#and people really really liked danhausen huh
piratewithvigor · 1 year
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Danhausen in exactly as much context as he requires
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Danhausen overhears someone strongly suggesting to Hook that he cut ties with Danhausen. For his career, for his social life, for his mental health cuz that guy is a handful. They don't even tag together anymore, why is Hook still hanging out with him? And Hook doesn't talk much with most people so Danhausen has no idea how Hook is responding to the one sided conversation, but he's gutted that he hasn't heard Hook disagree with anything.
(I skewed this one ever so slightly...)
Danhausen is no stranger to people talking about him. Everyone, after all, has an opinion, and for some reason, Danhausen is very polarizing. Many, many people have opinions about Danhausen. He doesn't usually care much about them. People can say what they want, Danhausen doesn't care. But sometimes, see...he does care.
Sometimes, he cares very much.
The first time is early on, really, all things considered. Danhausen has done an excellent job at giving Hook chips and now, they are friends. At least, Danhausen thinks they are friends. He hopes they are friends.
He's not so sure of this after he overhears Tony Nese speaking with Hook, after the match. Danhausen rather thought that whole business was finished, but maybe not. Tony is leaning in rather close, looking decidedly unfriendly.
"Haven't dropped the freak yet, huh?" Tony asks. And Hook doesn't say anything in response. Danhausen slinks away, because he doesn't really want to hear. Maybe they won't be friends anymore.
He waits for Hook to stop answering texts, for Hook to refuse an invitation to Danhausen’s very favorite new restaurant Subway, only it never happens. And when he sees Tony Nese a week later, the man has a black eye spread out from his nose like a blotchy eye patch.
The Ass Boys are worse. Danhausen thought they were nice, until they very abruptly weren't; that's not altogether new. Sometimes, that happens a lot. He doesn't like it, but he can't really do anything about it, right? Except then they corner Hook in the hall near the vending machine, smacking their hands into his shoulders.
"Drop the act," one of them says (Danhausen isn't sure which). "He's a fucking weirdo. You'll never be taken seriously if he gets his grubby hands on you."
Danhausen goes into the locker room and sits on the bench. He looks at his hands. He does not text Hook, because he doesn't want to give the other the chance to ignore him. But Hook texts anyway. They go to McDonald's, and Danhausen feels a little better after eating fries.
The Ass Boys don't wrestle for awhile. Danhausen overhears whispers about sprained wrists, but never anything else.
Father Wizard is worse, although Danhausen isn't sure that name is right, because when he'd said it, Hook had given him a very blank look. He gets right up in Hook’s face with the Cold Hand Man and spits out a lot of threats and taunts. It's not really anything until Danhausen gets mentioned. Danhausen wants to stop listening there, but he doesn't. He can't help himself.
"You wanna be seen as a joke?" Father Wizard asks. He is very intense. "Do you want to be dismissed, Hook? Because you will be. With him."
"Drop him if you know what's good for you," the Cold Hand Man adds.
Danhausen goes to the vending machine, waiting. Hook always shows up there eventually, anyway. Later, when he is walking with the Best Friends, he spies a broken table. It's in pieces on the floor.
"Oh, yeah," Chuck says. "Hook put Daddy Magic through it earlier. Broke the whole damn thing in half."
Danhausen frowns. "Daddy who?"
He always thinks that Hook will eventually decide he doesn't want to be friends with Danhausen, that it isn't worth dealing with all the things that people say. But it never happens. Hook always goes with Danhausen to try new restaurants with strange stickers on the wall and flaming lava cakes made of chocolate, which Danhausen does not like to eat but enjoys watching. Hook rides with him in the car and smiles at his stories. Hook always answers Danhausen’s messages, even though Tazhausen says Hook never does this.
QT Marshall tracks Hook down one day, as they are sitting together eating Blizzards on top of a picnic bench. The sun is just slipping down under the horizon, and the air is warm, a nice change given that it's November. QT crosses his arms over his chest and stares at Hook. He ignores Danhausen.
"I know you don't care what people say," QT says, "but you really should. This kind of thing?" He wags his finger between them, still not looking in Danhausen’s direction. Maybe he's still upset about Danhausen hitting him with a railroad spike. "This will destroy your career."
