#and i love cherry bullet but the ways the teams were made was kinda...not it
seokmattchuus · 1 year
I have thoughts on queendom puzzle but what if it lands me in the shit pool like my bp thoughts did 💀
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sneezefiction · 4 years
daichi x female reader where they both had a crush on each other in hs but never let the other know (but everyone else knew heh). she didn't want to distract him from volleyball and he was scared she would reject him since a lot of other guys liked her. now they're both out of college and single and run into each other!
Daichi x Reader
an absolutely precious request!!! thanks for the idea and I hope you enjoy it uvu (i decided to make them freshman at university in this fic, just fyi)
a/n: aghh I love Daichi so much. the first words that come to mind when i think of him are “warm, genuine, and protective.” here’s some campus cuteness!! i tried to do a bulleted list, but got carried away and wrote a short one-shot heh <3
warnings: none, read freely!
wc: 1950
There are two kinds of people: Those who don’t fear rejection and those that do. Unfortunately, you and Daichi both fell into the latter category. 
From the moment Daichi laid eyes you, he couldn’t take them off of you. The scrunched up face you make when you laugh, the empathetic glance you gifted someone with when they scored a bad grade on a test, and the sweet smile you would shoot his way if he ever caught your gaze. 
It got his heart racing, bearing a side of him no one had seen before. It was an aching mixture of the protective feeling he got when furiously defending his team on the court and the overwhelming joy he drowned in after a volleyball victory. 
Both fiery and vulnerable.
You on the other hand hadn’t noticed Daichi until your 2nd year. 
Yeah, you were both in the same year, but your classes never seemed to match up so he didn’t stick out to you. Your infatuation with the boy truly began at a practice game against a guest team in the Karasuno gym. You’d only gone to appease a friend, but Daichi hooked you immediately. His voice deep, full of command and confidence. You so admired his ability to control the spirit of the court and it was thrilling to witness his powerful, fearless receives. 
He’s also built. Just sayin.
The both of you were hooked on each other, but there were a couple of problems.
First, you knew how much he loved volleyball. The way his eyes lit up at the sight of the court would give anyone chills. You couldn’t bear to distract him even in the slightest with some kind of confession. It felt obvious that rejection would be in your future if you even tried to ask him out, something you would be nervous about even if volleyball weren’t an obstacle. 
Second, the confidence that Daichi exuded on the court didn’t fully translate outside of it. He knew that so many guys were after you. You’re absolutely gorgeous, talented, and witty, able to make an entire class laugh. Traits that any guy would be lucky to find in a girl. So it wasn’t a surprise that half the team, half the school really, thought you were cute. Daichi wasn’t sure he could stand up to that. Even with Asahi and Sugawara’s attempts to convince Daichi that you definitely liked him back, he didn’t want to risk it. 
“Daichi-san, what’s the worst that could happen?” Asahi pushes, “You do realize that she always cheers for your number right? She’s always looking your way in class and on the court.” 
Sugawara huffs, “I would have asked her out myself if it weren’t for your stupid crush.” Daichi sends a sharp glare at Suga, making him snicker through his signature smile.
It was clear that the two of you had a crush on each other, but timing really is everything. Daichi had to focus on finding his confidence off the court. You needed your own wake up call: the freedom to make your feelings known without fearing the outcome. 
Flash forward to your Freshman year at university. Spring brought cherry blossoms and fresh feelings, contrasting perfectly with the dreary Winter months you’d just escaped from. You wish you’d worn an extra layer, but you’re simply stuck with a thin, long sleeve shirt today. The 1st semester of college went by quickly, not leaving you much time to make friends or establish a social life in general, but you were determined to make the 2nd semester memorable. 
You decided to join a study group that met regularly at the library. It’s pretty early in the new year, so you didn’t expect many people to show up, so you tried not to get your hopes up. The chilly air outside made you walk a little faster up the concrete stairs. Taking a deep breath to calm your heart rate, you reach for the grand wooden door to the library. Finding the meeting room wasn’t difficult, but what you didn’t expect was to be the only one there. So you wait a while, pulling out your books and holding out hope. You weren’t banking on any more surprises, but wow you’re about to be in for a real treat.
Daichi peers in through the door window to the meeting room only to see the back of a girl's head. He sighs, I’ve probably got the wrong room, but decides to check with her just in case.
He cracks open the door, “Excuse me, is this the… uhhh…” You turned your head toward the male, your (h/c) hair whipping around with it. Both of you do a bit of a double take, eyes widening in recognition.
“You- you’re Daichi, right?” You asked, your eyes bright with silent excitement and cheeks getting pinker by the second.
“Ah yeah, hey! Y/n?” He responds, scratching the back of his head with his own dimpled smile.
You smile wider at his remembrance, “That’s me!” You both turn to look around the room, unsure what to do next. You decide to add, “But apparently it’s just me,” you laugh a little, “I don’t think anyone’s gonna be showing up anytime soon either, sorry.” 
“I don’t mind!” He says a bit too eagerly. “I mean, um. I was honestly just looking for someone to hangout with anyways.” He straightens up, doing his best to be honest about his appearance.
“Ah, me too actually. I had a long semester and I still don’t really… know anybody.” You tilt your head cutely, but you can’t help but sound a little down about it.
Daichi just nods in understanding. “It hasn’t exactly been eventful for me either. Sugawara and Asahi are both at different universities, so it’s odd not knowing anyone at all.” You sigh and nod back.
He takes a moment to think, face getting a little flushed at his idea. There’s a coffee shop a couple blocks off of campus… and judging by the lack of faces, there won’t be a meeting here today.
“Hey, y/n, would you want to maybe walk to get a coffee with me? My treat of course.” He offers while adjusting the sleeves of his black, fuzzy jacket, doing his best to hide any hint of nervousness in his voice.
Your heart starts to beat faster. It’s not a date. It’s not a date. It’s not a date… but wait it kinda is? I mean he’s paying? 
You let yourself stare off for a moment too long without saying anything and Daichi puts a hand behind his head, with an apologetic look. “Hey, no worries if you don’t want to, just thought I’d offer. I feel like we might have some stuff in common.”
“No, no, I’d love to! Really. Just let me pack up my books and we can get going.” You turn to pack up your book bag, collecting the papers you let loose and gathering stray pens. Daichi waits patiently in the doorway, secretly freaking out a little that you actually want to go get coffee with him??
You both make your way out of the room, back out the door, and onto the brick path toward the cafe.
One look at you and Daichi can tell that you’re shivering from the biting wind chill. “Are you gonna be okay, y/n? You look cold.”
