#and halfway through him doing so the narrative randomly decides he's evil for doing that and he should just be disabled forever
spiritofjustice · 1 year
you could easily analyze Dororo through the lens of disability if you were someone who understands that more than me but the one thing i do understand is the way the narrative treats Hyakki after the halfway point really does feel like ableism. it’s just episode after episode of everyone around Hyakkimaru suddenly deciding he doesn’t need what he needs to survive, he’s fine exactly as he is and should be completely fine being disabled and he shouldn’t go after anything that will help his disability, and that he’s a bad person for advocating for himself and his body. meanwhile, in the early episodes, it feels like characters are constantly complaining about his disabilities, mainly his deaf and muteness.
the second half isjust him being surrounded by abled people (and also even another disabled dude) telling him he’s evil for fighting for a better body than what he has, a body he needs, a body that will give him the experiences he desires but has never had because of how little he was born with. there is literally an episode where Hyakkimaru’s adopted dad refuses to replace his broken prosthetic leg because he decides Hyakki will use it to continue fighting for his body. he destroys a prosthetic leg so Hyakki can’t use it. Hyakki has a way to fix his disabilities and the narrative stops at nothing to punish him for that. what even, dude
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tinkdw · 7 years
I don’t really have a question, more like I want your opinion on one of my meta/headcannons? So, Jack gloms onto Cas pretty fast. Unless Jack can determine good from evil from inside Kelly (another topic entirely), what attracts him to Cas? Even if Dagon wasn't nice to Kelly, at least she kept her safe (ish). So, my headcanon is that there is residual grace from lucifer in all of the vessels he inhabited, namely Cas and Sam. Like, he recognizes it as something of his father's. (1/2)
(2/2) I also choose to believe that Jack isn’t evil just because Lucifer is; Lucifer wasn’t born evil anyway. So, maybe Jack will be attracted to Sam, feel safe in his presence, in the same way, using his father’s chosen vessel as a placeholder for his actual father. What do you think attracted Jack to Cas? (I love your meta, keep up the awesome work! :D)
Wow, all the questions :D Well, here’s my opinion based on my understanding and reading of the whole show and Jack’s story so far.
1. Jack zoning in on Cas - it could be that it’s due to Lucifer’s grace but that kind of takes away from the point of it…because imo it’s to do with CAS.
Jack is a catalyst, an exposition for TFW.
He’s not going to suddenly be the focus of the show, he is there to tell us things about the guys we care about already. So imo he zones in on Cas because Cas is good and has good intentions. I mean even within these 2 episodes, the last and first scene we see of Cas with Dean is him caring and healing him.
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So yeah, Cas is trying to do the right thing (even if he is stupid for the right reasons, right? because that is Cas’ go - to, it’s what he’s always done, making some pretty crappy decisions based on doing the right thing, ultimately it all works out thanks to TFW in the end most of the time in the best way it can in SPN, leading to the next problem, but THIS time or at least, at the end…. Cas needs his OWN WIN based on doing things for the right reasons,  he needs his hero arc and personally I feel it’s likely to happen through Jack, especially if s14 or pushing it s15 is the last, but that’s just speculation, but really it doesn’t make sense otherwise, if they’re going to keep going Jack kinda has to end up bad or making something worse to keep the story going, but as it stands he is the perfect metaphor/catalyst to tie up all of TFW’s arcs and I love it, I’m so ready).
People had different pov’s on this at the time and as hiatus goes on and we learn more from where season 13 is going it seems many are coming around to the idea that Jack is a blank slate, that he showed Cas and Kelly a vision but that he did he isn’t doing it maliciously but is reaching out, that he probably doesn’t know right from wrong that well at this point, potentially he is like the good Angels were in s4 (epitomised by Cas) and thinks paradise is a good thing, that he’s helping, he doesn’t understand free will (he needs someone to teach him about free will, humanity, love… coincidence?).
( This is why we have this wild wild speculation that perhaps he could bring Cas back at first without his memories (so the “most important parts” are back, ofc, as we know thanks to the themes of this in 12x11, 12x20 and who are you as foreshadowing perhaps for this) because he wants to help Cas and doesn’t know this is wrong at this point, because he is still in this ‘paradise and peace is good’ mentality . He just wants to take away the pain, the regret, the self loathing due to his past mistakes that runs through him and has led him down this depressive arc. Then we can see who Cas really is, fun loving, sweet, confident and caring (much like Crazy!Cas imo) and he chooses to have his memories restored and we get a glorious “Dean!” revelation. Who the fuck knows, but I love this idea now @super-sootica laid it in my head and I built this freaking whole of s13 wild fanfic in my head :p )
Either way he’s brand new and acting on instinct and based on his surroundings (which is why I said that imo Jack would probably be ‘bad’ or make mistakes in the first part of s13, to mirror Sam’s arc but also because Dean would probably drive him off or make him turn angry/dark/whatever because while Sam is starting to get through to Jack Dean is so upset and angry he probably bursts into the room and starts yelling at Jack like “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO? YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND AND MY MOM!” and what did we get from SDCC? Exactly this *smugly and annoyingly pats self on the back and hopes this is actually true but has to wait and see*.