Hook doesn't say anything. He pops his plastic spoon in his mouth.
"C'mon, kid," QT says. "This has gotten ridiculous. Why the fuck are you still hanging out with him?"
Danhausen wants to chide QT for his language, but he never gets the chance. Hook turns to him and leans in, presses his mouth against Danhausen’s. His lips are cold and they taste like caramel. Danhausen sort of goes boneless, all at once, sighing a little.
Hook pulls away and gives QT a pointed look. "Answer enough?"
QT walks away shaking his head. Hook reaches over and curls his fingers around Danhausen’s hand.
"Okay?" Hook asks, quieter. Like he's nervous. Danhausen has never seen Hook nervous.
Danhausen’s whole body is warm and pleased. He smiles, curving his fingers up and around to complete the clasp, palms pressed together. "Okay," he agrees.
No one really says anything after that, Danhausen doesn't even think he'd care anymore.
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Hi!! Thought I’d drop a request in for an Orange Cassidy fluffy one shot :) Maybe a revealing of feelings type of deal.
Please and thank you!
glad to contribute to OC tags on here
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘I Am A Little Thirsty’ Orange Cassidy (James) x fem!reader
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^they say your best friends know when you are in love. this was no different; kris and donovan help the reader finally tell james how she feels^
- appearances by- danhausen (donovan) i nickname him DD, wheeler yuta (james yuta) for the sake of funky nicknames he is yuta, chuck taylor (dustin) - i make a weird amount of juice/orange jokes - Y/N/N : your nickname, Y/L/N : your last name
Though I wasn’t in it, I was pretty much friends with everyone in Best Friends. I was close to Donovan and Kris the most. Them both being like my siblings I told almost everything too. I was helping Donovan with his makeup as usual when he asked me, “Sooo you and James huh?” I stopped myself just in time before I poked his eye out from being caught off guard. I felt the nerves creeping up, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, DD.” He scoffed at my lie. “Don’t try it Y/N/N. We all know you’re into each other.” Just then Kris came into the locker room. “Why does Y/N look like she’s seen a ghost?” Kris questioned. “Kris, please tell our friend here how obvious it is that her and James are in love with each other?” She came over and sat on the vanity, “We knew you liked him BEFORE you told us.” I rolled my eyes and went back to doing DD’s makeup, “Yeah, well that’s me. What makes you two think the feeling is mutual?” DD spoke up, “Because he asks about and for you a lot, his comments on your social media, the way he looks at you, and he wants you in Best Friends; presumably to be with you more often.” Kris cut in, “You two act like a couple already. Sitting in his lap, your head on his shoulder with his arm around you for car rides, you wear each other’s merch more than anyone else and you’re the only person he lets wear that denim jacket. Not to mention your name in his contacts: ‘main squeeze <3’” There was no chance in hell I could hide the blushing. I had always felt like he was responding to my flirting but I thought he was just being nice. The confirmation from two people I know would never lie to me made everything fall into perspective. As I finish up the signature Danhausen makeup, I knew I had made up my mind: “After the show, I’m talking to him. Neither of us have matches so I can focus on what I want to say.” The two looked at each other with equal amounts of shock and excitement. We continued talking until it was showtime. I got to stay back and wander since I wasn’t on the card tonight. I had met up in catering with my other favorite James, though I just call him Yuta and he calls me by my last name. “Hey, Y/L/N! No match tonight?” he asked. I shook my head, “Nope, so I get a gentle night on my body.” “Well I hope I’ll make good company.” I put my hand on my chin in fake thought, “Hmm I don’t know. Maybe I should go find Dustin.” He puts his hand on his heart in fake hurt. I nudged his shoulder, “I’m kidding, Yuta. You know I like you more.”
