#and especially bc there are so many other gripes i have i didnt even mention here..
kob131 · 4 years
Hey remember when Soku said he was gonna stop talking about RWBY?
Guess who got caught lying?
I don’t know what tag you’re looking through about the homophobia thing considering the majority of the people seem to be gay and would probably call you out if they saw this.
I don’t remember you guys ever calling anyone out for calling Illa a ‘psycho lesbian’ because villain + gay = psycho lesbian apparently.
Oh wait, which tag is it that says that? hm...
Look people doing rewrites on the series is a non problem, and the dumbest gripe.
so is 99% of what you fuckers pull. Like bitching that a catgirl was put into a catsuit.
But rwby isn’t well written some is allowed to watch it to fix it to reconstruct or deconstruct it there is no harm to this and the series could benefit from a rewrite.
Too bad you assholes break the show EVEN FURTHER when you do rewrite shit *cough* RE:RWBY *cough*.
If you don’t like it don’t go through the constructive criticism tag just to cry cause someone doesn’t wanna kiss rwby’s butt like you do.
Last time constructive criticism existed in the RWDE tag: 900 BC.
Yeah sure.
I don't know how to tell some of ya'll that just because you constantly argue against criticism and the other person gets tried to talking to a brick wall doesn't mean you win.
This ain't your preschool, this requires critical thinking skills which some of ya'll clearly lack.
And just because you reject facts and demand that your delusions are true doesn’t make the other person a brick wall. You just don’t understand how to debate.
Your idea of nit picking is not the correct use of the term. Nor do whoever you are know what is and isn’t criticism on a subject. 
Nit picking. Noun. “looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, especially in order to criticize unnecessarily.“
Literally all you do.
Also I’m only an asshole to people who are assholes back. So don’t pretend like you know me and mind your own? Deal? Deal.
Sorry Soku, that makes you a sexist, racist, transphobic Nazi. You know, since that’s MY Modius Operandi.
Also your blog is FILLED with bad political takes so you’re  the LAST person I wanna hear tall about “not picking”
“Can white people approiate basic human decency?”
Remember that take on your old blog?
Now what were you saying about politics...
I didn’t watch vol 7 thank god,-
So you have no idea what you’re about to say? Got it.
but a friend of mine on my discord mentioned flynt and neon returning (with Ik finally) and boy they really gave the catgirl a hoodie with cat ears on it? And Blake has a catsuit? Miles, Kerry, Shane and Monty always talked about how “subtle” they are with things like scenes and designs and they put both the catgirls in outfits that are so on the nose it might as well be a part of your skin.
Where was that said again?
Also that;s not were the term catsuits come from.  It comes from cat burglars using them.
Isn’t that like going “Hey black guy put these big lips on over your other lips? Or the black guy having a fucking basketball printed on their jacket?” Good lord, in a world where people can be born with cat ears, and tails don’t you think it’s kinda freaking disgusting that these exist where humans can wear them? 
And before you say that’s the point, in a world where none of the faunus get to say how they feel about these things and don’t have real life minority reactions to things like white dudes walking around with grills and fros and crap it kinda isn’t when the faunus girl wears a hoodie depicting one of the features of her own race that they were hunted down and slaughtered for.
Considering that it’d be no different than a white person getting cornrows-
Also it kind of is since black people walk around emphasizing their DARK SKIN, which is the basis of their discrimination.
You’re just race obsessed.
Hmm funny that the rich white girl who was racist gets an overpowered semblance that shares alot of feats like her team like being able to make runes that increase speed, Platforms, Remove gravity, shoot projectiles, Make people stick to them etc etc. Oh and she has the ability to summon monsters that show feats of strength that rivals one of her partners.
Meanwhile the minority character is shown to fuck up alot, gets treated like shit and never gets an apology from said racist, get nerfed constantly, have her weapon poorly sautared back together while the rest of her team gets upgrades and has the weakest semblance of the three.
Seems alittle off white writers.
And who has the better fight record than the other?
... The minority?
Hm, seems off black complainer.
Oh did that sound racist? Hm, dunno why it sound considering you said the SAME THING
So Let me get this straight, vol 7 has ended and apparently they lost the one relic they had, still haven’t found the newer one or did but still have to deal with Ironwood and several others. Cinder is still alive, Neo is siding with her out of fear? When she wanted vengeance and could team up with rwby.
this is volume 7 of supposedly 10 so three more seasons and they still haven’t sat down and talked about what they’re supposed to to against the immortal grimm lady, they don’t know where the relic at beacon is and ozpin’s still ghosting them, and they’re foolishly gathering them all in one spot instead of taking the maiden and the relic and putting both of them on the farest corners of the planet? I thought they were going to atlas to meet with someone Weiss knew as the Anton Sokolov Play dishonored! of their world to build a rocket and send at least one rocket into a black hole and never have an issue with Salem again.
