#and Yami Bakura is his dragon Maid
yuusaris · 2 years
For the character ask game, gimme that Bakura and that Otogi ✌
Under a Read-More
I will be referring to Yami Bakura for this one, for TKB, that'll cost y'all another ask - cuz I can't do for Yami B. I can't. I can write any Yami B ship if asked/prompted, for sure, I can chat and headcanon for it, but any ship he's in that's not tender is Not My Bag. I'm not proud of it. It feels shallow and mean and narrow-minded. But I can't.
I have said it before, I will say it again, he belongs to that boy Ryou. Ryou Bakura can date whoever he wants. Ryou Bakura can be shipped with almost anybody and it works and is good and I like it. Yami Bakura cannot. That's Ryou's bride. That's his boy girlfriend. That's Ryou's pet malewife. I can do the BROTP tho - I think the saddest part is Malik is the closest thing he would have to a friend, and I don't even think they'd be good friends. I think a tamed Yami B could probably get along with Yuugi (The Great Equalizer), and I think he would also... acknowledge. If not respect. Honda's guts. Like it, I dunno - but he'd mention it as a factor for Honda over Jou. That's what I can offer y'all. I'm sorry.
My NOTP for them - OtogixJou. There's just no real spark there, it feels like kaijou with less steps. Also not a big fan of him with Serenity or Honda, the whole love triangle feels really dull for me in it's potential. Otogi in the manga has this really sincere and soft core wrapped in eyeliner and wit and Otogi in the anime is just not as engaging with Jou as Kaiba can be. I can see the sparks, it just doesn't have any kindling for me.
My BROTP for them - Yuugi or Atem or both. They have his respect, they have his back, and they both saw him through his low point (Manga and anime respectively). In general, it is very difficult to not like Yuugi - he's kind of Disgustingly Impossible To Hate when you're in a room with him for more than 30 minutes - Atem does have a very reassuring presence to him, and they both would love any game he made. Any game that's not Duel Monsters is a whole new world, it's the same kind of love they'd have with Ryou. It works. They're besties. Otogi would definitely hang out with Atem or Yuugi or both, either on their own or with friends, and if balls hit the wall, they'd be the first person he'd talk to. [But also, Otogi being friends with Malik and then Ishizu and Rishid becoming secondhand family as a result and suddenly, he has this very wise mother bird found family sister and a SUPER empathetic Rishid who understands the things Malik cannot, and this is not a Bromance anymore, is it?]
My OTP for them - MaixOtogi. They're flawless for each other. Give it about five years and it's perfect. Their issues perfectly balance with the others strengths, they've got similar values, and they challenge each other in ways that other people really don't. Not in a super intense way, but they're both good at the push-and-pull and on the same page about it. And that's hot shit.
My second choice pairing for them  - Might be MalikxOtogi, I think I talked myself into that just now egfsfdsf
My fluffy pairing for them - Honestly both the ones I mentioned, they're both cute as shit. [I actually wrote some lightly nsfw stuff for MaixOtogi, it's right here].
My angsty pairing for them - AtemxOtogi. Anything with Atem is angsty if only because he leaves, but also this is a boy raised entirely on the idea he was destined for the Puzzle. That's gotta be complicated.
My favorite poly ship for them - I very rarely polyship.... just because that's a three-way dynamic and those are harder ones to pull off. Don't have one here, sadly.
My weirdest pairing for them - Again I think... I think the two I mentioned are - well, they're not weird, just rarepairs. IDK if I'd call that weird tho.
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saints-of-athena · 4 years
s0 kaiba is a skilled manipulator, but you can sway him your way by offering money, chocolate, or tea. Tea (extremely sweet) is the highest bet your muse may have of winning him over.
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s0 Yugi is a sweet boy, who's favorite past-time is playing multiple games, one of the games he's accused of cheating with is Solitaire because he 'solves the game' too quickly for the class to actually think is natural.
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s0 Yami is a gremlin, he will literally play with someone's emotions before allowing Yugi control over his body (before Yugi learned about Yami's existence.) He always liked to see and hear the boy's reaction, as well as the other's dumbfounded reaction. There are times he will challenge people to bets he knows the answer of to win money! (Yugi feeling bad and later returning it.) He tends to over-analyze everything to the point he's almost bored with everything.
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Kaiba? You can get him to tolerate your existence by bribing him with coffee. He has a second dragon deck that's just filled with 'dragon maid' cards.
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Mokuba is a really sweet kid that will buy out the whole candy aisle if he wanted to. That being put in mind, Seto limited the amount his brother could spend on candy.
