#and my brain does this little spiel and then i sigh very heavily at myself
ardellian · 3 years
Every time I’m asked to specify my gender, this is what my brain spits out.
I remember staring at the boys playing soccer and thinking -- wouldn’t it be easier if I wanted to be a boy. I wish I could just wish to be a boy. 
Did anyone else have a conversation like that in preschool, and it kind of latched onto a little sticky part of you and never let go? I wish I also was a boy, someone says, with regards to some gender thing -- like how they all just seemed to be one big group, instead of pairing themselves up in best friends; like how they got to be wild and crazy without being side-eyed by anyone; like how no one ever wanted them to look pretty -- and you look at the boys and you think -- god no. Maybe I wish I wasn’t a girl.
But it’s not like there are any other options. 
Did anyone else sit alone on a bench when you were seven and decided that I’m just going to not care about them, about what they want me to be, I don’t want to be friends on their terms I will be on my own and it’s better. Being different doesn’t make me unhappy, it’s attempting to be like everyone else and failing that’s making me feel bad. 
I can’t not want to be a girl because I certainly do not wish I was a boy. 
Your friend is trans but you’ve never felt uncomfortable with your body in that way. You used to be ashamed of parts of it, sure, but then read somewhere in a book that being ugly wasn’t being bad and if you were ugly then you would just be ugly, and you stared at your ugly parts in the mirror and you said hello ugly boobs and ugly chin and ugly skin, I guess it’s gonna be us from now on. And you know what? Turns out having no boobs is kind of sweet actually; you don’t have to buy expensive bras and it doesn’t hurt when you run. And now that you’re ugly you can wear the things you want instead of things that would still fail to make you pretty, like that red hat, and that leather jacket, and one day your classmates will think you're a little bit scary and that’s a much better feeling than feeling pretty. 
So you like your body. Your legs are strong, even though one is a bit broken. You’re tall and broad shouldered and you like that. Sure, you wish your nipples wouldn’t be so “female presenting” because if they weren’t you could totally not wear a top on the beach and no one would stare. You wish you didn’t have a period because jfc is that annoying. But it’s not because those are girl things that you don’t like them. They’re just a bit in the way, sometimes. It’s not like having dangly bits between your legs wouldn’t be annoying as heck, too, not to mention the beard -- you have enough hair that people expect you to shave, except when you do it just itches and it just keeps growing and it’s such a hassle. 
Anyway you think girls are generally better looking than boys so why in the world would you want to be a boy? 
I’ve been “misgendered” a few times. My dad was with me once and I think he was worried -- I was fourteen -- he was worried I was going to be upset and I was just feeling proud and smug on the inside. Gotcha. 
And when I shaved my head and stole my mum’s old jacket because she wouldn’t let me take it because she said it made me look like a boy. 
And when I got so passionate about boys being worse off because girls (I) could (did) wear pants and leather jackets and shirts that flattened out my already flat chest and it was still acceptable for girls (I still wanted to) to go to prom in a glittery dress and in girly make-up and be fabulous. 
And when I had a crush on a girl and came out for the first time as a lesbian and then i immediately fell super hard for a boy and felt fake for YEARS. I never even tried looking inwards again -- if I wasn’t actually dating anyone then it didn’t matter, right? If I got together with a girl, then I could “come out”, I guess. And if I got together with a boy it wouldn’t matter, right? Who cares about what you feel or think in the privacy of your own head if you don’t really want to share, anyway? 
Did anyone else decide to never put any kind of label on yourself because then you could never fail to live up to that label? 
My parents used to say please just sit like a person and I always said I’m not a person.  
Does it matter? Does it make sense? To come out when you want nothing to change? 
My sexuality in the abstract has never seemed important to me, just to others. When I’ve fallen in love, it hasn’t mattered if I was lesbian, or bisexual, or straight. I, this person, was in love with someone, that person. How did my “sexuality” play into that? 
I never liked talking about my crushes to even my close friends, so why should I announce my sexuality to the whole world?
Ah yes, nice weather we’re having today - Yes, that’s true and also by the way I’m bisexual! - Uhm, okay? What do you want me to do with that information? - Oh nothing I guess.
Ah yes, nice weather we’re having today - Yes, that’s true and also by the way I’m maybe not really a girl? I haven’t decided and I don’t think I ever will. - Uhm, okay? What do you want me to do with that information? - Oh nothing I guess. - Do you go by they/them now? - Oh, not really, I don’t mind what pronouns you use. And I’m not going to change my presentation, I’ve figured out what I like. You don’t need to do anything, I just want to plant this confusing bit of information in your brain which I want to have no impact on how we interact because-------eh?
I love my partner, I look the way I want, and I live the life I chose. 
I don’t owe anyone a set of labels, and trying to figure them out has caused me nothing but misery.
I call myself queer, because it’s an expression of political intent, not because it’s a label that defines me. I call myself queer because everyone should be allowed to love who they love, look how they want, and live the way they chose. I call myself queer because to understand what that really means, to understand what that says about me, requires that you loosen the grip normative heterosexuality has on you for a moment. If I tell you I’m not straight -- I leave you unaffected in your straightness. If I tell you I’m not cis -- I leave you unaffected in your cis-ness. 
I’m not “not like you”. 
By being queer, by denying the application of the categories that makes sense in the gender binary to at least one person out there, I want to make a statement not about the thoughts feelings I have in the privacy of my own head -- which I am under no obligation to ever share and categorize -- but about the world around me. 
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gummi-stories · 4 years
Day Thirty-One: Left For Dead
Day Thirty-One: Left For Dead
After running for his life for so long, Jesse is ready to give in
Little does he know this is not the end
The ending of “Presumed Dead” and “Lost”!
"The years haven't changed you much, have they cowboy?" The barrel of Reaper's gun sat heavily against his temple, pushing the side of his head further into the cold ground of the forest floor.
The whole time he had been running blindly through the forest away from Talon he had been followed. Reaper had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for him to get tired and weak from lack of rest, food and the effects of the elements.
It had to of been a few days of running, Jesse's foggy brain couldn't remember much of what had happened. Just running, running and hoping no one would catch him in his vulnerable state.
"What happened to you, Gabe..." He responded quietly, the words burning his dehydrated throat as they left.
Reaper let out a low chuckle which sent fear into Jesse's bones, the masked man leaning in closer to his face.
Ignoring his question, Reaper continued to mock him "How long did you think you could run? Like a wounded animal trying to outrun the hunter. You're pathetic"
Jesse let his eyes fall closed, there was no point in listening to the crazy spiel the other went on, he was dead either way.
"If you're gonna kill me... just do it already" He huffed out, surprised when Reaper responded with another low laugh.
"Now why would I do that hijo, seems as if you've already done it for me" The old nickname stung, bringing back memories of Blackwatch and the bond he and Gabe had shared.
Of course this was the way he'd go out, alone and missing everything he once had.
"It shouldn't be too long before the elements take you, why should I finish a job that has already been finished for me" The cold barrel of the shotgun left his temple and a few crunches of footsteps followed.
"It's sad to see you end this way Jesse, but I didn't expect anything less. A lowly delinquent trying to be a hero, only to fail and die just like the rest of us" Reaper was attempting to pour salt in the wound right before he met his end.
"At least I tried, I ain't ashamed of my past anymore" He wheezed, feeling the cold begin to sink into his body.
This was it
"Well I hope that serves you well where ever the hell you're going" Some more crunching followed as the other walked away "So long Jesse McCree"
And with that, Jesse was alone once more.
He couldn't stop the few stray tears that burned their way down his cheeks and onto the forest floor.
He knew he didn't have much time left, why would Reaper have left him to die otherwise.
Everything inside him was longing for the feeling of those comforting arms around him, telling him that everything was alright and that he was safe.
That he would be okay.
But that was all just lies.
Lies his dying brain was coming up with to comfort him as he began to slip away.
It was getting dark quickly.
The dull colors of the world in front of his eyes blurring together.
No more fighting.
No more running.
Only nothing.
Nothing but silence.
No more Jesse McCree.
Gentle quiet
Was this what happened after death?
Jesse certainly wasn't expecting the smell of antiseptic to be so prominent in where ever the hell he was.
There was pressure on his wrist, an all too deadly familiar pressure.
No Reaper had left him to die.
Had he lied to him only to bring him back into the hands of Talon as he passed out?
He couldn't survive that again
His eyes shot open and he was met with the surroundings of a curtained off hospital bed.
He had medical restraints on his binding his wrist to the rail of the bed.
"No!" A hoarse scream left his throat as he began to thrash and pull against the restraint.
He had to get out of there, he couldn't let Talon have him again.
He wouldn't survive.
He didn't want to survive,
In a panic, he began to scream and cry out as he struggled.
Why couldn't they just let him die!?
"Jesse!" A familiar and gentle voice cut through the haze of fear that was enveloping his brain.
A voice he didn't think he'd hear again.
The voice of a familiar angel.
Despite all of his brain's protesting, Jesse opened his eyes once again and looked up, shock overcoming his body at the sight in front of him.
"A-Angela?" The doctor was looking at him with a worried look on her face, hands hovering as if not wanting to touch him and cause more panic.
A gentle but sad smile came to her face as she nodded
"Jesse, you need to breathe for me okay?"
He was breathing
Very quickly and panicked but that was still breathing, right?
"May I touch your hand?" For the first time in a long time, the thought of touch didn't seem like a threat.
