#and assumes todo is just going for platonic
plusultrachaos · 2 years
okay i love the troupe of both sides of a ship being poblivious to the others crush while also crushing on them as much as the next one. but hear me out:
specifically thinking bokuaka, kiribaku, iwaoi, or todomido
one is painfully aware that the other is crushing on them, has tried to get them to notice how in love they are back, but the one with the very obvious crush is also mega oblivious or just doesnt actually recognize the way that their partner looks at them
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bellaexclamation · 3 years
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Hello! It’s another autism comic, go below for an english translation! Dia 7 falando de sarcasmo e não entender as intenções das pessoas, como faz falta indicadores de tom de voz online :’D transcrição do texto abaixo!
PT-BR (imagem 1) “Oi bem vindes ao dia 7 eu sou autista e muito ruim com sarcasmo” “Em geral eu costumo sempre assumir que as pessoas tão sendo honestas comigo e, a não ser que seja algo absurdo, maior parte das vezes eu vou acreditar ou só ficar confuse com a informação” (imagem 2)
" "A gente te ama!" "Confia!” “Eu não vou te machucar de verdade" "Okay..." “ "Yes, você é a MELHOR!" “ “Basicamente, é extremamente fácil mentir pra mim e me manipular. Eu demorei muito pra me tocar que sofria bullying quando era criança e na real até hoje eu tenho dificuldade pra saber se tão sendo rudes comigo ou não!“ “ "Ah...você..." "oxe" "É só brincadeira!" "Foi mal, esse jogo é para adultos" "Mas eu tenho a mesma idade que vo-" "Xau!" "Uh, ok até amanhã" “ (imagem 3)
“Uma vez 1 cara da faculdade aproveito que uma treta de zap era vagamente relacionada a mim pra uh, reclamar da minha existência” (cortado) "Você vai ser criticada por ser lésbica. Você não pode sentar e chorar toda vez" "É dark humor galera" "Vc não está em um ambiente agradável, se resguarde se não quiser levar ataque" "Eu sei" "Vc força amizade na sala já não traz isso pro grupo" "meu deus me desculpa eu não tenho noção" ";) rlx" "A gente nem se conhece" "Set fire in the rain" "kkk" "Só não atrapalha a aula e todos vão te amar" "gente 6 tão bem?" (cortado)"PARA DE SER HIPOCRITA QUE TODO MUNDO GOSTA DE UMA BAIXARIA"
“ Doeu ter minhas inseguranças acertadas na mosca! Eu aprecio muito quem tem paciência comigo, que me explica as coisas sem ser vago. Se não eu não entendo as coisa! Eu preciso dessa comunicação clara e saudável. Aliás falando de zap, é ainda mais difícil fazer isso ONLINE!” (imagem 4) “Em inglês até tem marcadores de tom de voz e as vezes em português aviso de ironia ou piada. Mas eu acho que precisa normaliza mais! Ajuda muito! E quem sabe a gente ter uma lista de marcadores de tom em português também? Tipo assim? Tem nada de errado com demorar pra sacar as coisas e precisar de ajuda é okay! Achar que é burrice é capacitista. Lembre-se disso! xoxoxo” (a lista abaixo ta junto da tradução em inglês pra gringue)
/vdd - verdadeiro e/ou genuino (ou /gen) ENG: true, genuine /i - ironia ENG: irony /sr - sério ENG: serious /bq - brincando ENG: joking /mbq - meio brincando ENG: half-joking /s - sarcasmo ENG: sarcasm /pr - provocação ENG: teasing /r - romantico ENG: romantic /pl - platonico ENG: platonic /pos - positivo ENG: positive /neg - negativo ENG: negative /rlx - relaxado e/ou despreocupado e/ou não bravo ENG: relaxed, unconcerned, not mad /f - falso e/ou mentira ENG: false, lying /m - meme e/ou copypasta (ou /c) cb - clickbait
ENG (image 1) “Hi welcome to day 7 I am autistic and very bad with sarcasm” “In general I tend to assume that people are being honest with me and, unless it’s something absurd, most of the time I’ll believe it or just be confused with the information.”
(image 2)
“ “We love you!” “Trust me!” “I won’t hurt you for real” “Okay...” “Yes, you’re the BEST!””
“Basically, lying to me and manipulating me is extremely easy. I took a very long time to get that I was being bullied as a child and really up to this day I have a hard time telling if people are being rude to me.”
“ “Oh...you...” “Dafuq” “It’s just a joke!” “Sorry, this game is for adults” “But I’m the same age as y-” “Bye!” “Uh, okay. Seeya tomorrow.”
(image 3)
“One time this guy from college used the fact the whatsapp discourse was vaguely related to me to uh, complain about my existence”
(cut off)” “You will be criticized for being a lesbian. You can’t sit and cry every time” “It’s dark humor guys” U’re not in a pleasant space, keep to yourself if u don’t want to be attacked” “I know” “U already force friendships with people in class don’t bring that to the group”
““oh my god im sorry i cant tell” “;) dw” “we don’t even know each other” “Set fire in the rain” “lol” “Just don’t disrupt class and everyone will love you” “yall r good?” (cut off) “STOP BEING A HYPOCRITE EVERYONE HERE LOVES DRAMA”
“Having my insecurities attacked spot on hurt! I appreciate a lot those who are patient with me, that explain stuff to me without being vague. Otherwise I won’t get stuff! I need healthy and clear communication, BY THE WAY on the subject of Whatsapp it’s much harder to do that ONLINE!”
