#and that groups of Zoras are typically called domains
autistic-sidon · 1 year
Okay so with the existence of Yona confirming that there are other Zora Domains with their own Royal families, there is no way in hell the one in Lanayru is just called, "Zora's Domain."
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majorasnightmare · 10 months
Zora Worldbuilding Headcanons
Some core assumptions:
The BotW branch of the timeline is chronologically set AFTER the previous timeline, ie the events of ToTKs ancient past is set AFTER the last event of the Hyrule Historia timeline. essentially they all come back together to form one line that makes up ToTKs ancient era
The biggest effect on Hyrules topography was the flooding in Wind Waker. after an unknown point, the flooding ocean receded leaving behind the ruins of ancient Hyrule. at some point after that, the zonai settled parts of it and made the buildings wed see as ruins by the time of BotW. slowly the various tribes of hyrule immigrated back
all peoples within the setting of hyrule are loosely grouped into categories called tribes. in this sense, tribe refers a collection of peoples with shared traits, without anything concretely set in stone (for example, hyrule includes the tribe of hylians, the tribe of gorons, the tribe of koroks, etc etc. the main six who show up repeatedly can be considered the sage tribes (gerudo, hylian, sheikah, rito, goron, zora), and the various types of enemies can be considered the monster tribes (the blin tribe of bokoblin, moblin, bulblin, etc)
so with THAT in mind! heres shit that is almost entirely just Fun Background Context and worldbuilding that i mostly just rotate in my mind when working out events for that still-unnamed totk au
@blujayonthewing @br1ghtpunk @trenchcoatofthelord
now in convenient bullet point form because if i dont organize points somehow my adhd ass loses the plot. this might get edited and cleaned cuz im posting this at 3 am
the zora are the tribe most heavily associated with the element of water. elemental water concerns not just the physical aspect of water, but conceptually is associated with the concepts of flowing time and change. as such, the zora show the highest degree of adaptation and physical changes
by the time of ToTK there are three descendants of Old Timeline Zora: the rito, who adapted with the help of valoo to achieve flight, and inherited the element of wind and forest from the kokiri, the "river dwelling" zoras that make up the current Zoras Domain and include Sidon, and the "reef dwelling" zoras that are further east in the oceans bordering akkala and include Yona. there are more than these 3 (only two of which are still zora as the rito have branched off so much and so long ago they are considered their own separate tribe) but these are the ones with the strongest presence in hyrule
the zora are very familiar with their own adaptable nature, and physical differences between different zora are rarely remarked on as its a matter of course. this typically confuses non zora when one refers to the rito as their air dwelling cousins, but to a zora this seems as obvious as the sunrise. some zora just evolved to fly, its that easy. they may not be fishpeople but theyre still cousins. zora rarely elaborate on this connection as initial confusion is misconstrued as confusion with regards to a zoras adaptable nature in GENERAL and not the specific connection between the birdlike rito and the fishlike zora
zora, overall, work on clownfish gender rules. personal physical traits can morph based on overall population and secondary sex characteristics adapt and change as needed. zora gender presentation, therefore, is completely divorced from sex characteristics and considered a matter of personal identification. clothing is essentially just fun accessories to jazz up your appearance. as such gender roles in zora society exclusively refers to whos doing what in procreation, but extrapolating habits, presentation, or identifying characteristics from those roles is deeply confusing. similarly confusing is the idea of differentiating relationships based on gender or sex characteristics (to a zora, all marriage is gay marriage).
well accustomed to change, the zora typically take cultural differences in stride and are known for their adaptable and friendly nature, though a perspective drawing root from the biology of fish exacerbated by an elf-like long lifetime means theres been a fair share of well meaning confusion and misinterpretations on their part.
the exception being the zora post calamity where, having suffered catastrophic losses and the death of their beloved princess, the zora of the domain reacted in their grief by becoming isolationist and traditionalist, in an attempt to staunch the flow of despair that was sweeping their lands. sidons ascension both as the champions heir in botw and the sage of water in totk metaphorically heals these wounds, helping the zora as a people embrace the everflowing nature of time and the changes they bring, as we must risk pain to fight for our happiness. by digging in our heels and keeping away, we prevent anything from getting better, letting the water stagnate. though the current may sweep us away, only the flowing river brings new life.
the zora, being the tribe associated with the element of water, react incredibly strongly to its presence. this is most visible with zora royalty. ancient tradition dictates the spiritual stone of water, the zora sapphire, be used as a wedding gift by the royal heir. proximity to such a powerful source of elemental water causes the zora ruler to grow steadily larger and more powerful as they age, as the spiritual stone is used as their marriage token. this is why the zora king is typically a massive individual, combined with the zoras long lives, one can get absolutely MASSIVE. this connection is also why the zora ruler is so powerful, as seen in king dorephan physically throwing a guardian off a cliff
following up on this, most zora cannot cast magic. the implied gender dynamics in sidons questline in ToTK deeply aggravate me and, imo, cheapen Miphas skills as a champion, as yona and other female zora are seen performing the same healing magic mipha was known for, and then purifying water in sidons place (so why is he even doing it if he can just take shifts??? anyways). adjusting for this, magic is, by ToTK, an extremely rare skill to have. even the presence of the spiritual stone does not imbue one with the ability and skill to cast magic dorephan may be powerful, but he is no mage.
in that vein: yona and her attendants have no healing magic. they demonstrate their compassion and dedication to helping with the crisis by tediously and thoroughly treating the sludge-affected and wounded zora in the domain by hand, scrubbing them clean and tending to them with non magical medicine. mipha was not born a sage, and in truth had very little magical power, and a shallow connection to the magical element of her people. what was remarkable was the sheer skill and razor point efficiency with which she used what little magic she had, generating returns that so outclassed her power that it seemed a miracle. this is why mipha was so short, as zora grow in proportion to their connection to water, and miphas connection was constantly stretched to its limit by her compassionate nature and determination to heal and save all she could
as a change to ToTK used in the au, and also a headcanon: miphas court was not always a source of water for zoras domain. once the sludge crisis began, polluting the waters around the domain, a wellspring of clean water sprung up as if by magic underneath her statue, flowing downwards towards the zora. the area is well explored, and there is no immediate logical explanation, leading to it being widely perceived as miphas final miracle (which is not far from the truth. vah rutah generates water from nothing, and even in death mipha cant help herself but to try and save her people, watching over them still)
zora religion is a matter of significant cultural importance, and to the surprise of no one, features a heavy emphasis on water. zora, overall, are deeply spiritual as a rule, and this shows clearly in their architecture and their noted tendency to dedicate massive structures to religious worship and celebration (and often time such structures work both as a spiritual source of worship and as a practical location with a designated function. nearly all water temples are explicitly religious, and they also tend to double as water plants in some fashion)
frequent interaction with the hylians has meant that the zoras have had PLENTY of time to comingle and embrace hylian culture and religious concepts, to a degree that often surprises and shocks your average unaware hylian. the zora are somehow more gung ho about hylia than even THEY are (hylian culture and religion are for another post, but in general hylia worship is treated as a subtle background element and is rarely brought to the forefront of active attention or behavior. by contrast, the zora have an organized religion focusing on her with a dedicated priest role)
the heavens above are a vast starry ocean, the dwelling place of spirits, and where the horizon meets the sea, the dead can cross over from one plane to another. the rivers below are a muddied reflection of the starry rivers above, and where life is brought forth in the waters below it transitions to a new form in the waters above. the shine of the stars is the glint of light off the scales of celestial zora, and reflective metals like silver help them find their kin in the lands below
