#and let's be fair pickled eggs do feel restorative
bumblewarden · 1 year
Also in case you feel like expanding on lore, please tell me how good Novhen, Radka and Pavle are at dealing with a cold. I am seeking reference for I too have been struck by the malady
Oh nooo. The malady will not do at all! I hope you get better soon 🤞 Sleep, soup, and acetaminophen 🥣
Now, i'm no doctor, but i do know my ocs. Equivalent levels of knowledge involved.
While Novhen is normally grateful for any chance for a break, if he has any pre-established obligations, he'll still try to attend those as long for as he's able to move around. It's one thing to skip on reviewing some documents and another to postpone a meeting with someone's traveled from the other side of the arling because he's feeling a little down
Also of note:
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Novhen would definitely profess the healing properties of pickled eggs. He would be less enthused about the whiskey method, but there was one time when he was sick that Kader made him take shots of it. He was out and about again by the next day, yes, but he swears it was the eggs that did it
Pavle demands a "me day" at the slightest sign of illness. He will be curling up in bed with a never ending supply of hot chicken paprika soup, thank you very much! He hasn't forgotten his pedigree, that much is for sure...
Radka will bitch and moan. She'll also continue to work through the cold for better or worse. (Worse. It's usually worse. Don't be like Radka. Kvetching is good. Typhoid Mary Simulator is not. Take care of yourself.)
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purkinje-effect · 3 years
The Anatomy of Melancholy, (20)77: Caught Up in the Moment
Table of Contents. Third Instar, Chapter 8. Go to Previous. Go to Next. TWs: Food/meat, implied digestive trouble, unapologetic medical fetishization, brief grievous memory association, smoking. Seventy-seven is a sentimental number for me.
“...[C]lothes do not merely make the man, the clothes are the man; that without them he is a cipher, a vacancy, a nobody, a nothing.” -- Mark Twain’s “Czar’s Soliloquy”
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‘Choly and Angel walked next door to rejoin Sticks in the junk vendor’s stall. He found it peculiar, that trash did not comprise a majority of the dealer’s wares, despite the store’s categorization as a junk vendor. Much of it had been restored or repaired in some capacity, if not marginally more presentable polished or cleaned up some. A distant, crooked smile tugged at him, delighted by his ability to identify the most mundane of ancient things which had not graced his sight in some time. Ceramic figurine egg timer. Cake breaker. Dusting bellows. Pewter powder box. No, perhaps the entire mall could be called a large scale antiques dealer of sorts--with a healthy mix of contemporary crafts for sale as well, of course.
While ‘Choly had taken Liam’s suggestion to try some local fashion choices for something more compatible with the cervical collar, Sticks had decided to test his suggestion this type of merchant might yield their hunt better results. Sticks hadn’t wanted to wait around while ‘Choly clothing shopped, no matter how brief the errand with their appointment at the Gate City Clinic at eleven. When he found him, Sticks had just given up digging in a bin of various sacks.
The ghoul eyed him with pleasant surprise, hands stiff in his pockets.
“Didn’t expect you to be done first. Take it from your good spirits you found stuff you’re happy with.” He squinted at the new garments ‘Choly wore. “...I know you wear it well, but Ant lace? I thought we were pinching caps here.”
‘Choly smiled. First the cervical collar and a genuine direction to procuring the rest, and now brand new clothing. He now wore a collarless mesh chemisette, over his corset but tucked under the edge of the cervical collar, with a ribbon tie in the back and to either side. The corset still peeked out under the cropped hem. Atop this he’d put his cardigan back on. Draped around his neck was the article with which Sticks had exception: a long Irish lace shawl, with its tails drawn into a loose knot in the front. Several hundred dollars lighter for it, his heart felt even lighter still. In his day went the phrase, the clothes make the man, but it persisted even now that new clothes could do wonders.
“Up until now,” he finally replied, “all my clothes have either been prewar salvage or military issue. But now, I own some clothes handmade this year. I need to stop feeling like the relic I am. To stop feeling like I’m still stuck in 2077. I’d imagine it’s well enough time to finally celebrate something.”
“I figured last night was a to-do, but I guess you’ve earned something fancy. Appearances sure matter a lot to you.”
