#and the ferris wheel. mmmmmmm
I fucking LOVE noelle's music I LOVE her leitmotif I LOVE Lost Girl I CANNOT
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Hi Wilba! I'm back again. Sorry..- But you should be grateful I'm even sending you letters! You have the best little brother to still be thinking about you even when you're not here you know! Today we went to a HUGE celebration! A Fair! There were lights and noise and people EVERYWHERE. Two HUGE ferris Wheels right next to each other. It was SO cool!! I ate so much candy floss- Phil would have gone mad if he saw! But He's not here and neither are you, so Big Man Tommy gets to make the rules! I won a cool Lion plushie! I called him 'Noil' cus he looks a bit fucked up- that's okay, my man is just haunted or something.
I've also made new friends here! Iggy and Sparky! They're a lot older than me (Like Phil- Old, Ancient! Man, I would just simply just say ''No'' to turning 30) - Sparky can be mean sometimes but he's just trying his best to look out for everyone. Iggy is very nice! He likes to talk a lot- He kinda reminds me of you! You know- I guess Sparky kind of reminds me of Techno...just a little bit!!
I've been trying to distract myself from thinking too much about everyone. I really miss you all. Sometimes this place make me think of Logsted- except I'm truly stuck here now. No fuck-off big pig to save me, but at least there's no homeless green man bullying me either.. Over-all Win?? (If you count being forced to learn things in a University as Winning?? IDK) I learned L'manbergs anthem on the Ukulele (I spelt it RIGHT this time!) - It took ages, and its hard to sing at the same time as playing. I dunno how you manage to pull it off. Maybe you do just have a humungous brain. Shame you only fill it with weird poetry and shit. The neighbours do not appreciate me playing it in the morning- but Sparky finds it really funny when they yell at us.
Mmmmmmm- I don't really have much else to update you on. Wish this was a two-way thing, but I gotta just be happy that you're getting these- where ever you are. I hope you're still in the SMP. Shroud needs someone there. I don't think Tubbs would let Shroud stay with him and Michael B. I hope he doesn't miss me too much. Talk to you later, King! Its nice to update you on my life sometimes. - Bestest Little Brother EVER (Do not ever Forget) Tommy Big Man Innit (Fictive - 🌞☁️)
[Letter Sent!]
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hazbinextgeneration · 2 years
Safe Haven’s Angel Book 1 Ch2
A breathing noise softly sounded out as he just laid there. His head laid against his mate's chest as she still slept in the early morning. Her steady breath and heart beats adding to the calm aura of the room. A content thrum emanated from his throat as he curled around her more. "Mmmmmmm. Soft." "Thank you." He flinched, but soon relaxed and leaned more into her. "I thought you were still asleep." "Just woke up. You seem comfy." He felt a hand go up to his head and gently scratch his ear. A deep purr vibrated from his chest.