He nodded and allowed one of Angela's soft hands to gently take a hold of his.
The touch was grounding and safe.
"Follow my example okay? Big breath in" Jesse followed as Angela slowly coached him through some breathing exercises to calm down his panicked hyperventilating.
Together they calmed down and came back down from the panic that had overtaken Jesse.
That's when all of the questions began to come to the surface
"Am... am I dead?" A soft laugh left Angela as she shook her head.
"No Jesse, you're home"
That was not a word he had expected to hear again.
With home came a lot of other things that he never thought he'd experience again.
His friends
His family
"He's been going insane, you've been asleep for a week" Had he said that out loud?
"Is he... is he here?" Jesse questioned, slightly anxiety coming to his chest once again at the thought of seeing someone he had longed for throughout his captivity.
"I can go and get him for you" Angela smiled as she reached down and undid the medical restraint that kept his arm immobile.
"W-Wait... I don't know..." Jesse hesitated. What if Hanzo didn't like what he saw when he came into the room, what if he was disgusted and no longer wanted to be with him.
Jesse couldn't blame the other, it had been a long time since they'd seen each other.
Angela's gentle touch brought him back out of his mind.
"I would never force you to see him, Jesse. But I know that he'd be over the moon to see you" Her voice was encouraging which quickly made Jesse cave.
With a smile, the doctor got up and opened the curtain of where his bed was sectioned off and began heading to the door leading out to the rest of the base.
"I won't be long" With that, she left him alone.
It all felt so surreal.
He had been so ready to die.
Ready to leave this world and never see those he loved again.
To have all that change so suddenly was a huge adjustment.
That didn't mean he wasn't grateful, it was just a lot to process.
Low muttered Japanese brought him out of his thoughts and pulled his attention over to the door.
His heart stuttered in his chest
He looked just as beautiful as the last time Jesse had seen him, which felt like years ago.
The two stared at each other as Hanzo slowly came closer as if he wasn't sure if the man in front of him was real.
He finally reached the bed, no words spoken between the two as Hanzo's hand reached out to touch his cheek, but he stopped short.
"Y-You... you died" his voice sounded like angels singing; he couldn't stop the tears as they began to fall.
A wet huff left him as he smiled
"It's a long story, pumpkin"
With that, Hanzo all but threw himself into Jesse's arms and held him tight as he began to sob. Jesse in response wrapped his arm around his lover and placed his face into his neck, inhaling deeply.
The two stayed together like that for a while, basking in each other's presence after being apart for far too long.
"How... how did you..." Hanzo's shuddery voice questioned as he pulled back to look over the gunslinger's face.
"Talon. Whole bomb thing was a set up to nab me" Jesse answered.
Hanzo's hand came to rest against Jesse's cheek, the other leaning into the warm and familiar touch.
A small smile appeared on Hanzo's face making Jesse's heart melt.
"You need a haircut"
Jesse snorted and nodded
"Maybe later, right now I need somethin' else"
Without being prompted, Hanzo leaned forward and connected his lips to Jesse's
The kiss was everything Jesse had been wanting and missing all those lonely nights alone in his cold and dark cell. It filled him with warmth, love and safety.
It was over much too quickly for Jesse's liking, but Hanzo placed his forehead against his own and sighed.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too, I ain't leavin' you ever again"
Holy fucking shit I did it
I actually completely whumptober!
I’m so proud of myself and I think that this is a really good note to end it on!
Thank you to all of you for sticking with me this whole time and supporting me!
Have a wonderful November aka almost Christmas/Holiday season!
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sarahbethimagines · 6 years
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Chapter 14: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter Log!
Sometime later on that same day, I'd found myself having drifted farther and farther from the group I'd been in. The longer we'd all lingered around, the more and more our numbers dwindled down. Sooner or later, the sun had begun to sink behind that great big screen, and now as I sat alone on the hill side, only small fleeting rays peaked out in its cracks. I'd sat up there for some time, left alone to my thoughts. Just collecting all the faces and names I’d learned and sliding them into their appropriate slots in my slow filling brain. But it wasn't long before the last of the ice turned to lukewarm water, and the last sip of beer was slugged back. And it was around the time that the Jeep playing music's gas started to drain that Alex began to find his way up on that hill beside me. "You alright?" He asked me once he'd drawn close enough to hear. Eyes bright against the sunset as they stared up at me. "You had me and Juubie a little nervous when you'd wandered off."
"I'm fine." I whispered. Feeling a shift in the air as Alex lowered himself down onto the dead grass. His thigh brushing up against mine. "It wasn’t too much for you, was it?" He wondered aloud. Concern evident in his tone as he turned to look at me from the side. "No, not at all." I smiled, dropping my head down. Eyes grazing my crooked-up knees, the tanned skin scuffed in spots with dirt and sneaker prints. "It was honestly kind of nice to feel normal for a bit." I saw him nod from the edges of my eyes. Then he turned his head back to where I'd been looking before. Watching in silence as the last few specks climbed into the last few cars. And once the dust cloud settled, only Alex's rusted pick-up was left all alone in that big wide field. "You remembered something earlier, when Jack came up to you, didn't you?" Alex asked after a while. His voice as soft as the summer breeze that had my short hair tickling the back of my neck. I turned my head slowly in his direction, thin brows raised. "How did you know that?" I asked him. "I know everything about you Kennedy," He shrugged, searching my eyes for something even I couldn't quite identify. "Even the stuff you're learning about yourself every day." I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks at the way he said that. It was soft, and it was sincere, but it ran just inches deeper than that. I turned my head away, praying to God my stumpy blonde strands would be just long enough to hid the color change on my skin. But to whether they were or not, Alex never let on. Instead he inched closer, his thigh pressing flush against mine. "So, what was it?" He asked, breath moving my hair he was so close to me now. I smiled softly to myself at the thought of Jack I'd remembered. Standing on Alex's truck, at the brink of being hammered, trying his best to give his friends a speech to remember. And being grateful I did. I swallowed hard, rubbing the sweat from my palms on my knees. "I remembered the first time we celebrated your album." I muttered. My soft-spoken words hard to make out, but I knew that he'd heard them. He shifted in his seat, and I could practically feel his smile shift the atmosphere. "I remember that day," He stuttered back, "You had a lot of fun from what I recall." I nodded, regardless of not being the star of my all too brief flashback. Every time I got one, while I was consumed in it I could feel everything I'd felt the first time around. And watching Jack drunkenly rant as I sat under Alex's arm all those years ago, still filled me with joy. Even just to think about it now, with the feelings faded and far out of reach. I felt happy. "What do you remember about that day?" I asked Alex. Expecting to fill in more and more blanks. Or at the very least have words to form make shift memories to hold my own's place in line for the time being. But instead I was answered with a brief passing silence, followed by one, single, heavily spoken word. "You" I snapped my head away from my knees and over to Alex, only to find his eyes already watching me. Golden orbs played with the light the same way honey teased a bee. Shiny, smooth and inviting. They sparkled at me. They were large and doe-like as they investigated mine. Innocent and all knowing, all at the same time. "What do you mean?" I questioned. Hardly able to get the words out as I staggered through the maze in his mahogany stare. Pupils never moving as they sunk through my skull. "That was the day I realized without a doubt you were the greatest friend I'd ever have in life." It was so simple, yet so complex in the same construct. His words both amazed and confused me. And I had to fight my head to turn and my gaze to tear away. Looking back down on my knees, a frown formed on my face. "I wish I could remember." "You do," He told me, reaching a hand up and placing it on my arm. "It's just tucked away in a place you can't get at yet." I nodded once again, defeat rolling off my shoulders and down to Alex's hand. Its grip stiffened. "Close your eyes." "What, why?" I questioned, scowling still at the grass between my knees. "Just shut your eyes, and listen to me, okay?" He whispered. I sighed but complied anyways and slowly let my lids hang shut. "Now just picture this, you're seventeen. It's the summer time, still the start of July. You're finally cutting loose, starting to drink a little more each time we all gather together. It's the most exciting day we'd had all summer. And Jack is on the tailgate of my truck rambling on and on with some nonsense spiel, when suddenly rain starts to fall from the sky." The more Alex talked, the harder I concentrated on each word he said. And it wasn’t long before I was drifting back in time to a day I'd briefly began to remember already. "Holy Hell!" I practically yelled as I threw myself into the cab of the truck, slamming to door behind me as fast as I could to get out of the rain. But it was already too late. Droplets ran down my legs and soaked my socks, my shirt drenched to the bone as it clung to my skin. I groaned, scrunching my face when the driver's side door swung open, slamming shut just as fast as mine had. But instead of letting out agreeing whines to accompany my own, the boy began to laugh; loudly. I turned my head to look at Alex, eyes so wide he could practically read the words, 'you're insane' in the depths of my pupils. "Well that was certainly unexpected!" The elder chuckled, shaking his hair that looked almost black with the water soaking through it. Locks lumped together dripped small droplets from their ends and onto his thin button nose. "You're telling me!