#and sad about hamlet
hamletthedane · 10 months
*laying on my floor staring at the ceiling, completely distraught* I mean, what even is Horatio’s role in the play??
“Horatio, Friend to Hamlet.”
Horatio, stranger, young student, trusted confidant and friend of Hamlet, trusted aid to everybody else in Elsinore, advisor, assister, orator, oracle, Cassandra, mourner, witness to all events unfolding, lingerer in all scenes with no dialogue, more an Antique Roman than a Dane, thou that he knowest thine, the sole survivor of tragedy, the audience itself-
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― “Landscape,” Louise Glück, Averno.
Hockey Poetry Post 7/?
(Photo credit: Chris Tanouye, Mitchell Leff, Len Redkoles, Jonathan Kozub, Bruce Bennett, Tim Nwachukwu)
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aq2003 · 2 months
saw a letterboxd review of 2009 hamlet saying they didn't like how hamlet just seemed to be crazy all of the time and i was reminded of when david tennant said this
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thehamletdiaries · 10 months
Thinking about how much Hamlet and Ophelia's friendship means to me and how we really see...none of it in the play...the only part where they are interacting close to normally is the play within a play scene and even then obviously the wider context is deeply not normal but I still think in that there are hints at a dynamic that was once very beautiful and sweet.
Two kids who grew up together.
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lizardrosen · 4 days
man, what if gertrude can't sleep in her own bedroom anymore after she's witnessed a murder there?? does she move into claudius's chamber, after hamlet specifically asked her not to, or have a spare room set up? or maybe she just stays in the same place and suffers. after all, what's one more ghost, when she's already getting used to all the places and moments where her husband no longer is.
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existential-sunbeam · 9 months
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- Dracula, Lucy Wenstera
And Hamlet, "To die, to sleep; /To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; /For in that sleep of death what dreams may come"
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unicornofthemidwest · 1 month
And what about Shakespeare's missing fathers? What about Henry 5's funeral being the first scene of his son's plays? What about Coriolanus becoming a missing father after his own father is missing? What about Helena's father, who gave her the power to heal the king and start the plot? What about Olivia's dead father and Viola's dead father? What about King Hamlet? What about all the children who can't grieve and can't even revenge themselves? What about the missing fathers?
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gravedangerahead · 2 years
It's sad emo boy season on tumblr.com, with sandman and batman, but we must never forget our roots 💀💀💀
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It's a snarky dunk AND it's hella sad, nobody does it like my boy Hamlet, okay?
And the echolalia too, at the end? He was never king of Denmark, but he was a king all the same
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uncommon-lamp · 2 years
Having a lot of thoughts about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
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trial3 · 4 months
funnily enough i think moreso than distasteful jokes or willful misinterpretations what really bothers me when it comes to representations of Her are people not picking up on the fact that shes a freak alt girl
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bro for the ship bingo… hamratio? 👀
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they are such guys. i miss them.
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I am genuinely so close to losing it all there's no articles I can quote for my essay how are there fuck all articles about politics in Hamlet
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I’m currently re-reading Hamlet (…again) and I realized that I’ve always assumed that the main cast is clued in to the fact that Hamlet is behind Polonius’s murder, but I’m pretty sure that Gertrude and Claudius (and Ros & Guil- who are sent to find the body) are the only people who are explicitly stated to know.
Laertes is the only person who is confirmed to not know (he assumes Claudius was behind the murder and none of the men of his short-lived revolution plan seem to know either, or they surely would’ve told him.)
This leaves a few questions. One: do Horatio & Ophelia know? Two: who told Laertes that his father died (thus calling him back to Denmark) without bothering to mention who murdered him?
Horatio, I think, has to know. He appears in scenes with both Claudius and Gertrude multiple times throughout Act 4 and unless they were explicitly keeping it from him (why?), he probably found out.
Ophelia is more ambiguous. I prefer it that she knows, because this way, her role in Act 4 makes more sense. She’s pushed over the edge not just by the death of her father but the betrayal it represents, committed at the hand of her own (ex) lover. But it’s entirely possible that she doesn’t, at least for a while, because that explains Laertes’ confusion- she sends word to him before finding out who did it.
This is a minor detail, but could be fun to play with in adaptions!
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thehamletdiaries · 10 months
Dancing at The Globe
So, I have been lucky enough to see Comedy of Errors and Macbeth at the Globe recently. After Comedy of Errors, they did a dance - a jig, which would have been what happened after plays during Shakespeare's time.
After Macbeth, they did not do a dance because to a modern audience, that would have felt out of sync with the mood of the play (for obvious reasons).
But (if my understanding is correct) historically, during Shakespeare's time, the cast would have danced after tragedies, as well as comedies.
And whilst I wouldn't suggest doing that for Hamlet...something you could do would be a slow dance. You could do it with really any combination of characters, but the way I've been imagining it is with Horatio, Hamlet, Laertes, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (good luck to any cast getting Hamlet and Laertes off staged and changed in time but these things are doable). All the dead characters would be in white, so only Horatio would wear the clothes he wore throughout the play.
Hamlet dances with Horatio, Rosencrantz with Guildenstern and Ophelia with Laertes, giving us three types of love; romantic, friendship (sorry to R&G shippers, please don't come for me, I love you all and this works equally well if you see them as romantic) and familial. About half way through the music, they move into a sort of "Elizabethan style" slow dance, moving between pairs and allowing everyone to at some point briefly dance with everyone, but everyone ends up with their original pairing at the end.
Perhaps at some point Ophelia breaks down and is just held by Laertes, perhaps at some point Rosencrantz and Guildenstern just stop dancing and stand arm in arm watching Horatio and Hamlet dance...the boys dance, foreheads pressed against each other, not wanting to let each other go to the very end...Horatio's crying, or they are both crying, and Horatio is shaking his head and holding Hamlet as if to say "please don't go".
But towards the end of the music, the five actors playing the dead characters go to the back of the stage area, leaving Horatio alone downstage. One by one, they exit through the door at the back of the stage, Hamlet being the last to go, leaving Horatio standing alone as the music fades.
This could be performed with any number of pieces of music, but when I was imagining this, these were the pieces that I listened to. With that last one, particularly, I imagined Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and Laertes and Ophelia emerging first and dancing around Horatio before Hamlet enters upstage and walks towards Horatio, pulling him into a dance.
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sparklyslug · 2 years
No one asked but here’s my JQ Shakespearean wish list:
Mercutio / Romeo and Juliet (he gets to be chaotic and queer and dead, all areas in which he excels)
Don Juan / Much Ado About Nothing (I mean I’d love to see him be ANYONE in Much Ado, he might even win me over with his Claudio, but hello scheming and a plain dealing villain and if I had my teeth I would bite??? Yes please and thank you.)
Prince Hal / Henry IV pt I (specifically Henry IV pt I because like yeah Henry V is stirring and all that, but Hal is such a fucking mess and there’s a really interesting streak of nobility and also cruelty in him. Henry V is like a really good action movie, I just find Henry IV pt I an overall more interesting and enjoyable play with more complicated characters.)
Orlando / As You Like It (listen I need one happy ending romantic lead JQ performance in my lifetime and Orlando is DREAMY and he also has some really good HUMOR and some real SINCERITY AND ANGST and he could DO IT)
Richard III / Richard III (aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go apeshit? FULL. VILLAIN. EXCELLENCE.)
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gremlin-pattie · 8 months
i had already watched the movie version of ragad, but i just finished reading the script for the play and i’m losing my mind. i have so many thoughts but no words. hhhrrrrrgghhh
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