Yuta and I talked for a while until I felt a tap on my shoulder and noticed a knowing smirk on Yuta’s face. I turned around to see James standing there, looking rather nervous. “Hey Y/N, can we go for a walk? I wanna talk to you about something.” I turn back to Yuta for a hug and he whispers in my ear, “This is your shot.” I completely ignore the fact that it seemed that everyone knew about my little crush due to my nerves spiking. I turned back to James and he led me out of catering and out of the arena completely. He was dressed normally: merch shirt, jeans, denim jacket, and sneakers. The only thing missing was the sunglasses, giving me the chance to look at his oh so beautiful eyes. We had stopped walking and he turned me to look at him. “You look really pretty tonight.” I blushed, “You don’t look too bad yourself. So, what did you want to talk about?” I saw his demeanor change from cool and confident to nervous and jittery. “Yes, right, uh,” he took my hands in his and looked at me “Y/N, I really like you. Since you came to AEW and I saw you for the first time, I fell in love. When you made friends with everyone in Best Friends, I was so excited because it meant I could be close to you, I even talked to them about getting you to join so I could be even closer to you.” I took in what he was saying and I felt butterflies. He does feel the same! I’m hearing the words come out of his mouth! “James, I was going to talk to you about the same exact thing later tonight.” He looks at me confused, “What do you mean?” I smiled and put my hand on his cheek. “I was going to tell you how I feel. I’m in love with you too. I thought you would flirt back to be nice. Kris and Donovan told me you liked me too but hearing it for myself confirms everything.” I feel his forming smile under my hand. “I know this isn’t the most elegant way of saying this but will you be my girlfriend?” I nodded, “Yes James. I would love to.” He put his hands on my cheeks gently, “Would it be too forward to ask if I could kiss you?” “Well I am a little thirsty.” The laugh he let out was music to my ears. “You did not just say that.” I smirked, “And what if I did? Are you gonna quench that thirst or not?” He leaned down and kissed me deeply. It felt like the world stopped and everything made sense. When we finally pulled away, he looked into my eyes, “I love you, my main squeeze.” “I love you too.” He saw me shiver and took his jacket off for me to wear. “Maybe I should get you a matching one?” I cozy up in it as if it was the first time, “Or I can keep stealing this one?” He rolled his eyes and smiled.
We went back into the building hand in hand. When we got back to catering, the heads of all our friends turned to look at us. “Well it’s about damn time!” Kris said first. James wrapped his arm around me from the side as we went over to them. “Now there’s a reason she’s the only one to wear that jacket besides him.” Yuta added. 
When it was time to go back to the hotel, I left with James and the smile never left my face. Leaving the arena as the luckiest girl in the world to have a freshly squeezed boyfriend after all the mutual flirting and nervous confessions. 
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 4/27/2022 liveblog containment zone
im ten mins behind
oooo i love watching tag team people fight each other. woo ftr ok i was too busy watchin the match to say stuff about it. cute ending
oh man theyre just going through with the punk vs hangman thing at double or nothing huh! wow i was expecting punk to walk and talk and hunt down hangman page backstage for some weird reason but then i remembered hangman is out sick with covid SO MEAN TO EDDIE... AND FOR WHY... oooo tough guy punk. who is going to take him down a notch? i dont want him to win against hangman just because im afraid if he did mjf would then immediately take the title off him. i dont think punk would keep the title for very long
dan lambert alert... 😒i do not like this feud. i am looking away
oh! its the blackpool match! i love how street fighter yuta's theme is lmao. it makes me laugh every time oh hey look its kip. hes in a weird spot...? poor yuta. hes getting beat up. tho i guess thats the dream right? violence i love watching qt marshall sell moves. dude can take an entertaining hit wow what a cool move by danielson up and over the corner into jumping out of the ring lol cheers for yuta to get tagged! everyone loves yuta regal: "this is what yuta needs. to be thrown around by big strong terrible men" ok regal. ok
excuse me jamie LMAO
oh my god that jericho society sitdown is sooo not going to work out smoothly lollll
oh shit christian cage!!! mean to jungle boy... oh hey ricky starks and hobbs vs jurassic express! :o
yess! wardlow time!!! i like how everyone in the box turned around like :o mjf is here!? oh no! the security staff taking collateral lance archer damage!! wardlow fighting like crazy!! go wardlow!!!! wardlow off the shits!!!! lance archer's chokeslams look so violent... oh my god wardlow??? doing big flip????? hes unleashing his nips!! woooo wardlow!! yaaaayyyy eat it mjf
oh its jericho time thats a lot of table and chairs for people to get thrown into. oh eddie is so mad rn. hes pacing garcia really pulling that "what are you going to do, stab me?" - quote from man stabbed energy rn whoaaa!!!!! JERICHO with the words LMFAO JERICHO LEANING AAAAAAAAALL THE WAY BACK
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oh boy!!! the serena deeb vs hikaru shida street fight!!!!! ive been waiting for these two to fight for realsies shida's facepaint-shirt thing going on is soooo cool POCKET SAND! oh man the water on the camera too! nice. this match is cool NOOOO... SHIDA.... 😭😭😭
oh its mjf again! i wonder who he is talking about. surely there is a finite amount of tall guys out there for wardlow to fight
house of black time! oh lmfao this is so dramatic. are they sacrificing fuego to satan??? oh no not his mask!!! oooo penta and his lil saunter. who-- oh!!! pac is back!!! yaaaay!!! OH!!!! REY FENIX IS BACK!! YAYYY exciting
lmao what the. they redded the redragon
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also 🤔dang adam cole is trios-ing with redragon and not the bucks huh... im sure that has implications. or something uh ohhh! infighting within the elite!!! ooooo i wonder if something is going to happen at double or nothing, if theyre ramping up the internal discord between the group. ya know?