She giggled and faintly felt his tail thump against the bed side. "Y-You know.....I don't feel like I deserve you at times." "Why?" "B-Because I'm a terrible person.....My work puts you in constant danger. I work with demons.....You even work for the same dangerous man at the studios." "Marx. You gotta stop putting yourself down like this. You're MORE than deserving of me." "........"He looked up at her. "And what if something does happen to you?" "Then it wouldn't be your fault." "........Mmm. Why do you have to be so soft?" "Changing the subject I see." "I'm serious. It's nice to just relax and enjoy a morning without worrying about stuff." A sound next to them interrupted the silence. "Uuuuuhhh. F--k me." Reluctantly, he gently uncoiled his arms around her and heaved his self of her chest. Flinging the sheets off, he stretched his body, making popping sounds. "Do you want me to answer it?" "No...It's probably more work for me anyways," he grumbled before reaching over and grabbing the phone from the bedside table and bringing it up to his face. "Yes?" She watched as his face went from tired and irritated to surprise. ".....Whoa whoa whoa whoa! W-Wait. Slow down. What happened?.......Yes. I know about the O'coma Illness going around.....She got it? Oh..........Well, when did this happen?.....This morning!? A-Alright. I'll be there soon. Just try to keep things under control 'til I get there." He placed down the phone and sighed. "Who was it?" "Victor," he answered standing up. "Your apprentice?" He nodded. "What happened?" "You know Castello's wife? Well, he just got a call from the hospital today saying Solstice just went into a come from the virus that's been going around. Now everyone's panicking and I gotta go calm everything down." He fumbled for his suit. "Here. I'll come with you." She tossed the blankets back to stand up. "No. You enjoy your day off. Hopefully this won't take long." He managed to finally finish buttoning his suit and looked ack at her. "I don't want you near there with what's going around anyway." "Then, what do I do? We already had a day planned." "You can go to the Winter's End Festival. It's still going on." ".....I guess. I was really hoping to spend some time together." He walked over to her. "I'm sorry, Honey. Tell ya what....I'll take you to that restaurant you really like when I get back. Ok?" "Alright." He smiled before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Mwuh. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." He stepped back and walked to the bedroom door. "Love you." He said before exiting. "......Love you, too.......*sigh* Guess my plans changed." She sighed before flopping backwards on the bed. ".......Winter festival it is then." A grumbling sound was heard. "......After breakfeast." ................................................................................................................................................................................ It had been a couple hours since Marx left........he still hadn't come back. Apparently work would take all day...... Again. It wasn't bad though. The snow had began to melt and it was getting warmer. But, it was still cold outside as to why she was bundled up in her coat. Her ear twitched as she heard the familiar music of a carnival. Smiling, she hurried her pace and came to a corner. Turning it.....she stopped and stared in awe. A couple blocks away from her was the festival. She could faintly see a roller coaster and maybe a ferris wheel. The unmistakable scent of cotton candy and hot dogs. The music still playing. Still smiling, she started forward.......not knowing the dangers ahead.
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Which One - Tag Game
Thank you @raven-reyes-of-sunshine for tagging me!! 🖤perfect thing to do on a day off I love it ahhh
Early Riser or Night Owl? I used to think I was more of a night owl, but now that I’m older I’ve finally given into being an early riser! I feel so much more productive when I wake up early, I love it.
Spontaneous or Planner? fjalksdfjsld I’m such a creature of habit but my boyfriend is helping me become more spontaneous. But then we plan the shit out of whatever we’re going to do. But yeah I’m a planner, I write out daily and monthly to-do lists. 
Spender or Saver? mmmmmmm since getting a steady income I’ve become more of a spender than I’d like. But I still save up a decent amount so I’m trying to stick more with that.
Big Party or Small Group? Both! really depends on the situation. I’m an extrovert so a lot of times I love big groups, but easily just as happy with an intimate small group.
Coffee or Tea? Coffee! I don’t drink it a lot but I love the smell and I hate tea lol
Trainers or Heels? visually? heels all day. I don’t wear them anymore though hahaha I used to wear like six inch platform heels to high school. Now I’m lucky if I wear something over an inch and they’re usually boots. I don’t wear tennis shoes/trainers much though.
Reading or Netflix? I’m trying to force myself to make it reading hahaha (the real answer is the movie theater)
Mints or Gum? mint! hot take but fuck gum
Night Out or Night In? totally depends on my mood and what the weather is since I don’t own a car! probably night out though, at least to a casual bar
Cats or Dogs? cats cats cats cats
Beer or Wine? wine ugh I’m finally embracing the fact that I just don’t like beer
Modern or Vintage? is saying mid-century modern a cop out?
City or Beach? see I love living in a city but anytime I go to the beach I’m like yooooo why am I not living my life like this
Converse or Adidas? converse!
Rollercoaster or Ferris Wheel? asfjskld neither jk. Rollercoaster if it’s one at Disney or something otherwise I’m too scared for them
Tagging: @proud-princess-el-wheeler, @sweet-sugar-sunsets, @summer-in-hawkins, @formerlyjannafaye, and @xjournal!
