#and that dynamic is amplified and made all the more complex
tbcanary · 7 months
like. it’s complicated, right. bruce didn’t want to see dick hurt; he hurt dick trying to prevent it. he tried to save jason’s life; it killed him. he wanted to show steph the right path forward; he pushed her to hurt herself and others. he loves cass and admires her abilities; he pushes her to be more vigilante than human.
(i don’t have a great pithy way to summarize tim or damian or duke or babs, so i won’t try to, but their relationships are similarly complex and difficult with bruce and with the other bats.)
point is, there are no easy dynamics and there is nothing that is purely good, because the vigilantism fucks all of them up, and bruce, as the driving force behind that vigilantism, fucks them up, too. that’s just how it is. and that’s not to say he doesn’t love or care for them, it’s just that he isn’t very good at parenting them, despite being an excellent mentor and teacher in other ways.
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gofuschia · 1 year
Because I have questionable taste in men, haven't seen any jack content and NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!
Most of this is referring to jack post-mold infection, unless explicitly stated otherwise. So… keep that in mind and be prepared for some kooky behaviour.
warnings and prefaces; female reader, infected jack - he comes as his own warning lol, mentions of alcoholism & dysfunctional family dynamics, cheating, a little bit of angst
— He has this insecure complex about always needing to be in the dominant role within the family dynamic. Gets majorly pissed whenever Marguerite entertains male victims for dinner, and he hurries to get rid of them. Jack’s house is the place he is in control, his domain, where he has forged a comfortable little life with himself as the patriarch & figurehead. He perceives any and all male presence as a threat to its sanctity. Even Lucas, from time to time, needs to be put in his place. It’s a deeply competitive thing that stems from his childhood insecurities, feuding with his brother and father.
— Listen, he’s an old-fashioned guy. Sees women as the fairer sex and all that. He’s a little gentler with handling female victims for that reason. (throwback to mia being carried over his shoulder and ethan literally just being dragged behind in the mud LMAO). If he notices Lucas being particularly handsy with a female victim, he’ll start chastising him:
“Lucas, you goddamn gutter rat! I raised you better’n’that, boy!”
— He delights in taunting you with little innuendos and innocent sounding pet names while he tracks you around the house - sweetheart, dolly, sugar, little pig.
“Here, kitty kitty. Where are yo-o-ou?”
— Jack's definitely not a soft man anymore - but when it comes to you, he can be. It’s always very gratifying to see the man go from downright brutish to handling you with something almost approaching care. He’s ruthlessly, frighteningly strong; you’ve watched him shatter bones and sever limbs with barely more than a breath of effort. You can feel incredibly fragile in his grip, but at the same time, inexplicably safe.
— He could kill you easily, on a whim, and yet, you notice the way he takes care to measure the strength in his grip; consciously holding back from utterly destroying you. Jack will leave you with bruises, sure, but never broken beyond repair.
— Contrary to the way he presents himself, Jack actually wasn’t all that much of a fighter when he was younger. He was always built a little smaller than Joe, mousier, with poor eyesight. Instead of roughhousing in the yard with his brother or going out hunting with his Pa, he’d have much preferred to sit in with his Momma, shucking peas on the porch, nose buried in a book.
— But with a bully for a brother and an alcoholic, abusive father, it became necessary for survival in his household to toughen up, wean himself away from his mother’s forgiving gentleness. Not only that, but the constant comparisons to his brother and the need to appeal to his father’s uber-masculine attitude grated at him, and he eventually conditioned himself into being the football-loving man’s man that his environment demanded him to be. He met Marguerite, joined the military to seal the deal - and the rest is history.
— It’s heavily implied ingame that Jack has a bit of a drinking problem even before the infection. It’s an unfortunate trait he picked up from his own father who was quite a violent man. Jack’s always made a conscious effort to break these cycles and be firm yet fair with his kids - however, Jack can be an aggressive drunk… and Lucas has always been an ornery kid. They’ve never quite seen eye to eye and their relationship only grew more turbulent the older Lucas got.
So, Lucas is the one who usually suffers the brunt of Jack’s drunken black moods, and sometimes their clashing gets physical. This is just amplified tenfold post-evie and he gets weirdly competitive and aggressive with his son - especially when it comes to you. Jack doesn't like to share.
Lucas will most definitely take an interest in the new pet his dad’s keeping around - and Jack takes cruel pleasure in making vulgar jabs at his sons inexperience, taunting you before his eyes like a piece of candy in front of a kid:
“Aw, what’s wrong, boy? You want a piece of this sweet little kitty? Too fuckin’ bad – she ain’t for you!”
— Probably threatens to castrate him if he tries anything with you LMAO (which is a valid concern to be honest, lucas is a horny little bastard) or implies bringing the nature of your relationship up to Marguerite. The threat alone is usually enough to scare Lucas off as we all know Jack doesn’t bluff when it comes to cutting off limbs 😭
— Now, listen, we’re gonna have to suspend some disbelief here. Do I think pre-infected Jack would cheat on his wife? Never. He’s loyal and staunch as a bull and he ADORES Marguerite. Post infection, though. Maybe. I can see it.
— He still loves his wife, infection be damned, but we all know the unfortunate state of Marguerite’s genitalia, and gross as infected Jack can be, even he draws the line at sticking his cock in a bug hive 😭
— His excuse for his infidelity is “a man has needs,” - and with you being so pretty and so willing, how could he pass up the opportunity? Even if he did want to reject the carnal urge, it’s incredibly difficult for Jack to stop himself from enacting his basest desires. The mold completely screws with his head and free will, lowers his inhibitions and makes him do and say things that would otherwise be a passing intrusive thought while sober.
Excuses and justifications aside, he definitely still has a big guilty conscience about it in the back of his mind - and in his very brief moments of lucidity he probably cries about what he’s done. (ouch)
— Jack’s sex drive, among many other things, has been amplified a great deal after the infection. It doesn’t take much to get him aroused. Sometimes he’ll pop hard-ons just from the adrenaline of the chase, tailing your scared ass around the property, hot on your scent.
— Before, his sex drive was pretty average for a man of his age, not a huge priority for him anymore but indulged in a couple times a week with his wife after a long day of work round the ranch. Now, with the mold biggering his appetite, screwing with his hormones & testosterone levels, he’s as virile as a man several decades his junior.
— There’s fuck all else to do round that house anyway, besides the occasional murder, partaking in cannibalism, and entertaining Evie – so Jack likes to waste away some of the drawn-out hours between your legs.
— He’s actually quite the giver. Though infected Jack has no qualms about just taking what he wants, he is still, at his core, a southern gentleman - and this quality bleeds through even in the bedroom. It’s more fun for him when you’re visibly enjoying yourself too, is all. And he knows how to treat a lady.
— Definitely not lacking in experience. He’s old, has fathered two kids and knows his way around the female form quite confidently - you’re in good hands.
— Jack loves eating pussy. Everything about it. The taste, the smell, the way you clamp your thighs like a vice around his head. It’s all incredibly arousing to him.
— He’ll hike your legs up, grip cruel and bruising around your thighs, and just absolutely go to town. He’s relentless about it, too. Won’t stop till your cunt juices have soaked his beard through to dripping, and you’ve come multiple times around his tongue, clit swollen and oversensitive.
— If he’s in a really giving and indulgent mood, he’ll pat his barrel chest; invite you to shimmy on up and just sit yourself nice n’ pretty on his face, smothering him with your pussy and thighs. He gets to forget everything and just work his jaw, focus on nothing but the slick heat between your lips. The man is in heaven when he’s tongue-fucking you.
— Quite stalwartly dominant - he just really likes the feeling of being needed and depended upon. Makes him feel big and strong, feeds his ego. If you beg for him it makes him go nuts. He’s also not opposed to being called daddy every now and then in the bedroom - gives him that lovely little superiority kick.
— That being said, he’s not averse to you riding him every now and then. He loves a bit of cowgirl. The visual stimulation of your tits bouncing while you frantically get yourself off on his cock always drives him crazy… but by the end he can never quite stop himself from taking control; seizing you roughly by the hips and pistoning you up and down on his cock like a fuck-toy.
— Sex with Jack is an exhausting affair. He has a ridiculous amount of stamina now and as such he draws the sessions out for hours.
— Rough without meaning to be, sometimes. His amplified strength really shows at certain peaked moments of pleasure, where he tends to lose all restraint and just go absolutely fucking ham.
— Afterwards you will be sporting bruises in the shape of his fingers, stinging imprints of his palm on your rump; a multitude of aches and pains and a numb, dully throbbing cunt. Expect not to be able to walk until the mold has healed up your sore body.
