#and being able to show that she’s tough yet silly and strong and feminine and loyal
crunchie-morris · 1 year
@ anyone else who’s seen London Newsies, did anyone else hear Spot call Jack an asshole after the rally? Because I haven’t seen anyone else talk about it but I was sitting 3 rows up in Brooklyn and heard it very clearly - it was truly iconic
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thecartoonrambler · 22 days
Sylvia is a Fantastic character
Oh Sylvia!
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Ever since i wrote about Wander and why hes such an important character, i wanted to write about Sylvia. But life got in the way a little..
Sylvia is such an amazing character.
Craig could have easily made her male, or made her a "typical female character" who presents in hyperfeminine ways and whatever (nothing wrong with femininity as long as it isnt forced or compulsory). But she's not, shes her own character, she's masculine, she's a bounty hunter, she's strong, she's powerful, she keeps her silly friend in check, she's serious, logical, diligent. Competitive. She's sassy, she doesn't let others boss her around. Its SO refreshing. Its SO refreshing to just HAVE a female character that FEELS like a character rather than simply "the Female".
Funny how a kids show about space can do a better job at that than even Marvel movies, huh?Its almost sad that when talking about her, the fact that she's female and that shes written like a proper character is actually refreshing. It should be the case for ALL shows, no exceptions.
Maybe she can serve as an example for new writers and show runners what to do RIGHT.
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but enough about her gender!
I ADORE her dynamics between herself and other characters. I love the parallels between Her and Commander peepers in chasing around their emotional and impulsive friend/boss trying to keep them from doing silly things, yet also being complete opposites due to Her being the Bigger one in her dynamic with Wander, whereas peepers is the smaller one to Lord hater. I think its really cool!
I think episodes like "the Timebomb" or "the Family Reunion" are fantastic at deepening our understanding of Sylvia too.
She was brought up in a very rough and tough environment, feeling like she was never enough and had to compete with her older brothers at all times, fighting with feelings of not being good enough for her mother and how these feelings have caused her to be hyper competitive in instances of competition, where her feelings of little self worth are brough up if she's not "good enough", getting blinded by rage and loosing sense of what she should prioritise (which for a character that is typically so focused on logic and effectiveness is really striking. (I also ABSOLUTELY love the episode the Timebomb cause it shows how well Sylvia and Wander's friendship works?? Like the way he's able to calm her down and make sure she doesn't go crazy, similarly to how she's there for him from going crazy in episodes like "the Box") its just so sweet amd i love it smI love Sylvia so much.
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ALSO! her design! I love it! I didn't mention it yet. But i really like that
1. She's larger than Wander!
2. Her snout is so cute idk 🥺
3. I love that she's not skinny?? Like shes got muscle she's got fat, she's got speed!!?
4. I like that she has dinosaur and horse elements idk i think its cool She's just cool Idk i love her
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crazyclownthanos · 3 years
Karra Marron
“I already know my worth and I don’t needed to be told by anyone”
“Passing on the will of Noelle Silva? Sounds fun I’m raring to go!!”
Character Information
Meet Karra Marron! Magna’s and Sol’s second child a commoner of the clover kingdom
Karra is the leading female protagonists in White Clover and is a member of the generations fearsome three
Latin, Irish, Gaelic origin meaning “beloved”
Delinquents Daughter (the villagers)
Will carrier of Noelle Silva
Little Rascal (By Sol & Magna)
General Infromation
Status: alive
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Affinity: Compound of Earth and Flame
Age: 11 (at the start of White Clover)
Birthday: April 17th
Constellation: Aries
Height: 149cm
Weight: 40kg (88.18p)
Blood type: A
Eyes: purple
Hair: light brown
Karra is taller than the average 11 year old usually being 144cm while standing at 149cm.
Karra has neck length light brown hair, brown skin and purple eyes.
Karra’s regular clothing style would be a sleeveless top with white borders on each side with a few tares, navy blue shoulder length glove on her left arm that shows all her fingers except for the thumb connected to the sleeve and tied around her waist is a blue jacket with cotton on the borders she normally wears in winter. For the bottom Karra wears navy blue baggy pants and brown boots
Karra is the total oppsoite to Noelle. Because of her home environment of masculinity and femininity Karra just dosen’t care about gender and even mentioned once that dating both men & women are fine to her though growing up in a family where her parents argue about cereal every morning (usually) Karra has grown dense to love assuming marriage is all about arguing. Unlike Noelle Karra tends to be more open and isn’t afraid to be herself around anyone and not to mention her rowdy with her older brother. Any time a challenges occurs Karra is always the first to raise her hand and the last to runaway. When it comes down to business Karra knows when to be silly and when not to be in dire situations often relying on her strength to solve it.