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My Yami develops as he goes on, my current useless head-canon is that Christianity was ruined for him (ask bakura)
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Yugi is a developmental muse I rarely use, but I head-canon that he's constantly thinking who he would be without Yami helping him, where life would lead. Safe direction? A worse path? He's almost always thinking that way.
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lacie-crying-ruby · 2 years
Merlin AU
Arthur: Kaiba
Merlin: Joey. (It's complicated, because I wanted to have Yami, who is Atem, but also Yugi, because that are his two sides if one is true to oneself. But how to do this? I could call him Yugi, have him be Yami in Kaiba's moments of being dumb, but that is not quite it. Yugi never would have the guts to talk to Kaiba like a complete idiot and ALSO be sassy about it, so that would have to be Yami and I just couldn't pull that one off - and honestly, I don't need to, I really do not, it is alright the way it is. So I will chose Joey.
The Dragon: Kisara, no question asked, even though Atem would have been funny too. But no, it is going to be Kisara, because it is a very good idea, fuck you.
Uther: Gozaburo
Gaius: Granfather Muto
(Yugi is already dead. It is like it is, fuck you again. Maybe he and Seto have one nice childhood memory or so, but he died many years ago. Joey kind of reminds grandfather of him in his nicer moments.)
Morgana: Ryou
Gwen: Tea
- "Don't you think that's enough?"
"Are you talking to me?"
"I don't see anyone else around who has gone way of leash."
- Joey got distracted at one moment during their fight. That was really on him honestly, but it hurt all the same when the punch threw him on the ground.
"Did you just look away from me?" -
"Maybe you wish to die here and now then?"
That was it. He would die here.
A soft voice, almost too silent to be heard at all through the streets spoke up, only one word. The knight immediately turned away from him and Joey followed his gaze, his eyes landing on the white-haired figure that stood there as if it was a ghost that had appeared just now, green eyes looking hauntingly at them, the dark circles clearly visible on the unusual pale skin.
"Tch. Who let you outside?"
The figure didn't answer, or maybe Joey just couldn't hear anything, still restrained by the guards. The brown-haired turned back to him, the smug face changed for an irritated one, a snarl on his forehead. "Lock him up or throw him out of this city. I've lost interest in this fool." With that he stepped away, taking the white-haired by the hand - or arm, more precisely - and left the streets, both of their cloaks flattering in the none present wind. Joey was released shortly after, thrown to the floor right into a pile of trash that had been brought outside a while ago.
"Count yourself lucky, birdbrain. I can't believe there still are people this stupid around."
The guard sounded like he considered spitting on him, but nothing happened, the men stepping away and following the brown-haired in a hurry. Joey wiped the mud on his face away and tried to ignore whatever it had been once, before jumping back on his feet.
- "I'm Teá."
"Joey. I've come here recently."
There she stood, at the balcony of the castle, looking down on the city with that apathetic expression and tired looking state, long hair falling down her shoulders in light waves. Even from up there, it was pretty clear to see.
"What a beautiful lady."
And the one who had been saving him with her mere presence yesterday. But Teá shook her head.
"Not a lady, I fear. This is Bakura Ryou, the ward of the king."
So it was a man. Well, the body had been covered by his cloak and the face could have been seen as either one or the other, so it had been an excusable mistake. Probably. Then again, Teá didn't look like she was bothered with correcting him, as if this hadn't been an insult in this one case. (Or rather, as if it had been something she was used to.)
"He looks so frail."
Because with what Joey had seen of the royal family and their servants - how was it possible for one to turn out like this if the other was a huge ass? His comment earned a nod, and the brown-haired pushed up the chain of the well, bringing up the water from the depths of the earth.
"Are you his maid?"
No, that would be ridiculous. Or maybe she was one of many, people like those probably had more than just one servant. Or had they? The girl nodded again, now facing him fully, the bucket finally placed on the dirty ground.
"Since he came here. That was about... well, at least 10 years I think, because we had at least ten of... festivals like those. Is there a reason you are so curious?"
"Not in particular. I was wondering about how he would fit in all this."
"Most do. Oh my, here I am, crying my heart out about my concerns to a stranger I don't even know?"
"Oh, so you are living at the doctor's place right now? I know that someone would be coming, but that you are here so soon is surprising. Well, I have to go back to work now. See you!"
"Take care."