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and turning away. I pulled the visor down and sighed, seeing the only hint of makeup I'd even bothered to put on smeared down my face. Long streaks and little lumps of mascara littered my perfect tan all under my eyes. I heard Alex laugh, but chose not to listen. Instead I rubbed my fingers along my thighs, collecting remains of the rain before scrubbing at my cheeks. The skin was rubbed red in a matter of seconds, but still the stubborn smears didn’t budge. Not even an inch. I huffed another groan and slapped the visor back up to its original position. I sat there in a silent pout for a second, arms crossed over my chest so tight, water was beginning to ring out of my shirt and onto the beige seat cover. I only moved to snap my head at the sound of more laughter leaving my friend. My eyes instantly found his to already be staring back at me. He was just as soaked as I'd been, if not worse. His bright yellow t-shirt now looked orange as it stuck to parts of his skin and bubbled up in others. Once fluffy locks were pounded flat by the force of the falling water outside which was still pounding down on the roof of his truck. The sound being the only admirable thing the rain had done that afternoon. That is, aside from deflecting the still shining sunlight outside off the droplets pooled on the windshield. Small microscopic rays bounced into the car and through Alex's amber eyes. Igniting a fire in their golden flecks. "What?" I bitterly asked when Alex didn’t cease staring at me. His stare growing deeper and evolving into something indescribable. "What do you mean, what?" He asked, eyes never budging. The only thing moving on him aside from his heaving chest were his lips as they twisted into an almost less than playful smirk. "Can I not look at you?" I huffed, turning my head back forward. Staring now at the wall of rain crashing down on our once clear day. I wasn’t planning on feeding into his foolish antics. He was drunk, or at least mildly buzzed, and I was already too annoyed at the weather to play. But soon enough, the holes he'd been burning in the side of my head drilled a little too deep, and I looked over at him again. Finding his stare right where I'd left it. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped at him. Deflecting my annoyance, but he didn't seem to care. "I'm not looking at you in any particular way..." He shrugged, scooching an inch or so closer to me on the truck's bench. My eyes jumped down to glare at the space between us he'd just lessened. As though in warning. "This is just how I've always looked at you." I rolled my eyes before staring blankly at him again. My expression not radiating even an ounce of amusement. "If you're going to make a joke about my makeup just do it." I muttered. And Alex clicked his tongue, eye brows scrunching as he scooted even closer, his knees now brushing my thigh. "Why would I do that?" He questioned, and I looked to him with my own brows furrowed. I could feel his breath against the chilled trails on my face as he breathed heavily. Hesitantly almost, and slowly lifted a hand to cradle the questioning expression I was shooting at him. "I don't see anything to joke about." "And what is that supposed to mean exactly?" I challenged. Trying my absolute hardest to appear composed under his close proximity and weighing gaze. But it was hard to do anything but focus on the way his calloused thumb rubbed the agitated skin on my cheek so gently. "Just that I think you're beautiful." He whispered, my eyes not even being able to help the way they softened. He didn't dare to move again, keeping his face inches from mine which he held in his hand. "I've always thought that, Dee." "Since when?" I tried to ask, but it came out in a breathless hush. Leaving me to bite my lip as I stared into Alex's eyes. Orbs so close to mine I could have gone cross-eyed. "Since the first day of freshman year, when you walked into me in the hallway." He said, my eyes lowering to watch his lips change shape while he mumbled his quiet words to me. "I thought it was so cute, how nervous you were, how you refused to meet my eyes, just like you are right now..." I could feel the lump in my throat form, but I fought myself to rebel against his words and look up. Regretting it instantly when I immediately got sucked back into his big doe-eyes. It was getting increasingly harder to breath with each passing second. But my breath nearly stopped all together when I suddenly began to notice his eyes growing bigger, slowly shutting with each millimeter closer they drew to me. All the same anxiety began to fill me from the night he'd drunkenly kissed me in my kitchen. A night we had never once discussed or even as much as acknowledged. But here I was again, too late to stop it as I felt Alex's lips brush mine. And instinctively my eyes fell shut, reciprocating it no matter how wrong the little reasoning voice in my head was telling me it was. It started out so innocent, his hand on my jaw, his lips on mine. A pure peck waiting to be released. And just when I thought he would with his hand leaving my jaw, I started to pull away. Only to be tugged right back in as his hand knotted in my rain-soaked hair. Something took over inside me then. I don't know what it was or where it came from, but I certainly had no control over it. Because the next thing I knew, I was tangling my own boney digits in the back of his head, deepening the kiss in my own wrong doing. Soaking in how perfect his lips felt pressed flush against mine. And just like the first time, when I felt Alex's tongue brush against mine. It all faded away. Just as fast as it came. "Dee... Dee... Kennedy!" Alex shook me from my thoughts, literally shook me with his hands on my shoulders. But he really didn’t need to with the way I felt my bones trembling on their own. "Are you okay?" He quickly asked me when I started to blink myself back into reality. "Kennedy, you're crying." I attempted to catch my breath for a moment. My chest heaving, my head spinning, and my nose running as I felt the tears in mention as they dripped down my face. Haunting me of the way the rain had felt on my flesh in the flashback. Slowly, and hesitantly I turned my head. Meeting the eyes, I'd just looked at so closely. Only now they stared back at me completely absent of hidden desire, and instead full of worry and concern. I chocked on the words in my throat for a while. Scattered mumbles and misplaced words fumbled from my mouth till I finally gathered up the strength to spill the one question that had been left to linger on my mind. "Why are you lying to me?" I tried to ask, but it came out more as a strangled sob than an actual question. Confusion beginning to build up, drowning me slowly from the inside out. "What?" He coughed, confusion of his own soon replacing his concern, but not entirely. "Kennedy, what would I have lied about?" "Being my friend!" I sobbed, my hands instinctively moving upward to cradle my throbbing head. "You said you knew I was your best friend that day, but it was a lie! You didn't want to be my best friend anymore." He hung his head at my words, buried his face in his hands and sighed. Leaving me there, sitting next to him in silence, sobbing and confused. I knew in Heinz sight, kissing your best friend wasn’t something to hysterically cry about right in front of them. Especially after they were the one who helped you remember it happening in the first place. But I really don't think those tears were coming from a place of sadness. Above everything else flooding my brain, the most prominent emotion of all was confusion. I was confused, and hurt, and scared. Up until that point, all anyone had lead me on to believe was that Alex was my best friend and nothing more, including him! But now, among everything else that didn’t make sense to me, even that I couldn’t count on as being the truth. It was hard enough as is to try and piece back a life I didn't remember living. But to have to navigate conflicting stories with memories and information I'm given made it all that more troublesome of a feat. "You remembered our fight, didn't you?" He quietly muttered into his hands. So quite in fact, I almost hadn't heard it over my own hiccups and sniffles. "What, no Alex!" I all but snapped, propping myself up on my knees and turning towards him as tears continued to rapidly spill down my cheeks. Completely disregarding his words. "I remembered what happened once it started to rain!" Alex's head slowly lifted at the sound of the sudden anger flowing into my tone. Confusion taking over his once defeated expression. Looking at me now as I stared back at him, pinch lipped and teary eyed. "Best friends don’t just do that!" I hissed once he finally met my stare head on. "What do you mean?" He hurriedly asked, "What are you talking about?" "You kissed me, Alex!" I wailed. My head pounding even harder now with all the emotions building up inside it. Conflicting and confusing me. "Just like you did in my kitchen, you kissed me. Friends don’t kiss friends!" His face suddenly softened once again, resorting back to that confused and worried daze as he gazed back at me. "You remembered that?" He asked, voice dropping dramatically in volume. "Yes!" I hissed, "So, I don't know why you keep lying to me if I knew all along we weren't justfriends." "Kennedy, we were just friends." Alex stressed, "We kissed yes, but we never became anything more." My head was spinning faster and faster with each conflicting sentence he threw at me. I couldn't keep it all in a straight line. Everything I'd gathered about myself was now scattered across the floor. A pile of messy confusion I once again couldn't even begin to comprehend. I looked at him, hurt and anger filling my soul to see nothing but disappointment and something I couldn’t identify clouding his eyes. "I have to go." I suddenly muttered. Not giving him a chance to stop me, I clambered to my feet and took off running back down the hill. Not a clue of which direction to go or how to even get home. I could hear him calling after me, his voice growing softer and softer the further I ran. and I continued to run till his screams faded away and all I could hear was my own conflicted sobs, and my heart beating away. I guess it's true what they say. When it rains, it pours.
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pinebypine · 5 years
Canis Minor
Triplet AU fic. After the events of The New Toy with some reference to it.
Ty lead the crowd into the next room, grabbed hold of the silk pull cord and turned to address the gaping yokels behind her. “Ladies and Gentleman, be astounded by the horrible teen wolf-boy!” With a tug, the old velvet curtains parted to reveal a large wood and iron cage, with a sulking figure inside. Dipper Pines had grown since the last time they’d tried this gag and the wolf-boy costume was probably too small now. Ty gave her brother a surreptitious wink and continued with her spiel. “Look at his terrifying visage! All that awkward body hair and gangly limbs!”
The crowd gabbled a little and several camera flashes filled the room with blinding light. In the cage, Dipper winced a little at the flashes. Ty inched closer to the cage and whispered low. “Everything going all right in there, Dip? This is the last batch for today.”
All she got in response was a low growling noise. “So you’ve finally decided to take the role seriously? That’s the spirit; have some fun with it.” She returned her attention to the punters and raised her voice again. “Captured years ago in the New Jersey Pine Barrens the wolf-boy’s only known weaknesses are silver and talking to la…”
She was cut off mid word by a pair of furry hands shooting from between the bars on either side of her. One wrapped around her midsection and the other clamped firmly over her mouth. She was drawn back against the bars of the cage. She felt pressure on her neck and a furry cloth ear was rubbing against her cheek.