Extremely dumb
Magna Marron
Karra has always been a “daddy’s girl” from their love of spicy food to their wild and predacious personalities and because of Magna’s soft side he grew to have a connection for Karra from the moment he held her. Aside from all the cute shenanigans Magna and Karra are always the first ones to start a fist on fist rally
Sol Marron
Karra and Sol share the same traits of being both feminists. Sol cares deeply for Karra and has always been worried of her well being being afraid of her going through the same thing she went through as child. Karra is honestly the proudest daughter alive to have Sol as a mother being a member of the blue rose knights Karra would go on for ages on how amazing her mother is and her magic attribute though she never understood why she use to be attached to Charlotte for many years
Karra’s older brother
Karra and her older brother always had a close sibling connection both having an age gap of 4 years (Him being 15 at the start of White Clover and Karra being 11) aside from that Karra and him grew up both ruffians though he started growing a habit of being more tired and sleeping more and the duties as a magic knight leaving no room in his sechuldue to spend to time with Karra. Standing from the bigger picture these will always love each other
Fearsome 3 or New Light Triad
Ace Silva
Ace and Karra have known each other since diaper days and because of their dads close friendship they would always have play dates. Karra views Ace as her closest friend and wouldn’t hestitate to give up her life for him though at some stages Ace can get a little awkard and can seem nervous around her which only makes Karra confused but she pushes that thought away and overall appreciates him and everything he’s done for her
Mirage Aldai
As well as Ace, Mirage and Karra have known each other since diaper days. These two had always have that relaxed persona, sometimes Mirage has to play “mother’ in Karra’s reckless and mindless states. Primarily Karra shows a deep interest in Mirage’s magic affinity of Forcefield and sees unlimited potential in him and tells him every time whenever he used his magic yet Mirage does get nervous when’s he’s openly compimented leading Mirage in being a hot red mess however Karra tries to control this and not openly compliment him.
Noelle Silva
Noelle is Karra’s mentor and the will carrier of Noelle’s legacy of the light triad. Despite their difference in magic affinities Noelle always wanted a student like how Mereoleona was to her mother Acier then Karra came along and made her life a little more brighter. Karra had always loved Noelle and always admired her strength and courage and would never get tired of her stories of her fighting on the battlefield and wanted to aim to be like her, Karra even asked her mother she wanted to live with Noelle when she got older.
Karra thinks of Genji as an emotionless robot who suffers to show emotion but when she does she’s always pointing it out, always cussing him headaches and trouble. Karra’s opnion on Genji is currently the person out of everyone they had less interactions with but always like starting a teasing partying for him.
Battle powers
Compound Magic/dual affinity: Karra possess the ability to use Flame and Earth magic but unfortunately the two however Karra can manipulate the crust of the earth and create as well manipulate hell fire and create fire
Creation Magic: Karra uses this form of magic to shape objects and entities from Fire & Earth
Immense magic power: Its nearly impossible for commoners to wield such large magic power people assume that’s because she has two magic attributes she gets the upperhand but there might be another reason why she posses such high magic power, Karra has proven this from being able to use her hands underground to generate large mana to the point where she could move one of the teutonic plates without the need of a grimoire
High Durablity: Karra maintains a high durability through the toughest situations in a sparring match against Yami Karra was able to stand on her own and even able to him with 2 attacks
Enhanced Strength: Karra is nowhere near as strong as Asta but for her age group she is mightier even being able to carry both her parents if she eats the right nutrients in the daily
Creative Mana: Both of Sol’s children inherited her creative mana, able to create weapons & beings out of Earth and Fire if in the right environment
Neglected by Mana: The disturbance of mana waves in ones own body can cause affects of complication one having immense magic power and low mana read. Vice versa.
Mana moves: Being neglected by mana Karra cannot do simple hand signal spells she has to do body movement spells
War Hammer: Karra can create a war hammer out of flame obstructed by earth this one of the only ways Karra can use both Earth & Fire magic
Physical Strength 4/5
Magic Amount 5/5
Magic Control 3/5
Magic Sensing 1/5
Cleverness 4/5
Toughness 5/5
Karra was inspired by Korra from legend of Korra
Karra’s favorite food is Spicy Grilled Salmon Kabobs
Karra likes are mud baths and vine swinging
Karra has a strange fear of squirrels
Favorite color is blue
It’s estimated that if Karra wanted to become a Wizard king she’ll achieve it at the ages of 18-20
She easily forgets named
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I lied. I had to do it tonight I'm so excited. Since you guys wanted to hear about my RFA Kids Au, I had to actually write about the children for you guys. So, I don't really have any partners for the RFA, I left that open ended mainly for the cast except for Jihyun and Saeran, obvious reasons being spoilers, but the children are my precious babies and I'm glad to share them with you all.
If you want more of them, let me know.
