which is counterproductive when what they really wish to expertise is a sense of calmness and leisure.
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Some of the customers who used Boston Hempire’s D-8 THC carts complained about the lack of a customer-friendly returns coverage. Easily change the merchandise or transport date on your upcoming Scheduled Orders.
In the Elite line of distillate cartridges, you can anticipate excessive ranges of THC, often topping 80 to 95 %.
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Keep in mind that highly effective delta eight may give the user a euphoric high, even whether it is somewhat gentle.
We opt for hemp products which are obtained by safe and eco-friendly extraction strategies. They guarantee the quality, security, and potency of the products. The oil must be derived from natural, GMO-free, and pesticide-free hemp plants. Third-party lab tested for quality and purity; the outcomes are accessible to the brand’s web site visitors. Both 10X cart and Chill Plus contain 900mg of Delta-8 THC. Generally, all vape carts are suitable with 510-thread batteries.
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For the same person to achieve the desired impact, they will take more hits off the milder one than they will off the more potent one. Therefore, the more potent one lasts longer than the milder one. You could choose up a half-gram cart, which has fewer hits than a full gram. Sometimes, it’s just CBD Quiz higher to splurge and get the full gram so it lasts longer. THC oil doesn’t “go bad” within the sense of spoilage and it shouldn’t make you sick. It has a shelf life of a couple of yr, typically fourteen months, and after that time will degrade the compound, rendering it less effective.
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