LMAO HOLY SHIT THE CROWD POP AT DANHAUSEN VS HOOK OH!!!!!!! TRENT MATCH! TRENT PROMO YAY!! i dont think he is going to win. but i like to watch trent fight
oh yeah the main event final match is sammy vs scorpio ladder fight. well... *slowly shrinks down my browser window and moves it into the corner of my screen* i could catch up on my dash now... OH SAMMY GRABBED DAN LAMBERT? SAMMY I TAKE IT ALL BACK JUST DO ME THIS ONE SOLID YES TAY CONTI GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok im glad i was paying enough attention to see that nevermind i take back my take backs theyre mackin on screen. net neutral ok this match is pretty good not gonna lie. the ladder backpacking bit? lmao ohhh!! right onto the barbed wire ladder THE ROPES JUMP BACK ONTO THE LADDER??? ok yea that was good. not a bad match tbh
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Just give me more prince!Hook PLEASE. Cinderella? Sleeping Beauty? Beauty and the Beast? A sci fi prince? A prince of hell? I do not care, just give him pomp and circumstance he hates. 😌
(i can't believe you made me actually use a story i knew lmao, here's ur royalty au, if anyone guesses the source material you get a cookie and my eternal affection)
Prince Hook hated everything about being royal. Well, to be more specific, he hated everything in general, but the royalty part more than the rest. And he was not a particularly good prince. His father, bless his heart, tried his best to get Hook into the acceptable princely pursuits growing up: soliloquies, fanciful waltzing, lute playing. Hook even hated fencing, and kept dropping the rapier to swing at his opponent with his fist.
"We'll simply have to marry him off through a treaty," his father said, sighing. "One of those where they sign before they meet him."
"He's very attractive," his mother offered, ever the diplomat. "We could send a painting along with the treaty."
Prince Hook was not fond of this idea. So, instead of waiting around for a neighboring kingdom to be prepared to give farmland or herds of cattle or a nicely cursed mirror, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He set out towards the mountains, where the dragons roamed, with the intent of getting kidnapped.
It took awhile to find a creature who would agree to such a plan. The first one thought Hook was there to rescue the princess it already had, and Hook had to punch it's snout to knock it out and escape before the girl got any ideas. The second laughed him out of the sulfur-filled cave. But the third, when Hook called in through the cavern, replied with, "Ah, yes, come in!"
Hook did, with some trepidation. After all, he didn't want to end up stir-fried. "Uh, are you in the market for a prince?"
He expected a dragon to pop its head out, not a man with black and white face paint. "A what?" the man asked.
Hook stared. "I thought you'd be a dragon."
"Well, I'd thought you'd be a princess," the man threw back. "So Danhausen guesses we're both a little strange."
"Well, you're not a dragon, but maybe you could still use a prince. You could kidnap me just the same."
"Why would Danhausen do that?" Danhausen asked, but he hadn't done anything nefarious yet, so Hook might be onto something.
Hook shrugged. "I could help around here. Clean things. I'm classically educated, can read six languages. I'm also really good at punching people."