“Have to make up for my personality somehow, don’t I?” He shrugged off his own glib self-deprecation. “Before we get going, did you want to try something new, too? The apparel clerk was incredibly helpful.”
Sticks’s attention fell elsewhere as they walked out of the junk vendor’s stall.
“Mm, no offense, but I prefer the way duds used to be made.”
“That’s fair. The display windows of the boutiques that specialize in prewar fashion have caught my attention every time we pass them. Right now, though, I feel more like trying to blend in a bit. To feel present.”
Something about yesterday’s conversation with Liam had ‘Choly’s mind abuzz with a confusion he nearly welcomed. His interaction with the apparel clerk repeated in his mind. With the utter unisex nature of garments, he couldn’t not ask her, with some trepidation, And how might a man go about wearing this one? And this? She’d let him into the fitting room stall so she could show him, making adjustments once he reemerged with the new clothes on his person. He smiled into himself as he mounted Angel.
“The clerk showed me how Laners wear things. I thought I could tell at a glance that wealth and status were demonstrated with wearing as many individual garments as possible, with wearing as much of a given fabric as possible, with the greatest intricacy to a fabric possible. But it’s more complicated than that? Really, it shocks me that you wouldn’t take a shine to this kind of place. She lamented that my orthotic corset has no detail work, and is made from such an uninteresting fabric. All function, with none of the form, she says. Clothing here is designed to show off the undergarments! Socks included, for example--hence all the golf trousers.” His eyes wilded, focused on nothing, as he reared up on his grip on Angel’s car-door handles. “I can’t imagine literally airing my unmentionables to the whole neighborhood, no matter what I paid for them.”
“...What’s that supposed to mean? Me not taking a shine to Ant.”
“Your... interest in corsets,” fumbled from him.
“Tch! Believe it or not, I don’t blow my top every time I see one.” He twisted taking exception to it into flirtation, and smirked up at ‘Choly. “Depends a lot on who’s wearing it.”
‘Choly crinkled his nose to hide his flustering.
“--Well! Hopefully we’ll find more to outfit me with. I know you didn’t find anything at the one merchant, but there’s dozens of vendors here with junk for sale. Which, speaking of leather scraps... You know, I’ve been noticing lots of leather and fur here, too. I know the Clark sisters dress the Laners’ kills, but I haven’t noticed anyplace that’s been permitted leather tools. It’s been driving my curiosity wild. Everyplace with clothes has had sturdy fur-lined leather overcoats for sale.” He waved a declaration through the air one-handed, before returning to an even grip. “A must-have for any body with business out-doors. Sufficient winterized rad-resistant gear and all that.”
“You really must be feeling better, to be so chatty. God bless that neck thing.” Sticks chuckled, warmed. “By curiosity, I’m assuming you’re asking where they get it all. You’re right, if you think the Furriers had anything to do with it. Well, had. No idea how Ant will react to the Unfolded. They used to caravan up here every so often, with the Riverhawk. They’d trade leather, fur, salvaged prewar fabric bolts, dressed meat. The Laners never much liked them, but the commerce was too good to turn ‘em shy. I traveled with them up here a few times, but even the times I’ve come up here on my own I’ve never really taken a shine to living here.”
“Fuck-me-in-the-mouth, I hope they don’t show up here.”
The last thing any of them needed was a continuation of what had transpired in Lowell. Surely, they hadn’t been followed.
“Gen’s got all their hands too full to bother with trade route upkeep, I imagine.”
“...You don’t suppose my coat lining came from here, do you?”
It took some time to grasp what ‘Choly was on about.
“That Franken-monster of a thing Bones gave you? I guess so, maybe. Both cities had a lot of textiles. There’s no telling where she got it.”
They entered the Gate City Clinic and sat in the mostly empty waiting area. One of the other medics noticed them and approached.
“Do you need help with something?”
“We’re waiting for Liam,” ‘Choly said.
“He’s about to take his lunch soon. You’ll be waiting at least an hour, if you’re intent to see him and not one of the other staff. What brings you in?”
“Just on time.” Sticks winked. “We’re waiting for his lunch hour. We’re here on business. Not doctor stuff.”
The medic shrugged and walked off to a desk to contend with some papers.
Liam walked up shortly after, this time in a velvet-trimmed sheer mesh shirt, and golf pants again. His deep eyes brightened in an otherwise indifferent face.