— He enjoys it when you fawn over him like a loving little wife, he's a sucker for those sappy traditional dynamics. Run at him with your arms open and he’ll lift you up like a featherweight, sit you on his lap, let you tell him all about your day. He’ll let you take the reins if he’s in the mood to be taken care of, on your knees between his spread legs.
— Not groomed. It’s a bit wild down there in the hair department. Literally does not give a shit either way. Too busy serial murdering and being insane to trim and he never really tended to the bush much in the first place. He thinks body hair is natural, and likes the masculinity of it, so he doesn’t really care. He's also definitely a little bit stinky. (ok… probably more than a little bit). But let’s be honest, who isn’t a little on the funky side in the Baker house? You probably don’t smell like roses either.
— Gets rougher the more excited he becomes. When Jack’s on the edge of an orgasm he becomes downright violent. He tries to be careful with you, really he does, but he’s a slave to the base sensations and the jolting of his hips becomes a powerful, jackhammering force; big hands leaving purpling bruises along your hips.
Afterwards, he’ll kiss your sore spots apologetically, pet your head like a cat and murmur your praises; good girl, ‘atta girl, you took me so damn well.
— His hands are a marvel unto themselves. Big, broad, capable and work-calloused. They feel incredible dragging over your nipples and cunt; doling out pleasure and punishment in equal measure. He’ll spend hours with you bent over his lap, alternating between finger-fucking you relentlessly and spanking your ass with the flat of his palm.
— BREEDING KINK FOR DAYS… absolutely loves pumping you full with his cum. He’ll reach down to inspect the excess semen your poor pussy couldn’t handle, scoop it up and push it back inside of you.
Jack loves the idea of getting you pregnant and, in his words; ‘expanding the family’, or ‘giving Evie a new little sibling’. Of course, that’s a precarious subject given the fact he’s a married man… but Evie’s family isn’t your typical nuclear family, anyway. The dynamics are all fucked up, fickle and interchangeable as a child playing with barbie dolls. One day Marguerite carries the privileged title of mommy - the next, you or Mia. Some days both.
— Mostly he just likes the idea of it. He loves being a father, and he and Marguerite had always intended on having more than two kids - however, after a few traumatic miscarriages and sombre doctors’ appointments, they gave up that dream. He also secretly has a thing for pregnant bodies - he thinks they’re gorgeous, and it gives him a real kick of pride and possessiveness to see a lady all swollen up with his seed.
— He can be sadistic with your pleasure at times, edging you to the precipice of an orgasm and then abruptly withdrawing. You just look so pretty and pathetic when you squirm and beg. If you’re not reduced to tears, begging him to please, daddy, let you cum, then he hasn’t done his job right.
— Has a thing for over-stimulation, too. Makes a point of bringing you to orgasm so many times and fucking your pussy so raw that it becomes borderline painful.
— He can be merciful on occasion. If you’ve caught him in a pleasant mood and you give him the doe-eyes just right, Jack becomes a bit of a pushover. You’re just such a sweet lil’ thing, and he can’t resist you.
He’ll treat you real good. Whatever you ask him for, you get. You want your pussy devoured? Want to be fucked into next week? Take a seat - he’s more than happy to oblige.
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goblinsofdiscord · 1 month
👹 😤 Enneagram Frustration Types (Types 1, 4 and 7) 😮‍💨🥀
written by Larissa
Frustration is a universal human experience, but it’s also a personality’s ego fixation in the enneagram system relating to “object relations” which is how we interact with the world around us is supposed to relate to our parental dynamics and wounds. It’s the over-fixation on the ideal - what could be and what isn’t. What’s desired and what’s missing. And frustration types (1, 4, 7) can go hard in one direction and then hard in the other direction. They can become fixated on what’s wrong, what’s missing, the disappointment, the lament of what was and no longer is, what could be altered, beautified, made more interesting, more personal, more perfect.
Frustration is essentially being in a constant state of WITHOUT instead of WITH. There is always something not quite right. Something annoying. Out of kilter. Not me enough. Not perfect. Not interesting. Boring. Common. Shallow. Disgusting. The pursuit of experiencing satisfaction is what they’re doing, not achieving satisfaction itself. And once they do achieve satisfaction, it’s often short-lived or disappointing. And the cycle repeats itself. And they may even edge, if they start feeling close to that one moment (getting what they want) - knowing it won’t live up to the ideal, or not wanting the fantasy to end.
This can show up as a grandiose fantasies of their version of the ideal - whether that’s in themselves - and their self-concept and what’s possible for them, in their art, in their partner, children, friends, business, the entire world, their house, their clothing and adornments, the weather, their bodies, the sex, the juice, the energy. Frustration makes itself home in enneagram type 1’s, 4’s and 7’s. It also shows up as an influence when you have a wing which is 1, 4, 7 or a fix. And the frustration is amplified when you have it 2 or 3 of your centers. 
The kicker about frustration and all of the types is that you are creating the pattern that fucks you over (your personality trap). Your vibe attracts your tribe. Meaning if you are constantly frustrated, you will attract people, situations, issues that amplify and feed that belief and energy.
What’s positive about frustration types is that because they are so obsessively trying to capture, create, chase the ideal they can funnel that obsessive, unsettled energy into creating change in the world, the arts, innovation, social structures/culture, etc. Their dissatisfaction becomes a catalyst for change, although it may cause personal ruin the process.
Prefer to watch it instead of read it? 👇 (A lot more sidenotes in the video, because I go off-script auto-reflexively.)
Enneagram 1's are frustrated in the gut center, giving them a God complex. They seek to exist in a way that is right, perfect and unadulterated by whatever their internal compass tells them is corrupt, bad, dirty and wrong. So this frustration is seen and felt primarily in the torso, the body. That’s why 1’s are often rigid looking, they look like they’ve got knuckle-crushing buttholes and are in a perpetual state of disapproval. They’re constantly churning the need to perfect, do, whittle, clean, wipe, purify, burn, pick at and that oozes out of their very being. They have incredibly high standards which can be centered around efficiency, competency, what’s right, pure, perfect, good, clean aesthetic, properness, manners, etc.
Their frustration object is something they need to FIX, perfect, eradicate, correct. They’re fixating this energy inwards, at themselves as well as outwards. They’re often seen as critical towards others, especially if they have a 6 fix and social instinct, but that’s just their baseline. That’s the world they live in.
They are already doing this to themselves and they project it onto whatever shows up around them, likely fixated more in their dominant instinct. SO this can be their partner or sexual fixation, their loved ones, coworkers, the outer world, their environment, home, art, craft, job. And when after many times trying to clean up the mess if they cannot fix the person, situation, environment they may feel the urge to replace it with a new frustration object or a new fixation. Although you may never be able to fully move on from the frustration object if it still exists.
Enneagram 4’s are frustrated in the heart center. Meaning the image they are projecting from inside of themselves is constantly at odds with the world around it. They’re out of congruence with their environment, people, etc, and it cannot be fixed. They don’t know how to exist in such a shallow, disgusting, empty reality. They’re both frustrated by it and fed by it. If they get what they want, they’ll find a way to ruin it because getting it might signal to the ego that they are now part of superficial, shiny reality. This is not to be confused with 6 head griping which is more associated with outsourcing their power or being angry at some kind of authority figure or system. 4’s are positively identified with “negativity.” Being different in a way that is not relatable or accessible can seem from the outside as someone who won’t play ball, is moody, hateful, an asshole.
But they’re also deep poets and lone wolves - or like to tell themselves they are. Separate. Superior and inferior. Tragic and fascinating. According to them they don’t suffer like a 6 or a 9, their concerns are not relatable and you wouldn’t understand. They’re not inviting you to understand either. That’s attachment territory. If you did get a whiff of understanding, it would mean that “thing” was now cheap, common, not good enough for the 4 to ruminate and fixate and chew on and will be either discarded or further personalized and transformed to feel like it’s more personal and specific to them. It’s not special when it’s everyone else’s thing. Ptooey. And again, this is not to be confused with the 6 urge to be an emo shit-poster edgelord with eyeliner and black hair. That’s not different. That’s a subculture. 
This frustrated, separated self-concept oozes dramatically and broodingly out of their countenance, their faces, their visages, the window to their soul. They are the unwilling cover model who wants you to know they don’t like posing but also wants you to see how deep they are. And have no comment on it.
4’s are first and foremost their own primary frustration object, unconsciously deepening their experience of themselves, and creating a continuous narrative around how deep, profound, separate, and beautifully broken they are. They’re unreachable unless they grant you the key, and that key is likely conditional and not permanent. This can be flavoured by their fixes - with 6 there is an amplification of self-loathing and the inescapability of the horror of self, with 1 there is an amplification of snootiness and disgust, with 7 there is an amplification of melodrama and self-fixation, swinging between self-loathing and self-aggrandizing, 4 with 5 is more prone to reactive nihilism (not to be confused with 9’s apathy and numbing), etc.