"Huh." Danhausen contemplated this. "I suppose having a guard might be kind of nice. The knights keep coming around and swearing they'll kill me and take back my treasures." Then he narrowed his eyes. "But why do you want to get kidnapped?"
"My parents are trying to marry me off," Hook said. "This is a perfectly respectable alternative. Are you particularly fearsome? That would go a long way in furthering my father's reputation."
Danhausen stared, eyebrows arched. "You haven't heard of the wizard Danhausen?"
"No?" Hook tried.
"Well, shoot." Danhausen sighed. "Then perhaps not. Any ideas on how Danhausen could go about becoming more feared and renowned?"
"Oh, absolutely." Hook tapped his finger against his head. "I know all the tricks to getting royalty's attention. Give me three weeks, and your name will be known everywhere."
"Splendid," Danhausen said. He stuck his hand out, which appeared to be streaked with some sort of odd, jelly-like substance. Hook reached for his fingers with apprehension. "Then I think we have an accord."
Hook smiled. "Perfect."
(Three knights showed up within a week aiming to rescue Prince Hook from the evil, devilish wizard Danhausen, but after Hook broke the third one's arm in two places by slamming him into the cave wall, word must have spread, because no more arrived waving their swords around. Which was all well and good, since Hook rather liked Danhausen, especially after he alphabetized the curse library by affliction and Danhausen gave him a kiss as a reward. Hook thought he'd perhaps found the best future for himself. Plus, the curses were interesting to read about, save the ones about boils. Barf.)
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
I would love any follow up scenes you are willing to give us.
Okay, here's some of that same night... 🥰
Hook has to hand it to Tony Khan: the man has stubbornness and tenacity in spades. Anyone else, when faced with one of your rather valuable wrestlers obtaining an injury bad enough to warrant stitches, would cancel the whole thing, but nope, not Khan. Hook expected to be shuttled immediately back down the mountain and instead, finds himself sitting around a campfire. With Adam Page strumming a guitar and singing folk songs.
What, and Hook cannot emphasize this enough, the fuck.
Sitting in the open air with the branches crackling a few feet away from him, all Hook can think of is that the woods are still out there; not five miles away, not safely tucked behind a fence, but right there, filled with more than one entity fully capable of pulling them apart, one muscle at a time, until the whole limb unravels. They should be running and alerting some kind of authority, and instead he is sitting on a wooden bench that's making his ass hurt while holding a metal spit hosting a marshmallow aloft.
What the actual fuck.
Hook glances at Danhausen, to his right. "Seriously?"
"Re-booking all these flights?" Danhausen shrugs. "Tony Elite would never. Not without solid proof."
"Darby took an arrow to the shoulder."
"Yes," Danhausen says, "and no one will ever believe us if we try to explain that."
Hook shakes his head. "This is how the whole thing works, huh. How all those...things manage to be out there. Because no one believes in them."
"People are like that." Danhausen smiles, though it's more of a grimace. "It's difficult to believe what you can't see for yourself."
The Elite have joined in with the song. It sounds like a bunch of stray cats yodeling into the night, and oh, Hook is absolutely not going to be able to handle any of this. He's so fucking exhausted. He tosses the metal spear, marshmallow and all, onto the dirt as he stands up. "I'm going to the cabin."
Cabin is a bit of a strong word, really, for the rudimentary structures that circle the fire pit, but it's better than being stuck in tents. Hook stomps his way to the door even though he knows that, from everyone else's perspective, he looks like a spoiled rich kid who doesn't want to sleep out in the wilderness with his coworkers. If only they knew.
The good thing about their rag-tag group being put together for the scavenger hunt means that they have also been placed together in the cabin. Each of the wooden buildings contains six rickety metal beds with little more than lump mattresses, three on each side, lined up against the wall. Hook stares at them as Danhausen enters the cabin behind him.
"Hook?" Danhausen asks.
Hook whirls past him, yanking the door open again that creaks and moans like a ghost in the night. He spots Anna and Julia immediately, but Jack and Darby take a few more moments. His motion must alert them, because within a few moments, all four are looking at him. Hook jerks his head towards the interior of the cabin.
When the six of them pack into the too-warm space, there's a lingering minute of quiet. Then, Jack says, "Oh fuck this, come on."