“You’re awfully stuffed up. You know that right?” His cigarette bobbed limply as he spoke. “But this, it’s an improvement. Really, I don’t get the preoccupation with salvaged prewar clothes. Most of it’s garbage these days. Deteriorating, stained, doesn’t breathe...”
“It only wears out if not properly cared for,” Angel said.
They couldn’t tell if Liam’s silence came more on account of his consideration of the Mister Handy’s comment, or more of their speechlessness that it had sassed a prospective business partner they’d only met the night before.
“Anyway.” Liam lipped at his smoke, then walked away. He wagged his head for them to follow him to the back. “I’m taking lunch now. Allow me to give you a tour of the place.”
The Gate City Clinic, the best ‘Choly could tell, utilized the original shop’s two offices for an office and storage space. He presumed the stock room at one end of the hall made up Liam and Orqueida’s living quarters, though Liam didn’t show them. He took them finally to the kitchen at the opposite end of the hall, once a break room. The makings of a rudimentary chemistry setup occupied a small kitchen hutch.
“Neither of us cooks,” Liam said, “but we also prefer to eat in privacy. Orqueida got us food before she headed to the Inn for the day. Have you eaten?”
“We haven’t!” Sticks eyed the sizable sack on the table. “You shouldn’t have. Thank you.”
“Orqueida insisted. You’re welcome, though.”
‘Choly’s mouth watered at the lingering aroma of hot pickled meat. He swallowed and did his best not to frown.
“...I appreciate it, but no thanks.”
“Oh,” Angel worried, “breakfast must be disagreeing with you already.”
“You’re out of your smoothies.” Sticks gave him an assertive glare. “Eat with us.”
Sooner than argue, ‘Choly took it upon himself to scrutinize the hot plate and various glassware Liam had collected.
Liam smushed his cigarette in the ashtray on the kitchen table, then produced from the oiled canvas sack beside it a series of lidded tins, ranging from bread box to tea tin, but mostly an average of them. Much like the sewing kits of yesteryear, ‘Choly knew better than to think Liam intended to serve them two hundred year old butter cookies.
“I thought the food court didn’t include the dishes,” ‘Choly said.
“They charge you for not having your own. But we can sell back the tins.” Liam shrugged. He opened the tin in his hand then, to demonstrate some shredded juicy pale stuff, only to glance down with a disappointed frown and replace the lid. “Ugh, sauerkraut. ...Breaks even if we clean it before returning it. You have tins, you find tins, you sell them to the food court.”
Sticks helped him remove the lids to reveal shaved corned brahmin, toasted bread slices, sauerkraut, thin fragments of a rindy cheese, a pepper tin of some sort of sauce, and what resembled pickled garlic cloves or mozzarella balls. The not-gold lighting blanched any visual appeal the foods may have had, but the savory piquant aromas more than made up for it. Liam produced utensils from a counter drawer and set them down on a clean dishrag.
“At least she didn’t forget the morsels.” Liam sighed as he popped one of the globules in his mouth, then one more. He held the tin out to the two of them. Sticks took two. ‘Choly picked up a fork to take just the one, almost uncertain they could be stabbed without breaking. “Digestive issues? Really, we should make time to sit and discuss all this. Maybe I could help.”
‘Choly watched the two men cobbling together sandwiches to either side of the table. He stuck the morsel in his mouth. Coated in a tart oil, its flesh had a firm bite but still a tenderness. Chewing on it for some time, it dawned on him these were some sort of mushroom.
“What would help... is more... Stimpaks.” As ‘Choly said it, his voice garbled into a self-conscious hush. “I’ve got everything else.”
Liam sat to dig in, his befuddlement on his sunken brow.
“I don’t figure you’ll be able to get started today. We’re just talking things over. Knowing the equipment you’ve got at your disposal should help draft what to send your ‘acquisition expert’ on errands for.” He unfolded a piece of paper from his shirt pocket one-handed and gave it to Sticks, who was much more nettled by the whole thing than he let on. “I’ve got a few things I’ll pay you for as well. Provided it wasn’t some fancy way of saying you’re a scavver, it should be a cakewalk.”
“The hell do you need so much-- You know what. Don’t worry about it, and I won’t, either.”
