#and it's annoying as hell lesbians cant complain abt the way we are forced to accommodate men without ppl calling us t//rfs
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
wanted to say something coherent about the way people on here treat lesbians but idk I just feel helpless. wish I could comfort myself by reasoning that this is just online bullshit but the worst thing is knowing that everywhere is like this. love us all
literally this exactly like Im so tired of articulating it I just want to melt into a miserable little puddle. I feel like I'm just repeating the same thing over n over n its not something I shouldve ever had to say in the first place.... its really so sad how at this point all most lesbians want is to be left alone. I've been to irl lgbt groups and it's the same, I don't know a lesbian who doesnt feel alienated and exhausted by them. and people have this idea of us as bitchy controlling separatists but in my experience most lesbians are constantly reaching out to other lgbt people and being rejected.
don't get me wrong I have other lgbt friends and mutual respect and compassion is not an inherent issue relating to anyone who doesnt have the exact same identity as u. but it's just really sad that neither me nor any of my lesbian friends have ever come across any "lgbt space" thats been welcoming to us & our lesbianism,online or off. i hate intra-community 'we only have ourselves' separatism and i really reject the idea that only other lesbians have my back but like. fml it is so sad how every single lesbian I talk to feels this way and it feels like largely people don't like...notice? or give a shit?
and when we react to all this in any way af all we're separatist incel gatekeeping closed minded dykes like... where is all this structural privilege i supposedly have where are all these lesbians who supposedly dominate the lgbt community? its really frustrating being told u have all this power and treated as though u do when it feels like a lesbian is like the most detestable concept ever to like 99% of the world lmao.
its all ridiculously reactionary to me that i wish people would just take a minute to ask themselves Why does it make them SOO deeply uncomfortable to see a single space or conversation or identity that has nothing to do with men that they have to try and find ways to force men into it. i have to interrogate my beliefs and reflexes all the time and it just hurtssss that people think we are so entitled and like mean for no reason when most lesbians are working so hard to accommodate other gbt people that it feels like we are about to explode.
how can you ask me to put aside all of my boundaries and trauma and sadness and then just completely refuse to even consider why you police lesbian's identities in a way you never do to gay men, why you assume we're hostile without ever meeting us and project imagined privilege onto us and refuse to call us the word we identify with and disrespect our history and pathologically try to force men on us in any way you can in a way you never EVER try to force women onto gay men.
why is it just us?? until you ask yourselves that im so done trying to sensitively push aside my own feelings leaving me feeling helpless like im no longer giving the time of day to people who make me defend my identity <3 if some1 just BEING a lesbian offends you then i straight up do not care like it's not my responsibility. die
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