three more seasons and a plan hasn’t even been formed to deal with her or the relics, Emerald and Mercury are doing nothing, Cinder has no goal except to be the new adam and chase the heros and get her ass kicked, Hazel’s doing nothing, The comms are down and we haven’t heard a peep from whoever runs Vacuo, Blake and Ruby have still had barely any interaction, Weiss hasn’t apologized for her racism, We never addressed how and why did Raven appear in Yang’s dreams, Why did ren from shields over his hands and show off feats of strength that rival yangs or his weird ability to sense tyrian? Neo’s eyes changed color when she saw Raven and her teleport ability. Lore Like how semblance, Lien (the money that looks like credit cards but has zero numbers on it work) The examples of agriculture, Flora and Fauna, dust and so on.
A. Haven’t they said it’s more like twelve?
B. Nope, Ozpin’s back. But hey, who needs to actually KNOW what you’re talking about?
C. Can’t do that, don’t know where the Spring Maiden is. Would have known this if you watched Volume 6.
D. They never said that and expressly said they were meeting with Ironwood to get the relic somewhere secure. Gee, that’s the THIRD thing you’ve gotten wrong. Hm...
E.So Soku, how does Quirks affect agiculture? What were the original Quirks like? Who had the first Quirk? What was life like for people when Quirks were uncommon? Hm? Nothing is said?
MHA is shit, SOku said so.
But sure, three more seasons to cram that all in AND a plan and character interaction/Growth and so on, this is a lovely mess of a show.
And as you have shown, you paid attention to 0% of it so how would you know?
So how’s that tar and feather treatment treating you Soku? Because I have so many more ways of humiliating you, happy showcase them as long as you open that bitchy little mouth of yours.
So go ahead and keep posting. It just lets me indulge my sadism without remorse.
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viella-art · 6 years
My thoughts on The Last Jedi
Since I got a few asks about what I thought of the movie I wanted to put them here.
General impressions is that, though the movie has obvious flaws I loved it. The movie can be overwhelming at times, with the amount of information being crammed into it. It made a whole lot more sense to me after viewing it a second time. I’m putting it under a read more because it contains spoilers and it is quite a lot.
A lot of people wouldn’t know this about me, but the characters I’m most invested in are Finn and Kylo and they both have great character development. I know a lot of people were dissapointed by Finn’s story because his actions seemed pointless, but Finn as a character certainly grows.
In TFA we see Finn going from ‘I’m fighting for myself’ to ‘I’m fighting for a friend’. Going into TLJ that is definetly still his mindset as you can see when he wakes up and immediately asks after Rey. And when he thinks the fleet is doomed he wants to escape to make sure Rey is safe.
The only reason he doesn’t is because Rose (bless her heart) does a commendable job of actually following her orders despite Finn being a resistance hero and keep him from escaping in an escape pod. I think Finn learns from Rose what it’s like to go from fighting for a friend to fighting for a cause. He wholeheartedly chooses the resistance in TLJ and while his normal M.O. is we need to get out of here, he now gives a speech about hope and how they need to hold out just a little longer. Boy was ready to die fighting for the cause too! Finn was anything but stagnant in TLJ and I’m excited to see what he does in IX now that he has fully accepted his role as Rebel Scum.
Now my man Kylo, he had the mother of all arcs! We can see Kylo being unhappy with Snoke from the get go, and even lets his anger take over as he actually tries to attack him (Snoke quickly puts him down with some Force lightning). Him bonding with Rey was done well, IMO, and them both thinking the could turn the other was in character. 
Kylo for me became actually dangerous in this movie, despite... not doing all that much. But like Adam has said in many interviews, Kylo thinks that what he does isn’t good necessarily, but he thinks he’s right. And that is dangerous, because he will use that to justify his actions.
Kylo deciding to be the Supreme Leader himself couldn’t have made me more happy. I wanted Kylo to be the big bad and Rian came THROUGH! Seeing Ren get more unhinged was like... fuel to me. I fully expect him to go full Azula in IX and I hope he gets to shine as the villain.
As for Hux... I didn’t really mind his characterisation in the movie. Sure, there are some moments that IMO could have been a little less comedy, but overall I loved his somewhat incompetent ass. In TFA we don’t see Hux do much besides giving orders, a speech and some sneering at Ren. I feel like we get a glimpse in his personality. Hux is arrogant to the point that failure is just not an option in his mind it seems. He is so cocksure about the Resistance going down that he doesn’t consider the option of their escape.
