#and one.. ahem.. pain au chocolat
psystirene · 8 months
i'm always told to stop speaking and such because i apparently say a lot of cursed things, but the truth is that nobody hears the half of it. i have thoughts even i can't comprehend and articulate. if i let them out i'd either be considered a wise savant or be sent to a mental institution
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rosemarysndthyme · 4 years
peach pit
it was a late july evening. somewhere around the twentieth or twenty first - days had begun to blur together after a few weeks of the summer sunshine.
sometime around seven in the evening was when she had hopped in the turquoise tiled shower, letting the hardship ( lounging about had grown awfully tiring ) of the day melt away and trickle down the drain.
it was times like these where all sorts of thoughts were flooding into her mind, scooping her up and away into a world of her own. but soon enough, with a twist of the rusty handel the shower was off, and she was clean.
cautiously stepping out of the bath and onto a plush white bath mat, she reached for the matching towel before wrapping it around her body and trotting out the rustic room and into the conjoining bedroom, only to see her lover sprawled out across the crisp white sheets.
a bowl containing two peach pits was perched at the end of the bed. one sudden movement from harry and the fresh sheets would be sticky. had she seen this two weeks ago her soul would’ve filled with horror and distraught, but now, it didn’t matter, nothing mattered.
he was just lying there. completely and utterly engrossed in his book like he had been for hours. the two had rented a dreamy villa on the ligurian coast yet harry showed no interest in the rugged cliffs or deep green coves, only in reading during the days and loving on her during the nights.
she sighed lightly, wishing just for a moment he would just put down the book and take a look outside. 
her damp feet padded over to the bed before climbing on to the mattress knees first. harry took no notice, eyes still dancing over the crumpled page.
‘read to me’
that was when he finally tore his gaze off the paper and onto the towelled woman in front of him. he thought she looked divine, good enough to eat even. fresh skinned from the shower with strands of loose hair decorating her beautifully chiselled collarbones.
he bathed in the peaceful aura for a moment. after being entranced by the pages of book for so long he neglected the true beauty of the summertime, the villa and not to mention the person in front of him.
‘ ’mkay’ he said, slightly confused but willing nonetheless. he cleared his throat with a single ‘ahem’ and sat up cross legged. ‘he relaxed a little and drank more chocolate. for the first time he seemed to register how good it was, and gave me a smile of sudden and peculiar sweetness’. he rasped.
her eyelids had shut. her legs were drawn into her chest and her head had rolled back. ‘why’d you stop?’
‘...she’ been good to us armande,’ he said breathlessly. by this point she wasn’t really paying attention to the words. just the sound. the deep, soothing sound of his voice. she reached her hand over to pick up one of the lonely peach pits before sucking the little stone between her rosy lips.
‘don’t you want any breakfast? piped anouk. we’ve got pain au chocolat. we’ve got croissants too, but the...’ harry trailed off once she gave a moan- a show of appreciation for how opulent the fruit was on her tounge. what she enjoyed even more was knowing she was also sucking on harry’s salvia. the sight was sumptuous.
‘mmhmm. delicious. where’d you get it’ she moaned, mouth full of sweet nectar.
‘uh, the tree at the bottom of the garden’ he replied, trying to control his urges whilst watching her suck on pit which was somehow expelling more liquid.
‘so juicy’ she licked her fingers rather uncouthly. careful to catch any droplets hanging off her chin or rolling down her long fingers. harry couldn’t help but smirk.
in her effort to rid herself of juice she proceeded to miss a single driplet, over and over again. it almost made harry wonder wether she was doing it on purpose or not. he brought his thumb up to his lips lewdly coating it in juice of his own before wiping it across his loves face. he sucked off the peach nectar excruciatingly slowly causing them to both smirk this time.
she leaned in giving him a wide smile before placing herself in his lap like an injured kitten. he wrapped his blackened arms around her frame and inhaled next to her cheek. small wisps of air spread over her plump skin with each breath.
‘missed you, sweetheart’
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writingonjupiter · 6 years
OC Interview time!