But this frustration will also show up in relationships, objects, art, their environment that they seek to make more deep, meaningful, mysterious, and personal to their specific tastes and internal narratives of who they are. It will be more noticeable in their dominant instinct - whether that’s social, sexual or self-pres. And yes, that can mean trying to impose this frustration narrative onto someone they’re in a relationship with to personalize them to their own desires.  Unconsciously trying to push them into being (or gaslight themselves into thinking they’re) more deep, unique or interesting than they actually are, or that their connection is somehow special and beyond the realm of mere mortals. And when something feels less than special or won’t reach that ideal, it can become devalued in the 4’s eyes.
7’s are frustrated in the head center. Meaning they want to be tantalized, obsessed, excited, turned on, lit up, distracted from the mundane, aroused by whatever their frustration objects are. And because there are likely to be many they can become spread across many frustration delights, never experiencing true satisfaction which also leads to them not finishing projects, not committing to anything, always having a plan B, C, D… They might be simultaneously existing in multiple realities hedging their bets for the most satisfying and ideal option - however because they do this, they never get satisfaction. 
Type 7’s frustration objects will be something they want - a possibility - something they feel that they NEED - to taste, experience, milk, lose themselves in. Something shiny. New. Intriguing. Sexy. Hot. Novel. Never conquered. Never tasted. 7’s can enter a total state of fantastical mania when they’re stressed out with reality or bored as fuck with their life, creating alternate realities to exist in, that expand these fantasies they have for their life, themselves, their relationships, their art… it’s all about possibilities.
Ideas, creations, booze or drugs, people, their partner, experiences, partying, places, food, interests, hobbies. Once this thing dries of its juicy nectar, the 7 is likely to lose interest and find another sparkly object. Although they may remain with one pinky toe still in it, in case that nectar returns or it becomes exciting to them again by some other means. They try and create this feeling of juiciness around them as they can grow bored easily in stagnant, repetitive and dull environments. 
They can get bored with situations, commitments, people, relationships, jobs, projects very easily as soon as they start to slip into the inevitable frustration pattern backslide. Disappointment. Time-sucking. Feeling like an obligation. Not being fun anymore. Not being interesting anymore. And this can show up when shit gets real - your partner is depressed or unwell, you’re having to work more hours at the job, the dream art career wasn’t as exciting and razzle dazzle. 7’s can focus when they really want something but it can be horrendously taxing to remain invested in something that no longer feels juicy.
The antidote to frustration is gratitude for what is and not for what could be.
Presence without conditions (just ALLOWING the situation/person to be as it is).
Realizing that you’re not SETTLING by just being content. You’re not giving up, or becoming part of the mundane reality that you despise. You’re simply allowing yourself grace, some level of comfort, peace, abundance, joy, appreciation. Which is the energy in which you can actually align yourself to what you desire on a soul level. And you can begin to create that from the inside, which will inevitably, and easily create it for you on the outside. 
Watch the video linked above to go through a short exercise.
More on Enneagram 7 (and personal experiences with “frustration)….
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Doctor Who: Horror Of Glamrock Review
Having Big Finish free on Spotify is truly a blessing in disguise and absolutely amazing. I do not regret beginning to listen to these now. Something I've noticed is how experimental Big Finish is and I find that a huge strength. This story was very unique and fresh and I enjoyed it alot.
Its hilarious to me that people were moaning about a musical number in Doctor Who when Big Finish did it first in this story. Sure Paul MacGann didn't burst into song but it was quite something and very fun. This is one of the stories that has cemented and helped me understand Paul's Doctor and his complex personality.
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What I Liked
There's so much to rave about when thinking about this audio drama.
First I loved how creative the concept was and how unique it was. It embraced it's goofy sci-fi style and was fun to listen to. Although a group locked in a room having to hide from a monster isn't new, this concept absolutely is and it was a blast. Loved how we had to rely on audio cues to get the sense of how terrifying the only ones are. Would love to have these guys adapted into live action sometime but for what they were, they were a great villian.
Secondly, I have to praise the incredible music. Tim Sutton did an absolutely fabulous job scoring as every piece of music was an earful delight. They got the Glamrock music aesthetic down and it was nice to listen too. Campy songs aren't done often in Doctor Who but Big Finish does it wonderfully here. There's another story later in this season that also has great music but it'll talk about it when I review that story. Anyway in short, to rock music fans, your in for a treat. Especially with the campy and fun Doctor Who theme variation at the end.
Again the performances. Everyone killed it and made this fun but weird story wonderful. I have to say that Big Finish know how to create a good side cast of characters and I love them for it. So often I grow little to care for any side characters who appear but in Big Finish they're all memorable in the end. It creates a welcome change that I very much like. Paul MacGann killed it as the Doctor and created a complex Doctor with lots of wisdom but still one who's still eager and desperate to help others. He also perfectly portrayed The Doctor's darkside when stakes got higher in the story. I've found myself really getting attached to his character. Lucie Miller was ace in this story too and Sheridan Smiths portrayal just amplifies the characters brilliance even more. Sheridan Smith walked so Catherine Tate could run. She portrays a character still getting use to the Doctor and his time travel antics really well. Side Characters gave amazing performances too. Bernard Cribbins, I know he did this in 2003 but it tears me up to hear his voice again even if he's in a more villainous and morally grey role, just goes to show his incredible range. Una Stubbs also does a fab job as the witty and sassy waiter Flo, she's so charming that I almost pictured her as a companion. Stephen Gately and Clare Buckfield were wonderful as the Tomorrow Twins and had great chemistry together. Both of them really work well together to sell this dynamic and show their contrasting personalities. Lynsey Hardwick was also great as "Auntie Pat" and I hope she'll appear in other stories. Everyone is great and it's almost impossible to praise anything without mentioning the stellar acting.
Finally Lucie and The Doctors dynamic. My opinion after listening to this tardis team is very fluid but this is one of the stories where they really work. They are much more tolerable than they were in Blood Of The Daleks and they're actually really entertaining. I love how despite being only three stories in they're working together as a team and how much potential for good growth they have.
Overall fantastic, absolutely fantastic.
What I Disliked
Pacing, I love these episodes in the style of a New Who format but sometimes it can cause a lot of pacing issues. One such issue is that it gives us less time to build up the side characters and make us care about any death's that might happen. I know it's suppose to be a Doctor Who story but it still feels a bit fruitless to have character deaths without the proper build up.
Other than that though I really enjoyed it and there wasn't much that spoiled it really.
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Another fun and fresh adventure that was a pleasure to listen to it. Its theme blends through the story brilliantly and the villian has a really sinister layer underneath once everything comes together. Doctor Who is at it's most fun when it's embracing it's weird sci-fi campy nature.
I recommend every story I've listened to in the 8th Doctor Adventures range but this one specifically if your look for a fun inventive story.
Really love the 8th Doctor's characterisation and development he's going through in the audios. I loved him in the TV Movie but he's on another level in the audios.
So glad I chose the 8th Doctor Adventures as a start to diving into Big Finish its been really fun and interesting.
The First Season Of The 8th Doctor Adventures are free on Spotify and it has been so worth it giving them a listen. Highly recommend.
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I'm hosting a Big Finish listening challenge on Storygraph. My username is Melsage1823 for anyone interested in following.
Just thought I'd set something to motivate me for my first year getting into Big Finish.
Here's the full link to the challenge:
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Speaking of TW cast reminded me that Jensen made fun of meg’s height in one of recent cons. As a 5’3” girl who is very self conscious about my height I found what he said very hurtful. I don’t care for meg but Jensen’s snarky comment made me feel for her. It’s the new Jensen I guess, he tries to be funny at the expense of other people with no regard to anyone else’s feelings because he’s mr. perfect
I am sorry for Jensen's insensitive comments, anon. I think that was, most likely, him trying to be "hip and funny". His humor seems to be stuck at frat boy level and since he has no comedic training...yikes. It wouldn't be the first time he's made insensitive comments that reveal he is extremely judgemental of others, he's made quite a few about certain artists that are, in actuality, more famous than him. When he makes those comments he gives away how immature he is and how superior he considers himself to be.
He was mr. perfect in his early highschool years and at the beginning of his career but failed to capitalize on that image because, while he looked the part, he demonstrated a character far from that essence. Now his brand is all over the place.