“A-ah no I’m okay, j- just kind of chilly.” Your teeth chatter through the entire sentence, all of your lying creds dropping way down. 
Before you can stop him, Daichi is shaking off his big, cozy jacket, grabbing your book bag from you, and placing the coat over your shoulders.
It’s warm… and smells warm too? If warm and snug were a scent, it would be Daichi, you decide.
Meanwhile Daichi is doing his best to hide a smirk at how smooth that was. Thank you, wind god, he acknowledges soundlessly.
As you both make your way to the road, he stretches out his arm, offering you something to link your own arm onto.
You take it gratefully. You begin to relax as you fall into rhythm with his own footsteps and begin to make conversation.
“You know, I remember you pretty well. I would go to a lot of Karasuno’s games. You really are talented, Daichi.” He turns his head down toward you, his short black hair getting ruffled by the wind and a sweet grin forming on his face.
“I remember! You were kinda loud actually.” He chuckles and you elbow him gently followed by a feigned indignant, “Hey, rude!” Then joining him with a giggle that makes him go oh so soft. 
“But really, y/n, you encouraged us… me, a whole lot back then. I really appreciated the support.” You flash him a grin, “That’s what I’m here for.” You reply.
Despite his nerves, Daichi feels brave for a moment, choosing to be honest, “Y’know I meant to speak to you more then. I just wasn’t sure how… something about highschool really screws with your head, y’know? It’s easy to get caught up in everyone else’s business.” He sighs, attempting to sound thoughtful, but he’s entirely focused on your response.
You look ahead, stepping up to the next crosswalk, making sure to watch your step before commenting.
“Same here. I really… just didn’t want to get in your way.” You explain.
He looks back down to you questioningly, inviting further comment.
“I can tell how much you loved the team.” You smile warmly, looking down at your feet as they hit the pavement. “And I loved watching how seriously you all took the games. I felt like I might’ve been intruding.”
“It’s not intrusive to start a conversation y’know.” You’re one to talk, he shoots back at himself.
You both approach the coffee shop, he lets you walk in first, taking the jacket off your shoulders as soon as y’all find a seat. He asks for your coffee order and walks up to order while you get comfortable at the shiny, wooden table. Cute atmosphere, white ceramic mugs, and a sweet date? This might just be my new place. You nod to yourself.
Daichi, looking really smart in a brown wool sweater and black jeans, makes his way back to the table with your and his coffee. Once he gets himself settled, you continue where you left off. 
Coffee in hand, it was time to subtly shoot your shot.
“I didn’t start a conversation with you because I wanted you to be able to focus completely on what you love. Daichi, I really liked you. How could I get in the way of what you’re so passionate about?”
His mouth slightly agape, he lets himself get slightly flustered. Wow, she got to it before I did… wait a second??? She actually did... does like me? Am I an idiot?
“W-wait really?” He stammers, then attempts to compose himself.
“I mean, same here. I, uh, liked you a lot. I just thought you would find someone before I could say anything… and I… guess I didn’t want to totally shatter my ego.” He says candidly, placing a hand on the side of his flushed face, squishing it slightly.
You laugh a little at his honesty, but you’re blushing now too.
“So do you still, y’know- are you interested in making this a regular thing? I just want to get to know you better, really.” He expresses with a genuine sweetness you’d never encountered in a guy before. “I know it’s been awhile since then, but I think it’d be fun.”
“Yeah, let's take it slow, but I would love that.'' You gift him with your most charming smile, brushing a stray hair away from the front of your face.
“So tell me about more yourself…”
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Tough Guy (DonnyxFem!Reader) (Pt.1)
Requested by @sodapop182​
@owba-chan @war-obsessed  inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67  @kwyloz
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists!
A/N: I learned so stuff about ww2 nurses, and omg they were baddies
A/N 2: Yall...we need nurses/doctors/CNAs/Rns, now  more than ever, Stay inside and do them a favor <3
PT 2 Here
His blood was spilling onto the snow, pooling through layers of jackets the basterds wrapped him with. His blood was begginning as a slow drip of crimson on white, like cherries in the snow.
The basterds couldn't help him, and they couldn't afford to lose another basterd.
When Donny woke up, he was in an aid station. That never happened to any basterd before. He felt  like he didn't deserve it.
So when he realized you were taking his temperature, and his vitals, he shifted, "I don't need your help."
You raised your eyebrow.
"I don't know why they send you all out here anyway. We can take care of ourselves. We have to. I don't need this. I can-"
The way he said 'we' irked you.
You knew he was talking about the soldiers, forgetting war efforts involved everyone. There were civilians, women, children, medics, engineers, any and everyone everywhere left life as they knew it. Left it all behind, and put it all on the line. Even if they weren’t on the front line, it didn’t mean it wasn’t valuable.
You decided to play his game. You had the time.
You stood back, and crossed your arms, "Aw, don't like seein’ dames in charge, huh?"
"Wh.." He sputtered, realizing how his tone came off, "No, I...I meant...Uh...That's not what I meant! I..."
You smirked, "Alright tough guy. You still got some shrapnel there. You don't need me, right? Here."  You handed him a scalpel.
He stared at you blankly.
You stared right back, your arms were crossed, your eyebrow raise, containing a laugh of amusement behind a face of routine. "Well, sergeant? I'm waiting."
His lips parted, but no words came out.
He was Donny Donowitz. He had never been speechless in his life.
You crouched over him, "Look. Your job might be to kill the enemy, but my job is to keep you alive."
This time, he raised his eyebrow. His head tilted to the side, and his dark eyes tried to see through yours.
He couldn't read you.
You stood back up, "Sometimes we can't do that," You sighed, sometimes it was too much. There were days where the blood didn't stop, there was no time to eat, no time to sleep.
There was a commotion out in the corridor.
There had been an air raid over a nearby town...Which meant chances were you wouldn't be able to save someone that night.
You looked back at Donny, and shrugged, "Hang tight, tough guy."
You looked back at the door.
You knew he wouldn't say it.
He was too proud.
He wouldn't admit he needed you.
It kind of gave you some satisfaction, but, at the same time, there were others that really needed you.
Donny, in the mean time, slumped back down.
What was he going to say?
He stared at the ceiling, looking for those words as his fever took him back to night.
Donny's eyes went wide.
He flailed, and shot straight up, immediately trying to get up. The nurse that was in the room at the time couldn't get him to calm down, and there were no sedatives at hand.
In no time, you marched in.
The sole look on your face made Donny Donowitz stand down.