- Sleep wouldn't just come to him this night, a strange song echoing in his mind again and again, getting louder and closer to him despite not being actually real. -
Joey followed the strange sing-song down to its source, past the guards that seemingly ignored him, too caught up in their game of dice. The closed doors were easy enough to open, the way how to do it just being in his head, only needed to be used accordingly. Down some stairs, all the way down till he was at the end of the way, staring into a huge opening, dark and endless.
The singing had been louder when he had been going after it, but now, it seemed like the one singing the song had become quieter, stopping at last and leaving him alone in the darkness. The torch he had lightened before burned spitefully in the darkness, daring it to come closer.
"Show yourself!", Joey called out like an idiot, feeling dumber with every minute because he had just come here like that, in the middle of the night, because something in his head was just wrong, always had been-
A strong wind blew through the hallway up the stairs, extinguishing his source of light and leaving him in helpless to look anywhere else but at the beautiful creature emerging from up above down to him, the sound of a big chain following the sound of strong swings of wings closely.
The dragon was its own light, scales as white as brick, as if never having seen the sun all this time. He nearly let go of his now useless torch, not quite able to realize what he was seeing right now. This was a dragon. A real, living dragon, watching him out of sharp eyes, as if thinking about thousand things at once, while waiting for him to finally start talking.
There was a lump inside his throat all of a sudden.
"It is your destiny to protect him. It is as easy as that, really."
"I don't believe in something so stupid like destiny."
"And yet you are here, following my call without me talking at all."
"Why do you even want that? Aren't you imprisoned here?" Then, because one conclusion did lead to another naturally, Joey asked, "Do you want to hurt him?"
"Of course not. He is the rightful king to Domino, I want nothing more than to see him on the throne."
The white dragon also wanted to see the rest of the kingdom burning into pieces in front of her, while the young king could do nothing but sit and watch, but she didn't tell the young sorcerer that. Of course she didn't.
"I see. I wouldn't care if you would want to, you are chained down here after all."
Though a dragon was a flying disaster when angry. And a chained  dragon would probably be furious. How many years had this creature spent down here already? Joey got no answer to his words, only the slight tip of the creature's head.
"You need to protect the prince, Hermos."
"That is not my name-"
"In my tongue, it is. Protect the prince, as that is your destiny."
And with that, and just because she could, the white dragon flew away, her scales sparkling bluish in the distant light. Joey remained there alone, couldn't do anything but to stare at her as she vanished  before him.
Protect the young prince. Normally the one destined to protect you shouldn't be ready to kill you himself. But maybe that only was his opinion, and the ones who were behind such a prophecy thought it funny to choose what didn't belong together at all.
"I heard that you got sick with an incurable illness", the white-haired said and even though the voice was soft and quiet, the sharpness of the words met the right angle. "And that you died shortly after in your bed, murmuring about your beloved late wife."
A slap was heard through the room and Teá would almost have let go of the clothes she was carrying in shock. The silver-haired looked like he was about to raise his hand at the other again, before thinking better of it, stepping closer instead.
"A face as beautiful shouldn't wear the consequences of an outrageous tongue like that, my dear young lord. I advice you to keep that in mind."
Slowly, the white-haired turned his head back to face the other, the red imprint on his check getting more visible with each passing second. He bowed his head. "My sincerest apologies." Accepting the formality with a nod, lord Pegasus walked away, his hair falling out of his face as if the confrontation had made it somehow less steady. Teá waited until he was gone before she hurried to her lord's side, bringing his face close enough to look at.
"This will need a cool rag immediately if you decide to go to the banquet this evening - my lord, are you alright?"
Ryou wasn't alright at all, but she couldn't allow for an outbreak to happen in the middle of the hallway for everyone to see, so she gently grabbed his arm, putting the clothes over her shoulder and hurried to get him into the first best room that protected from the always looking eyes, doing her best to be as quick as possible while doing so. If he wasn't a lord - if he wasn't such an important lord- if he hadn't been a lord who stood that deep in the king's - and the prince's - favor, she would have totally slapped that bastard right back. This here was the king's ward, how did he even dare to-
She abandoned her thoughts and the connected anger that came with them, holding on to the hands of the other that started to shiver and shake uncontrollably, the body going even paler than it had been all day long, getting more ash-like with the minute. Before she could ask again, try to find out what he needed or what might have been the cause for this - had the silver-haired somehow gotten close enough to actually do real damage? But no one would be stupid enough to do so in brought daylight, right? - the young lord begun to laugh, letting go of her hands in order to wrap them around himself. He laughed, loud and pitiful, shaking his head as if trying to not become crazy. She had seen it already a few times, but never during the day, her heart aching to do something, anything, to help.
