#and im allowed to be idealistic and loving and a supporter of the common and ordinary good
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Moral purity OCD ever send u into a spiral so bad at work u nearly miss lunch and don't do ur literal job
Instead u spend literally hours reading critical book reviews and working yourself up because oh god oh no someone said something was problematic about a book/show/etc that you love deeply and now ur brain is convinced ur a terrible bad demon person? For consuming the Problematic Content? Even tho in your saner moments you realize this is stupid and the internet has NO capacity for nuance and SURELY there's a middle ground between "I said this was problematic (without basis) and youre morally impure for enjoying it" and "there's is no such thing as privilege or racism or appropriation" SURELY
I also have to stop letting my flight or fight send me into obsessive spirals it's like. Who tf cares if this internet person with poorly formed opinions thinks [thing you love] is problematic! 1) they're probably not correct, but formed out of bad faith internet discourse 2) even if they are correct, problematic isn't contagious and you aren't morally impure for reading smthn supposedly problematic 3) your OCD is morphing a genuine concern about cultural and racial issues into self flagellation because ur white, the same way it takes minor tenents of Christianity and spins them into ways for you to punish and/or damn yourself. 4) disagreement doesn't need to be conflict or mean your bad and wrong. The internet has no nuance and treast disagreement as moral impurity. You were raised in a dysfunctional family where you still live and were trained to see the slightest disagreement or tone of voice as a danger so that is also making the obsessions and fear worse. It's a brain disease.
But also WHAT IF???
Tldr My specific neuroses feed on and magnify the internets lack of nuance or ability to think critically making me convinced I'm a terrible bad person for believing in my ideals and my heart and duty and Goodness, and this leads to a existential pessimism spiral where everything is meaningless and I have no purpose but ALSO I have to punish myself and go to great lengths to prove I'm not A Bad Person because nothing is worse than being a Bad Person (defined by what metrics? Oh that would be too easy, it changes every OCD episode)
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sarahjacobs · 2 months
punk jack? how would it affect the story of newsies if at all? do you have headcanons about him? ideas?
im still in the process of refining his playlist, but jack is a folk punker through and through to me. i love folk punk to bits and always return to it despite listening to a little bit of everything punk, so im biased, but it makes sense to me. i mean, it's pretty country sounding due to having similar instruments and taking cues from country, blue grass, folk, etc -- we can keep the cowboy vibes that way (very important)
plus the subgenre originated from folk singers who were heavily enmeshed in organizing against fascism and war and for worker rights (one singer, phil ochs, concerned the fbi so much they had a 500 page file on him). folk punk today has carried forward a lot of these same themes, of leftism and a struggle to make a living, of wanting to get the hell out of where you are in search for something, somewhere better. i know that this kinda sounds like a description of punk as a whole, but these themes feel especially prevalent in folk punk. additionally, it's pretty tongue in cheek and usually sounds upbeat, but there's a kind of sadness, anger, and hopelessness that permeates its lyricism
and all of this is fitting for jack, as the first to call for a strike and a possessor of a rebellious streak a mile wide. who wants to leave for santa fe so he can start anew, and has a happy go lucky, bullheadedly optimistic exterior, but is deeply cynical at his core -- thinking about the lyrics to santa fe, "we was beat when we was born," and the 91 script in which jack says, "last year [roosevelt] was a hero. this year, he's a politician." he may seem like an idealist, but he certainly holds no illusions about how the world operates.
as for politics, i can't see him getting too into the weeds of theory, just because he's someone who prioritizes action above all
that being said, i can easily see jack being motivated by anarchist ideals of direct action and anti-authoritarianism (well, more specifically, anarchism is anti hierarchy of any form, but jack's status as strike leader complicates things for me). after all, in the movie, he doesn’t campaign directly to roosevelt or some other authority figure to deal with pulitzer for him, he just… goes and does it himself, and the tactics he uses are pretty real as hell -- forming hard picket lines at the circulation center, destroying newspapers because they’re the property of the world, going to break crutchy out of the refuge, etc. jack even sings, “even though we ain’t got hats or badges / we’re a union just by saying so,” which seems to point towards a general disinterest in going through official channels
if we’re lifting the beats of the backstory provided in canon and placing it onto a modern au, i think he’d be most concerned with mutual aid, particularly food, and prison/police abolition. so for praxis, there's a whole lot of stuff he could do. make connections with unhoused people and give them the food out of his fridge. distribute free meals and/or groceries to people (to be clear, not a soup kitchen or another charity service, food not bombs and punks with lunch are by far the most common mutual aid orgs i see). writing prisoners and organizing to get them books. doing jail support, as in setting up in front of jail and waiting for people to get released so you can offer them comfort, food, clothes, and/or a ride home
and jack's definitely not against actions that are either dubiously legal or outright illegal. so yk, stuff like blockading an intersection with your own body, a car, or stuff that's laying around like rocks or traffic cones. graffiti. hell, even providing free food to the public without a permit isn't really allowed and can get you harassed/fined/written up by cops or other officials
im going to cut it short here bcuz this is already pretty long. if you read this far. hi :-) i didnt talk fashion so all i can offer is this little sketch of jack
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i can't really see him with the stereotypical 'Punk Look' with the studs and spikes and leather jacket n all. imo he'd be pretty lowkey overall, most of the patches he has are pretty utilitarian in that they're usually placed to cover up a stain or tear. i dont think he'd modify his appearance much in general, at most he'd get his ears pierced, and even that was scary enough for him. he went with david for emotional support and squeezed david's hand so hard it went numb </3
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gg-astrology · 5 years
cancer sun libra moon?