Su-Jin Kim
Sujin is the precious apple of his parent's eyes. He is perfect to them, and he always does what he's told to do. He is loud and he is always showing his love and affection towards others. You could often find him as a kid trying to hug the legs of anyone he could get his hands on. He's very empathetic, and seems to always feel the emotions of others just as strongly if not stringer then they do. Because of this fact, he is a very big crybaby and people often tease him for it. He tries to take it in stride but sometimes it's hard for him to cope with that. His Dad gets it, and that's why his Dad is his idol; Because he knows what Sujin is dealing with firsthand and he reassures him that he should always be himself and it will be okay in the end because of that.
Sujin is also deaf, rather, hard of hearing in both of his ears. One is better then the other but he really has no depth to most sounds. He has implants but he heavily relies on KSL(Korean Sign Lanaguge) to communicate with people. This barrier is what makes it hard for him to connect with others at times. Sujin does struggle to make friends of his own, but he is close to the other RFA kids because they're often around each other and interacting. He's a positive boy and does his best to be kind. He's friends with all of the other RFA kids because he's just that sweet.
Ha-Yun Ryu
Hayun is a very sweet girl, and she's always had this air about her that makes other people want to be her friend or be close to her in some way, shape, or form. She's always looking out for others and a lot of people feel like they can come to her when they need someone to speak with. Zen's daughter is a princess and she's always been spoiled rotten by her parents. That doesn't mean she's a bad egg! She's actually very polite and always minding her manners with people, and like her Father, she has a way of dazzling people with her outward beauty since she heavily took after him rather then her other parent with her red eyes and white hair. She's got a good head on her shoulders as she aspires to be a famous Idol, and fashion icon. She's very bubbly and always smiling, she's kind of oblivious but in that way that makes her a pure blessing on this planet that you want to protect. Is it because Hyun has tried to shelter her? Probably, but God, she's an angel on this Earth.
She's very active on her social media and has a very positive presence with the public! Just don't you dare think about trying to flirt with Hayun because her Dad is always warning her about the dangerous of men out there! He would do anything for his daughter, and I feel had personally for the boy that ever makes Hayun cry. Speaking of boys and loving them, Hayun has a big crush on Jun, and she has since they were children but she thinks that he doesn't like her more then a friend.
Ji-Yeong Kang
Jiyeong was adopted and she cannot remember a time in her life without Jaehee and her other parent as they've been with her since she was a very young girl. They've always been there. She loves them and they love her so much; She wouldn't have her family any other way at all. She's an outgoing girl who is always trying to study and reach the next peak on her journey without bothering others along the way. She's polite and very straightforward, a trait she picked up very quickly from her Mom and it just stuck to her like glue as she got older; However, she is quick to upset, her exterior may look tough but it doesn't take much for her to be on the verge of tears.
Unfortunately, her hot temper can land her in some bad places sometimes and she is always scolded when she gets into trouble but rewarded for having such a strong moral compass. She is a dedicated friend, and kind tend to be the Mom of her friend group just because she wants to make sure that nobody gets hurt.unless they deserve it. She's close friends with the Choi Girls, mainly Minsu, causing some kind of havoc.
Jun Han
Jun is so much like his Father that it might strike you with whiplash. He looks like his Dad, but his eyes are his other parent's eyes. He's intelligent, and got this brand of humor that could only come out of the Han household. He's very soft spoken, and he often doesn't express it when he's upset or depressed. He just grows quiet and balls it up inside when he knows he shouldn't. He struggles with his Dad being so busy all the time, but he makes up for it as best he can by hanging out with his friends or petting Elizabeth. He's very good friends with not only Jihyun's daughter, Lucy, but Yoosung's son, Sujin, as well.
Jun is his chosen name, and its the name that he's gone by since he was young. He will not respond to any other name that you call, as he refuses the feminine name that was attached to him at birth. You see, Jun is Trans, and he's always known that he was a boy, even if he didn't have the words to express it. For a long time in his youth, he was angry and often threw tantrums when he would have to wear dresses and hang around others. His parents knew that their baby needed help for his problems, and they realized very quickly that Jun was well, Jun, and the rest is history. There was a small struggle with Jumin as he can to grips with what it meant for Jun to be Trans, but, he and his partner are more then supportive of their son and they would do anything for him to ensure his happiness.
Min-Ji & Min-Su Choi
Minji is the older twin by five minutes, and Minsu is the younger twin. They both are the spitting image of their Dad, with the red hair just as vibrant now as it was the day they were born. The small difference between them is that Minji was born with heterochromia, having one golden eye and one brown eye, instead of both golden. They are polar opposites" much like their Dad and Uncle are. It's a kind of cute dynamic when it comes down to it. These two are the world to Saeyoung and he is happy to say that they are great kids. Minji is shy, and she often doesn't know how to cope with people. She often struggles with crippling social anxiety and Minsu is always there for her sister, she took the big step when they were young and held her sister's hand when she cried or became too scared to speak with other people. She is quick as a whip, and picks up language just as easily as her Father does. The first thing that she learned was KSL so that she could better communicate with Sujin, who she has the tiniest crush on. She's very close to her cousin, Nari, as the both of them are quiet and tend not to get noticed by others.
