#and she teaches gorgug etc
d20-ritz-stimzz · 1 year
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" Dude, I got a job! Let's fucking fix kids. "
🐺 ☕ 🐺 × ☕ 🐺 ☕ × 🐺 ☕ 🐺
Jawbone O'Shaughnessey !
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sixthsensewulf · 16 days
I honestly think if we get a new season for FH at some point. . It shouldn't be in Senior Year. It should be in the future:
Gorgug might be the next barbarian teacher or teaching a mixture of barbarian and artificer classes. But I still hope he is still the drummer for Fig's band, no matter what.
Fig should become successful, and have Gorgug join her on the tour during school holidays etc.
Kristen should be the next Cleric teacher or (plot twist) - vice principal for the school if she enjoys being Student President. Like having Kristen, the cleric of 2 lesbian goddesses, being a "vice" principal since god knows where the actual principal goes, would be insane.
Not to mention Riz would probably continue on his investigation side hobby right, and actually do a pretty damn good job. Doesn't help that some of his gadgets are made with love from his Barbarian-Artificer best friend. Will also be around to help Kristen if she needs it.
Fabian would likely go pro in Blood Rush or find something else that he enjoys, be more Oracle of Dance with Adaine. Or teach his younger sibling fighting so when the time comes, Fabian will know that it will be the best possible outcome / fight. The Hangman is still at his side, has gotten better at switching between motorcycle and dog.
Adaine would hunt down her 'mother' with her sister, and possibly have help from her friends. But she would be the best Oracle out there to protect the world.
The story should start with something going wrong: Adaine seeing something that worries her. Riz researching a case that is far too dangerous for himself to handle ALONE. Gorgug and/or Kristen going missing because of their way of life (Gorgug being an artificer, could have created something that could be dangerous in the wrong hands etc, Kristen being the greatest cleric out there. . .who knows what Kalina and Buddy are up too). Fig missing a check in time with her Mum, so Sandra Lynn gets very worried and asks The Bad Kids to help. Fabian arriving back to Elmville to literally collect his best and closest friends to help him sort out an issue on Leviathan.
The possibilities are endless. It would be nice to see this crew of Found Family reach level 20.
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thisisnotthenerd · 4 months
follow up to my previous thoughts about the Aguefort Adventuring Academy:
i got more right than i expected, though there's definitely a lot that's being filled in around what we knew from freshman year.
Faculty Updates:
Introduced/Mentioned during the Episode:
Interim Principal: Emergency Backup Principal Arcturus Grix
This is definitely a construct of Aguefort's that's been reprogrammed to focus on an exact impression of "adventuring order".
Interim Vice Principal: Jace Stardiamond, the sorcery professor
Artificer Professor: Henry Something? The original name on payroll was Grunding Tomblast. (mentioned only, since Porter wouldn't recommend Gorgug)
Barbarian Professor: Porter Cliffbreaker. Suspicious and rude.
Bard Professor: Lucilla Lullaby (changed from music professor). Fey/Eladrin
Bardic Dance Teacher: Terpsichore Skullcleaver. Tiniest half-orc you've ever seen, always says what you need to hear even if it isn't what you'd expect.
Cleric/Religious Studies: Yolanda Badgood. Air genasi who broke up with a deity to pursue faith.
Fighter Professor: Corsica Jones (mentioned only, though we met her in the Seven)
Wizard Professor: Tiberia Runestaff. Originated in the Mountains of Chaos, very traditional old wizard now teaching the wizards of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. Adaine desperately wants to impress her, and she gets called out for predictions.
We've gotten more information about the other professors though we already knew their names. Eugenia Shadow is the supposed rogue professor that must be found in order to get an A for the year.
Class Content:
For the Barbarians, Porter is an asshole that focuses on the destructive parts of rage rather than the protective elements.
We had a reference to Fighter classes and learning different fighting styles with Ms. Jones, though we didn't see it in this episode.
Cleric classes center around individual connection with a deity, as well as some discussion of spreading faith and proselytizing. Kristen is a very talented cleric who doesn't do homework and is struggling on her faith journey.