Hey there I hope you enjoy!!! 💕
[Below Cut: Cancer Sun - Libra Moon 💍]
They are dedicated to a cause, noble and giving. Often wants to ‘better’ somebody else’s life. Grateful, always so grateful even when it’s detrimental/bad to themselves. 
Family is a big deal, both Cancer/Libra tends to be proud of the things they’ve learnt, the things they went through and even the tiniest bit of experience/support they have related to their “roots”.
Traditional values/things they learnt in their childhood they often hold as lessons they can teach to others, or pass down as well. They’re respectful and sees it’s importance. 
Loves deeply and romantically, these people can fall unexpected into romance if you let them in emotionally/intimately (through jokes/humour/sense of appeal) 
Longed to be needed, nurtured, cared for. Long for intimacy and long-lasting love. A perfect blend of home-maker and go-getter. They don’t mind being the provider bc they often feel they’re much rather like being ‘productive’ than like-- wait around and be dependent on someone else (likes sharing, but not depending on other ppl y know-- Libra can be idealistic, but Cancer/Libra blend will always make them a lil bit demanding, a lil bit practical so they can never be satisfied with just staying at home and doing nothing for a long time) 
Generally these people try to be as peace-loving and involved as they possibly can. 
That Libra Moon is the indicating factor of their moods (how productive they are with their work, etc, keep their Cancer sun in Check so they don’t y know---- grow into self-despair from Feeling so Much)
If they don’t have peace of mind, of equilibrium or balance in themselves/their environment-- they may be prone to stressing out easily
Cancer/Libras holds a high regard/dependency for those around them, make sure to be selective of those you surround yourself with. 
Because you can often be prone to paranoid self-assessment (excessively picking on how you are, how you see yourself, how others view you, see you, etc.)-- to the point where you’d rather cut yourself down/accommodate others sometimes, rather than speak out for yourself/stand on your own occasionally (too passive at your lowest, lets things get by you without taking action/stopping them from getting there)  
Cancer Sun is a receptive position for just-- receiving/absorbing and reflecting energy from those around them, so having this Libra Moon heightens that (Libra are perceptive, it mirrors others back/reflect-- can often find themselves agreeing to others/seeing their point of view like ‘yeah yeah I think like that too’ even tho they have their own difference, they don’t mention it bc they aren’t fully comfortable expressing it all out yet) 
But it also adds an emphasis on control, self-control and controlling their environment (getting themselves OUT of tumultuous/potentially dangerous positions) before they can truly Lose Their Shit about it
Sometimes they are distraught, like ‘sorry sorry im so sorry’ and truly, they feel HURT and regretful at their core
Other times they are angry. It took them a while to get here, but when they are. They’re angry for others taking advantage of them, for treating them unjustly. For them not noticing that others have been abusing/using. 
But most of all--- for the Cancer/Libra person themselves,  letting others do that to them (and didn’t protect their own person/defend themselves)-- they are regretful, Hurt and ‘I can’t believe this’-- that they allowed that to happen (to themselves) more than they’re angry at others for doing it 
(even tho they will-- and are angry at others too-- just/fair treatment bc of Libra Moon y know?) 
They believe in common decency, that people are --y know-- inherently kind, fair and just. So when they’re proven otherwise, they’re really hurt and can’t ‘believe/stand’ it. 
If you ever see them angry...they are One of the Scariest mostly bc they can go Hard and Deep and Cutting into your worst vulnerabilities/fears/insecurities. They aren’t afraid to really Take It There.
Cancer/Libras ultimately want YOU to face your own consequences, your own fears. And work to improve yourself as well (so that you take this as a lesson, and don’t do this shit to others like you did to them) 
Libra is observant and analytical, can read ppl like books. and Cancer is astute and perceptive, can be sharp-tongued if they want to be.
Cancer/Libra combo makes for a person who is in control even when they’re ALWAYS a lil emotional, maybe a lil too much. 
They want to have balance and autonomy, they want to make sure THEY’RE responsible for taking action/keeping peace-- so that things don’t get out of hands (even tho they may be timid, a lil self-conscious, shy at first) 
They may THINK they’re like, a slave to their emotions (bc it’s true) bc they reflect/be in their feelies and other people highly sensitized/reflect them. But they also have to realize they are much more powerful within themselves, take no shit from others and that they generally have the power to empower their own identity/intersectionality within that as well.
Most likely these people may start off as a lil shy, flustered, self-conscious or timid somewhat. But will eventually grow/spread their wings into becoming individuals who are a lil more outspoken, protective of themselves/people, open to receiving/learning lessons and KNOWING themselves and their own capabilities better than anyone
Y know...people who are just...so so grateful for everything they’ve been through--loving, wants to grow into becoming confident and bold and still be kind and nurturing to those around them, but take no shit. 
They’re grateful for both the good or bad, and will hold their head up no matter what (even if they need privacy/time alone to be themselves and feel absolutely shit about something sometimes as well )
These people do their best to demonstrate how to be classy to people, to be sophisticated and selective. In being themselves, they gotta take care of their own self-confidence too y know? 
I hope this is enjoyable!! 💕💕💕
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