#and as i said repeatedly to my teachers and friends: no he isn't pretending to be a doctor. he went to medical school. he is a doctor
simptasia · 1 year
when i was a kid i used to write stories about dr. katz, a 6 foot tall cat man who was a paediatrician. but he’d always eat all his patients. he ate children. i never explained how he kept his job, considering all the dead children. anyways, i’d always draw him wearing an old fashioned nurse uniforms, like in cartoons. that wasn’t to imply crossdressing was some creepy lunatic thing, i just found it more fun to draw a nurse’s uniform than some regular doctor uniform
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stormcrow513 · 1 year
You know the thing that any of you who've had good dealings with doctors,
Is that you are not in the majority there,
Like I am white, I am decently attractive and only about 20ish pounds overweight,
I have never gotten any help from a doctor for almost any of the horrific shit that's happened and happening to me,
Like they gave me shots, they gave me a cast for a broken arm, and medicine when I came down with pneumonia when I was 10,
Also when I needed the most help was like 3 to 13 was when most severe shit happened to me,
And listen this isn't me tryna brag, I was a really fucking cute kid, like I was cooed over a lot,
The doctors themselves would coo over me, they still didn't do anything for me,
I got rolled by a horse at 4 years old the horse was at a good fucking speed too, and he ran me over, I was knocked unconscious, I remember this really good actually like surprising so, cause I remember like all the details I do remember right,
So ma first gets me inside clothes off and in the tub to both warm me and acess the damage, then she calls the hospital she needs to know what to do, and how to get me safely to the hospital,
They tell her to wait and see if I wake up, if I don't wake up, then bring me in, if I do wake up, then I'm fine don't worry about it, and don't bring me in,
My friends I just realized the night before that this little divot in my skull is not in fact a normal everyone has, skulls are werid feeling,
Nope dear me that is not normal threrd likely be a similar thing above or other brow, cause the body's decently symmetrical, see it's above my brow in my hairline, I've been rubbing that thing my whole, though this time I saw it for what it was, as I mapped a line a crack coming from that divot to my brow,
It's damage,
I had already concluded that the now chronic pain that I am in, in my left ribcage, is from that hit,
That my jaw being just slightly off, on the left side is from that hit,
Now seeing this left side head divot, and my memory of turning to look over my right shoulder to see the horse soming at from that side,
I got slammed hard, onto the Rocky ground, by a horse,
And the hospital told my ma not to bring me in,
And before anyone yells at my ma, the reason she listened and didn't bring me in is because they have turned her away before sent her right back out the door, 'you didn't need to come in/bring your kid in for that'
For various including very serious need of medical help,
So why pack my injured little body into a car drive me down the dirt road and into the city, only to be turned away and then I would of had to make the return trip with no help,
In fact her not putting my cracked skull through that likely saved my life,
That was when I was 4,
Also I've heard head injury can cause you to lose the ability to thermoregulate, I can't thermoregulate well even now, and ma kept asking them why, why doesn't she feel the cold?
And they said 'she'll grow out of it'
I did not, though it's changed some, so maybe my brained healed some during my mid twenties,
When I was seven I was 'sick' a lot,
I was pretending to be sick because I was being constantly bullied by my teacher,
I couldn't read like, at all, at that age, I'd ask for help she'd yell at me,
I'm not reading the whole thing to you, sound it out!'
