#and also i don't like singing
just-editor · 6 months
there is a charismas carol that contains a melody that aligns with that of my country's anthem and i hate it
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A List of Films That Don't End in Throuples But Should
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What movies do you think I should add to the list?
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channnel · 3 months
Alan offers you his slushie. (Ft. Oc)
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momotonescreaming · 6 months
Cooking Youtuber Steve; who has series where he makes good family friendly meals, dishes for picky eaters, tips for everyday cooking. As well as series where he tries to make historical dishes, food and drinks from games and TV.
DnD Youtuber Eddie; who has a long actual play series, videos about his characters and the world he's built. Videos about tips for your role-playing, getting immersed. A series where he tries other TTRPG's and board games.
Dustin persuades Steve to make videos about medieval inspired, DnD friendly meals. And because it does actually seem like a fun challenge, he does it. Dustin looks horrifically smug about it when the videos are a hit, the bastard. (Steve will make him eat something gross as payback. Its fine. Gotta keep him humble.)
And because obviously, Eddie sees the videos. He's always on the search for good DnD shit. But the guy is so fucking hot Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Except daydream about those eyes, and that hair, and those hands.
So Eddie records himself trying (and only sort of failing) to recreate the food. It comes out sort of ugly but actually nice tasting, so Eddie calls it a win. References the Hot Chef Steve in his video, adds a link to his channel, and tries not to feel his heart beating out of his chest when he sends @'s him with a link to the video. His channel is way bigger than Eddie's, he probably won't see it, Eddie's fine.
Except the Hot Chef does see it, and Eddie sort of loses his mind when he gets a comment or a message from him, thanking Eddie for giving his recipe a go, and giving him credit for the recipe. Eddie's not fine at all, this guy is way out of his league, and Eddie can feel the crush bubbling up under his ribcage, and Oh Fuck he's messaging Eddie.
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the-manderville-mambo · 3 months
Speaking of how boss music with lyrics is a great way to add characterization, I'm reminded of my personal headcanon regarding Dragonsong's singer. Officially it's supposed to be Hydaelyn, but tbh it would make more sense (to me at least) for it to be Ratatoskr singing it, especially after going through Endwalker
Firstly, Ratatoskr was noted for being a singer. Several of her descendants are mentioned as succeeding her legacy in the same way (that one PvP mount). Secondly, the word choice within the song doesn't match up with another one that's sung from Hydaelyn's PoV: Answers. Where Answers has "my children," Dragonsong has "children of the land." It doesn't make as much sense for Hydaelyn to say something like that, but if we consider that the people who once dwelled in the Churning Mists were known as landlords, in comparison to the dragons being called skylords, it would make far more sense for it to be said by a dragon
Thirdly, it would have greater emotional impact for Dragonsong to be Ratatoskr's spirit lamenting this thousand-year war and wondering why mortals would do such a thing, why they would betray her so, than for it to be Hydaelyn doing so when she has a far greater understanding of mortals (compared to something as alien as a dragon). Especially given that Dragonsong is a track more closely associated with Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr, Ratatoskr's two closest siblings, than with Hydaelyn or even Midgardsormr. You hear a vocal-less version at Zenith, where Hraesvelgr lives, and the full version during the Final Steps of Faith, the culmination of the Dragonsong War and the final confrontation with Nidhogg. Midgardsormr, meanwhile, has his own personal theme (Primogenitor) and Hydaelyn is notably absent from most of HW's story
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petricorah · 1 year
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lee from the tea shop boutta get it (wip) [id in alt]
edit: completed illustration here
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gncrezan · 9 months
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thoroughly enjoying @infamous-if so here's sketchdump of my post-read doodles before i run through it once again!!!!!!!!!
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hiphopcherrrypop · 1 year
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this one goes out to ME IN 2016 or whenever!
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
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um alex??? just WHAT is your tongue doing??
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eliounora · 8 days
anybody else frustated with this constant need of recognition. like I don't enjoy things because I feel like nobody will notice it or recognise me for it. and as a result I feel like I am mediocre at everything and disappointment is my permanent mode of being
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aiscapades · 4 months
also i have seen way too many people use incorrect pronouns for mhin. it is so clear that they use they/them.
use they/them.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
ERIDAN: wwhats wwith these homies dissin my girl
FEFERI: Don't call me t)(at, please.
ERIDAN: wwhy do they gotta front
FEFERI: Nobody is dissing me, -Eridan.