Minsu is encouragble and has the biggest prankster tendencies out of anybody in her family. She picked up on Saeyoung's tricks and improved them without even trying. She's always laughing and having fun, but it can land her into trouble if she's not careful, its great that Jiyeong is with her to stop her from doing anything too dumb, but it really doesn't make that much of a difference. She's bubbly, and she's always quick to speak for herself and her sister without being asked to do so. She's always trying to be a good sister, if anyone hurts Minji she will destroy them with her bare hands. She's got the smallest crush on Jiyeong but she's not about to admit it.
Lucy Kim
I don't even have to say a lot about Lucy because she is pure and honest and kind. She's not my OC, so I haven't really fillet developed how I want to write her just yet. The best daughter that Jihyun Kim could have ever have asked for, and he spoils that girl rotten. I read her as sweet, and very close with Jumin's son out of pure choice.
Nari Choi
Nari is literally sunshine and she deserves everything that the world has to offer and more than that. She is the daughter of my MC Lila, and Saeran, and she's always smiling. She's got her Mother's brown eyes and her messy hair, and her Father's hair color. She's named after a Lily, and its clear that Saeran did that deliberately, and Lila liked the sentiment just as much as he did. Nari never really has had a lot to say, she was a quiet baby and she always held onto people's hands for silent comfort. She is a soft-spoken girl who often doesn't go out of her way to get attention because she likes being in the background, and she absolutely adores gardening because it's the one thing that her Parents are always doing together and sharing together in and around their house. Nari is often found underneath trees and amongst the tall grass just bathing underneath the sun rays, and she aspires to be a florist when she gets older! She very well may be able to do that because her parents are always behind her back and supporting everything that she wants to do or try even if it seems silly to others.
She's very close with her cousin, Minji, and you often don't see one without the other attached. They just floated to each other because they silently understood that the other didn't want to jump out into the spotlight. They often share each other's company in the quiet, and its a normal thing for them to read books in the same room.
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sakubaeconfessions · 7 years
I don't hate Sakura, but I don't quite like her, maybe I just don't get it? Could you please give me some reasons as to why you like her? PS: this is NOT hate. Just trying to understand. 💕
Ahh that’s such a tough question!! It’s far easier to explain Sakura’s development than to explain your own reasons for liking her!! But I’ll give it a shot!! 
 There are many reasons I like sakura. She’s strong, girly, goofy, temperamental, intelligent, beautiful, such a hard worker, kind, selfless and downright Caring in nature!! These are the reasons I like her. Not why I adore her.
 As to why I adore her? Easy. When I look at sakura? I see myself. To explain this? I’ll start by telling you the cliche.
 In most Shonen mangas ( or at least the ones I’ve read and tbh I haven’t read many. It takes a huge commitment to devote yourself into such a long series) heroines have some very common and distinctive characteristics in them. They are loud. Brash. Tsundere Character type. They have a tragic background. Have some sort of power within themselves. They also are introduced as girls who are unsure of their skills and talents. And their development usually revolve around how they became more and more sure of their abilities. I’ve noticed this a lot that a heroine develops for the hero. It’s just something I’ve noticed. Considering that I see so many heroines like these? They became cliche. I do love some heroines but none come close to sakura. And it’s because these typical heroines? Are not relatable. They don’t affect me. Their struggles don’t touch me. I can’t relate to them. But I do relate to Sakura.And there are many reasons how I relate to her.
 Sakura might be the only shonen heroine I’ve encountered with till now who comes from a normal background. She was born in a normal family, had Normal parents and had a normal childhood ( as said by kishi) To me that felt new. Like a breath of fresh air. Cause I got something different. I found something I can relate to. Some anti’s I have encountered with? Claim to hate sakura Because she had such a normal childhood. She never lost anyone close to her. Which is weird Because these anti’s? Have the same background as Sakura herself. 
 Her obsession for her hair. Now this I can relate to!! Considering the fact that Naruto was published in the 90’s? Back then long hair was a sign of beauty and femininity. When I was young? I used to constantly obsess with my hair. And I used to throw a temper tantrum when my mother forced me to cut them.Cause in my eyes I was no longer “pretty” as I didn’t have long hair. So to see sakura obsess over her’s? Honestly it was like seeing a mirror!! It also showed me how ridiculous I was being. In a way sakura kinda pushed me to reflect on myself.
 You see when Sakura was introduced? She was portrayed as a shallow Character with good intentions. This was shown to us when she “insulted” Naruto but felt guilty right after she was called out for it. So she didn’t know she made a mistake. Which was so new to me!! Cause when I was young? I used to make insensitive remarks all the time without knowing I was wrong. So again seeing sakura made me realize my own mistakes!!