To explain my reasoning I'm going to give you an example. Let's say you've been branded as the smokeshow casting wise, the bombshell, whenever anyone thinks of you they associate you to the sultriest of images. If a role was available for such a woman you'd be the first person they would call. You are the one, the most sensual, powerful presence that drives people crazy. There is just one problem, if they were to call you for that part, even though you look like a bombshell (sofia vergara, marylin monroe, scarjo, etc) you are shy, delicate, fragile and too independent so the thought of being a fantasy makes your stomach turn. Therefore, you won't feel comfortable playing that role and it will show. Casting will realize that though you look like a bombshell you have a different essence, you cannot deliver the kind of character they expect from you because your energy is different. So, even though they really want to cast you as that, you are contradicting that essence so they are unable to cast you the way they see you. This creates a problem because, though you are complex, producers want to see you playing supeficial characters because you are stunning so they won't give you the rocket scientist role you wanted because they want you playing that ex VS model who lost her boyfriend and now has to win him back or some variation that plays on your looks only.
Same goes for Jensen, he is not living up to how casting actually sees him and, not only that, he is not being authentic. At least, the example I gave is someone being authentic whose inner self does not resonate with what their looks make people believe about them. In Jensen's case, people cannot even tell who he is and what he is about because he is all over the place and that makes him seem shady to casting. Keep in mind that Jensen has so far only gotten cast by his friends and connection in these latest years. There's a reason for that and it is the dissonance between what he is perceived as and then what he actually demonstrates.
Jensen puts on a snarky persona to create humor and connection (that's what he thinks anyway 🤭) but he does so in an inauthentic way and without proper training so....the results go from somewhat to extremely bad. There is a fake factor that amplifies all of that. It stuns me how he's worked in the industry for so long and yet, to this day, fails to grasp key concepts, knowledge and approaches that make an actor highly effective, charismatic and dynamic. Besides, he pushes the snarky to lack of empathy at times and vibes highly displeased. That's not an attractive energy to be around. It's almost like he has no idea how to amplify or tone down his own layers, which is crucial for an actor to be aware of. What i'm trying to say is, it would benefit Jensen to hang around some of his highly successful peers to understand how they successfully create charismatic moments and to learn from them, learn from the tools they've acquired and the helpful beliefs they've acquired.
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arandomeroacher · 1 year
I still think about The Pale Horse (Manhwa) and its beautiful art and amazing story, and I am still salty that the ending chapters have not been translated
Like Seriously, I don't think I can articulate how much I love it; it's been almost an exact year since I last read it and it is the exact type of story I love and want, a story with massive amounts of angst and pain mixed with complex characters who you hate at first but then sob over when you learn more about them and massive character development mixed with vampires and abuse.
oh yeah, spoiler warning, along with mentions of SA and abusive relationships
Like, I cannot express how amazing it's written, especially Benjamin and Rose's relationship, with Benjamin's obsession with her and Rose's sort of indifference and hatred towards him that turns into fear and desperation to get away from him and then going back to him because she's scared but also her manipulation of Benjamin that seems almost second nature to her and let's not talk about the codependency between the both of them and the flopping between hating and loving each other while refusing to leave each other alone at the same time honestly, it's a whole mess.
Also, I hate Benjamin so much; he's just like that, all fucked up and shit. Sir literally demanded Rose take off her clothes because he wanted to baby-trap her, and I- Sir step away from her STEP AWAY
And Marie seeing it and going, "Imma kill this man," is such a girlboss move. Then Pierre and Marie's solidarity when hating on Lemon (another name for benjamin) is such a mood but also kind of sweet in a fucked up way because they finally made amends again after hating and trying to kill each other for years since Pierre became a hunter and Marie became a vampire whatever the fuck the story wants to call them. Two childhood friends reuniting to kill a bastard is my favorite dynamic between enemies to bestie arcs
I also have a love-hate relationship with Rose too because bestie 😭 girlie has done so much to hurt those around her, and for the plot to go "she didn't do anything wrong!" is fucked up. Missy threw her children into a lake I- not to mention all the other things she's done, like marrying a man, making him kill animals for blood so that he can feed you, then brutally killing his children and village 😁
I feel bad for her, though; she's been through hell and back, jumping from one abusive relationship to another girlie has bad taste in men, and she's been SA'd multiple times and has been imprisoned for no reason other than existing, she's been misunderstood by literally everyone who meets her, she's described as a monster who can kill towns however they never really know what she's been through that made her one.
That being said, she's still a bad person, someone who can kill others without remorse and plays with people like toys, manipulating them and then eating them, then abandoning them when they get brought back because she doesn't like that they remind her of her sins and being put on the pedestal of "Mother" by them.
She did this with Marie. She loved Marie because she was her first friend other than Pierre Rose lost her memories and was living as a human child; however, when she reawakened again, she killed and turned Marie into a vampire, bringing Marie along with her to live with her and Benjamin only to ignore and abuse Marie. Marie clung to rose like she did as a human and loved Rose and Rose promised to be with her; Marie became obsessed because her becoming a vampire amplified her love for her and added "Putting Rose on a pedestal" to her love.
Marie did some questionable things afterward, but I can't blame her that much. Rose only clung to Marie because she loved the human Marie, not the vampire one, and was surprised when the vampire Marie loved her to the point of obsession, claiming that it wasn't what she wanted. I feel really bad for Marie. She became the way she did because of manipulation from Rose and the fake Adelaide, and I'm not really surprised. Marie got her redemption, though, and I love her. She is so silly and goofy I will gently kiss her forehead, tuck her into bed, and read her bedtime story.
Also, Marie is a child like she died and was brought back as a child. While she has matured a lot, she is still very immature and doesn't have the same reasoning as an adult. She is known to be very trusting and gullible, even in high-stress situations, and she clings to people despite being manipulated many times.
All the characters in the story are bad people and have done bad things, but I love them all (except for Lemon, hell has a saved seat for him). I'm just miffed about the story trying to excuse her actions a bit; though I understand where those actions came from and how those actions could connect in her brain, I just- I'm a sucker for the victim becomes the villain stories.
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insurrection-if · 2 years
So what are everyone's Gifts? Or did I miss that info somewhere?
Ah, that's my bad! The Gifts are included in the character pages but, yes, their mentions are quite small beneath the relationship dynamics. I will re-list them here for both the HAWKS and CARDINALS. My apologies for the inconvenience! (*╯-╰)ノ
Sigmund possesses the gift to control the element of air.
Imka possesses the gift to extend her sight to anywhere in existence. This does not, however, account for any of her other senses. Sometimes objects of sentimental value can link her to the current image of certain people or things.
Niccolò possesses remnants of the gift to give machinations autonomous wills and souls. He, however, cannot wield this gift himself.
Jae possesses the gift to manipulate, shape, and sense the blood of all others but herself.
Elouan possesses the gift to control, create, and manipulate his element of burning light.
Mutya possesses the gift to conjure her imagination into reality for limited periods of time, though this is especially dependent on the autonomous complexity of her thoughts.
Uriel possesses the gift to amplify, instill, counteract, and dissipate the emotions of others.
Curadora possesses the gift to envision, manipulate, create, and destroy all memories, short or long-term, in any mind.
Dearil possesses a multi-faceted gift that most commonly acts to wither away all things beneath his bare touch.
Kalyna possesses the gift to transform into any animal life she has physically come into contact with in the past.
Retriever possesses the gift to manipulate all metals.
Lempo possesses the gift to produce a sweet substance deemed 'ambrosia' that creates pleasurable and hallucinogenic effects.
Bacara possesses the gift to move living and nonliving things through portals made from wherever darkness resides.
Boar possesses the gift of invulnerability in which physical harm further strengthens her in might and size.
Bones possesses a multi-faceted gift concerning induced madness and the undead.
Hopscotch possesses the gift to teleport anywhere in the world, though it entails certain risks.
Scales possess the gift to trade the size, weight, and density of living and non-living things.
Fyodor does not quite understand his own gift. All he may say with certainty is that he is possessed. (Massive spoiler in-game.)
The minor character, Gabriel, also possesses a gift but I am reluctant to share it prior to the publication of the demo. It is not a significant 'spoiler' but an awareness of it does explain certain events / comments in time. It is a similar case for Osvaldo at a much more drastic degree.
Additionally, there is another in-game faction that has yet to form at the narrative's start which includes its own set of Gifted for the MC to potentially target.
