#and now i also kind of want to do a little mianite darkest dungeon au
coolcattime · 2 years
Heyo it's me again.
So today i was playing death stranding and was thinking about the respawn system in that game and immediately started brainrotting like my brain became a disaster imagining the beach style afterlife but for mcyt and then of course being dirty mianite trash it immediately became mianite head canon about the after life which made me think of you. So here is my sonja x capsize angsty headcanon for you. (This is a small thank you for letting me spam your asks with my nonsense)
How it works is when you die you dont stay dead instead your soul appears in the afterlife but you retain your consciousness you can see the spirits of the dead and they are wandering off into the distance. Some are stuck behind as as sorta images of themselves not really there but it's really them in the truest essence. When the champions die they are sent there but are quickly snatched back by their respective gods.
When sonja first sided with the darkness it weakened her connection with mianite and made it harder for him to pulls her back from the after life. So she was the only hero to know about this "beach" everytime she'd die she would spend time on this beach mostly alone. Rarely seeing anyone but when she did they quickly walked into the wsters and disappeared. That is until going to the land of ruxomar and experiencing her first death. This time when she appears on the beach she sees a lone figure standing by the sea quietly. She feels a pain in her heart but is pulled away before she could see who it was. Not too long after she dies again and this time she gets closer to the figure. She definitely knows who it is but it hurts to admit it. The next time she goes to the after life she finally peeks and she knew it from the beginning. It was capsize. She cried for the entire day after getting back. It didnt take her long to figure out this was exactly capsize but was also her in someways. Somedays she'd end up there and just sit with capsize. Maybe she was getting reckless just to spend a few desprate minutes beside her again. That's when sonja discovered thaumcraft and it's promise of power. The eldrich whispers speaking of ways to upturn the rules of the world. A power beyond the gods. Maybe if ianite failed to bring back capsize these things could. And with that thought sonja threw herself headfirst into madness. Each death by mind spiders or eldrich horrors only spurred her forward as she was reminded of her goal. What was her goal again? What did that strange woman mean to her? Sonja's madness riddled mind wandered some days
Holy shit I love this so much!!!
Firstly, you can spam my asks as much as you want, but thank you so much for this because this is such good angst.
This idea of the afterlife is so cool, especially with the added context of the gods literally pulling their champions back.
And I just love everything about the scenario you've written. I really love the idea of it starting to take longer for Sonja to be revived, the others not quite understanding why, Sonja not understanding why, Mianite understanding why but not wanting to acknowledge it. I think she'd almost find it relaxing in the season one world, a small break from the chaos of just everything.
Then in Ruxomar, after already losing so much, she finds herself on the beach again and gods, just seeing Capsize, even if she's not fully herself she something she so deseparetely needed. The others don't notice her tears, they don't notice her more relaxed attitude towards her own safety, at least not at first. Not until she's already started research thaumcraft.
Everthing you've written about the thaumcraft stuff is excellent, it reads like a Darkest Dungeon boss backstory, with Sonja losing her mind to bring Capsize back, but forgetting even that as she dvells further into the eldrich maddness. The others have realised something terrible is happening to Sonja, though whether they can do anything about that now is a different question altogether. On a beach far away, what remains of a woman watching something eat away at someone she loves, but there's nothing she can do to stop it.
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