 Her mental growth. You see what fascinated me the most was witnessing how sakura matured. At the beginning she saw Naruto as an annoyance and dead weight. But in the chunin exams she is encouraging him in his battle against Kiba and had full faith in his abilities when everyone else was doubting naruto. With sasuke? Sakura never considered his feelings at the beginning. To her? Making Sasuke hers was top priority. At least that’s what I thought in the beginning. Yet in the land of waves? She cried her heart out for him!! Proving us that her feelings weren’t so shallow!! And in the chunin exam? She did nothing but tried to help Sasuke and tried to understand his reasoning. She easily saw the difference in his demeanor and wanted nothing more but to help him!! Watching her mental growth? Was really inspiring to me!! Cause typically with most heroines their always introduced as sweet and understanding characters. But with sakura I got to see how she became an understanding Character!!
Inner sakura. Do I need to explain? Everyone has an inner.
 Her reasons for loving sasuke. Okay many claim that sakura only “loved” Sasuke based on his looks and popularity. Which isn’t true!! Because in “sakura & ino” chapter we saw in the flashback that sakura was surprised to know that sasuke was popular!! So that took down one lie. As I’ve said above, when sakura cried her heart out when she thought Sasuke was “dead” it showed us that her crush wasn’t superficial. No doubt that when she had a crush on him? It was more of a celebrity crush. Which developed so beautifully!! I don’t have to go in great details to show you sakura’s love for Sasuke. It’s pretty obvious. But the reason I’m gonna explain. It’s true that unlike Hinata or Karin? Sakura’s reason for her love was never addressed. But as I’ve said it’s obvious. Normally? A girl doesn’t fall in love with a guy because he saver her from a bear. Or saved her from herself misery. Cause the odds of that happening? Are mostly in movies, dramas, shoujo mangas and occasionally in real life as well. But it’s not common. Because normally? A girl loves a guy because she got to know him. Not everyone needs a Oscar winning reason. Naruto doesn’t, neither does shikamaru, temari, ino, obito etc. Again Sakura is shown to be a very relatable character Because everyone has at least one characteristics as her’s,
  Her bond with ino. First of all I’ll like to clear the air here. “ Sakura and ino didn’t broke up their friendship over sasuke!!”  They broke it off cause sakura wanted to grow outside of Ino’s shadow and become worthy enough to be her rival -which ino accepted. Them fighting over sasuke? Was like another competition. Like how Naruto fights with Sasuke over trivial things. I can understand that very well because I’ve lived in my siblings shadow my whole life!! So wanting to break free from it?makes It’s something I can understand. But watching Sakura’s and Ino’s friendship? I was again able to learn from her. Learn that sometimes having a rival motivated you. And it motivated me to try my level best to come at par with my siblings. The journey helped me grow so much!!
 When sakura cuts her hair? That was the day I realized that short hair are cool.
 So you see? Sakura attracted me because she was someone I could relate to. Who made stupid mistakes and admitted to them. Who tried hard to improve herself but still couldn’t fix herself completely. Because everyone has flaws. And adore how sakura tried to conquer her’s!!She developed from a weak and talentless konuichi to the strongest one ever. All while not having any sorts of special powers!! No kekhi genki, no clan jutsu, no tailed beast. Just herself and her determination. Cause sakura represents something better than any other typical heroines do.
   Sakura shows us that you don’t need an extraordinary background to become an extraordinary personHonestly 
I could go on and on with Sakura. There are many reasons I like her. She’s very flawed and I like that. Because she’s just so human!! There are so many instances in my life where sakura helped me alot. She showed me how to take challenges!!Watching her bloom was like watching myself bloom!! Having a relatable Character is so nice!! Because now you have someone who can touch you on an emotional level.
 I won’t deny that sakura never made mistakes. But she learns from them!! She developed for herself!! She broke the chain of stereotypes!!