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evansbby · 2 years
the blurb is definitely not what i was expecting, but it was amazing and intriguing nonetheless, so i mean that in the best way possible!!
i, as a reader, cannot fully grasp what a writer's intentions are, nor can i, as myself, fully explain, what i've interpreted, but ill try lol
i think the drabble was a really good way to showcase more of steve and omega's dynamic. his dominance and manipulation are evident, but also subtle in his character. you've done a very great job at incorporating the alpha/omega dynamic to ur story!!!
you also did a stellar job at showing omega's insecurity in her relationship with steve given how she responded to the girls + her hesitance to explain. i also feel like it provided more insight to Steve's role, it's like he's so simple, but SO COMPLEX, and it really amplifies and connects the reader to omega!!!
even though his logic is insanely convoluted, it makes sense coming from steve considering the way he treats omega as a girlfriend. the feelings are there, but it's just frustrating (in a good way) to see it BECAUSE of the character you've built around steve.
this is very long-winded and i won't be offended if you don't respond, but i have had a lot to say about poyt and even though it's all over the place, i just wanted to tell you that you're an insanely creative writer and EVEN THOUGH STEVE AGGRAVATES THE HELL OUT OF ME, you've made me his omega thru such incredible reader dynamics that i can hardly ever find so well-written!! thanks for the time and effort you put in your stories, it is not for vain!!
Ahhhh thank you sm for this detailed feedback!! Honestly, please be as long-winded as you want bc I live for these sort of asks!! And it makes me happy when people understand and interact with what I’m trying to convey!! In the drabble, Steve is super manipulative and omega is very insecure — those are their two main traits, respectively. But there’s slight sweetness/softness/good intention in Steve’s manipulation and omega also kind of stands her ground a bit here, so they’re both deviating slightly… if that makes sense!! Not too much, but slightly!!!
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flipbookfliperrr · 18 days
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denisearef · 1 month
Analytical Application 6: Race and Representation
Eurocentrism refers to a worldview or ideology that places Europe and European culture at the center of historical, cultural, and intellectual significance, often to the exclusion or marginalization of other cultures and perspectives. It involves a tendency to interpret history, politics, and culture from a European perspective, viewing European achievements, values, and norms as superior or universal while minimizing or disregarding the contributions and perspectives of non-European peoples and cultures. Eurocentrism can manifest in various forms, including in academic disciplines, cultural representations, societal attitudes, and media. As Stuart Hall explains, "Here the dominant audience, whose ideological assumptions must be respected if a film isto be successful, or even made at all, exerts a kind of indirect hegemony."Universal" becomes a codeword for palatable to the Western spectator as the "spoiled child" of the apparatus." [1]
The song "What Makes the Red Man Red" from "Peter Pan" reflects Eurocentrism through its portrayal of Indigenous peoples as exotic and primitive caricatures. Eurocentrism, rooted in European colonialism and cultural dominance, positions Europe and European culture as superior while marginalizing and othering non-European cultures. In the song, Indigenous characters are depicted with exaggerated features, stereotypical behaviors, and a simplified worldview, reinforcing Eurocentric notions of European cultural superiority and the exoticism of non-European cultures. The lyrics and imagery reduce Indigenous peoples to one-dimensional caricatures, devoid of complexity and agency, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and erasing their diverse identities and experiences. By centering European perspectives and values while exoticizing and marginalizing Indigenous cultures, the song reinforces Eurocentric power dynamics and perpetuates cultural hegemony. Its inclusion in a popular and influential Disney film amplifies its impact, shaping perceptions and attitudes towards Indigenous peoples among audiences, many of whom may internalize and perpetuate these harmful stereotypes. In conclusion, this scene reflects a broader pattern in media and popular culture of presenting non-European cultures through a Eurocentric lens, contributing to the erasure and distortion of Indigenous voices and experiences.
The Orient
"The Orient" historically refers to the East, particularly Asia and the Middle East, from a Western perspective. The term has been used to denote regions such as East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. It has often been associated with exoticism, mystery, and romanticized notions in Western literature, art, and discourse. As Edward Said states in Orientalism, "The Orient was almost a European invention, and had been since antiquity ‘a place of romance, exotic beings, haunting memories and landscapes, remarkable experiences." [2]
However, it's important to note that the term "Orient" carries colonial and Orientalist connotations, implying a view of these regions as culturally and geographically distinct from the West and often portraying them in simplistic or stereotypical ways. In contemporary discourse, the term "Orient" is often criticized for its essentializing and reductive implications, and scholars advocate for more nuanced and culturally sensitive language when referring to these regions and cultures.
The character Shun Gon in "The Aristocats" embodies harmful racial stereotypes associated with "the Orient." Shun Gon, a Siamese cat, is depicted with exaggerated physical features, an Asian accent, and is shown playing the piano with chopsticks. This portrayal perpetuates stereotypes about Asian people, reducing them to caricatures and trivializing their culture. By presenting Shun Gon as a comedic character, the film normalizes and reinforces these harmful stereotypes, contributing to the marginalization and dehumanization of Asian individuals.
The use of an Asian accent and chopsticks to play the piano further reinforces the exoticization and othering of Asian culture, reducing it to shallow and stereotypical caricatures. Shun Gon's character, along with his fellow Siamese cat bandmates, reflects problematic representations prevalent at the time of the film's release in 1970.
In conclusion, analyzing Shun Gon's character through the lens of "the Orient" highlights how dominant ideologies are encoded into cultural texts, reflecting and reinforcing broader societal attitudes and prejudices.
Popular Culture
Drawing from Stuart Hall's perspective, popular culture is not merely a collection of passive entertainment or consumer products but rather a dynamic site of cultural negotiation and struggle. It is a terrain where dominant ideologies are encoded into cultural texts and practices, such as television programs, music, fashion, and advertisements, reflecting the interests and values of those in power. However, Hall emphasizes that audiences are not passive recipients of these messages; they actively engage with and interpret popular culture, drawing upon their own social, cultural, and historical contexts. He argues that, "popular culture always has its base in the experiences, the pleasures, the memories, the traditions of the people," [3]. This active engagement allows for the contestation and reinterpretation of meanings, challenging dominant narratives and fostering alternative forms of identity and resistance within society. In essence, Hall's perspective underscores the significance of popular culture as a crucial arena for the production, circulation, and contestation of meaning, reflecting the ongoing dynamics of power and struggle within contemporary societies.
The inclusion of the crows in "Dumbo" as characters that perpetuate racial stereotypes is a prime example of how popular culture both reflects and reinforces broader societal attitudes and prejudices. "Dumbo (1941)" was released during a period when racist stereotypes, including those perpetuated by the Jim Crow laws, were pervasive in American society, and the portrayal of the crows reflects these prevailing attitudes. Despite being animated characters, the crows embody racial caricatures of African Americans. Moreover, the film's popularity as a Disney animated feature meant that these stereotypes reached a vast audience, contributing to their normalization and acceptance within popular culture. The comedic depiction of the crows, including the naming of one of them as "Jim," explicitly evoking associations with the Jim Crow laws, may have further solidified these stereotypes, downplaying the experiences of Black individuals and perpetuating harmful racial attitudes.Therefore, within the framework of popular culture, the portrayal of the crows in "Dumbo (1941)" are an illustration of how dominant ideologies are not only reflected but also perpetuated within cultural texts.
A stereotype is a fixed, oversimplified, and often exaggerated belief or image about a particular group of people. Stereotypes are commonly based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, or occupation, and they can be positive or negative. While stereotypes may sometimes contain elements of truth, they are generally inaccurate and fail to capture the diversity and complexity of individuals within the group. Shohat and Slam explain in Unthinking Eurocentrism, "stereotypes of some communities merely make the target group uncomfortable, but the community has the social power to combat and resist them; stereotypes of other communities participate in a continuum of prejudicial social policy and actual violence against disempowered people, placing the very body of the accused in jeopardy," [4]. Stereotypes are often perpetuated through cultural representations, media, and social interactions, and they can lead to prejudice, discrimination, and marginalization of those who are stereotyped. Recognizing and challenging stereotypes is important for promoting understanding, empathy, and social justice within society.
In the scene "Aunt Sarah and Her Twin Siamese Cats" from "Lady and the Tramp" (1955), stereotypes are prominently featured, particularly in the portrayal of the Siamese cats, Si and Am. These characters embody stereotypes associated with Asian cultures, depicted with exaggerated accents and mannerisms that perpetuate harmful racial tropes. Si and Am's depiction reinforces stereotypes of cunning, deceitfulness, and exoticism, reflecting prevalent prejudices towards people of Asian descent. Their exaggerated features and behaviors align with caricatures commonly found in racial stereotypes, contributing to the negative portrayal of Asian characters in popular media. This portrayal has been criticized for its racial insensitivity and for perpetuating harmful stereotypes. The scene exemplifies how stereotypes can manifest in popular culture, influencing attitudes and perceptions of marginalized groups. In essence, by presenting the Siamese cats in a manner that aligns with racial stereotypes, the film reinforces harmful narratives and prejudices, contributing to the marginalization and Othering of Asian communities.