"all waters meet in the ocean" being a zora idiom about how many different concepts will often lead back to one solution, and how many different peoples can find unity at a single destination, regardless of how dissimilar they may initially appear
an emphasis on the flowing mutable qualities of water is reflected both in the zoras conception of identity (prone to change as time and circumstance changes, both metaphysically and also physically) and also their spiritual practice, focusing on the nature of spiritual transition from one state to another
hylia thus takes the role of guiding shepherd in this instance, symbolically aligned with the sun. through hylias light, the spirits of the dead find their loved ones in the living world, who in turn can see the sparkling glint of their scales in the heavens. as disaster clogs the river and buries the dead, hylias light reflects off the water to help guide them to the horizon line
out of all the tribes, the zora have embraced hylia the most, and openly incorporate hylian iconography into their own religious symbolism, and through the generations have had their own dedicated priesthoods to her, a tradition which still continues, albeit more casually, to this day. zora churches to hylia are considered some of the most beautiful in the country
zora do not worship a creator deity and instead attribute their peoples birth to the amorphous and chaotic nature of water itself, though there has been many minor religious figures taking the form of guiding spirits who aided in their creation by guiding the malleable form of the zora into one more closely resembling their current state
included in these guiding spirits are historic protectors of the zora people, including the water dragon farore and the great fish jabu jabu
the shared heritage with the rito is attributed to the nature of leviathans, who both dwelt in the ancient oceans (jabu jabu) and also roamed the heavens (the windfish, levias) and is considered a minor fact of life not really exciting enough to dwell on
a fun little aside inspired by my replay of skyward sword: the water dragon being the source of elemental water sage magic for the zora, and the water dragon uses her power to imbue the lake she resides in with a kind of magical purity, allowing her to grow whatever she wants in its waters (ie salt content or lack thereof does not affect the lotus blossoms or coral growth, as they draw upon the magic in the water to filter what they need). she is the source of elemental water for the zora, and thus has the greatest mastery over it, demonstrating skills other sage descendants cannot yet replicate. in time though, sidon may be able to imbue small bodies of water with that purity, allowing salt and freshwater organisms to coexist when otherwise theyd be unable to
the waters of the divine springs are not elemental water but instead the divine waters of the sacred realm, and are instead closer to elemental *light* than anything else. the springs will never diminish, nor dry up, and are as deep or as shallow as needed
the zonais interaction with the zora was a bit of a reversal of typical first contact enlightenment. the zora have a long history of stellar plumbing systems and engineering, to such a degree that first contact resulted in the zonai learning and adapting zora blueprints and methodologies for the construction of the water temple sky island
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triplechain · 2 years
an assortment of CoH lore i made up baybeeeee
CADENCE OF HYRULE TAKES PLACE AFTER THE TIMELINES RECONVERGE. It's not immediately after, but it's soon enough after that history is still messy. Records agree right up until the aftermath of the Hyrulean Civil War, sometimes called the "Era of the Hero of Time", but after that point things split off.
The Zora around Lake Hylia you can talk to are "Lake Zora", while the enemy ones are "Wetland Zora". They're basically the same still genetically but some said "let's be chill" and others chose violence. It hasn't really been that long since the lake Zora moved in and have tried to distinguish themselves.
There... really isn't a distinction between the two outside of general location. There are Lake Zora that still retain the ability to shoot projectiles and there are Wetland Zora that prefer a more chilled-out life.
The in-universe reason there's so few Zora around the lake is cause most of them are underwater in the domain. Just the surface froze over, really, but it's fairly thick ice and the escape routes are mostly surrounded by enemies
Wetland and Lake Zora have less visible diversity between the male and female Zora when compared to the Sea Zora. Female Zora typically have more scale patterns, though. no weird fish boobs
Eventually Sea Zora (AKA the friendly Zora as we know them from OoT, TP, OoA, etc.) will return to Hyrule. they're just... elsewhere right now
There's more than just the one Goron, there's more around and on the other side of Death Mountain. Goron are everywhere
(seriously, the Goron are one of three races to have survived from Skyward Sword to Breath of the Wild. They travel. They're eternal.)
Because of their location, Goron were more or less unaffected by Octavo's actions.
The Temple of Storms might actually be a Goron temple... maybe. idk.
Rito also exist, mainly in two groups: more human-like (WW) and more bird-like (BotW). The more bird-like Rito have adapted to fly longer distances, while the more human-like Rito are more prevalent on Dragon Roost Island. Some might've sailed across the ocean to try and find new lands, though.
There is a Rito settlement being established in Hyrule, but it's still early in its lifespan and it's more of a place for long-distance fliers to rest before returning home.
The Rito Feather found in game is probably actually a Roc's Feather, but Link has no idea what it is and knows there's bird people so. Rito Feather.
Korok and Deku Scrubs are trying the whole "living in the same place in harmony" thing but it's. rough.
No one's sure when Skid was created or where exactly he came from considering the Kokiri are all supposed to be dead...
Deku Village does exist in the present day of CoH, it's just much more hidden
Ganondorf is like 12
Chief Barriara is only the leader of the Gerudo because Ganondorf is too young
The Gerudo's more mechanic-focused lifestyle is certainly a strange one given their usual role in history, but they're some of the best engineers Hyrule has ever seen. Some even say they rival the Sheikah's prowess...
Family heirloom is the gemstone from the Minish Cap, got picked up by an ancestor and has been passed down through the family since
Might have a little bit of Minish somewhere in there because of Vaati's action back in the day...
Family has always been a bit more magically inclined, but Fireball and Haste are unusual even for them
After putting the castle to sleep and enchanting some of the guards, he broke into the Royal Library's restricted section because he wanted to know more. The Sheikah librarian held him at knifepoint. Octavo forgot about the Sheikah.
Still serving the crown! They're just doing a lot more of the "hiding in shadows" part and defending the sleeping king and others they come across in the game
The Royal Library is monitored by them. No one gets in or out without their knowledge.
No one knows for sure how connected the wise potion women are to the Sheikah. Mostly because most folks don't realize those women are the Fates.
The Lute used to teleport is Sheikah tech, but the Sheikah eye on it has faded with time.
To a degree, they understand where Octavo was coming from. The reincarnation cycle is set to continue ad infinitum, but they had preparations in place already. Said preparations were kept under wraps, of course, because let's be real, who's actually gonna trust a bunch of highly advanced ninja scientists
Still, perhaps it would be for the best if they made more... visible preparations, as well.
One of the big things Tempo establishes with the help of other races is a cultural music festival. Bringing people from Hyrule and beyond together for a few days of music and dance and commerce, in part to remember the time Octavo tried to take over the castle (whoops) and in part to bring everyone together more. It's... huge.
Kakariko isn't the only settlement because that's ridiculous
The only masks Skid knows for a FACT have souls in them are the Darknut and Skull masks (the former because he more or less saw it happen, the latter because. well. plot.)
Rhythm, Tempo, Cadence, Skid, and Yves ALL worked together to defeat Skull Ganon because hell yeah intertwining stories
> "oh so do they get the future instruments" also yes. Rhythm, Tempo, and Yves help Skid get the Bongos, but then the group probably parts ways for a while so the present team can wrap up their collection and Skid can get the Synth (because man oh MAN would the Bongos be easier to get with more items available from Rhythm)
>>> ...i should put the Hero's Medallion into Skid's design somewhere huh.
[this might change] Yves is from the future; Skid is from the present
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silentprincess17 · 3 years
A Proposal Gone Awry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3
Summary: Link has been touring the breadth and width of Hyrule to clear out the remaining monster camps, and soon enough, he reaches Zora’s Domain. Mipha asks him to wait before he heads back to the castle, which he was intending on doing... but some mischievous children may have other plans.