Dagon was AWFUL to Kelly, she was threatening Kelly all the time and wanted to CONTROL Jack, while also absolutely being a threat at the sandbox to them all, while Cas had smiled when touching Kelly’s stomach and Jack noticed this, making Kelly’s eyes flash in the motel - so for me Jack had noted Cas’ goodness before this point, in contrast to Dagon. The whole thing was set up for us to see Dagon as the dark parental figure mirror while Cas was the light mirror in all their interactions with Kelly being heavily mirrored. Eg. Cas getting Kelly the water, being hugely consensual and treating Kelly like her own person. Dagon is Lucifer’s stand in and Cas is Lucifer’s light mirror - so absolutely the two are supposed to be seen by Jack and by the audience more importantly, exposition ally through Jack and Kelly, as good v evil.
2. I am a huge believer in that we have no CONFIRMATION that Lucifer was ever originally evil, there’s a hint at it with the jealousy of humanity but then there’s Chuck literally saying he’s not the villain so… yeah. Jealousy does not make a person evil. Then we find out that it’s all because he just wanted his father’s love? Mirroring him to all of TFW? OK they did the story badly imo, making him whiney etc but that was the point of late s11-early s12 for Lucifer. 
Then there’s the mark that corrupted our loved and up on a fandom pedestal righteous man Dean within a year and Lucifer had it for Millenia. I mean Lucifer can be evil in the end and be killed (and it’s easer, narratively) but I think we need confirmation either way as my personal view as of right now is that Lucifer should be redeemed and/or reset as the mark did twist him beyond redemption as it stands now OR we need confirmation that he was always evil. But imo a story of redemption for Lucifer through Jack (ironically as he was his tool for evil, should be the one to redeem him and TFW through teaching Jack himself the righteous path, as our heroes) and someone else coming out of the woodwork as the actual big bad due to their own selfish, not forced upon them reasons, makes more sense. Again… SDCC hints at Michael? I’m super interested cos this fits my end of s12 theory exactly, but I didn’t think they’d necessarily do as it’s a bit convoluted but given that Dabb seems to be living in my brain… I’m intrigued.
Anyway, the idea that Jack is inherently evil is just so WRONG I can’t even…. there are 2 points, that Lucifer probably wasn’t even evil to start with and the WHOLE POINT OF THE SHOW which is that each individual can decide what they want to be and be their own person NOT based on their lineage and specifically fathers and blood. 
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If Jack decides to be evil, if he turns evil for his own reasons then FINE. It makes no sense to me unless they are going to keep going with the show for a good while longer (like s15+) or don’t know what to do with s14 (imo humans as the big bad makes most sense to finish up on to really subvert the start of the show and emphasis all the social and psychological themes of the show), but I can go along with it if that’s what is necessary production wise even if it doesn’t make a ton of sense narratively, because that’s the nature of shows like this that sometimes are never ending and sometimes get randomly cancelled like Angel halfway through telling a story so it just doesn’t make sense (e.g. Fred). But him being inherently evil is just so bleurgh and against the whole principles of the show, just, no.
3. I think absolutely Jack will be attracted to Sam in that they are mirrors of each other and they will have loads of interactions that will be all about Sam forgiving himself in what he sees in Jack, understanding that he sometimes had no control, no choice over what happened but also then when he did, helping Jack make good decisions instead of the bad ones he made (demon blood, Ruby etc) and thus in his own mind ‘making up’ for them and redeeming himself.
I keep banging on about it but “see one, do one, teach one” is my mantra with Jack. Through this all of TFW will get towards their endgames imo, through teaching Jack lessons that are particular to them (Cas humanity, belonging and self worth, Sam to defy Lucifer and self forgiveness, Dean to defy your father/heritage and self acceptance).
Sorry… I am passionate about Jack and kind of flail but all the stuff we have so far about s13 confirms my wild speculation so far so I’m trying to be calm and collected whilst also being super hyped and waving my arms in the air going “SEE?!!!”. I’m excited to see what we are right and wrong about, I’m sure there will be a ton of twists and turns and a few “wow, didn’t see that coming!” moments, but as for now I’m just super excited to see how they take this and relate it to TFW’s (imo) positive endgames :D
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