Cultural hegemony
Cultural hegemony refers to the dominance or leadership of one cultural group or ideology over others within a society. Coined by the Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, cultural hegemony describes the ways in which the ruling class establishes and maintains its power by shaping societal norms, values, and beliefs in a manner that reinforces its own interests and worldview. According to Stuart Hall, "Cultural hegemony is never about pure victory or pure domination (that’snot what the term means); it is never a zero-sum cultural game; it is alwaysabout shifting the balance of power in the relations of culture; it is always about changing the dispositions and the configurations of cultural power, not getting out of it," [5]. This dominance is achieved not only through political and economic means but also through the control and manipulation of cultural institutions, such as education, media, religion, and the arts. Through these institutions, the ruling class disseminates its ideologies, values, and cultural practices, which are accepted as natural or common sense by the broader population, thereby perpetuating its social and political dominance. Cultural hegemony can operate subtly and invisibly, influencing perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in ways that uphold existing power structures and inequalities.
In "I Wan'na Be Like You" from "The Jungle Book" (1967), King Louie's desire to emulate human behavior symbolizes a longing to assimilate into the dominant culture, which in our contemporary society would represent wealthy, white, cisgender, heterosexual individuals. The song reflects broader themes of cultural hegemony, where dominant ideologies and behaviors are presented as aspirational and desirable, even by subordinate groups. King Louie's aspiration to be like humans illustrates how the dominant culture's values and ways of life are promoted as superior and worth emulating, perpetuating power dynamics within society. Through the lens of cultural hegemony, the song reinforces the notion that those who align themselves with the dominant culture are more privileged and respected. Moreover, the song's inclusion in a popular Disney film amplifies its impact, shaping perceptions and attitudes towards cultural assimilation among audiences. In conclusion, by analyzing "I Wan'na Be Like You" through the concept of cultural hegemony, it becomes evident how the dynamics of power and dominance shape cultural identities and desires, reflecting the ongoing struggle for recognition and representation within contemporary societies.
Works Cited:
[1] Shohat and Stam, “Stereotype, Realism, and the Struggle Over Representation,”  186.
[2] Said, “Orientalism,” 9.
[3] Hall, “What is this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture?" 472.
[4] Shohat and Stam, “Stereotype, Realism, and the Struggle Over Representation,”  183.
[5] Hall, “What is this ‘Black’ in Black Popular Culture?" 471.
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valeriem77 · 1 month
Pandas Pandas Pandas
Calling all sneakerheads! Let’s dive deep into the strategical abyss where Nike brilliantly predicted the storm that the Panda Dunks would cause across the globe. 🌍✨
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First things first, Nike’s launch strategy was nothing short of a theatrical release. Dropping the Dunks in a sparse, almost mysterious fashion initially, gave the sneaker community just a taste, which, let’s be real, only made everyone crave more. 🤤 The initial launch strategy was to release the Dunks in limited quantities—a tactic that tested the market’s temperature. This low-key drop quickly sold out, allowing Nike to gauge consumer interest accurately. After witnessing the success and letting the hype build for several months, Nike executed a masterstroke: they ended the drought by restocking the Dunks in even greater numbers, fully capitalizing on the pent-up demand. This scarcity not only hiked the hype but also ensured that every subsequent drop was awaited with strong almost irrational anticipation.
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This cycle of scarcity followed by ample supply illustrates a fundamental lesson in sneaker economics. By initially limiting availability, Nike created a fervor among sneakerheads, which was only intensified by a strategic period of market starvation. When they finally saturated the market with a significant restock, it met the heightened demand head-on, demonstrating a classic execution of supply and demand dynamics.
The design of the Panda Dunks also contributed significantly to their appeal. Their simple yet elegant black and white palette ensured they were perceived as a must-have accessory, adaptable to numerous styles and occasions. Nike allowed the product’s inherent appeal to generate demand, abstaining the need for complex narratives or embellishments.
Moreover, the pricing strategy played a crucial role. Priced at around $110, the sneakers offered an affordable entry point into the world of stylish footwear, making them an attractive option for both dedicated sneakerheads and casual consumers alike. This accessibility helped maintain their high perceived value while ensuring they remained within reach for a broad audience. Additionally, the strategic use of social media and influencer partnerships cannot be overlooked. As influential figures and fashion icons flaunted their Dunks, they set off a viral trend that significantly amplified the sneakers’ desirability, leveraging digital word-of-mouth to maximize their market presence.
Like the diffusion model suggests, Nike’s approach involved innovation characteristics like relative advantage and compatibility that significantly influenced the adoption rate of the sneakers. They ensured the product was perceived as advantageous compared to alternatives due to its aesthetic and price, and compatible with current fashion trends, further driving consumer adoption and acceptance.
Nike’s prediction of the Panda Dunks’ success was not merely about foresight; it was about strategically shaping the market’s desires and expectations. Through a well-planned launch, astute market testing, and effective use of social dynamics, Nike not only anticipated consumer demand but actively engineered it, turning a simple sneaker release into a sweeping cultural trend.
What will be the next drop that makes us all go crazy?
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Sell Circuit breakers Indianapolis
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Hoisting Electrical Security and Unwavering Quality in Indianapolis As the dynamic capital of Indiana, Indianapolis could be a city that requests the exceptionally best in electrical infrastructure. With a quickly developing populace and a flourishing economy, the requirement for dependable and proficient Sell Circuit breakers Indianapolis has never been more basic. Enter TheCircuitbreakersource, a driving supplier of cutting-edge electrical arrangements, devoted to enabling Indianapolis’ electrical future. From the towering high rises of downtown to the bustling rural areas, Indianapolis’ electrical scene may be a embroidered artwork of shifted necessities. TheCircuitbreakersource has made it their mission to profoundly get it the particular needs of each locale, ensuring their Sell Circuit breakers Indianapolis are designed to perform immaculately in any setting. Within the quickly advancing world of electrical innovation, development is the key to opening unused levels of security, effectiveness, and execution. TheCircuitbreakersource has wholeheartedly grasped this guideline, persistently contributing in investigation and advancement to provide a lineup of circuit breakers that rethink industry measures.
TheCircuitbreakersource’s circuit breakers are the summit of cutting-edge materials science, building, and advanced controls, guaranteeing they offer unparalleled security, unwavering quality, and energy efficiency for Indianapolis’ homes and businesses. Electrical experts in Indianapolis are the spine of the industry, mindful for keeping up and improving the city’s electrical foundation. TheCircuitbreakersource recognizes the essential part these specialists play and is dedicated to supporting them with the apparatuses, assets, and skills required to succeed. The complex web of electrical codes and controls can be a overwhelming challenge for mortgage holders and trade proprietors in Indianapolis. TheCircuitbreakersource is committed to disentangling this preparation, guaranteeing their circuit breakers are outlined to comply with all significant benchmarks and giving clients the peace of intellect they merit. TheCircuitbreakersource’s commitment to Indianapolis amplifies the past giving top-tier circuit breakers. The company is effectively contributing within the future of the city’s electrical foundation, collaborating with industry specialists and community partners to create comprehensive solutions that address the special challenges confronted by Indianapolis.
Indianapolis’ different economy is fueled by a wide extend of businesses, each with its claims to interesting electrical necessities. TheCircuitbreakersource gets the significance of custom fitted arrangements and has created a comprehensive product lineup to meet the desires of Sell Circuit breakers Indianapolis fabricating, healthcare, coordination, and other key segments. In today’s fast-paced trade environment, indeed the briefest control blackout can have a annihilating affect on productivity and productivity. TheCircuitbreakersource’s circuit breakers are built to supply Indianapolis’ businesses with the solid, continuous control they have to be flourish. Within the ever-evolving scene of electrical frameworks, unwavering quality, security, and advancement are the foundations of victory. TheCircuitbreakersource has risen to the challenge, giving Indianapolis with the cutting-edge Sell Circuit breakers Indianapolis and the unparalleled ability required to control a brighter, more secure electrical future. As the city proceeds to develop and adjust, TheCircuitbreakersource will be there, prepared to light the way forward.
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teardownit · 2 months
Marshall Guv`nor: a Pedal that sounds like a Tube Stack
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To be more accurate, it sounds like a valve stack; after all, it is a British pedal imitating British Marshall amplifiers.
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Don't tell anyone because it's a secret: when creating his JTM45, Jim Marshall actually copied the circuitry of a 1959 Fender Tweed Bassman 5F6-A.
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And Mr. Marshall also equipped his first 50-watt combo amplifier, a 1961 JMP Tremolo “Bluesbreaker,” with four 10-inch speakers. The iconic 2x12" version was made a year later.
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Tolex instead of tweed, a horizontal arrangement of tubes, and ring-shaped loudspeaker magnets—the differences end there.
But why does the British Marshall sound so different from the American Fender? Is the difference really just the Celestion speakers instead of the Jenhsen ones with their U-shaped magnetic core?