Rogue classes are more independent study; finding the professor is the win condition. If the class is based on self-motivated investigative work and research, I can understand why all of the rogues we've seen at Aguefort (Riz Gukgak, Penny Luckstone, Kipperlilly Copperkettle) are the way they are.
Bard Classes can come in a couple of different types: obviously there's the traditional class that Fig attended for the first time, as well as smaller concentrations like Fabian's dance class. The dance course seems to be a smaller track, with fewer students but a more intensive schedule. Granted, we're getting Fabian's multiclassed view of it, so it's not entirely accurate to the experience of a typical bardic dance student.
Wizard classes revolve around studying and practicing spells, as expected, but aren't taught with school endowed material components as I would have expected. Aguefort cares about a robust Wizard's education, but doesn't have classroom material components? He's making it a class of only privileged students. We can't have a poor wizard around here, can we.
Sidenote to that: we know now that Hudol places a focus on theoretical magic while Aguefort focuses on practical workings--actually practicing the skills needed to bind, conjure, enchant, etc.
Sidenote to the sidenote: I started looking into higher level wizard spells with high cost items as material components:
5th level:
create spelljamming helm (5000 gp crystal rod, consumed)
dawn (100 gp sunburst pendant)
legend lore (250 gp of incense, 200 gp of ivory strips)
infernal calling (999 gp ruby)
planar binding (minimum 1000 gp jewel, consumed)
scrying (1000 gp focus, such as a crystal ball, silver mirror, or font of holy water)
summon draconic spirit (500 gp object with engraved dragon iconography)
teleportation circle (inks infused with gems worth 50 gp)
6th level:
circle of death (500 gp black pearl)
contingency (1500 gp gem encrusted statuette)
create homunculus (1000 gp jeweled dagger)
create undead (150 gp black onyx stone per corpse)
drawmij's instant summons (1000 gp sapphire)
magic jar (500 gp gem/crystal/reliquary)
7th level:
create magen (500 gp quicksilver and human sized doll)
draconic transformation (500 gp dragon statuette)
forcecage (1500 gp ruby dust)
mordenkainen's sword (250 gp platinum sword)
plane shift (250 gp rod attuned to plane of choice)
sequester (5000 gp of diamond, emerald, ruby & sapphire dust)
simulacrum (1500 gp ruby dust)
symbol (1000 gp of mercury, phosphorus, diamond dust and opal)
8th level:
clone (1000 gp diamond, 2000 gp coffin/urn, cubic inch of flesh)
mighty fortress (500 gp diamond)
9th level:
astral projection (1000 gp jacinth + 100 gp carved bar of silver, per person affected)
gate (5000 gp diamond)
imprisonment (500 gp component per hit die of the target, changes depending on spell type: mithral orb for burial, precious metal chain for chaining, miniature jade prison for hedged prison, gemstone of corundum or diamond for minimus containment)
invulnerability (500 gp adamantine)
shapechange (1500 gp jade circlet)
so the request for 10 barrels of diamonds tracks; they need enough material components to be able to repeat the spells and practice them and that doesn't run cheap.
personal theory: when aguefort went to war with fallinel he pulled on the school's supplies of material components in order to cast on that scale, and he couldn't maintain it, so even stuff that wouldn't be consumed by the casting probably got dumped somewhere in fallinel or given away as reparations.
I'm also going to guess that in the lower grades, the students wouldn't be paying for everything, but rather paying something like a lab fee that took care of material components on a smaller scale.
There's a few things that have that this episode clarified:
If a student wants to multiclass on their transcript, they must fill out a request to their current class' professor in order to request a change to their courseload. The student may be prevented from attending their secondary or tertiary courses if their current professor believes that they cannot keep up with the increase in rigor, or if the student is underperforming in their current class. As shown with Porter, a teacher can technically refuse for other reasons (thinking the student isn't suited to the new class, or determining a lack of class compatibility). This recommendation is easier for some classes than others; it is simple to combine most martial classes, especially those that have compatible traits such as fighters and barbarians. However, it is difficult to combine classes that are prohibitive of each other; the example we have is Gorgug, since his barbarian rage prevents him from casting and holding concentration spells from his artificer levels in battle.