Screams erupted from the crowd, who drew back away from the grrapple girl. “It’s gonna eat her!” A woman screamed.
“Ah! Somebody help!”
“Oh this is gonna be good.” A camera flash went off from someone in the front row of people.
Ty froze in shock. Dipper’s teeth were pressed gently against the skin of her neck, near the hairline. The hand over her mouth was firm but not holding her tight enough to hurt. The pinky finger of this other hand had just slipped under the hem of her shirt and she could feel as he started to slide the hand up toward more sensitive spots. Dipper’s breath, hot as a hair dryer, washed over her throat and collarbone.
The head of a broom smacked against the cage bars next to Ty’s head, startling Dipper into releasing his grip. Ty fell away from the cage and managed to keep her balance. Mabel shoved the broom into the cage’s interior and poked at Dipper to herd him back. “Nothing to worry about folks; he does this about once a week.” She glowered at Dipper dramatically. “And he’s lucky it was the broom this time.”
Ty breathed heavily, trying to get her heart-rate back down. She felt her sister’s hand on her shoulder. Mabel caught her eye, an unspoken question, and Ty nodded that she was fine. Then the oldest triplet addressed the stunned crowd of tourists. “Welp. Since it looks like you all are done with the tour, I bet you wanna see our amazing gift shop! We’ve got piles of awesome stuff for you to buy.”
She herded the people away, leaving the younger two alone. Ty walked up to the cage and flipped the latch to open it. “What earth did you think you were doing, Dipper?” She raised a hand to her cheek where she could feel the heat of a blush in full swell.
Dipper hung his head and stared at his hands. “I’m sorry, Ty. I don’t know what came over me. You were just so close and you-” he inhaled deeply through his nose”-you smell so good. I was just… Sorry.” He gave her a sheepish look and rubbed his bare shoulder with a furry hand. “I almost blew our cover there, huh?”
Ty sighed. “I think they bought it as an ‘attack’ but that was the penultimate entry on your  ‘stupidest moves of all time’ list. Are you feeling okay? I remember you sneezing some this morning.”
He shook his head as if trying to clear it. “I’m just feeling a little cloudy; like its hard to focus.” He shivered a little in the cage. “Is it cold in here?”
The temperature outside was only two degrees off for a record high and the shack didn’t have air conditioning; Ty was in a tank top and shorts and was still perspiring. Even though Dipper’s costume was shirtless, she was having a hard time imagining him being actually cold in here. She reached up and pushed away his shaggy hair to lay her palm over his forehead.
“That’s a fever, Dip; you should probably go to bed.” Ty wrinkled her nose and pulled back. “And probably take a shower first. You reek.”
Dipper rolled his eyes and made a face. “It’s not me. I just stepped in a pile of some sort of ‘droppings’ in the woods this morning when I was looking around.”
“Well, a shower wouldn’t kill you anyway. Just go and have one and then lay down. Mabel or I will bring you something to eat later.”
He conceded and headed upstairs. Ty had to take a few minutes to calm down before getting back to work.
We have got to come up with someplace around to get some real privacy, Ty thought, or else I’m going to explode.
“Dipper, how my favorite brother?” Mabel burst through the door andstarted to launch herself onto the comforter lump that was her brother when a pair of arms caught her about the waist and pulled her back.
“Shh! He’s probably still sleeping.” Ty whispered, trying to restrain her sister.
“Poot,” Mabel pouted, “he’s been asleep since dinner. Was he really that sick?”
“He seemed out of it and was sporting a fever.” Ty released her and went over to cautiously check on her brother. “Must have been feeling really bad, he didn’t even take off the wolf costume.” She reached down and touched a furry pointed ear.
“He didn’t?” Mabel picked up a wadded pile of cloth from the floor, a headband with cloth ears set on top. “Then what’s this?”
Ty froze.
She gingerly pinched the furry thing between her fingers. It had the consistency of fur, skin, and cartilage. “Um, Mabel darling. Could you be a dear and come over here for second?” She released whatever it was she was holding and stepped back from the bed.
Mabel sauntered over and peered into the bed linen. Her eyes went wide. “Puppy?” In one smooth motion, she whipped the blanket back from the pointy ears. Surprised by the sudden temperature change, Dipper yelled himself awake and shot upright in bed.
“Ahh! What the heck are you doing?”
Ty’s hand went to her mouth in surprise and she took a step back. Mabel stood stock still for a moment, staring at her brother’s face. After a moment, he noticed the looks on their faces. “What did I drool on all over myself or something?” He started furiously wiping at his chin and cheeks with one hand.
Mabel seemed transfixed. “So scruffy.” She reached out slowly with both hands and touched the triangular ears sprouting from Dippers head They were very soft; instinct took over and she gently rubbed them.
Dipper’s eyelids fluttered closed and he leaned in toward her. “Oh damn that feels good.”
Ty darted to the pile of books at Dipper’s bedside and she started to rummage through them rapidly.
As Dipper’s face came closer to Mabel’s body, he inhaled sharply. In a flash, his arms wrapped around Mabel’s waist and he pulled her down onto the bed. His lips pressed against her’s and she felt him grind his body into her. From somewhere deep inside Dipper, a hungry sort of sound began to thrum.
Ty found the book she was looking for, a heavy leather tome with a six fingered hand embossed on the cover. She began flipping through the pages as Mabel started to rake her nails down her brother’s back.
Dipper broke the kiss and began to nibble down Mabel’s neck, making her whimper softly.
Without taking her eyes off the pages she was reading, Ty rose, book in hand, and deftly grabbed a furry ear between thumb and forefinger. She pinched hard and began to drag Dipper off the bed.
“Ow ow ow ow ow ow. What  -ow- are you  -ow- doing?”
Mabel groaned frustratedly. “Geez sis, why you got to Dipper-block me like that?”
In response, Ty began reading aloud. “Those suffering from the condition known as Gerulphus Transcursorius develop many symptoms such as, but not limited to, sensory hypersensitivity, impulse control impairment, and most notably, extensive canid physiological transformation.”
Dipper’s stopped struggling as she spoke. “Gerulphus Transwhaticus?” He reached up with a hand and touched the ear that Ty still held painfully. “What they heck is that!?” He was nearly screaming.
Ty released him and resumed reading as Dipper scrambled to his feet and over to the mirror mounted on the wall of the bedroom.  “Also known as Transitory Lycanthropy or the wereflu,  Gerulphus Transcursorius is a paranormal viral affliction that can inflect humans who come in close contact with a true lycanthrope, lycanthrope excreta, or other carriers of the disease. It causes behavioral changes and a physical transformation very much like that of a true lycanthrope.”
Dipper had reached the mirror and at this point yelped in horror and surprise at seeing his appearance. Along with the ears, he was also quite a bit more hirsute than normal. Shaggy brown hair reached down his cheeks and neck, far longer and fuller than he was ever able to grow on his own. “I’m turning into a werewolf?”
Mabel hopped up from the bed and hugged him from behind. “Yeah but so far a totes adorable one. You’re like a big fluffy puppy!”
His sister’s scent filled Dipper’s nose and he nearly staggered as it seemed to occupy his whole brain. Mabel’s fingers wriggled into the thick hair that was growing on his torso, sending shivers of electricity up and down his body. He banged a hand on the table in an effort to keep a hold on himself. “What does the journal say about a cure?”
Ty raised an eyebrow at him. “Would you like the good news or the bad news first?”
“Ugh, good news, I guess.”
“The good news is that it’s not permanent. The wereflu runs its course over three to four days and then everything goes back to normal.”
Dipper let out a sigh of relief. “And the bad news?”
“You’re in the beginning stages right now, so there’s lots more to come.”
Mabel started to giggle behind her brother’s back. She reached an inquisitive hand up and felt Dipper’s bottom. “Is that a tail in your PJs or are you just happy to see me?”
Dipper struggled out her arms and pulled down the back of his pajama pants. Sure enough, a short little tail was sprouting from his backside. He tried to peer closer at it and ended up walking in a couple of circles before Mabel grabbed him by the shoulders and pointed his butt at the mirror.
“Oh jeeze. How am I going to keep everybody from noticing this?”
“Least of your problems, Dipbutt.” Ty flipped the journal around to show them the relevant pages. There was a series of transitional drawings, showing a  human figure morphing into a form indistinguishable from a wolf.
Mabel proffered an idea. “We put a collar on him and pretend we found this dog in the woods.”
“How does that explain where I’ve gone in the meantime?”
“Ok. Fair point.” Ty shrugged. “If you just stay in here for a couple days, and stay ‘sick,’  nobody would have to see you.”
“If one of us stayed locked up here for four days, even Grunkle Stan would get worried and come to check.” Dipper put a finger to his chin and thought for a second. “Do you think he and Soos could manage without us for a few days?”
“Probably, we’re really only here for the busy part of the season next month. Other than that I think it’s mostly so Stan doesn’t have actually pay anybody to work here.”
Dipper looked from one sister to the other. “How would you two feel about a little triplet camping trip?”
“Man, so you think that was werewolf poo?” Mabel adjusted her pack as they walked.
Her brother was pretty much his normal shape still, a few paces ahead and sometimes teetering under the weight of his own pack. “It’s the only explanation I can come up with. And where else you expect a wolf man to go? That can’t just walk into a gas station and ask for the bathroom key.”