Part 3
Mipha had completed her list of assignments for the day, and now she headed out to the Zora River, diving in on her way to Hyrule Castle. As she swam gracefully, swooping and twirling through the air as she breathed, before sinking back down into the water, she reflected on the day’s events. She’d attended the Zora General Council Meeting in the morning, where they discussed new refurbishments to be done around the Domain. Rather embarrassingly they’d decided to create a statue, depicting her, to be placed in the fountain at the centre of the Domain. She couldn’t say no, it would be disrespectful to the likes of Ledo, and Seggin, her Master, ordered the poor man to do it as well. Mipha personally didn’t really like the extravagance- she would much rather use the resources elsewhere. But, her father disagreed, stating she had become one of the Zora Greats, alongside Princess Ruto who was claimed to have been a Sage, in a time long past. It made her feel proud, at least, to be a Princess who had helped prevent such a disaster, and to know she’d helped Link in his endeavours made it all the sweeter.
At the thought of Link, her heart skipped a beat, and a shiver went down her fins. If only her plan that night had worked! She’d set everything up so carefully, so determined was she to profess what had truly driven her motivations to hold up the mantle of the Champion, how she wanted to protect him from any harm that could befall him… Sadly, under the influence of mischievous children he’d gotten hold of the armour she’d painstakingly made, and somehow deduced it was simply a practice run. For the love of the Goddesses, she couldn’t have anticipated such a turn of events.
One positive had come of the entire situation though, she’d found Kodah and it turns out Kodah’s head was truly filled with clouds: she was simply lusting after Link. Whilst Mipha could see the appeal, her feelings ran deeper. She didn’t just like the look of Link, she adored his very soul, and Kodah understood that and promised not to interfere. If anything, she looked sheepish and was ashamed about the whole affair. Mipha was quite glad that little piece of unpleasantness was over.
She sprouted from a gush of water, and she smiled. She always felt most at home in the waves, almost as though she and the river were one. It made her feel empowered, strong, but mostly comfortable. This was where her strength lay, in the powerful currents underneath her and how she wielded control over them.
Soon enough, the Castle came into view. Everything had mostly been fixed, people had settled back into Castle Town after their hurried evacuation, and Mipha was glad to see the people recuperating, already almost back to normal. She wondered, sometimes, what would have happened if Terrako hadn’t summoned the help from the future that they ended up relying so heavily on. What would have happened to her, if Sidon, her grown up, almost of courting-age brother hadn’t shown up to protect her. And Sidon’s presence had allowed enough time for Link to come and help defeat the Waterblight, and she blushed a little at the thought. Truly, he was her Hero. And to think Terrako hadn’t only sent help her way, but to the other three Champions as well… The small egg-shaped guardian had done so much for them, and she didn’t want to dwell on what might have been, had it not been there.
By the time Mipha arrived in the Sanctum, it was close to sunset, and she had spent some time drying herself to make sure she didn’t soak the carpet floors. And okay, she’d also spent some time roaming around the garrison, and the barracks but she hadn’t managed to spot Link.
She sighed, he was probably with the Princess, where he nearly always was.
Revali was the next to arrive, and he fluffed his feathers, brusquely adjusting his neckerchief, “Are the others not on time? How asinine. Although perhaps it’s too much to expect such high standards from them.”
Mipha sighed, much more discreetly this time. He had a rivalry with Link, and that could not be forgiven in her books. “Revali, we are, as of yet, early. Urbosa and Daruk are both travelling from-”
“Afar? Yes, I know, that’s no excuse though, Mipha, have you ever heard of leaving earlier? They also cannot fly to their detriment. Did you see Daruk’s paraglider break after using it a mere five times? Who told a Goron he could sail through the air? It’s just so unnatural!”
Urbosa walked in then, and Mipha left Revali alone for a few minutes. He briefly called to her though, as she turned away, although when she’d waited patiently for him to say something, all he’d done was glance down at her ornamental armour, before brushing off his feathers.
She shrugged, classing as typically strange Revali behaviour before she turned back to Urbosa. She wanted to ask if the Gerudo Champion had seen Princess Zelda, and by default Link. It pricked her a little, that she had to find the Princess first in order to locate Link, but he was her Knight after all.
Sadly, Urbosa hadn’t seen Princess Zelda. Apparently, she was getting ready in her room. Mipha could only assume Link was guarding her door. Shortly after that, Daruk had appeared and then the King had walked in, welcoming them to the Castle. They would have a private dinner, with a few select Sheikah, and Master Kohga to privately congratulate the group on their success and then move across to the Sanctum later on in the evening for the Ball in their honour. Hestu had decided to remain with the forest spirits, and Monk Maz Koshia had re-entered the Shrine of Resurrection, in his deep other-worldly tones saying he’d now wait for the next Hero. Mipha shuddered a little at the memory, wondering what the next Hero’s fate would be…
They walked with the King, who pulled out an apple to snack on whilst they trekked to the Dining room, where they would meet Princess Zelda, and Link. Her heart sped up a little in anticipation.
Impa, Purah, Robbie and Master Kohga were all waiting in the room, a single banana in the middle of the four of them and heated debate was clearly ongoing, but they stopped as soon as the King walked in and knelt. He bid them to rise, and they all sat, waiting for the Hero and the Princess to join.
And her heart rate did spike, as the Princess walked in, hand in Link’s elbow as he escorted her inside. His eyes never met hers, but Mipha didn’t allow that little fact to distract her, because oh, Link was in Royal Guard uniform and –
- Terrako bounded up, jumping up to Link’s waist, and he caught the egg, settling it on its own chair, and it beeped and booped, waving its little guardian legs at them. Mipha waved back, but really, she was trying to stifle her laughter as Impa gave the poor thing a good whack in return and it jostled into the air, pointing its little finger at her. Terrako truly was very cute, but Mipha was distracted again by Link coming closer still.
He looked radiant, polished, a perfect guard, his hair slicked back into that cap, the royal dark blue armour overlaid his muted red undershirt, and Mipha choked a little on the water she was sipping when she looked at his pristine white gloves and boots. Oh Goddesses, the gloves. He looked devastatingly handsome, and- wait. He held the chair for the Princess, as was expected for a guard, Mipha reassured herself, but he… smiled at her. A small smile, a classic Link smile if you will, but he smiled at her, and she smiled back, gently, tucking her hair behind her ear. Not for the first time in their presence, Mipha felt a dash of fear strike her, but it was quickly forgotten as Link sat down, and smiled the same smile, if a little less bright, towards each of them, until he reached Revali and then it was a nod. That made her chuckle a little, and the Rito just shrugged, instead turning to Zelda and inquiring about her health.
But Mipha was watching Link, and she didn’t miss his fingers tightening over his glass. Subtle, but she noticed still. And the fear pricked again. But he was just annoyed over Revali, right?
He turned to Daruk, who started talking about the newest iteration of Rock Roast, and Link sat up, paying earnest attention.
And Mipha let herself breathe. She was really overthinking this whole scenario to be fair.
Soon enough, the King lifted his champagne flute, and they all looked at him.
“Champions, I invited you all today to commemorate your success! Tonight, we feast, and make merry, for the Darkness has been Sealed and the light of Hylia shines upon us all. I would like to personally extend my thanks for your service in the name of Hyrule, and I pray that you all remain in the best of health, and achieve whatever you set your minds too, for those in the room today are amongst the brightest and most capable citizens of what is surely to be, a glorious future.”