 And watching all the hate surrounding her for the most ridiculous reasons?“ Her boobs are small” “ she cries a lot” “ she can only heal” “ she punches naruto all the time” “ she didn’t choose naruto” “ her crush on Sasuke is ridiculous and annoying” “ she’s abusive” etc.  It kinda hurt because I saw so much of myself in sakura? It felt I was being attacked. I know that Silly but that’s how I felt. Which is why I love her more!! The more the hate she received? The more I loved her❤❤
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tf2headshotcanons · 7 years
How would the mercs show their love and affection to their male s/o. Like dates they would take their s/o on, do they like kisses, etc
I want to clear a few things before I answer, if that's alright? Firstly, I personally don't ship any of them as gay (if you look at my sexuality blog, you'll see that only... 2? I ship as straight and the rest bi or pan. Those two are Sniper and Scout), so I apologise. It's because I don't see them as gay is why I'm running my own blog, because everyone else seems to make them gay so a lot of blogs are similar. I wanted to do something different with my different perspective (and no, I ain't asking for credit or praise doing that either!). So strictly gay (but not bi and stuff) asks are probably better left to the other blogs. Mainly because they fucking know their shit. I'm not gay, heck I've never been in a relationship, so actual loving shit is harder for me to do. does that make sense? O.oTo make it clear to that one cunt that sent me hate, || I do NOT hate gays || I just don't see the TF2 blokes as strictly gay (but many with the potential!) That's it! That's literally it!NOW I want to make it clear, If ya love someone. REALLY love someone. It doesn't matter if they have a dick or vagina. So this will sorta answer for both male and female, because if you love someone, their privates don't matter and that shouldn't differ how you love them. But for you, mate (a fellow Sniper fan), I'll try to gay it up for ya ;) Just... Forgive me if I'm not good at it. I'm not gay so I don't know how it differs. To me, love's love ain't it?HEADCANONMANNON TIME:Scout: Aww crap! He... He didn't expect to be... Ya know? He's honestly not comfortable with it, at first. Why? Because he always (forgive my lack of eloquentcy) wanks off to the most sexy and curvy women. But it never felt... Right. He's worried his mother won't accept him (little does he realise his father told her, and they both accept and love him, but it won't stop her teasing him). Scout... Well, Scout does like to see himself as confident and attractive, and to people he hits on - he can be! But when he actually loves someone? Bloody hell, is he kinda shy! Especially now that he's gay! So... He's timid, awkward, and sweaty. He's nervous and makes a lot of error, but ultimately he scores! He tries to be the "man" of the pair - you know, the protective and dominant one? But he's the lass, and we know it ;) Uhhh places, places... You know, fuck it. He's an amusement park kinda guy! Or a sporty guy (obviously) so places that get you out their! Scout... In the amusement park, would be out of his shell and just Scout. But if they did sports together, it'd be like a scene from Ghost, ya know, behind them and teaching them howta swing? That jobbie. Uhh what else do people do romantically? Um movies? Eat- Does he like kisses? Does he fuck! Though kissing Scout is like kissing a damn dog XP Any how, he'd overall be very competitive (but playful!) and try to protect them. He'd try to be the guy his dad wasn't to his mom. Basically, he'd see his partner as the "mom", but really that's him. Soldier: Ehh now, personally, this doesn't need too much of an answer. Because he has Zhanna, we basically know how he'd be in a relationship, and I'd personally see that he'd be the same with a bloke. Protective but knows he can fight, loveable and complimentary. Involving him in dumb shite and neck snaps. That sorta jobbie. And we already know he loves kisses, but the small and quick ones (preferably multiple times!). Honestly, it won't be much different if Zhanna had a dick... Well, she wouldn't have tits but still- My point still stands! He'd take him to the Raccoon Santuary, Training, Ball Games (ref: Demo), Merasmus' home. It's hard to say whether he'd be "alpha" because he'd most likely pick another strong character too. Chances are, they'd both be the "Dad" figure. I'm not sure whether he'd be a movie bloke. He ain't the brains, but he is the heart and spirit!Pyro: We... We don't even know what the fuck Py is. I'm going to use "they" as we don't know what they are, that would be the same for the same sex partner. Off topic, but If Pyro WAS a woman, I think she'd be good for Pauling. But you didn't hear that prediction from me ;) Anyhow, Pyro loves kisses! The same type as soldier, except loves them all day, errryday. If you give them one less kiss from the day before, they may get sad. Pyro loves watching movies, or colouring, or playing with toys, splashing in a pool, burning things or listening to a story. That's what they'd invite their partner to do. Pyro wouldn't be dominant, but they'd be the emotional crutch, they cuddler and emotive one. Basically, the "Mom" archetype. He's mostly passive BUT hurt their love and they WILL torture