(image 4)
“In english we have voice tone “indicators” and some times in portuguese warnings for irony or jokes. But I think it should be more normalized! It helps a lot! And maybe have a list of tone indicators in portuguese too? Like so? There’s nothing wrong with taking a while to get things and needing help is okay! Finding that a sign of not being smart is ableist. Remember that! xoxoxo” (translation for the list above next to the transcript)
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plusonetm · 4 years
ohohoho i wanna hear what u have to say about bakubitch
I'm assuming this is for the character thing so!!
First impression- complex character but also he's just kinda a bitch
Impression now- holy fuck i've seen so many different interpretations on his character and the amount of bakugou meta i've consumed is ungodly i don't even KNOW what i think of him at this point. He's??? Yeah he has anger issues, but it goes so far beyond that. I'm far from the first person you should be asking to talk about his character because it's so hard to describe it. He's smart, and he's a bitch sometimes, and he's got trauma. He needs support and therapy and jesus christ help him
Favorite moment- the sports festival was so !!! Specifically, his fight with Todoroki. His whole 'fight me for real so i can win' is a cool thing to see and it's just !!!
Idea for a story- if I had the dedication for it, I'd love to write a long ass fic about him and his quirk and his emotions. Because it's said that his sweat is nitroglycerin-like, not that it's nitroglycerin. There's a shitton you could do with that. Something between him and todo would be super cool. Until which temperature can he keep the sweat going, you know? Like yeah he could keep sweating from exertion, but not nearly as much. A fight scene between them, in any story, would be so !!! I'm just. Would todo be able to set his sweat off from a distance i'm feuinde8un
Unpopular opinion- don't really have one, any opinion i have about baku is popular already. But, i'd say he really doesn't like holding hands because of how emotion centered his quirk is and how risky it'd be to hold hands.
Favorite relationship- now I'm always a sucker for good todobaku, but i'm also really hyped for any sort of monoma and bakugou relationship, platonic or romantic or as enemies i really do not care. They've got an interesting dynamic
Favorite headcanon- he has alexithymia. I read one (1) fic with it and now i can't see him without alexithymia.
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madamhatter · 4 years
things a new rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner ( or those who want to be ) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
tagged by:  the ever so kindly @patricursed​ !
tagging:  too lazy to tag this time. just take it and tag me if you did! 
( previously answered here! but i’ll engage this one differently. )
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I. you as a mun come first to me and then your ic content (basically ‘friend before rp partner’). I know we’re all here as writers and to have fun from that writing, but I see this place as a means to get to know people and make friends. Outside of rping, let’s make jokes, talk about our shared interest in series (even if we’re rping in it or not), or about anything, really.  It is as important to have a backbone of a relationship that extends a bit outside of ‘oh hey we’re writing, sending plots and anons, etc.’ 
II. com~mu~ni~ca~tion is key! I like hearing people, I like making jokes and puns. My personality is considered laid-back with some carefulness to it --  if not, throwing it into the wind if we vibe enough. If you have problems, see something I’m doing is not so great (or I’m interacting with someone who has some serious allegations, etc), just notify me. Don’t trouble me with anons and stuff, just come to my DMs! 
III. i’m an easy shipper and plotter if we talk a lot, i’m also a sadist. Honestly, just ask people who I ship (romo, plato) with-- if a particular meme is written and we’re already comfortable and stuff, I can easily get on board with romances, enemies, friendships. The friendship part is super easy to do with my character’s personality -- but the possibilities and plots open up if we can bounce off of another. I admit I do not always vibe with certain plots or relationship ideas because it takes me more to get comfortable with (ie: relatives/family, I do that with close rp partners or I actually see it plausible too nfdskjfs).
However, that sadist part. Genuinely, just hit me up if we’re cool enough and want to talk about relationships that cannot be (one-sided romances, fUCK yeah) or terrible circumstances that drag characters close to another or tear them apart (friends to enemies, I fucking eat it UP). Listen, I’ve been more than happy to say ‘yeah, sophie can be manipulated or almost killed, let’s go.’ But, at the same time, I’m not IN it just for my muse’s pain, I genuinely expect story beats and development to happen. 
IV. my interactions follow a ‘no romantic relationship' implication. This excludes blogs (and muses) that are single-shipped. I will play with what is established and build upon it. My character can make references to your single-shipped character’s relationship if my character knows said partner or has heard of them. 
Basically, this means that any verse interactions are general enough to believe my own ship(s) and my partner’s ship(s) are out of the picture. This is more for the multi-shipping blogs, like how my blog is (which is multiple ships in different universes, most not happening in the same verse). I do not involve other ships (my partner’s or my own) in my threads unless agreed upon and discussed before. 
Your ships are made in your own universes and I'm not a part of it. It makes things far less confusing for me and others who I am writing with.  As well, I don’t like the thought of imposing a ‘ship canon’ into threads when blogs are multi-ship (and the other person, like myself, is disinterested/not wanting to get involved).
A group-verse makes this very different, as I would lovingly play along with the plot. But, this is indie. If your muse is dating someone else’s in the same verse we’re plotting in, cute! Just, please, keep it to them and not me unless we discussed it before. Our stuff is happening in that verse, but not the same conditions/timeline/blah. I just assume all the muses are friends and todo es dominó y cigarros.(basically, platonic, clean slate).
V. Any muse is rough on the edges and I embrace that. Every aspect of your character, like my own character, has dimension. There is a LOT of stuff that makes up a character and if they got some quirks or negative traits, then so be it. Embrace it. Sophie has her hiccups and issues, but I’m not going to brush them aside and I am not going to excuse it. 
If your character is rude or has hang-ups, so what? Let them be, don’t excuse it or try to explain it off. It doesn’t bother me, just let them be a jerk or whatever. If your character functions in a certain way, so be it. My character may not respond as happy about it, but that makes interacting fun. 
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