Everyone politely clapped, and Mipha felt encouraged, she could do what she set her mind to, she could confess to Link, she could achieve the future she most wanted- to rule her Domain with him by her side.
Dinner passed by any further without incident, Mipha joked a little with Urbosa, who was in the middle of setting up a “girls-night only session” for the five of them. And Urbosa had done something very strange, she mentioned she wanted to host another catwalk, and then she had winked at Link, who had promptly blushed, pulling at his collar. Mipha wasn’t sure she understood the reference, it felt like an inside joke that she wasn’t privy to, but regardless, she was excited. A chance to bond with other girls her age who weren’t Zora was hard to do, enclosed as they were in the Domain. Then there was the whole ageing issue, because by the time everyone in this room had died, Mipha would actually still be in the Hyrulian equivalent of her thirties. But today was about celebrating their success, and she shouldn’t be thinking of something as morbid as death.
As soon as dessert was passed around, which unsurprisingly was fruitcake, Princess Zelda’s favourite, the group made to disband. She remained, thinking perhaps this would be the ideal time to snag Link for a few minutes, out on the walkway just outside the dining room before they headed to the Sanctum.
She walked very slowly to the door, and then remained just outside, intending on asking Link as he walked out with the Princess. She waited for a few seconds, and he hadn’t shown up yet, so she discreetly held her jewellery and poked her head back in, and she almost wished she hadn’t.
Because Link was using those same white gloves, the pair she had so loved on him, to gently wipe some of the frosting on Princess Zelda’s outer lip. And then. Oh. Mipha had to turn away. She hastily walked off, trying to think of an excuse but was unable too.
Why had he licked his finger clean?
Well, to be fair, they had all become friends over the time, some of them, such as Link and Zelda, had spent even more time together and so were likely to be even better friends. Frankly, they were together all the time, and this sort of behaviour was common between friends was it not? As a form of teasing? Yes, that was it.
She felt somewhat reassured once she was back in the Sanctum, she’d wait for her moment and she would seize it. She would do as she planned today.
The King made a similar rousing speech, once they were inside the Sanctum, and the ball began in earnest. Link and Princess Zelda appeared some fifteen minutes after Mipha had arrived, and she had taken a total of twelve minutes to walk across to reach the Sanctum so clearly, nothing else untoward had happened.
Or, well, anything that she could forcibly see.
The music started, as a sort of prelude for the first dance, and Terrako jumped up, pulling off a “spinning” dance move set on the floor, twirling and flying upside down as it gracefully pirouetted, and everyone was fawning over the little egg. It responded in kind with a series of beeps and boops, in sync with the music.
She tried to squeeze her way over to Link, to ask if he would like to, perhaps, dance, and then she’d guide him away mid-swirl and clarify the situation that arose last week.
But, lo and behold, there he was, dancing with the Princess. It was the first dance, and etiquette meant that it was almost expected for Princess Zelda to open up the dance with the Hero. Mipha was nothing if not patient, and she smiled graciously at the courtesan who asked for her hand to dance. She acquiesced, anything to keep her mind off how Link was probably holding the Princess a little closer than etiquette required, and how those piercing sapphire eyes never left the Princess’s own. Whilst she was trying to pay attention to what the courtesan was saying, she hadn’t even caught his name, poor fellow, but she couldn’t help but remain focussed on Link.
She gasped when he spun the Princess in a tight circle, and then dipped her, nearly to the floor, and how in sync they seemed to be, how seamless the whole thing was. It made her suspicious. Link was very graceful in a fight; he performed some of the hardest moves as though he was passing a knife through butter, but… dance was a considerably different type of elegance. And the way the Princess was smiling at him, almost encouraging him, made a small stone settle in her stomach as she came to the most likely conclusion.
He’d learnt to dance with her. They had practised together. And she fought down the burn of jealousy that threatened to escape her.
Of course Link would learn to dance with Princess Zelda, he was her Knight! She must have offered because she knew this ball was coming up, and Link likely had no experience, so she offered to teach him!
And they weren’t dancing as lovers!
Mipha excused herself, she was feeling all hot and bothered and it was just so unlike her to feel agitated. She just needed a few seconds of fresh air, ideally to jump in a lake for a few seconds just to cool down and recover her Grace.
She escaped down a corridor and went through the first door that opened out onto a balcony, taking a few deep breaths.
Within seconds she heard girlish giggling, followed by a deeper, richer laugh. She stiffened, moving to hide behind one of the tapestries, for some reason feeling self-conscious even though she had no reason to be. The pair passed by the door without pausing, and although she likely knew who it was, she wanted to verify it with her own eyes.
And yes, as she’d guessed, there was Princess Zelda, holding hands with Link. The laughter that she’d never heard before was from him. She didn’t have the heart to be upset anymore, because she realised something then.
He was happy.
In all the time she’d known him, he had only ever smiled and laughed as a child, as a four-year-old. Never had he laughed once he grew older, only smiling, and that too, small, limited smiles.
Her heart throbbed painfully in her chest; it was all too much. She had just wanted to take a minute's breather, but she could still do that! She could just- she flipped around and saw another winding corridor.
She hurried down it, keen to try to recompose herself a little. Clearly though, she had forgotten that the castle was indeed circular in shape, and the corridor she had started on in her haste, actually ended up being the very same one Link and Zelda were walking down now. Goddesses, her luck had run out today. It was too late to backtrack, in her panicked, and half-unfocused state she had somehow missed their laughter, and now from the sound of their voices, they had nearly reached the entrance. Thankfully, it was dark, and Mipha pressed herself into the shadows, behind what she could vaguely make out to be a column. She would just wait until they had left, and she would continue forwards to end up back at the ballroom.
But no, even then, she was doomed because Princess Zelda stopped, and moved to light a small lamp on the side. She held it up to what Mipha could make out was a portrait.
“This corridor, Link. Have you had a chance to come before?”
He shook his head.
“Well, I’d imagined so, because we never had much time, really. Always heading from one battle to the next… But I’d like to show you something, now that we’re no longer under such duress.”
He smiled, nodding. “Okay.”
Mipha was distracted from her discomfort at being trapped and unable to escape when she realised that Link spoke. Casually, almost. Like this wasn’t a rare thing. Mipha felt the stone in her gut grow a little.
“We call this the Hallway of Remembrance, to commemorate the Heroes and the Princesses of time past, where Ganon, or at least, some form of him, came to terrorise Hyrule.”
She held up the lamp closer to the first portrait, and Mipha, despite her misgivings, edged a little closer in curiosity. It was a painting of what seemed to be a land mass suspended in air, with the back of a boy that looked a lot like Link, and she had to hold in a gasp when she realised he was, in fact, holding the Master Sword. Next to him was a girl with flowing blonde hair, not unlike the Princess actually… and she was holding a harp.
“This one was commissioned by Father actually. No one truly knows what Hyrule was like back then, but apparently, it was all in the clouds… And they used to fly around on animals that are now very much extinct. So, this isn’t really a portrait from then, but it felt right to include, you know?”
Link paused. “I. I remember it, a little.” He glanced up; his brow furrowed. “I think it was called Skyloft, Zelda. And we flew on loftwings… I saved you then too, although I can’t remember much else.” Mipha’s jaw almost dropped to the ground. Wow. So much speech. And… she still didn't quite understand what was going on, but it was dawning on her now that they wouldn’t be moving down from this corridor for a while. From the way things were going, it seemed like a private conversation she shouldn’t be privy to, and she felt guilty for unintentionally overhearing them.