“I suppose,” Ty said from the rear of their little group, “that means we’ll need to be on the look out for one while we’re out here.”
“That’s why we headed out from the shack in the exact opposite direction from where I went yesterday.”
They spotted a promising looking level spot on the mountainside for their campsite, protected on the side toward the peak by an outcropping of rock and a stream not far away. After they’d reach it, they deposited their packs on the ground and started to extract their equipment from them.
“Hey Ty,” Mabel’s voice rose to her usual, telling-a-joke sing-song, “wanna know the easiest way to pitch a tent?”
Ty dutifully obliged. “Of course, I would.”
Mabel sidled up to her brother, tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned toward her, threw her arms around him. She leaned heavily against his chest, and buried her face into the fur of his shoulder and neck. After lingering moment of time, she separated from him and gestured at his pelvis with one hand. “Ta-da!” She cried triumphantly.
Dipper spun away from them and frantically tried to rectify the situation in his pants. Mabel threw her head back laughter and Ty giggled a little.
“I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed, Dip.” Ty tried to sound comforting. “We’ve both seen you excited before. A lot actually. There’s nothing to hide.”
“I just feel kind of exposed out here.”
“Well that’s dumb.” Mabel made a dismissive gesture with one hand. “There isn’t anybody out here for miles!” As if to reinforce her assertion, the last word echoed off into the distance for a long time. “Heck if it’s as hot tomorrow as it was today, than we’re going skinny dipping in that stream over there.”
By the time the sun was setting and they were preparing an evening meal of hotdogs and s’mores. Dipper was shifting nervously whenever he sat in one place or pacing around the camp. The girls huddled together against the growing chill and watch him for a while before finally Mabel broke down and had to speak.
“Are you gonna do that all night or do you want to come over here and cuddle with two hot little pieces of booty?”
Ty bumped her sister’s shoulder with her own. “Speak for yourself, I’m a refined lady that just happens to have a hot little booty.”
Dipper scratched at the collar of his shirt with one hand and tried to adjust his pants to a more comfortable position with the other. The bulge of his tail was visible down one pant leg, straining against the fabric. “Sorry, I’m just a bit uncomfortable. Getting kind of itchy and hot.”
Mabel cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled. “Take it off!”
Dipper laughed nervously but actually tugged down on the hem of his t-shirt as if to make sure it was more on than ever. “Look, stuff is probably already pretty weird under here and I don’t think it’s gonna get less weird any time soon. I don’t think you guys really want to see me.”
“Are you kidding?” Mabel jumped to her feet. “I’ve never been more curious about anything in my life!”
Ty rose as well, took her sister’s hand and went over to take Dipper’s as well. “The three of us have a very skewed scale for weird, bro. You really don’t have anything to be scared of.”
Dipper breathed in a deep lungful of air and then took a sharp step away. “Ok, ok but keep back, will ya? When you two get close its really overpowering.” The girls shared a look at that comment. Dipper pulled off his t-shirt and kicked his tennis shoes off his feet. Finally he dropped trou and stretched naked in the fire light. Then as if it were the easiest thing in the world, he gave his entire body a huge shake, like a dog that’s just come out of a lake.
“Wow,” Mabel side. “That’s bizarro.”
Dipper’s ears went back and he looked away at her comment.
“Oh I mean good bizarro.” She back pedalled furiously. “Really cool looking and not like ‘yuck’ or anything.”
Ty was taking a careful visual survey of her brother. “You look a bit like a wookie at this stage, cept for the ears and tail, of course. It’s really cool that your fur’s the same color as your hair is.” She almost took a step toward him and then stopped herself, remembering his request.
Dipper smiled wanly and then actually chuckled. Then he stuck his fists in the air and imitated Chewbacca’s roaring growl noise. All three of them laughed heartily; the tension starting to ease out of the air a little. The girls went to sit back by the fire. Dipper paused for a moment, then crouched, almost sitting on his haunches.
They sat for a while, not saying much. The fire crackled and collapsed slightly. Ty leant over and placed a kiss on her sister’s temple, who in kind turned back toward her so they were face to face. They kissed deeply. When Ty came back up for air she glanced over as if just now remembering that Dipper was there too. Her eyes when a little wide.
“Ok, that’s new. Well, not new but you know-” she was very obviously trying not to stare at what was now sticking up between Dipper’s legs, “-not what I’m used to.”
Dipper looked down and then jumped in surprise.
Mabel turned to see and laughed. “Achievement unlocked: Red Rocket!”
Their brother started grasping around for something to put over his lap and found his discarded t-shirt. “Sorry about that.”
Ty sighed. “We’re not trying to embarrass you, Dippin-sauce. I’m sorry I even mentioned it; it was very-” she paused to think of the right word, “-high contrast.”
“It looked like a tube of lipstick.” Mabel tried to stifle her giggle.
“Not helping.” Ty said through clenched teeth.
“Can we just change the subject off my weird looking junk for now?” Dipper sat crosslegged by the fire, adjusting the t-shirt to minimize the visual effect his excitement.
“Well,” Ty asked, “then will you tell us what it is with you and smell since all this started.”
“Oh that.” Dipper scratched behind one ear with the fingers of his hand. “It’s like my nose is on overdrive right now. I mean, I normally really like the way you two smell, but since yesterday it’s really overpowering.”
“But it’s only when we’re close?” Mabel leaned forward and dropped another log on their fire.
“I can smell you even over here, with the smoke and fire between us. I can tell you both used the same bug spray but different sunscreen. Mabel, you still smell of that cherry lime lip gloss even though you haven’t put any on since we left the shack this morning. Ty, you’ve still got some gum in your shorts pocket. We’re actually burning two different kinds of wood in this fire and I can even still smell the juice that dripped onto the logs when we were cooking dinner. But if one of you gets close enough, god damn, it’s like my whole brain gets taken over by it and some part of me wakes up and it wants nothing more than to just be close to that wonderful smell.”
“Do we smell different?” Ty asked.
“Oh yea,” Dipper nodded, “that’s not new. Mabel is a little fruitier, more sweet, and it’s not your bath products cause you’re kind of more sugary when you’re just a little sweaty. Ty, you’re more herbal or rich; like a really well made leather purse filled with fresh cut flowers.”
Mabel looked like she considered this for a moment, then leaned over and sniffed the side of Ty’s face. “Yea ok. I could get behind a flowery purse.”
Ty gave Dipper a look tinged with longing. “Bro, would it be ok if I got close for a minute? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable but…”
“No it’s ok; thanks for the warning.”
The middle triplet rose and strode over to where he sat, then bent down over him. Dipper’s muscles tensed as her long hair started to brush against his shoulders. He felt her hand rest on the back of his head and her face come very close to his scalp. She inhaled deeply. Her voice was warm when she spoke. “Yep, still Dipper. Kinda musky and dark.”
Mabel’s face rose in excitement. “Oh! Are you talking when he’s in that sweat zone between hasn’t showered recently but isn’t full of boy stink yet?” Ty nodded to her. “That is the best.” She caught Dipper’s eyes. “Can I? Please.” He nodded and she sprinted over to him. She looked for a moment like she was going to tackle him but stopped short. Instead,s he knelt by him and brought her face near to his fur.
Dipper’s heart was pounding in his chest; his head was swimming. He hadn’t felt like this since before last Thanksgiving, before he’d known how open to his advances his sisters would be. He was terrified again, because he wanted so badly to touch them, be with them in all ways, but right now it seemed like the worst possible thing.
A slender hand slid along his cheek; another scratched under the fur on the back of his neck. He thought he ought to rise, to remove himself from a situation he thought was getting out of hand before he lost control and did something that might upset them.
“It’s late.” A voice said near by him and it was one of the few times in his life when he’d been unable to identify which sister was speaking. “I think it’s time we all got in that tent.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t.” He managed to stammer; his brain was so full of their smells, swirling together and driving him crazy.
A finger tapped forcefully against the side of Dipper’s head. He started to focus again a little and was able to make out his sister’s faces only a few inches from his. “Look, dweeb.” Mabel’s voice was full of affection. “We know what we’re asking.” She waggled her eyebrows at him. “Lets let the animal out a little.”
Dipper was awake long before sunrise, but he lay amid the tangle of bodies and limbs for a very long time, just soaking in the pleasure. Camping was something they were going to need to add to their regular list of activities. It was probably one of the few ways in the world that three people their age could be really alone without having to worry too much. They might need to start bringing a couple of tents, though, just to keep up appearances.
Eventually the call of nature started to tug at Dipper and despite wanting very much to continue his tradition of being a late riser, he gave up and left the tent. He was in the open of the campsite before he realized that he was on all fours and that it felt more natural than walking on two normally did.
Well, he thought, this was to be expected. Just a couple of days and I can go back to being me.
He paused on the way to the stream near their camp to hike a leg against a tree, laughing internally at himself as he did so. Then he continued down to the water and looked himself over in the makeshift mirror of the surface. If he hadn’t known any better, Dipper would never have guessed he wasn’t looking at a real wolf, or at least a big wolf-like dog. He tamped down the worry inside himself and tried his hardest to enjoy it. He’d had such a good night that he had to let some of that spill over into today.
