#and that’s just life ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ!!!!!!!! but it sucks lmao!!!!!!!!
akkivee · 2 years
eventually we’ll get the ‘bat has chuuoku stakes’ reveal and i’m pretty terrified of it tbh lol
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cavaliant · 5 years
sends every other skill you didn't get yet :/ prank'd
Meet me in the fucking pit xav u fool :///
Misfortunate– Unluckiest moment in game?
I had to do PoR c9 three times because Mia was at a chokepoint and killed a guy so another one came and murdered her. Next time Soren died and so the enemy could get through to Mist and she died too. The third time the pirates got to the house on the north beach but by that time I was tired and just let them burn it…I was on easy too…
Fancy Footwork– Singers or dancers?
Reyson, but Lara and Nils’ ridiculous flute playing jig have a place in my heart too. I know this didn’t actually answer the question ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
InExtremis – Clutch moment for you in game?
In that chap you recruit Dorcas I had Kent and Sain wall off the front entrance against the hordes of enemies and prayed they’d live lmao.
Also in PoR chapter 17 part 4 I didn’t know reinforcements spawn from where you start and had to rush some people back from the swamps to go aid poor Rolf and Muarim and then Tibs came and stole my Oliver exp and loot :’(
Perfectionist– Do you like to unlock/get every unit?
Gotta catch ‘em all. Though if I ever get to Xavier’s chap I might just give up :/
WaryFighter – Are you reckless or careful in your strategies?
Careful which is why my turn counts suck ass. But I’m also dumb so I still die anyway due to poor placement lmao.
Swap –Did you ever sacrifice a unit in order to save another?
I let Sully die in the beginning of Awakening to save the others on Hard mode but I was also playing Casual so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aptitude –Was FE easy for you when you started or was it difficult?
My first exp with FE was a copy of Blazing rented from Blockbuster and I was like 7 at the time so all I did was watch “not-Roy?”’s flashy crit animations while probably fucking up the map 😔
Nowadays, it’s not really that I have trouble forming strategies, I just get tired and/or lazy easily so playing an entire chapter through is often beyond me.
RallySpectrum – What is your most favorite/preferred stat?
FUCC, duh
Armsthrift– Which weapon system do you like? Durability or no durability?
On one hand no dura makes me feel less cagey about actually using good weapons but on the other dura makes you think strategically about using them and not just murdering everything in sight with them. Dura with repair maybe?
RightfulGod – Favorite boss in the series?
Um Veld and Reiny baby obviously :/
Veteran –Which FE games have you played and what was your favorite?
I have started New Mystery, Thracia, Blazing, PoR, Awakening, Birthright, and Conquest and finished exactly none of them. As a game I like PoR most but for sheer illogical love it’s always Jugdral 😔
QuickBurn – Do you try to get through the game quickly or do you take your time?
I’m the slowest-ass player on the planet
Wildheart– Do you like using beast/laguz units?
Not unless they’re named Tibarn :/ I just hate transform gauges SORRY RANULF…I haven’t gotten to RD yet so maybe I’ll use Nailah but she also is like, an exp void for a long time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Vow ofFriendship – Do you reset if you lose units in battle?
Yes except for that one time I let Sully die on casual because I just wanted to hurry through whoops
InspiringSong – Favorite song(s) from the series?
Lion King Eltshan is my top fave, but I have to put Disturbance in Agustria, In Battle ~ Destiny (FE5), and Life Returns here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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