#and rachel’s is on the wb they’re so me lmao
machihunnicutt · 3 months
put on the new ep of wonderful while i was making lunch bc it’s been a while and griffin’s segment is on the em dash 😭
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incarnateirony · 6 years
The irony.
This is deadass petty on my part, and I’m fully aware, but I am so far past just letting assholes slide without being called out and much less turned around on themselves since they’re generally in a headass ouroboros already anyway. Still putting it behind a cut, but this is in regards to: certain recent wanky ship warring, the Destiel shirt, and some asshats that could not physically control themselves to stay out of me and my friends’ mentions a few days ago. But the shirt was just the perfect highlight. If you’re M*gstiel sensitive, either avoid, or feel free to lose your shit in my notes afterward, IDGAF.
So for those of you who paid attention, a few days back, I had a small drove of aggressive M*gstiel shippers descend on me-and-mine; first on my friends’ feeds on twitter for about three days and then, after I got fed up with shit of them flagrantly insulting and attacking anyone that said they didn’t like M*gstiel (even if/when they said “but it’s okay if you do”, and attacked after they answered “why not?”s), I made a tumblr post covering all of the huge logical fallacies and trying to logically explain why I had canon issues with it and that it was disrespectful of them to just dismiss huge issues of consent and vessel presence laid out in canon and that I shouldn’t be forced to accept headcanon workarounds that don’t even fit... other canon about those same excuses. Like, I’d left M*gstiel alone 100% since I joined the fandom but this individual - by name - M*gstiel Patron - literally could not resist divebombing into Destiel squii threads for days.
This individual - and those that followed in their wake, took off in the “HAHAHAH DESTIEL DOESNT EXIST NOBODY AT ALL AT TPTB LIKES IT UR JUST TRICKING URSELVES HAHAHAHAHAH U’LL NEVER GET *ANYTHING*” BS attempted mockery that we eyerolled off but they were evidently wildly incensed and trying to piss people off. 
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Now in the reviews, look very closely at the names that are complaining.
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Or maybe that thread spamtagging Hot Topic
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Well, WB sells official merch too, maybe they have something over there...
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No, WB, I did not mean Castiel mega-sized but yes, I am now interested in Castiel mega-sized.
“But the WB shop doesn’t have the Destiel shirt! That’s the REAL official stuff!!” I mean, ignoring that Hot Topic is a licensed vendor in communication WITH the WB that ALWAYS markets a different branch of swag, if you’re thinking of saying “Only the WB line is real,” that is the Join The Hunt line. Now, let’s take the Destiel shirt and look closer.
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And that isn’t all. In the last month, Hot Topic also released this lovely wallet which, while generally Team Free Willish, sells on a product description of going on a hunt with your angel boyfriend. Yes, my friends, in the last month, HT has decided to start heavy marketing by Destiel. Before that it was vague team Dean talk or Cas-positivity, which is already neat but... yeah.
Hell, I love Rachel Miner, but I don’t smoke enough crack to think that five or six years later they’re spontaneously going to go out of their way to make her relevant again (after completing her plot arc and doing a “take a stand” ending for redemption). She didn’t have close to the same outcry as say, Charlie (esp wrt enduring female rep and queer rep, as in, IN-THE-SHOW-QUEER-REP, being fridged offscreen and dumped in a bathtub), and that was a three year gap. Not five or six. Look up “Meg” in either shop and you get... well, Hot Topic pulls up Megara from Hercules and WB shop has... nothing. If you search “Charlie” she doesn’t have by-name swag but both products bring up at least adjacent swag she’s mentioned in (like the trivia game, etc, which weirdly Meg doesn’t turn up results for). Much less ship swag for it. There’s just... not the demand. Bobby was brought up every few years; Mary too, and was DIRECTLY RELEVANT TO SAM AND DEAN. Gabe HAD demand the whole time and Rich stayed directly involved on set directing the whole time. This isn’t hard to figure out.
Rachel Miner is a doll. But mostly for who she is as a humanitarian outside the walls of a fictional TV show - which is FINE - but that doesn’t mean the show will cater to demands when there’s no demand for the *CHARACTER*
These bizarre war cries and temper tantrums are pretty damn wild. She was not a high demand character. It is not a high demand ship. This isn’t hard to figure out. If she comes back, great, but what the hell guys - lmao - “MY SHIP IS DEAD AND NEVER GOT SWAG SO I’M GONNA BREAK OTHER PEOPLE’S TOYS”? What are you, five?
Sorry, call me a petty bitch but 
What are we gonna do, start resurrecting any character that kinda-sorta redeemed at the end? Where are they yelling for Metatron’s resurrection arc?
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