But she was stuck! She couldn’t move in front of them, or they’d know she was here, and she couldn’t move back down the corridor she came from because they’d also see. So, she was trapped behind this white marble column, indefinitely, until they moved past her.
Princess Zelda laughed. “Obviously you did. That is a recurring theme by the way.” She paused. “Wait, yours was a Crimson loftwing wasn’t it? The rare one?”
He nodded, and he looked so excited. “Yours was blue.”
Zelda’s hand glowed, the blood of Hylia running through her veins, although Mipha saw no Calamity, and wondered what exactly was going on. “Sleepyhead?”
Link laughed, and pulled her close, hugging her tightly. “You will always be… my Zelda.”
And the stone grew. And grew. Mipha fisted her fingers into the small crevices of her jewellery, a storm of guilt and embarrassment over illicitly being here, over watching them when they thought they were alone, over how at ease Link was, over what those words meant. She had to keep reciting that it wasn’t her fault she was trapped here, she would just have to hold it together until they hopefully decided to move on. She couldn’t help but gently pass her fingers over the gaping hole in her chest that she’d hidden with her ornamental silver clasp. She tried her hardest to blot it all out and think up a rational explanation. She was just overreading this. Okay, so just because one of their previous… selves (?) had ended up together, didn’t mean all of them followed the same pattern, right? And of course, you’d embrace someone whose soul you knew like this?
Zelda leaned away from him a little. “Come, I have more to show you.” She pulled him along, and he followed, as he always did, the last thought echoed bitterly in her mind. “Although, I’d like to think things were a little different for us, at least, in terms of the whole saving scenario.”
He nodded. “You’re right. It was different this time… We saved each other, Zelda. I wouldn’t have thought to even touch the sword, if it hadn’t responded to me wanting to protect you, because that’s all I wanted at that moment. And your powers…”
She nodded. “Yes. I, I didn’t want to lose you, Link.” Even from here, Mipha could see her blush. And she felt increasingly uncomfortable. She just- it was too much. Link, freely talked to the Princess. Freely laughed with her. Had a deeper bond with her that wasn’t just for this lifetime but for… all?
Zelda coughed, “A-anyway. The next is of the Hero of Time, and this Princess was rumoured to be a sage…”
Mipha shoved all her misgivings aside and perked up- perhaps they’d have a portrait of this Hero with Princess Ruto because she was also a sage right?
Link winced. “That’s when it all got complicated isn’t it?”
“What do you mean?”
He shook his head, “Never mind.”
And Mipha felt her hope dash as they walked past the portrait, no mention of any other sage.
Her heart rate increased, as they walked towards her hiding place, slowly but surely. She was thankfully hidden quite well behind the ornate marble columns that held up the walkway above, which meant she was unlikely to be caught. She held tight onto the thought that it would soon be over, that they would soon move on past this damned corridor, and she could finally leave. But no, instead they covered each and every portrait. Mipha slowly felt her hope dwindle, despair set in, and guilt seep through her scales at her continued encroachment on their privacy. She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by what was being said as the duo continued through several iterations of the same Hero and Princess… always together, never far apart. One was in Twilight, another in foreign country called Lorule, one in the sea, yet another in spirits…
At that one, it was a portrait of a train, with the Princess… in corporeal form? She was flying beside the boy that Mipha knew was Link. He looked so much like her Link, when he was younger. She watched as Link laughed, “That was a good journey, I remember that.”
Zelda quite literally pushed him. “HEY! I lost my body in that one!”
“Yeah, but you got to be my sidekick for once.” Link was smirking. Mipha had to rub her eyes once, twice and then three times for her to believe what she was seeing was true.
“YOU- I’ll have you know you were MY sidekick. I recruited you! I was the one to pick you to be my engineer!”
“The phantom armour was the best though, especially when you carried me like the Hero I was.”
“Yeah? Without me carrying you, we would have been stuck at level two in the Tower, because you couldn’t walk through lava, being Hylian and all! And then where would we be? And don’t think I don’t remember how long we spent at the Rabbit Sanctuary. You loved frolicking!”
“Hey, no need to call me out like that Princess.”
And so, it continued. For every single portrait. Mipha felt progressively smaller and smaller. She watched as Link held Princess Zelda’s hand, she watched as he leaned his head on her shoulder, so familiar and comfortable. She watched as they exchanged stories, joked with each other, things Link had remembered from the Master Sword, legends Zelda had learnt in the library and her own memories as Hylia’s chosen. As they progressed, Mipha increasingly felt like she was simply a side character, in a longer, and more detailed history than she ever could have imagined. She remained, frozen in place, as they last reached the penultimate portrait, just by her hiding place.
“Ah. This is a precious one Link. I only really remembered this one after unlocking my sealing power.”
It was Link. Sitting atop what was a weird… Mipha didn’t know how to describe it. It had two wheels, one at the front and another at the back, with a sort of seat in the middle. He was wearing a familiar blue tunic, much like the one made for him by the Princess, and Zelda was sitting in front, his arm wrapped around her, his face half-leaning against hers. They looked very comfortable with each other, and it lacked the seriousness that some of the other portraits had. Behind them, were the Divine Beasts, each with their Champion in the distance.
“This is… the legend we tried to recreate in our world, isn’t it? So, this is the direct predecessor to ours…”
There was only one portrait left, just by her column. This portrait was the only one with a red cloth over it. Mipha didn’t dare breathe, but Goddesses, she was so thankful it was nearly the end. She would finally be able to leave… Finally able to ignore the gnawing fear that she had completely misunderstood Link which oozed through her skin and clung to her tighter than the armour she had painstakingly made.
“So, this is the special one!” She uncovered it, and Link laughed, clear and loud. Mipha pressed herself tighter into her column, making sure to remain silent, and she realised it was, in fact, two portraits. One was of all of the champions together, Link, Princess Zelda, Terrako, herself, Urbosa, Daruk, Revali, Master Kohga, Maz Koshia, Hestu and the King even, and the second… The second was of Princess Zelda in her royal blue gown, and Link in his Royal Guard uniform.
He gasped, poking her cheek. “So, this is why you wanted me to wear this uncomfortably tight uniform the other day and you took a photo on the slate!”
“Yes, silly. I wanted to commemorate us, too. We’ve also fought against Ganon, and now we will be preserved in history, as will all the other Heroes and Princesses that have come before us.”
He leaned closer, until his forehead rested on hers, his hands cupping her face and Mipha felt her heart stop. It felt like the final nail was hovering over her chest, about to shatter the fragile, tiny bud of hope she had left. “Thank you, Zelda. Not, not only for today, but for saving me, and for letting me live all our lives again.”
She stroked his cheek. “You’re welcome, Link. I’m so very happy to have found you again, sleepyhead.” She laughed, “Although, I’ve decided I don’t quite like this cap. I cannot run my fingers through your hair.” He instantaneously pulled it off, and leaned closer still, and she laughed, before her lips touched his.
And the nail sunk in. Hard and fast.
Mipha’s heart shattered.
She turned and left, and they didn’t notice.
How could they, when they were so lost in each other. Deep down, Mipha knew. She denied it to herself constantly, but she knew. And now, after seeing just how many generations they’ve passed through, tied to each other, she realised something else. They were soulmates. Their souls were forever bound to one another. And she could never compete against that.
But even then, even if she disregarded their history, there was no doubt left in her mind that Link very much liked, if not loved, Princess Zelda. And whilst it burned her like acid down her throat, or as if she’d stepped into the lava that surrounds Death Mountain, right now, she knew that she would be happy seeing him happy. And if his happiness lay with another Princess, then who was she to say otherwise.
