#and the Devil at the crossroads is a brilliant aesthetic
feeshies · 1 year
Guys here’s my music history conspiracy theory…
Robert Johnson…just practiced a lot and was passionate about his music.
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theblissfulstars · 6 years
Planetary archetypes
Sun: the sun god, god kings, light gods, father gods, gods of athletics, gods of music, gods of romance, gods of foresight, gods of healing, gods of authority, the golden child, the paladin, the righteous, the valiant, the shining one, the hero, the protagonists, the showboat, the artist, the performer, the jock, the competitor.
Moon: the moon goddess, queen goddess,solitary goddesses, lonely goddesses, mother goddesses, ocean/sea goddesses, healing goddesses, goddesses of change, goddesses of emotionalism, dark goddesses, witch goddesses, the sentimental, the sensitive, the protector, the nurturer, the warrioress, the wise, the mystical
Mercury:messenger gods, trickster gods, gods of learning, gods of travel, gods of language, gods of crossroads, gods of communication, gods of mercantile, the quick, the nerd, the cunning, the trickster, the witty, the poet, the reporter, the journalist, the marketer/salesman
Venus: Beauty goddesses, love goddesses, wealth goddesses, fertility goddesses, pleasure goddesses, art goddesses, music goddesses, sex goddesses, peace/serenity goddesses, goddesses of morality, the serene, the seductive, the luxurious, the Aesthete, the princess, the envious, the wanting, the hungering
Mars: war gods,battle gods, violent death gods, gods of plague/pestilence, gods of victory, gods of competition, gods of sport, gods of sex, gods of passion, gods of fire, gods of destruction, gods of disorder, the devils advocate, the fire starter, the rebel, the warrior, the savage, the plotting, the jock, the challenger, the surgeon, the passionate.
Ceres: nature goddesses, earth goddesses, mother goddesses, sustaining goddesses, weeping/mourning goddesses, harvest goddesses, teaching goddesses, healing goddesses, witch goddesses, season goddesses,the wise women, the healer, the rooted, the giving, the hippie, the teacher, the strict, the expectant, the serving
Pallas Athene: goddesses of strategy, goddesses of wise council, goddesses of diplomacy, goddesses of justice, goddesses of civilization, goddesses of politics, goddesses of wisdom, goddesses of law, goddesses of commerce, the tactical, the politician, the word warrior, the protester, the lawful, the just,
Juno: queen goddesses, winter goddesses, goddesses of power, goddesses of wealth, goddesses of royalty, goddesses of authority, queens of heaven, goddesses of contract, time goddesses,goddesses of karma, the seeking, the ice queen, the businesswomen, the controlled, the perfect spouse
Vesta: Solitary goddesses, fire goddesses, domestic goddesses, goddesses of dedication, Goddesses of spirituality, Goddesses of Cleanliness, The pure, The Vestal, The High Priestess, The Innocent, The Pius, The Self Righteous, The goody two shoes, The middle child, The forgotten one.
Chiron: healing gods, teaching gods, music gods, mystic gods, hermit gods, sage gods, tortured gods, gods of experience, the wounded one, the angsty one, the gentle one, the seer, the healer, the wounded healer, the shadow worker, the unfortunate, the leper, the outcast, the broken.
Jupiter: wise god kings, gods of power, gods of authority, gods of royalty, gods of wisdom, gods of foreign lands,gods of storm, rainbringers, gods of victory, gods of esoterica, gods of justice, kings of heaven, the wise, the jovial, the insatiable, the aspired, the hipster, the cultured, the academic, the scholar
Saturn: time gods, betrayed gods,death gods, gods of suffering, gods of punishment, gods of pain, gods of earth, gods of harvest, gods of reaping, karma gods, gods of nature, gods of wilderness, gods of wildness, gods of control, gods of civility, gods of law, gods of natural order. The sophisticate, the tortured, the wise, the ancient, the traditionalist, the historian, the archivist, the betrayed, the goth, the old king,
Uranus: sky gods, wind gods, air gods, winged gods, gods of stars, gods of space, gods of pure ideals, gods of freedom, rain bringers, gods of storm, gods of physical change, gods of oneness, gods of prophecy, the shocking, the unifying, the freeing, the formless, the conspiratorial, the weird, the outsider, the space cadet, the brilliant.
Neptune: ocean/sea gods, love gods, gods of compassion, martyr gods, gods of hidden depth, gods of the barrier, gods of the crossroads, gods of the spirit world, gods of death, the savior, the loving, the accepting, the deluded, the starving artist, the free spirit, the prophet
Pluto: underworld gods, witch gods, gods of decay, gods of mutiny, gods of darkness, gods of shadow, gods of power, gods of secrets, gods of change, gods of pain, gods of rebirth, gods of destruction, gods of wealth, gods of the spirit world, gods of pacts, gods of vice, the tenebrous, the metal, the devoted, the secret, the obscure, the powerful, the glutton.