If they get approval, they must take the MCAT, or Multiclass Achievement Test, in order to prove competency in their secondary class. This functions as a way of proving that the student can enter the class at their current level and keep up with their peers.
Upon passing the MCAT, the student's courseload changes; rather than taking 4 semesters of one class, they will take 3 semesters of each class, presumably with some leveling to fit their particular split in multiclass. This results in a 150% courseload as opposed to single-classed students, with a high level of rigor, especially heading into the upperclassmen years
Quest Theory:
We got tacit confirmation from Brennan that the Bad Kids, and even the Seven are unusual for saving the world, when most Aguefort students are doing local dungeon crawls and going to school. This fits with my overleveling theory, especially if they're going to be going back to a major progression cycle as they did during freshman year. I highly doubt it, given the content and themes of this season, but I think the overall structure fits.
This also fits with my theory about D-F class quests; students may only need to complete one or more of these to pass the yearly quest. Technically, retrieving the Crown of the Nightmare King could have been considered a fetch quest, but there ended up being more to it than that. The Bad Kids haven't done traditional dungeon crawls, at least not from what we've seen. There are qualified adventuring parties in Spyre, but the Aguefort Adventuring Academy produces the 'premier parties of teen heroes' that go around addressing world-class threats.
The examples that we have of Solisian adventurers come from the Bad Kids' parents, and the Seven's parents. Sandra Lynn works with the Solisian rangers; the Applebees' (ew) work as paladins, guarding against threats from the Mountains of Chaos, presumably in tandem with the rangers. Karl Cleaver stayed with his party for decades--they went on a dungeon crawl in the 888th and 889th layers of the Abyss during the events of the Seven. There are adult adventurers, but it's made clear that they are dealing with everyday threats, while the teen heroes are out in the world causing problems and solving them.
To add to my previous theory: the Seven were given two weeks to investigate the disappearance of Tectonya Karkovnya and go on their GED quest. The Bad Kids got an extra week of spring break. This allowed them to get their world-saving done, but may have led to the accusations of special treatment.
Theories on the Season:
I'd wager that Kipperlilly and the Ratgrinders are trying to make Aguefort more egalitarian by getting rid of the Bad Kids' quest progress i.e. the reason they're overleveled and getting special treatment. The Rogue Professor seekign Kipperlilly out as opposed to her actually doing the work? Sounds like funny business to me.
Next episode is probably going to be the rest of the day of classes and the start of extracurriculars, based on the mentions of the bloodrush team and student government candidacy.
Riz looks like he's going to be in the driver's seat for seeking out the Bad Kids' academic and greater interests, though Fig is leaning in on the investigation of the Ratgrinders, and they're all full force on the presidential campaign. I think Gorgug's work as an artificer is going to come into play with the main plot if they're facing down the reprogrammed Arcturus Grix.
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motsimages · 3 months
I'd like to see Fig in her 30s. She'd be the kind of person with 2 university degrees who has worked as a waitress, in a sex shop, as a mechanician, a hospital clerk and teaching guitar lessons. None of these jobs are related to her degrees.
She has one or two multiclass levels of the most random things you can imagine, we are speaking multiclassing with like 7 or 8 different things. Eventually, she stops adventuring but at some point she is an accountant for the local magic shoe shop and plays on Saturdays at the Botomless Pit with Gorgug à la Dresden Dolls. Other jobs she has had are receptionist for the elven Rangers, personal trainer or gardener in a gnome company.
If people ask her for advice about their adventuring party, where to go, who to hire, etc., she can point them in the right direction but handling her Hell domain and her usual life is already busy enough. She doesn't even tour.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
How would you explain fantasy high to someone that doesn’t know anything about it?