But tonight, tonight she allowed herself to wallow in self-pity, for a love lost, for a love, that no matter how hard she might have wished it to be true, was doomed from the start to fail.
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minsyal · 5 years
Mutual Feelings Pt. 9, [Revali x Reader]
Summary: Smart nerdy stuff that smart nerdy people do
“Incoming!” The small metal hinges on your door shook as a heavy foot collided with the old crackling wood, only making its condition worse. The door flew open, slammed against the wall, and rattled the entire room. If the shelves and desk weren’t bolted to the wall, they would have clattered to the ground or move. Purah stood under the frame with the widest smile stretching across her face.
She was nothing but a lit firecracker. Her smile spoke words of mischief, as it always did, speaking essays and forty-minute presentations without her even having to part her lips.
You slid the papers you were working on under a leather-bound book. She wouldn’t like their contents. After all, they were full of information to the Divine Beasts controls that she didn’t know about. Controls that you added. You could imagine the look on her face if she learned that you were going behind her back to answer the Champion’s requests.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” She waltzed into the room with an energy that dumbfounded you. How she managed to stay in a perpetual state of joy was something that intrigued you, but you had no desire to live through yourself. “Brought you more super royal work! I know how much you love all that jazz.”
“You know me better than anyone.” You joked, turning your chair to face her. “What is it?”
“Oh,” she danced around you to slink toward the window. “you know! Just… some stuff.” The pile of papers in her hands didn’t seem like too much work. There were only two notebooks and maybe a dozen sheets of paper with scribbles all over them. There was one thing you took note of, the princess’s perfect cursive that seemed to glide across the page.
“Some stuff.” You repeated, quickly snatching a paper before Purah could protest. “Zelda’s work?”
“Why?” There was no way Zelda would want you messing with her work.
“Well. Big boss-man told her to focus on her powers. That means that you and I, more so you,” she quickly added, “get to finish it for her!”
“She would be furious if I so much as touched this.” You speedily put the page back on the stack that was now perched on your desk. “Are you sure we’re supposed to do this?”
“It’s not so much as finish it. Rather,” she leaned to the right and then swayed to the left, “add it to our work! It’s about the shrines and everything. You know? Science stuff.”
“Is she allowed to continue searching for shrines?”
“Probably not. That means less trips with her for you! Maybe more time to spend with,” she waggled her brows in a suggestive manner, “you know who.”
“Purah, let’s not go there.”
“Oh sweetie, you already went there! In fact, you’re way past there! You’re,” she pretended to cast a fishing hook off into the distance, “waaaaayyyy over there! And over there,” she pointed in the opposite direction, “was the point of no return.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“All in a day’s work!”
“Don’t you have other work to be doing?”
“Nope!” She swayed on her toes, the mischievous smile never leaving her face. “So, are you and Revali like, a thing?”
“It was nice to see you, Purah.” You rose from your desk chair and began pushing her out the door. “Please, visit less.” Her feet halted in the hall. “I’ll send a card.”
“It better tell me you and Revali are dating!”
You slammed the door in her face. You could hear her giggling to herself as she left.
Shortly after meeting Keumi and learning of her situation, you traveled alone to Zora’s Domain to obtain updates on how many shines were identified in the surrounding areas from King Dorephan and Mipha. Sidon, who is Mipha’s brother, tagged along but proved to be little to no help as he was just beginning to learn how to utilize his swimming skills.
While there, you met a peculiar older gentleman who gave off an air of wisdom and vast medicinal knowledge. He was kind, quiet, and understated. Unlike the other Zora, he lived in the outskirts of the Domain. His whereabouts remained a mystery to the other Zora, and he was said to only appear when he sensed illness.
It was surprising when he set foot in the Domain seeking you.
You sat with the medicine man, listening diligently as he told you stories of his many travels throughout Hyrule. He had been everywhere you had and more. The ingredients he collected for treating illness were from all walks of the land.
“What brings you to the Domain?” He asked, folding his wrinkled hands in his lap. The two of you sat on the steps of the Domain.
“Research.” You commented.
“Just research?” He implored, eyes leaving you to look off dreamily to the sky. He closed his eyes, taking in the breeze that blew through the canyon walls. “I think you’re here for far more than that.”
“You have someone special to you. Very special,” his gaze returned to yours, “and they’re very sick.”
“How do you know that?” You whispered, eyes going wide.
“It’s all over your face.” He smiled, “And I’m not oblivious.”  
The medicine man, Sopho, told you of a mysterious plant with an inimitable name, “Omisaato.” The enigmatic flower heavily resembled the Silent Princess, but with small differences in its shape and the introduction of golden speckling on its petals. It radiated the scent of fresh vanilla bean and only sprouted from the ground once a year in varying locations around Gerudo. Sopho told of its intense healing abilities. When brewed correctly with specific ingredients, it could cure even the most devastating diseases or genetic mutations.
He couldn’t provide you with the exact information you needed but could gift you a descent sized book that he had bought on a trip to Kara Kara. Even if there was no evidence of its existence, it was worth a try.
It could fix her. It could save her.
Though it was only a few days ago, Zelda was growing restless. She was itching to breach the walls and return to the wild where she could spend time with what she loved most. You’d find her lingering in the library for longer periods of time, watching over your shoulder as you sifted through her research notes. She’d practically be dangling from the balcony to see what you thought of her work. It was detailed, far more detailed than you had ever bothered to do. She described the make and model, how many screws and bolts she estimated they have, and where she hypothesized, they led to. With such a small entrance, it had to go down. But where? That was the looming question.
“Why don’t you just join me, instead of scare the hell out of Link?” You turned around to find her wide-eyed, either surprised you called her out or surprised that you knew she was there. With a short nod, she descended the stairs and sat down across from you at the table. Link stood a few feet behind her, looking as uncomfortable as he typically did while he followed her around like a lost dog. “Link, come on.”
He hesitantly sat down.
“My notes.” Her fingers danced across the pages that you piled together. “What are they like?”
“They’re yours,” you let out a tired laugh, “you tell me.”
Many emotions crossed her face in very few seconds. Her eyebrows drew together as she contemplated what she wanted to say next. Link was staring blankly at her, likely wondering the exact same thing as you. Zelda reached out and fixed the stack neatly, ensuring the pages corners lined up perfectly.
“Thank you.” She finally said in a quiet tone. “For saving me when we were in Hebra.”
Catching you completely off guard, you examined her expression, trying to figure out whether or not she was telling the truth. She showed no signs of dishonesty. Her eyes were glossy and large, her fingers rubbed together lightly, and her shaking leg inched the table over with each bounce.
“It’s no big deal.” You gave her a tight-lipped smile. “Guess I didn’t expect being a royal scientist meant experiencing 60 volts of electricity coursing through your veins.” With another smile, she was relaxed and smiling back. “Your notes are good. Detailed to all get out. But we haven’t been able to pinpoint whether the shrines in the different regions vary. I’d like to arrange a trip to Gerudo, sooner rather than later, to examine the shrines there.”
At the mention of traveling, she perked up. Something crossed her face that told you the conversations with her father were resurrected in her mind as she physically slumped a bit.
“We can request it to make ambassadorial relation meetings with Urbosa and for the possibility of finding another spring in the desert. He won’t question that.” You assured her.
“I’ll have it arranged at once.”
The next day you set out with Link, Zelda, and Mipha for Gerudo. Daruk and Revali had decided traveling separately would be faster and more efficient for the group as a whole. Plus, they wouldn’t even be allowed to enter the city so getting there immediately wouldn’t be called for. Zelda was much more pleasant than usual. Her attitude changed the moment you suggested the trip and a way around the King’s tightening rules for the young princess. She didn’t even question the cage you wore on your back meant to house the legendary flower.