He was genuinely terrified.
You were not having it.
Your hair was pulled back, a few wild strands undone from the long hours. Your sleeves rolled up from your day turned graveyard shift. Your stern, unamused expression settled him down immediately.
You held up a syringe.
He immediately backed down.
Because if there was one thing Donny couldn't handle, it was syringes.
He could scalp all the nazis in the world, and bash as many of their brains in as he pleased....but a needle was an absolute hell no.
"Hey hey, hey, what's all the commotion in here, huh?"
That was a rhetorical question, of course. Because Donny was the most problematic patient you’d ever had. So you immediately looked to him. The only conscious patient in the room, and you muttered "Oh of course."
He gathered his strengths back up, "I gotta go, I gotta get back out there."
You looked at the other nurse. "Lana, can you get private Martinez down the hall some more morphine? I'll handle this."
Lana, the other nurse, smiled and nodded gratefully as she bounded down the hall.
"You're not ready to go back out there."
You gently pressed your fingertips against his covered wound, and he flinched as a wave of sharp pain struck him.
He shook his head, and started to sit up, "I'm fucking fine!"
You couldn't believe it. Their pride and stubborness was the number one thing that got those boys hurt and right back to you.
Or worse.
Six feet underground.
"Hey." You raised your voice.
Normally, you weren't that nurse....but Donny wasn't making it any easier.
It had been a tough week.
There had been more casualties than usual...
No matter how much training you got, nothing could ever prepare you for that. Not those sad eyes that would never see victory, or home again...
You stood over Donny, "I didn't bust my ass trying to save you, just so you could go and-"
"Save me?!"
You glared, "Yeah. You."
"You didn't save me, " he huffed, "The boys brought me in."
"Oh." You picked up a tin, and shook it around. A metallic clink began to ring through the room. "And who took this fucking bullet out of your belly? Who stopped you from spilling your guts out? Who closed up that wound when your sloppy team couldn’t? All the lovely ladies here." 
He was silent for a moment.
He lowered his voice, and muttered, "You don't know what it's like out there, sweetheart."
You gritted your teeth.
You weren’t taking a back seat. You’d worked too hard all your life.
Smoke practically flared out of your ears.
"No?" You lowered your voice too, not to comfort him, but to confront him.
"C'mon sergeant. Nurses see all the blood you don't have to. We sit with the dead and the dying day in and day out. We stitch you up, and send you back out there. Hell, we go out there."
You knew he was going to say it wasn't the same.
Somehow, sometimes you thought it was worse...
Millions of lives were in your hands. Seeing even one go was enough to make you wonder about it all.
"I was there... the Blitz." You had the burns to prove it. You were there, on the lines of multiple battles, but that basterd didn't need to hear your biography.
Just your point.
"I know what's happening, because I've been on the front lines. A lot of us have. You don't think we do? Well guess what tough guy, hundreds of us have been hurt or killed out there. My sister's a nurse. You know where she is?"
He shook his head.
"Yeah. I don't either. She's a POW somewhere in the goddamn pacific.  And my brother. Know where he is? A fuckin' captain training kids, 18, 19, 20 year olds to come out here and join the circus. So welcome to the club, tough guy. We all got front row seats here."
He heard you slam your fist down on the stand by his cot, and you left.
He turned his head, and saw you left a few pain killers by his glass of water.
He woke up again, in the middle of the night. His eyes fell on the clock hanging over the doorway.
It was almost 3 AM.
He spotted a figure, slumped in the corner.
You were sitting in a chair, drinking out of a canteen.
"Can I have some?" He smiled a little.
You closed the cap, and rolled your eyes on the ceiling, and sighed, "Nope. You're in a hospital."
"Then how come you get some?" He thought he had you.
You smirked and looked at him, "Cause I'm not on medication."
"But you're on duty."
"Off the clock."
He noted your hair was down, and nodded, then asked softly, "Then why are you here?"
You smiled a little and looked at him, "Seems to be the only way to keep you here."
He chuckled a little, though it hurt, and he gripped his wounded side.
You were both silent then.
You pressed your back against the chair, and your head leaned back against the wall, and you shut your eyes, though you were far from sleeping.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but you knew it had been quite a while.
You peeked one eye open, "Sergeant?"
"What's the first thing you're gonna do when you get home?"
You sighed, and thought for a moment.
You could say the standard issue answer: Hug your mother. See someone you love. Find your friends.
You'd thought about home a lot, sure. But never really thought about going home. You'd seen so many that never would go home. You'd been on one front line too many. You never had a guarantee of making it through a whole day. So you never gave yourself the luxury to think of that hope at all.
"Get a rootbeer float." You decided.
It was true.
There was a mom and pop shop down the street from your home. You hoped it was still there when you got back. Somehow you hoped all your friends would be in the same booth like they were every Friday night, after school, after work, before they all volunteered or got drafted.
You looked to the tired soldier "What about you, sergeant?"
He smiled a little, "Get a piece of pie."
"Oh yeah? Boston cream pie?"
You shrugged a little embarassed as you pulled the covers back over him, "You...got that  kinda accent..."
He smiled, "Should."
You smiled softly, "See you in the morning, sergeant."  You turned and started walking out of the room.
You turned to look at him.
"Y/n...that's your name, right?"
You nodded, "Yeah..."
"I'm uh....I'm..." He couldn't appologize, of course, that pride was hitting in.
You nodded, and spoke softly, "Yeah, I know."
He sat up, and it didn't hurt. "You uh...you do good..."
You laughed a little, "Gee, thanks. I never woulda guessed." You sat by his side.
In the morning, a doctor came by.