I loved, loved, loved the fact that he was about to pop a cap in Kylo’s ass and quickly hid that bc Kylo woke up and he knew he would probably not win that fight. Him immediately swearing fealty to Ren felt in character too. I’m fully assured that Hux is a ‘Live to fight another day’ kinda guy and I expect him to have something up his sleeve (other than a dagger) in IX and Kylo better watch his back, because his rabid cur of a general is coming for him.
I think the Poe/Holdo dynamic was pretty lazy writing. Their conflict could have been resolved fairly easily and it felt petty on both sides. This is my biggest gripe with the movie. Poe should have trusted Holdo and Holdo should have told people her plan. There was no reason for her not to spill the beans, and because she didnt say anything Poe could stage a mutiny fairly easily. That being said, I did love both characters. Laura Dern played Holdo very convincingly and I loved the softness she gave to a competent military leader.
As for Rey and Luke. Rey’s arc was good and I hope her parents really are nobodies. I loved Daisy’s acting, especially in scenes with Adam, and I feel like Rey is slowly gaining confidence in her part in this story. I wish she got some actual training from Luke though.
Luke... was a little bit dissapointing. I cannot believe that the same man that would not give up on Vader would give up so easily on Ben Solo. Maybe at the end where he fights Kylo and sees that Kylo is making all of this bad choices himself, but not when he was a student training with him. I can understand why Mark berated Rian for that. I did however love the twist that Luke was astral projection across the fucking universe, especially since Kylo mentions to Rey that the effort alone would kill you. Luke for me is a mixed bag of feelings. He has some great moments, and some moments where I felt his character was seriously mistreated.
Overall, even though the movie didn’t have the strongest plot, I still loved it. I loved that it went a different route. Thematically I would say it’s actually closer to The Return of the Jedi than The Empire Strikes Back, but I’m glad it didn’t emulate either movie. 
I do wish that there was more of a cohesion between TFA and TLJ, some characters (Like Kylo and Poe) seem very different from what we see in TFA. Kylo for example, sounds really different between these two movies. So for the character’s sake, I hope there is a little bit more cohesion between VIII and IX.
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cielospeaks · 5 years
boy am i glad kahotan introduced the izou nendo today bc if not id be like a million times more depressed and angry over the go update
i think theres a couple factors abt the most recent event, 1. that most every event recently has been disappointing (gw collab and mystery fair especially) or at the least, uninteresting. ny was kinda uneventful but fun and ok and harmless, ooku was tbh... pretty hecking awesome with the non grindey story progress and good screentime for a lot of characters who deserved it, but it introduced too many npcs with no payoff (and tbh 5 star nobu and kama are def comparable in the “ooooh look at how cool this servant is!!!111!! you dont need any other introduced characters even tho theyre way better and less gimmickey!!!111!!”)
2. lb4- where not bad it kinda... wasnt super interesting to me new characterwise, or at least wasnt really spaced out much for me to rlly enjoy- or ig i dont rlly care for either new 5 star, and really feel detached for the hype (i like ashvattaman a lot, as well as lakshmibai and tell, but for archer i didnt want to roll and get potentially a servant i might not want, same w tell (and broke quartzwise), saber came home and i love her but i really feel... not good abt her fandom reception, at least in eng fanbase. i dont think it helps that i was also hoping for servant matsudaira/archimedes/servant pepe/seimei. dont get me wrong tho, storywise it went above and beyond, was very enjoyable w the over the top dragon ball fight (which didnt interest me characterwise but it was at least fun) and pepe’s overall coolness, and that it didnt rely on being an extra/extella ripoff besides karnas master appearing. imo couldve been much worse (same way i felt w 3)
3. other gacha are... eh?? im not counting jump bc its hella fun but hard to get into. g-f is shit still, but i finally uninstalled. f-h has a shit story and... questionable pacing choices (and did i mention b3 is shit), and go was just kinda... ehh as well. idk.
4. the event itself. gudaguda has a weirdly large amt of npc characters now, what with katsu in 2, akechi in 3, and now shibata/maxwell/probably more? its kinda ridiculous tbh haha. and like matsudaira and kasuga, theyre actually cool npcs that deserve playable status (heck 2/3 are even given a class and katsu is implied to be living with us? i think?). and out of the potential characters the 3 we got were.... well, mori was awesome and im happy hes here. id probably like kagetora a lot more if she had a different illustrator, the ones she have make her character seem.... uncomfortable and lazy designwise. even her ce looks way better imo. and the lack of the characters having the cute gudaguda faces kinda feels... self important to me? like “oh our story is sooooo deep now” which is an overall gripe w the game as a whole (im looking at you cf and summer mystery). nobu herself is.... frustrating i guess? she feels just like a retcon of free 4 star nobu, and again overly serious and self important in a meta sense. but at the same time, shes easily the best 5 star avenger. so hm, sigh...
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