"Teá, do you remember? Maybe two years ago, when we were visiting the borders of Domino, I had the honor of meeting lord Pegasus in person."
"I remember. You were more exited than I've ever had the honor of seeing you be."
"Back then, Pegasus only had one eye."
"Perhaps he let himself make an artificial one. He is famous for his incredible talent regarding art after all."
"Both eyes had been staring at me, just now. Out of the wrong color, they had been staring at me."
But then that would mean- The brown-haired sighed, accepting that someone would likely die within the next day, accepting that she very well might be the reason for this. "Well, there is no helping it. I will make sure to tell prince Seto about it when I deliver the clothes to his servant-"
"I will tell Seto myself."
"Of course. Forgive my hasty decision making."
"Forgive me for pushing aside the courage it must have taken to even offer to take my burden", the smile the white-haired gave her was earnest, unable to lie even if it wanted to, "Thank you."
Then, "Teá, how does it come that you have Seto's clothes in the first place?"
"The poor fool who should have dealt with them has fallen ill yesterday after being abused as a shield-holder. I was asked for this favor, and being the kindhearted being that I am, I accepted."
"He bribed you with jewelry."
"Of course he did."
The poor fool was so ready to give up his duty that he gladly gave away the way too expensive chain with the pendant, probably something that was gifted to him in a fit of whatever mood their most honored prince had been in at that time. Hopefully the break would be enough for him to sleep and rest. She wished everyone to just sleep and rest already, a year or two if necessary. Especially after the banquet. The young man took a strain of his hair in order to put it in place, watching the servant thoughtfully, pressing his lips together and ignoring the upcoming pain.
"Do you want more jewelry? If you wish for it, I can make sure to get it for you."
The only thing Teá wished for regarding jewelry was to see the young man sitting before her covered with the most precious of them all, adorning his head and neck as he sat on the throne of this kingdom, ruling over it with a soft but firm hand, never losing his temper and treating everyone equally.
But Ryou probably wouldn't want the throne and give up the last scarps of freedom he still had. And, probably more importantly, for that to happen, prince Seto would have to die. She didn't want to see that happen, not even a tiny bit. So her deepest wish wouldn't be able to come true anyway. She laughed, opened the door so they could leave the room and return back into the other's chamber.
"Do you now, my lord? Is it courting season already?"
"Don't mock me for trying to pay you back."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
"You're lying."
"To you? I wouldn't dream of it. Never."
"Try not making a complete moron out of yourself, Ryou. If you don't feel like it, go and stay in your room."
"Thank you for your concern. I am fine."
"If you say so."
"I don't want to hear your stupid visions. If you dare to tell anything about it to father I will see to it that you won't leave your room for at least a month, do you understand me?"
"I do. I'm sorry."
"Just stay out of my way. Don't just assume I'm weak enough to be attacked in our own home just because of some nightmare."
"I understand."
"Shut up and get changed already. Watch with your own eyes how nothing will happen today aside from tasteless people telling each other tasteless stories."
"I will."
The brown-haired just shook his head in annoyance, before walking away from the other who still looked like it would have been better if he stayed in his god damn room until he was fine again. If not for his father to demand that all of them would be here tonight, Seto would have never allowed the other to go in the first place. But as it was now, there was no use in voicing his displeasure any longer.
"He is not even his father's real son. And someone like that wants to claim the throne? Pathetic."
"What are these people talking about?", Joey couldn't help but ask the only kind person he knew here. Teá smiled.
"Oh, you listen to them? Don't waste your time, their world is a completely other one than yours, so there is no need to even think about it."
"Is there now?"
"Petty tongues that think that they are worth something. Apparently even bold enough to insult the son of their host under their breath right in front of his eyes."
So that was how it was. Joey didn't care for them to be bold or petty or whatever, because honestly, the brown-haired deserved it to be talked down a piece or two. Preferably in his face than behind his back, but it was still good enough for him if it happened here, in the castle, of all places to chose from. Joey looked at the prince, who couldn't look less bothered by anything in the room, his eyes completely fixated on the silver-haired man who sat next to him, talking about something while moving his hands around in wild gestures. He was neither looking upset nor happy, indifference having completely taken over the stoic face.
Joey had moved without thinking. It was something that happened quite often to him since he had entered this kingdom, really. Ah, but at least he had saved a life that way, even if it was the one of a spoiled brat.
"With that I declare you my son's servant."
Oh hell no.
Oh hell no.
"You couldn't help yourself, because this is what you were born to do, Hermos."
Oh hell no.
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