Donny was discharged from the aid station.  He stood up, and turned around, searching the room... Three nurses were there, and none of them were you.  As he walked down the hall, he glanced into each room, but couldn’t find you. He stood out in the snow, and sighed. His breath forming  alost cloud as he whispered your name in defeat.  “Sergeant Donowitz?”  He turned and found a soldier in a jeep, waiting to drive him to the end of allied lines, where the basterds would be waiting for him.  He got into the jeep, and turned around one last time.  You stood on the highest floor of the makeshift hospital.  It hurt having to see so many people that wouldn’t make it. Talking to them made it hurt more.... But falling in love was a million times worse.  You shook your head.  That couldn’t be why it made your heart sink... Why did it hurt so much to watch him walk out? That was what usually made you relieved for a patient. You didn’t want to answer that... **** Months passed.  The basterds were walking through a small town in France, recently taken back by the allies and the resistance.  The snow had long metled away. The skyw as bright blue. It was an early summer morning.  There were soldiers everywhere. Nurses and medics responding to the wounded.  The basterds were staying there for a day or two, and then continuing on their mission.  Aldo gave them a “day off” which was rare for the basterds. Rarer still was a coincidence like the one Donny was about to live.  He spotted someone, in civilian clothes, but with the sharpness of a fighter, and the soul of a basterd, and the heart and courage only a nurse could have.  “Y/n...” You turned around, and smiled, unable to believe it as you ran to him, and threw your arms around him. He smiled down at you, and you giggled, “Still a sergeant, huh?” He laughed, and rolled his eyes, and kissed you.  You spent the rest of the day together, and at sunset, when the boys had to meet back up, Donny walked you to the aid station.  “Meet me after everything...When the war’s done...” You nodded, “I’ll be right here, tough guy.” He looked back at the waiting basterds, then back at you.  He couldn’t tell you about the mission, or that the war would be over sooner than you thought. That was all classified.  He only told you they were heading to a small town called Nadine.  He kissed you one last time, adn walked away with the rest of the basterds. He llooked back at you, adn this time, you were still there.  And you’d be there, for him when it was all over, just as you’d been there, like every other nurse, when it was all beginning.
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Amazing art by @sodapop182 y'all should check out her blog 😭💕
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kkahii · 4 years
(i don’t listen to as much kpop as i did back then, but) here’s my fave 2019 girl group tracks before nye:
nine muses - remember (2019)
i love namyu, i think about them a lot. like a lot lot.
i sometimes spend my time crying over namyu while watching their stage mixes hbu.
aoa - queendom perf version of songs (miniskirt, egotistic cover, sorry), new moon mini album
i cried when i saw them as 5. i cried when i saw ot5 miniskirt, i cried when i saw their egotistic cover, and i cried when i saw sorry. (i’m a very emotional person lol.) but i mostly cried bc they’re a 2nd gen group who’s fighting to stay in the industry, you know? even apink eunji cried while watching them heh
and i watched queendom as it aired, it was very overwhelming, especially sorry. like. nobody tf knew it was gonna be a yeehaw, nobody knew chanmi was going to do the thing. sorry, man, sorry.
they immediately had come see me after queendom ended and i personally think they did great with their performances and variety show appearances despite the song not getting a music show win and despite the promotion period getting cut short.
apink - eung eung
When apink said they were so sick of their fairy idol status, they meant it and followed thru with their current concept/vibe with eung eung (not exactly girl crush and not exactly fairy/cute, it’s in a perfect blend in between that apink was able to achieve). if aoa hadn’t made a comeback and i wasn’t a namyu stan, eung eung would have been top of my list tbh.
Idk if it's the concept change or if times have changed and their previous fans have moved on to newer groups, but their physical albums sales (wc is considered a measure of fandom power) took a deep dive, if i’m not mistaken.
despite their fandom losing steam over the past few years, they’re still a great girl group and one of the few remaining 2nd gen ggs active rn (together with aoa, brown eyed girls, and sunny hill from the top of my head). mad respect.
exid - me & you
Their last korean comeback before they officially went on hiatus. i like exid enough, i know a lot of exid things and watch a lot of their variety shows but i wouldn’t call myself a stan and i actually don’t keep track of their schedules (unlike how i am with namyu and clc, now aoa recently), so i was just happily watching their mv and comeback stages not knowing it was their last ....lol
i only found out when i saw news of hani getting signed to another agency.....
ANYWAY. They said they're not disbanded, but who knows when their nxt kr comeback is gonna be tbh. all five of them have their own thing going on tho, mostly youtubers i think, but whatever pays the bills.
baek yerin - square (2017)
her unreleased track from way back 2017 only got released earlier this month and yes, I still haven’t been able to stop playing this song. sometimes on loop, like how aoa jimin is with into the unknown.
also, "I'm so so broke like someone just robbed me" speaks to me on a spiritual level because i'm both broke emotionally and financially.
clc - no, me, devil
clc had a great year tbh: finally managed to get 5k+ hanteo sales with no.1, got their first win, and released music at a relatively good pace within the year. All members have also had schedules or something except seunghee (???? I hope she's been busy).
Sorn kinda fcked up towards the end tho, but i'm hoping she learns and makes up for it. ONE THING tho. i know stans would do anything to protect their faves, but it was very disappointing seeing cheshires ~defend sorn by making shit up re: the timestamps of her posts. ppl be asking what happened and yall be like, “NOTHING she posted that one pic before the other and stan twitter just overreacting” please don’t do this. please don’t distort facts like timestamps of posts and all that. let her speak for herself and own up to it herself.
dreamcatcher - and there was no one left
i like that dk are doing their own thing with their kpop rock and elaborate choreography and mvs and all that, unfortunately, i am not into the genre...BUT THEN i saw someone say ‘hey this sounds like a city pop song (it’s not)’ so i gave this song a listen and now it's the only song ever? yes.
taeyeon - gravity
taengsic. hahaha, jk ......................unless??
lovelyz - moonlight / oh my girl - guerilla
i lumped these two together because i really like these songs but sometimes when i think about them, i can’t remember what they sound like for some reason. (sorry.)
aa team - instagram
hyejeong was so awkward lmfao remember that scene minnie was going to go for a hug but then hyejeong was like...not. dead. ALSO. hyejeong kept saying how minnie got hurt because she was rejected twice....but there she was not chosen at all :(
anyway. i’m a sucker for vocal/tone combinations like theirs. like say namyu hyemi + keumjo/sera/kyungri or clc seunghee + sorn/yeeun/yujin or taengsic (lol) ya know what i mean?
special mentions:
twice - feel special, beg - wonder woman, sunmi - lalalay, omg - destiny cover, g-idle - uh oh, cherry bullet - q&a, berry good - oh oh, wjsn - as you wish, ariaz - moonlight aria, rainbow - aurora
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thanatophobix-blog · 5 years
🖊 + all do it coward
Yelling about my OCs // ACCEPTINGRabbit, you are a fool and so am I. I’m just gonna, like… give a headcanon per OC on this blog under the cut.
Achilles - His semblance is called Disconsolate. It makes others able fully feel what he is feeling, from absolute sorrow, blind rage, to pure joy, right down to the last ounce of pain he gets from a paper cut. It can take over other people’s rational thinking processes and make them react as he would, which is often never good (and leads to his death).