ERIDAN: wwhat did wwe ever do to these guys that made em so violent
FEFERI: Because you're a genotidal maniac. 38(
ERIDAN: fuck off
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mismess · 5 months
What creature do you think you'd be if you were in the sing movies?
I looked up animals that live in my general area and the website I looked at kinda lied to me but it was too late. I am an american marten. I am a weasel
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pleeeeassssee buster moon let me be in ur shows I prommy I wont cry on stage(I probably will)
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arttrampbelle · 4 months
For frollo enjoyers
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Made this for y'all.
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veikkoalen · 4 months
thank you @theskoomacat <3 <3
nine things
Last Song: aurora - your blood (my favorite line is "when all inside you burns like a star / 'cause after all that's all what you are". my brain made up the second part)
Favorite Color: idk but everything non-monochrome i buy is blue
Last Movie/TV Show: i'm trying to watch von trier's riget but i can't sit still. i think i rewatched nightcrawler to the end but it was back in october
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: if i don't eat a teaspoon of sugar a day i die
Last Thing I Googled: wake photograph control
Current Obsession: alan wake the man
Last Book: death stranding novelization. it was in september
Last Fic: i actually wrote a fic today, but it's kinda a welcome entry to the bleach oc ask so idk how interesting is that. the last thing i read was deprivation by chaosdunk.
Looking Forward To: the weekend and the paycheck and also death too
@koriandrrr @collawashbear @kiyrian @tom-zane @pitchforkhead @entropicquilibriumofchaos hii
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I found the album one sweltering afternoon in mid-summer, a month since we’d laid Gramps to rest. Rummaging through the dusty boxes and stacks of back copies of society magazines, I stubbed my toe on the trunk where it was kept, old and battered, sat in a dark corner of the attic.
I took the album, dusted it off, and sat down on a nearby stool. The cover was made of leather, cracked through with age and neatly labeled 1953-1954 in faded gold lettering. I flipped through the pages so yellowed with age, dust motes swirl in front of me as I make sense of what I’m looking at.
It was pictures of Gramps as a younger man. We knew that he was a film star back in the day, and that he was quite famous too, a real matinée idol. It seemed impossible to me then that he had a whole other life for he was always just Gramps; he seemed to always be humming and dancing, constantly moving or cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
Gramps was like magic and fairy dust, his warmth and gentleness touched anyone he came across. He was the grandfather who was up for anything, never raised his voice and talked to you like a grown-up. He was wise and funny and always pushed you to be a better version of yourself. Many a time I spent in Gramps kitchen, listening to him tell stories of film sets and the soaring lives of Hollywood’s finest.
My greatest regret was not asking him about his life when I had the chance. For no one bothered to, he was always just there, woven into the fabric of our lives. None of us really knew anything about him and the questions that had always lingered in the back of my mind resurfaced.
There were other things in the album, ticket stubs and dried flowers and a million other keepsakes. But what seemed to feature most prominently was a young man who looked to be about the same age as Gramps. He had a shy smile and a tentative look in his eyes. He was very handsome.
It seemed that he was also an actor and that at one point worked on a film with Gramps. There was a photograph of a cluster of smiling people and at the very center was the shy handsome man. His gummy smile was breathtaking but he was looking at someone or something out of frame.
As I looked through the rest of the album, a thick packet of letters fell to the floor. They were tied together by a faded red ribbon and at a glance I could see neat loopy script. I knew instinctively that these were all from the handsome man with the gummy smile.
My mind raced with a thousand questions and I burned with a longing to read them yet a sense of wrongness pervaded me. I would be intruding on my grandfather’s privacy. There was a secret buried here that much was true. For now I tuck the album under my arm and make my way downstairs.
Inspired by this post by @bigassbowlingballhead
I have absolutely no idea how I went from making a silly little edit to having an entire backstory to the silly little edit.
This also broke an almost 3 year streak of no writing. I don't think this is my best work, I'm rusty like an old bicycle but I'm quite surprised I managed to write something. So thanks for that Jon!
This is also by the way heavily inspired by a Danielle Steel novel I once read that I cannot remember the name of. In that story it featured a box, a locket and a packet of letters.
This is literally titled Hot Gramps on my laptop. You can click on the images to make it bigger.
Also did you know that the SAG was founded in 1933? And AFTRA was founded in 1952 but the two only merged in 2012. And that the first Emmy Awards were held in 1949?
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