(I’ve been seeing your reblogs and I’m very interested, just wanna get a clue on what it’s about! ^^)
Weirdly it's harder for me to explain then dndads (even though it is shorter and has a lot less side quests) but I will try my best. I will try to keep this spoiler free. Fantasy high is a story of six teens who just started going to adventuring school (they are litteraly taught to be like fighters rouges etc basicly a school that teaches you how to be a dnd charakter), getting into some scheanianigans they all get detention and become unlikely friends, toghether they solve a mystery, get into fights and change for the better. That was what it is in short, you can listen to it on spotify (that's how i did the first three episodes) but it is better to watch it (they have minis and it is more entertaning but i mostly used it as backround noise) either on YouTube or on their page (first season is for free on YouTube but i think second season is only available on drop out it is 5$ a month from what i gathered). It's really good :)
Bevare spoilers ahead!
We have six kids Fabian-half elf fighter a son of a pirate desperatly wanting to make his father proud, he's super rich and a fighter, through the season he learns to be a better person and that he doesn't have to copy his father
Adaine- a high elf wizard, her family sucks, she gets panic attacks, really smart, through the season she learns to be her own person and to stand up for herself
Kristen- a human cleric from a very conservetive, religious family, she's cheerful and an optimist, she starts questoning faith as she meets her god and her sexuality, learns she is a lesbian and she doesn't belive in the god she was raised to belive in
Fig- a halfling bard, formerly a popular girl and cheerleader now a punk, always thought she was an elf but then her horns started growing in, learns her dad isn't her father and goes on a quest to find her bio dad,
Riz- goblin rouge, a detective that has a hard time making friends, on a quest to find his missing babisiter and other missing girls,
Gorgug- a half orc barbarian raised by two gnomes, a shy kid with anger issues, on a quest to find his bio parents.
That's basicly a summary of the charakter the plot is a bit more complicated, it's better if you find out yourself, cuz it is pretty complicated and i'm not the best writer. If you want i can try to do that it will just take a bit to write :/.
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everywishway · 2 years
Zelda Donovan Headcanons
Basically, I love her and the only reason they couldn't get someone to play her is because of COVID safety distance and they couldn't fit anyone, so here is my interpretation of my lovely satyr. (more under the cut) <3
Her fashion sense has completely updated since freshman year
It's now Alt fashion, mostly cryptidcore but with some soft grunge, punk, and other aesthetics
She 1000000% loves extremely creepy/cryptic podcasts and loves the Solyace version of Welcome to Night Vale and The Magnus Archives
On that note, her music has also gained variety outside the wide variety of metal she already listens too (her favorite band is the Cig Figs tho)
Due to Ostentatia, she has gotten into embroidery and makes custom patches for her and her friends and her own jean jacket
One of the things is a cardigan embroidered with moss and flowers and, when Danielle sees it, she makes real flowers and moss grow out of it
She really loves art, drawing, etc. Since she didn't have many friends growing up, she became that one kid who was godly at art at the age of 14
Due to this, she actually runs two webcomics about both The Seven and The Bad Kids, telling their adventures
Those comics have actually gotten extremely popular, using them as advertisements
Also, due to Sam Nightingale not liking being on camera, a lot of their ads and sponsors are animated or in Zelda's webcomics
She tags along on Fig and the Cig Figs tours and Sam's when she starts touring (that's actually Sam's first show, opening act to F&tCF. I'm actually writing a fic where that happens).
She acts as a roadie and a techie and really enjoys the work of carrying lights, building sets, etc
She has this spot with Gorgug at the Mithral Factory back when it was abandoned, where they would listen to music while they watch the skateboarders
TEACHES FABIAN HER CULTURE'S DANCE. She's a battle dancer and is used to dancing in battle so she teaches Fabian how to use it to her advantage
In exchange, Fabian teaches her how to build muscle because Gorgug is naturally strong while both Fabian and Zelda actually need to build strength
So their fighting styles are similar, especially since their dancers, they have strong legs for kickboxing.
They also kick peoples butts of creeps at different concerts
Part 2 maybe?
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