This one boy kept trying to help me, he'd read the question and the answers out and let me picked the answer then helped me write it down,
She separated us when she caught on, and would yell at him anytime he slipped over to help me anyway,
So I well hell I was sick, she made me so scared I think it caused me to throw up one mourning while getting ready for school,
So the school said if I was this sickly then my parents needed to take me to the doctor for tests, if they didn't take me the school was going to send child services at us,
So my packed me and my sister the cause of all of this head trouble, down to the hospital,
Where they needed to get my blood, I was scared enough that as she sat down I dissociated so hard I blacked out,
Ma after I explained how I had no idea what happened, that one moment I'm next to her on a bench nurse sitting down and picking up the needle, next I'm screaming and there's these woman above me holding me down passing a needle around, and jamming it in this arm then over to the next arm while clipping my flailing knee with it, then to my wrist the finally I'm let up, and I go limp,
I don't know where I am or how I got here or why these women had just hurt me,
Ma tells me the first nurse tried to use adult sized needle on me, then after not being able to get blood from me after ya know doing it wrong, they sent us a floor up, ma tells me she had no clue that I was blacked out at that point cause I had docilely walked into the elevator and up to the doctor,
At that point the needles came out and I guess even fuge state me was like oh hell no, enough of this crap, and went off,
Took three nurses to hold me down at 7 when I was still really tiny, (I did grow into that strength throughout my teens)
I'm a little proud of that,
They acted like me having pneumonia at 10 wasn't a big deal, I now know that apparently really big deal actually,
Last time I went was before my ma's work would no longer cover my insurance at 26, I gave it one last go, as I knew I likely wouldn't be back to a doctor in a long time as I'm 31 now and still uninsured I'd say I was right,
Still expaing all this the doctor was like hmm, that's werid they should have done more, and then she did nothing herself,
If this is how doctors treat me a white cis woman, whose not noticably queer, and is pretty, and not overly fat
Then how do you think they treat people who aren't those things
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yeongwvnhi · 3 years
Them as your college boyfriend
Pairing - Oneus x genderneutral reader
Genre - fluff, angst, suggestive (yet again the whole package)
Warnings - bullying, language, nosebleed, two vague mentions of sex (for the jokes) but of course nothing explicit
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe
Word count - idk,, sth between 1k-2k words
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Most likely your seat mate or classmate first of all
Since he's such a sweetheart everyone loves him
A lot of girls in your class probably have a crush on him
He befriended you at the start of the first semester because he just immediately liked you (platonically at first)
Guess that didn't sit right with some of your fellow classmates
Let's assume you're not his seat mate for this
The jealous girls who sit behind you are talking shit about you and laughing
Some might even throw balls of paper at you with insults written on them
Of course Youngjo notices that something isn't right because you're acting weird
He's going to ask you repeatedly what's wrong
But you won't tell him because you think it's silly and that they will just stop
Of course it sadly doesn't work like that
The girls go even further,, purposely hitting your shoulder when passing by
Or tripping you
They even go as far as to spread rumors
And when they finally reach Youngjo he's going to be FURIOUS
First of all he's going to look for you to comfort you
But when he sees the girls in your class cornering you he gets mad again, yelling at them to back the fuck off
They try to pretend like they don't know what's going on, but quickly run away when he looks like he's gonna explode
Youngjo is going to hug you tightly and tell you that it's going to be okay and that he's there for you anyways
And even though this is a shitty timing, tells you that he really likes you
Of course you say that you like him back and he asks you out djjxjdg
After that he'd quickly make it a point that both of you are off-limits and he'll protect you
Will probably walk you to all your classes, even if you don't share them and give you a kiss in front of the classroom
Nobody messes with you anymore and you finally found nice friends
They always tease you for Youngjo being so protective, but they're not serious because they understand where he's coming from
And because he's a little shit you bet your ass he will always manage to give you at least one hickey
Because he's possessive but in a good way 💔
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You only share one class with him and that is chemistry
He immediately caught your eye from the first lesson you shared because he sits diagonally in front of you
Ironically he was kind of late on that day and clumsy him forgot his pencil case
So he turned around and went "pssst"
When you looked up at him, confused and all, he shyly smiles and asks if you've got a spare pen
Lucky for him, you never leave the house with less than two pens, so you lend it to him
"You can just give it back when we see us next time" you tell him and he thanks you a few times before going on to do his task
After that day you couldn't get that small encounter out of your head
Why? Because the two guys behind you gossip a lot,, saying Seoho is mean and cold etc
So next week when you have that class again Seoho sits down next to you instead of his original seat
He smiles at you and holds out your pen towards you "Thanks a lot for last week, you really saved my ass"
You tell him it's no big deal and introduce yourself to him finally
Turns out it's very fortunate for you that he decided to sit next to you now because you're not getting anything the professor is teaching
Seoho sees you struggling and kindly explains everything you don't understand