Mipha, on the other hand, was curious as all get out. She poked and prodded at it, examining the welding techniques used. Link and Zelda led the group while you walked along side the Zora princess who swam slowly through Aquame Lake.
“What is it for?”
“I’m collecting some samples from the desert to take back and analyze at the castle. Boring stuff.” You laughed it off.
“Fascinating.” She was always so joyful. If there was a definition to innocence, it would surely be Mipha. “I’ve always wanted to do more scientific things. There’s just no time to.”
“You’ve helped me install updates to Ruta. I’d say that’s pretty scientific.” You commented. Mipha smiled, ducking beneath the water for a moment before coming back up.
“I mean with lab goggles and coats!”
“Next time I visit, I’ll make sure to bring an extra.”
“I’d enjoy that!”
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Headcanon (Multiple Requests): Okay, so...I have a couple headcanon questions about a Zoran and a Hylian mating that I would like your opinion on. When they mate, what about the sperm? (thinking in a female Hylian perspective) 1) With such big differences between them, would the Zora DNA be simply incompatible with Hylian DNA? Therefore Sidon and his Hylian female mate are unable to reproduce. OR 2)the natural harsh environment of the female reproductive system goes into overdrive and kills the sperm like it's harmful
Is there any chance that Prince Sidon and his s/o might have a baby? Maybe with the Zora Mask? I'm really curious about how would it be 🐟 💕
Just a small reminder/question i think i read somewhere that queen Rutela (from twilight princess) was half human/hylian, the question is, do you think Sidon would have children with a hylian? if so, would they be more on the zora side or the hylian side (speaking of biology)
There are records of hybrids across a multitude of the races of Hyrule and beyond. While few in number, it doesn't inherently mean that these hybrids or mixed race offspring are impossible. If anything, the little amount of records could simply be due from mere assumption alone that hybrids are even hybrids at all, as they could easily take on most or all of the outward appearance of one parent or another. Nevertheless, the overall possibility of two (or more) parents trying for a child while being of different races largely depends on the mix of race.
Humanoid species, including Humans (Round-eared, Non-Hylians) Hylians, Gerudo and Sheikah, have the easiest time having children together, as their differences are largely geographically-based. Non-human races, such as Goron, Zora, Rito and otherwise, are very difficult if near impossible to produce offspring together. Due to this, as well as that humanoid species are largely able to have offspring with non-humanoids, a theory proposes that non-humanoids such as Zora, Goron, Rito and otherwise perhaps branched off from humans long ago, allowing them to interbreed with humans, but not one another.
Zora sexual anatomy and breeding is some of the most diverse across the spectrum of known races within (and even outside) of Hyrule. There are a number of proposals for as to why, many of them from within the Zora race itself. The most popular theories simply go on to explain that while the Zora people originated of one water-faring population of people, their increased outreach across the world welcomed further specialization and evolution for each pocket of culture (some iscolated, some not). 
Because of this, each group of Zora across several continents and seas are different from one another in some subtle (and not to subtle) ways. While they are still called Zora, many also prefer to be recognized for their specific geographical origin and subspecies.
This difference also includes a difference in reproduction, though there are only two large types of Zora reproduction: internal fertilization (which could either lead to live-birthing or the laying of fertilized eggs), and external fertilization. While seemingly very different, many non-Zora species are often surprised to learn that Zora from most to all cultures are still able to interbreed with one another. 
All Zora, despite subspecies, do not have a menstrual cycle akin to other species (such as humans). Instead, they go through seasonal ruts or heats. Their DNA is extremely similar however, despite many seeming differences; similar enough that healthy offspring are possible. Though the detailing of a perfect conception between a human and Zora could be complicated (depending on whether it's a human male with a Zora female or human female with a Zora male, etc), it is not impossible by any means. Fertility is neither a shunned topic in Zora society, and it isn't uncommon in some Zora cultures to seek the aid of fertility magic or similar assistance for even Zora/Zora mates. 
It is certainly wise to seek out help, both for conception and pregnancy, for humans who carry the offspring. Human eggs are far more delicate (and smaller) than Zora eggs, and can sometimes run the risk of being destroyed in the process of fertilization. On the flip side, human sperm without some form of magical aid (typically) is not potent enough to fertilize female Zora eggs. There are obviously exceptions to this, but it is the most common outcome for noted mating pairs of humans and Zora.
Pregnancy is largely determined by the subspecies of Zora within the mating group, As it can change depending on if it is a live birth or egg-laying.
Prince Sidon, as part of the Zora's Domain in Hyrule, is a member of the shark family. They hail from a powerful culture of hunters who are thought to have arrived in Hyrule many, many generations before him. Though several subspecies also dwell within the Domain, Sidon's family are the ones who rule it, and rule it far in the majority. The shark family of the Zora species are some of the most similar to humanoids, with their reproductive cycle including internal fertilization and live births.
Pregnancy would come with its own issues, as while a hybrid offspring is possible, it requires many vigilant check-ups with an experienced healer who understands the peculiarities that come with the merging of Zora and non-Zora biology. It also runs the risk of simply not knowing the child's own mix, as it can largely depend if they will take a large Zora or Hylian biology (and they almost never have a straight 50/50 split of the two species' features). 
Zora pregnancy is also shorter-lived than humans, often between a month (for egg-layers) and five months (for live births). Considering the mix of human DNA, the pregnancy would most likely run anywhere between 6-7 months, leaving only the most experienced and composed without a mind frazzled with stress.
Beyond that, much of the process would be very similar to human reproduction and birthing, though breast-feeding may be a mild issue, as long as the offspring doesn't take mostly after their human parent save for their very sharp set of Zora teeth, curtsy of their father, Prince Sidon.
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baggubuggu · 7 years
Sidlink Drabble 6
UM. This is a lot longer than I expected it to be. BUT yeah. This is my play on if Sidon were Hylian and Link a Zora. I’ve been meaning to write it, BUT after seeing Gummysquid’s amazing designs for them that priority got bumped up QUITE A BIT.
You can also read it on Ao3 here. I was thinking about making it its own post there, but nah I’m lazy.
Reiner was getting impatient, Sidon noticed. The white stallion flicked his head back and forth and whinnied as Sidon gently tugged on his reins. It was strange: Reiner was typically a much more mellowed horse, which was the main reason he decided to bring him out of all the Royal Family’s horses.The stallion never disobeyed Sidon’s commands in all his time of riding with the prince, so it was concerning that Reiner kept trying to veer off the lonely path leading from Hyrule Market to Zora’s Domain.
With a frown, Sidon sighed and tugged Reiner to the right. Perhaps if he gave Reiner a short break, the horse would feel better.
“Why, Reiner. This is my first, important mission to get a working relation with the Zora people!” he chastised the horse as he gently yanked the reins and steered the stallion to a halt. He climbed down, gave a reassuring pat to his flank and reached inside the satchel attached to Reiner’s saddle. He pulled out one of the horse’s favorite treats--an endura carrot--and held it out for the steed. “Surely you understand that I need this to work perfectly, since Mipha entrusted me to go alone, correct?”
The horse snorted and quickly chomped into the thick carrot. Sidon smiled, reached for the horse’s soft yellow mane and brushed his fingers through the nice and straight hair. The Hylian prince carried his glance past his steed’s body and eyed the lush, colorful grasses of Hyrule field. It was a cool summer morning; the sun was only starting to rise and a damp mist rolled along in the air. He had already gotten a few hours knocked out of the way of his journey, but Hyrule castle still lingered in the distance and looked much closer than it really was.