Alexus - She doesn’t have any real senses, even if she says its a simulated thing, she has none. She’s a cpu program! HOWEVER, she can still smell charred flesh from when her girlfriend shocked & burned to death. It’s burned into her mind even though her mind can no longer comprehend what a sense is.
Artharrachadh - Doesn’t actually like 7/11 or gas stations, they just give off the vibe he strives for in life. The mystery, the scandals, the robberies. It’s so out in the middle of nowhere that its perfect. Although, thanks to 7/11 he developed an addiction to slushies. Cherry/blue raspberry, for our god of liminal spaces, baby!!
Cas - Her powers have limits. Without her power retaining equipment (essentially, a choker, two bracelets, and two ankles), she would have ripped herself into shreds after a few usages of her powers. Her speed could send her cells into different dimensions, her ‘pyrokinesis’ could set herself on fire since she is not impervious to fire, and if she uses her luck too much, karma returns the favor with brain bleeds.
Cephriel - As angelic as they are, they are more monstrous and demonic than they’d like to admit. They eat sinners alive for nourishment, but it is all for the holy conquest. Plus, the more souls they consume, the stronger they get. The stronger they get, the quicker they can accomplish the holy conquest.
Dolores - She really wanted to get back in touch with her son but she could never find him. She went back to LA looking for him only to find that he’d been adopted and shipped off to Germany. She felt so, so horrible. It’s her fault that he was sent off to a totally abusive household and she lives with that guilt so, so horribly.
Dominique - Has never once acted like a true criminal, more like a robin hood type figure. He doesn’t kill, he doesn’t hurt, he doesn’t do anything like that, the worst he does is steal from the rich and give to the poor. Either through charity donations or through mysterious wads of cash showing up at people’s houses. However, since he steals from the rich and not the poor, that makes him evil for the media.
Eirian - Has never been one for conflict. Avoided school drama all throughout high school (minus his tiff with Lizzie which was created by him being an idiot). Now he’s running from town to town with an eldritch being chasing after him with so many guns in the back seat of his truck its almost fucking criminal. He’s learned, so, so much combat things that it scares him. He’s practically a weapon himself.
Erik - Has the hardest time keeping the ‘we’re all monsters or demons’ secret a secret out of all of Clearfall’s citizens, and he’s the one that made the whole thing happen. Lucky for him, Corey Booker, the human reporter, is kinda dense. Unlucky for Erik, he thinks that Corey is hot shit and would gladly sell him his soul to stay in Clearfall. But, for Corey to stay in Clearfall, he’d have to be turned into either a werewolf or a vampire but he doesn’t want to do that because Erik’s both a wimp and doesn’t wanna hurt
Eva-Marie - In Hell, everyone wears the sign of how their died. People shot have their bullet wounds, knife wounds, the blood loss makes you incredibly lethargic and cold, sickness makes you permanently sick and tired, burning makes you always feel like you’re on fire, and maybe you are! But Eva-Marie doesn’t show signs of her death, or at least, not if you’re not paying attention. She has perfect posture and never lowers her head, the thick choker on her neck is blood red, sometimes she starts choking and coughing up blood. She was killed via beheading, and she takes perfect care to make sure that her head never falls off.
Fane - Has extreme commitment and attachment issues because of how many loved ones he has lost. He couldn’t save… anyone. When one of his last surviving relatives, his great great great great hella fucking great nephew, Lucas, died, he was there. Fane was teaching him how to drive and they got in an accident because Lucas couldn’t take his fucking foot off the gas because he was scared shitless and they got whacked by a semi and Fane has never, ever forgiven himself for that. Or any other of the deaths.
Florian - Is destined to become fully evil, and will thrive in that evil. He was never meant to be a florist, to live and survive off of cuddles on couches and cheap pays for a good job well done. At the end of the day, he has a strong sadistic streak that was never fulfilled as a child. Florian is all smiles and no substance on the inside, and was going to kill himself if he ever had to live another second in that flower shop doing nothing, that’s what the explosion was, an attempt to end it. Now? He’s soft and sweet on  the outside as a cover, and on the inside, he’s ready to seduce your husband and blow up your house.
Fritz - Doesn’t need to sleep and doesn’t sleep. You see, on his home planet, people move so fast that sleeping was essentially something of a social death sentence. Entire empires would rise and fall while one of them was asleep, your wife could start another family and leave you behind because you would be out cold for another millennia. SO! To bypass that, they engineered a serum that would alter their chemical makeup so they’d be constantly producing energy to replace sleep.
Henri - Does not miss being a royal. She knows that the second she gets back, she’ll be forced into an arranged marriage with a guy who a) she will never love because she is a lesbian to every degree and b) she hates anyway, the guy’s a fuckin’ douchebag to every degree. She just wants to stay in NYC with the punk rock and the grunge and the Crownweaver gig with her punk gf, Dex, and never look back.
Jack - Used to be a Team Spectre Admin. Dated Salem for years, was there when the whole team got launched under Salem’s reign. They were really, really into the whole thing too, believed that the world would be better if they could just wipe everyone’s memory clean and start over with the same people, but have everyone listen to a group ‘concerned about their health, their sanity and their well-being’. Eventually realized that it was all bullshit, all of it, shit, bullshit, and that Salem? Asshole! Shit boyfriend, shit person, shit… just shit. Left, went legit, went good.
Julia - Knows everything about you. She has no clairvoyance or telepathy or omniscience or anything like that, but she knows everything about you. She has connections, her connections have connections, she’s met practically everyone in town and if she doesn’t know everything about you when you first meet? You can be sure that she’s going to hunt down someone who at least knows something. She’s incredibly well informed, scarily well informed, and also good at social cues.
Kennedy - Killed a man in university. It was her first kill and by far, her favorite. The rush she felt, the understanding of why people murder for fun, it made her understand. She had a knife on hand, took it out of the restaurant she was eating at just beforehand and completely forgot about it, but she was glad she had it. She gutted him, top of the chest all the way down to the lower stomach, and she hanged him from a fire escape by his own intestines. He was coming onto her and she was not about that life, rest in peace, fucker.
Klaus-Michael - Has a really hard time hiding his job from his father, aka the Spider-Gold job. Yes, his father is in Germany and Klaus-Michael himself is in NYC, however, it is a requirement between the two that they have a video call once a week. He comes home after fighting off an army of bad guys with so many bruises and so many cuts and dings and busted lips and broken bones and casts and oxygen tanks that his dad should be suspicious, especially since his dad is a genius. But, Klaus-Michael always seems to have some sort of excuse tucked up his sleeve.