He raised his head and sniffed the air; it was so amazing what this new nose could do. He could count the species of trees and could catch hints of rabbits and other small creatures up wind of him. There was something else, too, a smell he wasn’t sure about. It was meaty and harsh, like a two day old steak that had been rubbed with a bar of tallow soap. It was almost familiar
Dipper’s ears twitched as he heard a sound. Some dark instinct inside him said that that was a large paw being placed very carefully among the underbrush. A low growl escaped Dipper’s throat before he even realized he was doing it. The long fur on his neck and shoulders was rising on its own and a loud, wordless voice was screaming in Dipper’s brain.
Protect. Protect. Protect.
This was his territory. His family was here. His mates were here. He’d peed on it. It was his. He spotted the source of the smell and sound a dozen yards or so away on the opposite banks of the stream. A tawny wolf that looked to be the size of a horse was carefully pacing through the trees, keeping one of its yellow eyes on Dipper at all times. Dipper finally put two and two together and he recognized the smell. Yesterday, when he’d been swearing and cleaning his shoe, this smell had been underneath all the stink, the lowest undercurrent of a river. This was the werewolf.
Wolfs don’t have a spoken language of any kind. Even howling is more about location than meaning. But two wolves face to face can make their intentions known to one another. Dipper and the werewolf stared each other in the eye for a long time, and the bigger one’s intentions were not subtle.
You have something I want, pup. I am just deciding the easiest way to take it.
Dipper was obviously new to all of this, but he was pretty sure he was making himself clear as well.
If you take so much as one step closer, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.
The bigger wolf’s posture changed very subtly. He ceased its pacing and sat on his haunches. He didn’t growl or posture and he could not have been more easy to understand.
You can try all you want but I’ll be standing over your corpse in about thirty seconds no matter what you do, little boy.
Dipper’s brain worked furiously. He’d never been in a dogfight before. The way his body was moving so naturally told him that at least some instinctual part of him had pulled out this body’s manual and could be relied on. Still, the other wolf was twice his size and had certainly been at this longer than he. He needed an advantage, something that would level the playing field.
Dipper threw his head back and howled.
The tawny wolf actually looked surprised at this and his stunned expression lasted the full length of Dipper’s howl. The moment the descending note from Dipper ended, though, he sprang into action. The sudden movement triggered reflexes on both sides and in an instant two furry bodies hurtled through the space between them and collided in a crash.
They were a ball of flashing teeth and fur. Dipper was relying on his instincts but he wasn’t letting them rule him. He didn’t go for the throat; he didn’t take openings on his opponent’s vulnerables. Dipper dodged absolutely everything he could and what few bites he attempted were to harry and slow the bigger animal. To that effect, he did manage some success; he scored a hit on the rear leg just above the ankle that immediately began to flow with blood.
But his luck couldn’t hold out forever and in their maneuvering, they had neared the water’s edge. One of Dipper’s paws tried to take hold on a slick wet rock and flew up from under his weight. The dark little wolf took a sprawling tumble into the stream and his head bounced off tree root, stunning him. Dipper felt teeth at the back of his neck.
He thought dryly, this is going to be hard death to explain if anyone askes.
A sound like an overfilled car tire being stabbed rang through the forest, followed briefly by a whistling noise and unwinding cable. Then the pressure on Dipper’s neck released and he heard the werewolf cry out in pain. He managed to raise his head above the water and saw his sisters at the top of the stream bank, naked, sleep ruffled, and looking like valkyries.
Mabel was braced against a tree, straining to hold the force being put on her grappling hook as it hauled the werewolf toward them. As it neared, Ty stepped forward to meet it and held a bright orange pistol at arm’s length. She put the flare gun against the creature’s cheek and pulled the trigger.
Dipper hauled himself to his paws and trudged over to the limp form of the werewolf. It wasn’t dead, but the side of its head looked like a war zone. He stood over the bigger creature, growled low, and knew he was understood.
I told you, dumbass. Now crawl away and never come back.
A few hours later Dipper lay with his head on Ty’s lap while she read by the midmorning sun. They’d managed to clean themselves up and, although Dipper had a lump growing on the side of his head, they’d reasoned that they’d come out of this about as well as could be expected.
The sun felt good and Dipper was seriously considering a doggy nap when he heard Mabel’s footsteps as she returned from a little exploration. “Man, is it colder today than it was yesterday?” She asked as she rummaged in her pack for a long sleeved shirt.
Dipper’s ears perked. They’d checked the weather forecast before leaving the shack and it was supposed to be even hotter today. Then Ty sneezed and Dipper wanted to smack his own forehead; which was currently more trouble than it was worth.
Other carriers of the disease, of course, Dipper thought. At least we told Grunkle Stan we’d be gone a week. That should be enough time for everything to be back to normal.
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gamesoffate · 7 years
The Darker Grey: Arc1 Ses3
[Watch P1 Here] | [Watch P2 Here] | [Watch P3 Here]
Games of Fate Session Three Report: Nazeem
Report for mission 3: By Nazeem. (This is so fucking stupid and a waste of time.)
So Anakah has started this ooh so brilliant idea of us writing reports for our missions after our two successful missions. Yeah and I drew the lucky straw in getting the first one. Great. Wonderful. Fuck it. Whatever. We are to be as true to how we felt in the moment so prepare for some good old bias. But hey it’s me so it’s usually rightful bias. Let’s get this shit show on the road.
We all come back to the Quick Brown Fox Tavern Thursday and are sitting at our normal table. Tired as fuck and really just waiting to get started. We all sit there silently, the others still waking up obviously. We wait fifteen minutes and the big lug next to me…Percy or whatever falls asleep in his chair. I get sick of this bullshit and head back upstairs cause why am I wasting time when I could just go back to sleep.
Hazel goes up to the huge woman Itniss and asks her where she is. So I stop and listen. Of course Anakah was supposed to be back thirty minutes ago. I use this moment to be my usual snarky, great self and say ‘punctuality isn’t one of their rules here.’
Itniss says we should be worried about her but I don’t care. Anakah looks like she could take care of herself. Or at least one would think. As if on cue, our gracious and timely leader bursts through the front door, sporting a lovely bleeding head wound. She looks pissed but isn’t she always? She is marching past when Hazel grabs her arm. I assume this will lead to another punch in the face for Hazel. Nope. And now she offers Anakah first aid in which she refuses.
I try to ask her what happened but she doesn’t tell me so I make a remark about her trailing blood. She shrugs us off and tells us to sit down. Great. Finally, mission time, instead of wasting the day away. Like I’d hang with these morons on my off time. They are as interesting as paper. Yunam isn’t sitting with us but with the group of shifters we saved last time and Sincere…the pissbaby. Anakah gets him to join us. That kid is so fucking strange.
Anakah tries to brief us on the mission. TRIES but she stumbles and groans like a beaten drunk. This is so fucking annoying. Through her babbling and noises, we discern that we are off to some bank to get an item she can’t fucking spit out. She has trouble. This is almost comical. It’s a weapon of some sort, locked away on the second floor. Storage box 257. We finally figure out she means a spear…..a stick with pointy end. I swear. We have 24 hours to complete this. Good thing we have been wasting time already. It’s whatever. I’m just ready to go get it done.
We arrive at the huge ass bank. None of us talk to each other cause seriously what intelligence could you glean from this rag tag group of morons? We look for windows and looking inside, it just looks like some normal bank. Hazel goes around looking for weaknesses or whatever. Suddenly she knows everything about this place. I mean the entire layout. Maybe she isn’t that dumb. Eh. She tells us the people in the bank use keys to get around and that there is a steam powered elevator in the back. Apparently this place is heavily guarded. GO FIGURE. It’s a fucking bank and the biggest one I’ve seen to be honest. All lock boxes are on the second and third floors with the latter being the most guarded and difficult to deal with traps and the like. Best not to touch anything. *Heavy Sigh* (Fuck you Percy).
Hazel states the obvious of getting a key and going up the elevator. Maybe we can jump someone that comes out she says. Then she brings up the ventilation system and how small it is. Of course we only have one tiny who could deal with such a thing so we all look to our token brat. I ask him to take this prestigious honor since Hazel hesitates in doing so. It had nothing to do with the fact that I wanted to see what this kid could even do. I mean I still don’t fucking get it. Why the hell is he here? Hazel finishes off the request with a please. What is with the polite bullshit? We are going to meet up in the back of the building waiting for the kid.
Yunam runs off to do his thing. Whatever that squirt can do. I get curious to see how the brat gets in and follow after but he stops suddenly, frowns and shakes his head. Really? Secret brat. After some awkward silence I get tired of looking at the little shit’s face and go talk with Hazel in the back.
Hazel goes off on the spiel about security on the floors and how we can’t be sure of where the spear is with Anakah being less than on the top of her game with a likely concussion or some shit. Hazel asks how we take care of the guards. I of course say we should take them out quietly even though it’s not my style. Wish we could just shoot the motherfucker up less time wasted. But the after math would be just as bullshit so fuck it. We can pistol whip the morons and hide the bodies as we go along. But none of this shit matters until we get inside which is up to the success of Yunam. Getting sick of talking this guessing shit I just go quiet.