you! They're bossy and demanding, but full of love. Pyro just loves to be cuddled. Can we just assume for all of this that Pyro's a female and with Pauling?Demo: He's fucking cuddle central, ain't he? He's open to being gay. Suspected it. Doesn't mind it. Though I do think his Mum wouldn't accept - at first. In the end, she'd settle that he's happy and can adopt (And isn't lazy! That's probably her biggest peeve). Demo is the relaxed and chill lover. Doesn't stress, and although a hardworker can slip into bouts of laze. His man would have to be able to party but strict enough to snap him into place. Like Soldier, they may have gone out to the big ball game, or partying or drinking. You know what? Just suggest that it's Soldier he's dating! And yes, he loves kissing, but the sloppy passionate kind. He likes to take a date home to just cuddle and watch that shitty ghost drama. Oh, but his sword may be teasing you both. FYI. Overall, he's very easy going and outgoing. He'll need someone fun to keep up but somewhat strict to stop him relapsing.Heavy: He quietly mulls things over, but it's nothing new nor strange. Like Sniper, he's quiet and reclusive, though he's physically imposing. Though the quiet type, he's very protective and loving. Can even have a laugh. His ideal dates are quiet, reading, moving, or even deep discussions. Anything intimate and meaningful is a worthy date to him. Like Sniper, he probably needs someone a little more forward to approach him, but otherwise is the more protective one. He's very brotherly too and nurturing like a bear. He just loves time with his man, after all time is the most expensive currency. He's more reserved on kissing. You should know he loves you.Engi: He's another that may be mortified of being gay, mainly because the Southern stereotype of it being "unnatural". But he hasn't seen his old man in a VERY long time, so fuck his approval! Engi is another shy boy... At first. His not reserved, but he is nervous at first. He is what's known as a people pleaser and is worried to get it wrong. Where he's an adventurous inventor, he lacks in forward personality. His partner would have to be really smart and ambitious, though not afraid to try new things. He's romantic and kinky like the Medic. A bit freaky too~ So his bloke would have to be ready for anything INCLUDING surprise dominance. As far as dates go, he loves a traditional homemade dinner with a side order of philosophy and smart talk. He's also up for going to a pub but not much of a clubber, unlike Demo. He SEEMS shy at kissing, but he ain't.Sniper: He's honestly mortified at first. His already a pariah to his parents, God what if this disowns him?! God, it keeps him up at night and makes him sick. When the truth does come out, he doesn't make the first contact to his parents. In his mind, he's now an orphan. To his luck, his parents are just delighted that he's found someone to love. That's honestly their biggest wish for him. Like the Scout, he's withdrawn and reclusive. Not necessarily shy though. Just a loner, think the Wolf Children. It takes awhile to get in his heart, but when you do, he's the protective type. Awkward with intimacy and a little oblivious, which probably annoys his bloke but hey it's kinda cute! He's about the little things, holding hands and lying under the stars. He's probably the first to really settle too. He prefers natural dates, like camping or archery. Heck, maybe a bit of reading, knitting and crafting too! Or kayaking. He needs a slightly more dominant man, a friendly and approachable one, one who gives loners like him time and space, and understanding. Somewhere between social and anti. But he's a good lover, just a misplaced one. And traditional, just like his pa. He's more of a hand holder than a kisser, but his kisses mean a lot to his lover.Medic: The actual gay. He's eccentric and creepy, grumpy and funky, boisterous and ambitious. He'd actually be good for someone like Engi or Hoover. Dominant and frisky, yet around others he can be cold and withdrawn. Not in the shy way, but he's not always one to give out love. He loves to experiment and do some freaky things on the first date. Things that border illegal (like smuggling exotic animal pieces). Risk taker. He doesn't like kisses much, but in the mood he will fuck you silly. He seems prissy and cowardly, but he would be the Queen and dominantor of his man.Spy: Like his son, he's taken a back. Mainly because he's used to charming women but surprisingly, he doesn't mind the change. It's actually a turn on. He's a traditional charmer, dinner by candlelight and a movie. Though he's up to some freakier stuff if his lover allows it. He's the mysterious charmer, though he's drawn to sass and mystery himself. And though he can be quite feminine about his clothes, he still makes a good lover for a man. He's just VERY high maintenance. Sometimes, the mysterious men he likes probably can't cope with his high demands, but he calls them standards. He'll need someone who can cope with his high needs and mask. He appears self sufficient, demeaning and cold, but in reality, he loves to feel loved. He gives tough love but means it. And he loves heated passion, making out and hard sex.
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memorabilia14-blog · 7 years
"Goddess or woman capable of LOVING..."