After that the two of you become really close and even hang out after classes to grab something something drink or to eat
This goes on for a few months before you finally just gain the courage to talk to him about your feelings
"What did you want to talk about?" He asks you after your classes for the day are over, the two of you met behind the building for more privacy
"I uhm... realized that I really like you... I just wanted you to know that" you tell him rather quietly, but he heard it all very clearly
"I really like you too, Y/N!" Seoho smiles brightly at you when you meet his gaze, and asks if you want to go out with him
Of course you say yes!! Jxjdnh
So since you knew he wasn't a big fan of PDA or skinship in general you never really initiated much of it unless he decided he wanted to hold hands or hug you
Of course that went differently when you weren't in college
Mostly he was chilling over at your apartment/house/dorm after classes were over for the two of you
He loves to give you random kisses out of nowhere or just grab your hand to play with your fingers
If you were over at his place, you'd just be chilling somewhere or you'd be laying in his lap and taking a nap after a stressful day while he was stroking your hair
But there were also days where he texted you in the middle of a lecture to meet him in the hallways of the toilets
When you got there he just pulled you behind the corner to make out with you for a good two or three minutes just to walk away shortly after, telling you that's all what he wanted
"Are you serious?! I hate you" you'd grumble and walk away, pissed off because he left you all riled up
Whenever he did that, you'd straight up ignore him until classes were over just to get him all whiny and clingy, begging for your attention and saying how he was sorry
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You two befriended each other during the last year of high school and coincidentally enrolled into the same college, so you were glad to have someone you knew
Sadly you two didn't share a lot of classes, so you only saw each other during the breaks or after classes were over
But you had each other's number so it wasn't all too bad
He'd often text you during his free periods how he was so bored and that he hated the teacher he had for the next class
You'd jokingly tell him to stop being a baby and to toughen up
Of course he'd get cocky and say how he already was tough since he works out a lot, always getting you flustered when he (jokingly) offered to demonstrate it to you
Everyone knows the two of you as the bickering duo because you're always at each other's throats, but the second someone says something mean to one of you it's on sight
Geonhak always (again, jokingly) complains about how difficult or annoying you are, but he'd never let someone bad-mouth you on his watch
You also bet that he's always going to pick you up when you've got a shared class next or when classes are over
And he's going to walk you home (whether that be actually home or just the dorms)
Right from the beginning everyone just automatically assumed y'all are dating
But you aren't ✨surprise✨
Of course Geonhak soon realizes that he actually has feelings for you
And the second he's sure of it, he tells you
Like... in the middle of the walkway on your way from college
Of course you're perplexed and need a few seconds to comprehend what the hell he just said to you
When it finally clicks, you tell him that you feel the same
I swear the cutest, most wholesome smiles breaks out on his face and he hugs you
Catching you off guard yet again, but you hug him back
From then on the two of you stopped denying the questions about dating, and all your friends are like "we knew right away"
Even though Geonhak also isn't big on PDA or skinship, he doesn't mind holding your hand or giving you a quick peck here or there
But behind closed doors he's just a giant teddy bear, always wanting to cuddle
Or, well.... or he's gonna be pinning you against the next best wall the second you two are alone
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He's your seat mate in all the classes you share
Which are... literally almost all wnjdjdjfh
You're just bound to become friends, so lucky for you that Keonhee is such a nice and cute guy, trying to help you out whenever he can
For example that one time when you forgot your P.E. bag in the last classroom and were just on your way back
There was Keonhee, meeting you halfway and handing you your bag with a chuckle and ruffling your hair "be careful with your stuff" He jokes and smiles before leaving
That's what made you fall in love with his unnecessarily tall ass in the first place
You decided to be subtle about your feelings and just opted for asking him about stuff concerning your curriculum or assignments more often than usual
But Keonhee isn't stupid, of course he noticed how you seem to be initiating more conversations with him
He didn't mind at all though, he thought you were cute and he already knew that he had a crush on you
Keonhee was also rather popular among the girls, so you decided to not get your hopes up just in case
Well lucky you because he decided he wanted to confess to you on a Friday to give you time with your answer
So he asked you to meet him behind the gym after your P.E. class, saying he's got something important to tell you
That phrase left you on your toes all day and you had a hard time concentrating in your P.E. class
Which led to you getting a volleyball right on your nose, causing it to bleed and someone had to take you into the gym's infirmary room so you could lie down
At least your nosebleed stopped after 5 minutes, so you washed up and checked if your nose was okay
Luckily your nose is fine and you can continue class with your mind now more focused on paying attention
After class is done, you wash up, get changed and then realize that Keonhee is waiting for you behind the gym, making your brain go haywire
When you meet him, his gaze instantly falls to your, still red tinted, nose
"What happened? Are you okay?" He immediately worries and gets in your face, flustering you unintentionally
"N-Nothing! Just a small accident!"