Liz - Finds Atlantis. She does! With help, she arrives, and, unlike the dis.ney movie, there is no one alive. Skeletons line the streets of the drowned city, the location is crumbling, and she is horrified. The haunted location gives her the creeps the second she is in there, and for good reason, because something  is watching her. Not something living, but machinery, and once it catches up to her, it brands her on her side for the rest of her life. A marking, a warning.
Lizzie - Has slight celestial heritage. Didn’t think Arhkangelskaya was chosen as her last name for a reason? It was! While she doesn’t have archangel blood per say, she has guardian angel blood, and that’s what brings her back (her ghost back) from the dead to look after Eirian’s dumb fucking ass. The guardian angel blood comes from her great grandfather who was her great grandmother’s guardian angel, ever since then, the arhkangelskayas have returned as ghosts to the person they feel needs the most help.
Lori - Is destined to die at the age of twelve. In a way, she feels invincible because who in their right mind would kill a child? She thinks, that, because she’s so young, nobody is gonna raise a finger against her when she walks in to kill them, because she thinks that they don’t think that she’s going to kill them! And then, one day, she realizes that everyone is an assassin and assassins don’t have rules, assassins just want money. And, on that day, that is when she dies.
Lukas - Is not out for anyone but himself and his town. If you die, and it’s his fault, it’s not on his conscience. He’s not here to fix your problems, even though he fixes way too many of them anyway, he’s here to get the money and go. He’s here to get enough cash to either buy enough medicine to last him and his hometown years and years and years, essentially ridding them of their poisoning, or, he is going to use that money to entice scientists to search for a cure. He’s tired of having slag course through his veins, it hurts, more than he likes to admit.
Lux -  Is not impervious to fire. If she emits it from her body, she only does so from her hands for this reason, she’s not some hum.an tor.ch lookin’ chick, she’s completely human to every regard and her powers are created by machines. She can use her powers of vibrating molecules to a frequency on objects that she is not holding that are within close range, but she can also ‘set the air on fire’ (more like oxidation). She doesn’t realise this, but its how she makes her fireballs. The palms of her hands are incredibly scarred.
Madeleine - Killed a man in self defense and nobody will ever, ever know about it. Or, at least, she hopes so. She doesn’t want anybody to find out about it, because she knows that she’d be sent to jail. Sure, it started out as self defense when the main pulled out a gun at her at semi-close range in an alley way after a case where she sent a criminal away for life and she stabbed him through the heart with her rapier. It was when she took the gun and the sword and started going overkill with panic that it became less about self defense and more like making sure that that guy would never come back. She got an old friend with connections to clean the scene.
Marque - Isn’t trying to provide chaos to provide the world with equal opportunity to rise from the ashes and anarchy as a new, better evolved race, he’s doing it so he can control Giratina and take over the Reverse World. If he takes control of the pokemon, then he is also, by default, the master of the Reverse World. If he allows other to live within the other dimension, he will become their leader by default. And, by causing chaos in Kalos, Sinnoh and the other regions, he will have more and more people wanting to move into the Reverse, gaining more and more subjects and more and more power.
Matthew - Will not be able to survive if he ever leaves the Entity’s realms. His body is emaciated beyond what should be humanly possible (not like the hag is, more like he’s 6′4″ and 90lbs) and he’s surviving based on the Entity alone. His blood is complete and utter drugs at this point and he’s fragile. He’s skeletal, but in the same way that b.ane works, the drugs kind of give him a boost? They give him the strength to keep moving, but he will die if all of them ever get out because he was only a little better than this before he got into the realms.
Myles - Is suffering from unknown internal damage thanks to the facial scar that he is unaware of. The deal with this is, the scar pushed the outer layer of metal inward and, while it hasn’t damaged any of his inner workings yet, if anything happens to his face… welp! A good hit to the cheek, falling head first, anything like that will push the sharp metal further inward and damage his internal wiring. This could potentially be fatal depending on how hard the hit is, or how many times he gets hit. He is very stunned after a good head injury.
Ollie - Is a little hypocrite His whole episode is about the importance of not doing drugs, but in itself, the episode really leans towards how ‘some drugs are good’. Big companies will gladly sponsor a tv show into corrupting the minds of children to think that certain drugs are alright to take by hiding information about them, just like the tobacco industry in the past with cigarettes. Ollie, the pill bottle filled with prescription drugs, may say that some are bad, but he himself offers the pills he contains to the members of the show, getting them addicted, like a fucking hypocrite.
Richard - Wants to move onto news reporting on television, but is held back by Thomas. Their personalities are incredibly similar thanks to the method of their creation, but Richard’s has always been a little bit louder and more personable and much, much more suited for news reporting. He’s always taken to celebrity incidents more, so he’d be suited for something like…. eta.lk or en.tertainment toni.ght. Plus, wouldn’t it be fun to report a death on tv that you caused?
Salem - Does not understand that he is in the wrong. Like, you know how some villains understand that to do some good things, you need to break a few eggs? And they deal with that guilt?? LIke uh, shit, like Negan had guilt on cheating on his wife and all that, like they can realize that they’ve done bad shit? Salem is so insecure that he projects all guilt and anger and anything wrong onto other people. World falling apart? People losing their families to memory loss? Not his fault, all yours.
Shae - Never wanted to be the hero. She’s watched too many superhero movies to see how it all turns out. Metr.oman? From Meg.amind? Yeah, she doesn’t wanna turn out like that, but she knows that she’ll burnout from all the people saving and all the heroics and that one day she might just have to kill her best friend so as sunshine-y as she is she’s always dealing with this black cloud that hangs over her head and heart and it hurts her that the world is always so in danger and she can only do so much. She wants to have a break.
Sinclair - Has never lived for himself. He only ever helps others. When Jack disappeared, he took it upon himself to defeat the Team Spectre residing within the League. He took over so that people could still experience the League even though he didn’t actually technically become the champion. After all that happens, he leaves to go help others because he has nothing else to live for, he doesn’t know what to do but help. Even as a child, he poured himself into others rather than building himself up.
The Boys - Used to travel the world to sate their hunger before fully settling in their new home, a now dead, formerly economically booming, rural town that still sees some people coming in. When they travelled, they were not known as the boys, more as The Figure, as they did not hivemind as much. It is only thanks to their new setting where they take place in the high school like to eat teenagers that they hivemind as seven different boys (the most they can manage with having separate personalities and appearances while still being connected).
Thomas - Once tried to have a family outside out of Richard without Richard knowing to see what it was like. They aren’t connected other than their purpose, so they share no hivemind, just basic personality. He soon realised that a family would not be for someone like him, as they would always die before him, leading him to fake his death so it’d make human sense. He lost track of where his descendants are now, however, he doesn’t care because he’s dependant on Richard.