“Feeling better, you silly boy?” Sidon asked after Reiner had eaten the endura carrot and gave several affectionate strokes to the horse’s head, just behind the ears in his sweet spot. He mounted back into the stallion’s saddle and sat up straight. He carefully edged the back his heels against Reiner’s sides and took off at an even trot.
Another hour--perhaps two, Sidon had lost track due to how distracting the beautiful scenery was--had passed when he finally reached the Thims Bridge. Reiner jerked his head back once and whinnied again, but after a soothing path against his neck, the horse followed along the Thims Road and stepped on the wooden planks. His hooves made slow and rhythmic patterns as he and Sidon crossed the bridge.
Sidon glanced down over the bridge and eyed the dark blue depths of Zora River. Unlike the conjoining Hylia River, Zora River had a much faster stream and flowed with wild rapids. It was one of the reasons the Royal Family decreed that no Hylian was allowed to swim in the waters without assistance--that and the fact that they didn’t want to offend the people of Zora’s Domain and be labeled as potential trespassers. He never told anyone else, but when Sidon was very young--merely five years old--he had snuck to the river.  He fell in by accident and was certain he was going to drown. A golden...flash came into view and something, or someone, had saved Sidon and he woke up on dirt.
To this day, Sidon wasn’t sure why or how he’d been saved.
When he heard a strange howl, Sidon gasped and glanced around. Down below, on the banks of the Zora River, he spotted a large group of accursed bokoblins and several moblins surrounding something. All of the monsters were armed and each took a turn swinging at whatever had their interest. Through the mass, Sidon could see that the stranger was fighting back and managed to knock away some of their numbers.
“I must help them, Reiner!” Sidon cried and urged the horse into a gallop. He guided Reiner off the path after they crossed the bridge and darted down to the group. Holding the reins in one hand with a firm grip, Sidon unsheathed his sword from over his shoulder and armed himself. Using the speed to his advantage, he swiped at one of the unsuspecting bokoblins and easily dispatched the monster with one hit.
He leaped down from Reiner’s saddle and allowed his stallion to run off from battle. Reiner never strayed to far and always obediently waited for Sidon’s call to return; years of trust and bonding had paid off well with Reiner.
Some of the bokoblins looked away from their target and hissed at Sidon. Sidon scowled in return and readied his broadsword. The blade was made from precious, sturdy metals that glimmered in the sunlight. The hilt of his sword was encrusted with a black layer of iron with three individual gems--a ruby, emerald, and sapphire--decorating it.
“You fiends have no sense of honor,” Sidon snapped and charged at the closest bokoblin. “Always attacking the citizens of Hyrule and making it unsafe to travel!”
He dodged a wooden club swinging at him and ran his blade through the offending monster’s chest, leaving it to collapse and crumble in dying pain. When Sidon glanced back to the surrounded figure, he was surprised to see four of the bokoblins and one of the moblins had already been dispatched of.
Sidon turned his attention back to the two bokoblins charging at him and he pulled into a defensive stance, with his thick red braid flying crossing from shoulder to the other. With the pair came into distance of his sword, Sidon flew forward and slashed at them both. Without a thought, he turned on his heels and looked around, ready for more of the monsters. But...the group all laid dead on the ground now.
“Ah. That was a thrill!” Sidon murmured with a sigh of relief and flung his trusted sword down, throwing most of the blood and gunk covering his blade to the dirt. “Are you alright, friend?” he asked as he turned to the other figure and finally got a decent look at them.
He paused when he saw that they were not Hylian, but instead a Zora. Their scales were a bright golden yellow, with sharp blue eyes. He was covered in silver and blue armor, a silver pair of bracers clasped to his forearms. Despite having a shorter stature, the Zora was well defined and very muscular. In one hand, he held a long sword stamped with a sigil of the fabled triforce on its hilt. Its blade...was glowing?
“I must say, you made quick work of those fiends!” Sidon complimented as he stepped forward. He didn’t miss how the Zora eyed quietly and watched him like a hawk. “Perhaps you can be of assistance now that these monsters have been taken care of. You see, my name is Prince Sidon and I am supposed to meet with an envoy of your people at Zelo Pond!” he explained and pointed to the small body of water to the south.
The Zora blinked before nodding and the intense expression he wore dissolved into surprise. He sheathed his sword in its scabbard on his back and stepped closer, reaching into a pouch on his waist. He pulled out a metal plate, engraved with a picture of the Zora Royalty’s famous insignia: three beautiful sapphires held together with golden, metal center.
“Ah, what luck!” Sidon said happily and extended a hand down to the Zora after he sheathed his sword as well. “You must be Link. I’ve heard stories of your skill and they seem to be very true!” he exclaimed and nodded to the dead monsters.
The yellow Zora hesitated and his blue eyes turned wide. He almost seemed nervous. Perhaps it didn’t help that Sidon towered over him, but Sidon was use to the reaction in his twenty years of life. He was exceptionally tall for being a Hylian prince, but he accepted long ago that he couldn’t really change that and instead focused on being perceived in a positive light. When Link finally reached his webbed hand to Sidon’s, Sidon grinned and firmly shook it.
Link’s palm felt so strange against his tanned skin. It had a faint, slick texture, but the scales felt very firm and rough like sandpaper.
“Why don’t we ride together?” Sidon suggested with another friendly smile. Before Link could reply, he whistled loudly and waited. “I’m sure you must be tired after all that fighting.”
As every other time, Reiner came barreling towards them both and slowed to trot when he saw Sidon again. Link flinched back and looked worried by the horse’s appearance, but Sidon gave a gentle pat to the Zora’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry! My horse is very calm and very patient,” he explained as he walked by Link and approached Reiner. He retrieved another carrot to reward the steed for waiting. “I came prepared and so he’s wearing a double saddle.”
Link hesitated again but nodded and slowly followed Sidon. He hovered beside Sidon and his mouth pulled into a grimace.
“I’ll sit in back,” Sidon said and stood by the horse’s flank. Reiner flicked his ears back and forth and strained his head and to look back at his owner and the strange Zora. He whinnied impatiently and scraped his hoof along the soft dirt. “Yes, yes, Reiner. We’ll get going. Do...you need some help?” he asked when he saw how Link was frowning and eyeing the saddle.
Sidon was surprised when Link’s white face flushed in red and he nodded frantically.
“Ah.” The Hylian prince nodded. “Watch me.” Sidon gripped the horn of his saddle, slipped his right foot into the stirrup and pulled him up onto Reiner’s back.
Link peered up at Sidon and then cautiously reached for the purple horn just as Sidon had. He made a harsh grunt as he awkwardly stuck his webbed foot into the stirrup and pulled his chest up against Reiner’s saddle. The white stallion dug up more dirt with his left hoof and made a confused whinny.
“Fantastic job. First time on a horse?” Sidon suggested as Link finally managed to correct himself without assistance and sat up straight in front of him. He watched as the Zora nodded slowly. Sidon could tell alone from Link’s body language, how tense and still he was, that he wasn’t familiar with horses. “Don’t worry. If Reiner does act up, I’ll be the one thrown off!” he added with a lighthearted laugh and smiled.
“Anyway, lead the way, Link!” Sidon said and reached past Link to drag the ends of the reins closer to him...just in case.
Link grunted, nodded again, and pointed to the south.
Sidon couldn’t help but to beam in pride as Reiner resumed trotting on the dirt path. So far, everything was working out well. He would make sure his sister didn’t regret letting him come.
*cries* This was supposed to be just a short drabble.
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