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The stronger magnetic field of British loudspeakers compresses the sound's dynamic range to a significant extent. One can compare the waveforms recorded with the Shure SM57 microphone from the 12" Celestion G12M Greenback and Fender Mustang II (V1) loudspeakers, as well as from the 8" Orange Voice of the World PPC108.
But the spiciest part of the Marshall sound is literally based on the usage of British valves instead of American tubes.
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In the post about a simple DIY tube guitar amplifier, we already noted that the sound of a particular tube depends on the geometry of the grids and anode.
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And if we compare 12AX7 preamp tubes with ECC83, we will see and hear that they are all very different. This is determined not by an American or European stamp but by the design of this particular unit from a particular manufacturer.
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It's a completely different story with the EL34 and 6L6 power amplification output tubes. Their sound difference is on another level. Short and thick American 6L6 can be described as high fidelity with a large headroom; long and thin English EL34 is, on the contrary, a growling and roaring powerhouse due to the fact that it tends to limit and distort the signal.
Does this mean that if you swap the speakers and tubes in the Tweed Bassman and Bluesbreaker combos, the Fender 5F6-A would become a Marshall JTM45? Not really, no.
In the universe of guitar amplification, nuances matter: the cabinet's open or closed back wall, the fine selection of component values, and the frequencies to which the tone controls are set.
And, of course, the sound is influenced by the anode supply rectifiers and the supply and output transformers. And according to some experts, even the material of the chassis matters: the windings of transformers have considerable leakage inductance, and their alternating magnetic field interacts with the metal of the chassis.
Then there's another question: is it possible to emulate all these effects without real tubes, bulky loudspeakers, and heavy multi-pound transformers? A guitar amplifier is a complex yet still measurable device; it's subject to the laws of physics and can be mathematically evaluated.
There is no doubt about the possibility of recreating a certain sound by other means. The question is how complex the circuit with transistors and ICs will be sufficient to obtain a convincing effect.
The idea to replicate the iconic sound of the Marshall JTM 45 and JCM800 in a pedal body and create the world's first amp-in-a-box, oddly enough, first came to none other than the employees of the Marshall company itself, led by the head of the Development Department, Steve Grindrod.
Guitarists worldwide owe a debt of gratitude to this man for developing the legendary Marshall JCM800 and Vox AC30.
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Today, the godfather of British Sound owns his company, Steve Grindrod (Albion) Amplification. He produces Pendragon guitar amps and Gypsy Boy acoustic amps and works with various charities. And in 1988, his efforts led to the creation of the Guv’nor pedal.
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In 1992, the pedal was re-released under the name Drive Master. It differed from the original only without an effects loop jack.
The circuit looks like a regular distortion pedal with two operational amplifiers. The first is included as a non-inverting amplifier; the signal is supplied to the non-inverting input. And the second operational amplifier is used in the inverting connection.
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The drive regulator potentiometer is configured to control the negative feedback of both op-amps. This is a brilliant design by Steve Grindrod.
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By comparison, Orange tube and transistor amplifiers typically use dual, linked potentiometers to control the gain of the two stages simultaneously.
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Red LEDs are used as limiting elements in this Marshall amp-in-a-box. This makes it possible to adjust overdrive and compression using the drive knob in a wider range and get a sound from light blues overdrive to hard heavy metal distortion.
And, of course, the standout feature of this pedal is the gorgeous three-way tone stack, tuned for that signature Marshall sound. It has even more components than the tone stacks of many other tube amps.
This happens because the pedal does not have as many gain stages, each with timbre-shaping frequency-dependent circuits, as a large amplifier does. The tone stack has more work to do in the pedal than in the amp head or combo. At least, that's what Steve Grindrod thought when developing The Guv'nor.
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However, in 1992, when developing the Blues Breaker pedal, it turned out that the distortion sounded great with just one tone knob, a simple treble-bleed circuit.
Three new pedals were developed. Drive Master was a reissue of The Guv'nor. Blues Breaker featured soft clipping and lower gain.
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The Shred Master, on the other hand, was a pedal with maximum gain and a Contour knob, which allowed to emphasize the mids for a vintage sound or, alternatively, make a mid scoop and get a modern sound.
As any successful pedal deserves, The Guv’nor was soon copied by other manufacturers: Daddy O from Danelectro, Crunch Box from MI Audio, Riot from Suhr, and Angry Charlie from JHS.
Different versions of these pedals may have a three-way tone stack or a single-tone knob, a switch or presence control in the form of a knob or trim pot inside the body, and a limiting diode switch that sets the compression depth.
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The version I put together has four knobs: gain, volume, tone, and presence. I enjoy how this pedal sounds with different guitars. In the video, I play a 2011 Gibson MM Explorer.
Suppose you want to add Marshall-style voicing to your rig and get some bright British crunch. In that case, you should consider purchasing or building one of the pedals based on the Marshall Guv`nor circuit.
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digiboostmedia · 3 months
Seize the Spotlight: Expert SEO Company in Vaughan Amplifies Your Brand Presence
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Are you ready to take your brand to the next level and seize the spotlight in the digital world? Standing out is crucial for business success in today's competitive online landscape. One powerful way to amplify your brand presence is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you're in Vaughan and looking to boost your online visibility, partnering with an expert SEO company in Vaughan, like Digital Boost Media, can make all the difference. Additionally, leveraging the expertise of a reputable digital marketing company in Vaughan can further enhance your brand's reach and impact. With their tailored strategies and deep understanding of local market dynamics, Digital Boost Media can help you achieve tangible results and establish a strong foothold in the digital arena.
Why Is SEO Important For Businesses?
In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is crucial for businesses to thrive. SEO is pivotal in helping companies increase their visibility and reach on search engines like Google. By optimizing your website with relevant keywords and quality content, you can attract more organic traffic and potential customers.
SEO improves your website's ranking and enhances user experience by making it easier for visitors to find what they want. This can lead to higher conversion rates and ultimately boost your bottom line. Additionally, SEO helps build credibility and trust with consumers, as websites that appear at the top of search results are often perceived as more reputable.
Investing in SEO allows businesses to stay ahead of the competition in crowded online markets. With more people turning to search engines to find products and services, solid SEO is essential for staying relevant and competitive in today's digital landscape.
The Role of an SEO Company in Improving Brand Presence
When improving brand presence in the digital realm, an SEO company plays a crucial role in helping businesses stand out from the competition. These experts understand the ever-evolving landscape of search engines and implement strategies to ensure your brand gets noticed by potential customers.
An SEO company conducts thorough keyword research to identify the terms and phrases that are most relevant to your business, helping you rank higher in search engine results. Optimizing your website with these keywords ensures that users are more likely to find you when they search for products or services related to your industry.
Top SEO companies create quality content that attracts visitors and keeps them engaged on your site. This content is not just about keywords; it's about providing value and building trust with your audience. With a solid online presence made by an expert SEO company, your brand can reach new heights of visibility and credibility in the digital world.
Benefits of Hiring an Expert SEO Company in Vaughan
Are you looking to elevate your brand's online presence in Vaughan? Hiring an expert SEO company can be a game-changer for your business. These professionals bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, helping you easily navigate the complex world of search engine optimization. Moreover, partnering with a reputable digital marketing company in Vaughan, such as Digital Boost Media, can further enhance your online visibility and success. With their comprehensive understanding of local market dynamics and cutting-edge digital strategies, they can tailor SEO solutions for your brand, ensuring you stand out amidst the competition and thrive in the digital landscape.
By enlisting the services of a reputable SEO company in Vaughan, you can expect tailored strategies designed to meet your specific goals and objectives. Whether you aim to increase website traffic, improve search engine rankings, or boost conversions, an expert SEO team will work tirelessly to achieve your desired outcomes.
One of the key benefits of partnering with an SEO company is access to cutting-edge tools and technologies that can take your digital marketing efforts to new heights. From keyword research and optimization to content creation and link building, these experts have the skills and resources to drive tangible results for your business.
Working with a professional SEO agency allows you to focus on what you do best – running your business. Instead of countless hours navigating the ever-changing landscape of search engine algorithms, please leave it in the hands of seasoned professionals who live and breathe SEO.
Do you need help finding the right keywords to target for your business? An expert SEO company in Vaughan can take the guesswork out of keyword research and optimization. They can use advanced tools and techniques to identify high-performing keywords to drive your website's targeted traffic.
Keyword optimization is crucial for improving your search engine rankings. SEO professionals understand how to strategically place keywords throughout your content to ensure maximum visibility online. They also keep up-to-date with algorithm changes, ensuring your website remains optimized for search engines.