Virgil - In Agents of Mayhem, Virgil becomes M. Squelette, the title gained when becoming the leader of the Ivory Skeletons. Either way, his Saints Row verse, he still was a member of that gang, but he left the gang life there to move to Stilwater and then got rescooped into it. He has a lot of Saints ink, the fleur de lis and all that shit, one on his neck, y’know. However, he has a piece of Skeletons ink that he refuses to blot out because its… really nice. Like the tattoo artist obviously worked really hard on it and as loyal as he is to the Saints, he also has a large respect for the arts so there is no way in hell he’ll blot out something so nice looking. Besides, he can just pass it off as something he got when he was drunk considering that he never talks about his time as a Skeleton to anyone.
Woodland - Learned how to ‘speak English’ thanks to the dying screams of the people she killed and ate alive. Some people would try and bargain with her, others would just string together a stream of ‘shit’s and ‘no’s. Of course, this doesn’t help when learning English, as you only learn certain words and all their connotations are fucked and disjointed. She tries her best though. Also, she doesn’t actually have a name. Woodland is just a term.
Xander - Found out that he was a god when he didn’t die when he should have. By all means, he should have died. He was in a car accident with some sorta not really friends (all his other friends were in the other car, thank gods) and all the other ones died horrifically. Someone got flung out the windshield and into a tree, someone stepped out of the crash and got hit by a passing truck, when the car caught on fire, two people were stuck inside. Only Xander lived, but he was in a hospital with wounds that should have never healed, but they did. He then got a message from his fathers telling him about his true parentage.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 5 years
Once More, With Sincerity
Fandom: Deadpool (comics)
Pairing: Cablepool
Rating: PG-13, I guess?
Summary: There's a big, creepy, psychic tentacle monster making a mess downtown, and the X-Men are having some trouble coming up with a way to take it down. Nathan has an idea -- and this time Wade's going to like it.
Nobody else will though.
Sequel to Petty Doesn't Look Good on Us
AO3 link | I do commissions! | Ko-fi
“Why are psychic monsters always shaped like giant brains?” Wade asked. The monster turned slowly, one impossibly giant eye roving towards him.
Both Jubilee and Emma grabbed him by the arms and hauled him back down behind the half-destroyed wall, out of sight.
“Stop standing up!” Jubilee hissed at him. “It’s going to see you!”
“Well so-rry,” Wade grumbled. “Wait, one more time.”
“I knew it,” he said, dropping back down. “This thing is a blatant rip-off of the tentacle monster from Watchmen. Beak, weird brain head, tentacles—except the one in Watchmen didn’t walk on the tentacles and it didn’t shoot eyebeams, it just kinda landed on people.”
“Could someone please make him stop,” Jubilee asked the world at large.
“Greater men than you have tried, my dude.”
“Alright, I’ve seen enough,” Emma said, rubbing her forehead. “We need to go back.”
They awkwardly crouch-walked their way back to the mostly-intact 7-11 the X-Men (and Wade) had turned into their temporary base. Straight confrontation had gone disastrously: the thing was shielded from bullets and absorbed psychic attacks of any kind. Since the team consisted of three psychics, a walking sparkler, claws, and lasers (and Wade), they were going to need a very creative solution.
“We’re back,” Emma announced. She swept through the entrance with a level of drama that seemed wholly out of place amongst the debris of snack cakes and exploded soda bottles.  “Some news, and it isn’t great.” In a slightly softer tone of voice, she asked “how is she?”
Scott’s frown deepened.
“She’s awake. She says she’s fine.” It was clear from his tone that he did not agree.
Jean had tried a frontal assault on the monster, attempting to overload it with psychic energy. She had to be carried away from the battle.  Logan and Scott had refused to leave her side while Wade, Jubilee, and Emma went on their scouting run, preferring to stand vigil. It was exhaustingly predictable of both them and her. Wade hadn’t been worried; she’d just come back from the dead a year ago. She had a little more time before they’d do something like permanently stick her in a coma.
Wade made a beeline for Nathan in that way where he was trying to look like he wasn’t. Hovering by the twinkies for a while, pretending to debate between the cherry and strawberry twizzlers, all gradually scooting his way across the store until he was next to Nathan. The man was sitting with his back to the wall, legs crossed, apparently deep in meditation.
Wade knew better, though. He knew that particular wrinkle in Nathan’s forehead, and it meant he had a real monster of a headache. Nathan hadn’t suffered as badly as Jean but he’d been very pale when they fled from the monster. Wade didn’t like that At All.
He rattled a bottle of pills by Nathan’s ear, making his eyes snap open.
“I got you some aspirin from a CVS we passed on our way out. I don’t know if they’re any good against attacks from giant squid brain things, but it couldn’t hurt.”
Nathan smiled.
“Worth a try,” he said. “My head feels like it’s about to split in two.” He reached up, but his hand lingered, fingertips brushing at the small strip of skin between Wade’s glove and sleeve. A warm, bright smile smoothed away the worry line. “Thank you, Wade.”
“Whatever,” Wade said, not quite managing to hide the squeak.
If he keeps doing this, we might actually die.
Nathan had been acting very strange, the last few weeks. Always finding an excuse to touch Wade or stand near him. Sneaking away from the others when they were at the mansion so they could make out in dark corners and closets like teenagers. Watching him with a strange little smile whenever Wade wasn’t looking, but only smiling more when Wade caught him.  
At first Wade thought it was Nathan trying to make up for the whole “let’s get married to spite everyone who doesn’t take our relationship seriously” debacle, except Nathan knew he was over the whole thing and he was still doing it. (Well, relatively sure he knew. They hadn’t exactly talked about it. Wade preferred to pretend it hadn’t happened. It kept him from worrying that that might have been his only chance.)
Don’t get it wrong, the extra flirting and making out was great, and Wade really liked it. It was just that Wade liked it so much it made his brain forget how to do brain things right.
Nathan made to dry-swallow the aspirin, but Wade grabbed his wrist.
“Nuh-uh! Do you have any idea how bad that is for you? Take it with something.”
“Wade,” Nathan started, with a fond-yet-exasperated smile.
“Don’t you ‘Wade’ me, buster.” He began to rummage around in the busted refrigerators until he found a few bottles of room-temperature Gatorade ™. “Here. Replenish your electrolytes while not burning a hole in your esophagus.”  
“Be careful,” Nathan warned. “People might start to think you care.”