Noticing Percy just standing there silently for some fucking reason. I decide to ask what his thoughts are. Might as fucking well see if he has a brain at all? I highly doubt it. Percy questions if we ever burglarized. Hazel gives him a look cause of her old profession. I only sell drugs. So neither of us have. Percy then goes on saying it’s easy if you aren’t a dumbass about it then he makes a snide comment about me not keeping quiet. Piece of shit. Hazel then suggests Percy take the lead in this considering his background of being a penny thief. Guess even the most useless have their perks. Percy says that’s the best idea she had all day. What a twat. He’s about as egocentric as I am. But I don’t see him backing it up like I can. But hey, at least the tall brat is fucking useful for once, though it remains to be seen. Hazel gives Percy that funny looking bitch face. It was a very subtle difference from her normal expression. 
Percy says we just have to wait. Unless he knows another way in. Of course he didn’t. Useless. The tall one does say we should stick close once inside. We will see about that.
Then the conversation returns to the, oh so hilarious face crotch thing and Hazel laughs. See how they laugh with a bullet through their stupid fucking faces. Fruit and vegetable boy shows up finally! About damn time. Talking with these idiots was beginning to drain fluid out my ears. But hey the kid has the key. Shocking really. Maybe he’s more useful than he looks. Eh, we will see. What now? Percy doesn’t know. Oh, master thief! Seems we are stuck going through the front. Joy.
Of course the braindead guards look at us through the door giving us stupid looks. I feel stupid. This bank operates so stupidly. I wave money at them to get inside cause isn’t that what a fucking bank is for?! 
Percy uses some speaker system on the outside that Hazel had pointed out. Percy fools the idiots into believing we are going to make a deposit like normal people. He mentions that some of it could go into their pockets. Like hell I’m giving them my money I thought. But hey it works and we get in after some elaborate secret door stuff. How things are changing.
Inside, the bank is a main hall with two branching rooms with lines of tellers inside. It’s pretty fancy. The guards remind us for the money. I hesitate like fuck this shit first but you know what I don’t have time to give a fuck. I give him some money I can make back easily selling my shit.
The other guard asks what about him and fuck that. I’m not giving out any more money. The other fucks can give them some. But hey his friend bribes him with chili which shuts him up. I swear the amount of morons in this country.
Elevator is in the back but it just looks like a simple fucking wall. Thanks to Hazel we at least know it’s there. If it’s not we are going to have a problem. Seeing as we are the center of attention at the moment. I remember Yunam’s little rat thing. Maybe if he lets it loose it can grab their attention long enough for us to get by. Rats running around, nobody likes that. I nudge him and whisper it. Does he do what I think? NO! Of fucking course not! He puts the rat on the ground and starts making it dance while holding its hands. Is he fucking with me? Are you fucking serious. I can’t help but fight myself from face palming at this utter stupidity. What are we a bunch of fucking clowns? More likely than not when thinking about it.
Everyone is watching now so I shake my head cause damn… All the tellers can see them through the glass of the doors. There is no way I can sneak past now with all these fucking eyes. I seriously wanted to just shoot them all but I didn’t. I kind of wish I did thinking about it now. There were so many fucking windows in this place! 
At the back both Percy and Hazel seem to be doing something strange at the exact same time. Hazel innocently drops her lantern and then all fucking hell breaks loose! Suddenly the windows crack on all sides and a fucking hurricane blows through, blasting jagged glass everywhere in a hail. Both fucking idiots were using magic of some sort to cause this shit! I try to dodge the rain!
The little shit has no problem dodging this shit, curling up in a ball, protecting his rat friend. He gets a couple of tiny scuffs. Hazel gets fucked up with cuts all over her arms and it’s all in her hair. Not having a good time but I’d considered that karma for the stupid shit that just occurred. I only have a few cuts but it’s superficial. Still I’m fucking livid. Percy’s big dumb ass has the glass floating around him with his magic. I’d love to just throw glass in his eyes. Yunam scurries toward the elevators and we all rush in after that disorienting mess. The guards turn to us and try to stop us but the doors shut.
Once we are inside the elevator I am so done with this bullshit I can’t help but sulk and mock them for their planning. Percy goes off on Hazel with what she did. Hazel spits that she was trying to crack the glass with some spell not knowing he would use wind magic at the same time. There is banging on the door but seeing a huge red button on this panel, I hit it and the elevator freezes, locking down and the lights inside flicker. Percy whines about her idea like it was the stupidest thing. I think they are both complete and utter idiots at this point.
Percy begins to bang his head on the wall. I quite enjoyed that. Not like he can do much damage to his brain or anything. Yunam being the weird shit he is sits legs crossed in the corner and eats a fucking tomato. Seriously?! What the hell is wrong with him?! How did I get stuck with them?! Why did I choose this?! But of course he was doing this. Of course.
Hazel is taking glass out of her hair. I can’t help but ask if we can go through the rest of this mission without making anymore stupid fuck ups. Percy argues that I didn’t have any clever ideas. And I challenged him on his definition of clever with his little display seconds ago. He blames Hazel. Communication zero. I can’t help but get annoyed with these people and their fucking stupid magic. Why does such stupid shit exist?
Hazel fights, saying they don’t have telepathy. Whatever. Excuses. Probably more likely than them talking about things though.
I hit the button again tired of being in this tight space with them and the doors open up. Fuck. I take out my gun cause fuck this. Might as well kill these guards now that the stealthy aspect is fucked. Hazel runs to press the button. Percy is sitting down with his head in his hands. I end up shooting Hazel in the arm as she goes for the button. She literally got in the way. She did that! But I couldn’t help but feel a prick of pleasure from it after their fuck up.
I shove her out of the way and then Percy somehow uses wind magic and sends a guard flying against a wall while the other who apparently is made of stone remains standing. Just as the guard still standing prepares to attack the doors shut again and he hits them. Percy presses his hand on the doors with a very pathetic look as if he was hoping to just go out the front and leave. Would probably have been for the best. 
Percy throws Hazel a roll of bandages dejectedly. She bandages herself up as the banging continues. Yunam had got around us and pressed the dark green button. With a ding, the front doors open again. AGAIN! Is there just one floor?! The guard is thrown off and falls into the elevator with his giant swing, falling on his hands and knees. Hazel’s foot flies and kicks the guy the fuck out, a splurge of blood squirting out his nose as he fell back. It was pretty epic. Hazel then patches herself up. Yunam presses a blue button now and we finally move!
We reach another floor with a table at the end of a short corridor. That’s all that was here. Sitting on the table were three weird, slightly glowing orbs on it. I just walk out into the room cause fuck this shit. It was so obvious they were magical in some way. There’s no way I would fuck with them. Who fucking knows what those damn things could do. Then the unex…..you know what at this point it’s fucking EXPECTED!
The dip shit dumb ass fucking moron Percy walks up and touches the yellow one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t help but keep a straight face. I. hate. These. People.
Hazel yells for us to get back and of course I go toward the elevator. The orbs are wobbling now then they flatten like ooze. The other orbs do the same and they pour onto the floor, the liquid increasing. The doors to the elevator shut leaving us locked in with the shit rising to our ankles! I can’t help but remind Percy that he fucked us as the kid does the smart thing and stands on the table. Feeling the ooze, it had the consistency of soap. I just stand there with a hand on my face.
Hazel asks for the key and I point to Percy calling him Mr. Touchy. Percy who apparently lay in the goop throws his hand up out of it with the key in hand. She snatches it and puts it in an invisible slit in the wall. I have no clue how she saw it. The walls on both sides happened to be doors that slide open and the goop reformed back into the orbs onto the table where Yunam was. I pull the kid from the table gently so he doesn’t accidentally hitting them again. I ask her to open the elevator so they can get back on. So tired of this shit. Percy follows, staring into place.
Hazel wants to check the floor. I’d have pretty much given up on this. But we get out and start searching. Yunam puts a tomato in the empty space between the other orbs. I don’t know. I have no clue. Don’t ask. We investigate the door to the right which has these huge lock boxes on either side. They are marked with number plates 307, 308, 309. The locks are special dials. Hazel goes off to 309 while I take the key from her and takes it and goes to the other side to see if the deposit box we actually needed was.
I heard later that while we were out, Yunam was trying to pick locks but they don’t open. Hazel finds one that’s been open plenty of times and finds an elegant necklace in it. She takes it.
I go to the left side the deposit boxes on this side are 301 and up to 306. Nope. Not what we need. We were on the third floor. I just go back to the elevator with Percy following for some reason. He’s been following me a good bit at this point. Who fucking knows why? He’s special. I don’t care.
Yunam comes running out and takes his tomato back. So his actions were pointless…as usual. Hazel checks the other side where I was seconds before. 
I don’t have any patience left and push the light green button, not waiting for Hazel or Yunam to get in. I’m ready to get this mission over with. But you know what? The alarm blares! Literally…this is what happened! Its ear piercing and now the whole building is going off. Great. Wonderful. Just what I wanted. I hate everything. I’m even starting to hate myself. Percy looks at me expressionless. Yeah I get it!
I want to shoot the panel now but then I just punch the yellow button as hard as I can. Hazel jumps in just in time but Yunam does not. He just stands there and waves at us. Bye. He’d get out. Or not. Who cares? We make it to another floor with the alarm still going off. The floor we stopped on has us meeting a welcoming party of five guards with weapons in hand. The room was filled with countless deposit boxes, much more thin. I look at my ‘comrades’ and ask if they are going to get in my way or can I shoot them?
Hazel says be my guest. Smart decision. I aim at the guy closest to me but my irritation threw me off and end up hitting one in the back. I at least killed that one. Good enough.