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redthreadtugs-blog · 6 years
J: read your email.  Nice pieces you wrote there.
k: yea? thank you darling. It was fresh in my mind.  just kinda opened the doc and started fiddling with it.
J: mmm hmmm.  I am liking how this thing is developing.  I am going to put in a couple things here tomorrow.
k: yea” I added an exclusivity definition.  i don’t know if it suits your or not.  Just thought I’d make a start on it.
J: I saw.  Definitely a good start on that.
k: and... we didn’t talk about it, but I was wondering if the revision to the benefit of doubt section worked for you.
J: I like it better, yes.  It has a more positive feel to it.
k: if we need to talk about it more and refine it further, i am happy to do so, but I liked the idea of grace
J: I do too.
k: and the further language is really the way I understand the original concept I was trying to get at. It’s really an assumption of best intent.
J: These are concept that are good to be defined, giving us good opportunity to be on the same sheet of music. we will have a day where we do a final read through and sign off on this.
k: *snuggles into your lap.* getting all of this sorted... and talking about some of the more intimate stuff is hard.  Especially since we have not really been on that level in a while.  feels extra vulnerable, you know?
J: I know, and yet familiar. And something to look forward to
k: I have to tell you.. I love hearing that sense of you leaning forward into this stuff. that you are eager for resuming some of these things or finding new ground together on it.  I can hear in your voice that a bit of that curl in your stomach seems to be present.
J: It’s rising, yes, along with dominance feels.  That desire to exercise them on that deliberate level.
k: I recall you saying that you really had an impulse to bring out my subby side when we were together.
J: yea, I did.  I could feel it. A growing tension. starting with that first hug, when I saw you outside the Green Tortoise.
k: mmmmmmmmm. that was a great hug.
J: feeling your nervousness at our picnic. Walking with you, switching to the outside line so many times.
k: I was trying so hard not to show my nerves... *blushes*  I loved walking with you. doing that switch dance.
J: laughing.  so many times.
k: only cause we just walked and walked and walked. I liked that it meant something to you that I keep my car clean. that you approved.
J: oh yea.  love that.
k: I loved that time in the car together.  That felt so deeply intimate.  I did not want the night to end.
J: there in the car when I touched your face. Yea.  it was a good night.
k: I wanted a quiet booth in a bar with AC where no one would bother us.
J: the elevator, the hallway where we got run off by the shopkeeper.
k: yea. omg.  hot af
J: feeling some of that excitement and desire in the ferris wheel. touching your hair
k: mmmmmmm hmmmmmm
J: that really detailied look at your hair in Anacortes
k: in the sun? so you could really see the color?
J: oh yes. a lovely shade of brown.
k: smiles* with strands of white.
J: feeling how much you were observing me as I in a similar fashion observed you.
k: mmmm hmmmm. My hand felt so right in yours darling. felt so familiar
J: very comfortable and intimate.  really good times. you are an excellent hostess.
k: thank you darling.  You are an excellent and gracious guest.  wonderful company. I love that being with me, present with me... made you feel that sense of D rising in you.  that is really cool.  makes me feel really good. I know you know how much I did not want to leave you.
J: I know sweetheart. You are adorable. We will do something like it again.
k: I loved touching you. kissing you. running my fingers into your hair. my hand on your thigh, or on your waist. hugging you.  tasting your skin.
J: mmmm hmmmm. Feeling you presence.
k: feeling you holding me tight... feeling you wanting me. my heart racing. your scent all around me.  I feel so good with you darling. So confident in our friendship. in our ability to talk through and weather most anything.
J: it was hard to do this stuff from earlier this year, but it was necessary and will be better in the long term.
k: I know i have been getting all emotional the last couple days.  I think.. i am just feeling, touching the possible, It feels so raw and vulnerable and working through  stuff that touches such deep places when we are in a bit of a detached place to discuss ideas.  Its good, but it’s hard to.
J: yea. I figured this contract stuff would be.
k: yes darling, we are saying the same thing I think. I agree we are in a better place.
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