“You deal with him, so I don’t have to. I pay very well for it.”
Stress snagged up in ‘Choly’s throat.
“You mentioned last night that you’re looking for first aid basics. You traded a cervical brace for my handful of Addictol and Med-X.” His voice cracked. “What-- about Stimpaks?”
Liam sat up, and set down his hand on the table, still holding his sandwich in it. He scowled at his food instead of his guests.
“Stimpaks aren’t the end all for first aid. I really don’t have much use for them. A medic once had to know how to work without them, in the chance they ran out on the battlefield. I got my training in similar circumstances. I do rarely have them, but as far as I know, making them is a lost prewar science--”
“--But why not use advanced tools, where available?” ‘Choly reeled back the accidental sarcastic shock, clasping his chin. “Do you not see many severe injuries here?”
“We’re a cautious bunch. Most of what I oversee is illness, not injury. While I can handle injuries when they happen, I’m definitely grateful it’s not my job. It means the Lane’s safe.”
‘Choly steadied himself a bit by beginning to craft his own serving.
“What... if I told you that I knew how to make them?”
“I’d tell you not to bother.”
The chemist’s ears rang. He dropped it for now.
Over the next few days, ‘Choly got to work on chems, Sticks went on Liam and ‘Choly’s errands, and Angel assisted Liam in the clinic where he’d permit. He disliked that a majority of his trouble amounted to isolating the alkaloid salts from pounds of dried Hubflower petals, but he reminded himself that he was synthesizing Med-X with it. At least it came easily for him. He even got plucky and decided he’d throw something together with his stash of dried melon blossoms, to test his theory its compounds could steady one’s alertness. For the time being, he stifled the compulsion to up the level of difficulty and complexity, and did not propose anything off Liam’s work order more grandiose than an herbal remedy. They all had to prove their reliability to Liam, and sprawling out his efforts when his lab equipment was one step above kitchenware was the opposite of a sound idea. Besides, the man had requested medicine and nothing more.
One afternoon, Sticks burst into the kitchen. He flung down a mess of something in the tile floor with a semi-muffled clatter, only to dash back out with a huge grin. ‘Choly eyed the pile breathlessly from where he sat at work. Recognizing the same canvas and leather he had around his neck, he did his best to make sure the soaking pale purple-blue petals didn’t over-process.
Sticks stomped back in some time later, dragging along an exhausted Liam.
“These are the legs right?” He had the catalogue open, pointing at it eagerly. “Right???”
“It appears so. But I can’t tell from this jumbled mess, if it’s complete.”
“Then let’s see! ‘Choly! Stop messing with that smelly junk and let us at your legs.”
“You’re lucky the start you gave me didn’t make me break something. I was handling acid. ...I don’t have to remove my pants, do I?”
“I’d rather you didn’t.” Amending the snark, Liam added, “We can see how they fit over the trousers first.”
Sticks chuckled, wringing his hands.
With some effort, Liam pieced together the components, eyeing the catalogue for reference. Each segment was reinforced with metal boning and fastened shut on the outer parts with busks and fan lacing for ease. Sticks had the luck that the waistband which secured each hip hinge had come attached to one of the legs. Otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have known the piece was necessary.
“Aren’t you glad you turned me loose to go hunting on my own?” the ghoul delighted. “It’s funny. I remember fewer merchants being okay with anything less than cold hard cash. I’ve been getting run ragged obtaining the right stuff for the right people. But it’s all a drop in the bucket for you, Mindy.”
“Two pieces in one week. Three, if you count each separate leg. In tact. Yes, of course I’m amazed.“
Having followed Liam and Sticks back in, Angel entered to supervise.
Liam lowered himself into the floor and chewed at his cigarette filter while he worked at getting one of ‘Choly’s legs slipped into the thing. ‘Choly did his best to balance, and let out an anxious laugh when Sticks all to eagerly joined Liam in the floor to mirror the effort with ‘Choly’s other leg.
“Gotta practice,” Sticks insisted with a crooked grin, despite meeting no protest.
The two helped ‘Choly stand, so he could fasten the waistband. Liam gestured where the circular hinges needed to align, and the two steadied the leg pieces at the height needed to achieve this, so that the padded belt could be adjusted accordingly. Once they got him into the device, he took a few testing steps. His heart fluttered. Unsurprisingly, they gave a great deal of protest with each step.