Percy pulls out a crowbar out from under his poncho and bashes the head of the one near him. He could have used that to pry the elevator doors open on the third floor! I swear this group is the worst. The man gets bonked hard but still stands.
They try to counter Percy but he uses blue spirits to stop him with the axe coming just close enough to his hair. Another guard goes to whack Hazel. She throws the oil from her lantern on him, dousing him. He still attacks. She’s not fast enough to make use of the tactic. Whatever she was thinking. I shove the attacker and he cuts her but it’s not as bad as it would have been.
At least I helped her. I think we are even now on me shooting her earlier. Reminder. That was totally her fucking fault! Don’t try to blame me for that shit.
Hazel kicks them with her strong legs. Her obvious weapon of choice now. Percy hits the guy on the other side on the head, killing him.
Two guards go after Percy. They attack but he bobs and weaves, dodging all pretty expertly. I sort of wished they had hit him at least once. But hey, we can’t always get what we want.
Hazel kicks yet again and I get behind one and shoot them point blank but they move slightly and I shoot a nice chunk of his neck off. But he doesn’t die. He doesn’t fucking die.
Percy then kicks him in the nuts and that did it. Getting kicked in the nuts > getting shot in the neck.
The final guy standing tries to whack Hazel who fails at dodging. She sucks with that. I distract him by yelling at him. I called him a dip shit and he turns to me just in time for Percy’s crowbar to cave his face in from a spinning swing. It was gruesome and satisfying. I praised Percy inwardly. Something I never thought possible.
Hazel shoots the unconscious guy in the head while I go counting the many deposit boxes in the room to find the one we need. Percy follows (AGAIN). The deposit box 257 needs a key so I just start clubbing the lock with my gun until it breaks open. There’s the spear inside. A very fancy spear. One I know well.
Alright. You know this is long enough. Let one of the other fuck ups finish the rest. I seriously need some time away from these fucking morons. Fuck em. Percy can finish this shit considering he likes to follow so fucking much.
End of report.
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Hedgehogs Dilemma (By Anon D)
“What-what do you mean you can’t do this?” I heard my voice shake but I couldn’t bring myself to care.
“I mean what I said.” The sea of blue that I always loved didn’t make me feel like it usually did. His eyes had hardened and the warm feeling that always spread over me when I looked into them seemed so achingly far away right now.
“And I want to know why you said what you said because right now it makes absolutely no sense.” I had somehow found a way to put some steel into my voice. “So make me understand. Say something that makes even a little bit of sense right now because you haven’t given me a single reason to throw us away and I don’t think you can.”
He ran his hand through his hair in frustration ruining it’s gelled swoop. “I don’t know what to tell you,” he replied. “All I know is we can’t keep doing this.”
Nothing that he said was making sense. It was like my brain couldn’t or wouldn’t comprehend the words coming out of his mouth. He was breaking up with me.
I realized, as I felt a sense of defeat and my shoulders slumped, that I couldn’t even stay angry with him. Even when he was breaking up with me he looked so remorseful, like he didn’t want to hurt me. But that’s exactly what he was doing. He was hurting me. And for some reason he couldn’t understand that.
“I thought we meant something,” I managed. The only thing I could think to say, even if it sounded pathetic even to me.
“We do,” he said, not able to look me in the eyes anymore. When had that happened?
“We obviously don’t,” I said quietly, and he flinched as if I had hit him. “Just get out,” I whispered. “Please leave.”
I was looking at the floor now but I could still hear as he turned around and slowly twisted the door knob. And then, he was gone.
I had been with Hunter for two years and I couldn’t remember a single time – even after we’d had our worst fight – when I thought he would walk out the door and not come back. But something was different this time because this was the only time I felt that finality.
I sank to the floor. My legs had started shaking too hard to hold me up any longer. There were tears streaming down my face now but I didn’t know if they were more sad or angry tears.
Something had to be wrong for him to end it. He wouldn’t just leave unless he thought he had a reason. I hadn’t the slightest clue what it could be though. The part that hurt was that he’d broken us so easily. That made me angrier than I thought I could ever be.
But then, sitting on that floor in front of my door, a thought struck me. I was so angry at him for giving up so easily but I was doing the exact same thing by sitting here. I had let a few words from him be the end. If I had given up to then I couldn’t be angry at him. But I wanted to be angry. I wanted to yell, and throw things, and tell him he was an idiot.
Not bothering to slip my shoes on my feet, I flung open the door. I had no idea what I was going to say but I knew that for once in my life I wasn’t going to run away. I wanted to fight.
As I took the steps down to my driveway two at a time, I looked up and stopped in my tracks on the last stair.
Parked on the stretch of gravel was Hunter’s car and sitting in the driver’s seat was Hunter. His head hung low and his hands were gripping the steering wheel in front of him.
I hesitated where I was, knowing that this wasn’t something I was meant to see. After a moment I walked forward anyway, wincing as the sharp little stones poked at the soles of my feet. When I pulled the passenger door open and slid inside the car his head snapped up.
Hunter just blinked at me for a moment and then looked away. His eyes were rimmed with red and he drew in a shaky breath as he ran his hand down his face. He looked so tired, like he’d aged 5 years in the last 10 minutes.
“I need a reason,” I told him. “Just give me a reason and I’ll get out of this car right now.”
After a tense minute he looked up at me and blurted, “I’m a hedgehog.”
I just stared at him. If he hadn’t just tried to break up with me I would have laughed at his ridiculous statement. “You’re a hedgehog,” I repeated slowly. “What does that even mean?” I asked. The anger had faded from my voice and it was obvious that I was more confused and upset than anything at this point.
“I’m a hedgehog,” he repeated, waving his hand like the reasoning was insignificant. “I have those spiky quills. You get close and I hurt you. It’s what happens. It’s what happens with everyone.”
The sadness in his voice made me pause for a minute, not sure what to say. He looked like he was struggling to explain but I didn’t have to respond because he continued after looking out the windshield for a moment.
“I let you get close because I want you close. But then, I have to leave and I can see it. I know it hurts you and it’s my fault so I’m trying to fix it. If you had never gotten close in the first place than you would have never gotten hurt. I know it might be too late but I need to try because I can’t hurt you anymore. I can’t keep coming home for a few weeks and then watching what I see it does to you when I leave again.” He looked into my eyes then, almost pleading with me to understand.
“That’s crap,” I told him. His eyes widened slightly with shock but I went on anyway. “It doesn’t work like that and you know it. I get to choose what I put myself through and I choose this. You don’t have to like it but it’s my choice too. You’re being selfish and you just won’t admit it to yourself so instead you give me this ridiculous spiel about being a hedgehog. What sense does that make?” My voice is rising now in the otherwise quiet car.
“Well it makes sense to me,” he fires back.
“It doesn’t change the fact that you’re being selfish. Hedgehogs use their quills when they feel threatened. It’s not about me being hurt by your ‘quills,’” I said using air quotations. “It’s about you putting your spikes up because you’re scared we’re getting too close. You’re scared of how much it scares both of us when we’re apart,” I told him matter-of-factly. I couldn’t be sure this was true for him. I could just be spouting off nonsense as far as he was concerned but from where I stood it made sense.
He looked at me again, still looking upset and unsure. Then he looked away and let his head fall back against the headrest. “I don’t know what’s right I just know I’m scared both of us will get hurt and soon it’ll be too late to do anything about it.”
I softened at the waver in his voice, feeling my anger thaw. I slowly reached over and touched his cheek, only a little bit worried that he would push me away. He closed his eyes at my touch and I felt his stubbled jaw tense under my hand.
“You know I’m scared too right?” I ask softly.
He nods slowly, his eyes still shut tight.
“That still doesn’t change the part where I have to leave you every month,” he said, speaking just as quietly as I was now.
I sat still for a moment contemplating what he was saying with my hand still resting on his face. “Then let me come with you,”
His eyes flashed open almost before I got the words out. “I can’t ask you to do that,” he responded. Though there was a sort of glimmer in his eyes now.
“You’re not asking. I want to,” I told him. “I’ve wanted to for a long time now but I was afraid to ask.” I looked down at my lap.
I felt him angle toward me in his seat. “What would you do? How would you finish school?”
“I’m starting online classes and seeing different places could improve my photography.” I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
Hunter tilted my chin up gently until I was looking at him. I could see that there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes now. “You’re not just saying this to make me happy? Or because you think it’s the right thing to do?”
“Hunter I’ve been thinking about this for months now. It’s what I want,” I responded finally.
The next thing I knew his mouth was on mine. I leaned across the seat to be closer to him. When I was practically on his lap he pulled back, both of us breathing heavily. He leaned his forehead against mine.
“Hunt are you sure you want me to come with you? I mean you’re sure you’re not just trying to make me happy?” I asked tentatively.
He pulled back for a moment and then pulled me against his chest. He sighed, but it was a happy sigh. “Of course I want you with me. I always have.” We sat in silence for a few moments. “I’m sorry I was scared,” he said softly and I could feel his breath against my ear. I leaned up and kissed his cheek. “It wasn’t just you. It’s okay.”
“I can’t believe I told you that I was a hedgehog,” he said with a chuckle, running his hand the length of his face.
“And I thought you said you weren’t good with words,” I said jokingly as I hit him on the shoulder. “But you’d make a very cute hedgehog,” I told him with mock seriousness. He smiled down at me and I leaned back against his chest, finding the perfect spot in his arms.
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