The last one was too fun. I’m doing another one. It’s Alice this time, though.
1. How are you doing today?
I’m doing great, thanks!
2. You ready to answer some questions?
Absolutely! I’d love to see what questions you have.
3. How do you feel about your surname?
It’s okay. It brings back some bad memories. You know, my dad leaving and all that. But I’m okay with it.
4. Is there anything you’d like to thank your author for?
Yeah. He’s pretty awesome. Gave me a good friend and talents. Cool guy.
5. You can only eat three foods for the rest of your life. What are they?
Spaghetti, pizza, and pains au chocolat. They’re these awesome pastries we have in France with chocolate inside of them.
6. Have you ever said or done anything that surprised your author?
*ahem* This is a quote from the text: “She flung her arms around. ‘Well, that certainly helps.’” Yup, I said that. To Calvin. In fact, that’s the second sentence I ever said to him.
7.  You have limitless funds, what kind of party are you going to have?
I don’t know. Rent out a big place, since my house is really small, hire a DJ, order 15 pizzas and invite all of my friends.
8. Pick one of your fellow characters, what would they say about you?
Calvin thinks I’m annoying and restless, but somehow still likeable. Joseph fears me. *hint hint*
9. Tell us a quick story about something that’s happened to you that not even your author knows about… yet.
Oh, let’s see. One time, I was about five, riding the monorail with my mom. Some guy is sitting in the seat across from ours with his dog. Of course, being me, I go to pet it. The owner says, “He likes you.”
I look up at him. “Of course he does.”
10. Do you have a favorite Hero?
Superhero? The Scarlet Witch. And if you say it should be Wonder Woman, I will smack you.
11. What do you plan to do after this?
Go to art school. I’ve heard there’s a good one in Paris or Bordeaux.
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cafeleningrad · 5 years
Hi. HELP! I was checking the notes on the "french animation" post to find other additions and what did I just read ? "wht about ratatouille" I'm speechless. xD I hope this person is young or trolling. (Not a bad movie, but reaaally not french)
Ahem, it probably is just one of the few US movies not treating a French setting like a stereotype. (In pride as Bourdeaulais Pain au Chocolat, sniff, and the recent gentrification of Bordeaux by Parisians, I have to mention how still too much of overrated attention goes to Paris. What Blasphey to real France! *melancholically sips my Red wine....*)
It was cute, and motivates to cook, but no, it’s nowhere a Frech prodution. xD
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pilferingapples · 7 years
Enjolras, 17 and/or Fantine, 1
Enjolras, Soft spot headcanon - SINCERITY AND COMMITMENT TO THE RIGHTS AND LIBERTY OF ALL.  Relatedly, has he told you today about how wonderful his friends are? He will be happy to! ! He has speeches about it!  Also THE MEN OF 93 WERE GIANTS OKAY. 
...it would be fun to say “and also pain au chocolat” or something but I...don’t really think he cares, I think he’s one of those frustrating people who’s like living on dry bread and water and fiiiiine because he doesn’t even NOTICE and who cares if this fabric is nice and YOU HAVE TO BUY HIM A PRESENT , THIS IS A MYTHIC HERO TASK WHYYYY.  His friends can get together with Valjean’s family and lament about how HE DOESN’T WANT ANYTHING THOUGH, HE DOESN”T EVEN NOTICE, WHY DON’T I JUST SEND A CARD. (he would in fact love a card.)   
Ahem. Anyway. 
Fantine! Holiday headcanon!  It could be super grim, but really she always liked holidays-- everything getting decorated! Parties in the streets! The long church services where she could sometimes go and get in out of the weather!  And people in a good mood would sometimes get generous and talk more kindly to the street kid.  At the farm it wasn’t like she could ever have a day off-- no one could, farms are kind of a Keep Going thing-- but there would be songs and a slightly fancy meal and some sort of simple gift. In Paris it was even better! There were parties she got  invited  to! And people to dance with! And then there was Cosette to share holidays with, and that was even better!  Even after Tholomyes left, she had her little girl to sing to and teach about the traditions as best she could and give the little presents she could afford. 
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