Such a definition as Femininity has a different definition in our culture. Glossy magazines, films, television and radio give countless definitions of what makes a woman a woman. Why is it important to define the notion of femininity? In the first place, in order to understand our female essence and purpose. In modern culture femininity can be manifested Shopaholic, flirtation, wearing heels, nice makeup, the ability to cook and many other things. In order to understand the origins of femininity and find out its true nature, we need to understand what biblical femininity looks like. We see that the female essence is rooted in how God created woman on the biological composition and inner spirit. It does not depend on Hobbies, interests or personality. Therefore, a woman can love fishing, hunting and cars and to be as feminine as a woman who loves shopping, cooking and interior design. Elements of biblical femininity we see in such manifestations as the natural vulnerability, the ability to love, mercy, kindness, care and compassion. We see that our femininity is manifested when we are associated with the greatest number of people. To appear in communications to connect to the living - that is our true nature. That's why we love to talk for hours, to correspond, to talk about every situation and every feeling associated with this situation, and only then, we feel heard and understood. That's why, when a man interrupts us and says, "Let me tell you what to do" we get upset. Because we use it as an opportunity to connect with other people and to be closer to them. When a woman has a great spirit she is able to create an environment in her presence man feels "at home". In contrast, in the weakness and suffering we are capable of hurting even those we love. Woman by nature is a caregiver. This is manifested even in physical form. Because women have Breasts and uterus to feed and nurture the fetus. Itself female composition creates and nurtures life. It has become very fashionable to "educate femininity". I believe that this in itself is silly because femininity is given to every woman at birth. Therefore, a woman who is not married and has no children in form and in spirit as well as feminine woman who has 30 children. The third element of femininity is vulnerability. As women, we have an incredible ability to be soft, sensitive and vulnerable, combined with the emotional fortitude to overcome the attacks against the vulnerability that we inevitably face. And yet, we often zamurueva our hearts, because once our vulnerability was used against us. Women often close their hearts to prevent being damaged, the victims or the wounded. We block the pain. We can choose the defensive position, to close , to protect themselves and withdraw from people in General , to control the relationship, to manipulate, to play, to pretend and even suppress others. We think that if we appear tough and strong, we will not be able to hurt. And in fact, this means that we are so weak that you have to mask all of our feelings to avoid pain. Really feminine woman can feel and Express their feelings in a healthy relationship, and not hide behind a facade of strength and neprobivaemosti. The next element of femininity is the desire to be beautiful. For girls it is very important to be beautiful not only externally but also internally. The ability to make yourself beautiful gives a woman absolute joy. Hence, a huge craving for shopping, beauty salons, all kinds of anti-aging and aesthetic treatments, sporting events, etc. However, the internal qualities of a woman beyond her visual appeal. Not passing the beauty of women is rooted in calmness of spirit and tenderness. She can be strong-willed, brave, cheerful, purposeful, but at the same time quiet and gentle. Therefore, a true lady needs to work on inner qualities and use appearance as a tool to get men to stumble. After all, appearance is always a manifestation that happens to a woman inside. The last element of femininity is the ability to be responsive. This includes qualities such as the ability to be soft, gentle. A woman is able to be flexible, wise, kind, inspire others, give a wonderful mood, light and joy. Lady always remembers that its true strength lies in weakness, not in self-centered "strength." Femininity has a wide face and gives a good ground for strengthening of true masculinity. For women of the 21st century is quite difficult to find a strong role model of womanhood. The archetype of the woman - goddess, can serve you the strength and inspiration for their own achievements. I want to cite the example of some archetypes that can inspire you. Lady Di Princess Diana showed girls and women of the world, even the crown, can be worn noble. Not only that, she wore a crown, she used it to empower the rescue of distressed and sick people. Her life became a solid position of motherhood not only his own boys, but to the world. Many believe that they personally knew Lady Di and had experienced the death of Princess as a personal tragedy. The ability to Love from Lady Di: • In order to receive love you must give. Diana gave her love even those people whom she had never met. You can also get this love. • Be kind, sympathetic and help others. Find giving a part of yourself, and you open the door to true self-love. And whenever the pain of your past stop the action, refer to Princess Di for inspiration.
Audrey Hepburn Audrey gave the world the lessons of the power of the female spirit and boundless kindness. She was able to realize herself as an actress, wife, mother and goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. She attended the most disadvantaged areas of Africa, South America, Turkey, and Vietnam. Hepburn donated to the charity's own funds and becoming an example of strength and determination to beat those in power, vaccines, drinking water, food, bricks for the construction of hospitals, orphanages and schools. Unusual for her education and knowledge of six languages helped Audrey to her task. It with equal ease and communicated with Ministers of state, and with sick children from the poorest black neighborhoods. Love lessons from Audrey Hepburn • In order to conquer the hearts of men know their individual characteristics and skillfully outplay them. Remember that stylish can be called only the woman who refuses to blindly imitate the existing traditions and finding his way. • Before you sacrifice your luck that put you talent and hard work, it is worth considering whether there is what that is. • A relationship built on deception will not last long. Dreams are fine, but in a relationship the most important thing to see a real man with all his advantages and disadvantages. • Happiness in your personal life possible at any age and in any difference in years, we just need to keep your heart open to love. • personal life should remain personal. Dedicating every detail of their relationship, you run the risk of making himself and partner topic of gossip and gossip.
Angelina Jolie Ambassador, actress, devoted mother, sex symbol, lawyer in the world. This woman is a living archetype of self-confidence. Lessons of Love from Angelina • When you feel intimidated and unsure of yourself, meditate, think positive. Remember that the resources of this world, trapped inside you. Oprah Winfrey Journalist, actress, producer and philanthropist. For me is a living example of determination, self-belief, perseverance and passion. Love from Oprah Winfrey She had heard many failures in television, movies and Newspapers. In fact, the failure only strengthened the spirit and made the woman even more. Now Oprah's possibilities seem LIMITLESS. Choose her as an archetype every time you say to yourself: "I can't, I'm not dachnica, I have nothing Positive thinking, vibrations, energy, meditation and spirituality helped through difficult times and brought her in happiness. When you're in doubt, and the subject no one to turn to for advice, set mileny contact with Oprah. This heart and kind guest will be able to find the words that inspire...
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