#and i havent opened gmod in a While
caramel-mousse · 11 months
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I have never used blender before and i think it shows
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royallizalfos · 7 months
do you use linux. how & why
I do! While I do use Windows 10 for my desktop since I game a lot and play with a lot of old software so its bit of a requirement, I use linux on pretty much everything else I can. I even run it in VMs on my desktop on a fairly frequent basis to do things windows simply cant. As for the how using linux is pretty easy once you manage to learn how to use a CLI since even if you have a GUI you'll still be interfacing with it a lot. I prefer debain based distros since thats what I learned linux with and my current distro of choice is MXLinux, though I havent had a chance to use it much since I switched to it so I might change back to stock Debain. As for the why of it I simply love Open Source software as well as loving the amount of freedom it gives you, also its better for things like running servers and honestly once you get used to using a CLI you can get a lot faster with doing things in your OS. Its very fun to tinker and to do things on it as well so its a great hobby thing, its also a great way to breath some new live into an old laptop so I definitely recommend doing that at some point. I plan to run a homelab on some old hardware I have to do things like have a FTP server, host my own website and Gmod server, and do a veriety of other fun things on it which will all be accomplished with linux and a bunch of VMs. Thank you for the ask!
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