#and it has a bribelle interaction 😭😭😭
xbomboi Β· 1 month
Have you read the Once Upon a Twist fairytale retellings? Any opinion on them?
the answer to this is actually embarrassing for me. so basically i kinda speed-ran reading every piece of Ever After High supplementary media all in one go in just a single day (or two i don’t exactly remember how long it took) which started with knocking out the diaries, followed by the shanon hale books including the secret diaries, then those school novels (i don’t remember what the official category they fall into is), then the junior novelizations of the specials, and finally i got to the once upon a twist books and by then i think i was probably burnt out and mostly just skim reading them. but i remember that faybelle was behind that shit like that’s a key detail in my brain. actually the books kinda hammer home my point about faybelle being one of the main girls because she did too much 😭😭 nah but yeah i plan to reread them in the future.
i find the concept to be neat and a fun little side-quest adventure for the characters. just fun filler stuff to mess around with.
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