In tandem, he and Hook grab for the beds and yank them across the floor. It's loud; it must be loud outside, but maybe the off-tune singing drowns out the sound of metal shrieking against the floorboards. By the time they're finished, they've rearranged the six to form one long, unbroken line, with barely enough room at the walls to walk through.
Julia smiles. "I like it."
"Didn't think you liked us much," Hook says.
"That was before," she replies, and refuses to elaborate on, but Hook gets it. Something about shared trauma, right? The horror has etched itself down into their bones. They are connected now, like it or not.
They pile into the beds while the warbling sing-along continues outside, punctuated by laughter: Danhausen at one end, then Hook and Jack, followed by Darby and the girls. They made it, all of them, even with the worst sort of monsters snapping teeth at their heels.
Hook rolls, turning into Danhausen’s shoulder. He sighs against the other's neck. "Christ."
"Can't believe we're still here," Anna grumbles.
"Is there a threat, out here?" Jack asks, voice pitched low. "I mean, at the campsite."
"Probably not." Julia sighs. "Too many witnesses. And the woods still have a boundary, even if it's expanded somehow."
Danhausen’s fingers cord through Hook’s hair, infinitely gentle. In the wake of everything, the caress nearly brings tears to Hook’s eyes. He blinks back the sting. Against Hook’s temples, Danhausen whispers, "Danhausen thinks we are safe enough for tonight."
Hook cranes his chin over his shoulder to check if Jack heard and finds the other looking at him. Jack nods. Darby’s fingers, inked with skeletal outlines, play with the hem of Jack’s shirt, absent-minded. At the far end, illuminated by the fire outside that streams in through the badly-covered window, Anna and Julia have curled around each other like twin crescent moons.
For better or worse, they are all stuck with each other.
"Sleep," Danhausen murmurs. His breath tickles Hook’s forehead.
And Hook can't even fight the command, because his eyes were already settling closed, too heavy to keep open any longer.
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Pan's Laberynth AU
(never seen this. no idea. minotaur??? that's what you're gettin')
When Hook reaches the middle of the labyrinth, he finds no treasure. No mountains of gold. (He'd been reasonably sure his father's advisors were wrong about that, but they'd just been so hopeful.) Nothing but a single guy sitting cross-legged on the floor, like he's been waiting for Hook the whole time. Which is weird, since Hook had been expecting a monster. With horns. This guy doesn't have any horns.
The guy, who, other than the black and white paint on his face, looks relatively normal, waves. "Hello."
"Huh," Hook says, apropos of nothing.
"Not what Hook expected?" the man asks.
"Not really," Hook admits. Then he frowns. "How do you know my name?"
"I know everything," the man says, and grins. "This is Danhausen's domain. I am the ruler of the labyrinth. Danhausen has powers you can only dream of." Then he shrugs. "Also, they announced you with trumpets outside the maze."
Hook sighs. "Forgot about that."
The man - who is apparently called Danhausen, and may or may not be the legendary monster inside the maze - cranes his chin a bit, studying the hallway beyond Hook that he'd emerged through. "Chip trail?"
"Well, I didn't have any bread."
"Smart," Danhausen says. He uncrosses his legs. "Well, Hook has made it to the end. What does he desire?"
"I thought you were supposed to be a fearsome beast," Hook says.
Danhausen grins again. "People see what they want to see."
Hook frowns. "People have died in here."
"Well, Danhausen didn't like them very much."
Hook's not sure how he feels about that. "Does that mean you like me?"
"Hm." Danhausen tilts his head to the side. "Maybe. What is it you want from Danhausen?"
"Well, I'm kind of hungry, and I used up all my chips," Hook says.
Danhausen nods. "Alright."
"And, uh..." Hook glances around. The middle is a pretty small place. It must get boring doing nothing but terrorizing would-be heroes all the time. He hasn't been struck down by lightning or a curse or anything yet. "You wanna get out of here?"
"Very much so," Danhausen says, and stands up.
"Cool. Let's go."
As they make their way to the exit, Hook finds his bag suddenly full of chips once more. He grabs one, crunching on it; Danhausen grabs another. They watch each other through the chewing until Danhausen asks, "Will there be trumpets when Hook emerges, too?"
"Excellent," Danhausen says, and maybe it will be.
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