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   angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself? i am almost terminally unable to understand the concept of not having your cake and eating it too    doll - what’s your favourite outfit? anything that would make someone roll their eyes. also i'm wearing a gas mask.    pumpkin - what’s your favourite weather and why? crisp clear fall weather    baby - what makes you feel better when you’re down? smoking a joint and cuddling with my dog    sugarpie - what’s your favourite sweet treat? truly depends on the moment but right now m&m minis    kitten - are you a dog person or a cat person? dog i think but i like both    princess - if you could live in any other time period, which would it be? not to be gay about it but like 1. time is fake 2. the past is fucked up and so is the future and the present and they're all beautiful too so does it matter? i guess i'd go wherever it's easiest to find people i'd get along with which i feel would be the present tho    peach - what’s your ideal aesthetic? i don't have an aesthetic i just like shit    darling -  what romantic gesture makes you feel the most loved? i like being straight up told! im a pretty straightforward person and i like to just hear i love you or like stories about how much they love me lol    button - do you have a type? what is it like? grimy. louder than me. likes tool.    sweet pea - what’s your favourite flower? calla lilies or those big ones that smell like rotting meat    petal - what’s your favourite smell or perfume? mm i don't really have one i don't think? i like how spray paint smells    sunshine - what’s the nicest compliment you’ve ever gotten? "i prayed to meet someone like you before i knew what praying was"    baby girl - how do you like to be held? i just like to snug dude but i will say spooning is like, a marvel of human engineering    lover - how do you show someone you like them? bring them presents and tell them    buttercup - what does/would your online dating bio say? all my dating bios mentioned that i one day want a van with a wizard airbrushed on the side    boo - what’s your dream date? not to be gay about it but anything thoughtful with my partner    cupcake - if you’re treating yourself, what do you do? buy myself junk food. lyft places instead of taking the bus. get body mods or sex toys.    wild thing - what’s something about you that surprises people? idk i don't think about what people think about me    bubba - tell me a funny story from your childhood. one time i was making a birthday card for this girl i was friends with and i was like "hey mom can i use google to look up a picture of a horny toad so i can draw one?" and she was like "....why?" and i said that i wanted to draw one on her birthday card so that i could write "don't be horny... it's your birthday!" on the inside cuz i thought horny was a synonym for grumpy and my mom was like uhhhh horny means something else that you probably shouldn't call your friend and we left it at that    honey - what’s your favourite hot drink? the spiced cider from rimsky korsakoffee or however the fuck it's spelled    love bug - what song would you love to have sung to you? i'll be your butcher by cancerslug    cutie - what’s your favourite fairytale? rn i'm really into stories about meeting the devil at the crossroads    dumpling - what’s your favourite movie right now? excision, and it's been my favorite for a while    my love - what would your dream home be like? honestly having a home at all sounds like an unachievably wild dream in and of itself but i'd love somewhere decorated with lots of weird futurist 60s furniture in bright ass colors and it's in a cave.    dear - pick whatever question you’d most like to answer! i did em alllllll
rose - describe your crush. incredibly resilient. consistently chooses the most interesting and brilliant paths in life and has clearly been born of that. they has an incredibly strong desire to be good to be people. they look like the art they make. cherry-blossom - do you believe in love at first sight? mm not really daisy - what’s your best childhood memory? when i went to see hammered grunts at branx when i was 13 and felt free from everything for the first time daffodil - which colour suits you best? purple and black peony - do you put more value in honour or truth? truth iris - favourite 90s song? ok joan and i were just jamming out to enya songs last night and they're probably not my favorite but PHEW damn. thanks enya. sunflower - sun or moon? mooooooon narcissus - your best physical feature? my lips i think freesia - are you still friends with the person you considered your best friend two years ago? yes joan killing the best friend game over here orchid - favourite fruit? apples are a classic but a girl will not refuse a nice tart plum..... violet - have you had your first kiss? ew no i would nEVER gypsophila - do you prefer many distant friends, or a few close friends? few close friends, i'm bad at navigating a lot of people and don't like casual friendships that feel light gerbera - neon or pastel? depends HEAVILY on my mood and the color but in general... pastel. when i was little i called them Jean colors because i thought they looked like colors a girl named jean might wear and i didn't know the term pastel carnation - does true love exist? yes. alstroemeria - dream vacation? idk not to be hugely gay but anywhere with my boo would be incredible but also i really want to go mexico to see the pyramids anemone - were you ever interested in greek mythology? yes! when i was 7-10, my favorites were athena and artemis and ares cymbidium - sexuality? ghay rhododendron - what’s your biggest fear? being alone and hating it tulip - lucky number? 17 and 78. and 420. cuz i'm like freaking dank faded all the time. gladiolus - who do you look up to most? no one but also me mom snapdragon - favourite mythical creature? harpies hydrangea - proudest moment? really proud of myself for leaving jay and moving out on my own!! that was a big deal for me in trusting myself heather - what’s your favourite musical? my first reaction is lmao i don't have a favorite musical but if i'm being honest the phantom of the opera delphinium - what’s your star sign - does it suit you? i'm a pisces and unfortunately... she's a fish ginger - least favourite food? raw oysters wtf dude!! they're so gross like just let the fucking ocean snot rocket down ur throat why dont u
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