SEO companies regularly analyze keyword performance, adjusting to capitalize on trending terms and phrases. This proactive approach helps maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Trusting experts like Digital Boost Media, one of the top internet marketing agency Vaughan, for keyword research and optimization can significantly impact your brand's online presence.
When boosting your online presence, top SEO companies employ various strategies to ensure your brand stands out in the digital landscape. One common tactic is conducting thorough keyword research to target your industries most relevant and high-traffic keywords. By optimizing your website content with these keywords, you can improve your search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.
They also focus on creating high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. Backlinks are like digital endorsements that signal search engines about the credibility and authority of your website. Building a strong backlink profile can enhance your online reputation and boost your visibility in search results.
Top SEO companies often prioritize technical optimization to ensure your website is user-friendly and easily crawl able by search engine bots. This includes improving site speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall site structure for better indexing.
By implementing these strategies and staying up-to-date with the latest algorithm changes, top SEO companies can help skyrocket your brand's online presence and drive more qualified leads to your website.
Tips for Choosing the Right SEO Company for Your Business
When choosing the right SEO Company for your business in Vaughan, it's essential to do thorough research. Look for a company like Digital Boost Media with a proven track record of success in Vaughan's internet marketingand SEO services.
Consider their experience, expertise, and client testimonials before making a decision. Communication is vital so they are transparent about their strategies and progress reports. Remember that the right SEO partner can make all the difference in amplifying your brand presence online.
By partnering with an expert SEO company in Vaughan, you can take your brand to new heights and reach your target audience effectively. So don't wait any longer – seize the spotlight with professional SEO services today!
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chemanalystdata · 4 months
Jet Kerosene Price, News, Trend, Monitor, Supply & Demand, Forecast | ChemAnalyst
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In the dynamic landscape of global energy markets, the price of jet kerosene remains a pivotal indicator, influencing both the aviation industry and broader economic trends. As a refined product derived from crude oil, jet kerosene reflects the intricate interplay of supply and demand dynamics, geopolitical factors, and macroeconomic shifts. In recent years, fluctuations in the jet kerosene market have been particularly pronounced, driven by a multitude of factors ranging from shifts in oil production and refining capacities to geopolitical tensions and global economic conditions.
One of the primary drivers of jet kerosene prices is the supply-demand balance within the oil market. Changes in global oil production, often influenced by decisions made by major oil-producing countries and geopolitical events, directly impact the availability and cost of jet kerosene. For instance, disruptions in oil-producing regions due to geopolitical tensions or natural disasters can lead to supply shortages, causing prices to surge. Conversely, periods of oversupply, such as those prompted by increased shale oil production in the United States, can exert downward pressure on prices.
Moreover, the refining process plays a crucial role in shaping jet kerosene prices. Refineries must strike a delicate balance between producing various refined products, including gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel, based on market demand and profit margins. Changes in refining capacity, refinery outages, and shifts in product specifications can all influence the supply and pricing of jet kerosene. Additionally, environmental regulations and the adoption of cleaner fuel standards can introduce complexities into the refining process, potentially affecting production costs and, by extension, jet kerosene prices.
Get Real Time Prices of jet kerosene:  https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/jet-kerosene-23
Geopolitical factors also loom large in the jet kerosene market, exerting both short-term volatility and long-term uncertainty. Political instability in key oil-producing regions, trade disputes among major economies, and sanctions targeting oil-exporting countries can all disrupt supply chains and contribute to price fluctuations. Moreover, geopolitical developments can shape market sentiment and investor confidence, influencing speculative trading activities that further amplify price movements.
Furthermore, macroeconomic conditions play a critical role in determining the level of demand for air travel, thus impacting jet kerosene prices. Economic growth, consumer confidence, and business activity all influence the volume of passenger and freight traffic, which in turn drives demand for aviation fuel. During periods of economic expansion, robust travel demand tends to support higher jet kerosene prices. Conversely, economic downturns or disruptions, such as the global recession triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, can lead to sharp declines in air travel demand and a corresponding drop in jet kerosene prices.
The competitive dynamics within the aviation industry also shape the jet kerosene market. Airlines operate on thin profit margins and are highly sensitive to fuel costs, which constitute a significant portion of their operating expenses. Consequently, fluctuations in jet kerosene prices can directly impact airline profitability, route planning decisions, and ticket prices. In response to volatile fuel costs, airlines may adjust their fuel hedging strategies, invest in more fuel-efficient aircraft, or pass on increased costs to passengers through fare adjustments.
Environmental considerations and regulatory initiatives are increasingly influencing the jet kerosene market. As concerns about climate change mount, stakeholders across the aviation industry are exploring alternative fuels and emissions reduction strategies. Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), derived from renewable feedstocks or produced through advanced refining processes, offer the potential to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel. However, the availability and cost competitiveness of SAFs remain significant challenges, limiting their widespread adoption and impact on jet kerosene prices.
In conclusion, the jet kerosene market is subject to a myriad of factors that collectively shape its pricing dynamics. Supply-demand fundamentals, refining dynamics, geopolitical developments, macroeconomic conditions, industry competition, and environmental considerations all intersect to influence the cost of jet fuel. As stakeholders navigate this complex landscape, they must remain vigilant to emerging trends and developments that may impact the future trajectory of jet kerosene prices and the broader aviation industry.
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prismmediawire · 4 months
PRISM MediaWire Amplifies Financial Markets Impact Through Tailored Newswire Services
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New York City, February 7, 2024 –PRISM MediaWire, a division of the leading communications firm PRISM DigitalMedia (PRISM), is now the go-to newswire service for dynamic companies seeking to strengthen their market presence. PRISM MediaWire offers tailor-made newswire services, providing comprehensive solutions for emerging brands to connect with investors, the media and key stakeholders.
“Our clients regularly tell us that they want a newswire that is more customized and flexible, one that delves deeper into financial markets—and that’s exactly what PRISM MediaWire is all about,” said President of PRISM DigitalMedia, Kerry Corbit. “Whether it’s extensive media coverage, social media support, virtual events, or more tailored content to engage diverse audiences, we understand the intricacies of the financial markets and deliver personalized services designed to capture interest and attention.”
Top-Tier Newswire Distribution
PRISM MediaWire provides access to leading financial and trade media outlets, along with key trading platforms. This positions companies at the center of financial market dialogues and trends, providing significant visibility in the competitive capital markets. PRISM MediaWire’s distribution service is further augmented by:
Learn more about the PRISM Advantage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk5_Jq8jJPE.
Optimized Media Coverage Options
PRISM’s Media Connect can increase press release coverage by up to 65%. This service amplifies press releases to targeted publications among PRISM’s 200+ media partners, providing companies significant exposure in their sector.
Enhanced Social Media Visibility
PRISM’s Social Connect can increase press release visibility by up to 30%. Utilizing a comprehensive social media strategy across various platforms, PRISM ensures that news is featured prominently and reaches a broad audience.
Direct Investor Engagement
PRISM MarketView serves as a central hub for financial market news and discussions surrounding the small-cap sector, offering companies a platform to reach an audience of active investors.
Focus on the Small-Cap Sector
With a dedicated focus on the small-cap sector, PRISM Small Cap MarketPlace offers an immersive network for burgeoning companies. This platform provides invaluable access to industry events and insights, keeping members at the forefront of small-cap investment opportunities.
Integrated Services for Market Influence and Impact
PRISM DigitalMedia offers a curated suite of services, each uniquely designed to enhance investor engagement, brand awareness and increase market visibility. This comprehensive suite includes corporate communications, investor outreach, sponsored content, social media advertising, virtual events, executive interviews, and public relations. Designed to communicate in the financial markets effectively, these services work in unison to create a notable influence in the ever-evolving economic landscape.
About PRISM MediaWire
PRISM MediaWire stands at the forefront of news content distribution, redefining the dissemination and consumption of news in today's digital era. Committed to delivering timely, accurate, and relevant news globally, PRISM MediaWire is a trusted partner for reaching target audiences effectively. Visit our website, prismmediawire.com, and follow us on X.
About PRISM DigitalMedia
Specializing in the complexities of the financial markets, PRISM DigitalMedia assists emerging companies in making a distinctive mark in the digital landscape. The PRISM suite of solutions, encompassing corporate communications, branding, public relations and digital advertising, is designed to engage the right audience effectively.
About PRISM MarketView
Established in 2020, PRISM MarketView is dedicated to the monitoring and analysis of small cap stocks in burgeoning sectors. PRISM MarketView delivers up-to-the-minute financial market news, provides comprehensive investor tools and fosters a dynamic investor community. Central to the PRISM MarketView offerings are proprietary indexes that observe emerging sectors, including biotech, clean energy, next-generation tech, medical devices and beyond. Visit us at prismmarketview.com and follow us on X.
Catie Corcoran
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