“I brought a tool kit with me,” Sticks offered. “We can adjust how tight the hinges are, to stop all that squeaking and creaking. I’m sure I can find some oil, too.”
“Forget how they sound.” Liam put out his cigarette. “Do they help?”
‘Choly kept testing them out, pacing slowly and deliberately from one end of the kitchen to the other. He couldn’t help but snivel and smile with awe.
“I feel like a toy soldier... but that isn’t necessarily a negative. My hips are lined up to where I don’t have to think so hard about the steps I take. I do think they could stand a little tightening up, but the alignment’s still good despite being as old and beat up as I am.”
“The oldest thing in this room is probably the ghoul--” Liam elbowed Sticks beside him, “--but the braces come in a close second.”
‘Choly turned, deadpan.
“I’m older than he is.”
“By seven years or so, if memory serves,” Angel said. “Twenty-eighth of November, 2034.”
Liam’s humor didn’t falter, though he stood with a vague discerning squint. ‘Choly ambled over to the table to sit with a grunt.
“If I can bum a smoke and sit back down, I’ll explain why I might be one of your weirder patients.”
He himself sat backward in the metal diner chair wordlessly. He produced his pack of Clipper Ships from his rolled sleeve, tapped out two cigarettes to place in his lips, and lit them. And he offered one across the kitchen table between genteel thumb and forefinger, his eyes bright with eager skepticism.
Fun facts: Russian dressing (often substituted with Thousand Island) is credited to have been created in Nashua, NH, by one James E. Colburn.
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Cold, Flu and Corona Recovery Help
Acupuncture and Traditional East Asian Medicine has amazing tools to help expel left over pathogens, reduce phlegm, strengthen you and help you recover your joie de vivre, but sadly I am not yet able to return to work.  In the meantime, I thought I’d pull together all my knowledge and ideas and give you some ideas to help yourself recover thoroughly and quickly.
If you are currently ill and have a temperature you probably don’t feel much like reading this but there are some useful things you can do during this period, such as:
You probably know what I am going to say….   Stay away from the damp forming foods!  The dairy, sugar, white refined carbs, sweets, alcohol.  Avoid warming herbs and spices if you have a temperature, although in fairness you probably don’t have much of an appetite.  Remember to keep up the fluids, this is most important.
If you have a sore throat, try making an herbal tea with fresh sage leaves and hot water.  Sage was known as ‘Sage the Saviour’ and an ‘elixir of life’ and has many uses due to its energetic effects of stimulating and drying.  It can enhance the memory, reduce night sweats, support the nervous and immune systems, and soothe sore throats.  Put four or five fresh sage leaves or a rounded teaspoon of dried sage in a cup of boiling water, let it infuse for one minute then strain and drink.  You can also add honey and lemon if you like.
I found a remedy for flu, coughs and phlegm in the lungs in my old Kitchen Medicine book, which I thought I’d share you as it is so simple and easy to do.  Onion is an antiseptic and antiviral and works by changing the viscosity of phlegm, making it looser and easier to expel.
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Onion was once used as a treatment for plague and cholera, for burns, as a hair restorer, to draw out splinters and to remove blemishes and acne.  One of its healing properties is particularly relevant now – used as a poultice, onion breaks up congestion of phlegm, is a treatment for asthma, improves sluggish circulation and it draws out poison and heat.   As you know, acupuncture is all about the Qi and when the Qi doesn’t circulate, we get stagnation which causes all kinds of problems and pain.  So perhaps you can see why I rather like onions!  
So, to make an easy onion poultice you simply peel and cut an onion into small pieces to release the juice.  Wrap it in a square of fabric like a tea towel or a flannel and roll the ends over to make a packet.  Apply it to bare skin on your chest where you feel the pain and inflammation and keep it there as long as you can, repeating as often as you need it.  It can be harsh on your skin and the book tells you to take off the poultice if this happens.  A friend told me she felt immediate benefit from using an onion poultice when she had pneumonia.  I haven’t had to try it yet, but when I do, I’ll report back.