“I’m trying to protect your reputation as someone who isn’t a total dingus,” Wade said, watching carefully to make sure Nathan actually drank. “You should be thanking me.”
Nathan gulped the last of the drink and stood. He was just a little bit too far into Wade’s personal space again, giving him that same heated look.
“Thank you,” he said, trailing his fingertips up Wade’s arm. “I appreciate it.”
Then something happened to Nathan’s expression. His eyebrows came down and his eyes flicked over Wade’s face, like he was trying to read him through the mask. Which was weird, because Nathan never had any trouble reading Wade. Like, ever.
“Wade, I…there’s something…Look, I’ve been thinking, and—“
“Hey,” Jubilee called. “You guys coming or what?”
The weird expression rapidly morphed into a much more familiar ‘annoyance at the world at large’. Nathan sighed heavily.
“Nevermind. We’re coming,” he called back. Wade stared after him, mystified, then shook himself and followed.
“Emma, what can you tell us?” Nathan asked, now in full Messiah Mode.
“Not much, except that it isn’t just absorbing psychic energy, it’s feeding on it. I’m pretty sure its default is to sustain itself on the emotions of people around it.”
“Only pretty sure?” Nathan asked.
“I can’t touch its mind for too long or it starts sucking at me—don’t.” This to Wade, who had opened his mouth.
“So if we cut off its supply of emotions, it’ll shut down,” Jubilee said. Emma made a noise that, coming from a poorer and uglier woman, would have been a snort.
“And how exactly do you intend to shut down its supply?” she asked, nastily. “It’s in the middle of a city. Unless you can find a way to teleport it somewhere a good fifty miles in any direction from any sentient creature--“
“Tennessee?” Wade suggested.
“I can say this,” Emma said, ignoring him. “Every time I touch its mind and it starts sucking—don’t – I always feel one overwhelming emotion. Just one at a time, and always very basic. I don’t think it can handle anything complex.”
“So if we gave it a high concentration of a wide range of emotions all at once, it would overwhelm it?” Nathan asked. Emma shrugged.
“Maybe?” Scott said. His voice was tight with worry and anger. “Maybe isn’t good enough!”
“Well maybe is all you’re going to get!” Emma snapped back. “I’m doing the best I can, Scott. I’m not a miracle worker! I’m trying to be careful.”
“Jean already tried overwhelming it, and it didn’t work. We need a different plan.”
“Jean tried a straight attack of pure psychic energy, and she didn’t do anything to shield herself. This is different.”
Scott bristled instantly.
“That was not her fault.”
“Scott, it’s fine—“  
“Of course it is! She decided to run in half-cocked—don’t!”
“I have an idea,” Nathan said calmly, taking advantage of the break in her tirade. “But we need to get close.”
“I don’t think I’d be much good,” Jean admitted. “Emma’s right. I’m burnt out.”  
“I’m staying with her,” Scott said, firmly.
“No, you aren’t,” Nathan said, firmlyer. “If this is going to work, you both definitely need to be there.”
They were less than a block away from the monster. They could hear the slick, sticky sound of its tentacles dragging along the ground. Whenever it let out that awful, piercing roar, they all flinched, feeling it rip straight through them.
“Okay, so we’re here,” Jubilee whispered, back pressed against the wall. “Now what’s this great big plan of yours?”
Instead of answering, Nathan grabbed Wade’s hand and pulled him slightly away from the others. Wade followed, finally starting to worry. Nathan was secretive about his schemes on a good day, but there was something about his demeanor that was setting off alarm bells in Wade’s head.
If this is another Providence type plan, I say we preemptively murder him.
“Motion carried,” Wade murmured. Nathan didn’t seem to hear him. Once they were in a space relatively clear of rubble, he turned and took both of Wade’s hands in his own.  
“I know you wanted a big production. I was trying to think of a speech on the way over here but I couldn’t come up with anything good.” Nathan’s mouth twitched into something a little too sickly to be a smile. His throat worked hard and that weird expression came back, tight and twitchy and--
He’s nervous, Wade realized. When had he ever seen Nathan nervous? Scared, once or twice, uncertain several times, even uneasy, but nervous?
Nathan went down on one knee, and Wade’s heart stopped beating.
“I love you. Will you marry me?”
Wade’s palms went sticky. Was this actually happening? Was this a hallucination? It didn’t seem like a hallucination, since Nathan was still fully clothed, but this sure as hell couldn’t be actually happening.
“I, I’m, I don’t—wait, are you only asking me because you think it’ll kill the monster, because Nathan I swear to god—“
“No, Wade. I’m asking you for real, because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Only with you.”  
The word came out of Wade’s mouth so fast he almost choked on it.
The monster let out a horrific, ear-splitting shriek of agony, so loud that everyone winced and clapped their hands to their ears. Everyone but Wade and Nathan, who were staring at each other and smiling. Nathan stood, slowly, Wade’s hands still clasped in his, as the monster exploded with a horrible shlorp noise.
Purple goo splattered down around them like sticky rain. Huge globs of monster brains crushed cars and left small craters in the streets. Nathan was wearing the biggest, happiest smile Wade had ever seen on his face.  Judging from the way his cheeks were starting to hurt, Wade was too.
“I know you mentioned fireworks,” he said. “I hope that’s close enough.”
“Shut up,” Wade said, trying very hard to pretend like he wasn’t about to cry, fumbling to pull his mask up over his nose. “Shut up and kiss me right now.”
Nathan leaned in and Wade went up on his tiptoes and there were car alarms shrieking in the background and everything smelled vaguely like fish and it was the single greatest moment of Wade’s life. Their lips were a millimeter away when--
“Are you out of your mind?”
Nathan sighed.
“Scott—” he started. Wade grabbed his head and yanked him right back down, kissing him hard. Nathan leaned into it, and the two wrapped their arms around each other. Vaguely Wade heard Emma saying "he's kidding, right? It's a joke."
"I think it's sweet," Jean said, defensively. Wade was momentarily surprised, then mentally wadded up everything that wasn't Nathan and tossed it into a trash can. Nathan was smiling against his lips, and Wade could feel that his heart was beating a little faster than normal. Who cared what the X-Dorks thought? Nathan was his. For real this time.
An astounding improvement from last time. A+
If I had hands I'd be applauding.
After a few more eternities, Nathan asked “Better?” Wade wasn’t sure if he meant the proposal or the kissing. Either way…
“I think you nailed it,” he said with a grin.
“Nathan!” Scott shouted, but they were already kissing again.
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