Keonhee pouts cutely and playfully scolds you for not being careful
Then you remind him that he wanted to tell you something
You watch him get nervous but that doesn't last long when he puts his big hands on your shoulders and meets your eyes
"I uhm I really like you, Y/N" He blurts out and you blink a few times, perplexed
Keonhee takes that as a sign to leave, but you stop him and also blurt out how you like him back
A huge smile breaks out on his face and he hugs you excitedly
After a few weeks everyone on campus knew you were dating and Keonhee wasn't shy on showing his love for you at any time or place
He'd always hold your hand, have his hand on your waist or give you back-hugs
Also loves to make out in empty classrooms during breaks, but you didn't hear that from me
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Big surprise, but you've already been dating him before you entered college, so it was a huge bonus to hear you both made it into the same one
But sadly you don't share a lot of classes, so you always sit together during lunch and meet at who's locker is closer during breaks to talk
Word quickly went around and by the 2nd or 3rd week, pretty much everyone in the facility knew you two were dating and therefore off-limits
But of courseeeee it wouldn't be college without a little drama, right? So obviously there were girls who were hitting on Woong and guys/girls who were hitting on you
The two of have been dating for a long while though, obviously nothing would drive you apart
So the two of you had enough of the constant flirting that you just decided to be bold as fuck and made sure to make out whenever people were around who were hitting on you😳
Pretty soon everyone realized the two of you were happy together and FINALLY!! left you alone
But did that mean you two stopped being nasty in the hallways? Hell no
Your friends learned the hard way that it was better to not look for the two of you when you were gone during the breaks
Because one of your female friends had walked in on you two doing the dirty in an empty classroom at the end of a hallway 👁👄👁
Poor girl ran away for the sake of her eyes lmao
You two have no shame smh even the teachers make sure to leave you alone when you're not to be found at your lockers or in a hallway/the cafeteria
Surprisingly enough, you two were quite decent in your classes though
Your classmates would often come to you when they had problems with a topic
Woong and you even founded a study group for everyone in your year who needed help,, available every weekend aside from vacation
Everyone loves you guys even though you're nasties😭
At some point during the year there was a transfer student who didn't know you two are dating
So when he asked someone about your whereabouts, one of your friends deadass said that you're either eat each other's throats somewhere aka making out
Or that you were doing the deed
Poor guy thought they were joking and didn't listen to your friends' warnings and stupidly went looking for you
Instant regret is all I'm going to say here
So basically Woong is just your horny boyfriend who loves you to bits and pieces though and will fight anyone who dares to hit on you and vice versa
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Dongju is a transfer student and you got assigned to show him around and make him feel welcome
Of course you didn't mind and even though he looked really intimidating at first
He actually is really cute and a giant sweetheart 🥺
You became his first friend that day and you even exchanged numbers 👀
If he ever had a problem in finding a classroom or literally anything...
He'd come to you
He wouldn't even consider asking a teacher or whoever was close by
No, you were always his first option and I- he's so cute pls😭
Anyways,, after a month or two he got the important bits of the building down
You bet he will walk you to your classes and meet you after they're over
Because he just really likes you
And you quickly realize you like him too~
So you two meet up after the day of exhausting classes to get a bite to eat or have something to drink somewhere and talk about everything and anything that comes to mind
And a month or two again after getting even closer, Dongju decides to ask you out
He does it when you two are sitting in your usual cafe and you're so happy and excited,, immediately telling him that you'd love to go out with him
No one is surprised when they see you guys entering campus while holding hands and giggling to each other like little middle schoolers
But they all support you and wish you luck
Your friends will tease you for it but of course not in a mean way
Knowing that Dongju is a little inexperienced, you two take everything nice and slow and not rush anything
You tell each other whenever something bothers you, because it's important to build a relationship on communication and trust
Since Dongju is really mature, he handles everything like a professional 😳👍🏻
Your classmates are surprised about how you two never argue and just have such nice chemistry
I think that a relationship with Dongju is just very... well mature, because he handles everything so good
No one ever caught you two kissing in college or outside because you're not too big on PDA
It was mutually decided that holding hands and hugging is more than enough when you're out in the open
Doesn't mean you don't come to classes with hickeys on your necks occasionally tho 👀
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