One of the best things you can do at the onset of a cold is Guasha;  I may have used guasha on you in previous treatments but the good news is that you can do it at home!  Guasha literally means scraping the skin – sounds painful but I promise it isn’t.  It is amazingly effective not only for helping the body expel pathogens and germs before they get too deep into the body.  It also helps relieve tight muscles, stiffness, and pain.  All you need is a willing partner, some oil (massage oil, coconut or even olive oil will do!) and a tool to scrape with.  You can use a Chinese soup spoon, or my preferred option is one of those honey jar lids! 
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The areas to focus on are roughly half way between the edge of the shoulder blade and the spine, and then over a point called Du 14 ‘Great Hammer’, which is located on the centre of the spine at the base of the neck, where there is a large knobbly vertebrae.
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I have added a couple of links to videos on YouTube that show you how to do it. The first one [here] shows the area over the shoulders, as well neck for neck pain and stiffness.  The second one [click here] is a Chinese acupuncturist who shows you how to find the bone at the top of the spine.  Both are useful and slightly different in their approach.  My tip for making it comfortable for your patient is to place your hand on the skin, holding it firm just about the section you are about to scrape.  Do give me a ring if there is anything you are not sure about.   
A note about taking paracetamol for a temperature….  The first thing we do if we have a temperature is to reach for the paracetamol but this is not always the best thing to do.  The body raises the temperature in order to kill a pathogen or virus so if we artificially lower the temperature it may take the body longer to fight the infection. Ideally one should not take paracetamol until the fever has broken – this is when you start sweating, but I do appreciate that when you are feeling lousy all you want is some relief.  I just want to give you this information so that you can bear it in mind and make your own decision.
In the recovery period we can continue to avoid the Damp forming foods (are you spotting the pattern here?!) and try to eat foods that are plain, nutritious and easy to digest.  Now is a good time to bring out that chicken stock from the freezer to make some soup, stews, or some congee which is a delicious Chinese rice dish.  Make sure you keep up the fluids and get plenty of rest – take your time, don’t rush!
Convalescence is a term that is not commonly used these days.  In our busy lives we tend to recover up to a point and then rush to resume our ‘normal’ lives before we are really back to full health.  The definition of convalescence is simply the gradual return to health while you still need time to recover from illness or medical treatment, usually by resting.  I hope that if you do succumb to ill health, the lockdown will give you the time and space you need to recover fully.
Congee is a Chinese rice pudding dish often eaten for breakfast or as a meal during convalescing.  It is simply rice that is cooked slowly for a long time (around 60-90 minutes) in a lot of water. There isn’t a specific recipe as such, but a general rule of thumb is that one cup of rice should need 6 cups of water or stock, but you may need to add extra during cooking.  Bring the rice to the boil, then lower the heat to low, partially cover with a lid and cook it until the rice takes on a soft smooth silky texture, almost like porridge.   The more you stir it, the smoother it gets.  You can add in a raw egg, stirring it in just before you serve.
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To make a super nutritious convalescence meal you cook the rice in the chicken stock instead of water and you can even add chicken wings or bones, pulling off the meat at the end and discarding the bones.
You can then add optional garnishes as well such as shredded chicken, springs onions, lots of ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce, wilted greens, soft or hardboiled eggs, fried garlic and shallots, and pickled vegetables.  You can use brown rice instead of white, and even substitute rice for quinoa – the great thing about congee is that there are no rules!
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Continue taking supplements to boost your immune system such as Vitamin C & D.  We can get Vitamin D from sunlight and we’ve had a fair bit lately, but it will still take us until around June to fully bring our levels back up after the darkness of winter.  Selenium is beneficial and can be found in brazil nuts, and Zinc is also a good tonic for the immune system.  
As I have mentioned before, gut health is so important to so many aspects of our health, so a good quality pro-biotic is a great way to top up your immune system.  Your local independent health food shop may be taking phone orders and most are happy to send orders by post, so you don’t even have to leave the house.
Another option is a tonic made of elderberries.  The one I use for myself and my children is called Sambuccol and you can get it from a chemist, health food shop and some of the larger supermarkets .
And finally...  
The most important thing is to take your time while you recuperate, rest, drink plenty, eat simple nutritious foods.
I hope you keeping well and safe in these difficult times and if I can be of any help, please do get in touch.  In fact, get in touch anyway - I’d love to hear how you are surviving!
Wishing you good health.
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